The blend-state interface holds a description for blending state that you can bind to the output-merger stage.
Blending applies a simple function to combine output values from a pixel shader with data in a render target. You have control over how the pixels are blended by using a predefined set of blending operations and preblending operations.
To create a blend-state object, call
A device-child interface accesses data used by a device.
There are several types of device child interfaces, all of which inherit this interface. They include shaders, state objects, and input layouts.
Get a reference to the device that created this interface.
Address of a reference to a device (see
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one, so be sure to call ::release() on the returned reference(s) before they are freed or else you will have a memory leak.
Get application-defined data from a device child.
Guid associated with the data.
A reference to a variable that on input contains the size, in bytes, of the buffer that pData points to, and on output contains the size, in bytes, of the amount of data that GetPrivateData retrieved.
A reference to a buffer that GetPrivateData fills with data from the device child if pDataSize points to a value that specifies a buffer large enough to hold the data.
This method returns one of the codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The data stored in the device child is set by calling
Set application-defined data to a device child and associate that data with an application-defined guid.
Guid associated with the data.
Size of the data.
Pointer to the data to be stored with this device child. If pData is
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The data stored in the device child with this method can be retrieved with
The debug layer reports memory leaks by outputting a list of object interface references along with their friendly names. The default friendly name is "<unnamed>". You can set the friendly name so that you can determine if the corresponding object interface reference caused the leak. To set the friendly name, use the SetPrivateData method and the
static const char c_szName[] = "My name";
hr = pContext->SetPrivateData( , sizeof( c_szName ) - 1, c_szName );
Associate an
Guid associated with the interface.
Pointer to an
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
When this method is called ::addref() will be called on the
Get a reference to the device that created this interface.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one, so be sure to call ::release() on the returned reference(s) before they are freed or else you will have a memory leak.
Gets the description for blending state that you used to create the blend-state object.
A reference to a
You use the description for blending state in a call to the
Gets the description for blending state that you used to create the blend-state object.
You use the description for blending state in a call to the
Describes the blend state that you use in a call to
Here are the default values for blend state.
State | Default Value |
AlphaToCoverageEnable | |
IndependentBlendEnable | |
RenderTarget[0].BlendEnable | |
RenderTarget[0].SrcBlend | |
RenderTarget[0].DestBlend | |
RenderTarget[0].BlendOp | |
RenderTarget[0].SrcBlendAlpha | |
RenderTarget[0].DestBlendAlpha | |
RenderTarget[0].BlendOpAlpha | |
RenderTarget[0].RenderTargetWriteMask |
If the driver type is set to
A buffer interface accesses a buffer resource, which is unstructured memory. Buffers typically store vertex or index data.
There are three types of buffers: vertex, index, or a shader-constant buffer. Create a buffer resource by calling
A buffer must be bound to the pipeline before it can be accessed. Buffers can be bound to the input-assembler stage by calls to
Buffers can be bound to multiple pipeline stages simultaneously for reading. A buffer can also be bound to a single pipeline stage for writing; however, the same buffer cannot be bound for reading and writing simultaneously.
A resource interface provides common actions on all resources.
A resource interface cannot be created directly; instead, buffers and textures are created that inherit from a resource interface (see Creating Buffer Resources or Creating Texture Resources).
Get the type of the resource.
Pointer to the resource type (see
Set the eviction priority of a resource.
Eviction priority for the resource, which is one of the following values:
Resource priorities determine which resource to evict from video memory when the system has run out of video memory. The resource will not be lost; it will be removed from video memory and placed into system memory, or possibly placed onto the hard drive. The resource will be loaded back into video memory when it is required.
A resource that is set to the maximum priority,
Changing the priorities of resources should be done carefully. The wrong eviction priorities could be a detriment to performance rather than an improvement.
Get the eviction priority of a resource.
One of the following values, which specifies the eviction priority for the resource:
Get the type of the resource.
Get or sets the eviction priority of a resource.
Get the properties of a buffer resource.
Pointer to a resource description (see
Get the properties of a buffer resource.
Describes a buffer resource.
This structure is used by
In addition to this structure, there is also a derived structure in D3D11.h (CD3D11_BUFFER_DESC) which behaves like an inherited class to help create a buffer description.
If the bind flag is
Size of the buffer in bytes.
Identify how the buffer is expected to be read from and written to. Frequency of update is a key factor. The most common value is typically
Identify how the buffer will be bound to the pipeline. Flags (see
CPU access flags (see
Miscellaneous flags (see
The size of the structure (in bytes) when it represents a structured buffer.
This interface encapsulates an HLSL class.
This interface is created by calling
Gets the
For more information about using the
Gets a description of the current HLSL class.
A reference to a
For more information about using the
An instance is not restricted to being used for a single type in a single shader. An instance is flexible and can be used for any shader that used the same type name or instance name when the instance was generated.
An instance does not replace the importance of reflection for a particular shader since a gotten instance will not know its slot location and a created instance only specifies a type name.
Gets the instance name of the current HLSL class.
The instance name of the current HLSL class.
The length of the pInstanceName parameter.
GetInstanceName will return a valid name only for instances acquired using
For more information about using the
Gets the type of the current HLSL class.
Type of the current HLSL class.
The length of the pTypeName parameter.
GetTypeName will return a valid name only for instances acquired using
For more information about using the
Gets the
For more information about using the
Gets a description of the current HLSL class.
For more information about using the
An instance is not restricted to being used for a single type in a single shader. An instance is flexible and can be used for any shader that used the same type name or instance name when the instance was generated.
An instance does not replace the importance of reflection for a particular shader since a gotten instance will not know its slot location and a created instance only specifies a type name.
This interface encapsulates an HLSL dynamic linkage.
A class linkage object can hold up to 64K gotten instances. A gotten instance is a handle that references a variable name in any shader that is created with that linkage object. When you create a shader with a class linkage object, the runtime gathers these instances and stores them in the class linkage object. For more information about how a class linkage object is used, see Storing Variables and Types for Shaders to Share.
Gets the class-instance object that represents the specified HLSL class.
The name of a class for which to get the class instance.
The index of the class instance.
The address of a reference to an
For more information about using the
A class instance must have at least 1 data member in order to be available for the runtime to use with
Initializes a class-instance object that represents an HLSL class instance.
The type name of a class to initialize.
Identifies the constant buffer that contains the class data.
The four-component vector offset from the start of the constant buffer where the class data will begin. Consequently, this is not a byte offset.
The texture slot for the first texture; there may be multiple textures following the offset.
The sampler slot for the first sampler; there may be multiple samplers following the offset.
The address of a reference to an
Instances can be created (or gotten) before or after a shader is created. Use the same shader linkage object to acquire a class instance and create the shader the instance is going to be used in.
For more information about using the
A compute-shader interface manages an executable program (a compute shader) that controls the compute-shader stage.
The compute-shader interface has no methods; use HLSL to implement your shader functionality. All shaders are implemented from a common set of features referred to as the common-shader core..
To create a compute-shader interface, call
This interface is defined in D3D11.h.
Describes depth-stencil state.
Depth-stencil state controls how depth-stencil testing is performed by the output-merger stage.
The following table shows the default values of depth-stencil states.
State | Default Value |
DepthEnable | TRUE |
DepthWriteMask | |
DepthFunc | |
StencilEnable | |
FrontFace.StencilFunc and BackFace.StencilFunc | |
FrontFace.StencilDepthFailOp and BackFace.StencilDepthFailOp | |
FrontFace.StencilPassOp and BackFace.StencilPassOp | |
FrontFace.StencilFailOp and BackFace.StencilFailOp |
The formats that support stenciling are
Enable depth testing.
Identify a portion of the depth-stencil buffer that can be modified by depth data (see
A function that compares depth data against existing depth data. The function options are listed in
Enable stencil testing.
Identify a portion of the depth-stencil buffer for reading stencil data.
Identify a portion of the depth-stencil buffer for writing stencil data.
Identify how to use the results of the depth test and the stencil test for pixels whose surface normal is facing towards the camera (see
Identify how to use the results of the depth test and the stencil test for pixels whose surface normal is facing away from the camera (see
Describes rasterizer state.
Rasterizer state defines the behavior of the rasterizer stage; to set rasterizer state, call
These are the default values for rasterizer state.
State | Default Value |
FillMode | Solid |
CullMode | Back |
FrontCounterClockwise | |
DepthBias | 0 |
SlopeScaledDepthBias | 0.0f |
DepthBiasClamp | 0.0f |
DepthClipEnable | TRUE |
ScissorEnable | |
MultisampleEnable | |
AntialiasedLineEnable |
Determines the fill mode to use when rendering (see
Indicates triangles facing the specified direction are not drawn (see
Determines if a triangle is front- or back-facing. If this parameter is true, then a triangle will be considered front-facing if its vertices are counter-clockwise on the render target and considered back-facing if they are clockwise. If this parameter is false then the opposite is true.
Depth value added to a given pixel.
Maximum depth bias of a pixel.
Scalar on a given pixel's slope.
Enable clipping based on distance.
The hardware always performs x and y clipping of rasterized coordinates. When DepthClipEnable is set to the default?TRUE, the hardware also clips the z value (that is, the hardware performs the last step of the following algorithm).
0 < w
-w <= x <= w (or arbitrarily wider range if implementation uses a guard band to reduce clipping burden)
-w <= y <= w (or arbitrarily wider range if implementation uses a guard band to reduce clipping burden)
0 <= z <= w
When you set DepthClipEnable to
Enable scissor-rectangle culling. All pixels ouside an active scissor rectangle are culled.
Enable multisample antialiasing.
Enable line antialiasing; only applies if doing line drawing and MultisampleEnable is false.
This interface encapsulates methods for measuring GPU performance.
A counter can be created with
This is a derived class of
Counter data is gathered by issuing an
Counters are best suited for profiling.
For a list of the types of performance counters, see
This interface encapsulates methods for retrieving data from the GPU asynchronously.
There are three types of asynchronous interfaces, all of which inherit this interface:
Get the size of the data (in bytes) that is output when calling
Size of the data (in bytes) that is output when calling GetData.
Get the size of the data (in bytes) that is output when calling
Get a counter description.
Pointer to a counter description (see
Get a counter description.
Get the swap chain that the runtime will use for automatically calling
The swap chain retrieved by this method will only be used if
Set a bit field of flags that will turn debug features on and off.
A combination of feature-mask flags that are combined by using a bitwise OR operation. If a flag is present, that feature will be set to on, otherwise the feature will be set to off. For descriptions of the feature-mask flags, see Remarks.
This method returns one of the Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Setting one of the following feature-mask flags will cause a rendering-operation method (listed below) to do some extra task when called.
Application will wait for the GPU to finish processing the rendering operation before continuing. | |
Runtime will additionally call | |
Runtime will call |
These feature-mask flags apply to the following rendering-operation methods:
By setting one of the following feature-mask flags, you can control the behavior of the IDXGIDevice2::OfferResources and IDXGIDevice2::ReclaimResources methods to aid in testing and debugging.
Note??These flags are supported by the Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview.
D3D11_DEBUG_FEATURE_ALWAYS_DISCARD_OFFERED_RESOURCE (0x8) | When you call IDXGIDevice2::OfferResources to offer resources while this flag is enabled, their content is always discarded. Use this flag to test code paths that regenerate resource content on reclaim. You cannot use this flag in combination with D3D11_DEBUG_FEATURE_NEVER_DISCARD_OFFERED_RESOURCE. |
D3D11_DEBUG_FEATURE_NEVER_DISCARD_OFFERED_RESOURCE (0x10) | When you call IDXGIDevice2::OfferResources to offer resources while this flag is enabled, their content is never discarded. Use this flag to test code paths that do not need to regenerate resource content on reclaim. You cannot use this flag in combination with D3D11_DEBUG_FEATURE_ALWAYS_DISCARD_OFFERED_RESOURCE. |
The behavior of the IDXGIDevice2::OfferResources and IDXGIDevice2::ReclaimResources methods depends on system-wide memory pressure. Therefore, the scenario where content is lost and must be regenerated is uncommon for most applications. The preceding new options in the Direct3D debug layer let you simulate that scenario consistently and test code paths.
The following flag is supported by the Direct3D 11.1 runtime.
D3D11_DEBUG_FEATURE_AVOID_BEHAVIOR_CHANGING_DEBUG_AIDS (0x40) | Disables the following default debugging behavior. |
When the debug layer is enabled, it performs certain actions to reveal application problems. By setting the D3D11_DEBUG_FEATURE_AVOID_BEHAVIOR_CHANGING_DEBUG_AIDS feature-mask flag, you can enable the debug layer without getting the following default debugging behavior:
Get a bitfield of flags that indicates which debug features are on or off.
Mask of feature-mask flags bitwise ORed together. If a flag is present, then that feature will be set to on, otherwise the feature will be set to off. See
Set the number of milliseconds to sleep after
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The application will only sleep if
Get the number of milliseconds to sleep after
Number of milliseconds to sleep after Present is called.
Value is set with
Set a swap chain that the runtime will use for automatically calling
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The swap chain set by this method will only be used if
Get the swap chain that the runtime will use for automatically calling
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The swap chain retrieved by this method will only be used if
Check to see if the draw pipeline state is valid.
A reference to the
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Use validate prior to calling a draw method (for example,
Report information about a device object's lifetime.
A value from the
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
ReportLiveDeviceObjects uses the value in Flags to determine the amount of information to report about a device object's lifetime.
Verifies whether the dispatch pipeline state is valid.
A reference to the
This method returns one of the return codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Use this method before you call a dispatch method (for example,
Get or sets the number of milliseconds to sleep after
Value is set with
Get or sets the swap chain that the runtime will use for automatically calling
The swap chain retrieved by this method will only be used if
The depth-stencil-state interface holds a description for depth-stencil state that you can bind to the output-merger stage.
To create a depth-stencil-state object, call
Gets the description for depth-stencil state that you used to create the depth-stencil-state object.
A reference to a
You use the description for depth-stencil state in a call to the
Gets the description for depth-stencil state that you used to create the depth-stencil-state object.
You use the description for depth-stencil state in a call to the
A depth-stencil-view interface accesses a texture resource during depth-stencil testing.
To create a depth-stencil view, call
To bind a depth-stencil view to the pipeline, call
A view interface specifies the parts of a resource the pipeline can access during rendering.
A view interface is the base interface for all views. There are four types of views; a depth-stencil view, a render-target view, a shader-resource view, and an unordered-access view.
All resources must be bound to the pipeline before they can be accessed.
Get the resource that is accessed through this view.
Address of a reference to the resource that is accessed through this view. (See
This function increments the reference count of the resource by one, so it is necessary to call Release on the returned reference when the application is done with it. Destroying (or losing) the returned reference before Release is called will result in a memory leak.
Get the resource that is accessed through this view.
This function increments the reference count of the resource by one, so it is necessary to call Dispose on the returned reference when the application is done with it. Destroying (or losing) the returned reference before Release is called will result in a memory leak.
Get the resource that is accessed through this view.
This function increments the reference count of the resource by one, so it is necessary to call Release on the returned reference when the application is done with it. Destroying (or losing) the returned reference before Release is called will result in a memory leak.
Get the depth-stencil view.
Pointer to a depth-stencil-view description (see
Get the depth-stencil view.
The device interface represents a virtual adapter; it is used to create resources.
A device is created using
IDXGIResource* pOtherResource(NULL);
hr = pOtherDeviceResource->QueryInterface( __uuidof(IDXGIResource), (void**)&pOtherResource );
HANDLE sharedHandle;
The only resources that can be shared are 2D non-mipmapped textures. To share a resource between a Direct3D 9 device and a Direct3D 10 device the texture must have been created using the pSharedHandle argument of {{CreateTexture}}. The shared Direct3D 9 handle is then passed to OpenSharedResource in the hResource argument. The following code illustrates the method calls involved.
sharedHandle = NULL; // must be set to NULL to create, can use a valid handle here to open in D3D9
pDevice9->CreateTexture(..., pTex2D_9, &sharedHandle);
pDevice10->OpenSharedResource(sharedHandle, __uuidof(ID3D10Resource), (void**)(&tempResource10));
tempResource10->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ID3D10Texture2D), (void**)(&pTex2D_10));
// now use pTex2D_10 with pDevice10
Textures being shared from D3D9 to D3D10 have the following restrictions. Textures must be 2D Only 1 mip level is allowed Texture must have default usage Texture must be write only MSAA textures are not allowed Bind flags must have SHADER_RESOURCE and RENDER_TARGET set Only R10G10B10A2_UNORM, R16G16B16A16_FLOAT and R8G8B8A8_UNORM formats are allowed If a shared texture is updated on one device Creates a buffer (vertex buffer, index buffer, or shader-constant buffer).
A reference to a
A reference to a
Address of a reference to the
This method returns E_OUTOFMEMORY if there is insufficient memory to create the buffer. See Direct3D 11 Return Codes for other possible return values.
For example code, see How to: Create a Vertex Buffer, How to: Create an Index Buffer or How to: Create a Constant Buffer.
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available on Windows Developer Preview and later operating systems, provides the following new functionality for CreateBuffer.
You can create a constant buffer that is larger than the maximum constant buffer size that a shader can access (4096 32-bit*4-component constants ? 64KB). When you bind the constant buffer to the pipeline (for example, via PSSetConstantBuffers or PSSetConstantBuffers1), you can define a range of the buffer that the shader can access that fits within the 4096 constant limit.
The runtime will emulate this feature for feature level 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3; therefore, this feature is supported for feature level 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3. This feature is always available on new drivers for feature level 10 and higher. On existing drivers that are implemented to feature level 10 and higher, a call to CreateBuffer to request a constant buffer that is larger than 4096 fails.
Creates an array of 1D textures.
If the method succeeds, the return code is
CreateTexture1D creates a 1D texture resource, which can contain a number of 1D subresources. The number of textures is specified in the texture description. All textures in a resource must have the same format, size, and number of mipmap levels.
All resources are made up of one or more subresources. To load data into the texture, applications can supply the data initially as an array of
For a 32 width texture with a full mipmap chain, the pInitialData array has the following 6 elements:
Create an array of 2D textures.
If the method succeeds, the return code is
CreateTexture2D creates a 2D texture resource, which can contain a number of 2D subresources. The number of textures is specified in the texture description. All textures in a resource must have the same format, size, and number of mipmap levels.
All resources are made up of one or more subresources. To load data into the texture, applications can supply the data initially as an array of
For a 32 x 32 texture with a full mipmap chain, the pInitialData array has the following 6 elements:
Create a single 3D texture.
If the method succeeds, the return code is
CreateTexture3D creates a 3D texture resource, which can contain a number of 3D subresources. The number of textures is specified in the texture description. All textures in a resource must have the same format, size, and number of mipmap levels.
All resources are made up of one or more subresources. To load data into the texture, applications can supply the data initially as an array of
Each element of pInitialData provides all of the slices that are defined for a given miplevel. For example, for a 32 x 32 x 4 volume texture with a full mipmap chain, the array has the following 6 elements:
Create a shader-resource view for accessing data in a resource.
Pointer to the resource that will serve as input to a shader. This resource must have been created with the
Pointer to a shader-resource view description (see
Address of a reference to an
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
A resource is made up of one or more subresources; a view identifies which subresources to allow the pipeline to access. In addition, each resource is bound to the pipeline using a view. A shader-resource view is designed to bind any buffer or texture resource to the shader stages using the following API methods:
Because a view is fully typed, this means that typeless resources become fully typed when bound to the pipeline.
Note??To successfully create a shader-resource view from a typeless buffer (for example,
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, allows you to use CreateShaderResourceView for the following new purpose.
You can create shader-resource views of video resources so that Direct3D shaders can process those shader-resource views. These video resources are either Texture2D or Texture2DArray. The value in the ViewDimension member of the
The runtime read+write conflict prevention logic (which stops a resource from being bound as an SRV and RTV or UAV at the same time) treats views of different parts of the same video surface as conflicting for simplicity. Therefore, the runtime does not allow an application to read from luma while the application simultaneously renders to chroma in the same surface even though the hardware might allow these simultaneous operations.
Creates a view for accessing an unordered access resource.
This method returns one of the Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, allows you to use CreateUnorderedAccessView for the following new purpose.
You can create unordered-access views of video resources so that Direct3D shaders can process those unordered-access views. These video resources are either Texture2D or Texture2DArray. The value in the ViewDimension member of the
The runtime read+write conflict prevention logic (which stops a resource from being bound as an SRV and RTV or UAV at the same time) treats views of different parts of the same video surface as conflicting for simplicity. Therefore, the runtime does not allow an application to read from luma while the application simultaneously renders to chroma in the same surface even though the hardware might allow these simultaneous operations.
Creates a render-target view for accessing resource data.
Pointer to a
Pointer to a
Address of a reference to an
This method returns one of the Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
A render-target view can be bound to the output-merger stage by calling
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, allows you to use CreateRenderTargetView for the following new purpose.
You can create render-target views of video resources so that Direct3D shaders can process those render-target views. These video resources are either Texture2D or Texture2DArray. The value in the ViewDimension member of the
The runtime read+write conflict prevention logic (which stops a resource from being bound as an SRV and RTV or UAV at the same time) treats views of different parts of the same video surface as conflicting for simplicity. Therefore, the runtime does not allow an application to read from luma while the application simultaneously renders to chroma in the same surface even though the hardware might allow these simultaneous operations.
Create a depth-stencil view for accessing resource data.
Pointer to the resource that will serve as the depth-stencil surface. This resource must have been created with the
Pointer to a depth-stencil-view description (see
Address of a reference to an
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
A depth-stencil view can be bound to the output-merger stage by calling
Create an input-layout object to describe the input-buffer data for the input-assembler stage.
An array of the input-assembler stage input data types; each type is described by an element description (see
The number of input-data types in the array of input-elements.
A reference to the compiled shader. The compiled shader code contains a input signature which is validated against the array of elements. See remarks.
Size of the compiled shader.
A reference to the input-layout object created (see
If the method succeeds, the return code is
After creating an input layout object, it must be bound to the input-assembler stage before calling a draw API.
Once an input-layout object is created from a shader signature, the input-layout object can be reused with any other shader that has an identical input signature (semantics included). This can simplify the creation of input-layout objects when you are working with many shaders with identical inputs.
If a data type in the input-layout declaration does not match the data type in a shader-input signature, CreateInputLayout will generate a warning during compilation. The warning is simply to call attention to the fact that the data may be reinterpreted when read from a register. You may either disregard this warning (if reinterpretation is intentional) or make the data types match in both declarations to eliminate the warning.
Create a vertex-shader object from a compiled shader.
A reference to the compiled shader.
Size of the compiled vertex shader.
A reference to a class linkage interface (see
Address of a reference to a
This method returns one of the Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, provides the following new functionality for CreateVertexShader.
The following shader model 5.0 instructions are available to just pixel shaders and compute shaders in the Direct3D 11.0 runtime. For the Direct3D 11.1 runtime, because unordered access views (UAV) are available at all shader stages, you can use these instructions in all shader stages.
Therefore, if you use the following shader model 5.0 instructions in a vertex shader, you can successfully pass the compiled vertex shader to pShaderBytecode. That is, the call to CreateVertexShader succeeds.
If you pass a compiled shader to pShaderBytecode that uses any of the following instructions on a device that doesn?t support UAVs at every shader stage (including existing drivers that are not implemented to support UAVs at every shader stage), CreateVertexShader fails. CreateVertexShader also fails if the shader tries to use a UAV slot beyond the set of UAV slots that the hardware supports.
Create a geometry shader.
A reference to the compiled shader.
Size of the compiled geometry shader.
A reference to a class linkage interface (see
Address of a reference to a
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
After it is created, the shader can be set to the device by calling
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, provides the following new functionality for CreateGeometryShader.
The following shader model 5.0 instructions are available to just pixel shaders and compute shaders in the Direct3D 11.0 runtime. For the Direct3D 11.1 runtime, because unordered access views (UAV) are available at all shader stages, you can use these instructions in all shader stages.
Therefore, if you use the following shader model 5.0 instructions in a geometry shader, you can successfully pass the compiled geometry shader to pShaderBytecode. That is, the call to CreateGeometryShader succeeds.
If you pass a compiled shader to pShaderBytecode that uses any of the following instructions on a device that doesn?t support UAVs at every shader stage (including existing drivers that are not implemented to support UAVs at every shader stage), CreateGeometryShader fails. CreateGeometryShader also fails if the shader tries to use a UAV slot beyond the set of UAV slots that the hardware supports.
Creates a geometry shader that can write to streaming output buffers.
A reference to the compiled geometry shader for a standard geometry shader plus stream output. For info on how to get this reference, see Getting a Pointer to a Compiled Shader.
To create the stream output without using a geometry shader, pass a reference to the output signature for the prior stage. To obtain this output signature, call the
Size of the compiled geometry shader.
Pointer to a
The number of entries in the stream output declaration ( ranges from 0 to D3D11_SO_STREAM_COUNT * D3D11_SO_OUTPUT_COMPONENT_COUNT ).
An array of buffer strides; each stride is the size of an element for that buffer.
The number of strides (or buffers) in pBufferStrides (ranges from 0 to D3D11_SO_BUFFER_SLOT_COUNT).
The index number of the stream to be sent to the rasterizer stage (ranges from 0 to D3D11_SO_STREAM_COUNT - 1). Set to D3D11_SO_NO_RASTERIZED_STREAM if no stream is to be rasterized.
A reference to a class linkage interface (see
Address of a reference to an
This method returns one of the Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
For more info about using CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput, see Create a Geometry-Shader Object with Stream Output.
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, provides the following new functionality for CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput.
The following shader model 5.0 instructions are available to just pixel shaders and compute shaders in the Direct3D 11.0 runtime. For the Direct3D 11.1 runtime, because unordered access views (UAV) are available at all shader stages, you can use these instructions in all shader stages.
Therefore, if you use the following shader model 5.0 instructions in a geometry shader, you can successfully pass the compiled geometry shader to pShaderBytecode. That is, the call to CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput succeeds.
If you pass a compiled shader to pShaderBytecode that uses any of the following instructions on a device that doesn?t support UAVs at every shader stage (including existing drivers that are not implemented to support UAVs at every shader stage), CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput fails. CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput also fails if the shader tries to use a UAV slot beyond the set of UAV slots that the hardware supports.
Create a pixel shader.
A reference to the compiled shader.
Size of the compiled pixel shader.
A reference to a class linkage interface (see
Address of a reference to a
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
After creating the pixel shader, you can set it to the device using
Create a hull shader.
This method returns one of the Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, provides the following new functionality for CreateHullShader.
The following shader model 5.0 instructions are available to just pixel shaders and compute shaders in the Direct3D 11.0 runtime. For the Direct3D 11.1 runtime, because unordered access views (UAV) are available at all shader stages, you can use these instructions in all shader stages.
Therefore, if you use the following shader model 5.0 instructions in a hull shader, you can successfully pass the compiled hull shader to pShaderBytecode. That is, the call to CreateHullShader succeeds.
If you pass a compiled shader to pShaderBytecode that uses any of the following instructions on a device that doesn?t support UAVs at every shader stage (including existing drivers that are not implemented to support UAVs at every shader stage), CreateHullShader fails. CreateHullShader also fails if the shader tries to use a UAV slot beyond the set of UAV slots that the hardware supports.
Create a domain shader .
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, provides the following new functionality for CreateDomainShader.
The following shader model 5.0 instructions are available to just pixel shaders and compute shaders in the Direct3D 11.0 runtime. For the Direct3D 11.1 runtime, because unordered access views (UAV) are available at all shader stages, you can use these instructions in all shader stages.
Therefore, if you use the following shader model 5.0 instructions in a domain shader, you can successfully pass the compiled domain shader to pShaderBytecode. That is, the call to CreateDomainShader succeeds.
If you pass a compiled shader to pShaderBytecode that uses any of the following instructions on a device that doesn?t support UAVs at every shader stage (including existing drivers that are not implemented to support UAVs at every shader stage), CreateDomainShader fails. CreateDomainShader also fails if the shader tries to use a UAV slot beyond the set of UAV slots that the hardware supports.
Create a compute shader.
This method returns E_OUTOFMEMORY if there is insufficient memory to create the compute shader. See Direct3D 11 Return Codes for other possible return values.
For an example, see How To: Create a Compute Shader and HDRToneMappingCS11 Sample.
Creates class linkage libraries to enable dynamic shader linkage.
A reference to a class-linkage interface reference (see
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Create a blend-state object that encapsules blend state for the output-merger stage.
Pointer to a blend-state description (see
Address of a reference to the blend-state object created (see
This method returns E_OUTOFMEMORY if there is insufficient memory to create the blend-state object. See Direct3D 11 Return Codes for other possible return values.
An application can create up to 4096 unique blend-state objects. For each object created, the runtime checks to see if a previous object has the same state. If such a previous object exists, the runtime will return a reference to previous instance instead of creating a duplicate object.
Create a depth-stencil state object that encapsulates depth-stencil test information for the output-merger stage.
Pointer to a depth-stencil state description (see
Address of a reference to the depth-stencil state object created (see
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
4096 unique depth-stencil state objects can be created on a device at a time.
If an application attempts to create a depth-stencil-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique depth-stencil state objects will stay the same.
Create a rasterizer state object that tells the rasterizer stage how to behave.
Pointer to a rasterizer state description (see
Address of a reference to the rasterizer state object created (see
This method returns E_OUTOFMEMORY if there is insufficient memory to create the compute shader. See Direct3D 11 Return Codes for other possible return values.
4096 unique rasterizer state objects can be created on a device at a time.
If an application attempts to create a rasterizer-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique rasterizer state objects will stay the same.
Create a sampler-state object that encapsulates sampling information for a texture.
Pointer to a sampler state description (see
Address of a reference to the sampler state object created (see
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
4096 unique sampler state objects can be created on a device at a time.
If an application attempts to create a sampler-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique sampler state objects will stay the same.
This interface encapsulates methods for querying information from the GPU.
Pointer to a query description (see
Address of a reference to the query object created (see
This method returns E_OUTOFMEMORY if there is insufficient memory to create the query object. See Direct3D 11 Return Codes for other possible return values.
Creates a predicate.
Pointer to a query description where the type of query must be a
Address of a reference to a predicate (see
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Create a counter object for measuring GPU performance.
Pointer to a counter description (see
Address of a reference to a counter (see
If this function succeeds, it will return
E_INVALIDARG is returned whenever an out-of-range well-known or device-dependent counter is requested, or when the simulataneously active counters have been exhausted.
Creates a deferred context for play back of command lists.
Reserved for future use. Pass 0.
Upon completion of the method, the passed reference to an
A deferred context is a thread-safe context that you can use to record graphics commands on a thread other than the main rendering thread. Using a deferred context, you can record graphics commands into a command list that is encapsulated by the
You can create multiple deferred contexts.
Note??If you use the
For more information about deferred contexts, see Immediate and Deferred Rendering.
Give a device access to a shared resource created on a different device.
A resource handle. See remarks.
The globally unique identifier (
Address of a reference to the resource we are gaining access to.
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The REFIID, or
The unique handle of the resource is obtained differently depending on the type of device that originally created the resource.
To share a resource between two Direct3D 11 devices the resource must have been created with the
The REFIID, or
When sharing a resource between two Direct3D 10/11 devices the unique handle of the resource can be obtained by querying the resource for the
* pOtherResource(null );
hr = pOtherDeviceResource->QueryInterface( __uuidof( ), (void**)&pOtherResource );
HANDLE sharedHandle;
The only resources that can be shared are 2D non-mipmapped textures.
To share a resource between a Direct3D 9 device and a Direct3D 11 device the texture must have been created using the pSharedHandle argument of CreateTexture. The shared Direct3D 9 handle is then passed to OpenSharedResource in the hResource argument.
The following code illustrates the method calls involved.
sharedHandle = null ; // must be set to null to create, can use a valid handle here to open in D3D9
pDevice9->CreateTexture(..., pTex2D_9, &sharedHandle);
pDevice11->OpenSharedResource(sharedHandle, __uuidof( ), (void**)(&tempResource11));
tempResource11->QueryInterface(__uuidof( ), (void**)(&pTex2D_11));
// now use pTex2D_11 with pDevice11
Textures being shared from D3D9 to D3D11 have the following restrictions.
If a shared texture is updated on one device
Get the support of a given format on the installed video device.
A bitfield of
Get the number of quality levels available during multisampling.
The texture format. See
The number of samples during multisampling.
Number of quality levels supported by the adapter. See remarks.
When multisampling a texture, the number of quality levels available for an adapter is dependent on the texture format used and the number of samples requested. The maximum number of quality levels is defined by
Furthermore, the definition of a quality level is up to each hardware vendor to define, however no facility is provided by Direct3D to help discover this information.
Note that FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1 devices are required to support 4x MSAA for all render targets except R32G32B32A32 and R32G32B32. FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0 devices are required to support 4x MSAA for all render target formats, and 8x MSAA for all render target formats except R32G32B32A32 formats.
Get a counter's information.
Get the type, name, units of measure, and a description of an existing counter.
Pointer to a counter description (see
Pointer to the data type of a counter (see
Pointer to the number of hardware counters that are needed for this counter type to be created. All instances of the same counter type use the same hardware counters.
String to be filled with a brief name for the counter. May be
Length of the string returned to szName. Can be
Name of the units a counter measures, provided the memory the reference points to has enough room to hold the string. Can be
Length of the string returned to szUnits. Can be
A description of the counter, provided the memory the reference points to has enough room to hold the string. Can be
Length of the string returned to szDescription. Can be
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Length parameters can be
Gets information about the features that are supported by the current graphics driver.
A member of the
Upon completion of the method, the passed structure is filled with data that describes the feature support.
The size of the structure passed to the pFeatureSupportData parameter.
To query for multi-threading support, pass the
Calling CheckFeatureSupport with Feature set to
Get application-defined data from a device.
Guid associated with the data.
A reference to a variable that on input contains the size, in bytes, of the buffer that pData points to, and on output contains the size, in bytes, of the amount of data that GetPrivateData retrieved.
A reference to a buffer that GetPrivateData fills with data from the device if pDataSize points to a value that specifies a buffer large enough to hold the data.
This method returns one of the codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Set data to a device and associate that data with a guid.
Guid associated with the data.
Size of the data.
Pointer to the data to be stored with this device. If pData is
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The data stored in the device with this method can be retrieved with
The data and guid set with this method will typically be application-defined.
If an application uses this method to change the device type using GUID_DeviceType, results are undefined. However, GUID_DeviceType can be used to retrieve the device type using
The debug layer reports memory leaks by outputting a list of object interface references along with their friendly names. The default friendly name is "<unnamed>". You can set the friendly name so that you can determine if the corresponding object interface reference caused the leak. To set the friendly name, use the SetPrivateData method and the
static const char c_szName[] = "My name";
hr = pContext->SetPrivateData( , sizeof( c_szName ) - 1, c_szName );
Associate an
Guid associated with the interface.
Pointer to an
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Gets the feature level of the hardware device.
A member of the
Feature levels determine the capabilities of your device.
Get the flags used during the call to create the device with
A bitfield containing the flags used to create the device. See
Get the reason why the device was removed.
Possible return values include:
For more detail on these return codes, see DXGI_ERROR.
Gets an immediate context which can record command lists.
Upon completion of the method, the passed reference to an
The GetImmediateContext method returns an
The GetImmediateContext method increments the reference count of the immediate context by one. Therefore, you must call Release on the returned interface reference when you are done with it to avoid a memory leak.
Get the exception-mode flags.
A value that contains one or more exception flags; each flag specifies a condition which will cause an exception to be raised. The flags are listed in D3D11_RAISE_FLAG. A default value of 0 means there are no flags.
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Set an exception-mode flag to elevate an error condition to a non-continuable exception.
Whenever an error occurs, a Direct3D device enters the DEVICEREMOVED state and if the appropriate exception flag has been set, an exception is raised. A raised exception is designed to terminate an application. Before termination, the last chance an application has to persist data is by using an UnhandledExceptionFilter (see Structured Exception Handling). In general, UnhandledExceptionFilters are leveraged to try to persist data when an application is crashing (to disk, for example). Any code that executes during an UnhandledExceptionFilter is not guaranteed to reliably execute (due to possible process corruption). Any data that the UnhandledExceptionFilter manages to persist, before the UnhandledExceptionFilter crashes again, should be treated as suspect, and therefore inspected by a new, non-corrupted process to see if it is usable.
Get the exception-mode flags.
A value that contains one or more exception flags; each flag specifies a condition which will cause an exception to be raised. The flags are listed in D3D11_RAISE_FLAG. A default value of 0 means there are no flags.
An exception-mode flag is used to elevate an error condition to a non-continuable exception.
Gets the feature level of the hardware device.
Feature levels determine the capabilities of your device.
Get the flags used during the call to create the device with
Get the reason why the device was removed.
Gets an immediate context which can record command lists.
The GetImmediateContext method returns an
The GetImmediateContext method increments the reference count of the immediate context by one. Therefore, you must call Release on the returned interface reference when you are done with it to avoid a memory leak.
Get or sets the exception-mode flags.
An exception-mode flag is used to elevate an error condition to a non-continuable exception.
Set the target output buffers for the stream-output stage of the pipeline.
The number of buffer to bind to the device. A maximum of four output buffers can be set. If less than four are defined by the call, the remaining buffer slots are set to
The array of output buffers (see
Array of offsets to the output buffers from ppSOTargets, one offset for each buffer. The offset values must be in bytes.
An offset of -1 will cause the stream output buffer to be appended, continuing after the last location written to the buffer in a previous stream output pass.
Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing will effectively bind
The debug layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Set the target output buffers for the stream-output stage of the pipeline.
The number of buffer to bind to the device. A maximum of four output buffers can be set. If less than four are defined by the call, the remaining buffer slots are set to
The array of output buffers (see
Array of offsets to the output buffers from ppSOTargets, one offset for each buffer. The offset values must be in bytes.
An offset of -1 will cause the stream output buffer to be appended, continuing after the last location written to the buffer in a previous stream output pass.
Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing will effectively bind
The debug layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Get the target output buffers for the stream-output stage of the pipeline.
Number of buffers to get.
An array of output buffers (see
A maximum of four output buffers can be retrieved.
The offsets to the output buffers pointed to in the returned ppSOTargets array may be assumed to be -1 (append), as defined for use in
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Bind an array of shader resources to the compute-shader stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting shader resources to (ranges from 0 to
Number of shader resources to set. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources(ranges from 0 to
Array of shader resource view interfaces to set to the device.
If an overlapping resource view is already bound to an output slot, such as a render target, then the method will fill the destination shader resource slot with
For information about creating shader-resource views, see
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Sets an array of views for an unordered resource.
Index of the first element in the zero-based array to begin setting (ranges from 0 to D3D11_1_UAV_SLOT_COUNT - 1). D3D11_1_UAV_SLOT_COUNT is defined as 64.
Number of views to set (ranges from 0 to D3D11_1_UAV_SLOT_COUNT - StartSlot).
A reference to an array of
An array of append and consume buffer offsets. A value of -1 indicates to keep the current offset. Any other values set the hidden counter for that appendable and consumable UAV. pUAVInitialCounts is only relevant for UAVs that were created with either
Set a compute shader to the device.
Pointer to a compute shader (see
A reference to an array of class-instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance interfaces in the array.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The maximum number of instances a shader can have is 256.
Set a compute shader to the device.
Pointer to a compute shader (see
A reference to an array of class-instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance interfaces in the array.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The maximum number of instances a shader can have is 256.
Set an array of sampler states to the compute-shader stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting samplers to (ranges from 0 to
Number of samplers in the array. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to
Pointer to an array of sampler-state interfaces (see
Any sampler may be set to
//Default sampler state:
SamplerDesc.Filter = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressU = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressV = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressW = ;
SamplerDesc.MipLODBias = 0;
SamplerDesc.MaxAnisotropy = 1;
SamplerDesc.ComparisonFunc = ;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[0] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[1] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[2] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[3] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.MinLOD = -FLT_MAX;
SamplerDesc.MaxLOD = FLT_MAX;
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Sets the constant buffers used by the compute-shader stage.
Index into the zero-based array to begin setting constant buffers to (ranges from 0 to
Number of buffers to set (ranges from 0 to
Array of constant buffers (see
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, can bind a larger number of
If the application wants the shader to access other parts of the buffer, it must call the CSSetConstantBuffers1 method instead.
Get the compute-shader resources.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin getting shader resources from (ranges from 0 to
The number of resources to get from the device. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources (ranges from 0 to
Array of shader resource view interfaces to be returned by the device.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Gets an array of views for an unordered resource.
Index of the first element in the zero-based array to return (ranges from 0 to
Number of views to get (ranges from 0 to
A reference to an array of interface references (see
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the compute shader currently set on the device.
Address of a reference to a Compute shader (see
Pointer to an array of class instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance elements in the array.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get an array of sampler state interfaces from the compute-shader stage.
Index into a zero-based array to begin getting samplers from (ranges from 0 to
Number of samplers to get from a device context. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to
Pointer to an array of sampler-state interfaces (see
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the constant buffers used by the compute-shader stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin retrieving constant buffers from (ranges from 0 to
Number of buffers to retrieve (ranges from 0 to
Array of constant buffer interface references (see
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
D3D11_BOX sourceRegion;
sourceRegion.left = 120;
sourceRegion.right = 200; = 100;
sourceRegion.bottom = 220;
sourceRegion.front = 0;
sourceRegion.back = 1; pd3dDeviceContext->CopySubresourceRegion( pDestTexture, 0, 10, 20, 0, pSourceTexture, 0, &sourceRegion );
Notice, that for a 2D texture, front and back are set to 0 and 1 respectively.
Draw indexed, non-instanced primitives.
Number of indices to draw.
The location of the first index read by the GPU from the index buffer.
A value added to each index before reading a vertex from the vertex buffer.
A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline.
If the sum of both indices is negative, the result of the function call is undefined.
Draw non-indexed, non-instanced primitives.
Number of vertices to draw.
Index of the first vertex, which is usually an offset in a vertex buffer; it could also be used as the first vertex id generated for a shader parameter marked with the SV_TargetId system-value semantic.
A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline.
The vertex data for a draw call normally comes from a vertex buffer that is bound to the pipeline. However, you could also provide the vertex data from a shader that has vertex data marked with the SV_VertexId system-value semantic.
Gets a reference to the data contained in a subresource, and denies the GPU access to that subresource.
A reference to a
Index number of the subresource.
Specifies the CPU's read and write permissions for a resource. For possible values, see
Flag that specifies what the CPU should do when the GPU is busy. This flag is optional.
A reference to the mapped subresource (see
If you call Map on a deferred context, you can only pass
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, can map shader resource views (SRVs) of dynamic buffers with
Invalidate the reference to a resource and re-enable the GPU's access to that resource.
A reference to a
A subresource to be unmapped.
Draw indexed, instanced primitives.
Number of indices read from the index buffer for each instance.
Number of instances to draw.
The location of the first index read by the GPU from the index buffer.
A value added to each index before reading a vertex from the vertex buffer.
A value added to each index before reading per-instance data from a vertex buffer.
A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline.
Instancing may extend performance by reusing the same geometry to draw multiple objects in a scene. One example of instancing could be to draw the same object with different positions and colors. Indexing requires multiple vertex buffers: at least one for per-vertex data and a second buffer for per-instance data.
Draw non-indexed, instanced primitives.
Number of vertices to draw.
Number of instances to draw.
Index of the first vertex.
A value added to each index before reading per-instance data from a vertex buffer.
A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline.
Instancing may extend performance by reusing the same geometry to draw multiple objects in a scene. One example of instancing could be to draw the same object with different positions and colors.
The vertex data for an instanced draw call normally comes from a vertex buffer that is bound to the pipeline. However, you could also provide the vertex data from a shader that has instanced data identified with a system-value semantic (SV_InstanceID).
Mark the beginning of a series of commands.
A reference to an
Mark the end of a series of commands.
A reference to an
Get data from the graphics processing unit (GPU) asynchronously.
A reference to an
Address of memory that will receive the data. If
Size of the data to retrieve or 0. Must be 0 when pData is
Optional flags. Can be 0 or any combination of the flags enumerated by
This method returns one of the Direct3D 11 Return Codes. A return value of
Queries in a deferred context are limited to predicated drawing. That is, you cannot call
GetData retrieves the data that the runtime collected between calls to
If DataSize is 0, GetData is only used to check status.
An application gathers counter data by calling
Set a rendering predicate.
Pointer to a predicate (see
If TRUE, rendering will be affected by when the predicate's conditions are met. If
The predicate must be in the "issued" or "signaled" state to be used for predication. While the predicate is set for predication, calls to
This method is used to denote that subsequent rendering and resource manipulation commands are not actually performed if the resulting Predicate data of the Predicate is equal to the PredicateValue. However, some Predicates are only hints, so they may not actually prevent operations from being performed.
The primary usefulness of Predication is to allow an application to issue graphics commands without taking the performance hit of spinning, waiting for
Draw geometry of an unknown size.
A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline. This API submits work of an unknown size that was processed by the input assembler, vertex shader, and stream-output stages; the work may or may not have gone through the geometry-shader stage.
After data has been streamed out to stream-output stage buffers, those buffers can be again bound to the Input Assembler stage at input slot 0 and DrawAuto will draw them without the application needing to know the amount of data that was written to the buffers. A measurement of the amount of data written to the SO stage buffers is maintained internally when the data is streamed out. This means that the CPU does not need to fetch the measurement before re-binding the data that was streamed as input data. Although this amount is tracked internally, it is still the responsibility of applications to use input layouts to describe the format of the data in the SO stage buffers so that the layouts are available when the buffers are again bound to the input assembler.
The following diagram shows the DrawAuto process.
Calling DrawAuto does not change the state of the streaming-output buffers that were bound again as inputs.
DrawAuto only works when drawing with one input buffer bound as an input to the IA stage at slot 0. Applications must create the SO buffer resource with both binding flags,
This API does not support indexing or instancing.
If an application needs to retrieve the size of the streaming-output buffer, it can query for statistics on streaming output by using
Draw indexed, instanced, GPU-generated primitives.
A reference to an
Offset in pBufferForArgs to the start of the GPU generated primitives.
When an application creates a buffer that is associated with the
Draw instanced, GPU-generated primitives.
A reference to an
Offset in pBufferForArgs to the start of the GPU generated primitives.
When an application creates a buffer that is associated with the
Execute a command list from a thread group.
The number of groups dispatched in the x direction. ThreadGroupCountX must be less than
The number of groups dispatched in the y direction. ThreadGroupCountY must be less than
The number of groups dispatched in the z direction. ThreadGroupCountZ must be less than
You call the Dispatch method to execute commands in a compute shader. A compute shader can be run on many threads in parallel, within a thread group. Index a particular thread, within a thread group using a 3D vector given by (x,y,z).
In the following illustration, assume a thread group with 50 threads where the size of the group is given by (5,5,2). A single thread is identified from a thread group with 50 threads in it, using the vector (4,1,1).
The following illustration shows the relationship between the parameters passed to
Execute a command list over one or more thread groups.
A reference to an
A byte-aligned offset between the start of the buffer and the arguments.
You call the DispatchIndirect method to execute commands in a compute shader.
When an application creates a buffer that is associated with the
Copy a region from a source resource to a destination resource.
A reference to the destination resource (see
Destination subresource index.
The x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region.
The y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region. For a 1D subresource, this must be zero.
The z-coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region. For a 1D or 2D subresource, this must be zero.
A reference to the source resource (see
Source subresource index.
A reference to a 3D box (see
The source box must be within the size of the source resource. The destination offsets, (x, y, and z) allow the source box to be offset when writing into the destination resource; however, the dimensions of the source box and the offsets must be within the size of the resource.
If the resources are buffers, all coordinates are in bytes; if the resources are textures, all coordinates are in texels. D3D11CalcSubresource is a helper function for calculating subresource indexes.
CopySubresourceRegion performs the copy on the GPU (similar to a memcpy by the CPU). As a consequence, the source and destination resources:
CopySubresourceRegion only supports copy; it does not support any stretch, color key, blend, or format conversions. An application that needs to copy an entire resource should use
CopySubresourceRegion is an asynchronous call, which may be added to the command-buffer queue, this attempts to remove pipeline stalls that may occur when copying data. For more information about pipeline stalls, see performance considerations.
Note??If you use CopySubresourceRegion with a depth-stencil buffer or a multisampled resource, you must copy the whole subresource. In this situation, you must pass 0 to the DstX, DstY, and DstZ parameters and
The following code snippet copies a box (located at (120,100),(200,220)) from a source texture into a reqion (10,20),(90,140) in a destination texture.
sourceRegion.left = 120;
sourceRegion.right = 200; = 100;
sourceRegion.bottom = 220;
sourceRegion.front = 0;
sourceRegion.back = 1; pd3dDeviceContext->CopySubresourceRegion( pDestTexture, 0, 10, 20, 0, pSourceTexture, 0, &sourceRegion );
Notice, that for a 2D texture, front and back are set to 0 and 1 respectively.
Copy the entire contents of the source resource to the destination resource using the GPU.
A reference to the destination resource (see
A reference to the source resource (see
This method is unusual in that it causes the GPU to perform the copy operation (similar to a memcpy by the CPU). As a result, it has a few restrictions designed for improving performance. For instance, the source and destination resources:
You cannot use an Immutable resource as a destination. You can use a depth-stencil resource as either a source or a destination. Resources created with multisampling capability (see
The method is an asynchronous call which may be added to the command-buffer queue. This attempts to remove pipeline stalls that may occur when copying data.
An application that only needs to copy a portion of the data in a resource should use
The CPU copies data from memory to a subresource created in non-mappable memory.
A reference to the destination resource (see
A zero-based index, that identifies the destination subresource. See D3D11CalcSubresource for more details.
A reference to a box that defines the portion of the destination subresource to copy the resource data into. Coordinates are in bytes for buffers and in texels for textures. If
A reference to the source data in memory.
The size of one row of the source data.
The size of one depth slice of source data.
For a shader-constant buffer; set pDstBox to
A resource cannot be used as a destination if:
When UpdateSubresource returns, the application is free to change or even free the data pointed to by pSrcData because the method has already copied/snapped away the original contents.
The performance of UpdateSubresource depends on whether or not there is contention for the destination resource. For example, contention for a vertex buffer resource occurs when the application executes a Draw call and later calls UpdateSubresource on the same vertex buffer before the Draw call is actually executed by the GPU.
To better understand the source row pitch and source depth pitch parameters, the following illustration shows a 3D volume texture.
Each block in this visual represents an element of data, and the size of each element is dependent on the resource's format. For example, if the resource format is
To calculate the source row pitch and source depth pitch for a given resource, use the following formulas:
In the case of this example 3D volume texture where the size of each element is 16 bytes, the formulas are as follows:
The following illustration shows the resource as it is laid out in memory.
For example, the following code snippet shows how to specify a destination region in a 2D texture. Assume the destination texture is 512x512 and the operation will copy the data pointed to by pData to [(120,100)..(200,220)] in the destination texture. Also assume that rowPitch has been initialized with the proper value (as explained above). front and back are set to 0 and 1 respectively, because by having front equal to back, the box is technically empty.
destRegion.left = 120;
destRegion.right = 200; = 100;
destRegion.bottom = 220;
destRegion.front = 0;
destRegion.back = 1; pd3dDeviceContext->UpdateSubresource( pDestTexture, 0, &destRegion, pData, rowPitch, 0 );
The 1D case is similar. The following snippet shows how to specify a destination region in a 1D texture. Use the same assumptions as above, except that the texture is 512 in length.
destRegion.left = 120
destRegion.right = 200; = 0;
destRegion.bottom = 1;
destRegion.front = 0;
destRegion.back = 1; pd3dDeviceContext->UpdateSubresource( pDestTexture, 0, &destRegion, pData, rowPitch, 0 );
Calling UpdateSubresource on a Deferred ContextIf your application calls UpdateSubresource on a deferred context with a destination box?to which pDstBox points?that has a non-(0,0,0) offset, and if the driver does not support command lists, UpdateSubresource inappropriately applies that destination-box offset to the pSrcData parameter. To work around this behavior, use the following code:
UpdateSubresource_Workaround( *pDevice, *pDeviceContext, *pDstResource, UINT dstSubresource, const *pDstBox, const void *pSrcData, UINT srcBytesPerElement, UINT srcRowPitch, UINT srcDepthPitch, bool* pDidWorkAround )
{ hr = ; bool needWorkaround = false; contextType = pDeviceContext->GetType(); if( pDstBox && ( == contextType) ) { threadingCaps = { , }; hr = pDevice->CheckFeatureSupport( , &threadingCaps, sizeof(threadingCaps) ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if( !threadingCaps.DriverCommandLists ) { needWorkaround = true; } } } const void* pAdjustedSrcData = pSrcData; if( needWorkaround ) { alignedBox = *pDstBox; // convert from pixels to blocks if( m_bBC ) { alignedBox.left /= 4; alignedBox.right /= 4; /= 4; alignedBox.bottom /= 4; } pAdjustedSrcData = ((const BYTE*)pSrcData) - (alignedBox.front * srcDepthPitch) - ( * srcRowPitch) - (alignedBox.left * srcBytesPerElement); } pDeviceContext->UpdateSubresource( pDstResource, dstSubresource, pDstBox, pAdjustedSrcData, srcRowPitch, srcDepthPitch ); if( pDidWorkAround ) { *pDidWorkAround = needWorkaround; } return hr;
Copies data from a buffer holding variable length data.
Pointer to
Offset from the start of pDstBuffer to write 32-bit UINT structure (vertex) count from pSrcView.
Pointer to an
Set all the elements in a render target to one value.
Pointer to the rendertarget.
A 4-component array that represents the color to fill the render target with.
Applications that wish to clear a render target to a specific integer value bit pattern should render a screen-aligned quad instead of using this method. The reason for this is because this method accepts as input a floating point value, which may not have the same bit pattern as the original integer.
Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 11/10: Unlike Direct3D 9, the full extent of the resource view is always cleared. Viewport and scissor settings are not applied. |
Clears an unordered access resource with bit-precise values.
This API copies the lower ni bits from each array element i to the corresponding channel, where ni is the number of bits in the ith channel of the resource format (for example, R8G8B8_FLOAT has 8 bits for the first 3 channels). This works on any UAV with no format conversion. For a raw or structured buffer view, only the first array element value is used.
Clears an unordered access resource with a float value.
This API works on FLOAT, UNORM, and SNORM unordered access views (UAVs), with format conversion from FLOAT to *NORM where appropriate. On other UAVs, the operation is invalid and the call will not reach the driver.
Clears the depth-stencil resource.
Pointer to the depth stencil to be cleared.
Identify the type of data to clear (see
Clear the depth buffer with this value. This value will be clamped between 0 and 1.
Clear the stencil buffer with this value.
Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 11/10: Unlike Direct3D 9, the full extent of the resource view is always cleared. Viewport and scissor settings are not applied. |
Generate mipmaps for the given shader resource.
Pointer to an
GenerateMips may be called on any shader-resource view in order to generate the lower mipmap levels. GenerateMips uses the largest mipmap level of the view to recursively generate the lower levels of the mip, stopping with the smallest level specified by the view. If the base resource was not created with
All video adapters support generating mipmaps if you are using any of the following formats:
Some video adapters support generating mipmaps if you are using this format:
For all other unsupported formats, this method will silently fail.
Sets the minimum level-of-detail (LOD) for a resource.
A reference to an
The level-of-detail, which ranges between 0 and the maximum number of mipmap levels of the resource. For example, the maximum number of mipmap levels of a 1D texture is specified in the MipLevels member of the
To use a resource with SetResourceMinLOD, you must set the
For Direct3D 10 and Direct3D 10.1, when sampling from a texture resource in a shader, the sampler can define a minimum LOD clamp to force sampling from less detailed mip levels. For Direct3D 11, this functionality is extended from the sampler to the entire resource. Therefore, the application can specify the highest-resolution mip level of a resource that is available for access. This restricts the set of mip levels that are required to be resident in GPU memory, thereby saving memory.
The set of mip levels resident per-resource in GPU memory can be specified by the user.
Minimum LOD affects all of the resident mip levels. Therefore, only the resident mip levels can be updated and read from.
All methods that access texture resources must adhere to minimum LOD clamps.
Empty-set accesses are handled as out-of-bounds cases.
Gets the minimum level-of-detail (LOD).
A reference to an
Returns the minimum LOD.
Copy a multisampled resource into a non-multisampled resource.
Destination resource. Must be a created with the
A zero-based index, that identifies the destination subresource. Use D3D11CalcSubresource to calculate the index.
Source resource. Must be multisampled.
>The source subresource of the source resource.
This API is most useful when re-using the resulting rendertarget of one render pass as an input to a second render pass.
The source and destination resources must be the same resource type and have the same dimensions. In addition, they must have compatible formats. There are three scenarios for this:
Scenario | Requirements |
Source and destination are prestructured and typed | Both the source and destination must have identical formats and that format must be specified in the Format parameter. |
One resource is prestructured and typed and the other is prestructured and typeless | The typed resource must have a format that is compatible with the typeless resource (i.e. the typed resource is |
Source and destination are prestructured and typeless | Both the source and desintation must have the same typeless format (i.e. both must have For example, given the
Queues commands from a command list onto a device.
A reference to an
A Boolean flag that determines whether the immediate context state is saved prior to and restored after the execution of a command list. Use TRUE to indicate that the runtime needs to save and restore the state. Use
Use this method to play back a command list that was recorded by a deferred context on any thread.
This method performs some runtime validation related to queries. Queries that are begun in a device context cannot be manipulated indirectly by executing a command list (that is, Begin or End was invoked against the same query by the deferred context which generated the command list). If such a condition occurs, the ExecuteCommandList method does not execute the command list. However, the state of the device context is still maintained, as would be expected (
Get the rendering predicate state.
Address of a boolean to fill with the predicate comparison value.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Restore all default settings.
This method resets any device context to the default settings. This sets all input/output resource slots, shaders, input layouts, predications, scissor rectangles, depth-stencil state, rasterizer state, blend state, sampler state, and viewports to
For a scenario where you would like to clear a list of commands recorded so far, call
Sends queued-up commands in the command buffer to the graphics processing unit (GPU).
Most applications don't need to call this method. If an application calls this method when not necessary, it incurs a performance penalty. Each call to Flush incurs a significant amount of overhead.
When Microsoft Direct3D state-setting, present, or draw commands are called by an application, those commands are queued into an internal command buffer. Flush sends those commands to the GPU for processing. Typically, the Direct3D runtime sends these commands to the GPU automatically whenever the runtime determines that they need to be sent, such as when the command buffer is full or when an application maps a resource. Flush sends the commands manually.
We recommend that you use Flush when the CPU waits for an arbitrary amount of time (such as when you call the Sleep function).
Because Flush operates asynchronously, it can return either before or after the GPU finishes executing the queued graphics commands. However, the graphics commands eventually always complete. You can call the
Microsoft Direct3D?11 defers the destruction of objects. Therefore, an application can't rely upon objects immediately being destroyed. By calling Flush, you destroy any objects whose destruction was deferred. If an application requires synchronous destruction of an object, we recommend that the application release all its references, call
Direct3D?11 defers the destruction of objects like views and resources until it can efficiently destroy them. This deferred destruction can cause problems with flip presentation model swap chains. Flip presentation model swap chains have the DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL flag set. When you create a flip presentation model swap chain, you can associate only one swap chain at a time with an
Most applications typically use the
Gets the type of device context.
A member of
Gets the initialization flags associated with the current deferred context.
The GetContextFlags method gets the flags that were supplied to the ContextFlags parameter of
Create a command list and record graphics commands into it.
A Boolean flag that determines whether the runtime saves deferred context state before it executes FinishCommandList and restores it afterwards. Use TRUE to indicate that the runtime needs to save and restore the state. Use
Note??This parameter does not affect the command list that the current call to FinishCommandList returns. However, this parameter affects the command list of the next call to FinishCommandList on the same deferred context.
Upon completion of the method, the passed reference to an
Create a command list from a deferred context and record commands into it by calling FinishCommandList. Play back a command list with an immediate context by calling
Immediate context state is cleared before and after a command list is executed. A command list has no concept of inheritance. Each call to FinishCommandList will record only the state set since any previous call to FinishCommandList.
For example, the state of a device context is its render state or pipeline state. To retrieve device context state, an application can call
For more information about how to use FinishCommandList, see How to: Record a Command List.
Gets the type of device context.
Gets the initialization flags associated with the current deferred context.
The GetContextFlags method gets the flags that were supplied to the ContextFlags parameter of
Bind a single vertex buffer to the input-assembler stage.
The first input slot for binding. The first vertex buffer is explicitly bound to the start slot; this causes each additional vertex buffer in the array to be implicitly bound to each subsequent input slot. The maximum of 16 or 32 input slots (ranges from 0 to
For information about creating vertex buffers, see Create a Vertex Buffer.
Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing (i.e. bound to the stream output pipeline stage) will effectively bind
The debug layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Bind an array of vertex buffers to the input-assembler stage.
The first input slot for binding. The first vertex buffer is explicitly bound to the start slot; this causes each additional vertex buffer in the array to be implicitly bound to each subsequent input slot. The maximum of 16 or 32 input slots (ranges from 0 to
A reference to an array of
For information about creating vertex buffers, see Create a Vertex Buffer.
Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing (i.e. bound to the stream output pipeline stage) will effectively bind
The debug layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Bind an array of vertex buffers to the input-assembler stage.
The first input slot for binding. The first vertex buffer is explicitly bound to the start slot; this causes each additional vertex buffer in the array to be implicitly bound to each subsequent input slot. The maximum of 16 or 32 input slots (ranges from 0 to
A reference to an array of vertex buffers (see
Pointer to an array of stride values; one stride value for each buffer in the vertex-buffer array. Each stride is the size (in bytes) of the elements that are to be used from that vertex buffer.
Pointer to an array of offset values; one offset value for each buffer in the vertex-buffer array. Each offset is the number of bytes between the first element of a vertex buffer and the first element that will be used.
For information about creating vertex buffers, see Create a Vertex Buffer.
Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing (i.e. bound to the stream output pipeline stage) will effectively bind
The debug layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Bind an input-layout object to the input-assembler stage.
A reference to the input-layout object (see
Input-layout objects describe how vertex buffer data is streamed into the IA pipeline stage. To create an input-layout object, call
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Bind an array of vertex buffers to the input-assembler stage.
The first input slot for binding. The first vertex buffer is explicitly bound to the start slot; this causes each additional vertex buffer in the array to be implicitly bound to each subsequent input slot. The maximum of 16 or 32 input slots (ranges from 0 to
The number of vertex buffers in the array. The number of buffers (plus the starting slot) cannot exceed the total number of IA-stage input slots (ranges from 0 to
A reference to an array of vertex buffers (see
Pointer to an array of stride values; one stride value for each buffer in the vertex-buffer array. Each stride is the size (in bytes) of the elements that are to be used from that vertex buffer.
Pointer to an array of offset values; one offset value for each buffer in the vertex-buffer array. Each offset is the number of bytes between the first element of a vertex buffer and the first element that will be used.
For information about creating vertex buffers, see Create a Vertex Buffer.
Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing (i.e. bound to the stream output pipeline stage) will effectively bind
The debug layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Bind an index buffer to the input-assembler stage.
A reference to an
Offset (in bytes) from the start of the index buffer to the first index to use.
For information about creating index buffers, see How to: Create an Index Buffer.
Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing (i.e. bound to the stream output pipeline stage) will effectively bind
The debug layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Bind information about the primitive type, and data order that describes input data for the input assembler stage.
The type of primitive and ordering of the primitive data (see D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY).
Get a reference to the input-layout object that is bound to the input-assembler stage.
A reference to the input-layout object (see
For information about creating an input-layout object, see Creating the Input-Layout Object.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the vertex buffers bound to the input-assembler stage.
The input slot of the first vertex buffer to get. The first vertex buffer is explicitly bound to the start slot; this causes each additional vertex buffer in the array to be implicitly bound to each subsequent input slot. The maximum of 16 or 32 input slots (ranges from 0 to
The number of vertex buffers to get starting at the offset. The number of buffers (plus the starting slot) cannot exceed the total number of IA-stage input slots.
A reference to an array of vertex buffers returned by the method (see
Pointer to an array of stride values returned by the method; one stride value for each buffer in the vertex-buffer array. Each stride value is the size (in bytes) of the elements that are to be used from that vertex buffer.
Pointer to an array of offset values returned by the method; one offset value for each buffer in the vertex-buffer array. Each offset is the number of bytes between the first element of a vertex buffer and the first element that will be used.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get a reference to the index buffer that is bound to the input-assembler stage.
A reference to an index buffer returned by the method (see
Specifies format of the data in the index buffer (see
Offset (in bytes) from the start of the index buffer, to the first index to use.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get information about the primitive type, and data order that describes input data for the input assembler stage.
A reference to the type of primitive, and ordering of the primitive data (see D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY).
Get or sets a reference to the input-layout object that is bound to the input-assembler stage.
For information about creating an input-layout object, see Creating the Input-Layout Object.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get or sets information about the primitive type, and data order that describes input data for the input assembler stage.
Bind one or more render targets atomically and the depth-stencil buffer to the output-merger stage.
The maximum number of active render targets a device can have active at any given time is set by a #define in D3D11.h called D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT. It is invalid to try to set the same subresource to multiple render target slots. Any render targets not defined by this call are set to
If any subresources are also currently bound for reading in a different stage or writing (perhaps in a different part of the pipeline), those bind points will be set to
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
If the render-target views were created from an array resource type, then all of the render-target views must have the same array size. This restriction also applies to the depth-stencil view, its array size must match that of the render-target views being bound.
The pixel shader must be able to simultaneously render to at least eight separate render targets. All of these render targets must access the same type of resource: Buffer, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, or TextureCube. All render targets must have the same size in all dimensions (width and height, and depth for 3D or array size for *Array types). If render targets use multisample anti-aliasing, all bound render targets and depth buffer must be the same form of multisample resource (that is, the sample counts must be the same). Each render target can have a different data format. These render target formats are not required to have identical bit-per-element counts.
Any combination of the eight slots for render targets can have a render target set or not set.
The same resource view cannot be bound to multiple render target slots simultaneously. However, you can set multiple non-overlapping resource views of a single resource as simultaneous multiple render targets.
The maximum number of active render targets a device can have active at any given time is set by a #define in D3D11.h called D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT. It is invalid to try to set the same subresource to multiple render target slots. Any render targets not defined by this call are set to
If any subresources are also currently bound for reading in a different stage or writing (perhaps in a different part of the pipeline), those bind points will be set to
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
If the render-target views were created from an array resource type, then all of the render-target views must have the same array size. This restriction also applies to the depth-stencil view, its array size must match that of the render-target views being bound.
The pixel shader must be able to simultaneously render to at least eight separate render targets. All of these render targets must access the same type of resource: Buffer, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, or TextureCube. All render targets must have the same size in all dimensions (width and height, and depth for 3D or array size for *Array types). If render targets use multisample anti-aliasing, all bound render targets and depth buffer must be the same form of multisample resource (that is, the sample counts must be the same). Each render target can have a different data format. These render target formats are not required to have identical bit-per-element counts.
Any combination of the eight slots for render targets can have a render target set or not set.
The same resource view cannot be bound to multiple render target slots simultaneously. However, you can set multiple non-overlapping resource views of a single resource as simultaneous multiple render targets.
The maximum number of active render targets a device can have active at any given time is set by a #define in D3D11.h called D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT. It is invalid to try to set the same subresource to multiple render target slots. Any render targets not defined by this call are set to
If any subresources are also currently bound for reading in a different stage or writing (perhaps in a different part of the pipeline), those bind points will be set to
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
If the render-target views were created from an array resource type, then all of the render-target views must have the same array size. This restriction also applies to the depth-stencil view, its array size must match that of the render-target views being bound.
The pixel shader must be able to simultaneously render to at least eight separate render targets. All of these render targets must access the same type of resource: Buffer, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, or TextureCube. All render targets must have the same size in all dimensions (width and height, and depth for 3D or array size for *Array types). If render targets use multisample anti-aliasing, all bound render targets and depth buffer must be the same form of multisample resource (that is, the sample counts must be the same). Each render target can have a different data format. These render target formats are not required to have identical bit-per-element counts.
Any combination of the eight slots for render targets can have a render target set or not set.
The same resource view cannot be bound to multiple render target slots simultaneously. However, you can set multiple non-overlapping resource views of a single resource as simultaneous multiple render targets.
The maximum number of active render targets a device can have active at any given time is set by a #define in D3D11.h called D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT. It is invalid to try to set the same subresource to multiple render target slots. Any render targets not defined by this call are set to
If any subresources are also currently bound for reading in a different stage or writing (perhaps in a different part of the pipeline), those bind points will be set to
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
If the render-target views were created from an array resource type, then all of the render-target views must have the same array size. This restriction also applies to the depth-stencil view, its array size must match that of the render-target views being bound.
The pixel shader must be able to simultaneously render to at least eight separate render targets. All of these render targets must access the same type of resource: Buffer, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, or TextureCube. All render targets must have the same size in all dimensions (width and height, and depth for 3D or array size for *Array types). If render targets use multisample anti-aliasing, all bound render targets and depth buffer must be the same form of multisample resource (that is, the sample counts must be the same). Each render target can have a different data format. These render target formats are not required to have identical bit-per-element counts.
Any combination of the eight slots for render targets can have a render target set or not set.
The same resource view cannot be bound to multiple render target slots simultaneously. However, you can set multiple non-overlapping resource views of a single resource as simultaneous multiple render targets.
The maximum number of active render targets a device can have active at any given time is set by a #define in D3D11.h called D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT. It is invalid to try to set the same subresource to multiple render target slots. Any render targets not defined by this call are set to
If any subresources are also currently bound for reading in a different stage or writing (perhaps in a different part of the pipeline), those bind points will be set to
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
If the render-target views were created from an array resource type, then all of the render-target views must have the same array size. This restriction also applies to the depth-stencil view, its array size must match that of the render-target views being bound.
The pixel shader must be able to simultaneously render to at least eight separate render targets. All of these render targets must access the same type of resource: Buffer, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, or TextureCube. All render targets must have the same size in all dimensions (width and height, and depth for 3D or array size for *Array types). If render targets use multisample anti-aliasing, all bound render targets and depth buffer must be the same form of multisample resource (that is, the sample counts must be the same). Each render target can have a different data format. These render target formats are not required to have identical bit-per-element counts.
Any combination of the eight slots for render targets can have a render target set or not set.
The same resource view cannot be bound to multiple render target slots simultaneously. However, you can set multiple non-overlapping resource views of a single resource as simultaneous multiple render targets.
The maximum number of active render targets a device can have active at any given time is set by a #define in D3D11.h called D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT. It is invalid to try to set the same subresource to multiple render target slots. Any render targets not defined by this call are set to
If any subresources are also currently bound for reading in a different stage or writing (perhaps in a different part of the pipeline), those bind points will be set to
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
If the render-target views were created from an array resource type, then all of the render-target views must have the same array size. This restriction also applies to the depth-stencil view, its array size must match that of the render-target views being bound.
The pixel shader must be able to simultaneously render to at least eight separate render targets. All of these render targets must access the same type of resource: Buffer, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, or TextureCube. All render targets must have the same size in all dimensions (width and height, and depth for 3D or array size for *Array types). If render targets use multisample anti-aliasing, all bound render targets and depth buffer must be the same form of multisample resource (that is, the sample counts must be the same). Each render target can have a different data format. These render target formats are not required to have identical bit-per-element counts.
Any combination of the eight slots for render targets can have a render target set or not set.
The same resource view cannot be bound to multiple render target slots simultaneously. However, you can set multiple non-overlapping resource views of a single resource as simultaneous multiple render targets.
Binds resources to the output-merger stage.
Number of render-target views (ppRenderTargetViews) and depth-stencil view (ppDepthStencilView) to bind. If you set NumViews to D3D11_KEEP_RENDER_TARGETS_AND_DEPTH_STENCIL (0xffffffff), this method does not modify the currently bound render-target views (RTVs) and also does not modify depth-stencil view (DSV).
Pointer to an array of
Pointer to a
Index into a zero-based array to begin setting unordered-access views (ranges from 0 to
For the Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, this value can range from 0 to D3D11_1_UAV_SLOT_COUNT - 1. D3D11_1_UAV_SLOT_COUNT is defined as 64.
For pixel shaders, UAVStartSlot should be equal to the number of render-target views being bound.
Number of unordered-access views (UAVs) in ppUnorderedAccessView. If you set NumUAVs to D3D11_KEEP_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEWS (0xffffffff), this method does not modify the currently bound unordered-access views.
For the Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, this value can range from 0 to D3D11_1_UAV_SLOT_COUNT - UAVStartSlot.
Pointer to an array of
An array of append and consume buffer offsets. A value of -1 indicates to keep the current offset. Any other values set the hidden counter for that appendable and consumable UAV. pUAVInitialCounts is relevant only for UAVs that were created with either
For pixel shaders, the render targets and unordered-access views share the same resource slots when being written out. This means that UAVs must be given an offset so that they are placed in the slots after the render target views that are being bound.
Note??RTVs, DSV, and UAVs cannot be set independently; they all need to be set at the same time.
Two RTVs conflict if they share a subresource (and therefore share the same resource).
Two UAVs conflict if they share a subresource (and therefore share the same resource).
An RTV conflicts with a UAV if they share a subresource or share a bind point.
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews operates properly in the following situations:
The following conditions must be true for OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews to succeed and for the runtime to pass the bind information to the driver:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews performs the following tasks:
In this situation, OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews binds only UAVs.
The following conditions must be true for OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews to succeed and for the runtime to pass the bind information to the driver:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews unbinds the following items:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews binds ppUnorderedAccessView.
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews ignores ppDepthStencilView, and the current depth-stencil view remains bound.
In this situation, OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews binds only RTVs and DSV.
The following conditions must be true for OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews to succeed and for the runtime to pass the bind information to the driver:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews unbinds the following items:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews binds ppRenderTargetViews and ppDepthStencilView.
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews ignores UAVStartSlot.
Binds resources to the output-merger stage.
Number of render-target views (ppRenderTargetViews) and depth-stencil view (ppDepthStencilView) to bind. If you set NumViews to D3D11_KEEP_RENDER_TARGETS_AND_DEPTH_STENCIL (0xffffffff), this method does not modify the currently bound render-target views (RTVs) and also does not modify depth-stencil view (DSV).
Pointer to an array of
Pointer to a
Index into a zero-based array to begin setting unordered-access views (ranges from 0 to
For the Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, this value can range from 0 to D3D11_1_UAV_SLOT_COUNT - 1. D3D11_1_UAV_SLOT_COUNT is defined as 64.
For pixel shaders, UAVStartSlot should be equal to the number of render-target views being bound.
Number of unordered-access views (UAVs) in ppUnorderedAccessView. If you set NumUAVs to D3D11_KEEP_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEWS (0xffffffff), this method does not modify the currently bound unordered-access views.
For the Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, this value can range from 0 to D3D11_1_UAV_SLOT_COUNT - UAVStartSlot.
Pointer to an array of
An array of append and consume buffer offsets. A value of -1 indicates to keep the current offset. Any other values set the hidden counter for that appendable and consumable UAV. pUAVInitialCounts is relevant only for UAVs that were created with either
For pixel shaders, the render targets and unordered-access views share the same resource slots when being written out. This means that UAVs must be given an offset so that they are placed in the slots after the render target views that are being bound.
Note??RTVs, DSV, and UAVs cannot be set independently; they all need to be set at the same time.
Two RTVs conflict if they share a subresource (and therefore share the same resource).
Two UAVs conflict if they share a subresource (and therefore share the same resource).
An RTV conflicts with a UAV if they share a subresource or share a bind point.
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews operates properly in the following situations:
The following conditions must be true for OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews to succeed and for the runtime to pass the bind information to the driver:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews performs the following tasks:
In this situation, OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews binds only UAVs.
The following conditions must be true for OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews to succeed and for the runtime to pass the bind information to the driver:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews unbinds the following items:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews binds ppUnorderedAccessView.
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews ignores ppDepthStencilView, and the current depth-stencil view remains bound.
In this situation, OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews binds only RTVs and DSV.
The following conditions must be true for OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews to succeed and for the runtime to pass the bind information to the driver:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews unbinds the following items:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews binds ppRenderTargetViews and ppDepthStencilView.
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews ignores UAVStartSlot.
Bind one or more render targets atomically and the depth-stencil buffer to the output-merger stage.
Number of render targets to bind (ranges between 0 and D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT).
Pointer to an array of render targets (see
Pointer to a depth-stencil view (see
The maximum number of active render targets a device can have active at any given time is set by a #define in D3D11.h called D3D11_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT. It is invalid to try to set the same subresource to multiple render target slots. Any render targets not defined by this call are set to
If any subresources are also currently bound for reading in a different stage or writing (perhaps in a different part of the pipeline), those bind points will be set to
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
If the render-target views were created from an array resource type, then all of the render-target views must have the same array size. This restriction also applies to the depth-stencil view, its array size must match that of the render-target views being bound.
The pixel shader must be able to simultaneously render to at least eight separate render targets. All of these render targets must access the same type of resource: Buffer, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, or TextureCube. All render targets must have the same size in all dimensions (width and height, and depth for 3D or array size for *Array types). If render targets use multisample anti-aliasing, all bound render targets and depth buffer must be the same form of multisample resource (that is, the sample counts must be the same). Each render target can have a different data format. These render target formats are not required to have identical bit-per-element counts.
Any combination of the eight slots for render targets can have a render target set or not set.
The same resource view cannot be bound to multiple render target slots simultaneously. However, you can set multiple non-overlapping resource views of a single resource as simultaneous multiple render targets.
Binds resources to the output-merger stage.
Number of render-target views (ppRenderTargetViews) and depth-stencil view (ppDepthStencilView) to bind. If you set NumViews to D3D11_KEEP_RENDER_TARGETS_AND_DEPTH_STENCIL (0xffffffff), this method does not modify the currently bound render-target views (RTVs) and also does not modify depth-stencil view (DSV).
Pointer to an array of
Pointer to a
Index into a zero-based array to begin setting unordered-access views (ranges from 0 to
For the Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, this value can range from 0 to D3D11_1_UAV_SLOT_COUNT - 1. D3D11_1_UAV_SLOT_COUNT is defined as 64.
For pixel shaders, UAVStartSlot should be equal to the number of render-target views being bound.
Number of unordered-access views (UAVs) in ppUnorderedAccessView. If you set NumUAVs to D3D11_KEEP_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEWS (0xffffffff), this method does not modify the currently bound unordered-access views.
For the Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, this value can range from 0 to D3D11_1_UAV_SLOT_COUNT - UAVStartSlot.
Pointer to an array of
An array of append and consume buffer offsets. A value of -1 indicates to keep the current offset. Any other values set the hidden counter for that appendable and consumable UAV. pUAVInitialCounts is relevant only for UAVs that were created with either
For pixel shaders, the render targets and unordered-access views share the same resource slots when being written out. This means that UAVs must be given an offset so that they are placed in the slots after the render target views that are being bound.
Note??RTVs, DSV, and UAVs cannot be set independently; they all need to be set at the same time.
Two RTVs conflict if they share a subresource (and therefore share the same resource).
Two UAVs conflict if they share a subresource (and therefore share the same resource).
An RTV conflicts with a UAV if they share a subresource or share a bind point.
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews operates properly in the following situations:
The following conditions must be true for OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews to succeed and for the runtime to pass the bind information to the driver:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews performs the following tasks:
In this situation, OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews binds only UAVs.
The following conditions must be true for OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews to succeed and for the runtime to pass the bind information to the driver:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews unbinds the following items:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews binds ppUnorderedAccessView.
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews ignores ppDepthStencilView, and the current depth-stencil view remains bound.
In this situation, OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews binds only RTVs and DSV.
The following conditions must be true for OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews to succeed and for the runtime to pass the bind information to the driver:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews unbinds the following items:
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews binds ppRenderTargetViews and ppDepthStencilView.
OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews ignores UAVStartSlot.
Set the blend state of the output-merger stage.
Pointer to a blend-state interface (see
Array of blend factors, one for each RGBA component. This requires a blend state object that specifies the
32-bit sample coverage. The default value is 0xffffffff. See remarks.
Blend state is used by the output-merger stage to determine how to blend together two pixel values. The two values are commonly the current pixel value and the pixel value already in the output render target. Use the blend operation to control where the two pixel values come from and how they are mathematically combined.
To create a blend-state interface, call
Passing in
State | Default Value |
AlphaToCoverageEnable | |
BlendEnable | |
SrcBlend | |
DstBlend | |
BlendOp | |
SrcBlendAlpha | |
DstBlendAlpha | |
BlendOpAlpha | |
RenderTargetWriteMask[8] |
A sample mask determines which samples get updated in all the active render targets. The mapping of bits in a sample mask to samples in a multisample render target is the responsibility of an individual application. A sample mask is always applied; it is independent of whether multisampling is enabled, and does not depend on whether an application uses multisample render targets.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Sets the depth-stencil state of the output-merger stage.
Pointer to a depth-stencil state interface (see
Reference value to perform against when doing a depth-stencil test. See remarks.
To create a depth-stencil state interface, call
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Get references to the resources bound to the output-merger stage.
Number of render targets to retrieve.
Pointer to an array of
Pointer to a
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get references to the resources bound to the output-merger stage.
The number of render-target views to retrieve.
Pointer to an array of
Pointer to a
Index into a zero-based array to begin retrieving unordered-access views (ranges from 0 to
Number of unordered-access views to return in ppUnorderedAccessViews. This number ranges from 0 to
Pointer to an array of
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the blend state of the output-merger stage.
Address of a reference to a blend-state interface (see
Array of blend factors, one for each RGBA component.
Pointer to a sample mask.
The reference count of the returned interface will be incremented by one when the blend state is retrieved. Applications must release returned reference(s) when they are no longer needed, or else there will be a memory leak.
Gets the depth-stencil state of the output-merger stage.
Address of a reference to a depth-stencil state interface (see
Pointer to the stencil reference value used in the depth-stencil test.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
All scissor rects must be set atomically as one operation. Any scissor rects not defined by the call are disabled.
The scissor rectangles will only be used if ScissorEnable is set to true in the rasterizer state (see
Which scissor rectangle to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader (see shader semantic syntax). If a geometry shader does not make use of the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic then Direct3D will use the first scissor rectangle in the array.
Each scissor rectangle in the array corresponds to a viewport in an array of viewports (see
All scissor rects must be set atomically as one operation. Any scissor rects not defined by the call are disabled.
The scissor rectangles will only be used if ScissorEnable is set to true in the rasterizer state (see
Which scissor rectangle to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader (see shader semantic syntax). If a geometry shader does not make use of the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic then Direct3D will use the first scissor rectangle in the array.
Each scissor rectangle in the array corresponds to a viewport in an array of viewports (see
All viewports must be set atomically as one operation. Any viewports not defined by the call are disabled.
Which viewport to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader; if a geometry shader does not specify the semantic, Direct3D will use the first viewport in the array.
All viewports must be set atomically as one operation. Any viewports not defined by the call are disabled.
Which viewport to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader; if a geometry shader does not specify the semantic, Direct3D will use the first viewport in the array.
All viewports must be set atomically as one operation. Any viewports not defined by the call are disabled.
Which viewport to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader; if a geometry shader does not specify the semantic, Direct3D will use the first viewport in the array.
Set the rasterizer state for the rasterizer stage of the pipeline.
To create a rasterizer state interface, call
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Bind an array of viewports to the rasterizer stage of the pipeline.
Number of viewports to bind.
An array of
All viewports must be set atomically as one operation. Any viewports not defined by the call are disabled.
Which viewport to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader; if a geometry shader does not specify the semantic, Direct3D will use the first viewport in the array.
Bind an array of scissor rectangles to the rasterizer stage.
Number of scissor rectangles to bind.
An array of scissor rectangles (see D3D11_RECT).
All scissor rects must be set atomically as one operation. Any scissor rects not defined by the call are disabled.
The scissor rectangles will only be used if ScissorEnable is set to true in the rasterizer state (see
Which scissor rectangle to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader (see shader semantic syntax). If a geometry shader does not make use of the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic then Direct3D will use the first scissor rectangle in the array.
Each scissor rectangle in the array corresponds to a viewport in an array of viewports (see
Get the rasterizer state from the rasterizer stage of the pipeline.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the array of viewports bound to the rasterizer stage
The input specifies the number of viewports (ranges from 0 to D3D11_VIEWPORT_AND_SCISSORRECT_OBJECT_COUNT_PER_PIPELINE) in pViewports, the output contains the actual number of viewports returned. If pViewports is
An array of
Get the array of scissor rectangles bound to the rasterizer stage.
The number of scissor rectangles (ranges between 0 and D3D11_VIEWPORT_AND_SCISSORRECT_OBJECT_COUNT_PER_PIPELINE) bound; set pRects to
An array of scissor rectangles (see D3D11_RECT). If NumRects is greater than the number of scissor rects currently bound, then unused members of the array will contain 0.
Get or sets the rasterizer state from the rasterizer stage of the pipeline.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
A domain-shader interface manages an executable program (a domain shader) that controls the domain-shader stage.
The domain-shader interface has no methods; use HLSL to implement your shader functionality. All shaders are implemented from a common set of features referred to as the common-shader core..
To create a domain-shader interface, call
This interface is defined in D3D11.h.
Encapsulates forward and inverse FFTs.
Sets the scale used for forward transforms.
The scale to use for forward transforms. Setting ForwardScale to 0 causes the default values of 1 to be used.
Returns one of the return codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
SetForwardScale sets the scale used by
Gets the scale for forward transforms.
Scale for forward transforms.
Sets the scale used for inverse transforms.
Scale used for inverse transforms. Setting InverseScale to 0 causes the default value of 1/N to be used, where N is the product of the transformed dimension lengths.
Returns one of the return codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
SetInverseScale sets the scale used by
Get the scale for inverse transforms.
Scale for inverse transforms.
Attaches buffers to an FFT context and performs any required precomputations.
Number of buffers in ppTempBuffers.
Temporary buffers to attach.
Number of buffers in ppPrecomputeBuffers.
Buffers to hold precomputed data.
Returns one of the return codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The buffers must be no smaller than the corresponding buffer sizes returned by
Attaches buffers to an FFT context and performs any required precomputations.
Number of buffers in ppTempBuffers.
Temporary buffers to attach.
Number of buffers in ppPrecomputeBuffers.
Buffers to hold precomputed data.
Returns one of the return codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The buffers must be no smaller than the corresponding buffer sizes returned by
Performs a forward FFT.
Pointer to
Pointer to a
Returns one of the return codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
ForwardTransform can be called after buffers have been attached to the context using
The format of complex data is interleaved components (for example, (Real0, Imag0), (Real1, Imag1) ... , and so on). Data is stored in row major order.
Performs an inverse FFT.
Pointer to
Pointer to a
Returns one of the return codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Gets or sets the scale for forward transforms.
Get or sets the scale for inverse transforms.
Optional flags that control the behavior of
Identifies how to bind a resource to the pipeline.
In general, binding flags can be combined using a logical OR (except the constant-buffer flag); however, you should use a single flag to allow the device to optimize the resource usage.
This enumeration is used by a:
A shader-resource buffer is NOT a constant buffer; rather, it is a texture or buffer resource that is bound to a shader, that contains texture or buffer data (it is not limited to a single element type in the buffer). A shader-resource buffer is created with the
Bind a buffer as a vertex buffer to the input-assembler stage.
Bind a buffer as an index buffer to the input-assembler stage.
Bind a buffer as a constant buffer to a shader stage; this flag may NOT be combined with any other bind flag.
Bind a buffer or texture to a shader stage; this flag cannot be used with the
Bind an output buffer for the stream-output stage.
Bind a texture as a render target for the output-merger stage.
Bind a texture as a depth-stencil target for the output-merger stage.
Bind an unordered access resource.
RGB or alpha blending operation.
The runtime implements RGB blending and alpha blending separately. Therefore, blend state requires separate blend operations for RGB data and alpha data. These blend operations are specified in a blend description. The two sources?Source 1, called SrcBlend and SrcBlendAlpha, and Source 2, called DestBlend and DestBlendAlpha?are shown in the blending block diagram.
Add source 1 and source 2.
Subtract source 1 from source 2.
Subtract source 2 from source 1.
Find the minimum of source 1 and source 2.
Find the maximum of source 1 and source 2.
Applies to: desktop apps | Metro style apps
Blend options. A blend option identifies the data source and an optional pre-blend operation.
Blend operations are specified in a blend description.
The data source is the color black (0, 0, 0, 0). No pre-blend operation.
The data source is the color white (1, 1, 1, 1). No pre-blend operation.
The data source is color data (RGB) from a pixel shader. No pre-blend operation.
The data source is color data (RGB) from a pixel shader. The pre-blend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - RGB.
The data source is alpha data (A) from a pixel shader. No pre-blend operation.
The data source is alpha data (A) from a pixel shader. The pre-blend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - A.
The data source is alpha data from a rendertarget. No pre-blend operation.
The data source is alpha data from a rendertarget. The pre-blend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - A.
The data source is color data from a rendertarget. No pre-blend operation.
The data source is color data from a rendertarget. The pre-blend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - RGB.
The data source is alpha data from a pixel shader. The pre-blend operation clamps the data to 1 or less.
The data source is the blend factor set with
The data source is the blend factor set with
The data sources are both color data output by a pixel shader. There is no pre-blend operation. This options supports dual-source color blending.
The data sources are both color data output by a pixel shader. The pre-blend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - RGB. This options supports dual-source color blending.
The data sources are alpha data output by a pixel shader. There is no pre-blend operation. This options supports dual-source color blending.
The data sources are alpha data output by a pixel shader. The pre-blend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - A. This options supports dual-source color blending.
These flags are used by functions which operate on one or more channels in a texture.
Indicates the red channel should be used.
Indicates the blue channel should be used.
Indicates the green channel should be used.
Indicates the alpha channel should be used.
Indicates the luminaces of the red, green, and blue channels should be used.
Identify which components of each pixel of a render target are writable during blending.
These flags can be combined with a bitwise OR.
Allow data to be stored in the red component.
Allow data to be stored in the green component.
Allow data to be stored in the blue component.
Allow data to be stored in the alpha component.
Allow data to be stored in all components.
Comparison options.
A comparison option determines whether how the runtime compares source (new) data against destination (existing) data before storing the new data. The comparison option is declared in a description before an object is created. The API allows you to set a comparison option for a depth-stencil buffer (see
Never pass the comparison.
If the source data is less than the destination data, the comparison passes.
If the source data is equal to the destination data, the comparison passes.
If the source data is less than or equal to the destination data, the comparison passes.
If the source data is greater than the destination data, the comparison passes.
If the source data is not equal to the destination data, the comparison passes.
If the source data is greater than or equal to the destination data, the comparison passes.
Always pass the comparison.
Unordered resource support options for a compute shader resource (see
Describes a counter.
This structure is used by
Type of counter (see
Data type of a performance counter.
These flags are an output parameter in
32-bit floating point.
16-bit unsigned integer.
32-bit unsigned integer.
64-bit unsigned integer.
Specifies the types of CPU access allowed for a resource.
This enumeration is used in
Applications may combine one or more of these flags with a logical OR. When possible, create resources with no CPU access flags, as this enables better resource optimiztion.
The resource is to be mappable so that the CPU can change its contents. Resources created with this flag cannot be set as outputs of the pipeline and must be created with either dynamic or staging usage (see
The resource is to be mappable so that the CPU can read its contents. Resources created with this flag cannot be set as either inputs or outputs to the pipeline and must be created with staging usage (see
Indicates triangles facing a particular direction are not drawn.
This enumeration is part of a rasterizer-state object description (see
Always draw all triangles.
Do not draw triangles that are front-facing.
Do not draw triangles that are back-facing.
Specifies the parts of the depth stencil to clear.
These flags are used when calling
Clear the depth buffer.
Clear the stencil buffer.
Specifies how to access a resource used in a depth-stencil view.
This enumeration is used in
The resource will be accessed as a 1D texture.
The resource will be accessed as an array of 1D textures.
The resource will be accessed as a 2D texture.
The resource will be accessed as an array of 2D textures.
The resource will be accessed as a 2D texture with multisampling.
The resource will be accessed as an array of 2D textures with multisampling.
Depth-stencil view options.
This enumeration is used by
Limiting a depth-stencil buffer to read-only access allows more than one depth-stencil view to be bound to the pipeline simultaneously, since it is not possible to have a read/write conflicts between separate views.
Indicates that depth values are read only.
Indicates that stencil values are read only.
Identify the portion of a depth-stencil buffer for writing depth data.
Turn off writes to the depth-stencil buffer.
Turn on writes to the depth-stencil buffer.
Device context options.
This enumeration is used by
The device context is an immediate context.
The device context is a deferred context.
Describes parameters that are used to create a device.
Device creation flags are used by
An application might dynamically create (and destroy) threads to improve performance especially on a machine with multiple CPU cores. There may be cases, however, when an application needs to prevent extra threads from being created. This can happen when you want to simplify debugging, profile code or develop a tool for instance. For these cases, use
You should use this flag if your application will only call methods of Direct3D?11 interfaces from a single thread. By default, the
Creates a device that supports the debug layer.
Note??This flag is not supported in Direct3D?11.
Prevents multiple threads from being created. When this flag is used with a Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform (WARP) device, no additional threads will be created by WARP and all rasterization will occur on the calling thread. This flag is not recommended for general use. See remarks.
Required for Direct2D interoperability with Direct3D resources.
FFT creation flags.
Do not AddRef or Release temp and precompute buffers, caller is responsible for holding references to these buffers.
FFT data types.
Real numbers.
Complex numbers.
Number of dimensions for FFT data.
One dimension.
Two dimensions.
Three dimensions.
Direct3D 11 feature options.
This enumeration is used when querying a driver about support for these features by calling
The following table shows the structures associated with each enumerant.
Enumerant | Associated Structure |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
The driver supports multithreading. To see an example of testing a driver for multithread support, see How To: Check for Driver Support.
Supports the use of the double-precision shaders in HLSL.
Supports the formats in
Supports the formats in
Supports compute shaders and raw and structured buffers.
Determines the fill mode to use when rendering triangles.
This enumeration is part of a rasterizer-state object description (see
Draw lines connecting the vertices. Adjacent vertices are not drawn.
Fill the triangles formed by the vertices. Adjacent vertices are not drawn.
Types of magnification or minification sampler filters.
Point filtering used as a texture magnification or minification filter. The texel with coordinates nearest to the desired pixel value is used. The texture filter to be used between mipmap levels is nearest-point mipmap filtering. The rasterizer uses the color from the texel of the nearest mipmap texture.
Bilinear interpolation filtering used as a texture magnification or minification filter. A weighted average of a 2 x 2 area of texels surrounding the desired pixel is used. The texture filter to use between mipmap levels is trilinear mipmap interpolation. The rasterizer linearly interpolates pixel color, using the texels of the two nearest mipmap textures.
Texture filtering flags.
D3DX11 automatically performs gamma correction (to convert color data from RGB space to standard RGB space) when loading texture data. This is automatically done for instance when RGB data is loaded from a .png file into an sRGB texture. Use the SRGB filter flags to indicate if the data does not need to be converted into sRGB space.
No scaling or filtering will take place. Pixels outside the bounds of the source image are assumed to be transparent black.
Each destination pixel is computed by sampling the nearest pixel from the source image.
Each destination pixel is computed by sampling the four nearest pixels from the source image. This filter works best when the scale on both axes is less than two.
Every pixel in the source image contributes equally to the destination image. This is the slowest of the filters.
Each pixel is computed by averaging a 2x2(x2) box of pixels from the source image. This filter works only when the dimensions of the destination are half those of the source, as is the case with mipmaps.
Pixels off the edge of the texture on the u-axis should be mirrored, not wrapped.
Pixels off the edge of the texture on the v-axis should be mirrored, not wrapped.
Pixels off the edge of the texture on the w-axis should be mirrored, not wrapped.
Specifying this flag is the same as specifying the
The resulting image must be dithered using a 4x4 ordered dither algorithm. This happens when converting from one format to another.
Do diffuse dithering on the image when changing from one format to another.
Input data is in standard RGB (sRGB) color space. See remarks.
Output data is in standard RGB (sRGB) color space. See remarks.
Same as specifying
Types of magnification or minification sampler filters.
Point filtering used as a texture magnification or minification filter. The texel with coordinates nearest to the desired pixel value is used. The texture filter to be used between mipmap levels is nearest-point mipmap filtering. The rasterizer uses the color from the texel of the nearest mipmap texture.
Bilinear interpolation filtering used as a texture magnification or minification filter. A weighted average of a 2 x 2 area of texels surrounding the desired pixel is used. The texture filter to use between mipmap levels is trilinear mipmap interpolation. The rasterizer linearly interpolates pixel color, using the texels of the two nearest mipmap textures.
Which resources are supported for a given format and given device (see
Image file formats supported by D3DX11Createxxx and D3DX11Savexxx functions.
See Types of Bitmaps (GDI+) for more information on some of these formats.
Windows bitmap (BMP) file format. Contains a header that describes the resolution of the device on which the rectangle of pixels was created, the dimensions of the rectangle, the size of the array of bits, a logical palette, and an array of bits that defines the relationship between pixels in the bitmapped image and entries in the logical palette. The file extension for this format is .bmp.
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) compressed file format. Specifies variable compression of 24-bit RGB color and 8-bit gray-scale Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) image document files. The file extension for this format is .jpg.
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file format. A non-proprietary bitmap format using lossless compression. The file extension for this format is .png.
DirectDraw surface (DDS) file format. Stores textures, volume textures, and cubic environment maps, with or without mipmap levels, and with or without pixel compression. The file extension for this format is .dds.
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). The file extensions for this format are .tif and .tiff.
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF). The file extension for this format is .gif.
Windows Media Photo format (WMP). This format is also known as HD Photo and JPEG XR. The file extensions for this format are .hdp, .jxr, and .wdp.
To work properly,
Type of data contained in an input slot.
Use these values to specify the type of data for a particular input element (see
Input data is per-vertex data.
Input data is per-instance data.
Specifies how the CPU should respond when an application calls the
This enumeration is used by
Identifies a resource to be accessed for reading and writing by the CPU. Applications may combine one or more of these flags.
This enumeration is used in
These remarks are divided into the following topics:
For example, consider the buffer illustrated in the following diagram. If a Draw call has been issued that uses vertices 4-6, then an application that calls Map on this buffer must ensure that it does not write to the vertices that the Draw call will access during rendering.
However, ensuring this can be difficult, because the GPU is often many frames behind the CPU in terms of which frame it is currently processing. Keeping track of which sections of a resource are being used because of calls made 2 to 5 frames ago is difficult and error-prone. Because of this, it is recommended that applications only write to the uninitialized portions of a resource when using
A common use of these two flags involves filling dynamic index/vertex buffers with geometry that can be seen from the camera's current position. The first time that data is entered into the buffer on a given frame, Map is called with
Subsequent writes to the buffer within the same frame should use
Resource is mapped for reading. The resource must have been created with read access (see
Resource is mapped for writing. The resource must have been created with write access (see
Resource is mapped for reading and writing. The resource must have been created with read and write access (see
Resource is mapped for writing; the previous contents of the resource will be undefined. The resource must have been created with write access and dynamic usage (See
Resource is mapped for writing; the existing contents of the resource cannot be overwritten (see Remarks). This flag is only valid on vertex and index buffers. The resource must have been created with write access (see
Categories of debug messages. This will identify the category of a message when retrieving a message with
This is part of the Information Queue feature. See
Debug message severity levels for an information queue.
Use these values to allow or deny message categories to pass through the storage and retrieval filters for an information queue (see
Defines some type of corruption which has occurred.
Defines an error message.
Defines a warning message.
Defines an information message.
Normal map options. Any number of these flags may be OR'd together in any combination.
These flags are used by
Indicates that pixels off the edge of the texture on the U-axis should be mirrored, not wraped.
Indicates that pixels off the edge of the texture on the V-axis should be mirrored, not wraped.
Same as
Inverts the direction of each normal.
Computes the per pixel occlusion term and encodes it into the alpha. An Alpha of 1 means that the pixel is not obscured in any way, and an alpha of 0 would mean that the pixel is completly obscured.
Flags that describe miscellaneous query behavior.
This flag is part of a query description (see
Tell the hardware that if it is not yet sure if something is hidden or not to draw it anyway. This is only used with an occlusion predicate. Predication data cannot be returned to your application via
Query types.
Create a query with
Determines whether or not the GPU is finished processing commands. When the GPU is finished processing commands
Get the number of samples that passed the depth and stencil tests in between
Get a timestamp value where
Determines whether or not a
Get pipeline statistics, such as the number of pixel shader invocations in between
Similar to
Get streaming output statistics, such as the number of primitives streamed out in between
Determines whether or not any of the streaming output buffers overflowed in between
Get streaming output statistics for stream 0, such as the number of primitives streamed out in between
Determines whether or not the stream 0 output buffers overflowed in between
Get streaming output statistics for stream 1, such as the number of primitives streamed out in between
Determines whether or not the stream 1 output buffers overflowed in between
Get streaming output statistics for stream 2, such as the number of primitives streamed out in between
Determines whether or not the stream 2 output buffers overflowed in between
Get streaming output statistics for stream 3, such as the number of primitives streamed out in between
Determines whether or not the stream 3 output buffers overflowed in between
These flags identify the type of resource that will be viewed as a render target.
This enumeration is used in
Do not use this value, as it will cause
The resource will be accessed as a buffer.
The resource will be accessed as a 1D texture.
The resource will be accessed as an array of 1D textures.
The resource will be accessed as a 2D texture.
The resource will be accessed as an array of 2D textures.
The resource will be accessed as a 2D texture with multisampling.
The resource will be accessed as an array of 2D textures with multisampling.
The resource will be accessed as a 3D texture.
Options for the amount of information to report about a device object's lifetime.
This enumeration is used by
Several inline functions exist to combine the options using operators, see the D3D11SDKLayers.h header file for details.
Specifies to obtain a summary about a device object's lifetime.
Specifies to obtain detailed information about a device object's lifetime.
Identifies the type of resource being used.
This enumeration is used in
Resource is of unknown type.
Resource is a buffer.
Resource is a 1D texture.
Resource is a 2D texture.
Resource is a 3D texture.
Identifies options for resources.
This enumeration is used in
These flags can be combined by bitwise OR.
Enables MIP map generation by using
Enables resource data sharing between two or more Direct3D devices. The only resources that can be shared are 2D non-mipmapped textures.
WARP and REF devices do not support shared resources. If you try to create a resource with this flag on either a WARP or REF device, the create method will return an E_OUTOFMEMORY error code.
Sets a resource to be a cube texture created from a Texture2DArray that contains 6 textures.
Enables instancing of GPU-generated content.
Enables a resource as a byte address buffer.
Enables a resource as a structured buffer.
Enables a resource with MIP map clamping for use with
Enables the resource to be synchronized by using the
If you call any of these methods with the
WARP and REF devices do not support shared resources. If you try to create a resource with this flag on either a WARP or REF device, the create method will return an E_OUTOFMEMORY error code.
Enables a resource compatible with GDI. You must set the
Consider the following programming tips for using
You must set the texture format to one of the following types.
Identifies expected resource use during rendering. The usage directly reflects whether a resource is accessible by the CPU and/or the graphics processing unit (GPU).
An application identifies the way a resource is intended to be used (its usage) in a resource description. There are several structures for creating resources including:
Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10/11: In Direct3D 9, you specify the type of memory a resource should be created in at resource creation time (using In Direct3D 10/11, an application no longer specifies what type of memory (the pool) to create a resource in. Instead, you specify the intended usage of the resource, and let the runtime (in concert with the driver and a memory manager) choose the type of memory that will achieve the best performance. |
Resource Usage RestrictionsEach usage dictates a tradeoff between accessibility for the CPU and accessibility for the GPU. In general, higher-performance access for one of these two processors means lower-performance access for the other. At either extreme are the
Use the following table to choose the usage that best describes how the resource will need to be accessed by the CPU and/or the GPU. Of course, there will be performance tradeoffs.
Resource Usage | Default | Dynamic | Immutable | Staging |
GPU-Read | yes | yes | yes | yes1 |
GPU-Write | yes | yes1 | ||
CPU-Read | yes1 | |||
CPU-Write | yes | yes1 |
1 - GPU read or write of a resource with the
Note??You can technically use
To maximize performance, not all resource usage options can be used as input or output resources to the pipeline. This table identifies these limitations.
Resource Can Be Bound As | Default | Dynamic | Immutable | Staging |
Input to a Stage | yes2 | yes3 | yes | |
Output from a Stage | yes2 |
A resource that requires read and write access by the GPU. This is likely to be the most common usage choice.
A resource that can only be read by the GPU. It cannot be written by the GPU, and cannot be accessed at all by the CPU. This type of resource must be initialized when it is created, since it cannot be changed after creation.
A resource that is accessible by both the GPU (read only) and the CPU (write only). A dynamic resource is a good choice for a resource that will be updated by the CPU at least once per frame. To update a dynamic resource, use a Map method.
A resource that supports data transfer (copy) from the GPU to the CPU.
Type for scan data.
FLOAT data.
INT data.
UINT data.
Direction to perform scan in.
Scan forward.
Scan backward.
Scan opcodes.
Add values.
Take the minimum value.
Take the maximum value.
Multiply the values.
Perform a logical AND on the values.
Perform a logical OR on the values.
Perform a logical XOR on the values.
Identifies how to bind a raw-buffer resource to the pipeline.
This enumeration is used by
Bind a raw buffer to the input-assembler stage.
Specifies a multi-sample pattern type.
Pre-defined multi-sample patterns required for DX11 and DX10.1 hardware.
Pattern where all of the samples are located at the pixel center.
The stencil operations that can be performed during depth-stencil testing.
Keep the existing stencil data.
Set the stencil data to 0.
Set the stencil data to the reference value set by calling
Increment the stencil value by 1, and clamp the result.
Decrement the stencil value by 1, and clamp the result.
Invert the stencil data.
Increment the stencil value by 1, and wrap the result if necessary.
Increment the stencil value by 1, and wrap the result if necessary.
Identify a technique for resolving texture coordinates that are outside of the boundaries of a texture.
Tile the texture at every (u,v) integer junction. For example, for u values between 0 and 3, the texture is repeated three times.
Flip the texture at every (u,v) integer junction. For u values between 0 and 1, for example, the texture is addressed normally; between 1 and 2, the texture is flipped (mirrored); between 2 and 3, the texture is normal again; and so on.
Texture coordinates outside the range [0.0, 1.0] are set to the texture color at 0.0 or 1.0, respectively.
Texture coordinates outside the range [0.0, 1.0] are set to the border color specified in
Similar to
The different faces of a cube texture.
Positive X face.
Negative X face.
Positive Y face.
Negative Y face.
Positive Z face.
Negative Z face.
Unordered-access-view buffer options.
Resource contains raw, unstructured data. Requires the UAV format to be
Allow data to be appended to the end of the buffer.
Adds a counter to the unordered-access-view buffer.
Unordered-access view options.
This enumeration is used by a unordered access-view description (see
The view type is unknown.
View the resource as a buffer.
View the resource as a 1D texture.
View the resource as a 1D texture array.
View the resource as a 2D texture.
View the resource as a 2D texture array.
View the resource as a 3D texture array.
Creates a device that represents the display adapter.
A reference to the video adapter to use when creating a device. Pass
Note??Do not mix the use of DXGI 1.0 (
A handle to a DLL that implements a software rasterizer. If DriverType is
The runtime layers to enable (see
A reference to an array of
{ , , , , , ,};
The number of elements in pFeatureLevels.
The SDK version; use
Returns the address of a reference to an
If successful, returns the first
Returns the address of a reference to an
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
This entry-point is supported by the Direct3D 11 runtime, which is available on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and as an update to Windows Vista (KB971644).
Set ppDevice and ppImmediateContext to
For an example, see How To: Create a Device and Immediate Context; to create a device and a swap chain at the same time, use
If you set the pAdapter parameter to a non-
Differences between Direct3D 10 and Direct3D 11: In Direct3D 10, the presence of pAdapter dictated which adapter to use and the DriverType could mismatch what the adapter was. In Direct3D 11, if you are trying to create a hardware or a software device, set pAdapter !=
On the other hand, if pAdapter ==
Creates a device that represents the display adapter and a swap chain used for rendering.
A reference to the video adapter to use when creating a device. Pass
Note??Do not mix the use of DXGI 1.0 (
A handle to a DLL that implements a software rasterizer. If DriverType is
The runtime layers to enable (see
A reference to an array of
{ , , , , , ,};
The number of elements in pFeatureLevels.
The SDK version; use
A reference to a swap chain description (see
Returns the address of a reference to the
Returns the address of a reference to an
Returns a reference to a
Returns the address of a reference to an
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
This entry-point is supported by the Direct3D 11 runtime, which is available on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and as an update to Windows Vista (KB971644).
Also, see the remarks section in
If you set the pAdapter parameter to a non-
Creates an
Pointer to the
Length of the first dimension of the FFT.
Length of the second dimension of the FFT.
Flag affecting the behavior of the FFT, can be 0 or a combination of flags from
Pointer to a
Pointer to an
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Creates an
Pointer to the
Length of the first dimension of the FFT.
Flag affecting the behavior of the FFT, can be 0 or a combination of flags from
Pointer to a
Pointer to an
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Creates an
Pointer to the
Pointer to a
Flag affecting the behavior of the FFT, can be 0 or a combination of flags from
Pointer to a
Pointer to an
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Creates an
Pointer to the
Length of the first dimension of the FFT.
Length of the second dimension of the FFT.
Flag affecting the behavior of the FFT, can be 0 or a combination of flags from
Pointer to a
Pointer to an
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Creates a scan context.
Maximum single scan size, in elements (FLOAT, UINT, or INT)
Maximum number of scans in multiscan.
Pointer to a
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Creates an
Pointer to the
Length of the first dimension of the FFT.
Length of the second dimension of the FFT.
Length of the third dimension of the FFT.
Flag affecting the behavior of the FFT, can be 0 or a combination of flags from
Pointer to a
Pointer to an
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Creates an
Pointer to the
Length of the first dimension of the FFT.
Flag affecting the behavior of the FFT, can be 0 or a combination of flags from
Pointer to a
Pointer to an
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Creates a segmented scan context.
Pointer to an
Maximum single scan size, in elements (FLOAT, UINT, or INT).
Pointer to a
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Creates an
Pointer to the
Length of the first dimension of the FFT.
Length of the second dimension of the FFT.
Length of the third dimension of the FFT.
Flag affecting the behavior of the FFT, can be 0 or a combination of flags from
Pointer to a
Pointer to an
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Create a shader-resource view from a file in memory.
A reference to the device (see
Pointer to the file in memory that contains the shader-resource view.
Size of the file in memory.
Optional. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see
A reference to a thread pump interface (see
Address of a reference to the newly created shader resource view. See
A reference to the return value. May be
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Projects a function represented in a cube map into spherical harmonics.
A reference to an
Order of the SH evaluation, generates Order^2 coefficients whose degree is Order-1. Valid range is between 2 and 6.
A reference to an
Output SH vector for red.
Output SH vector for green.
Output SH vector for blue.
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Create a texture from another resource.
A reference to the device (see
A handle to the source resource. HMODULE can be obtained with GetModuleHandle Function.
A string that contains the name of the source resource. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR.
Optional. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see
A reference to a thread pump interface (see
The address of a reference to the texture resource (see
A reference to the return value. May be
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Save a texture to memory.
A reference to an
Pointer to the texture to be saved. See
The format the texture will be saved as. See
Address of a reference to the memory containing the saved texture.
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Converts a height map into a normal map. The (x,y,z) components of each normal are mapped to the (r,g,b) channels of the output texture.
Pointer to an
Pointer to an
One or more
Constant value multiplier that increases (or decreases) the values in the normal map. Higher values usually make bumps more visible, lower values usually make bumps less visible.
Pointer to an
If the function succeeds, the return value is
This method computes the normal by using the central difference with a kernel size of 3x3. RGB channels in the destination contain biased (x,y,z) components of the normal. The central differencing denominator is hardcoded to 2.0.
Retrieves information about a given image in a resource.
Module where the resource is loaded. Set this parameter to
Pointer to a string that specifies the filename. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR. See Remarks.
Optional thread pump that can be used to load the info asynchronously. Can be
Pointer to a
A reference to the return value. May be
If the function succeeds, the return value is
The compiler setting also determines the function version. If Unicode is defined, the function call resolves to
Create a shader-resource view from a file.
A reference to the device (see
Name of the file that contains the shader-resource view. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR.
Optional. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see
Pointer to a thread-pump interface (see
Address of a reference to the shader-resource view (see
A reference to the return value. May be
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Create a texture resource from a file.
A reference to the device (see
The name of the file containing the resource. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR.
Optional. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see
A reference to a thread pump interface (see
The address of a reference to the texture resource (see
A reference to the return value. May be
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Generates mipmap chain using a particular texture filter.
A reference to an
The texture object to be filtered. See
The mipmap level whose data is used to generate the rest of the mipmap chain.
Flags controlling how each miplevel is filtered (or D3DX11_DEFAULT for
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Retrieves information about a given image file.
File name of image to retrieve information about. If UNICODE or _UNICODE are defined, this parameter type is LPCWSTR, otherwise, the type is LPCSTR.
Optional thread pump that can be used to load the info asynchronously. Can be
Pointer to a
A reference to the return value. May be
If the function succeeds, the return value is
This function supports both Unicode and ANSI strings.
Create a shader-resource view from a resource.
A reference to the device (see
Handle to the resource module containing the shader-resource view. HMODULE can be obtained with GetModuleHandle Function.
Name of the shader resource view in hSrcModule. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR.
Optional. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see
A reference to a thread pump interface (see
Address of a reference to the shader-resource view (see
A reference to the return value. May be
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Load a texture from a texture.
A reference to an
Pointer to the source texture. See
Pointer to texture loading parameters. See
Pointer to the destination texture. See
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Get information about an image already loaded into memory.
Pointer to the image in memory.
Size of the image in memory, in bytes.
Optional thread pump that can be used to load the info asynchronously. Can be
Information about the image in memory.
A reference to the return value. May be
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Create a texture resource from a file residing in system memory.
A reference to the device (see
Pointer to the resource in system memory.
Size of the resource in system memory.
Optional. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see
A reference to a thread pump interface (see
Address of a reference to the created resource. See
A reference to the return value. May be
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Save a texture to a file.
A reference to an
Pointer to the texture to be saved. See
The format the texture will be saved as (see
Name of the destination output file where the texture will be saved. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR.
The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 11 Return Codes; use the return value to see if the DestFormat is supported.
There is no explicit creation method, simply declare an
Gets the initialization flags associated with the deferred context that created the command list.
The context flag is reserved for future use and is always 0.
The GetContextFlags method gets the flags that were supplied to the ContextFlags parameter of
Gets the initialization flags associated with the deferred context that created the command list.
The GetContextFlags method gets the flags that were supplied to the ContextFlags parameter of
Bind an array of shader resources to the domain-shader stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting shader resources to (ranges from 0 to
Number of shader resources to set. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources(ranges from 0 to
Array of shader resource view interfaces to set to the device.
If an overlapping resource view is already bound to an output slot, such as a render target, then the method will fill the destination shader resource slot with
For information about creating shader-resource views, see
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Set a domain shader to the device.
Pointer to a domain shader (see
A reference to an array of class-instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance interfaces in the array.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The maximum number of instances a shader can have is 256.
Set a domain shader to the device.
Pointer to a domain shader (see
A reference to an array of class-instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance interfaces in the array.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The maximum number of instances a shader can have is 256.
Set an array of sampler states to the domain-shader stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting samplers to (ranges from 0 to
Number of samplers in the array. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to
Pointer to an array of sampler-state interfaces (see
Any sampler may be set to
//Default sampler state:
SamplerDesc.Filter = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressU = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressV = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressW = ;
SamplerDesc.MipLODBias = 0;
SamplerDesc.MaxAnisotropy = 1;
SamplerDesc.ComparisonFunc = ;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[0] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[1] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[2] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[3] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.MinLOD = -FLT_MAX;
SamplerDesc.MaxLOD = FLT_MAX;
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Sets the constant buffers used by the domain-shader stage.
Index into the zero-based array to begin setting constant buffers to (ranges from 0 to
Number of buffers to set (ranges from 0 to
Array of constant buffers (see
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, can bind a larger number of
If the application wants the shader to access other parts of the buffer, it must call the DSSetConstantBuffers1 method instead.
Get the domain-shader resources.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin getting shader resources from (ranges from 0 to
The number of resources to get from the device. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources (ranges from 0 to
Array of shader resource view interfaces to be returned by the device.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the domain shader currently set on the device.
Address of a reference to a domain shader (see
Pointer to an array of class instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance elements in the array.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get an array of sampler state interfaces from the domain-shader stage.
Index into a zero-based array to begin getting samplers from (ranges from 0 to
Number of samplers to get from a device context. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to
Pointer to an array of sampler-state interfaces (see
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the constant buffers used by the domain-shader stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin retrieving constant buffers from (ranges from 0 to
Number of buffers to retrieve (ranges from 0 to
Array of constant buffer interface references (see
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
A geometry-shader interface manages an executable program (a geometry shader) that controls the geometry-shader stage.
The geometry-shader interface has no methods; use HLSL to implement your shader functionality. All shaders are implemented from a common set of features referred to as the common-shader core..
To create a geometry shader interface, call either
This interface is defined in D3D11.h.
Sets the constant buffers used by the geometry shader pipeline stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting constant buffers to (ranges from 0 to
Number of buffers to set (ranges from 0 to
Array of constant buffers (see
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
You can't use the
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, can bind a larger number of
If the application wants the shader to access other parts of the buffer, it must call the GSSetConstantBuffers1 method instead.
Set a geometry shader to the device.
Pointer to a geometry shader (see
A reference to an array of class-instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance interfaces in the array.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The maximum number of instances a shader can have is 256.
Set a geometry shader to the device.
Pointer to a geometry shader (see
A reference to an array of class-instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance interfaces in the array.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The maximum number of instances a shader can have is 256.
Bind an array of shader resources to the geometry shader stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting shader resources to (ranges from 0 to
Number of shader resources to set. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources(ranges from 0 to
Array of shader resource view interfaces to set to the device.
If an overlapping resource view is already bound to an output slot, such as a render target, then the method will fill the destination shader resource slot with
For information about creating shader-resource views, see
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Set an array of sampler states to the geometry shader pipeline stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting samplers to (ranges from 0 to
Number of samplers in the array. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to
Pointer to an array of sampler-state interfaces (see
Any sampler may be set to
//Default sampler state:
SamplerDesc.Filter = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressU = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressV = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressW = ;
SamplerDesc.MipLODBias = 0;
SamplerDesc.MaxAnisotropy = 1;
SamplerDesc.ComparisonFunc = ;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[0] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[1] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[2] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[3] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.MinLOD = -FLT_MAX;
SamplerDesc.MaxLOD = FLT_MAX;
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Get the constant buffers used by the geometry shader pipeline stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin retrieving constant buffers from (ranges from 0 to
Number of buffers to retrieve (ranges from 0 to
Array of constant buffer interface references (see
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the geometry shader currently set on the device.
Address of a reference to a geometry shader (see
Pointer to an array of class instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance elements in the array.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the geometry shader resources.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin getting shader resources from (ranges from 0 to
The number of resources to get from the device. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources (ranges from 0 to
Array of shader resource view interfaces to be returned by the device.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get an array of sampler state interfaces from the geometry shader pipeline stage.
Index into a zero-based array to begin getting samplers from (ranges from 0 to
Number of samplers to get from a device context. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to
Pointer to an array of sampler-state interfaces (see
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
A hull-shader interface manages an executable program (a hull shader) that controls the hull-shader stage.
The hull-shader interface has no methods; use HLSL to implement your shader functionality. All shaders are implemented from a common set of features referred to as the common-shader core..
To create a hull-shader interface, call
This interface is defined in D3D11.h.
Bind an array of shader resources to the hull-shader stage.
If an overlapping resource view is already bound to an output slot, such as a render target, then the method will fill the destination shader resource slot with
For information about creating shader-resource views, see
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Set a hull shader to the device.
Pointer to a hull shader (see
A reference to an array of class-instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance interfaces in the array.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The maximum number of instances a shader can have is 256.
Set a hull shader to the device.
Pointer to a hull shader (see
A reference to an array of class-instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance interfaces in the array.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The maximum number of instances a shader can have is 256.
Set an array of sampler states to the hull-shader stage.
Any sampler may be set to
//Default sampler state:
SamplerDesc.Filter = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressU = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressV = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressW = ;
SamplerDesc.MipLODBias = 0;
SamplerDesc.MaxAnisotropy = 1;
SamplerDesc.ComparisonFunc = ;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[0] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[1] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[2] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[3] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.MinLOD = -FLT_MAX;
SamplerDesc.MaxLOD = FLT_MAX;
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Set the constant buffers used by the hull-shader stage.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, can bind a larger number of
If the application wants the shader to access other parts of the buffer, it must call the HSSetConstantBuffers1 method instead.
Get the hull-shader resources.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin getting shader resources from (ranges from 0 to
The number of resources to get from the device. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources (ranges from 0 to
Array of shader resource view interfaces to be returned by the device.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the hull shader currently set on the device.
Address of a reference to a hull shader (see
Pointer to an array of class instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance elements in the array.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get an array of sampler state interfaces from the hull-shader stage.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the constant buffers used by the hull-shader stage.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
An information-queue interface stores, retrieves, and filters debug messages. The queue consists of a message queue, an optional storage filter stack, and a optional retrieval filter stack.
To get this interface, turn on debug layer and use IUnknown::QueryInterface from the
Set the maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue.
Maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue. -1 means no limit.
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
When the number of messages in the message queue has reached the maximum limit, new messages coming in will push old messages out.
Clear all messages from the message queue.
Get a message from the message queue.
Index into message queue after an optional retrieval filter has been applied. This can be between 0 and the number of messages in the message queue that pass through the retrieval filter (which can be obtained with
Returned message (see
Size of pMessage in bytes, including the size of the message string that the pMessage points to.
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
This method does not remove any messages from the message queue.
This method gets messages from the message queue after an optional retrieval filter has been applied.
Applications should call this method twice to retrieve a message - first to obtain the size of the message and second to get the message. Here is a typical example:
// Get the size of the message
messageLength = 0;
hr = pInfoQueue->GetMessage(0, null , &messageLength); // Allocate space and get the message
* pMessage = ( *)malloc(messageLength);
hr = pInfoQueue->GetMessage(0, pMessage, &messageLength);
For an overview see Information Queue Overview.
Get the number of messages that were allowed to pass through a storage filter.
Number of messages allowed by a storage filter.
Get the number of messages that were denied passage through a storage filter.
Number of messages denied by a storage filter.
Get the number of messages currently stored in the message queue.
Number of messages currently stored in the message queue.
Get the number of messages that are able to pass through a retrieval filter.
Number of messages allowed by a retrieval filter.
Get the number of messages that were discarded due to the message count limit.
Number of messages discarded.
Get and set the message count limit with
Get the maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue.
Maximum number of messages that can be added to the queue. -1 means no limit.
When the number of messages in the message queue has reached the maximum limit, new messages coming in will push old messages out.
Add storage filters to the top of the storage-filter stack.
Array of storage filters (see
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Get the storage filter at the top of the storage-filter stack.
Storage filter at the top of the storage-filter stack.
Size of the storage filter in bytes. If pFilter is
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Remove a storage filter from the top of the storage-filter stack.
Push an empty storage filter onto the storage-filter stack.
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
An empty storage filter allows all messages to pass through.
Push a copy of storage filter currently on the top of the storage-filter stack onto the storage-filter stack.
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Push a storage filter onto the storage-filter stack.
Pointer to a storage filter (see
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Pop a storage filter from the top of the storage-filter stack.
Get the size of the storage-filter stack in bytes.
Size of the storage-filter stack in bytes.
Add storage filters to the top of the retrieval-filter stack.
Array of retrieval filters (see
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
The following code example shows how to use
cats[] = { ..., ..., ... };
sevs[] = { ..., ..., ... };
UINT ids[] = { ..., ..., ... }; filter;
memset( &filter, 0, sizeof(filter) ); // To set the type of messages to allow,
// set filter.AllowList as follows:
filter.AllowList.NumCategories = sizeof(cats / sizeof( ));
filter.AllowList.pCategoryList = cats;
filter.AllowList.NumSeverities = sizeof(sevs / sizeof( ));
filter.AllowList.pSeverityList = sevs;
filter.AllowList.NumIDs = sizeof(ids) / sizeof(UINT);
filter.AllowList.pIDList = ids; // To set the type of messages to deny, set filter.DenyList
// similarly to the preceding filter.AllowList. // The following single call sets all of the preceding information.
hr = infoQueue->AddRetrievalFilterEntries( &filter );
Get the retrieval filter at the top of the retrieval-filter stack.
Retrieval filter at the top of the retrieval-filter stack.
Size of the retrieval filter in bytes. If pFilter is
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Remove a retrieval filter from the top of the retrieval-filter stack.
Push an empty retrieval filter onto the retrieval-filter stack.
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
An empty retrieval filter allows all messages to pass through.
Push a copy of retrieval filter currently on the top of the retrieval-filter stack onto the retrieval-filter stack.
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Push a retrieval filter onto the retrieval-filter stack.
Pointer to a retrieval filter (see
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Pop a retrieval filter from the top of the retrieval-filter stack.
Get the size of the retrieval-filter stack in bytes.
Size of the retrieval-filter stack in bytes.
Add a debug message to the message queue and send that message to debug output.
Category of a message (see
Severity of a message (see
Unique identifier of a message (see
User-defined message.
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
This method is used by the runtime's internal mechanisms to add debug messages to the message queue and send them to debug output. For applications to add their own custom messages to the message queue and send them to debug output, call
Add a user-defined message to the message queue and send that message to debug output.
Severity of a message (see
Message string.
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Set a message category to break on when a message with that category passes through the storage filter.
Message category to break on (see
Turns this breaking condition on or off (true for on, false for off).
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Set a message severity level to break on when a message with that severity level passes through the storage filter.
Turns this breaking condition on or off (true for on, false for off).
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Set a message identifier to break on when a message with that identifier passes through the storage filter.
Message identifier to break on (see
Turns this breaking condition on or off (true for on, false for off).
This method returns one of the following Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Get a message category to break on when a message with that category passes through the storage filter.
Message category to break on (see
Whether this breaking condition is turned on or off (true for on, false for off).
Get a message severity level to break on when a message with that severity level passes through the storage filter.
Message severity level to break on (see
Whether this breaking condition is turned on or off (true for on, false for off).
Get a message identifier to break on when a message with that identifier passes through the storage filter.
Message identifier to break on (see
Whether this breaking condition is turned on or off (true for on, false for off).
Set a boolean that turns the debug output on or off.
Disable/Enable the debug output (TRUE to disable or mute the output,
This will stop messages that pass the storage filter from being printed out in the debug output, however those messages will still be added to the message queue.
Get a boolean that turns the debug output on or off.
Whether the debug output is on or off (true for on, false for off).
Get or sets the maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue.
When the number of messages in the message queue has reached the maximum limit, new messages coming in will push old messages out.
Get the number of messages that were allowed to pass through a storage filter.
Get the number of messages that were denied passage through a storage filter.
Get the number of messages currently stored in the message queue.
Get the number of messages that are able to pass through a retrieval filter.
Get the number of messages that were discarded due to the message count limit.
Get and set the message count limit with
Get the size of the storage-filter stack in bytes.
Get the size of the retrieval-filter stack in bytes.
Get or sets a boolean that turns the debug output on or off.
An input-layout interface holds a definition of how to feed vertex data that is laid out in memory into the input-assembler stage of the graphics pipeline.
To create an input-layout object, call
A pixel-shader interface manages an executable program (a pixel shader) that controls the pixel-shader stage.
The pixel-shader interface has no methods; use HLSL to implement your shader functionality. All shaders in are implemented from a common set of features referred to as the common-shader core..
To create a pixel shader interface, call
This interface is defined in D3D11.h.
Bind an array of shader resources to the pixel shader stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting shader resources to (ranges from 0 to
Number of shader resources to set. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources (ranges from 0 to
Array of shader resource view interfaces to set to the device.
If an overlapping resource view is already bound to an output slot, such as a rendertarget, then this API will fill the destination shader resource slot with
For information about creating shader-resource views, see
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Sets a pixel shader to the device.
Pointer to a pixel shader (see
A reference to an array of class-instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance interfaces in the array.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The maximum number of instances a shader can have is 256.
Set ppClassInstances to
Sets a pixel shader to the device.
Pointer to a pixel shader (see
A reference to an array of class-instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance interfaces in the array.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The maximum number of instances a shader can have is 256.
Set ppClassInstances to
Set an array of sampler states to the pixel shader pipeline stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting samplers to (ranges from 0 to
Number of samplers in the array. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to
Pointer to an array of sampler-state interfaces (see
Any sampler may be set to
State | Default Value |
Filter | |
AddressU | |
AddressV | |
AddressW | |
MipLODBias | 0 |
MaxAnisotropy | 1 |
ComparisonFunc | |
BorderColor[0] | 1.0f |
BorderColor[1] | 1.0f |
BorderColor[2] | 1.0f |
BorderColor[3] | 1.0f |
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Sets the constant buffers used by the pixel shader pipeline stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting constant buffers to (ranges from 0 to
Number of buffers to set (ranges from 0 to
Array of constant buffers (see
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available on Windows Developer Preview and later operating systems, can bind a larger number of
If the application wants the shader to access other parts of the buffer, it must call the PSSetConstantBuffers1 method instead.
Get the pixel shader resources.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin getting shader resources from (ranges from 0 to
The number of resources to get from the device. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources (ranges from 0 to
Array of shader resource view interfaces to be returned by the device.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the pixel shader currently set on the device.
Address of a reference to a pixel shader (see
Pointer to an array of class instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance elements in the array.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get an array of sampler states from the pixel shader pipeline stage.
Index into a zero-based array to begin getting samplers from (ranges from 0 to
Number of samplers to get from a device context. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to
Arry of sampler-state interface references (see
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the constant buffers used by the pixel shader pipeline stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin retrieving constant buffers from (ranges from 0 to
Number of buffers to retrieve (ranges from 0 to
Array of constant buffer interface references (see
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
A predicate interface determines whether geometry should be processed depending on the results of a previous draw call.
To create a predicate object, call
There are two types of predicates: stream-output-overflow predicates and occlusion predicates. Stream-output-overflow predicates cause any geometry residing in stream-output buffers that were overflowed to not be processed. Occlusion predicates cause any geometry that did not have a single sample pass the depth/stencil tests to not be processed.
A query interface queries information from the GPU.
A query can be created with
Query data is typically gathered by issuing an
There are, however, some queries that do not require calls to Begin. For a list of possible queries see
A query is typically executed as shown in the following code:
... // Fill out queryDesc structure
* pQuery;
pDevice->CreateQuery(&queryDesc, &pQuery);
pDeviceContext->Begin(pQuery); ... // Issue graphics commands pDeviceContext->End(pQuery);
UINT64 queryData; // This data type is different depending on the query type while( != pDeviceContext->GetData(pQuery, &queryData, sizeof(UINT64), 0) )
When using a query that does not require a call to Begin, it still requires a call to End. The call to End causes the data returned by GetData to be accurate up until the last call to End.
Get a query description.
Pointer to a query description (see
Get a query description.
The rasterizer-state interface holds a description for rasterizer state that you can bind to the rasterizer stage.
To create a rasterizer-state object, call
Gets the description for rasterizer state that you used to create the rasterizer-state object.
A reference to a
You use the description for rasterizer state in a call to the
Create a rasterizer state object that tells the rasterizer stage how to behave.
4096 unique rasterizer state objects can be created on a device at a time.
If an application attempts to create a rasterizer-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique rasterizer state objects will stay the same.
Create a rasterizer state object that tells the rasterizer stage how to behave.
4096 unique rasterizer state objects can be created on a device at a time.
If an application attempts to create a rasterizer-state interface with the same state as an existing interface, the same interface will be returned and the total number of unique rasterizer state objects will stay the same.
Gets the description for rasterizer state that you used to create the rasterizer-state object.
You use the description for rasterizer state in a call to the
A render-target-view interface identifies the render-target subresources that can be accessed during rendering.
To create a render-target view, call
A rendertarget is a resource that can be written by the output-merger stage at the end of a render pass. Each render-target should also have a corresponding depth-stencil view.
Get the properties of a render target view.
Pointer to the description of a render target view (see
Get the properties of a render target view.
The sampler-state interface holds a description for sampler state that you can bind to any shader stage of the pipeline for reference by texture sample operations.
To create a sampler-state object, call
To bind a sampler-state object to any pipeline shader stage, call the following methods:
You can bind the same sampler-state object to multiple shader stages simultaneously.
Gets the description for sampler state that you used to create the sampler-state object.
A reference to a
You use the description for sampler state in a call to the
Gets the description for sampler state that you used to create the sampler-state object.
You use the description for sampler state in a call to the
Sets which direction to perform scans in.
SetScanDirection sets the direction
Sets which direction to perform scans in.
Direction to perform scans in. See
Returns one of the return codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
SetScanDirection sets the direction
Performs an unsegmented scan of a sequence.
The type of element in the sequence. See
The binary operation to perform. See
Size of scan in elements.
Input sequence on the device. Set pSrc and pDst to the same value for in-place scans.
Output sequence on the device.
Returns one of the return codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
You must point the parameters pSrc and pDst to typed buffers (and not to raw or structured buffers). For information about buffer types, see Types of Resources. The format of these typed buffers must be
Performs a multiscan of a sequence.
The type of element in the sequence. See
The binary operation to perform. See
Size of scan in elements.
Pitch of the next scan in elements.
Number of scans in the multiscan.
Input sequence on the device. Set pSrc and pDst to the same value for in-place scans.
Output sequence on the device.
Returns one of the return codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
You must point the parameters pSrc and pDst to typed buffers (and not to raw or structured buffers). For information about buffer types, see Types of Resources. The format of these typed buffers must be
Segmented scan context.
Sets which direction to perform scans in.
Direction to perform scans in. See
Returns one of the return codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
SetScanDirection sets the direction
Performs a segmented scan of a sequence.
The type of element in the sequence. See
The binary operation to perform. See
Size of scan in elements.
Input sequence on the device. Set pSrc and pDst to the same value for in-place scans.
Compact array of bits with one bit per element of pSrc. A set value indicates the start of a new segment.
Output sequence on the device.
Returns one of the return codes described in the topic Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
You must point the parameters pSrc and pDst to typed buffers (and not to raw or structured buffers). For information about buffer types, see Types of Resources. The format of these typed buffers must be
The format of the resource view to which the pSrcElementFlags parameter points must be
A shader-resource-view interface specifies the subresources a shader can access during rendering. Examples of shader resources include a constant buffer, a texture buffer, a texture or a sampler.
To create a shader-resource view, call
A shader-resource view is required when binding a resource to a shader stage; the binding occurs by calling
Get the shader resource view's description.
A reference to a
Get the shader resource view's description.
A 1D texture interface accesses texel data, which is structured memory.
To create an empty 1D texture, call
Textures cannot be bound directly to the pipeline; instead, a view must be created and bound. Using a view, texture data can be interpreted at run time within certain restrictions. To use the texture as a render target or depth-stencil resource, call
Get the properties of the texture resource.
Pointer to a resource description (see
Get the properties of the texture resource.
A 2D texture interface manages texel data, which is structured memory.
To create an empty Texture2D resource, call
Textures cannot be bound directly to the pipeline; instead, a view must be created and bound. Using a view, texture data can be interpreted at run time within certain restrictions. To use the texture as a render target or depth-stencil resource, call
Get the properties of the texture resource.
Pointer to a resource description (see
Get the properties of the texture resource.
A 3D texture interface accesses texel data, which is structured memory.
To create an empty Texture3D resource, call
Textures cannot be bound directly to the pipeline; instead, a view must be created and bound. Using a view, texture data can be interpreted at run time within certain restrictions. To use the texture as a render target or depth-stencil resource, call
Get the properties of the texture resource.
Pointer to a resource description (see
Get the properties of the texture resource.
A view interface specifies the parts of a resource the pipeline can access during rendering.
To create a view for an unordered access resource, call
All resources must be bound to the pipeline before they can be accessed. Call
Get a description of the resource.
Pointer to a resource description (see
Get a description of the resource.
A vertex-shader interface manages an executable program (a vertex shader) that controls the vertex-shader stage.
The vertex-shader interface has no methods; use HLSL to implement your shader functionality. All shaders are implemented from a common set of features referred to as the common-shader core..
To create a vertex shader interface, call
This interface is defined in D3D11.h.
Sets the constant buffers used by the vertex shader pipeline stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting constant buffers to (ranges from 0 to
Number of buffers to set (ranges from 0 to
Array of constant buffers (see
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The Direct3D 11.1 runtime, which is available starting with Windows Developer Preview, can bind a larger number of
If the application wants the shader to access other parts of the buffer, it must call the VSSetConstantBuffers1 method instead.
Set a vertex shader to the device.
Pointer to a vertex shader (see
A reference to an array of class-instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance interfaces in the array.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The maximum number of instances a shader can have is 256.
Set a vertex shader to the device.
Pointer to a vertex shader (see
A reference to an array of class-instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance interfaces in the array.
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
The maximum number of instances a shader can have is 256.
Bind an array of shader resources to the vertex-shader stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting shader resources to (range is from 0 to
Number of shader resources to set. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources (range is from 0 to
Array of shader resource view interfaces to set to the device.
If an overlapping resource view is already bound to an output slot, such as a rendertarget, then this API will fill the destination shader resource slot with
For information about creating shader-resource views, see
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Set an array of sampler states to the vertex shader pipeline stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting samplers to (ranges from 0 to
Number of samplers in the array. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to
Pointer to an array of sampler-state interfaces (see
Any sampler may be set to
//Default sampler state:
SamplerDesc.Filter = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressU = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressV = ;
SamplerDesc.AddressW = ;
SamplerDesc.MipLODBias = 0;
SamplerDesc.MaxAnisotropy = 1;
SamplerDesc.ComparisonFunc = ;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[0] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[1] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[2] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[3] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.MinLOD = -FLT_MAX;
SamplerDesc.MaxLOD = FLT_MAX;
The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10.
Get the constant buffers used by the vertex shader pipeline stage.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin retrieving constant buffers from (ranges from 0 to
Number of buffers to retrieve (ranges from 0 to
Array of constant buffer interface references (see
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the vertex shader currently set on the device.
Address of a reference to a vertex shader (see
Pointer to an array of class instance interfaces (see
The number of class-instance elements in the array.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get the vertex shader resources.
Index into the device's zero-based array to begin getting shader resources from (ranges from 0 to
The number of resources to get from the device. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources (ranges from 0 to
Array of shader resource view interfaces to be returned by the device.
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Get an array of sampler states from the vertex shader pipeline stage.
Index into a zero-based array to begin getting samplers from (ranges from 0 to
Number of samplers to get from a device context. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to
Arry of sampler-state interface references (see
Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Describes an HLSL class instance.
The members of this structure except InstanceIndex are valid (non default values) if they describe a class instance aquired using
The instance ID of an HLSL class; the default value is 0.
The instance index of an HLSL class; the default value is 0.
The type ID of an HLSL class; the default value is 0.
Describes the constant buffer associated with an HLSL class; the default value is 0.
The base constant buffer offset associated with an HLSL class; the default value is 0.
The base texture associated with an HLSL class; the default value is 127.
The base sampler associated with an HLSL class; the default value is 15.
True if the class was created; the default value is false.
Information about the video card's performance counter capabilities.
This structure is returned by
Largest device-dependent counter ID that the device supports. If none are supported, this value will be 0. Otherwise it will be greater than or equal to
Number of counters that can be simultaneously supported.
Number of detectable parallel units that the counter is able to discern. Values are 1 ~ 4. Use NumDetectableParallelUnits to interpret the values of the VERTEX_PROCESSING, GEOMETRY_PROCESSING, PIXEL_PROCESSING, and OTHER_GPU_PROCESSING counters.
Describes a counter.
This structure is used by
Type of counter (see
Stencil operations that can be performed based on the results of stencil test.
All stencil operations are specified as a
This structure is a member of a depth-stencil description.
The stencil operation to perform when stencil testing fails.
The stencil operation to perform when stencil testing passes and depth testing fails.
The stencil operation to perform when stencil testing and depth testing both pass.
A function that compares stencil data against existing stencil data. The function options are listed in
Specifies the subresources of a texture that are accessible from a depth-stencil view.
These are valid formats for a depth-stencil view:
A depth-stencil view cannot use a typeless format. If the format chosen is
A depth-stencil-view description is needed when calling
Resource data format (see
Type of resource (see
A value that describes whether the texture is read only. Pass 0 to specify that it is not read only; otherwise, pass one of the members of the
Specifies a 1D texture subresource (see
Specifies an array of 1D texture subresources (see
Specifies a 2D texture subresource (see
Specifies an array of 2D texture subresources (see
Specifies a multisampled 2D texture (see
Specifies an array of multisampled 2D textures (see
Specifies the subresource from a 2D texture that is accessible to a depth-stencil view.
This structure is one member of a depth-stencil-view description (see
The index of the first mipmap level to use.
Specifies the subresources from an array of 1D textures to use in a depth-stencil view.
This structure is one member of a depth-stencil-view description (see
The index of the first mipmap level to use.
The index of the first texture to use in an array of textures.
Number of textures to use.
Specifies the subresource from a 1D texture that is accessible to a depth-stencil view.
This structure is one member of a depth-stencil-view description (see
The index of the first mipmap level to use.
Specifies the subresources from an array 2D textures that are accessible to a depth-stencil view.
This structure is one member of a depth-stencil-view description (see
The index of the first mipmap level to use.
The index of the first texture to use in an array of textures.
Number of textures to use.
Specifies the subresource from a multisampled 2D texture that is accessible to a depth-stencil view.
Because a multisampled 2D texture contains a single subtexture, there is nothing to specify; this unused member is included so that this structure will compile in C.
Specifies the subresources from an array of multisampled 2D textures for a depth-stencil view.
This structure is one member of a depth-stencil-view description (see
The index of the first texture to use in an array of textures.
Number of textures to use.
Buffer requirements for an FFT.
Number of temporary buffers needed. Allowed range is 0 to D3DX11_FFT_MAX_TEMP_BUFFERS.
Number of precompute buffers required. Allowed range is 0 to D3DX11_FFT_MAX_PRECOMPUTE_BUFFERS.
Minimum sizes (in FLOATs) of temporary buffers.
Minimum sizes (in FLOATs) for precompute buffers.
Describes an FFT.
Number of dimension in the FFT.
Combination of
Length of each dimension in the FFT.
Describes compute shader and raw and structured buffer support in the current graphics driver.
Direct3D 11 devices (
TRUE if compute shaders and raw and structured buffers are supported; otherwise
Describes double data type support in the current graphics driver.
If the runtime sets DoublePrecisionFloatShaderOps to TRUE, the hardware and driver support the following Shader Model 5 instructions:
Note??If DoublePrecisionFloatShaderOps is TRUE, the hardware and driver do not necessarily support double-precision division.
Specifies whether double types are allowed. If TRUE, double types are allowed; otherwise
Describes which resources are supported by the current graphics driver for a given format.
Combination of
Describes which unordered resource options are supported by the current graphics driver for a given format.
Combination of
Describes the multi-threading features that are supported by the current graphics driver.
Use the
TRUE means resources can be created concurrently on multiple threads while drawing;
TRUE means command lists are supported by the current driver;
Optionally provide information to texture loader APIs to control how textures get loaded. A value of D3DX11_DEFAULT for any of these parameters will cause D3DX to automatically pick use the value from the source file.
This structure is used by methods such as:
The target width of the texture. If the actual width of the texture is larger or smaller than this value then the texture will be scaled up or down to fit this target width.
The target height of the texture. If the actual height of the texture is larger or smaller than this value then the texture will be scaled up or down to fit this target height.
The depth of the texture. This only applies to volume textures.
The number of elements in the array.
The maximum number of mipmap levels in the texture. See the remarks in
Miscellaneous resource properties specified with a
Optionally provide information to texture loader APIs to control how textures get loaded. A value of D3DX11_DEFAULT for any of these parameters will cause D3DX to automatically pick use the value from the source file.
When initializing the structure, you may set any member to D3DX11_DEFAULT and D3DX will initialize it with a default value from the source texture when the texture is loaded.
This structure can be used by APIs that:
The default values are:
Width = D3DX11_DEFAULT; Height = D3DX11_DEFAULT; Depth = D3DX11_DEFAULT; FirstMipLevel = D3DX11_DEFAULT; MipLevels = D3DX11_DEFAULT; Usage = ( ) D3DX11_DEFAULT; BindFlags = D3DX11_DEFAULT; CpuAccessFlags = D3DX11_DEFAULT; MiscFlags = D3DX11_DEFAULT; Format = DXGI_FORMAT_FROM_FILE; Filter = D3DX11_DEFAULT; MipFilter = D3DX11_DEFAULT; pSrcInfo = null ;
Here is a brief example that uses this structure to supply the pixel format when loading a texture. For the complete code, see HDRFormats10.cpp in HDRToneMappingCS11 Sample.
* pCubeRV = null ;
LoadInfo; DXUTFindDXSDKMediaFileCch( strPath, MAX_PATH, L"Light Probes\\" ); LoadInfo.Format = ; hr = ( pd3dDevice, strPath, &LoadInfo, null , &pCubeRV, null );
The target width of the texture. If the actual width of the texture is larger or smaller than this value then the texture will be scaled up or down to fit this target width.
The target height of the texture. If the actual height of the texture is larger or smaller than this value then the texture will be scaled up or down to fit this target height.
The depth of the texture. This only applies to volume textures.
The highest resolution mipmap level of the texture. If this is greater than 0, then after the texture is loaded FirstMipLevel will be mapped to mipmap level 0.
The maximum number of mipmap levels in the texture. See the remarks in
The way the texture resource is intended to be used. See
The pipeline stages that the texture will be allowed to bind to. See
The access permissions the cpu will have for the texture resource. See
Miscellaneous resource properties (see
Filter the texture using the specified filter (only when resampling). See
Filter the texture mip levels using the specified filter (only if generating mipmaps). Valid values are
Information about the original image. See
Debug message filter; contains a lists of message types to allow or deny.
For use with an
Types of messages that you want to allow. See
Types of messages that you want to deny.
Allow or deny certain types of messages to pass through a filter.
Number of message categories to allow or deny.
Array of message categories to allow or deny. Array must have at least NumCategories members (see
Number of message severity levels to allow or deny.
Array of message severity levels to allow or deny. Array must have at least NumSeverities members (see
Number of message IDs to allow or deny.
Array of message IDs to allow or deny. Array must have at least NumIDs members (see
A description of a single element for the input-assembler stage.
An input-layout object contains an array of structures, each structure defines one element being read from an input slot. Create an input-layout object by calling
The HLSL semantic associated with this element in a shader input-signature.
The semantic index for the element. A semantic index modifies a semantic, with an integer index number. A semantic index is only needed in a case where there is more than one element with the same semantic. For example, a 4x4 matrix would have four components each with the semantic name
, however each of the four component would have different semantic indices (0, 1, 2, and 3).
The data type of the element data. See
An integer value that identifies the input-assembler (see input slot). Valid values are between 0 and 15, defined in D3D11.h.
Optional. Offset (in bytes) between each element. Use D3D11_APPEND_ALIGNED_ELEMENT for convenience to define the current element directly after the previous one, including any packing if necessary.
Identifies the input data class for a single input slot (see
The number of instances to draw using the same per-instance data before advancing in the buffer by one element. This value must be 0 for an element that contains per-vertex data (the slot class is set to
A debug message in the Information Queue.
This structure is returned from
The category of the message. See
The severity of the message. See
The ID of the message. See
The message string.
The length of pDescription in bytes.
Query information about graphics-pipeline activity in between calls to
Query information about the reliability of a timestamp query.
For a list of query types see
How frequently the GPU counter increments in Hz.
If this is TRUE, something occurred in between the query's
Describes a query.
Type of query (see
Miscellaneous flags (see
Describes the blend state for a render target.
For info about how blending is done, see the output-merger stage.
Here are the default values for blend state.
State | Default Value |
BlendEnable | |
SrcBlend | |
DestBlend | |
BlendOp | |
SrcBlendAlpha | |
DestBlendAlpha | |
BlendOpAlpha | |
RenderTargetWriteMask |
Enable (or disable) blending.
This blend option specifies the operation to perform on the RGB value that the pixel shader outputs. The BlendOp member defines how to combine the SrcBlend and DestBlend operations.
This blend option specifies the operation to perform on the current RGB value in the render target. The BlendOp member defines how to combine the SrcBlend and DestBlend operations.
This blend operation defines how to combine the SrcBlend and DestBlend operations.
This blend option specifies the operation to perform on the alpha value that the pixel shader outputs. Blend options that end in _COLOR are not allowed. The BlendOpAlpha member defines how to combine the SrcBlendAlpha and DestBlendAlpha operations.
This blend option specifies the operation to perform on the current alpha value in the render target. Blend options that end in _COLOR are not allowed. The BlendOpAlpha member defines how to combine the SrcBlendAlpha and DestBlendAlpha operations.
This blend operation defines how to combine the SrcBlendAlpha and DestBlendAlpha operations.
A write mask.
Specifies the subresources from a resource that are accessible using a render-target view.
A render-target-view description is passed into
A render-target-view cannot use the following formats:
If the format is set to
The data format (see
The resource type (see
Specifies which buffer elements can be accessed (see
Specifies the subresources in a 1D texture that can be accessed (see
Specifies the subresources in a 1D texture array that can be accessed (see
Specifies the subresources in a 2D texture that can be accessed (see
Specifies the subresources in a 2D texture array that can be accessed (see
Specifies a single subresource because a multisampled 2D texture only contains one subresource (see
Specifies the subresources in a multisampled 2D texture array that can be accessed (see
Specifies subresources in a 3D texture that can be accessed (see
Specifies the subresources from a an array of multisampled 2D textures to use in a render-target view.
This structure is one member of a render-target-view description (see
The index of the first texture to use in an array of textures.
Number of textures to use.
Specifies the subresource from a 1D texture to use in a render-target view.
This structure is one member of a render-target-view description (see
The index of the mipmap level to use mip slice.
Specifies the subresource from a multisampled 2D texture to use in a render-target view.
Since a multisampled 2D texture contains a single subresource, there is actually nothing to specify in
Integer of any value. See remarks.
Specifies the subresource from a 2D texture to use in a render-target view.
This structure is one member of a render-target-view description (see
The index of the mipmap level to use mip slice.
Specifies the subresources from an array of 1D textures to use in a render-target view.
This structure is one member of a render-target-view description (see
The index of the mipmap level to use mip slice.
The index of the first texture to use in an array of textures.
Number of textures to use.
Specifies the subresources from a 3D texture to use in a render-target view.
This structure is one member of a render target view. See
The index of the mipmap level to use mip slice.
First depth level to use.
Number of depth levels to use in the render-target view, starting from FirstWSlice. A value of -1 indicates all of the slices along the w axis, starting from FirstWSlice.
Specifies the subresources from an array of 2D textures to use in a render-target view.
This structure is one member of a render-target-view description (see
The index of the mipmap level to use mip slice.
The index of the first texture to use in an array of textures.
Number of textures in the array to use in the render target view, starting from FirstArraySlice.
Specifies the elements in a buffer resource to use in a render-target view.
A render-target view is a member of a render-target-view description (see
Number of bytes between the beginning of the buffer and the first element to access.
The offset of the first element in the view to access, relative to element 0.
The total number of elements in the view.
The width of each element (in bytes). This can be determined from the format stored in the render-target-view description.
Defines a 3D box.
The following diagram shows a 3D box, where the origin is the left, front, top corner.
The values for right, bottom, and back are each one pixel past the end of the pixels that are included in the box region. That is, the values for left, top, and front are included in the box region while the values for right, bottom, and back are excluded from the box region. For example, for a box that is one pixel wide, (right - left) == 1; the box region includes the left pixel but not the right pixel.
The x position of the left hand side of the box.
The y position of the top of the box.
The z position of the front of the box.
The x position of the right hand side of the box.
The y position of the bottom of the box.
The z position of the back of the box.
Describes a sampler state.
These are the default values for sampler state.
State | Default Value |
AddressU | Clamp |
AddressV | Clamp |
AddressW | Clamp |
MinLOD | -3.402823466e+38F (-FLT_MAX) |
MaxLOD | 3.402823466e+38F (FLT_MAX) |
MipMapLODBias | 0.0f |
MaxAnisotropy | 16 |
ComparisonFunc | Never |
BorderColor | float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f) |
Texture | N/A |
Filtering method to use when sampling a texture (see
Method to use for resolving a u texture coordinate that is outside the 0 to 1 range (see
Method to use for resolving a v texture coordinate that is outside the 0 to 1 range.
Method to use for resolving a w texture coordinate that is outside the 0 to 1 range.
Offset from the calculated mipmap level. For example, if Direct3D calculates that a texture should be sampled at mipmap level 3 and MipLODBias is 2, then the texture will be sampled at mipmap level 5.
Clamping value used if
A function that compares sampled data against existing sampled data. The function options are listed in
Border color to use if
Lower end of the mipmap range to clamp access to, where 0 is the largest and most detailed mipmap level and any level higher than that is less detailed.
Upper end of the mipmap range to clamp access to, where 0 is the largest and most detailed mipmap level and any level higher than that is less detailed. This value must be greater than or equal to MinLOD. To have no upper limit on LOD set this to a large value such as D3D11_FLOAT32_MAX.
Describes a shader-resource view.
A view is a format-specific way to look at the data in a resource. The view determines what data to look at, and how it is cast when read.
When viewing a resource, the resource-view description must specify a typed format, that is compatible with the resource format. So that means that you cannot create a resource-view description using any format with _TYPELESS in the name. You can however view a typeless resource by specifying a typed format for the view. For example, a
Create a shader-resource-view description by calling
The resource type of the view. See D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION. This should be the same as the resource type of the underlying resource. This parameter also determines which _SRV to use in the union below.
View the resource as a buffer using information from a shader-resource view (see
View the resource as a 1D texture using information from a shader-resource view (see
View the resource as a 1D-texture array using information from a shader-resource view (see
View the resource as a 2D-texture using information from a shader-resource view (see
View the resource as a 2D-texture array using information from a shader-resource view (see
View the resource as a 2D-multisampled texture using information from a shader-resource view (see
View the resource as a 2D-multisampled-texture array using information from a shader-resource view (see
View the resource as a 3D texture using information from a shader-resource view (see
View the resource as a 3D-cube texture using information from a shader-resource view (see
View the resource as a 3D-cube-texture array using information from a shader-resource view (see
View the resource as an extended buffer using information from a shader-resource view (see
Specifies the elements in a buffer resource to use in a shader-resource view.
Number of bytes between the beginning of the buffer and the first element to access.
The offset of the first element in the view to access, relative to element 0.
The total number of elements in the view.
The width of each element (in bytes). This can be determined from the format stored in the shader-resource-view description.
Specifies the subresource from a cube texture to use in a shader-resource view.
This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see
Index of the most detailed mipmap level to use; this number is between 0 and MipLevels (from the original TextureCube for which
The maximum number of mipmap levels for the view of the texture. See the remarks in
Set to -1 to indicate all the mipmap levels from MostDetailedMip on down to least detailed.
Specifies the subresources from a multisampled 2D texture to use in a shader-resource view.
Since a multisampled 2D texture contains a single subresource, there is actually nothing to specify in
Integer of any value. See remarks.
Specifies the subresources from an array of cube textures to use in a shader-resource view.
This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see
Index of the most detailed mipmap level to use; this number is between 0 and MipLevels (from the original TextureCube for which
The maximum number of mipmap levels for the view of the texture. See the remarks in
Set to -1 to indicate all the mipmap levels from MostDetailedMip on down to least detailed.
Index of the first 2D texture to use.
Number of cube textures in the array.
Specifies the subresources from a 3D texture to use in a shader-resource view.
This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see
Index of the most detailed mipmap level to use; this number is between 0 and MipLevels (from the original Texture3D for which
The maximum number of mipmap levels for the view of the texture. See the remarks in
Set to -1 to indicate all the mipmap levels from MostDetailedMip on down to least detailed.
Specifies the subresource from a 2D texture to use in a shader-resource view.
This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see
Index of the most detailed mipmap level to use; this number is between 0 and MipLevels (from the original Texture2D for which
The maximum number of mipmap levels for the view of the texture. See the remarks in
Set to -1 to indicate all the mipmap levels from MostDetailedMip on down to least detailed.
Specifies the subresources from an array of 1D textures to use in a shader-resource view.
This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see
Index of the most detailed mipmap level to use; this number is between 0 and MipLevels (from the original Texture1D for which
The maximum number of mipmap levels for the view of the texture. See the remarks in
Set to -1 to indicate all the mipmap levels from MostDetailedMip on down to least detailed.
The index of the first texture to use in an array of textures.
Number of textures in the array.
Specifies the subresource from a 1D texture to use in a shader-resource view.
This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see
As an example, assuming MostDetailedMip = 6 and MipLevels = 2, the view will have access to 2 mipmap levels, 6 and 7, of the original texture for which
Index of the most detailed mipmap level to use; this number is between 0 and MipLevels (from the original Texture1D for which
The maximum number of mipmap levels for the view of the texture. See the remarks.
Set to -1 to indicate all the mipmap levels from MostDetailedMip on down to least detailed.
Specifies the subresources from an array of 2D textures to use in a shader-resource view.
This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see
Index of the most detailed mipmap level to use; this number is between 0 and MipLevels (from the original Texture2D for which
The maximum number of mipmap levels for the view of the texture. See the remarks in
Set to -1 to indicate all the mipmap levels from MostDetailedMip on down to least detailed.
The index of the first texture to use in an array of textures.
Number of textures in the array.
Specifies the subresources from an array of multisampled 2D textures to use in a shader-resource view.
This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see
The index of the first texture to use in an array of textures.
Number of textures to use.
Describes a raw buffer resource.
This structure is used by
The index of the first element to be accessed by the view.
The number of elements in the resource.
Options for binding a raw buffer (see
Description of a vertex element in a vertex buffer in an output slot.
Zero-based, stream number.
Type of output element; possible values include: "POSITION", "NORMAL", or "TEXCOORD0". Note that if SemanticName is
Output element's zero-based index. Should be used if, for example, you have more than one texture coordinate stored in each vertex.
Which component of the entry to begin writing out to. Valid values are 0 to 3. For example, if you only wish to output to the y and z components of a position, then StartComponent should be 1 and ComponentCount should be 2.
The number of components of the entry to write out to. Valid values are 1 to 4. For example, if you only wish to output to the y and z components of a position, then StartComponent should be 1 and ComponentCount should be 2. Note that if SemanticName is
The associated stream output buffer that is bound to the pipeline (see
Query information about the amount of data streamed out to the stream-output buffers in between
Describes a 1D texture.
This structure is used in a call to
The texture size range is determined by the feature level at which you create the device and not the Microsoft Direct3D interface version. For example, if you use Microsoft Direct3D?10 hardware at feature level 10 (
Texture width (in texels). The range is from 1 to
The maximum number of mipmap levels in the texture. See the remarks in
Number of textures in the array. The range is from 1 to
Texture format (see
Value that identifies how the texture is to be read from and written to. The most common value is
Flags (see
Flags (see
Flags (see
Describes a 2D texture.
This structure is used in a call to
The device places some size restrictions (must be multiples of a minimum size) for a subsampled, block compressed, or bit-format resource.
The texture size range is determined by the feature level at which you create the device and not the Microsoft Direct3D interface version. For example, if you use Microsoft Direct3D?10 hardware at feature level 10 (
Texture width (in texels). The range is from 1 to
Texture height (in texels). The range is from 1 to
The maximum number of mipmap levels in the texture. See the remarks in
Number of textures in the texture array. The range is from 1 to
Texture format (see
Structure that specifies multisampling parameters for the texture. See
Value that identifies how the texture is to be read from and written to. The most common value is
Flags (see
Flags (see
Flags (see
Describes a 3D texture.
This structure is used in a call to
The device restricts the size of subsampled, block compressed, and bit format resources to be multiples of sizes specific to each format.
The texture size range is determined by the feature level at which you create the device and not the Microsoft Direct3D interface version. For example, if you use Microsoft Direct3D?10 hardware at feature level 10 (
Texture width (in texels). The range is from 1 to
Texture height (in texels). The range is from 1 to
Texture depth (in texels). The range is from 1 to
The maximum number of mipmap levels in the texture. See the remarks in
Texture format (see
Value that identifies how the texture is to be read from and written to. The most common value is
Flags (see
Flags (see
Flags (see
Describes parameters used to load a texture from another texture.
This structure is used in a call to
The default values are:
pSrcBox = null ; pDstBox = null ; SrcFirstMip = 0; DstFirstMip = 0; NumMips = D3DX11_DEFAULT; SrcFirstElement = 0; DstFirstElement = 0; NumElements = D3DX11_DEFAULT; Filter = D3DX11_DEFAULT; MipFilter = D3DX11_DEFAULT;
Source texture box (see
Destination texture box (see
Source texture mipmap level, see D3D11CalcSubresource for more detail.
Destination texture mipmap level, see D3D11CalcSubresource for more detail.
Number of mipmap levels in the source texture.
First element of the source texture.
First element of the destination texture.
Number of elements to load.
Filtering options during resampling (see
Filtering options when generating mip levels (see
Specifies the subresources from a resource that are accessible using an unordered-access view.
An unordered-access-view description is passed into
The data format (see
The resource type (see
Specifies which buffer elements can be accessed (see
Specifies the subresources in a 1D texture that can be accessed (see
Specifies the subresources in a 1D texture array that can be accessed (see
Specifies the subresources in a 2D texture that can be accessed (see
Specifies the subresources in a 2D texture array that can be accessed (see
Specifies subresources in a 3D texture that can be accessed (see
Describes an array of unordered-access 1D texture resources.
This structure is used by a
The mipmap slice index.
The zero-based index of the first array slice to be accessed.
The number of slices in the array.
Unordered-access-view buffer options.
Resource contains raw, unstructured data. Requires the UAV format to be
Allow data to be appended to the end of the buffer.
Adds a counter to the unordered-access-view buffer.
Describes a unordered-access 1D texture resource.
This structure is used by a
The mipmap slice index.
Describes a unordered-access 2D texture resource.
This structure is used by a
The mipmap slice index.
Describes an array of unordered-access 2D texture resources.
This structure is used by a
The mipmap slice index.
The zero-based index of the first array slice to be accessed.
The number of slices in the array.
Describes a unordered-access 3D texture resource.
This structure is used by a
The mipmap slice index.
The zero-based index of the first depth slice to be accessed.
The number of depth slices.
Defines the dimensions of a viewport.
In all cases, Width and Height must be >= 0 and TopLeftX + Width and TopLeftY + Height must be <= D3D11_VIEWPORT_BOUNDS_MAX.
Viewport Sizes and Feature Level Support Differences between Direct3D 11 and Direct3D 10: The range for the minimum and maximum viewport size is dependent on the feature level defined by
X position of the left hand side of the viewport. Ranges between D3D11_VIEWPORT_BOUNDS_MIN and D3D11_VIEWPORT_BOUNDS_MAX.
Y position of the top of the viewport. Ranges between D3D11_VIEWPORT_BOUNDS_MIN and D3D11_VIEWPORT_BOUNDS_MAX.
Width of the viewport.
Height of the viewport.
Minimum depth of the viewport. Ranges between 0 and 1.
Maximum depth of the viewport. Ranges between 0 and 1.