The assembly provides a high level Game API.
An interface to load and unload content.
Loads the content.
Called when graphics resources need to be unloaded. Override this method to unload any game-specific graphics resources.
Describess how data will be displayed to the screen.
A value that describes the resolution width.
A value that describes the resolution height.
A structure describing the display format.
Gets or sets the depth stencil format
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the application is in full screen mode.
Gets or sets the minimum graphics profile.
Gets or sets a value indicating the number of sample locations during multisampling.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to synochrnize present with vertical blanking.
An abstract window.
An abstract window.
Gets the client bounds.
The client bounds.
Gets the current orientation.
The current orientation.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is minimized.
true if this instance is minimized; otherwise, false.
Gets the native window.
The native window.
Gets or sets the title of the window.
The game.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Exits the game.
Resets the elapsed time counter.
Call this method to initialize the game, begin running the game loop, and start processing events for the game.
The window Context.
Cannot run this instance while it is already running
Prevents calls to Draw until the next Update.
Updates the game's clock and calls Update and Draw.
Starts the drawing of a frame. This method is followed by calls to Draw and EndDraw.
true to continue drawing, false to not call and
Called after all components are initialized but before the first update in the game loop.
Reference page contains code sample.
Time passed since the last call to Draw.
Ends the drawing of a frame. This method is preceeded by calls to Draw and BeginDraw.
Called after the game loop has stopped running before exiting.
Called after the Game and GraphicsDevice are created, but before LoadContent. Reference page contains code sample.
Loads the content.
Raises the Activated event. Override this method to add code to handle when the game gains focus.
The Game.
Arguments for the Activated event.
Raises the Deactivated event. Override this method to add code to handle when the game loses focus.
The Game.
Arguments for the Deactivated event.
Raises an Exiting event. Override this method to add code to handle when the game is exiting.
The Game.
Arguments for the Exiting event.
This is used to display an error message if there is no suitable graphics device or sound card.
The exception to display.
The .
Called when graphics resources need to be unloaded. Override this method to unload any game-specific graphics resources.
Reference page contains links to related conceptual articles.
Time passed since the last call to Update.
Occurs when [activated].
Occurs when [deactivated].
Occurs when [exiting].
Gets or sets the .
The content manager.
Gets the game components registered by this game.
The game components.
Gets the graphics device.
The graphics device.
Gets or sets the inactive sleep time.
The inactive sleep time.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is active.
true if this instance is active; otherwise, false.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is fixed time step.
true if this instance is fixed time step; otherwise, false.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the mouse should be visible.
true if the mouse should be visible; otherwise, false.
Gets the launch parameters.
The launch parameters.
Gets a value indicating whether is running.
Gets the service container.
The service container.
Gets or sets the target elapsed time.
The target elapsed time.
Gets the abstract window.
The window.
The comparer used to order objects.
The comparer used to order objects.
Base class for a component.
A component can be used to
Defines a generic game system.
This method is called when the component is added to the game.
This method can be used for tasks like querying for services the component needs and setting up non-graphics resources.
An interface that is called by .
This method is called when this game component is updated.
The current timing.
Occurs when the property changes.
Occurs when the property changes.
Gets a value indicating whether the game component's Update method should be called by .
true if update is enabled; otherwise, false.
Gets the update order relative to other game components. Lower values are updated first.
The update order.
An interface for a drawable game component that is called by the class.
Draws this instance.
The current timing.
Occurs when the property changes.
Occurs when the property changes.
Gets a value indicating whether the method should be called by .
true if this drawable component is visible; otherwise, false.
Gets the draw order relative to other objects. objects with a lower value are drawn first.
The draw order.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The registry.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The game.
Gets the associated with this . This value can be null in a mock environment.
The game.
Gets the content manager.
The content.
Gets the graphics device.
The graphics device.
A collection of game components.
Main service provider for .
Gets the instance service providing a specified service.
The type of service.
The registered instance of this service.
Adds a service to this .
The type of service to add.
The service provider to add.
type;Service type cannot be null
Service is already registered;type
Removes the object providing a specified service.
The type of service.
Current timing used for variable-step (real time) or fixed-step (game time) games.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The total game time since the start of the game.
The elapsed game time since the last update.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The total game time since the start of the game.
The elapsed game time since the last update.
True if the game is running unexpectedly slowly.
Gets the elapsed game time since the last update
The elapsed game time.
Gets a value indicating whether the game is running slowly than its TargetElapsedTime. This can be used for example to render less details...etc.
true if this instance is running slowly; otherwise, false.
Gets the amount of game time since the start of the game.
The total game time.
Gets the current frame count since the start of the game.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object.
The Object to compare with the current GraphicsDeviceInformation.
Gets the hash code for this object.
Clones this instance.
A new copy-instance of this GraphicsDeviceInformation.
Gets or sets the adapter.
The adapter.
if value is null
Gets or sets the graphics profile.
The graphics profile.
if value is null
Gets or sets the presentation parameters.
The presentation parameters.
if value is null
Gets or sets the creation flags.
The creation flags.
Manages the lifecycle.
Defines the interface for an object that manages a GraphicsDevice.
Starts the drawing of a frame.
true if XXXX, false otherwise
Called to ensure that the device manager has created a valid device.
Called by the game at the end of drawing; presents the final rendering.
Default width for the back buffer.
Default height for the back buffer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The game.
The game instance cannot be null.
Sets the preferred graphics profile.
The levels.
Applies the changes from this instance and change or create the according to the new values.
Determines whether this instance is compatible with the the specified new .
The new device info.
true if this instance this instance is compatible with the the specified new ; otherwise, false.
Finds the best device that is compatible with the preferences defined in this instance.
if set to true a device can be selected from any existing adapters, otherwise, it will select only from default adapter.
The graphics device information.
Ranks a list of before creating a new device.
The list of devices that can be reorder.
Gets or sets the list of graphics profile to select from the best feature to the lower feature. See remarks.
The graphics profile.
By default, the PreferredGraphicsProfile is set to { ,
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is full screen.
true if this instance is full screen; otherwise, false.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [prefer multi sampling].
true if [prefer multi sampling]; otherwise, false.
Gets or sets the device creation flags that will be used to create the
The device creation flags.
Gets or sets the preferred back buffer format.
The preferred back buffer format.
Gets or sets the height of the preferred back buffer.
The height of the preferred back buffer.
Gets or sets the width of the preferred back buffer.
The width of the preferred back buffer.
Gets or sets the preferred depth stencil format.
The preferred depth stencil format.
Gets or sets the supported orientations.
The supported orientations.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [synchronize with vertical retrace].
true if [synchronize with vertical retrace]; otherwise, false.
Parameters used when launching an application.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The namespace provides a high level Game API.
Describes settings to apply before preparing a device for creation, used by .
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The graphics device information.
Gets the graphics device information.
The graphics device information.