using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ANX.Tools.XNBInspector { public class InspectReader : BinaryReader { private InspectReader(Stream input) : base(input) { } public static string TryInspectXNB(Stream input, IInspectLogger result) { try { InspectXNB(input, result); } catch (Exception e) { result.AppendLine(); result.AppendLine(Severity.Error, e.Message); result.AppendLine(Severity.Error, e.StackTrace); } return result.ToString(); } public static void InspectXNB(Stream input, IInspectLogger result) { // read the XNB file information // // | Type | Description | example/value // |--------|----------------------|-------------------------------- // | Byte | Format identifier | X (88) // |--------|----------------------|-------------------------------- // | Byte | Format identifier | N (78) // |--------|----------------------|-------------------------------- // | Byte | Format identifier | B (66) // |--------|----------------------|-------------------------------- // | Byte | Target platform | w = Microsoft Windows // | | | m = Windows Phone 7 // | | | x = Xbox 360 // |--------|----------------------|-------------------------------- // | Byte | XNB format version | 5 = XNA Game Studio 4.0 // |--------|----------------------|-------------------------------- // | Byte | Flag bits | Bit 0x01 = content is for HiDef profile (otherwise Reach) // | | | Bit 0x80 = asset data is compressed // |--------|----------------------|-------------------------------- // | UInt32 | Compressed file size | Total size of the (optionally compressed) // | | | .xnb file as stored on disk (including this header block) InspectReader reader = new InspectReader(input); byte magicX = reader.ReadByte(); // X byte magicN = reader.ReadByte(); // N byte magicB = reader.ReadByte(); // B byte[] magicBytes = new byte[] { magicX, magicN, magicB }; byte[] magicWants = new byte[] { 88, 78, 66 }; for (int i = 0; i < magicBytes.Length; i++) { result.Append(Severity.None, "Format identifier: "); if (magicBytes[i] != magicWants[i]) { result.AppendFormat(Severity.Error, "{0} (should be {1}[{2}])", magicBytes[i], magicWants[i], (char)magicWants[i]); } else { result.AppendFormat(Severity.Success, "{0}[{1}]", magicWants[i], (char)magicWants[i]); } result.AppendLine(); } byte targetPlattform = reader.ReadByte(); // w = Microsoft Windows // m = Windows Phone 7 // x = Xbox 360 // ANX-EXTENSIONS: // a = Android // i = iOS // l = Linux // o = MacOs // p = PS Vita / Mobile // 8 = Windows 8 Metro result.Append(Severity.None, "Target platform : "); switch ((char)targetPlattform) { case 'w': result.AppendFormat(Severity.Success, "{0}[w] (Microsoft Windows)", targetPlattform); break; case 'm': result.AppendFormat(Severity.Success, "{0}[m] (Windows Phone 7)", targetPlattform); break; case 'x': result.AppendFormat(Severity.Success, "{0}[x] (Xbox 360)", targetPlattform); break; case 'a': result.AppendFormat(Severity.Success, "{0}[a] (Android) | ANX extension", targetPlattform); break; case 'i': result.AppendFormat(Severity.Success, "{0}[i] (iOS) | ANX extension", targetPlattform); break; case 'l': result.AppendFormat(Severity.Success, "{0}[l] (Linux) | ANX extension", targetPlattform); break; case 'o': result.AppendFormat(Severity.Success, "{0}[o] (MacOS) | ANX extension", targetPlattform); break; case 'p': result.AppendFormat(Severity.Success, "{0}[p] (PS Vita / mobile) | ANX extension", targetPlattform); break; case '8': result.AppendFormat(Severity.Success, "{0}[8] (Windows 8 metro) | ANX extension", targetPlattform); break; default: result.AppendFormat(Severity.Error, "{0} (Unknown or non XNA/ANX platform)", targetPlattform); break; } result.AppendLine(); byte formatVersion = reader.ReadByte(); // 5 = XNA Game Studio 4.0 result.Append(Severity.None, "Format version : "); switch (formatVersion) { case 1: result.Append(Severity.Success, "1 (XNA Game Studio 1.0)"); break; case 2: result.Append(Severity.Success, "2 (XNA Game Studio 2.0)"); break; case 3: result.Append(Severity.Success, "3 (XNA Game Studio 3.0)"); break; case 4: result.Append(Severity.Success, "4 (XNA Game Studio 3.1)"); break; case 5: result.Append(Severity.Success, "5 (XNA Game Studio 4.0)"); break; default: result.AppendFormat(Severity.Warning, "{0} (Unknown or non XNA content)", formatVersion); break; } result.AppendLine(); byte flags = reader.ReadByte(); result.AppendFormat(Severity.None, "Flags : 0x{0:X4}\n", flags); if ((flags & 0x01) == 0x01) { // HiDef Profile result.AppendLine(Severity.None, " - HiDef Profile"); } else { // Reach Profile result.AppendLine(Severity.None, " - Reach Profile"); } bool isCompressed = (flags & 0x80) != 0; result.AppendFormat(Severity.None, " - Compressed {0}", isCompressed); result.AppendLine(); int sizeOnDisk = reader.ReadInt32(); result.Append(Severity.None, "Size on disk : "); if (sizeOnDisk != input.Length) { result.AppendFormat(Severity.Error, "{0} bytes [{1}]", sizeOnDisk, ToHumanSize(sizeOnDisk)); result.AppendFormat(Severity.Error, " (Should be {0} bytes [{1}])", input.Length, ToHumanSize(input.Length)); } else { result.AppendFormat(Severity.Success, "{0} bytes [{1}]", sizeOnDisk, ToHumanSize(sizeOnDisk)); } result.AppendLine(); if (isCompressed) { long position = reader.BaseStream.Position; int sizeOfdata = reader.ReadInt32(); reader.BaseStream.Seek(position, SeekOrigin.Begin); result.AppendFormat(Severity.None, "Uncompressed : {0} bytes [{1}]", sizeOfdata, ToHumanSize(sizeOfdata)); result.AppendLine(); input = ANX.Framework.Content.Decompressor.DecompressStream(reader, input, sizeOnDisk); reader = new InspectReader(input); } int numTypes = reader.Read7BitEncodedInt(); result.AppendFormat(Severity.None, "Type readers : {0}", numTypes); result.AppendLine(); for (int i = 0; i < numTypes; i++) { string readerTypeName = reader.ReadString(); int readerVersionNumber = reader.ReadInt32(); result.AppendFormat(Severity.None, " - Version: {1} Type: {2}", i, readerVersionNumber, readerTypeName); result.AppendLine(); } int numSharedResources = reader.Read7BitEncodedInt(); result.AppendFormat(Severity.None, "Shared resources : {0}", numSharedResources); result.AppendLine(); } private static string ToHumanSize(long bytes) { double s = bytes; string[] format = new string[] { "{0:0.00} bytes", "{0:0.00} KB", "{0:0.00} MB", "{0:0.00} GB", "{0:0.00} TB", "{0:0.00} PB", "{0:0.00} EB" }; int i = 0; while (i < format.Length && s >= 1024) { s = (long)(100 * s / 1024.0) / 100.0; i++; } return string.Format(format[i], s); } } }