SharpDX.Animation Defines a transition, which determines how an animation variable changes over time. IUIAnimationTransition Initializes a new instance of the class. The factory. The interpolator. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Sets the initial value for the transition. The initial value for the transition. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method should not be called after the transition has been added to a storyboard. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition::SetInitialValue([In] double value) Sets the initial velocity for the transition. The initial velocity for the transition. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method should not be called after the transition has been added to a storyboard. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition::SetInitialVelocity([In] double velocity) Sets the initial value for the transition. This method should not be called after the transition has been added to a storyboard. SetInitialValue HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition::SetInitialValue([In] double value) Sets the initial velocity for the transition. This method should not be called after the transition has been added to a storyboard. SetInitialVelocity HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition::SetInitialVelocity([In] double velocity) Determines whether a transition's duration is currently known. This method should not be called when the storyboard to which the transition has been added is scheduled or playing. IsDurationKnown HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition::IsDurationKnown() Gets the duration of the transition. An application should typically call the method before calling this method. This method should not be called when the storyboard to which the transition has been added is scheduled or playing. GetDuration HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition::GetDuration([Out] double* duration) Defines a library of standard transitions. IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Creates an instantaneous transition. The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. The new instantaneous transition. During an instantaneous transition, the value of the animation variable changes instantly from its current value to a specified final value. The duration of this transition is always zero.The figure below shows the effect on an animation variable over time during an instantaneous transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary::CreateInstantaneousTransition([In] double finalValue,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition** transition) Creates a constant transition. The duration of the transition. The new constant transition. During a constant transition, the value of an animation variable remains at the initial value over the duration of the transition.The figure below shows the effect on an animation variable over time during a constant-duration transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary::CreateConstantTransition([In] double duration,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition** transition) Creates a discrete transition. The amount of time by which to delay the instantaneous switch to the final value. The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. The amount of time by which to hold the variable at its final value. The new discrete transition. During a discrete transition, the animation variable remains at the initial value for a specified delay time, then switches instantaneously to a specified final value and remains at that value for a given hold time.The figure below shows the effect on an animation variable over time during a discrete transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary::CreateDiscreteTransition([In] double delay,[In] double finalValue,[In] double hold,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition** transition) Creates a linear transition. The duration of the transition. The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. The new linear transition. During a linear transition, the value of the animation variable transitions linearly from its initial value to a specified final value.The figure below shows the effect on an animation variable over time during a linear transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary::CreateLinearTransition([In] double duration,[In] double finalValue,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition** transition) Creates a linear-speed transition. The absolute value of the velocity. The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. The new linear-speed transition. During a linear-speed transition, the value of the animation variable changes at a specified rate. The duration of the transition is determined by the difference between the initial value and the specified final value.The figure below shows the effect on an animation variable over time during a linear-speed transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary::CreateLinearTransitionFromSpeed([In] double speed,[In] double finalValue,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary::CreateSinusoidalTransitionFromVelocity([In] double duration,[In] double period,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition** transition) Creates a sinusoidal-range transition, with a specified range of oscillation. The duration of the transition. The value of the animation variable at a trough of the sinusoidal wave. The value of the animation variable at a peak of the sinusoidal wave. The period of oscillation of the sinusoidal wave, in seconds. The slope at the start of the transition. The new sinusoidal-range transition. The value of the animation variable fluctuates between the specified minimum and maximum values over the entire duration of a sinusodial-range transition. The slope parameter is used to disambiguate between the two possible sine waves specified by the other parameters.The figure below shows the effect on an animation variable over time during a sinusoidal-range transition. Passing in the enumeration value yields a wave like the solid curve shown in the figure, whereas the value yields a wave like the dashed curve. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary::CreateSinusoidalTransitionFromRange([In] double duration,[In] double minimumValue,[In] double maximumValue,[In] double period,[In] UI_ANIMATION_SLOPE slope,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary::CreateAccelerateDecelerateTransition([In] double duration,[In] double finalValue,[In] double accelerationRatio,[In] double decelerationRatio,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition** transition) Creates a reversal transition. The duration of the transition. The new reversal transition. A reversal transition smoothly changes direction over the specified duration. The final value will be the same as the initial value and the final velocity will be the negative of the initial velocity. The figure below shows such a reversal transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary::CreateReversalTransition([In] double duration,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition** transition) Creates a cubic transition. The duration of the transition. The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. The velocity of the variable at the end of the transition. The new cubic transition. During a cubic transition, the value of the animation variable changes from its initial value to a specified final value over the duration of the transition, ending at a specified velocity.The figure below shows the effect on an animation variable over time during a cubic transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary::CreateCubicTransition([In] double duration,[In] double finalValue,[In] double finalVelocity,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition** transition) Creates a smooth-stop transition. The maximum duration of the transition. The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. The new smooth-stop transition. A smooth-stop transition slows down as it approaches the specified final value, and reaches it with a velocity of zero. The duration of the transition is determined by the initial velocity, the difference between the initial and final values, and the specified maximum duration. If there is no solution consisting of a single parabolic arc, this method creates a cubic transition.The figure below shows the effect on an animation variable over time during a smooth-stop transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary::CreateSmoothStopTransition([In] double maximumDuration,[In] double finalValue,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary::CreateParabolicTransitionFromAcceleration([In] double finalValue,[In] double finalVelocity,[In] double acceleration,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition** transition) No documentation. __MIDL___MIDL_itf_UIAnimation_0000_0002_0003 Represents the implicit keyframe at the start of every storyboard. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The id. No documentation. void* _ Internal PriorityComparison Callback Defines a method for priority comparison that the animation manager uses to resolve scheduling conflicts. IUIAnimationPriorityComparison No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationPriorityComparison::HasPriority([In] IUIAnimationStoryboard* scheduledStoryboard,[In] IUIAnimationStoryboard* newStoryboard,[In] UI_ANIMATION_PRIORITY_EFFECT priorityEffect) Return a pointer to the unamanged version of this callback. The callback. A pointer to a shadow c++ callback HRESULT IUIAnimationPriorityComparison::OnManagerStatusChanged([In] UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS newStatus,[In] UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS previousStatus) Defines which aspects of an interpolator depend on a given input. Multiple values can be combined using a bitwise-OR operation. UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES No aspect depends on the input. UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCY_NONE The intermediate values depend on the input. UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCY_INTERMEDIATE_VALUES The final value depends on the input. UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCY_FINAL_VALUE The final velocity depends on the input. UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCY_FINAL_VELOCITY The duration depends on the input. UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCY_DURATION Defines the behavior of a timer when the animation manager is idle. UI_ANIMATION_IDLE_BEHAVIOR The timer continues to generate timer events (is enabled) when the animation manager is idle. UI_ANIMATION_IDLE_BEHAVIOR_CONTINUE The timer is suspended (disabled) when the animation manager is idle. UI_ANIMATION_IDLE_BEHAVIOR_DISABLE Defines the activity status of an animation manager. UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS The animation manager is idle; no animations are currently playing. UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_IDLE The animation manager is busy; at least one animation is currently playing or scheduled. UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_BUSY Defines animation modes. UI_ANIMATION_MODE Animation is disabled. UI_ANIMATION_MODE_DISABLED The animation mode is managed by the system. UI_ANIMATION_MODE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT Animation is enabled. UI_ANIMATION_MODE_ENABLED Defines potential effects on a storyboard if a priority comparison returns false. This enumeration is used as the priorityEffect parameter of , informing the client of the potential effect on the storyboard to be scheduled when the return value is false (S_FALSE). means that the attempt to schedule the storyboard might fail if the return value is false. means that the attempt to schedule the storyboard will succeed, but if the return value is false, the storyboard could play later than it would otherwise.This enumeration can help an application decide how aggressive to be about reducing latency in the UI. For example, if the application returns true when the effect is , then other animations might get canceled or compressed even though doing so was not strictly necessary to play a new animation within the application-specified longest acceptable delay. UI_ANIMATION_PRIORITY_EFFECT This storyboard might not be successfully scheduled. UI_ANIMATION_PRIORITY_EFFECT_FAILURE The storyboard will be scheduled, but might start playing later. UI_ANIMATION_PRIORITY_EFFECT_DELAY [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_MODE The start of a loop begins with the first value (v1->v2, v1->v2, v1->v2, and so on). UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_MODE_NORMAL The start of a loop alternates between values (v1->v2, v2->v1, v1->v2, and so on). UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_MODE_ALTERNATE Defines the rounding modes to be used when the value of an animation variable is converted from a floating-point type to an integer type. UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_MODE Round to the nearest integer. UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_NEAREST Round down. UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_FLOOR Round up. UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_CEILING Defines results for storyboard scheduling. returns only if the application attempts to schedule a storyboard during a callback to . UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_RESULT Scheduling failed for an unexpected reason. UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_UNEXPECTED_FAILURE Scheduling failed because a scheduling conflict occurred and the currently scheduled storyboard has higher priority. For more information, see . UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_INSUFFICIENT_PRIORITY Scheduling failed because the storyboard is already scheduled. UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_ALREADY_SCHEDULED Scheduling succeeded. UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_SUCCEEDED Scheduling is deferred and will be attempted when the current callback completes. UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_DEFERRED Defines animation slope characteristics. UI_ANIMATION_SLOPE An increasing slope. UI_ANIMATION_SLOPE_INCREASING A decreasing slope. UI_ANIMATION_SLOPE_DECREASING Defines the status for a storyboard. Unless is called from a handler for OnStoryboardStatusChanged events, it returns only the following status values: All status values can be passed to .The following diagram illustrates the transitions between these states. UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_STATUS The storyboard has never been scheduled. UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_BUILDING The storyboard is scheduled to play. UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_SCHEDULED The storyboard was canceled. UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_CANCELLED The storyboard is currently playing. UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_PLAYING The storyboard was truncated. UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_TRUNCATED The storyboard has finished playing. UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_FINISHED The storyboard is built and ready for scheduling. UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_READY Scheduling the storyboard failed because a scheduling conflict occurred and the currently scheduled storyboard has higher priority. UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_INSUFFICIENT_PRIORITY Defines activity status for a timer's client. UI_ANIMATION_TIMER_CLIENT_STATUS The client is idle. UI_ANIMATION_TIMER_CLIENT_IDLE The client is busy. UI_ANIMATION_TIMER_CLIENT_BUSY Defines results for animation updates. UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_RESULT No animation variables have changed. UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_NO_CHANGE One or more animation variables has changed. UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_VARIABLES_CHANGED Defines methods for creating a custom interpolator. IUIAnimationInterpolator Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Sets the initial value and velocity at the start of the transition. The initial value. The initial velocity. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Windows Animation always calls SetInitialValueAndVelocity before calling the other methods of at different offsets. However, it can be called multiple times with different parameters. Interpolators can cache internal state to improve performance, but they must update this cached state each time SetInitialValueAndVelocity is called and ensure that the results of subsequent calls to these methods reflect the updated state. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator::SetInitialValueAndVelocity([In] double initialValue,[In] double initialVelocity) Sets the duration of the transition. The duration of the transition. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Windows Animation calls this method only after calling the GetDependencies method, and only if that call returns as one of its durationDependencies flags.Typically, an interpolator with a duration dependency will have a duration parameter in its associated creation method of . The interpolator should store its duration when first initialized and overwrite it when SetDuration is called.Windows Animation always calls the SetInitialValueAndVelocity method to set the initial value and velocity before calling SetDuration, so a custom interpolator need not check whether the initial value and velocity have been set.Windows Animation can call SetInitialValueAndVelocity and SetDuration multiple times with different parameters. Interpolators can cache internal state to improve performance, but they must update this cached state each time SetInitialValueAndVelocity is called and ensure that the results of subsequent calls to SetDuration reflect the updated state. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator::SetDuration([In] double duration) Gets the duration of a transition. The duration of the transition. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Windows Animation always calls the SetInitialValueAndVelocity method to set the initial value and velocity before calling GetDuration, so a custom interpolator need not check whether the initial value and velocity have been set.Windows Animation can call SetInitialValueAndVelocity multiple times with different parameters. Interpolators can cache internal state to improve performance, but they must update this cached state each time SetInitialValueAndVelocity is called and ensure that the results of subsequent calls to GetDuration reflect the updated state. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator::GetDuration([Out] double* duration) Gets the final value at the end of the transition. The final value. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Windows Animation always calls the SetInitialValueAndVelocity method to set the initial value and velocity before calling GetFinalValue, so a custom interpolator need not check whether the initial value and velocity have been set.Windows Animation can call SetInitialValueAndVelocity multiple times with different parameters. Interpolators can cache internal state to improve performance, but they must update this cached state each time SetInitialValueAndVelocity is called and ensure that the results of subsequent calls to GetFinalValue reflect the updated state. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator::GetFinalValue([Out] double* value) Interpolates the value of an animation variable at the specified offset. The offset from the start of the transition. This parameter is always greater than or equal to zero and less than the duration of the transition. This method is not called if the duration of the transition is zero. The interpolated value. Windows Animation always calls the SetInitialValueAndVelocity method to set the initial value and velocity before calling InterpolateValue, so a custom interpolator need not check whether the initial value and velocity have been set.Windows Animation can call SetInitialValueAndVelocity multiple times with different parameters. Interpolators can cache internal state to improve performance, but they must update this cached state each time SetInitialValueAndVelocity is called and ensure that the results of subsequent calls to InterpolateValue reflect the updated state. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator::InterpolateValue([In] double offset,[Out] double* value) Interpolates the velocity, or rate of change, at the specified offset. The offset from the start of the transition. The offset is always greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the duration of the transition. This method is not called if the duration of the transition is zero. The interpolated velocity. Windows Animation always calls the SetInitialValueAndVelocity method to set the initial value and velocity before calling InterpolateVelocity, so a custom interpolator need not check whether the initial value and velocity have been set.Windows Animation can call SetInitialValueAndVelocity multiple times with different parameters. Interpolators can cache internal state to improve performance, but they must update this cached state each time SetInitialValueAndVelocity is called and ensure that the results of subsequent calls to InterpolateVelocity reflect the updated state. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator::InterpolateVelocity([In] double offset,[Out] double* velocity) Gets the aspects of the interpolator that depend on the initial value or velocity passed to SetInitialValueAndVelocity, or that depend on the duration passed to SetDuration. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method is called to identify which aspects of the custom interpolator are affected by certain inputs: value, velocity, and duration. For each of these inputs, the interpolator returns either of the following:The bitwise-OR of any members of that apply. if nothing depends on the input.For example, consider an interpolator (1) that accepts a final value as a parameter, (2) that always comes to a gradual stop at that final value, and (3) whose duration is determined by the difference between the final and initial values. The interpolator should return |UI_ANIMATION_DURATION for initialValueDependencies. It should not return because this is set when the interpolator is created and is not affected by the initial value. Likewise it should not return because the slope of the curve is defined to always be zero when it reaches the final value.It is important that an interpolator return correct set of flags. If a flag is not present for an output, Windows Animation assumes that the corresponding parameter does not affect that aspect of the interpolator's results. For example, if the custom interpolator does not include for initialVelocityDependencies, Windows Animation may call SetInitialValueAndVelocity with an arbitrary velocity parameter, then call GetFinalValue to determine the final value. The interpolator's implementation of GetFinalValue must return the same result no matter what velocity parameter has been passed to SetInitialValueAndVelocity because the interpolator has claimed that the transition's final value does not depend on the initial velocity.Note??If the flags returned for durationDependencies do not include , SetDuration will never be called on the interpolator. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator::GetDependencies([Out] UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES* initialValueDependencies,[Out] UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES* initialVelocityDependencies,[Out] UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES* durationDependencies) Gets the duration of a transition. Windows Animation always calls the SetInitialValueAndVelocity method to set the initial value and velocity before calling GetDuration, so a custom interpolator need not check whether the initial value and velocity have been set.Windows Animation can call SetInitialValueAndVelocity multiple times with different parameters. Interpolators can cache internal state to improve performance, but they must update this cached state each time SetInitialValueAndVelocity is called and ensure that the results of subsequent calls to GetDuration reflect the updated state. GetDuration HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator::GetDuration([Out] double* duration) Gets the final value at the end of the transition. Windows Animation always calls the SetInitialValueAndVelocity method to set the initial value and velocity before calling GetFinalValue, so a custom interpolator need not check whether the initial value and velocity have been set.Windows Animation can call SetInitialValueAndVelocity multiple times with different parameters. Interpolators can cache internal state to improve performance, but they must update this cached state each time SetInitialValueAndVelocity is called and ensure that the results of subsequent calls to GetFinalValue reflect the updated state. GetFinalValue HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator::GetFinalValue([Out] double* value) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationInterpolator2 Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The number of dimensions. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator2::GetDimension([Out] unsigned int* dimension) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator2::SetInitialValueAndVelocity([In, Buffer] double* initialValue,[In, Buffer] double* initialVelocity,[In] unsigned int cDimension) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator2::SetDuration([In] double duration) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator2::GetDuration([Out] double* duration) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator2::GetFinalValue([Out, Buffer] double* value,[In] unsigned int cDimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The offset from the start of the transition. This parameter is always greater than or equal to zero and less than the duration of the transition. This method is not called if the duration of the transition is zero. The interpolated value. The dimension in which to interpolate the value. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Windows Animation always calls the method to set the initial value and velocity before calling InterpolateValue, so a custom interpolator need not check whether the initial value and velocity have been set.Windows Animation can call SetInitialValueAndVelocity multiple times with different parameters. Interpolators can cache internal state to improve performance, but they must update this cached state each time SetInitialValueAndVelocity is called and ensure that the results of subsequent calls to InterpolateValue reflect the updated state. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator2::InterpolateValue([In] double offset,[Out, Buffer] double* value,[In] unsigned int cDimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The offset from the start of the transition. The offset is always greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the duration of the transition. This method is not called if the duration of the transition is zero. The interpolated velocity. The dimension in which to interpolate the velocity. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Windows Animation always calls the method to set the initial value and velocity before calling InterpolateVelocity, so a custom interpolator need not check whether the initial value and velocity have been set.Windows Animation can call SetInitialValueAndVelocity multiple times with different parameters. Interpolators can cache internal state to improve performance, but they must update this cached state each time SetInitialValueAndVelocity is called and ensure that the results of subsequent calls to InterpolateVelocity reflect the updated state. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator2::InterpolateVelocity([In] double offset,[Out, Buffer] double* velocity,[In] unsigned int cDimension) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator2::GetPrimitiveInterpolation([In] IUIAnimationPrimitiveInterpolation* interpolation,[In] unsigned int cDimension) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator2::GetDependencies([Out] UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES* initialValueDependencies,[Out] UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES* initialVelocityDependencies,[Out] UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES* durationDependencies) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] GetDimension HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator2::GetDimension([Out] unsigned int* dimension) No documentation. GetDuration HRESULT IUIAnimationInterpolator2::GetDuration([Out] double* duration) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationLoopIterationChangeHandler2 Defines the animation manager, which provides a central interface for creating and managing animations. IUIAnimationManager Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Creates a new animation variable. The initial value for the new animation variable. The new animation variable. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. The initial value of an animation variable is specified when the variable is created. After an animation variable is created, its value cannot be changed directly; it must be updated through the animation manager.An animation variable is typically created to represent each visual characteristic that is to be animated. For example, an application might create two animation variables for the X and Y coordinates of an object that can move freely within a window. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::CreateAnimationVariable([In] double initialValue,[Out, Fast] IUIAnimationVariable** variable) Creates and schedules a single-transition storyboard. The animation variable. A transition to be applied to the animation variable. The current system time. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method schedules a new storyboard by creating the storyboard, applying the specified transition to the specified variable, and then scheduling the storyboard. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::ScheduleTransition([In] IUIAnimationVariable* variable,[In] IUIAnimationTransition* transition,[In] double timeNow) Creates a new storyboard. The new storyboard. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Storyboards can specify complex coordinated updates to many animation variables. These updates happen in sequence or in parallel, and they are guaranteed to remain synchronized within the storyboard. A storyboard is created, populated with transitions on animation variables, and then scheduled. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::CreateStoryboard([Out, Fast] IUIAnimationStoryboard** storyboard) Finishes all active storyboards within the specified time interval. The maximum time interval during which all storyboards must be finished. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Calling FinishAllStoryboards ensures that all active storyboards finish within the specified completion deadline. If a storyboard is scheduled to play past the deadline, it is compressed. A storyboard is considered active if its status is or . HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::FinishAllStoryboards([In] double completionDeadline) Abandons all active storyboards. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Calling this method is equivalent to calling the method for each active storyboard. A storyboard is considered active if its status is or . HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::AbandonAllStoryboards() Updates the values of all animation variables. The current system time. This parameter must be greater than or equal to 0.0. The result of the update. This parameter can be omitted from calls to this method. Calling this method advances the animation manager to timeNow, changing statuses of storyboards as necessary and updating any animation variables to appropriate interpolated values. If the animation manager is paused, no storyboards or variables are updated. If the animation mode is , all scheduled storyboards finish playing immediately. If the values of any variables change during this call, the value of updateResult is ; otherwise, it is . HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::Update([In] double timeNow,[Out, Optional] UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_RESULT* updateResult) Gets the animation variable with the specified tag. The object portion of the tag. This parameter can be null. The identifier portion of the tag. The animation variable that matches the specified tag, or null if no match is found. A tag is a pairing of an integer identifier (id) with a COM object (object). An application can use tags to identify animation variables and storyboards. null is a valid object component of a tag; therefore, the object parameter can be null.Tags are not necessarily unique; this method returns UI_E_AMBIGUOUS_MATCH if more than one animation variable exists with the specified tag. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::GetVariableFromTag([In, Optional] void* object,[In] unsigned int id,[Out] IUIAnimationVariable** variable) Gets the storyboard with the specified tag. The object portion of the tag. This parameter can be null. The identifier portion of the tag. The storyboard that matches the specified tag, or null if no match is found. A tag is a pairing of an integer identifier (id) with a COM object (object). An application can use tags to identify animation variables and storyboards. null is a valid object component of a tag; therefore, the object parameter can be null.Tags are not necessarily unique; this method returns UI_E_AMBIGUOUS_MATCH if more than one storyboard exists with the specified tag. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::GetStoryboardFromTag([In, Optional] void* object,[In] unsigned int id,[Out] IUIAnimationStoryboard** storyboard) Gets the status of the animation manager. The status. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::GetStatus([Out] UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS* status) Sets the animation mode. The animation mode. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method is used to enable or disable animation globally. While animation is disabled, all storyboards finish immediately when they are scheduled. The default mode is , which lets Windows decide when to enable or disable animation in the application. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::SetAnimationMode([In] UI_ANIMATION_MODE mode) Pauses all animations. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. When an animation manager is paused, its status is set to . HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::Pause() Resumes all animations. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. When an animation manager is resumed, and at least one animation is currently scheduled or playing, its status is set to . HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::Resume() Specifies a handler for animation manager status updates. The event handler to be called when the status of the animation manager changes. The specified object must implement the interface or be null. See Remarks section for more information. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Passing null for the handler parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object that you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::SetManagerEventHandler([In, Optional] IUIAnimationManagerEventHandler* handler) Sets the priority comparison handler to be called to determine whether a scheduled storyboard can be canceled. The priority comparison handler for cancelation. The specified object must implement the interface or be null. See Remarks. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Setting a priority comparison handler with this method enables the application to indicate when scheduling conflicts can be resolved by canceling storyboards.A scheduled storyboard can be canceled only if it has not started playing and the priority comparison object registered with this method returns . Canceled storyboards are completely removed from the schedule.Passing null for the comparison parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any priority comparison handler object you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::SetCancelPriorityComparison([In, Optional] IUIAnimationPriorityComparison* comparison) Sets the priority comparison handler to be called to determine whether a scheduled storyboard can be trimmed. The priority comparison handler for trimming. The specified object must implement the interface or be null. See Remarks. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Setting a priority comparison handler with this method enables the application to indicate when scheduling conflicts can be resolved by trimming the scheduled storyboard.A scheduled storyboard can be trimmed only if the priority comparison object registered with this method returns . If the new storyboard trims the scheduled storyboard, the scheduled storyboard can no longer affect a variable once the new storyboard begins to animate that variable.Passing null for the comparison parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::SetTrimPriorityComparison([In, Optional] IUIAnimationPriorityComparison* comparison) Sets the priority comparison handler to be called to determine whether a scheduled storyboard can be compressed. The priority comparison handler for compression. The specified object must implement the interface or be null. See Remarks. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Setting a priority comparison handler with this method enables the application to indicate when the scheduling conflicts can be resolved by compressing the scheduled storyboard and any other storyboards animating the same variables.A storyboard can be compressed only if the priority comparison object registered with this method returns for all the other scheduled storyboards that will be affected by compression. When the storyboards are compressed, time is temporarily accelerated for affected storyboards, so they play faster.Passing null for the comparison parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::SetCompressPriorityComparison([In, Optional] IUIAnimationPriorityComparison* comparison) Sets the priority comparison handler to be called to determine whether a scheduled storyboard can be concluded. The priority comparison handler for conclusion. The specified object must implement the interface or be null. See Remarks. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Setting a priority comparison handler with this method enables the application to indicate when scheduling conflicts can be resolved by concluding the scheduled storyboard.A scheduled storyboard can be concluded only if it contains a loop with a repetition count of UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_INDEFINITELY and the priority comparison object registered with this method returns . If the storyboard is concluded, the current repetition of the loop completes, and the reminder of the storyboard then plays.Passing null for the comparison parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::SetConcludePriorityComparison([In, Optional] IUIAnimationPriorityComparison* comparison) Sets the default acceptable animation delay. This is the length of time that may pass before storyboards begin. The default delay. This parameter can be a positive value, or UI_ANIMATION_SECONDS_EVENTUALLY (-1) to indicate that any finite delay is acceptable. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. For a storyboard to be successfully scheduled, it must begin before the longest acceptable delay has elapsed. This delay is determined in the following order: the delay value set by calling for this specific storyboard, the delay value set by calling this method, or 0.0 if neither method has been called. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::SetDefaultLongestAcceptableDelay([In] double delay) Shuts down the animation manager and all its associated objects. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Calling this method directs the animation manager, and all the objects it created, to release all their references to other objects. After has been called, no other methods may be called on the animation manager or any objects that it created. An application can call this method to clean up if there is any possibility that the application has introduced a reference cycle that includes some animation objects. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::Shutdown() Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the variable from tag. The id. The tag object. This parameter can be null. A variable associated with this tag. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::GetVariableFromTag([In, Optional] void* object,[In] unsigned int id,[Out] IUIAnimationVariable** variable) Gets the storyboard from tag. The id. The tag object. This parameter can be null. A storyboard associated with this tag. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::GetStoryboardFromTag([In, Optional] void* object,[In] unsigned int id,[Out] IUIAnimationStoryboard** storyboard) Gets the status of the animation manager. GetStatus HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::GetStatus([Out] UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS* status) Sets the animation mode. This method is used to enable or disable animation globally. While animation is disabled, all storyboards finish immediately when they are scheduled. The default mode is , which lets Windows decide when to enable or disable animation in the application. SetAnimationMode HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::SetAnimationMode([In] UI_ANIMATION_MODE mode) Sets the default acceptable animation delay. This is the length of time that may pass before storyboards begin. For a storyboard to be successfully scheduled, it must begin before the longest acceptable delay has elapsed. This delay is determined in the following order: the delay value set by calling for this specific storyboard, the delay value set by calling this method, or 0.0 if neither method has been called. SetDefaultLongestAcceptableDelay HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::SetDefaultLongestAcceptableDelay([In] double delay) Occurs when [status changed]. Sets the cancel priority comparison. The cancel priority comparison. Sets the trim priority comparison. The trim priority comparison. Sets the compress priority comparison. The compress priority comparison. Sets the conclude priority comparison. The conclude priority comparison. A delegate to receive status changed events from the manager. The new status. The previous status. A delegate used to resolve scheduling conflicts. The scheduled storyboard. The new storyboard. The priority effect. true if newStoryboard has priority. false if scheduledStoryboard has priority [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationManager2 Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::CreateAnimationVectorVariable([In, Buffer] const double* initialValue,[In] unsigned int cDimension,[Out] IUIAnimationVariable2** variable) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The initial value for the animation variable. The new animation variable. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. The initial value of an animation variable is specified when the variable is created. After an animation variable is created, its value cannot be changed directly; it must be updated through the animation manager.An animation variable is typically created to represent each visual characteristic that is to be animated. For example, an application might create two animation variables for the X and Y coordinates of an object that can move freely within a window. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::CreateAnimationVariable([In] double initialValue,[Out] IUIAnimationVariable2** variable) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::ScheduleTransition([In] IUIAnimationVariable2* variable,[In] IUIAnimationTransition2* transition,[In] double timeNow) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The new storyboard. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::CreateStoryboard([Out] IUIAnimationStoryboard2** storyboard) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The maximum time interval during which all storyboards must be finished. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Calling the FinishAllStoryboards method ensures that all active storyboards finish within the specified completion deadline. If a storyboard is scheduled to play past the deadline, it is compressed.A storyboard is considered active if a call to the method returns or . HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::FinishAllStoryboards([In] double completionDeadline) No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::AbandonAllStoryboards() [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The current system time. This parameter must be greater than or equal to 0.0. The result of the update. You can omit this parameter from calls to this method. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Calling this method advances the animation manager to timeNow, changes the status of all storyboards as necessary, and updates any animation variables to appropriate interpolated values. If the animation manager is paused, no storyboards or variables are updated. If the animation mode is , all scheduled storyboards finish playing immediately. If the values of any variables change during this call, the value of updateResult is ; otherwise, it is . HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::Update([In] double timeNow,[Out, Optional] UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_RESULT* updateResult) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The object portion of the tag. This parameter can be null. The identifier portion of the tag. The animation variable that matches the specified tag, or null if no match is found. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. A tag is a pairing of an integer identifier (id) with a COM object (object). An application can use tags to identify animation variables and storyboards. null is a valid object component of a tag; therefore, the object parameter can be null.Tags are not necessarily unique; this method returns UI_E_AMBIGUOUS_MATCH if more than one animation variable exists with the specified tag. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::GetVariableFromTag([In, Optional] IUnknown* object,[In] unsigned int id,[Out] IUIAnimationVariable2** variable) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::GetStoryboardFromTag([In, Optional] IUnknown* object,[In] unsigned int id,[Out] IUIAnimationStoryboard2** storyboard) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::EstimateNextEventTime([Out] double* seconds) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The status of the animation manager. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::GetStatus([Out] UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS* status) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The animation mode. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. You can use this method to enable or disable animation globally. While animation is disabled, all storyboards finish immediately when they are scheduled. The default mode is , which lets Windows decide when to enable or disable animation in the application. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::SetAnimationMode([In] UI_ANIMATION_MODE mode) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. When an animation manager is paused, its status is set to . HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::Pause() No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::Resume() No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::SetManagerEventHandler([In, Optional] IUIAnimationManagerEventHandler2* handler,[In] BOOL fRegisterForNextAnimationEvent) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The priority comparison handler for cancelation. The specified object must implement the interface or be null. See Remarks for more info. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Setting a priority comparison handler with this method enables the application to indicate when scheduling conflicts can be resolved by canceling storyboards.A scheduled storyboard can be canceled only if it hasn't started playing and the priority comparison object registered with this method returns . Canceled storyboards are completely removed from the schedule.Passing null for the comparison parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any priority comparison handler object that you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::SetCancelPriorityComparison([In, Optional] IUIAnimationPriorityComparison2* comparison) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::SetTrimPriorityComparison([In, Optional] IUIAnimationPriorityComparison2* comparison) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The priority comparison handler for compression. The specified object must implement the interface or be null. See Remarks for more info. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Setting a priority comparison handler with this method enables the application to indicate when scheduling conflicts can be resolved by compressing the scheduled storyboard and any other storyboards animating the same variables.A storyboard can be compressed only if the priority comparison object registered with this method returns for all the other scheduled storyboards that will be affected by compression. When the storyboards are compressed, time is temporarily accelerated for affected storyboards, so they play faster.Passing null for the comparison parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object that you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::SetCompressPriorityComparison([In, Optional] IUIAnimationPriorityComparison2* comparison) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The priority comparison handler for conclusion. The specified object must implement the interface or be null. See Remarks for more info. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Setting a priority comparison handler with this method enables the application to indicate when scheduling conflicts can be resolved by concluding the scheduled storyboard.A scheduled storyboard can be concluded only if it contains a loop with a repetition count of UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_INDEFINITELY and the priority comparison object registered with this method returns . If the storyboard is concluded, the current repetition of the loop completes, and the rest of the storyboard then plays.Passing null for the comparison parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object that you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::SetConcludePriorityComparison([In, Optional] IUIAnimationPriorityComparison2* comparison) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::SetDefaultLongestAcceptableDelay([In] double delay) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Calling this method directs the animation manager, and all the objects it created, to release all their references to other objects. After has been called, no other methods may be called on the animation manager or on any objects that it created. An application can call this method to clean up if there is any possibility that the application has introduced a reference cycle that includes some animation objects. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::Shutdown() [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] GetStatus HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::GetStatus([Out] UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS* status) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] You can use this method to enable or disable animation globally. While animation is disabled, all storyboards finish immediately when they are scheduled. The default mode is , which lets Windows decide when to enable or disable animation in the application. SetAnimationMode HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::SetAnimationMode([In] UI_ANIMATION_MODE mode) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] Setting a priority comparison handler with this method enables the application to indicate when scheduling conflicts can be resolved by canceling storyboards.A scheduled storyboard can be canceled only if it hasn't started playing and the priority comparison object registered with this method returns . Canceled storyboards are completely removed from the schedule.Passing null for the comparison parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any priority comparison handler object that you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. SetCancelPriorityComparison HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::SetCancelPriorityComparison([In, Optional] IUIAnimationPriorityComparison2* comparison) No documentation. SetTrimPriorityComparison HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::SetTrimPriorityComparison([In, Optional] IUIAnimationPriorityComparison2* comparison) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] Setting a priority comparison handler with this method enables the application to indicate when scheduling conflicts can be resolved by compressing the scheduled storyboard and any other storyboards animating the same variables.A storyboard can be compressed only if the priority comparison object registered with this method returns for all the other scheduled storyboards that will be affected by compression. When the storyboards are compressed, time is temporarily accelerated for affected storyboards, so they play faster.Passing null for the comparison parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object that you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. SetCompressPriorityComparison HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::SetCompressPriorityComparison([In, Optional] IUIAnimationPriorityComparison2* comparison) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] Setting a priority comparison handler with this method enables the application to indicate when scheduling conflicts can be resolved by concluding the scheduled storyboard.A scheduled storyboard can be concluded only if it contains a loop with a repetition count of UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_INDEFINITELY and the priority comparison object registered with this method returns . If the storyboard is concluded, the current repetition of the loop completes, and the rest of the storyboard then plays.Passing null for the comparison parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object that you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. SetConcludePriorityComparison HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::SetConcludePriorityComparison([In, Optional] IUIAnimationPriorityComparison2* comparison) No documentation. SetDefaultLongestAcceptableDelay HRESULT IUIAnimationManager2::SetDefaultLongestAcceptableDelay([In] double delay) Defines a method for handling status updates to an animation manager. IUIAnimationManagerEventHandler HRESULT IUIAnimationManagerEventHandler::OnManagerStatusChanged([In] UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS newStatus,[In] UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS previousStatus) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationManagerEventHandler2 [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationPrimitiveInterpolation Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationPrimitiveInterpolation::AddCubic([In] unsigned int dimension,[In] double beginOffset,[In] float constantCoefficient,[In] float linearCoefficient,[In] float quadraticCoefficient,[In] float cubicCoefficient) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationPrimitiveInterpolation::AddSinusoidal([In] unsigned int dimension,[In] double beginOffset,[In] float bias,[In] float amplitude,[In] float frequency,[In] float phase) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationPriorityComparison2 Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationPriorityComparison2::HasPriority([In] IUIAnimationStoryboard2* scheduledStoryboard,[In] IUIAnimationStoryboard2* newStoryboard,[In] UI_ANIMATION_PRIORITY_EFFECT priorityEffect) Defines a storyboard, which contains a group of transitions that are synchronized relative to one another. IUIAnimationStoryboard Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Adds a keyframe at the specified offset from an existing keyframe. The existing keyframe. To add a keyframe at an offset from the start of the storyboard, use the special keyframe UI_ANIMATION_KEYFRAME_STORYBOARD_START. The offset from the existing keyframe at which a new keyframe is to be added. The keyframe to be added. A keyframe represents a moment in time within a storyboard and can be used to specify the start and end times of transitions. Because keyframes can be added at the ends of transitions, their offsets from the start of the storyboard may not be known until the storyboard is playing. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::AddKeyframeAtOffset([In] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_UIAnimation_0000_0002_0003* existingKeyframe,[In] double offset,[Out] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_UIAnimation_0000_0002_0003** keyframe) Adds a keyframe at the end of the specified transition. The transition after which a keyframe is to be added. The keyframe to be added. A keyframe represents a moment in time within a storyboard and can be used to specify the start and end times of transitions. Because keyframes can be added at the ends of transitions, their offsets from the start of the storyboard may not be known until the storyboard is playing. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::AddKeyframeAfterTransition([In] IUIAnimationTransition* transition,[Out] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_UIAnimation_0000_0002_0003** keyframe) Directs the storyboard to hold the specified animation variable at its final value until the storyboard ends. The animation variable. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. When a storyboard is playing, it has exclusive access to any variables it animates unless the storyboard is trimmed by a higher priority storyboard. Typically, this exclusive access is released when the last transition in the storyboard for that variable finishes playing. Applications can call this method to maintain exclusive access to the animation variable and hold the variable, at the final value of the last transition, until the end of the storyboard. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::HoldVariable([In] IUIAnimationVariable* variable) Sets the longest acceptable delay before the scheduled storyboard begins. The longest acceptable delay. This parameter can be a positive value, or UI_ANIMATION_SECONDS_EVENTUALLY (-1) to indicate that any finite delay is acceptable. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. For a storyboard to be successfully scheduled, it must begin before the longest acceptable delay has elapsed. This delay is determined in the following order: the delay value set by calling this method, the delay value set by calling the method, or 0.0 if neither of these methods has been called. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::SetLongestAcceptableDelay([In] double delay) Directs the storyboard to schedule itself for play. The current time. The result of the scheduling request. This parameter can be omitted from calls to this method. This method directs a storyboard to attempt to add itself to the schedule of playing storyboards. The rules are as follows:If there are no playing storyboards animating any of the same animation variables, the attempt succeeds and the storyboard starts playing immediately. If the storyboard has priority to cancel, trim, conclude, or compress conflicting storyboards, the attempt to schedule succeeds and the storyboard begins playing as soon as possible. If the storyboard does not have priority, the attempt fails and the schedulingResult parameter is set to .If this method is called from a handler for OnStoryboardStatusChanged events, the schedulingResult parameter is set to . The only way to determine whether the storyboard is successfully scheduled is to set a storyboard event handler and check whether the storyboard's status ever becomes .It is possible reuse a storyboard by calling Schedule again after its status has reached . An attempt to schedule a storyboard when it is in any state other than or fails, and schedulingResult is set to . HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::Schedule([In] double timeNow,[Out, Optional] UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_RESULT* schedulingResult) Completes the current iteration of a keyframe loop that is in progress (where the loop is set to UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_INDEFINITELY), terminates the loop, and continues with the storyboard. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method specifies that any subsequent keyframe loops that have a repetition count of UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_INDEFINITELY (-1) will be skipped while the remainder of the storyboard is played.An iteration of a keyframe loop that is in progress will be completed before the remainder of the storyboard plays.If this method is called at the end of a keyframe loop iteration, the loop is terminated and the loop value is set to the starting loop value. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::Conclude() Finishes the storyboard within the specified time, compressing the storyboard if necessary. The maximum amount of time that the storyboard can use to finish playing. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method has no effect on storyboard events. Events continue to be raised as expected while the storyboard plays. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::Finish([In] double completionDeadline) Terminates the storyboard, releases all related animation variables, and removes the storyboard from the schedule. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method can be called before or after the storyboard starts playing.This method does not trigger any storyboard events. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::Abandon() Gets the status of the storyboard. The storyboard status. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Unless this method is called from a handler for OnStoryboardStatusChanged events, the only values it returns are , , , and . HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::GetStatus([Out] UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_STATUS* status) Specifies a handler for storyboard events. The handler to be called whenever storyboard status and update events occur. The specified object must implement the interface or be null. See Remarks. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Passing null for the handler parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::SetStoryboardEventHandler([In, Optional] IUIAnimationStoryboardEventHandler* handler) Initializes a new instance of the class. The manager. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::RepeatBetweenKeyframes([In] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_UIAnimation_0000_0002_0003* startKeyframe,[In] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_UIAnimation_0000_0002_0003* endKeyframe,[In] int repetitionCount) Sets the tag. The @object. The id. A object describing the result of the operation. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::SetTag([In, Optional] void* object,[In] unsigned int id) Gets the tag. The @object. The id. A object describing the result of the operation. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::GetTag([Out, Optional] void** object,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* id) Sets the longest acceptable delay before the scheduled storyboard begins. For a storyboard to be successfully scheduled, it must begin before the longest acceptable delay has elapsed. This delay is determined in the following order: the delay value set by calling this method, the delay value set by calling the method, or 0.0 if neither of these methods has been called. SetLongestAcceptableDelay HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::SetLongestAcceptableDelay([In] double delay) Gets the status of the storyboard. Unless this method is called from a handler for OnStoryboardStatusChanged events, the only values it returns are , , , and . GetStatus HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::GetStatus([Out] UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_STATUS* status) Gets the time that has elapsed since the storyboard started playing. GetElapsedTime HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::GetElapsedTime([Out] double* elapsedTime) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationStoryboard2 Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The existing keyframe. To add a keyframe at an offset from the start of the storyboard, use the special keyframe UI_ANIMATION_KEYFRAME_STORYBOARD_START. The offset from the existing keyframe at which a new keyframe is to be added. The keyframe to be added. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. A keyframe represents a moment in time within a storyboard and can be used to specify the start and end times of transitions. Because keyframes can be added at the ends of transitions, their offsets from the start of the storyboard may not be known until the storyboard is playing. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::AddKeyframeAtOffset([In] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_UIAnimation_0000_0002_0003* existingKeyframe,[In] double offset,[Out] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_UIAnimation_0000_0002_0003** keyframe) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::AddKeyframeAfterTransition([In] IUIAnimationTransition2* transition,[Out] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_UIAnimation_0000_0002_0003** keyframe) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::RepeatBetweenKeyframes([In] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_UIAnimation_0000_0002_0003* startKeyframe,[In] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_UIAnimation_0000_0002_0003* endKeyframe,[In] double cRepetition,[In] UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_MODE repeatMode,[In, Optional] IUIAnimationLoopIterationChangeHandler2* pIterationChangeHandler,[In] UINT_PTR id,[In] BOOL fRegisterForNextAnimationEvent) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The animation variable. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. When a storyboard is playing, it has exclusive access to any variables it animates unless the storyboard is trimmed by a higher-priority storyboard. Typically, this exclusive access is released when the last transition in the storyboard for that variable finishes playing. Applications can call this method to maintain exclusive access to the animation variable and hold the variable, at the final value of the last transition, until the end of the storyboard. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::HoldVariable([In] IUIAnimationVariable2* variable) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::SetLongestAcceptableDelay([In] double delay) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The offset, or amount of time, to skip at the beginning of the storyboard. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Calls to SetSkipDuration fail if the storyboard has been scheduled.SetSkipDuration does not delay the start of a scheduled storyboard. See for more info on how to set a delay for a scheduled storyboard.This diagram shows a skip duration, or offset, for a storyboard. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::SetSkipDuration([In] double secondsDuration) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::Schedule([In] double timeNow,[Out, Optional] UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_RESULT* schedulingResult) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method specifies that any subsequent keyframe loops that have a repetition count of UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_INDEFINITELY (-1) will be skipped while the remainder of the storyboard is played.An iteration of a keyframe loop that is in progress will be completed before the remainder of the storyboard plays.If this method is called at the end of an alternating keyframe loop iteration, the loop is terminated with the loop value set to the ending loop value.If this method is called at the end of a non-alternating keyframe loop iteration, where "loop wrapping" results in the loop value being set to the starting value of the next iteration, the loop is executed once more in order for the loop value to be set to the ending loop value.For alternating keyframe loops, each iteration has a starting value that is equivalent to the ending value of the preceding loop. In this case, "loop wrapping" is not an issue. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::Conclude() [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The maximum amount of time that the storyboard can use to finish playing. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method has no effect on storyboard events. Events continue to be raised as expected while the storyboard plays. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::Finish([In] double completionDeadline) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method can be called before or after the storyboard starts playing.This method does not trigger any storyboard events. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::Abandon() No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::GetTag([Out, Optional] IUnknown** object,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* id) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::GetStatus([Out] UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_STATUS* status) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::GetElapsedTime([Out] double* elapsedTime) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The handler that Windows Animation should call whenever storyboard status and update events occur. The specified object must implement the interface or be null. See Remarks for more info. If TRUE, specifies that will incorporate handler into its estimate of the time interval until the next animation event. No default value. If TRUE, specifies that will incorporate handler into its estimate of the time interval until the next animation event. No default value. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Passing null for the handler parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object that you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::SetStoryboardEventHandler([In, Optional] IUIAnimationStoryboardEventHandler2* handler,[In] BOOL fRegisterStatusChangeForNextAnimationEvent,[In] BOOL fRegisterUpdateForNextAnimationEvent) No documentation. SetLongestAcceptableDelay HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::SetLongestAcceptableDelay([In] double delay) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] Calls to SetSkipDuration fail if the storyboard has been scheduled.SetSkipDuration does not delay the start of a scheduled storyboard. See for more info on how to set a delay for a scheduled storyboard.This diagram shows a skip duration, or offset, for a storyboard. SetSkipDuration HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::SetSkipDuration([In] double secondsDuration) No documentation. GetStatus HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::GetStatus([Out] UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_STATUS* status) No documentation. GetElapsedTime HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard2::GetElapsedTime([Out] double* elapsedTime) Defines methods for handling status and update events for a storyboard. IUIAnimationStoryboardEventHandler [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationStoryboardEventHandler2 Defines an animation timer, which provides services for managing animation timing. IUIAnimationTimer Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Specifies a timer update handler. A timer update handler, or null (see Remarks). The specified object must implement the interface. A member of that specifies the behavior of the timer when it is idle. If the method succeeds, it returns . If the update handler is already connected to a timer, this method returns UI_E_TIMER_CLIENT_ALREADY_CONNECTED. Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. The timer update handler receives time updates (ticks) from the timer. The timer indicates an update by calling the method on the specified handler.Passing null for the updateHandler parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. HRESULT IUIAnimationTimer::SetTimerUpdateHandler([In, Optional] IUIAnimationTimerUpdateHandler* updateHandler,[In] UI_ANIMATION_IDLE_BEHAVIOR idleBehavior) Specifies a timer event handler. A timer event handler. The specified object must implement the interface or be null. See Remarks. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Timing events include the OnPreUpdate, OnPostUpdate, and OnRenderingTooSlow methods of the interface.Passing null for the handler parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. HRESULT IUIAnimationTimer::SetTimerEventHandler([In, Optional] IUIAnimationTimerEventHandler* handler) Enables the animation timer. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationTimer::Enable() Disables the animation timer. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationTimer::Disable() Determines whether the timer is currently enabled. Returns if the animation timer is enabled, S_FALSE if the animation timer is disabled, or an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationTimer::IsEnabled() Gets the current time. The current time, in UI_ANIMATION_SECONDS. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method can be used in both the application-driven and timer-driven configurations to retrieve the system time in UI_ANIMATION_SECONDS, the units used throughout the Windows Animation API. HRESULT IUIAnimationTimer::GetTime([Out] double* seconds) Sets the frame rate below which the timer notifies the application that rendering is too slow. The minimum desirable frame rate, in frames per second. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. If the rendering frame rate for an animation falls below the specified frame rate, an event is raised. HRESULT IUIAnimationTimer::SetFrameRateThreshold([In] unsigned int framesPerSecond) Initializes a new instance of the class. Determines whether the timer is currently enabled. IsEnabled HRESULT IUIAnimationTimer::IsEnabled() Gets the current time. This method can be used in both the application-driven and timer-driven configurations to retrieve the system time in UI_ANIMATION_SECONDS, the units used throughout the Windows Animation API. GetTime HRESULT IUIAnimationTimer::GetTime([Out] double* seconds) Sets the frame rate below which the timer notifies the application that rendering is too slow. If the rendering frame rate for an animation falls below the specified frame rate, an event is raised. SetFrameRateThreshold HRESULT IUIAnimationTimer::SetFrameRateThreshold([In] unsigned int framesPerSecond) Defines a method for handling events related to changes in timer client status. IUIAnimationTimerClientEventHandler Defines methods for handling timing events. IUIAnimationTimerEventHandler Defines methods for handling timing update events. IUIAnimationTimerUpdateHandler [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationTransition2 Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The number of dimensions. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition2::GetDimension([Out] unsigned int* dimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The initial value for the transition. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method should not be called after the transition has been added to a storyboard. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition2::SetInitialValue([In] double value) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The initial value for the transition. The dimension in which to execute the transition. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. The animation manager should not call this method after the transition has been added to a storyboard. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition2::SetInitialVectorValue([In, Buffer] const double* value,[In] unsigned int cDimension) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition2::SetInitialVelocity([In] double velocity) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The initial velocity for the transition. The dimension in which to apply the velocity. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition2::SetInitialVectorVelocity([In, Buffer] const double* velocity,[In] unsigned int cDimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. This method should not be called when the storyboard to which the transition has been added is scheduled or playing. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition2::IsDurationKnown() [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The duration of the transition, in seconds. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. An application should typically call the method before calling this method.This method should not be called when the storyboard to which the transition has been added is scheduled or playing. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition2::GetDuration([Out] double* duration) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] GetDimension HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition2::GetDimension([Out] unsigned int* dimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] This method should not be called after the transition has been added to a storyboard. SetInitialValue HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition2::SetInitialValue([In] double value) No documentation. SetInitialVelocity HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition2::SetInitialVelocity([In] double velocity) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] This method should not be called when the storyboard to which the transition has been added is scheduled or playing. IsDurationKnown HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition2::IsDurationKnown() [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] An application should typically call the method before calling this method.This method should not be called when the storyboard to which the transition has been added is scheduled or playing. GetDuration HRESULT IUIAnimationTransition2::GetDuration([Out] double* duration) Defines a method for creating transitions from custom interpolators. IUIAnimationTransitionFactory Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Creates a transition from a custom interpolator. The interpolator from which a transition is to be created. The specified object must implement the interface. The new transition. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionFactory::CreateTransition([In] IUIAnimationInterpolator* interpolator,[Out, Fast] IUIAnimationTransition** transition) Initializes a new instance of the class. [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationTransitionFactory2 Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The interpolator from which a transition is to be created. The specified object must implement the interface. The new transition. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionFactory2::CreateTransition([In] IUIAnimationInterpolator2* interpolator,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2 Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. The new instantaneous transition. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. During an instantaneous transition, the value of the animation variable changes instantly from its current value to a specified final value. The duration of this transition is always zero.The following figure shows the effect on an animation variable over time during an instantaneous transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateInstantaneousTransition([In] double finalValue,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateInstantaneousVectorTransition([In, Buffer] const double* finalValue,[In] unsigned int cDimension,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateConstantTransition([In] double duration,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The amount of time by which to delay the instantaneous switch to the final value. The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. The amount of time by which to hold the variable at its final value. The new discrete transition. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. During a discrete transition, the animation variable remains at the initial value for a specified delay time, then switches instantaneously to a specified final value and remains at that value for a given hold time.The following figure shows the effect on an animation variable over time during a discrete transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateDiscreteTransition([In] double delay,[In] double finalValue,[In] double hold,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateDiscreteVectorTransition([In] double delay,[In, Buffer] const double* finalValue,[In] unsigned int cDimension,[In] double hold,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The duration of the transition. The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. The new linear transition. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. During a linear transition, the value of the animation variable transitions linearly from its initial value to a specified final value.The following figure shows the effect on an animation variable over time during a linear transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateLinearTransition([In] double duration,[In] double finalValue,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The duration of the transition. The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. The dimension in which the value of the animation variable changes. The new linear transition. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. During a linear transition, the value of the animation variable transitions linearly from its initial value to a specified final value.The following figure shows the effect on an animation variable over time during a linear transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateLinearVectorTransition([In] double duration,[In, Buffer] const double* finalValue,[In] unsigned int cDimension,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateLinearTransitionFromSpeed([In] double speed,[In] double finalValue,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateLinearVectorTransitionFromSpeed([In] double speed,[In, Buffer] const double* finalValue,[In] unsigned int cDimension,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateSinusoidalTransitionFromVelocity([In] double duration,[In] double period,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateSinusoidalTransitionFromRange([In] double duration,[In] double minimumValue,[In] double maximumValue,[In] double period,[In] UI_ANIMATION_SLOPE slope,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateAccelerateDecelerateTransition([In] double duration,[In] double finalValue,[In] double accelerationRatio,[In] double decelerationRatio,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateReversalTransition([In] double duration,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The duration of the transition. The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. The velocity of the variable at the end of the transition. The new cubic transition. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. During a cubic transition, the value of the animation variable changes from its initial value to the finalValue over the duration of the transition, ending at the finalVelocity.The following figure shows the effect on an animation variable over time during a cubic transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateCubicTransition([In] double duration,[In] double finalValue,[In] double finalVelocity,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateCubicVectorTransition([In] double duration,[In, Buffer] const double* finalValue,[In, Buffer] const double* finalVelocity,[In] unsigned int cDimension,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The maximum duration of the transition. The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. The new smooth-stop transition. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. A smooth-stop transition slows down as it approaches the specified final value, and reaches the final value with a velocity of zero. The duration of the transition is determined by the initial velocity, the difference between the initial and final values, and the specified maximum duration. If there is no solution consisting of a single parabolic arc, this method creates a cubic transition.The following figure shows the effect on an animation variable over time during a smooth-stop transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateSmoothStopTransition([In] double maximumDuration,[In] double finalValue,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateParabolicTransitionFromAcceleration([In] double finalValue,[In] double finalVelocity,[In] double acceleration,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** transition) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The duration of the transition. The value of the animation variable at the end of the transition. The x-coordinate of the first control point. The y-coordinate of the first control point. The x-coordinate of the second control point. The y-coordinate of the second control point. The new cubic B?zier linear transition. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. During a cubic B?zier linear transition, the value of the animation variable changes from its initial value to the finalValue over the duration of the transition. The ordered pairs, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), act as control points that provide directional information to transform the linear path of the transition into a smooth parametric curve.The following figure shows the effect on an animation variable over time during a cubic B?zier linear transition. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateCubicBezierLinearTransition([In] double duration,[In] double finalValue,[In] double x1,[In] double y1,[In] double x2,[In] double y2,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** ppTransition) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationTransitionLibrary2::CreateCubicBezierLinearVectorTransition([In] double duration,[In, Buffer] const double* finalValue,[In] unsigned int cDimension,[In] double x1,[In] double y1,[In] double x2,[In] double y2,[Out] IUIAnimationTransition2** ppTransition) Defines an animation variable, which represents a visual element that can be animated. IUIAnimationVariable Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Gets the current value of the animation variable. The current value of the animation variable. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. The results can be affected by the lower and upper bounds determined by and , respectively. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::GetValue([Out] double* value) Gets the previous value of the animation variable. This is the value of the animation variable before the most recent update. The previous value of the animation variable. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. The results can be affected by the lower and upper bounds determined by and , respectively. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::GetPreviousValue([Out] double* previousValue) Gets the current value of the animation variable as an integer. The current value of the animation variable, converted to an INT32 value. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. To specify the rounding mode to be used when converting the value, use the method.The result can also be affected by the lower and upper bounds determined by and , respectively. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::GetIntegerValue([Out] int* value) Gets the previous value of the animation variable as an integer. This is the value of the animation variable before the most recent update. The previous value of the animation variable, converted to an INT32 value. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. To specify the rounding mode to be used when converting the value, use the method.The result can also be affected by the lower and upper bounds determined by and , respectively. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::GetPreviousIntegerValue([Out] int* previousValue) Gets the storyboard that is currently animating the animation variable. The current storyboard, or null if no storyboard is currently animating the animation variable. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See UIAnimation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::GetCurrentStoryboard([Out] IUIAnimationStoryboard** storyboard) Sets the lower bound (floor) for the animation variable. The value of the animation variable should not fall below the specified value. The lower bound for the animation variable. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::SetLowerBound([In] double bound) Sets an upper bound (ceiling) for the animation variable. The value of the animation variable should not rise above the specified value. The upper bound for the animation variable. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::SetUpperBound([In] double bound) Specifies the rounding mode for the animation variable. The rounding mode for the animation variable. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. An animation variable's rounding mode determines how a floating-point value is converted to an integer. The default mode for each variable is . HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::SetRoundingMode([In] UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_MODE mode) Sets the tag for an animation variable. The object portion of the tag. This parameter can be null. The identifier portion of the tag. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. A tag is a pairing of an integer identifier (id) with a COM object (object); it can be used by an application to identify an animation variable. Because null is a valid object component of a tag, the object parameter can be null. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::SetTag([In, Optional] void* object,[In] unsigned int id) Specifies a variable change handler. This handler is notified of changes to the value of the animation variable. A variable change handler. The specified object must implement the interface or be null. See Remarks. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Passing null for the handler parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::SetVariableChangeHandler([In, Optional] IUIAnimationVariableChangeHandler* handler) Specifies an integer variable change handler. This handler is notified of changes to the integer value of the animation variable. An integer variable change handler. The specified object must implement the interface or be null. See Remarks. If the method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Winodws Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Passing null for the handler parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. is called only if the rounded value has changed since the last update. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::SetVariableIntegerChangeHandler([In, Optional] IUIAnimationVariableIntegerChangeHandler* handler) Initializes a new instance of the class. The manager. The initial value. HRESULT IUIAnimationManager::CreateAnimationVariable([In] double initialValue,[Out] IUIAnimationVariable** variable) Sets the tag. The @object. The id. A object describing the result of the operation. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::SetTag([In, Optional] void* object,[In] unsigned int id) Gets the tag. The @object. The id. A object describing the result of the operation. HRESULT IUIAnimationStoryboard::GetTag([Out, Optional] void** object,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* id) Gets the current value of the animation variable. The results can be affected by the lower and upper bounds determined by and , respectively. GetValue HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::GetValue([Out] double* value) Gets the final value of the animation variable. This is the value after all currently scheduled animations have completed. The result can be affected by the lower and upper bounds determined by and , respectively. GetFinalValue HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::GetFinalValue([Out] double* finalValue) Gets the previous value of the animation variable. This is the value of the animation variable before the most recent update. The results can be affected by the lower and upper bounds determined by and , respectively. GetPreviousValue HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::GetPreviousValue([Out] double* previousValue) Gets the current value of the animation variable as an integer. To specify the rounding mode to be used when converting the value, use the method.The result can also be affected by the lower and upper bounds determined by and , respectively. GetIntegerValue HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::GetIntegerValue([Out] int* value) Gets the final value of the animation variable as an integer. This is the value after all currently scheduled animations have completed. To specify the rounding mode to be used when converting the value, use the method.The result can also be affected by the lower and upper bounds determined by and , respectively. GetFinalIntegerValue HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::GetFinalIntegerValue([Out] int* finalValue) Gets the previous value of the animation variable as an integer. This is the value of the animation variable before the most recent update. To specify the rounding mode to be used when converting the value, use the method.The result can also be affected by the lower and upper bounds determined by and , respectively. GetPreviousIntegerValue HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::GetPreviousIntegerValue([Out] int* previousValue) Gets the storyboard that is currently animating the animation variable. GetCurrentStoryboard HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::GetCurrentStoryboard([Out] IUIAnimationStoryboard** storyboard) Sets the lower bound (floor) for the animation variable. The value of the animation variable should not fall below the specified value. SetLowerBound HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::SetLowerBound([In] double bound) Sets an upper bound (ceiling) for the animation variable. The value of the animation variable should not rise above the specified value. SetUpperBound HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::SetUpperBound([In] double bound) Specifies the rounding mode for the animation variable. An animation variable's rounding mode determines how a floating-point value is converted to an integer. The default mode for each variable is . SetRoundingMode HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable::SetRoundingMode([In] UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_MODE mode) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationVariable2 Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The native pointer. The result of the conversion. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetDimension([Out] unsigned int* dimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The value of the animation variable. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetValue([Out] double* value) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetVectorValue([Out, Buffer] double* value,[In] unsigned int cDimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The object that generates a sequence of animation curve primitives. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. The application implements the object that is referenced by the animation parameter. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetCurve([In] IDCompositionAnimation* animation) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The number of animation curves. The object that generates a sequence of animation curve primitives. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. The application implements the object that is referenced by the animation parameter. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetVectorCurve([In, Buffer] IDCompositionAnimation** animation,[In] unsigned int cDimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The number of animation curves. The object that generates a sequence of animation curve primitives. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. The application implements the object that is referenced by the animation parameter. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetVectorCurve([In, Buffer] IDCompositionAnimation** animation,[In] unsigned int cDimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The final value of the animation variable. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetFinalValue([Out] double* finalValue) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The final value of the animation variable. The dimension from which to get the value of the animation variable. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetFinalVectorValue([Out, Buffer] double* finalValue,[In] unsigned int cDimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The previous value of the animation variable. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetPreviousValue([Out] double* previousValue) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetPreviousVectorValue([Out, Buffer] double* previousValue,[In] unsigned int cDimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The value of the animation variable as an integer. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetIntegerValue([Out] int* value) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The value of the animation variable as an integer. The dimension from which to get the value of the animation variable. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetIntegerVectorValue([Out, Buffer] int* value,[In] unsigned int cDimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The final value of the animation variable as an integer. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetFinalIntegerValue([Out] int* finalValue) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetFinalIntegerVectorValue([Out, Buffer] int* finalValue,[In] unsigned int cDimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The previous value of the animation variable as an integer. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetPreviousIntegerValue([Out] int* previousValue) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetPreviousIntegerVectorValue([Out, Buffer] int* previousValue,[In] unsigned int cDimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The active storyboard, or null if the animation variable is not being animated. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetCurrentStoryboard([Out] IUIAnimationStoryboard2** storyboard) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::SetLowerBound([In] double bound) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::SetLowerBoundVector([In, Buffer] const double* bound,[In] unsigned int cDimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The upper bound for the value of the animation variable. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::SetUpperBound([In] double bound) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The upper bound for the value of the animation variable. The dimension to get the value of the animation variable from. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::SetUpperBoundVector([In, Buffer] const double* bound,[In] unsigned int cDimension) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::SetRoundingMode([In] UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_MODE mode) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::SetTag([In, Optional] IUnknown* object,[In] unsigned int id) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] The object portion of the tag. The identifier portion of the tag. If this method succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, it returns an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. A tag is a pairing of an integer identifier (id) with a COM object (object); it can be used by an application to identify an animation variable.The parameters are optional, so that the method can return both portions of the tag, or just the identifier or object portion. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetTag([Out, Optional] IUnknown** object,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* id) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::SetVariableChangeHandler([In, Optional] IUIAnimationVariableChangeHandler2* handler,[In] BOOL fRegisterForNextAnimationEvent) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] A reference to the handler for changes to the integer value of the animation variable. This parameter can be null. If TRUE, specifies that the method will incorporate handler into its estimate of the time interval until the next animation event. No default value. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. Passing null for the handler parameter causes Windows Animation to release its reference to any handler object that you passed in earlier. This technique can be essential for breaking reference cycles without having to call the method. is called only if the rounded value has changed since the last update. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::SetVariableIntegerChangeHandler([In, Optional] IUIAnimationVariableIntegerChangeHandler2* handler,[In] BOOL fRegisterForNextAnimationEvent) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] A reference to the handler for changes to the animation curve of the animation variable. This parameter can be null. Returns if successful; otherwise an error code. See Windows Animation Error Codes for a list of error codes. HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::SetVariableCurveChangeHandler([In, Optional] IUIAnimationVariableCurveChangeHandler2* handler) No documentation. GetDimension HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetDimension([Out] unsigned int* dimension) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] GetValue HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetValue([Out] double* value) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] GetFinalValue HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetFinalValue([Out] double* finalValue) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] GetPreviousValue HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetPreviousValue([Out] double* previousValue) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] GetIntegerValue HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetIntegerValue([Out] int* value) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] GetFinalIntegerValue HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetFinalIntegerValue([Out] int* finalValue) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] GetPreviousIntegerValue HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetPreviousIntegerValue([Out] int* previousValue) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] GetCurrentStoryboard HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::GetCurrentStoryboard([Out] IUIAnimationStoryboard2** storyboard) No documentation. SetLowerBound HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::SetLowerBound([In] double bound) [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] SetUpperBound HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::SetUpperBound([In] double bound) No documentation. SetRoundingMode HRESULT IUIAnimationVariable2::SetRoundingMode([In] UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_MODE mode) Defines a method for handling events related to animation variable updates. IUIAnimationVariableChangeHandler [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationVariableChangeHandler2 [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationVariableCurveChangeHandler2 Defines a method for handling animation variable update events. IUIAnimationVariableIntegerChangeHandler [This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.] IUIAnimationVariableIntegerChangeHandler2 Internal ManagerEventHandler Callback Return a pointer to the unamanged version of this callback. The callback. A pointer to a shadow c++ callback HRESULT IUIAnimationManagerEventHandler::OnManagerStatusChanged([In] UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS newStatus,[In] UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS previousStatus) Repeat count used for Indicates that the interval between two keyframes in a storyboard should repeat indefinitely until the method is called. UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_INDEFINITELY Indicates that the interval between two keyframes in a storyboard should repeat indefinitely until the keyframe loop terminates on the ending keyframe when the method is called. UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_INDEFINITELY_CONCLUDE_AT_END Indicates that the interval between two keyframes in a storyboard should repeat indefinitely until the keyframe loop terminates on the starting keyframe when the method is called. UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_INDEFINITELY_CONCLUDE_AT_START