SharpDX.Direct3D10 The assembly provides managed Direct3D10 API. bb205066 Direct3D10 Direct3D10

Get data from the GPU asynchronously.

GetData retrieves the data collected between calls to and . Certain queries only require a call to in which case the data returned by GetData is accurate up to the last call to (See Interface).

If DataSize is 0, GetData is only used to check status where a return value of indicates that data is available to give to an application, and a return value of S_FALSE indicates data is not yet available.

It is invalid to invoke this function on a predicate created with the flag D3D10_QUERY_MISCFLAG_PREDICATEHINT.

If the asynchronous interface that calls this function is Interface, then the following table applies.

Query TypeOutput Data TypeSupports Begin Method


If the asynchronous interface that calls this API is Interface, then the following applies.

Counter TypeOutput Data TypeUnits
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum
FLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum
FLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum
FLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum
FLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time


The value returned by a , , , , or counter may be different depending on the number of parallel counters that exist on a video card, and those values can be interpreted with the following equation:

The number of parallel counters that a video card has is available from NumDetectableParallelUnits in , and it can be retrieved by calling .

Bb173503 ID3D10Asynchronous ID3D10Asynchronous

A device-child interface accesses data used by a device.

There are several types of device child interfaces, all of which inherit this interface. They include shaders, state objects, and input layouts.

bb173529 ID3D10DeviceChild ID3D10DeviceChild
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to the device that created this interface.

Address of a reference to a device (see Interface).

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one, so be sure to call ::release() on the returned reference(s) before they are freed or else you will have a memory leak.

bb173530 void ID3D10DeviceChild::GetDevice([Out] ID3D10Device** ppDevice) ID3D10DeviceChild::GetDevice

Get data from a device that is associated with a guid.

Guid associated with the data.

Size of the data.

Pointer to the data stored with the device. If pData is null, DataSize must also be 0, and any data previously associated with the guid will be destroyed.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

The data stored in the device is set with .

The data retrieved and the guid will typically be application-defined.

This method can be used to get the device type by specifying GUID_DeviceType as the guid. In this case pData will point to a driver-type-enumeration value (see ).

bb173574 HRESULT ID3D10DeviceChild::GetPrivateData([In] const GUID& guid,[InOut] unsigned int* pDataSize,[Out, Buffer, Optional] void* pData) ID3D10DeviceChild::GetPrivateData

Set application-defined data to a device child and associate that data with an application-defined guid.

Guid associated with the data.

Size of the data.

Pointer to the data to be stored with this device child. If pData is null, DataSize must also be 0, and any data previously associated with the specified guid will be destroyed.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

The data stored in the device child with this method can be retrieved with .

bb173532 HRESULT ID3D10DeviceChild::SetPrivateData([In] const GUID& guid,[In] unsigned int DataSize,[In, Buffer, Optional] const void* pData) ID3D10DeviceChild::SetPrivateData

Associate an -derived interface with this device child and associate that interface with an application-defined guid.

No documentation. No documentation.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

When this method is called ::addref() will be called on the -derived interface, and when the device child is detroyed ::release() will be called on the -derived interface.

bb173533 HRESULT ID3D10DeviceChild::SetPrivateDataInterface([In] const GUID& guid,[In, Optional] const IUnknown* pData) ID3D10DeviceChild::SetPrivateDataInterface
Gets or sets the debug-name for this object. The debug name.

Get a reference to the device that created this interface.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one, so be sure to call ::release() on the returned reference(s) before they are freed or else you will have a memory leak.

bb173530 GetDevice GetDevice void ID3D10DeviceChild::GetDevice([Out] ID3D10Device** ppDevice)
Get data from the GPU asynchronously. GetData retrieves the data collected between calls to and . Certain queries only require a call to ID3D10Asynchronous::End in which case the data returned by GetData is accurate up to the last call to ID3D10Asynchronous::End (See ). If DataSize is 0, GetData is only used to check status where a return value of S_OK indicates that data is available to give to an application, and a return value of S_FALSE indicates data is not yet available. It is invalid to invoke this function on a predicate created with the flag D3D10_QUERY_MISCFLAG_PREDICATEHINT. If the asynchronous interface that calls this function is , then the following table applies. Query TypeOutput Data TypeSupports Begin Method EVENTBOOLNO OCCLUSIONUINT64YES TIMESTAMPUINT64NO TIMESTAMP_DISJOINTQUERYDATA_TIMESTAMP_DISJOINTYES PIPELINE_STATISTICSQUERYDATA_PIPELINE_STATISTICSYES OCCLUSION_PREDICATEBOOLYES SO_STATISTICSQUERYDATA_SO_STATISTICSYES SO_OVERFLOW_PREDICATEBOOLYES ? If the asynchronous interface that calls this API is , then the following applies. Counter TypeOutput Data TypeUnits GPU_IDLEFLOAT32fraction of time VERTEX_PROCESSINGFLOAT32fraction of time GEOMETRY_PROCESSINGFLOAT32fraction of time PIXEL_PROCESSINGFLOAT32fraction of time OTHER_GPU_PROCESSINGFLOAT32fraction of time HOST_ADAPTER_BANDWIDTH_UTILIZATIONFLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum LOCAL_VIDMEM_BANDWIDTH_UTILIZATIONFLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum VERTEX_THROUGHPUT_UTILIZATIONFLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum TRISETUP_THROUGHPUT_UTILIZATIONFLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum FILLRATE_THROUGHPUT_UTILIZATIONFLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum VERTEXSHADER_MEMORY_LIMITEDFLOAT32fraction of time VERTEXSHADER_COMPUTATION_LIMITEDFLOAT32fraction of time GEOMETRYSHADER_MEMORY_LIMITEDFLOAT32fraction of time GEOMETRYSHADER_COMPUTATION_LIMITEDFLOAT32fraction of time PIXELSHADER_MEMORY_LIMITEDFLOAT32fraction of time PIXELSHADER_COMPUTATION_LIMITEDFLOAT32fraction of time POST_TRANSFORM_CACHE_HIT_RATEFLOAT32fraction TEXTURE_CACHE_HIT_RATEFLOAT32fraction ? The value returned by a GPU_IDLE, VERTEX_PROCESSING, GEOMETRY_PROCESSING, PIXEL_PROCESSING, or OTHER_GPU_PROCESSING counter may be different depending on the number of parallel counters that exist on a video card, and those values can be interpreted with the following equation: ? Equation to interpret the number of parallel counters ? The number of parallel counters that a video card has is available from NumDetectableParallelUnits in , and it can be retrieved by calling . If this function succeeds, returns a containing the asynchronous data sent from the GPU. HRESULT ID3D10Asynchronous::GetData([Out, Buffer, Optional] void* pData,[In] int DataSize,[In] int GetDataFlags) Get data from the GPU asynchronously. GetData retrieves the data collected between calls to and . Certain queries only require a call to ID3D10Asynchronous::End in which case the data returned by GetData is accurate up to the last call to ID3D10Asynchronous::End (See ). If DataSize is 0, GetData is only used to check status where a return value of S_OK indicates that data is available to give to an application, and a return value of S_FALSE indicates data is not yet available. It is invalid to invoke this function on a predicate created with the flag D3D10_QUERY_MISCFLAG_PREDICATEHINT. If the asynchronous interface that calls this function is , then the following table applies. Query TypeOutput Data TypeSupports Begin Method EVENTBOOLNO OCCLUSIONUINT64YES TIMESTAMPUINT64NO TIMESTAMP_DISJOINTQUERYDATA_TIMESTAMP_DISJOINTYES PIPELINE_STATISTICSQUERYDATA_PIPELINE_STATISTICSYES OCCLUSION_PREDICATEBOOLYES SO_STATISTICSQUERYDATA_SO_STATISTICSYES SO_OVERFLOW_PREDICATEBOOLYES ? If the asynchronous interface that calls this API is , then the following applies. Counter TypeOutput Data TypeUnits GPU_IDLEFLOAT32fraction of time VERTEX_PROCESSINGFLOAT32fraction of time GEOMETRY_PROCESSINGFLOAT32fraction of time PIXEL_PROCESSINGFLOAT32fraction of time OTHER_GPU_PROCESSINGFLOAT32fraction of time HOST_ADAPTER_BANDWIDTH_UTILIZATIONFLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum LOCAL_VIDMEM_BANDWIDTH_UTILIZATIONFLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum VERTEX_THROUGHPUT_UTILIZATIONFLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum TRISETUP_THROUGHPUT_UTILIZATIONFLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum FILLRATE_THROUGHPUT_UTILIZATIONFLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum VERTEXSHADER_MEMORY_LIMITEDFLOAT32fraction of time VERTEXSHADER_COMPUTATION_LIMITEDFLOAT32fraction of time GEOMETRYSHADER_MEMORY_LIMITEDFLOAT32fraction of time GEOMETRYSHADER_COMPUTATION_LIMITEDFLOAT32fraction of time PIXELSHADER_MEMORY_LIMITEDFLOAT32fraction of time PIXELSHADER_COMPUTATION_LIMITEDFLOAT32fraction of time POST_TRANSFORM_CACHE_HIT_RATEFLOAT32fraction TEXTURE_CACHE_HIT_RATEFLOAT32fraction ? The value returned by a GPU_IDLE, VERTEX_PROCESSING, GEOMETRY_PROCESSING, PIXEL_PROCESSING, or OTHER_GPU_PROCESSING counter may be different depending on the number of parallel counters that exist on a video card, and those values can be interpreted with the following equation: ? Equation to interpret the number of parallel counters ? The number of parallel counters that a video card has is available from NumDetectableParallelUnits in , and it can be retrieved by calling . Optional flags. Can be 0 or any combination of the flags enumerated by . If this function succeeds, returns a containing the asynchronous data sent from the GPU. HRESULT ID3D10Asynchronous::GetData([Out, Buffer, Optional] void* pData,[In] int DataSize,[In] int GetDataFlags) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Starts the collection of GPU data.

Calling Begin starts the asynchronous collection of GPU data. Calling causes data collection to stop. See Interface for additional information.

bb173501 void ID3D10Asynchronous::Begin() ID3D10Asynchronous::Begin

Ends the collection of GPU data.

Calling starts the asynchronous collection of GPU data. Calling causes data collection to stop. See Interface for additional information.

bb173502 void ID3D10Asynchronous::End() ID3D10Asynchronous::End

Get data from the GPU asynchronously.

Address of memory that will receive the data. If null, GetData will be used only to check status. The type of data output depends on the type of asynchronous interface. See Remarks.

Size of the data to retrieve or 0. This value can be obtained with . Must be 0 when pData is null.

Optional flags. Can be 0 or any combination of the flags enumerated by .

If this function succeeds, it returns . Otherwise, possible return values are the following:


GetData retrieves the data collected between calls to and . Certain queries only require a call to in which case the data returned by GetData is accurate up to the last call to (See Interface).

If DataSize is 0, GetData is only used to check status where a return value of indicates that data is available to give to an application, and a return value of S_FALSE indicates data is not yet available.

It is invalid to invoke this function on a predicate created with the flag D3D10_QUERY_MISCFLAG_PREDICATEHINT.

If the asynchronous interface that calls this function is Interface, then the following table applies.

Query TypeOutput Data TypeSupports Begin Method


If the asynchronous interface that calls this API is Interface, then the following applies.

Counter TypeOutput Data TypeUnits
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum
FLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum
FLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum
FLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum
FLOAT32fraction of theoretical maximum
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time
FLOAT32fraction of time


The value returned by a , , , , or counter may be different depending on the number of parallel counters that exist on a video card, and those values can be interpreted with the following equation:

The number of parallel counters that a video card has is available from NumDetectableParallelUnits in , and it can be retrieved by calling .

bb173503 HRESULT ID3D10Asynchronous::GetData([Out, Buffer, Optional] void* pData,[In] unsigned int DataSize,[In] unsigned int GetDataFlags) ID3D10Asynchronous::GetData

Get the size of the data (in bytes) that is output when calling .

Size of the data (in bytes) that is output when calling GetData.

bb173504 unsigned int ID3D10Asynchronous::GetDataSize() ID3D10Asynchronous::GetDataSize
Gets a value indicating whether or not data is available for consumption.

This blend-state interface accesses blending state for a Direct3D 10.0 device for the output-merger stage.

Blending combines two pixel values. You have control over how the pixels are blended by using a predefined set of blending operations, as well as preblending operations. The Blending Block Diagram shows conceptually how blending works.

To create a blend-state interface, call . To initialize the blend state, call .

bb173505 ID3D10BlendState ID3D10BlendState
Constructs a new based on the specified description. The device with which to associate the state object. The state description. The newly created object. Constructs a new based on the specified description. The device with which to associate the state object. The state description. The newly created object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the blend state.

A reference to the blend state (see ).

bb173506 void ID3D10BlendState::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_BLEND_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10BlendState::GetDesc

Get the blend state.

bb173506 GetDesc GetDesc void ID3D10BlendState::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_BLEND_DESC* pDesc)

This blend-state interface accesses blending state for a Direct3D 10.1 device for the output-merger stage.

Blending combines two pixel values. You have control over how the pixels are blended by using a predefined set of blending operations, as well as preblending operations. The Blending Block Diagram shows conceptually how blending works.

To create a blend-state interface, call . To initialize the blend state, call .

This method requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

bb694544 ID3D10BlendState1 ID3D10BlendState1
Constructs a new based on the specified description. The device with which to associate the state object. The state description. The newly created object. Constructs a new based on the specified description. The device with which to associate the state object. The state description. The newly created object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion. No documentation. No documentation. void ID3D10BlendState1::GetDesc1([Out] D3D10_BLEND_DESC1* pDesc) ID3D10BlendState1::GetDesc1 No documentation. GetDesc1 GetDesc1 void ID3D10BlendState1::GetDesc1([Out] D3D10_BLEND_DESC1* pDesc)

A buffer interface accesses a buffer resource, which is unstructured memory. Buffers typically store vertex or index data.

Three types of buffers can be created; vertex, index, and shader-constant buffers. To create a buffer resource, call .

A buffer must be bound to the pipeline before it can be accessed. Buffers can be bound to the input-assembler stage by calls to and , and to the stream-output stage by a call to .

Buffers can be bound to multiple pipeline stages simultaneously for reading. A buffer can also be bound to a single pipeline stage for writing; however, the same buffer cannot be bound for reading and writing simultaneously. For more information, see binding resources.

bb173510 ID3D10Buffer ID3D10Buffer

A resource interface provides common actions on all resources.

A resource interface cannot be created directly; instead, buffers and textures are created that inherit from a resource interface (see Creating Buffer Resources or Creating Texture Resources).

bb173829 ID3D10Resource ID3D10Resource
Constant MaximumMipLevels. D3D10_REQ_MIP_LEVELS Constant ResourceSizeInMegabytes. D3D10_REQ_RESOURCE_SIZE_IN_MEGABYTES Constant MaximumTexture1DArraySize. D3D10_REQ_TEXTURE1D_ARRAY_AXIS_DIMENSION Constant MaximumTexture2DArraySize. D3D10_REQ_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_AXIS_DIMENSION Constant MaximumTexture1DSize. D3D10_REQ_TEXTURE1D_U_DIMENSION Constant MaximumTexture2DSize. D3D10_REQ_TEXTURE2D_U_OR_V_DIMENSION Constant MaximumTexture3DSize. D3D10_REQ_TEXTURE3D_U_V_OR_W_DIMENSION Constant MaximumTextureCubeSize. D3D10_REQ_TEXTURECUBE_DIMENSION Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the type of the resource.

Pointer to the resource type (see ).

bb173831 void ID3D10Resource::GetType([Out] D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION* rType) ID3D10Resource::GetType

Set the eviction priority of a resource.

Eviction priority for the resource, which is one of the following values:

Resource priorities determine which resource to evict from video memory when the system has run out of video memory. The resource will not be lost; it will be removed from video memory and placed into system memory, or possibly placed onto the hard drive. The resource will be loaded back into video memory when it is required.

A resource that is set to the maximum priority, , is only evicted if there is no other way of resolving the incoming memory request. The Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) tries to split an incoming memory request to its minimum size and evict lower-priority resources before evicting a resource with maximum priority.

Changing the priorities of resources should be done carefully. The wrong eviction priorities could be a detriment to performance rather than an improvement. See QueryResourceResidency for additional information.

This method is a wrapper for SetEvictionPriority and is provided in the Interface interface for convenience.

bb173832 void ID3D10Resource::SetEvictionPriority([In] unsigned int EvictionPriority) ID3D10Resource::SetEvictionPriority

Get the eviction priority of a resource.

One of the following values, which specifies the eviction priority for the resource:

This method is a wrapper for GetEvictionPriority and is provided in the Interface interface for convenience.

bb173830 unsigned int ID3D10Resource::GetEvictionPriority() ID3D10Resource::GetEvictionPriority
Gets a swap chain back buffer. The type of the buffer. The swap chain to get the buffer from. The index of the desired buffer. The buffer interface, or null on failure. Loads a texture from an image file. The device used to load the texture. Path to the file on disk. The loaded texture object. Loads a texture from an image file. The device used to load the texture. Path to the file on disk. Specifies information used to load the texture. The loaded texture object. Loads a texture from an image in memory. The device used to load the texture. Array of memory containing the image data to load. The loaded texture object. Loads a texture from an image in memory. The device used to load the texture. Array of memory containing the image data to load. Specifies information used to load the texture. The loaded texture object. Loads a texture from a stream of data. The device used to load the texture. A stream containing the image data to load. Size of the image to load. The loaded texture object. Loads a texture from a stream of data. The device used to load the texture. A stream containing the image data to load. Size of the image to load. Specifies information used to load the texture. The loaded texture object. Saves a texture to file. The texture to save. The format the texture will be saved as. Name of the destination output file where the texture will be saved. A object describing the result of the operation. Saves a texture to a stream. The texture to save. The format the texture will be saved as. Destination memory stream where the image will be saved. A object describing the result of the operation. Load a texture from a texture. Pointer to the source texture. See . Pointer to the destination texture. See . Pointer to texture loading parameters. See . The return value is one of the values listed in {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT D3DX10LoadTextureFromTexture([None] ID3D10Resource* pSrcTexture,[None] D3DX10_TEXTURE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[None] ID3D10Resource* pDstTexture) Generates mipmap chain using a particular texture filter. The mipmap level whose data is used to generate the rest of the mipmap chain. Flags controlling how each miplevel is filtered (or D3DX10_DEFAULT for D3DX10_FILTER_BOX). See . The return value is one of the values listed in {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT D3DX10FilterTexture([None] ID3D10Resource* pTexture,[None] int SrcLevel,[None] int MipFilter) Returns a DXGI Surface for this resource. The buffer interface, or null on failure. Calculates a subresource index. The index of the desired mip slice. The index of the desired array slice. The total number of mip levels. The subresource index (equivalent to mipSlice + (arraySlice * mipLevels)). Calculate the MipSize

Get the type of the resource.

bb173831 GetType GetType void ID3D10Resource::GetType([Out] D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION* rType)

Get or sets the eviction priority of a resource.

This method is a wrapper for GetEvictionPriority and is provided in the Interface interface for convenience.

bb173830 GetEvictionPriority / SetEvictionPriority GetEvictionPriority unsigned int ID3D10Resource::GetEvictionPriority()
Initializes a new instance of the class. The device with which to associate the buffer. The description of the buffer. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device with which to associate the buffer. Initial data used to initialize the buffer. The description of the buffer. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device with which to associate the buffer. The size, in bytes, of the buffer. The usage pattern for the buffer. Flags specifying how the buffer will be bound to the pipeline. Flags specifying how the buffer will be accessible from the CPU. Miscellaneous resource options. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device with which to associate the buffer. Initial data used to initialize the buffer. The size, in bytes, of the buffer. The usage pattern for the buffer. Flags specifying how the buffer will be bound to the pipeline. Flags specifying how the buffer will be accessible from the CPU. Miscellaneous resource options. Get a reference to the data contained in the resource and deny GPU access to the resource. For the CPU to write the contents of a resource, the resource must be created with the dynamic usage flag, D3D10_USAGE_DYNAMIC. To both read and write those contents, the resource must be created with the staging usage flag, D3D10_USAGE_STAGING. (For more information about these flags, see .) ID3D10Buffer::Map will retrieve a reference to the resource data. For a discussion on how to access resources efficiently, see {{Copying and Accessing Resource Data (Direct3D 10)}}. Call to signify that the application has finished accessing the resource. ID3D10Buffer::Map has a few other restrictions. For example: The same buffer cannot be mapped multiple times; in other words, do not call ID3D10Buffer::Map on a buffer that is already mapped. Any buffer that is bound to the pipeline must be unmapped before any rendering operation (that is, ) can be executed. Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10: ID3D10Buffer::Map in Direct3D 10 is analogous to resource {{Lock}} in Direct3D 9. ? Flag that specifies the CPU's permissions for the reading and writing of a resource. For possible values, see . If this function succeeds returns a with the size this buffer. HRESULT ID3D10Buffer::Map([In] D3D10_MAP MapType,[In] int MapFlags,[Out] void** ppData) Get a reference to the data contained in the resource and deny GPU access to the resource. For the CPU to write the contents of a resource, the resource must be created with the dynamic usage flag, D3D10_USAGE_DYNAMIC. To both read and write those contents, the resource must be created with the staging usage flag, D3D10_USAGE_STAGING. (For more information about these flags, see .) ID3D10Buffer::Map will retrieve a reference to the resource data. For a discussion on how to access resources efficiently, see {{Copying and Accessing Resource Data (Direct3D 10)}}. Call to signify that the application has finished accessing the resource. ID3D10Buffer::Map has a few other restrictions. For example: The same buffer cannot be mapped multiple times; in other words, do not call ID3D10Buffer::Map on a buffer that is already mapped. Any buffer that is bound to the pipeline must be unmapped before any rendering operation (that is, ) can be executed. Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10: ID3D10Buffer::Map in Direct3D 10 is analogous to resource {{Lock}} in Direct3D 9. ? Flag that specifies the CPU's permissions for the reading and writing of a resource. For possible values, see . Flag that specifies what the CPU should do when the GPU is busy (see ). This flag is optional. If this function succeeds returns a with the size this buffer. HRESULT ID3D10Buffer::Map([In] D3D10_MAP MapType,[In] int MapFlags,[Out] void** ppData) Creates a new instance of the class. Type of the data to upload The device with which to associate the buffer. Flags specifying how the buffer will be bound to the pipeline. Initial data used to initialize the buffer. The size, in bytes, of the buffer. If 0 is specified, sizeof(T) is used. The usage pattern for the buffer. Flags specifying how the buffer will be accessible from the CPU. Miscellaneous resource options. The size (in bytes) of the structure element for structured buffers. An initialized buffer Creates a new instance of the class. Type of the data to upload The device with which to associate the buffer. Flags specifying how the buffer will be bound to the pipeline. Initial data used to initialize the buffer. The size, in bytes, of the buffer. If 0 is specified, sizeof(T) is used. The usage pattern for the buffer. Flags specifying how the buffer will be accessible from the CPU. Miscellaneous resource options. The size (in bytes) of the structure element for structured buffers. An initialized buffer Creates a new instance of the class. Type of the data to upload The device with which to associate the buffer. Initial data used to initialize the buffer. The description. An initialized buffer Creates a new instance of the class. Type of the data to upload The device with which to associate the buffer. Initial data used to initialize the buffer. The description. An initialized buffer Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to the data contained in the resource and deny GPU access to the resource.

Flag that specifies the CPU's permissions for the reading and writing of a resource. For possible values, see .

Flag that specifies what the CPU should do when the GPU is busy (see ). This flag is optional.

Pointer to the buffer resource data.

If this function succeeds, it returns . The following list contains some of the reasons that Map can fail:

  • If MapFlags specifies and the GPU is not yet finished with the resource, returns .
  • returns if MapType includes any flags that permit reading and the hardware device (that is, the video card) has been removed.

For more information about the preceding return values, see DXGI_ERROR.

For the CPU to write the contents of a resource, the resource must be created with the dynamic usage flag, . To both read and write those contents, the resource must be created with the staging usage flag, . (For more information about these flags, see .) will retrieve a reference to the resource data. For a discussion on how to access resources efficiently, see Copying and Accessing Resource Data (Direct3D 10).

Call to signify that the application has finished accessing the resource.

has a few other restrictions. For example:

  • The same buffer cannot be mapped multiple times; in other words, do not call on a buffer that is already mapped.
  • Any buffer that is bound to the pipeline must be unmapped before any rendering operation (that is, ) can be executed.

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10:

in Direct3D 10 is analogous to resource Lock in Direct3D 9.


bb173512 HRESULT ID3D10Buffer::Map([In] D3D10_MAP MapType,[In] D3D10_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] void** ppData) ID3D10Buffer::Map

Invalidate the reference to the resource retrieved by and reenable GPU access to the resource.

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10:

Unmap() in Direct3D 10 is analogous to resource Unlock() in Direct3D 9.


bb173513 void ID3D10Buffer::Unmap() ID3D10Buffer::Unmap

Get the properties of a buffer resource.

Pointer to a resource description (see ) filled in by the method. This reference cannot be null.

bb173511 void ID3D10Buffer::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10Buffer::GetDesc

Get the properties of a buffer resource.

bb173511 GetDesc GetDesc void ID3D10Buffer::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc)

Describes a buffer resource.

This structure is used by to create buffer resources.

In addition to this structure, there is also a derived structure in D3D10.h (CD3D10_BUFFER_DESC) which behaves like an inherited class to help create a buffer description.

Initializes a new instance of the struct. The size in bytes. The usage. The bind flags. The cpu access flags. The option flags. No documentation. unsigned int ByteWidth unsigned int ByteWidth No documentation. D3D10_USAGE Usage D3D10_USAGE Usage No documentation. D3D10_BIND_FLAG BindFlags D3D10_BIND_FLAG BindFlags No documentation. D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG CPUAccessFlags D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG CPUAccessFlags No documentation. D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG MiscFlags D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG MiscFlags

The device interface represents a virtual adapter for Direct3D 10.0; it is used to perform rendering and create Direct3D resources.

A device is created using .

bb173528 ID3D10Device ID3D10Device
Binds a single vertex buffer to the input assembler. Index of the slot to which to bind the vertex buffer. A binding for the input vertex buffer. Binds an array of vertex buffers to the input assembler. Index of the first input slot to use for binding. The first vertex buffer is explicitly bound to the start slot; this causes each additional vertex buffer in the array to be implicitly bound to each subsequent input slot. There are 16 input slots. An array of bindings for input vertex buffers. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Bind an input-layout object to the input-assembler stage.

No documentation.

Input-layout objects describe how vertex buffer data is streamed into the IA pipeline stage. To create an input-layout object, call .

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173589 void ID3D10Device::IASetInputLayout([In, Optional] ID3D10InputLayout* pInputLayout) ID3D10Device::IASetInputLayout

Bind an array of vertex buffers to the input-assembler stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

For information about creating vertex buffers, see Create a Vertex Buffer.

Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing (i.e. bound to the stream output pipeline stage) will effectively bind null instead because a buffer cannot be bound as both an input and an output at the same time.

The Debug Layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173591 void ID3D10Device::IASetVertexBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10Buffer** ppVertexBuffers,[In, Buffer] const unsigned int* pStrides,[In, Buffer] const unsigned int* pOffsets) ID3D10Device::IASetVertexBuffers

Bind an array of vertex buffers to the input-assembler stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

For information about creating vertex buffers, see Create a Vertex Buffer.

Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing (i.e. bound to the stream output pipeline stage) will effectively bind null instead because a buffer cannot be bound as both an input and an output at the same time.

The Debug Layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173591 void ID3D10Device::IASetVertexBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10Buffer** ppVertexBuffers,[In, Buffer] const unsigned int* pStrides,[In, Buffer] const unsigned int* pOffsets) ID3D10Device::IASetVertexBuffers

Bind an index buffer to the input-assembler stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

For information about creating index buffers, see Create an Index Buffer.

Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing (i.e. bound to the stream output pipeline stage) will effectively bind null instead because a buffer cannot be bound as both an input and an output at the same time.

The Debug Layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173588 void ID3D10Device::IASetIndexBuffer([In, Optional] ID3D10Buffer* pIndexBuffer,[In] DXGI_FORMAT Format,[In] unsigned int Offset) ID3D10Device::IASetIndexBuffer

Bind information about the primitive type, and data order that describes input data for the input assembler stage.

No documentation. Bb173590 void ID3D10Device::IASetPrimitiveTopology([In] D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY Topology) ID3D10Device::IASetPrimitiveTopology

Get a reference to the input-layout object that is bound to the input-assembler stage.

No documentation.

For information about creating an input-layout object, see Creating the Input-Layout Object.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173585 void ID3D10Device::IAGetInputLayout([Out] ID3D10InputLayout** ppInputLayout) ID3D10Device::IAGetInputLayout

Get the vertex buffers bound to the input-assembler stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173587 void ID3D10Device::IAGetVertexBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[Out, Buffer, Optional] ID3D10Buffer** ppVertexBuffers,[Out, Buffer, Optional] unsigned int* pStrides,[Out, Buffer, Optional] unsigned int* pOffsets) ID3D10Device::IAGetVertexBuffers

Get a reference to the index buffer that is bound to the input-assembler stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173584 void ID3D10Device::IAGetIndexBuffer([Out, Optional] ID3D10Buffer** pIndexBuffer,[Out, Optional] DXGI_FORMAT* Format,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* Offset) ID3D10Device::IAGetIndexBuffer

Get information about the primitive type, and data order that describes input data for the input assembler stage.

No documentation. bb173586 void ID3D10Device::IAGetPrimitiveTopology([Out] D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY* pTopology) ID3D10Device::IAGetPrimitiveTopology

Get or sets a reference to the input-layout object that is bound to the input-assembler stage.

For information about creating an input-layout object, see Creating the Input-Layout Object.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173585 IAGetInputLayout / IASetInputLayout IAGetInputLayout void ID3D10Device::IAGetInputLayout([Out] ID3D10InputLayout** ppInputLayout)

Get or sets information about the primitive type, and data order that describes input data for the input assembler stage.

bb173586 IAGetPrimitiveTopology / IASetPrimitiveTopology IAGetPrimitiveTopology void ID3D10Device::IAGetPrimitiveTopology([Out] D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY* pTopology)

This interface encapsulates methods for measuring GPU performance.

A counter can be created with .

This is a derived class of Interface.

Counter data is gathered by issuing an command, issuing some graphics commands, issuing an command, and then calling to get data about what happened in between the Begin and End calls. The data returned by GetData will be different depending on the type of counter. The call to End causes the data returned by GetData to be accurate up until the last call to End.

Counters are best suited for profiling.

For a list of the types of performance counters, see .

bb173514 ID3D10Counter ID3D10Counter
Constructs a new based on the specified description. The device with which to associate the state object. The counter description. The newly created object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a counter description.

Pointer to a counter description (see ).

bb173515 void ID3D10Counter::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_COUNTER_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10Counter::GetDesc

Get a counter description.

bb173515 GetDesc GetDesc void ID3D10Counter::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_COUNTER_DESC* pDesc)
Counter metadata that contains the type, name, units of measure, and a description of an existing counter. Gets the data type of a counter (see ). The type. Gets the number of hardware counters that are needed for this counter type to be created. All instances of the same counter type use the same hardware counters. The hardware counter count. Gets a brief name for the counter. The name. Gets the units a counter measures. The units. Gets a description of the counter. The description.

A debug interface controls debug settings, validates pipeline state and can only be used if the debug layer is turned on.

This interface is obtained by querying it from the Interface using IUnknown::QueryInterface.

bb173516 ID3D10Debug ID3D10Debug
Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a bitfield of flags that will turn debug features on and off.

Feature-mask flags bitwise ORed together. If a flag is present, then that feature will be set to on, otherwise the feature will be set to off. See remarks for a list of flags.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Setting a feature-mask flag will cause a rendering-operation method (listed below) to do some extra task when called. The possible feature flags are:

Application will wait for the GPU to finish processing the rendering operation before continuing.
Runtime will additionally call .
Runtime will call Present. Presentation of render buffers will occur according to the settings established by prior calls to and .


These feature-mask flags apply to the following rendering-operation methods:

bb173520 HRESULT ID3D10Debug::SetFeatureMask([In] unsigned int Mask) ID3D10Debug::SetFeatureMask

Get a bitfield of flags that indicates which debug features are on or off.

Mask of feature-mask flags bitwise ORed together. If a flag is present, then that feature will be set to on, otherwise the feature will be set to off. See for a list of possible feature-mask flags.

bb173517 unsigned int ID3D10Debug::GetFeatureMask() ID3D10Debug::GetFeatureMask

Set the number of milliseconds to sleep after Present is called.

No documentation.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

The application will only sleep if is a set in the feature mask. If that flag is not set the number of milliseconds is set but ignored and the application does not sleep. 10ms is used as a default value if this method is never called.

bb173521 HRESULT ID3D10Debug::SetPresentPerRenderOpDelay([In] unsigned int Milliseconds) ID3D10Debug::SetPresentPerRenderOpDelay

Get the number of milliseconds to sleep after Present is called.

Number of milliseconds to sleep after Present is called.

Value is set with .

bb173518 unsigned int ID3D10Debug::GetPresentPerRenderOpDelay() ID3D10Debug::GetPresentPerRenderOpDelay

Set a swap chain that the runtime will use for automatically calling Present.

No documentation.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

The swap chain set by this method will only be used if is set in the feature mask.

bb173522 HRESULT ID3D10Debug::SetSwapChain([In, Optional] IDXGISwapChain* pSwapChain) ID3D10Debug::SetSwapChain

Get the swap chain that the runtime will use for automatically calling Present.

No documentation.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

The swap chain retrieved by this method will only be used if is set in the feature mask.

bb173519 HRESULT ID3D10Debug::GetSwapChain([Out] IDXGISwapChain** ppSwapChain) ID3D10Debug::GetSwapChain

Check the validity of pipeline state.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

When the debug layer is turned on all draw functions will do this operation.

bb173523 HRESULT ID3D10Debug::Validate() ID3D10Debug::Validate
Gets or sets the feature flags that indicates which debug features are on or off. The feature flags.

Get or sets the number of milliseconds to sleep after Present is called.

Value is set with .

bb173518 GetPresentPerRenderOpDelay / SetPresentPerRenderOpDelay GetPresentPerRenderOpDelay unsigned int ID3D10Debug::GetPresentPerRenderOpDelay()

Get or sets the swap chain that the runtime will use for automatically calling Present.

The swap chain retrieved by this method will only be used if is set in the feature mask.

bb173519 GetSwapChain / SetSwapChain GetSwapChain HRESULT ID3D10Debug::GetSwapChain([Out] IDXGISwapChain** ppSwapChain)

A depth-stencil-state interface accesses depth-stencil state which sets up the depth-stencil test for the output-merger stage.

Create a depth-stencil state object by calling .

To initialize depth-stencil state, bind the depth-stencil-state object to the pipeline by calling .

bb173524 ID3D10DepthStencilState ID3D10DepthStencilState
Constructs a new based on the specified description. The device with which to associate the state object. The state description. The newly created object. Constructs a new based on the specified description. The device with which to associate the state object. The state description. The newly created object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the depth-stencil state.

A reference to the depth-stencil state (see ).

bb173525 void ID3D10DepthStencilState::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10DepthStencilState::GetDesc

Get the depth-stencil state.

bb173525 GetDesc GetDesc void ID3D10DepthStencilState::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC* pDesc)

A depth-stencil-view interface accesses a texture resource during depth-stencil testing.

To create a depth-stencil view, call .

To bind a depth-stencil view to the pipeline, call .

bb173526 ID3D10DepthStencilView ID3D10DepthStencilView

A view interface specifies the parts of a resource the pipeline can access during rendering (see view).

A view interface is the base interface for all views. There are three types of views; a depth-stencil view, a render-target view, and a shader-resource view.

  • To create a render-target view, call .
  • To create a depth-stencil view, call .
  • To create a shader-resource view, call .

All resources must be bound to the pipeline before they can be accessed.

  • To bind a render-target view or a depth-stencil view, call .
  • To bind a shader-resource view, call .

A view can also be used to access a typeless resource.

bb173876 ID3D10View ID3D10View
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the resource that is accessed through this view.

Address of a reference to the resource that is accessed through this view. (See .)

This function increments the reference count of the resource by one, so it is necessary to call Release on the returned reference when the application is done with it. Destroying (or losing) the returned reference before Release is called will result in a memory leak.

bb173877 void ID3D10View::GetResource([Out] ID3D10Resource** ppResource) ID3D10View::GetResource

Get the resource that is accessed through this view.

This function increments the reference count of the resource by one, so it is necessary to call Release on the returned reference when the application is done with it. Destroying (or losing) the returned reference before Release is called will result in a memory leak.

bb173877 GetResource GetResource void ID3D10View::GetResource([Out] ID3D10Resource** ppResource)
Creates a for accessing resource data. The device to use when creating this . The resource that represents the render-target surface. This surface must have been created with the DepthStencil flag. ID3D10Device::CreateDepthStencilView Creates a for accessing resource data. The device to use when creating this . The resource that represents the render-target surface. This surface must have been created with the DepthStencil flag. A structure describing the to be created. ID3D10Device::CreateDepthStencilView Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the depth-stencil view.

No documentation. bb173527 void ID3D10DepthStencilView::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_DEPTH_STENCIL_VIEW_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10DepthStencilView::GetDesc

Get the depth-stencil view.

bb173527 GetDesc GetDesc void ID3D10DepthStencilView::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_DEPTH_STENCIL_VIEW_DESC* pDesc)
Common Shader class. Provides a common set of methods for a Shader Stage. TODO: check if usage of abstract is not introducing an unacceptable overhead... Type of the shader Maximum number of bindable constant buffers to a pipeline stage. Maximum number of bindable resources to a pipeline stage. Maximum number of bindable samplers to a pipeline stage. Initializes a new instance of the class. The pointer. Gets the constant buffers used by the shader stage. Index into the device's zero-based array from which to begin retrieving constant buffers. Number of buffers to retrieve. An array of constant buffers. Gets the sampler states used by the shader stage. Index into the device's zero-based array from which to begin retrieving samplers. Number of samplers to retrieve. An array of sampler states. Gets the shader resources used by the shader stage. Index into the device's zero-based array from which to begin retrieving shader resources. Number of resources to retrieve. An array of shader resources. Sets a single constant buffer to be used by the shader stage. Index into the device's zero-based array to which to set the constant buffer. constant buffer to set Sets a single sampler to be used by the shader stage. Index into the device's zero-based array to which to set the sampler. sampler state to set Sets a single shader resource to be used by the shader stage. Index into the device's zero-based array to which to set the resource. Resource view to attach Get the shader resources. Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks. Index into the device's zero-based array to begin getting shader resources from (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_INPUT_RESOURCE_SLOT_COUNT - 1). The number of resources to get from the device. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_INPUT_RESOURCE_SLOT_COUNT - StartSlot). Array of {{shader resource view}} interfaces to be returned by the device. void PSGetShaderResources([In] UINT StartSlot,[In] UINT NumViews,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceViews) Get an array of sampler states from the shader pipeline stage. Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks. Index into a zero-based array to begin getting samplers from (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_SAMPLER_SLOT_COUNT - 1). Number of samplers to get from a device context. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_SAMPLER_SLOT_COUNT - StartSlot). Arry of sampler-state interface pointers (see ) to be returned by the device. void PSGetSamplers([In] UINT StartSlot,[In] UINT NumSamplers,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10SamplerState** ppSamplers) Get the constant buffers used by the shader pipeline stage. Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks. Index into the device's zero-based array to begin retrieving constant buffers from (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_CONSTANT_BUFFER_API_SLOT_COUNT - 1). Number of buffers to retrieve (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_CONSTANT_BUFFER_API_SLOT_COUNT - StartSlot). Array of constant buffer interface pointers (see ) to be returned by the method. void PSGetConstantBuffers([In] UINT StartSlot,[In] UINT NumBuffers,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10Buffer** ppConstantBuffers) Bind an array of shader resources to the shader stage. If an overlapping resource view is already bound to an output slot, such as a rendertarget, then this API will fill the destination shader resource slot with NULL.For information about creating shader-resource views, see . The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10. Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting shader resources to (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_INPUT_RESOURCE_SLOT_COUNT - 1). Number of shader resources to set. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_INPUT_RESOURCE_SLOT_COUNT - StartSlot). Array of {{shader resource view}} interfaces to set to the device. void PSSetShaderResources([In] UINT StartSlot,[In] UINT NumViews,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceViews) Bind an array of shader resources to the shader stage. If an overlapping resource view is already bound to an output slot, such as a rendertarget, then this API will fill the destination shader resource slot with NULL.For information about creating shader-resource views, see . The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10. Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting shader resources to (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_INPUT_RESOURCE_SLOT_COUNT - 1). Number of shader resources to set. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_INPUT_RESOURCE_SLOT_COUNT - StartSlot). Array of {{shader resource view}} interfaces to set to the device. void PSSetShaderResources([In] UINT StartSlot,[In] UINT NumViews,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceViews) Set an array of sampler states to the shader pipeline stage. Any sampler may be set to NULL; this invokes the default state, which is defined to be the following.StateDefault ValueFilterD3D10_FILTER_MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEARAddressUD3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMPAddressVD3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMPAddressWD3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMPMipLODBias0MaxAnisotropy1ComparisonFuncD3D10_COMPARISON_NEVERBorderColor[0]1.0fBorderColor[1]1.0fBorderColor[2]1.0fBorderColor[3]1.0fMinLOD-FLT_MAXMaxLODFLT_MAX The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10. Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting samplers to (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_SAMPLER_SLOT_COUNT - 1). Number of samplers in the array. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_SAMPLER_SLOT_COUNT - StartSlot). Pointer to an array of sampler-state interfaces (see ). See Remarks. void PSSetSamplers([In] UINT StartSlot,[In] UINT NumSamplers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10SamplerState** ppSamplers) Set an array of sampler states to the shader pipeline stage. Any sampler may be set to NULL; this invokes the default state, which is defined to be the following.StateDefault ValueFilterD3D10_FILTER_MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEARAddressUD3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMPAddressVD3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMPAddressWD3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMPMipLODBias0MaxAnisotropy1ComparisonFuncD3D10_COMPARISON_NEVERBorderColor[0]1.0fBorderColor[1]1.0fBorderColor[2]1.0fBorderColor[3]1.0fMinLOD-FLT_MAXMaxLODFLT_MAX The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10. Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting samplers to (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_SAMPLER_SLOT_COUNT - 1). Number of samplers in the array. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_SAMPLER_SLOT_COUNT - StartSlot). Pointer to an array of sampler-state interfaces (see ). See Remarks. void PSSetSamplers([In] UINT StartSlot,[In] UINT NumSamplers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10SamplerState** ppSamplers) Set the constant buffers used by the shader pipeline stage. The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10. Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting constant buffers to (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_CONSTANT_BUFFER_API_SLOT_COUNT - 1). Number of buffers to set (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_CONSTANT_BUFFER_API_SLOT_COUNT - StartSlot). Array of constant buffers (see ) being given to the device. void PSSetConstantBuffers([In] UINT StartSlot,[In] UINT NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10Buffer** ppConstantBuffers) Set the constant buffers used by the shader pipeline stage. The method will hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. This differs from the device state behavior in Direct3D 10. Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting constant buffers to (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_CONSTANT_BUFFER_API_SLOT_COUNT - 1). Number of buffers to set (ranges from 0 to D3D10_COMMONSHADER_CONSTANT_BUFFER_API_SLOT_COUNT - StartSlot). Array of constant buffers (see ) being given to the device. void PSSetConstantBuffers([In] UINT StartSlot,[In] UINT NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10Buffer** ppConstantBuffers)

The device interface represents a virtual adapter for Direct3D 10.0; it is used to perform rendering and create Direct3D resources.

A device is created using .

bb173528 ID3D10Device ID3D10Device
Constructor for a D3D10 Device. See for more information. Constructor for a D3D10 Device. See for more information. Constructor for a D3D10 Device. See for more information. Constructor for a D3D10 Device. See for more information. Initializes a new instance of the class along with a new used for rendering. The type of device to create. A list of runtime layers to enable. Details used to create the swap chain. When the method completes, contains the created device instance. When the method completes, contains the created swap chain instance. A object describing the result of the operation. Initializes a new instance of the class along with a new used for rendering. The video adapter on which the device should be created. A list of runtime layers to enable. Details used to create the swap chain. When the method completes, contains the created device instance. When the method completes, contains the created swap chain instance. A object describing the result of the operation. This overload has been deprecated. Use one of the alternatives that does not take both an adapter and a driver type. Get the type, name, units of measure, and a description of an existing counter. The counter description. Description of the counter Get the rendering predicate state. Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call {{IUnknown::Release}} on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks. a boolean to fill with the predicate comparison value. FALSE upon device creation. a reference to a predicate (see ). void ID3D10Device::GetPredication([Out, Optional] ID3D10Predicate** ppPredicate,[Out, Optional] BOOL* pPredicateValue) Give a device access to a shared resource created on a different Direct3d device. The type of the resource we are gaining access to. A resource handle. See remarks. This method returns a reference to the resource we are gaining access to. To share a resource between two Direct3D 10 devices the resource must have been created with the flag, if it was created using the ID3D10Device interface. If it was created using the IDXGIDevice interface, then the resource is always shared. The REFIID, or GUID, of the interface to the resource can be obtained by using the __uuidof() macro. For example, __uuidof(ID3D10Buffer) will get the GUID of the interface to a buffer resource. When sharing a resource between two Direct3D 10 devices the unique handle of the resource can be obtained by querying the resource for the interface and then calling {{GetSharedHandle}}. IDXGIResource* pOtherResource(NULL); hr = pOtherDeviceResource->QueryInterface( __uuidof(IDXGIResource), (void**)&pOtherResource ); HANDLE sharedHandle; pOtherResource->GetSharedHandle(&sharedHandle); The only resources that can be shared are 2D non-mipmapped textures. To share a resource between a Direct3D 9 device and a Direct3D 10 device the texture must have been created using the pSharedHandle argument of {{CreateTexture}}. The shared Direct3D 9 handle is then passed to OpenSharedResource in the hResource argument. The following code illustrates the method calls involved. sharedHandle = NULL; // must be set to NULL to create, can use a valid handle here to open in D3D9 pDevice9->CreateTexture(..., pTex2D_9, &sharedHandle); ... pDevice10->OpenSharedResource(sharedHandle, __uuidof(ID3D10Resource), (void**)(&tempResource10)); tempResource10->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ID3D10Texture2D), (void**)(&pTex2D_10)); tempResource10->Release(); // now use pTex2D_10 with pDevice10 Textures being shared from D3D9 to D3D10 have the following restrictions. Textures must be 2D Only 1 mip level is allowed Texture must have default usage Texture must be write only MSAA textures are not allowed Bind flags must have SHADER_RESOURCE and RENDER_TARGET set Only R10G10B10A2_UNORM, R16G16B16A16_FLOAT and R8G8B8A8_UNORM formats are allowed If a shared texture is updated on one device must be called on that device. HRESULT ID3D10Device::OpenSharedResource([In] void* hResource,[In] GUID* ReturnedInterface,[Out, Optional] void** ppResource) Copy the entire contents of the source resource to the destination resource using the GPU. This method is unusual in that it causes the GPU to perform the copy operation (similar to a memcpy by the CPU). As a result, it has a few restrictions designed for improving performance. For instance, the source and destination resources: Must be different resources. Must be the same {{type}}. Must have identical dimensions (including width, height, depth, and size as appropriate). Will only be copied. CopyResource does not support any stretch, color key, blend, or format conversions. Must have compatible {{formats}}, which means the formats must be identical or at least from the same type group. For example, a DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT texture can be copied to an DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT texture since both of these formats are in the DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_TYPELESS group. May not be currently {{mapped}}. {{Immutable}}, and {{depth-stencil}} resources cannot be used as a destination. Resources created with {{multisampling capability}} cannot be used as either a source or destination. The method is an asynchronous call which may be added to the command-buffer queue. This attempts to remove pipeline stalls that may occur when copying data. See {{performance considerations}} for more details. An application that only needs to copy a portion of the data in a resource should use instead. Differences between Direct3D 10 and Direct3D 10.1: Direct3D 10.1 enables depth-stencil resources to be used as either a source or destination. Direct3D 10.1 enables multisampled resources to be used as source and destination only if both source and destination have identical multisampled count and quality. If source and destination differ in multisampled count and quality or if the source is multisampled and the destination is not multisampled (or vice versa), the call to ID3D10Device::CopyResource fails. It is possible to copy between prestructured+typed resources and block-compressed textures. See {{Format Conversion using Direct3D 10.1}}. ? A reference to the source resource (see ). A reference to the destination resource (see ). void ID3D10Device::CopyResource([In] ID3D10Resource* pDstResource,[In] ID3D10Resource* pSrcResource) Copy a region from a source resource to a destination resource. The source box must be within the size of the source resource. The destination location is an absolute value (not a relative value). The destination location can be offset from the source location; however, the size of the region to copy (including the destination location) must fit in the destination resource. If the resources are buffers, all coordinates are in bytes; if the resources are textures, all coordinates are in texels. {{D3D10CalcSubresource}} is a helper function for calculating subresource indexes. CopySubresourceRegion performs the copy on the GPU (similar to a memcpy by the CPU). As a consequence, the source and destination resources must meet the following criteria: Must be different subresources (although they can be from the same resource). Must be the same {{type}}. Must have compatible {{formats}} (the formats must either be identical or be from the same type group). For example, a DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT texture can be copied to an DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT texture because both of these formats are in the DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_TYPELESS group. May not be currently {{mapped}}. CopySubresourceRegion supports only copy; it does not support any stretch, color key, blend, or format conversions. An application that needs to copy an entire resource should use instead. CopySubresourceRegion is an asynchronous call that the runtime can add to the command-buffer queue. This asynchronous behaviorattempts to remove pipeline stalls that may occur when copying data. See {{performance considerations}} for more details. Differences between Direct3D 10 and Direct3D 10.1: Direct3D 10 has the following limitations: You cannot use a depth-stencil resource as a destination. You cannot use an immutable resource as a destination. You cannot use a multisampled texture as either a source or a destination Direct3D 10.1 has added support for the following features: You can use a depth-stencil buffer as a source or a destination. You can use multisampled resources as source and destination only if both source and destination have identical multisampled count and quality. If source and destination differ in multisampled count and quality or if the source is multisampled and the destination is not multisampled (or vice versa), the call to ID3D10Device::CopySubresourceRegion fails. You can copy between uncompressed and compressed resources. During copy, the format conversions that are specified in {{Format Conversion using Direct3D 10.1}} are supported automatically. The uncompressed resource must be at least prestructured, and typed. You must also account for the difference between the virtual and the physical size of the mipmaps levels. ? Note??If you use CopySubresourceRegion with a depth-stencil buffer or a multisampled resource, you must copy the whole subresource. You must also pass 0 to the DstX, DstY, and DstZ parameters and NULL to the pSrcBox parameter. In addition, source and destination resources, which are represented by the pSrcResource and pDstResource parameters respectively, must have identical sample count values. Example The following code snippet copies a box (located at (120,100),(200,220)) from a source texture into a reqion (130,120),(210,240) in a destination texture. D3D10_BOX sourceRegion; sourceRegion.left = 120; sourceRegion.right = 200; = 100; sourceRegion.bottom = 220; sourceRegion.front = 0; sourceRegion.back = 1; pd3dDevice->CopySubresourceRegion( pDestTexture, 0, 130, 120, 0, pSourceTexture, 0, &sourceRegion ); Notice that, for a 2D texture, front and back are always set to 0 and 1 respectively. A reference to the source resource (see ). index of the source. A 3D box (see ) that defines the source subresources that can be copied. If NULL, the entire source subresource is copied. The box must fit within the source resource. A reference to the destination resource (see ). index of the destination. The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region. The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region. The z coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region. For a 1D or 2D subresource, this must be zero. void ID3D10Device::CopySubresourceRegion([In] ID3D10Resource* pDstResource,[In] int DstSubresource,[In] int DstX,[In] int DstY,[In] int DstZ,[In] ID3D10Resource* pSrcResource,[In] int SrcSubresource,[In, Optional] const D3D10_BOX* pSrcBox) Copy a multisampled resource into a non-multisampled resource. This API is most useful when re-using the resulting rendertarget of one render pass as an input to a second render pass. Both the source and destination resources must be the same {{resource type}} and have the same dimensions. The source and destination must have compatible formats. There are three scenarios for this: ScenarioRequirements Source and destination are prestructured and typedBoth the source and destination must have identical formats and that format must be specified in the Format parameter. One resource is prestructured and typed and the other is prestructured and typelessThe typed resource must have a format that is compatible with the typeless resource (i.e. the typed resource is DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT and the typeless resource is DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS). The format of the typed resource must be specified in the Format parameter. Source and destination are prestructured and typelessBoth the source and desintation must have the same typeless format (i.e. both must have DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS), and the Format parameter must specify a format that is compatible with the source and destination (i.e. if both are DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS then DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT or DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT could be specified in the Format parameter). ? Source resource. Must be multisampled. The source subresource of the source resource. Destination resource. Must be a created with the flag and be single-sampled. See . A zero-based index, that identifies the destination subresource. See {{D3D10CalcSubresource}} for more details. that indicates how the multisampled resource will be resolved to a single-sampled resource. See remarks. void ID3D10Device::ResolveSubresource([In] ID3D10Resource* pDstResource,[In] int DstSubresource,[In] ID3D10Resource* pSrcResource,[In] int SrcSubresource,[In] DXGI_FORMAT Format) Copies data from the CPU to to a non-mappable subresource region. Type of the data to upload A reference to the data to upload. The destination resource. The destination subresource. The row pitch. The depth pitch. Copies data from the CPU to to a non-mappable subresource region. Type of the data to upload A reference to the data to upload. The destination resource. The destination subresource. The row pitch. The depth pitch. Copies data from the CPU to to a non-mappable subresource region. The source data. The destination resource. The destination subresource. Copies data from the CPU to to a non-mappable subresource region. The source data. The destination resource. The destination subresource. The destination region within the resource. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Update nested inner interfaces pointer

Draw indexed, non-instanced primitives.

Number of indices to draw.

Index of the first index to use when accesssing the vertex buffer; begin at StartIndexLocation to index vertices from the vertex buffer.

Offset from the start of the vertex buffer to the first vertex.

A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline.

If the sum of both indices is negative, the result of the function call is undefined.

bb173565 void ID3D10Device::DrawIndexed([In] unsigned int IndexCount,[In] unsigned int StartIndexLocation,[In] int BaseVertexLocation) ID3D10Device::DrawIndexed

Draw non-indexed, non-instanced primitives.

Number of vertices to draw.

Index of the first vertex, which is usually an offset in a vertex buffer; it could also be used as the first vertex id generated for a shader parameter marked with the SV_TargetId?system-value semantic.

A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline.

The vertex data for a draw call normally comes from a vertex buffer that is bound to the pipeline. However, you could also provide the vertex data from a shader that has vertex data marked with the SV_VertexId?system-value semantic.

bb173563 void ID3D10Device::Draw([In] unsigned int VertexCount,[In] unsigned int StartVertexLocation) ID3D10Device::Draw

Draw indexed, instanced primitives.

Size of the index buffer used in each instance.

Number of instances to draw.

Index of the first index.

Index of the first vertex. The index is signed, which allows a negative index. If the negative index plus the index value from the index buffer are less than 0, the result is undefined.

Index of the first instance.

A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline.

Instancing may extend performance by reusing the same geometry to draw multiple objects in a scene. One example of instancing could be to draw the same object with different positions and colors. Indexing requires multiple vertex buffers: at least one for per-vertex data and a second buffer for per-instance data. For an example of instancing, see the Instancing10 Sample.

bb173566 void ID3D10Device::DrawIndexedInstanced([In] unsigned int IndexCountPerInstance,[In] unsigned int InstanceCount,[In] unsigned int StartIndexLocation,[In] int BaseVertexLocation,[In] unsigned int StartInstanceLocation) ID3D10Device::DrawIndexedInstanced

Draw non-indexed, instanced primitives.

Number of vertices to draw.

Number of instances to draw.

Index of the first vertex.

Index of the first instance.

A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline.

Instancing may extend performance by reusing the same geometry to draw multiple objects in a scene. One example of instancing could be to draw the same object with different positions and colors. For an example of instancing, see the Instancing10 Sample.

The vertex data for an instanced draw call normally comes from a vertex buffer that is bound to the pipeline. However, you could also provide the vertex data from a shader that has instanced data identified with a system-value semantic (SV_InstanceID).

bb173567 void ID3D10Device::DrawInstanced([In] unsigned int VertexCountPerInstance,[In] unsigned int InstanceCount,[In] unsigned int StartVertexLocation,[In] unsigned int StartInstanceLocation) ID3D10Device::DrawInstanced

Set a rendering predicate.

Pointer to a predicate (see ). A null value indicates "no" predication; in this case, the value of PredicateValue is irrelevent but will be preserved for .

If TRUE, rendering will be affected by when the predicate's conditions are met. If , rendering will be affected when the conditions are not met.

The predicate must be in the "issued" or "signaled" state to be used for predication. While the predicate is set for predication, calls to and are invalid.

This method is used to denote that subsequent rendering and resource manipulation commands are not actually performed if the resulting Predicate data of the Predicate is equal to the PredicateValue. However, some Predicates are only hints, so they may not actually prevent operations from being performed.

The primary usefulness of Predication is to allow an application to issue graphics commands without taking the performance hit of spinning, waiting for to return. So, Predication can occur while returns S_FALSE. Another way to think of it: an application can also use Predication as a fallback, if it is possible that returns S_FALSE. If returns , the application can skip calling the graphics commands manually with it's own application logic.

bb173615 void ID3D10Device::SetPredication([In, Optional] ID3D10Predicate* pPredicate,[In] BOOL PredicateValue) ID3D10Device::SetPredication

Draw geometry of an unknown size that was created by the geometry shader stage. See remarks.

A draw API submits work to the rendering pipeline.

After data has been streamed out to SO stage buffers, those buffers can be again bound to the Input Assembler stage at input slot 0 and DrawAuto will draw them without the application needing to know the amount of data that was written to the buffers. A measurement of the amount of data written to the SO stage buffers is maintained internally when the data is streamed out. This means that the CPU does not need to fetch the measurement before re-binding the data that was streamed as input data. Although this amount is tracked internally, it is still the responsibility of applications to use input layouts to describe the format of the data in the SO stage buffers so that the layouts are available when the buffers are again bound to the input assembler.

The following diagram shows the DrawAuto process.

Calling DrawAuto does not change the state of the streaming-output buffers that were bound again as inputs.

DrawAuto only works when drawing with one input buffer bound as an input to the IA stage at slot 0. Applications must create the SO buffer resource with both binding flags, and .

This API does not support indexing or instancing.

If an application needs to retrieve the size of the streaming-output buffer, it can query for statistics on streaming output by using .

Example of using DrawAuto can be found in the ParticlesGS Sample and PipesGS Sample.

bb173564 void ID3D10Device::DrawAuto() ID3D10Device::DrawAuto

Copy a region from a source resource to a destination resource.

A reference to the destination resource (see ).

Subresource index of the destination.

The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region.

The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region.

The z coordinate of the upper left corner of the destination region. For a 1D or 2D subresource, this must be zero.

A reference to the source resource (see ).

Subresource index of the source.

A 3D box (see ) that defines the source subresources that can be copied. If null, the entire source subresource is copied. The box must fit within the source resource.

The source box must be within the size of the source resource. The destination location is an absolute value (not a relative value). The destination location can be offset from the source location; however, the size of the region to copy (including the destination location) must fit in the destination resource.

If the resources are buffers, all coordinates are in bytes; if the resources are textures, all coordinates are in texels.

D3D10CalcSubresource is a helper function for calculating subresource indexes.

CopySubresourceRegion performs the copy on the GPU (similar to a memcpy by the CPU). As a consequence, the source and destination resources must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be different subresources (although they can be from the same resource).
  • Must be the same type.
  • Must have compatible formats (the formats must either be identical or be from the same type group). For example, a texture can be copied to an texture because both of these formats are in the group.
  • May not be currently mapped.

CopySubresourceRegion supports only copy; it does not support any stretch, color key, blend, or format conversions. An application that needs to copy an entire resource should use instead.

CopySubresourceRegion is an asynchronous call that the runtime can add to the command-buffer queue. This asynchronous behaviorattempts to remove pipeline stalls that may occur when copying data. See performance considerations for more details.

Differences between Direct3D 10 and Direct3D 10.1:

Direct3D 10 has the following limitations:

  • You cannot use a depth-stencil resource as a destination.
  • You cannot use an immutable resource as a destination.
  • You cannot use a multisampled texture as either a source or a destination

Direct3D 10.1 has added support for the following features:

  • You can use a depth-stencil buffer as a source or a destination.
  • You can use multisampled resources as source and destination only if both source and destination have identical multisampled count and quality. If source and destination differ in multisampled count and quality or if the source is multisampled and the destination is not multisampled (or vice versa), the call to fails.
  • You can copy between uncompressed and compressed resources. During copy, the format conversions that are specified in Format Conversion using Direct3D 10.1 are supported automatically. The uncompressed resource must be at least prestructured, and typed. You must also account for the difference between the virtual and the physical size of the mipmaps levels.


Note??If you use CopySubresourceRegion with a depth-stencil buffer or a multisampled resource, you must copy the whole subresource. You must also pass 0 to the DstX, DstY, and DstZ parameters and null to the pSrcBox parameter. In addition, source and destination resources, which are represented by the pSrcResource and pDstResource parameters respectively, must have identical sample count values.


The following code snippet copies a box (located at (120,100),(200,220)) from a source texture into a reqion (130,120),(210,240) in a destination texture.

            sourceRegion.left = 120;	
            sourceRegion.right = 200;	
   = 100;	
            sourceRegion.bottom = 220;	
            sourceRegion.front = 0;	
            sourceRegion.back = 1; pd3dDevice->CopySubresourceRegion( pDestTexture, 0, 130, 120, 0, pSourceTexture, 0, &sourceRegion );	

Notice that, for a 2D texture, front and back are always set to 0 and 1 respectively.

Bb173542 void ID3D10Device::CopySubresourceRegion([In] ID3D10Resource* pDstResource,[In] unsigned int DstSubresource,[In] unsigned int DstX,[In] unsigned int DstY,[In] unsigned int DstZ,[In] ID3D10Resource* pSrcResource,[In] unsigned int SrcSubresource,[In, Optional] const D3D10_BOX* pSrcBox) ID3D10Device::CopySubresourceRegion

Copy the entire contents of the source resource to the destination resource using the GPU.

A reference to the destination resource (see ).

A reference to the source resource (see ).

This method is unusual in that it causes the GPU to perform the copy operation (similar to a memcpy by the CPU). As a result, it has a few restrictions designed for improving performance. For instance, the source and destination resources:

  • Must be different resources.
  • Must be the same type.
  • Must have identical dimensions (including width, height, depth, and size as appropriate).
  • Will only be copied. CopyResource does not support any stretch, color key, blend, or format conversions.
  • Must have compatible formats, which means the formats must be identical or at least from the same type group. For example, a texture can be copied to an texture since both of these formats are in the group.
  • May not be currently mapped.

Immutable, and depth-stencil resources cannot be used as a destination. Resources created with multisampling capability cannot be used as either a source or destination.

The method is an asynchronous call which may be added to the command-buffer queue. This attempts to remove pipeline stalls that may occur when copying data. See performance considerations for more details.

An application that only needs to copy a portion of the data in a resource should use instead.

Differences between Direct3D 10 and Direct3D 10.1:

Direct3D 10.1 enables depth-stencil resources to be used as either a source or destination. Direct3D 10.1 enables multisampled resources to be used as source and destination only if both source and destination have identical multisampled count and quality. If source and destination differ in multisampled count and quality or one of them is multisampled and the other is not multisampled, the call to fails.

It is possible to copy between prestructured+typed resources and block-compressed textures. See Format Conversion using Direct3D 10.1.


bb173541 void ID3D10Device::CopyResource([In] ID3D10Resource* pDstResource,[In] ID3D10Resource* pSrcResource) ID3D10Device::CopyResource

The CPU copies data from memory to a subresource created in non-mappable memory. See remarks.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

For a shader-constant buffer; set pDstBox to null. It is not possible to use this method to partially update a shader-constant buffer.

A resource cannot be used as a destination if:

  • the resource is created with immutable or dynamic usage.
  • the resource is created as a depth-stencil resource.
  • the resource is created with multisampling capability (see ).

When UpdateSubresource returns, the application is free to change or even free the data pointed to by pSrcData because the method has already copied/snapped away the original contents.

The performance of UpdateSubresource depends on whether or not there is contention for the destination resource. For example, contention for a vertex buffer resource occurs when the application executes a Draw call and later calls UpdateSubresource on the same vertex buffer before the Draw call is actually executed by the GPU.

  • When there is contention for the resource, UpdateSubresource will perform 2 copies of the source data. First, the data is copied by the CPU to a temporary storage space accessible by the command buffer. This copy happens before the method returns. A second copy is then performed by the GPU to copy the source data into non-mappable memory. This second copy happens asynchronously because it is executed by GPU when the command buffer is flushed.
  • When there is no resource contention, the behavior of UpdateSubresource is dependent on which is faster (from the CPU's perspective): copying the data to the command buffer and then having a second copy execute when the command buffer is flushed, or having the CPU copy the data to the final resource location. This is dependent on the architecture of the underlying system.

To better understand the source row pitch and source depth pitch parameters, consider the following illustration of a 3D volume texture.

Each block in this visual represents an element of data, and the size of each element is dependent on the resource's format. For example, if the resource format is , then the size of each element would be 128 bits, or 16 bytes. This 3D volume texture has a width of two, a height of three, and a depth of four.

To calculate the source row pitch and source depth pitch for a given resource, use the following formulas:

  • Source Row Pitch = [size of one element in bytes] * [number of elements in one row]
  • Source Depth Pitch = [Source Row Pitch] * [number of rows (height)]

In the case of this example 3D volume texture where the size of each element is 16 bytes, the formulas are as follows:

  • Source Row Pitch = 16 * 2 = 32
  • Source Depth Pitch = 16 * 2 * 3 = 96

The following illustration shows the resource as it is laid out in memory.

For example, the following code snippet shows how to specify a destination region in a 2D texture. Assume the destination texture is 512x512 and the operation will copy the data pointed to by pData to [(120,100)..(200,220)] in the destination texture. Also assume that rowPitch has been initialized with the proper value (as explained above). Front and back are set to 0 and 1 respectively, because by having front equal to back, the box is technically empty.

            destRegion.left = 120;	
            destRegion.right = 200;	
   = 100;	
            destRegion.bottom = 220;	
            destRegion.front = 0;	
            destRegion.back = 1; pd3dDevice->UpdateSubresource( pDestTexture, 0, &destRegion, pData, rowPitch, 0 );	

The 1D case is similar. The following snippet shows how to specify a destination region in a 1D texture. Use the same assumptions as above, except that the texture is 512 in length.

            destRegion.left = 120	
            destRegion.right = 200;	
   = 0;	
            destRegion.bottom = 1;	
            destRegion.front = 0;	
            destRegion.back = 1; pd3dDevice->UpdateSubresource( pDestTexture, 0, &destRegion, pData, rowPitch, 0 );	

Differences between Direct3D 10 and Direct3D 10.1:

Direct3D 10.1 enables depth-stencil resources to be used as either a source or destination.


bb173621 void ID3D10Device::UpdateSubresource([In] ID3D10Resource* pDstResource,[In] unsigned int DstSubresource,[In, Optional] const D3D10_BOX* pDstBox,[In] const void* pSrcData,[In] unsigned int SrcRowPitch,[In] unsigned int SrcDepthPitch) ID3D10Device::UpdateSubresource

Set all the elements in a render target to one value.

Pointer to the rendertarget.

A 4-component array that represents the color to fill the render target with.

Applications that wish to clear a render target to a specific integer value bit pattern should render a screen-aligned quad instead of using this method. The reason for this is because this method accepts as input a floating point value, which may not have the same bit pattern as the original integer.

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10:

Unlike Direct3D 9, the full extent of the resource view is always cleared. Viewport and scissor settings are not applied.


bb173539 void ID3D10Device::ClearRenderTargetView([In] ID3D10RenderTargetView* pRenderTargetView,[In] const SHARPDX_COLOR4* ColorRGBA) ID3D10Device::ClearRenderTargetView

Clears the depth-stencil resource.

Pointer to the depth stencil to be cleared.

Which parts of the buffer to clear. See .

Clear the depth buffer with this value. This value will be clamped between 0 and 1.

Clear the stencil buffer with this value.

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10:

Unlike Direct3D 9, the full extent of the resource view is always cleared. Viewport and scissor settings are not applied.


Bb173538 void ID3D10Device::ClearDepthStencilView([In] ID3D10DepthStencilView* pDepthStencilView,[In] D3D10_CLEAR_FLAG ClearFlags,[In] float Depth,[In] unsigned char Stencil) ID3D10Device::ClearDepthStencilView

Generate mipmaps for the given shader resource.

Pointer to an Interface. The mipmaps will be generated for this shader resource.

GenerateMips may be called on any in order to generate the lower mipmap levels. GenerateMips uses the largest mipmap level of the view to recursively generate the lower levels of the mip, stopping with the smallest level specified by the view. If the base resource was not created with and , this call has no effect.

All video adapters will automatically generate mipmaps if you are using one of the following formats:


Some video adapters will automatically generate mipmaps for this format.


For all other unsupported formats, this method will silently fail.

bb173569 void ID3D10Device::GenerateMips([In] ID3D10ShaderResourceView* pShaderResourceView) ID3D10Device::GenerateMips

Copy a multisampled resource into a non-multisampled resource. This API is most useful when re-using the resulting rendertarget of one render pass as an input to a second render pass.

Destination resource. Must be a created with the flag and be single-sampled. See .

A zero-based index, that identifies the destination subresource. See D3D10CalcSubresource for more details.

Source resource. Must be multisampled.

The source subresource of the source resource.

that indicates how the multisampled resource will be resolved to a single-sampled resource. See remarks.

Both the source and destination resources must be the same resource type and have the same dimensions.

The source and destination must have compatible formats. There are three scenarios for this:

Source and destination are prestructured and typedBoth the source and destination must have identical formats and that format must be specified in the Format parameter.
One resource is prestructured and typed and the other is prestructured and typelessThe typed resource must have a format that is compatible with the typeless resource (i.e. the typed resource is and the typeless resource is ). The format of the typed resource must be specified in the Format parameter.
Source and destination are prestructured and typelessBoth the source and desintation must have the same typeless format (i.e. both must have ), and the Format parameter must specify a format that is compatible with the source and destination (i.e. if both are then or could be specified in the Format parameter).


bb173607 void ID3D10Device::ResolveSubresource([In] ID3D10Resource* pDstResource,[In] unsigned int DstSubresource,[In] ID3D10Resource* pSrcResource,[In] unsigned int SrcSubresource,[In] DXGI_FORMAT Format) ID3D10Device::ResolveSubresource

Get the rendering predicate state.

Address of a reference to a predicate (see ). Value stored here will be null upon device creation.

Address of a boolean to fill with the predicate comparison value. upon device creation.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173573 void ID3D10Device::GetPredication([Out, Optional] ID3D10Predicate** ppPredicate,[Out, Optional] BOOL* pPredicateValue) ID3D10Device::GetPredication

Get the reason why the device was removed.

Possible return values include:

For more detail on these return codes, see DXGI_ERROR.

bb173571 HRESULT ID3D10Device::GetDeviceRemovedReason() ID3D10Device::GetDeviceRemovedReason

Get the exception-mode flags.

A value that contains one or more exception flags; each flag specifies a condition which will cause an exception to be raised. The flags are listed in D3D10_RAISE_FLAG. A default value of 0 means there are no flags.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Set an exception-mode flag to elevate an error condition to a non-continuable exception.

Whenever an error occurs, a Direct3D device enters the DEVICEREMOVED state and if the appropriate exception flag has been set, an exception is raised. A raised exception is designed to terminate an application. Before termination, the last chance an application has to persist data is by using an UnhandledExceptionFilter (see Structured Exception Handling). In general, UnhandledExceptionFilters are leveraged to try to persist data when an application is crashing (to disk, for example). Any code that executes during an UnhandledExceptionFilter is not guaranteed to reliably execute (due to possible process corruption). Any data that the UnhandledExceptionFilter manages to persist, before the UnhandledExceptionFilter crashes again, should be treated as suspect, and therefore inspected by a new, non-corrupted process to see if it is usable.

bb173614 HRESULT ID3D10Device::SetExceptionMode([In] unsigned int RaiseFlags) ID3D10Device::SetExceptionMode

Get the exception-mode flags.

A value that contains one or more exception flags; each flag specifies a condition which will cause an exception to be raised. The flags are listed in D3D10_RAISE_FLAG. A default value of 0 means there are no flags.

An exception-mode flag is used to elevate an error condition to a non-continuable exception.

bb173572 unsigned int ID3D10Device::GetExceptionMode() ID3D10Device::GetExceptionMode
No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT ID3D10Device::GetPrivateData([In] const GUID& guid,[InOut] unsigned int* pDataSize,[Out, Buffer, Optional] void* pData) ID3D10Device::GetPrivateData

Set data to a device and associate that data with a guid.

Guid associated with the data.

Size of the data.

Pointer to the data to be stored with this device. If pData is null, DataSize must also be 0, and any data previously associated with the guid will be destroyed.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

The data stored in the device with this method can be retrieved with .

The data and guid set with this method will typically be application-defined.

If an application uses this method to change the device type using GUID_DeviceType, results are undefined. However, GUID_DeviceType can be used to retrieve the device type using .

bb173616 HRESULT ID3D10Device::SetPrivateData([In] const GUID& guid,[In] unsigned int DataSize,[In, Buffer, Optional] const void* pData) ID3D10Device::SetPrivateData
No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT ID3D10Device::SetPrivateDataInterface([In] const GUID& guid,[In, Optional] const IUnknown* pData) ID3D10Device::SetPrivateDataInterface

Restore all default device settings; return the device to the state it was in when it was created. This will set all set all input/output resource slots, shaders, input layouts, predications, scissor rectangles, depth-stencil state, rasterizer state, blend state, sampler state, and viewports to null. The primitive topology will be set to UNDEFINED.

bb173540 void ID3D10Device::ClearState() ID3D10Device::ClearState

Send queued-up commands in the command buffer to the GPU.

Most applications will not need to call this method. Calling this method when not necessary will incur a performance penalty. Each call to Flush incurs a significant amount of overhead.

When Direct3D state-setting, present, or draw commands are called by an application, those commands are queued into an internal command buffer. Flush sends those commands to the GPU for processing. Normally, these commands are sent to the GPU automatically whenever Direct3D determines that they need to be, such as when the command buffer is full or when mapping a resource. Flush will send the commands manually.

Flush should be used when the CPU waits for an arbitrary amount of time (such as when calling Sleep, ID3DX10ThreadPump::WaitForAllItems, or WaitForVBlank.

For more information about how flushing works, see Accurately Profiling Direct3D API Calls (Direct3D 9).

bb173568 void ID3D10Device::Flush() ID3D10Device::Flush

Create a buffer (vertex buffer, index buffer, or shader-constant buffer).

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

For example code, see:

  • Create a Vertex Buffer
  • Create an Index Buffer
bb173544 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D10_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D10Buffer** ppBuffer) ID3D10Device::CreateBuffer

Create an array of 1D textures (see Texture1D).

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

If the method succeeds, the return code is . See Direct3D 10 Return Codes for failing error codes.

CreateTexture1D creates a 1D texture resource, which contains an array of 1D textures. The number of textures is specified in the texture description. All textures in a resource must have the same format, size, and number of mipmap levels.

All resources are made up of one or more subresources. To load data into the texture, applications may supply the data initially as part of structure pointed to by pInitialData, or it may use one of the Texturing Functions supplied by the SDK.

bb173559 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateTexture1D([In] const D3D10_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D10Texture1D** ppTexture1D) ID3D10Device::CreateTexture1D

Create an array of 2D textures (see Texture2D).

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

If the method succeeds, the return code is . See Direct3D 10 Return Codes for failing error codes.

CreateTexture2D creates a 2D texture resource, which contains an array of 1D textures. The number of textures is specified in the texture description. All textures in a resource must have the same format, size, and number of mipmap levels.

All resources are made up of one or more subresources. To load data into the texture, applications may supply the data initially as part of structure pointed to by pInitialData, or it may use one of the Texturing Functions supplied by the SDK.

bb173560 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateTexture2D([In] const D3D10_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D10Texture2D** ppTexture2D) ID3D10Device::CreateTexture2D

Create a single 3D texture (see Texture3D).

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

If the method succeeds, the return code is . See Direct3D 10 Return Codes for failing error codes.

CreateTexture3D creates a 3D texture resource, which contains an array of 1D textures. The number of textures is specified in the texture description. All textures in a resource must have the same format, size, and number of mipmap levels.

All resources are made up of one or more subresources. To load data into the texture, applications may supply the data initially as part of structure pointed to by pInitialData, or it may use one of the Texturing Functions supplied by the SDK.

bb173561 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateTexture3D([In] const D3D10_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D10Texture3D** ppTexture3D) ID3D10Device::CreateTexture3D

Create a shader-resource view for accessing data in a resource.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

A resource is made up of one or more subresources, a view identifies which subresources to allow the pipeline to access. In addition, each resource is bound to the pipeline using a view. A shader-resource view is designed to bind any buffer or texture resource to the shader stages using the following API methods: VSSetShaderResources, GSSetShaderResources and PSSetShaderResources.

Since a view is fully typed, this means that typeless resources become fully typed when bound to the pipeline.

bb173558 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateShaderResourceView([In] ID3D10Resource* pResource,[In, Optional] const D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC* pDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppSRView) ID3D10Device::CreateShaderResourceView

Create a render-target view for accessing resource data.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

A rendertarget view can be bound to the output merger stage by calling .

bb173556 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateRenderTargetView([In] ID3D10Resource* pResource,[In, Optional] const D3D10_RENDER_TARGET_VIEW_DESC* pDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppRTView) ID3D10Device::CreateRenderTargetView

Create a depth-stencil view for accessing resource data.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

A depth-stencil view can be bound to the output-merger stage by calling .

For more background information, see the programming guide page about depth stencils.

bb173547 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateDepthStencilView([In] ID3D10Resource* pResource,[In, Optional] const D3D10_DEPTH_STENCIL_VIEW_DESC* pDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppDepthStencilView) ID3D10Device::CreateDepthStencilView

Create an input-layout object to describe the input-buffer data for the input-assembler stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

If the method succeeds, the return code is . See Direct3D 10 Return Codes for failing error codes.

After creating an input layout object, it must be bound to the input-assembler stage before calling a draw API. See Getting Started with the Input-Assembler Stage (Direct3D 10) for example code.

Once an input-layout object is created from a shader signature, the input-layout object can be reused with any other shader that has an identical input signature (semantics included). This can simplify the creation of input-layout objects when you are working with many shaders with identical inputs.

If a data type in the input-layout declaration does not match the data type in a shader-input signature, CreateInputLayout will generate a warning during compilation. The warning is simply to call attention to the fact that the data may be reinterpreted when read from a register. You may either disregard this warning (if reinterpretation is intentional) or make the data types match in both declarations to eliminate the warning. The Data Conversion Rules overview describes the rules applied for data type conversion.

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10:

Mapping the vertex data to the shader inputs with an input layout is a new way of doing things in Direct3D 10 that improves performance.

In Direct3D 10 the vertex data is mapped to the shader inputs when the input layout object is created, whereas in Direct3D 9 this mapping was done at Draw time based on the currently bound vertex declarations, vertex buffers, and vertex shaders. Doing this mapping when the input layout object is created reduces or eliminates extra linkage work for drivers at Draw time because this re-mapping is no longer necessary.


bb173550 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateInputLayout([In, Buffer] const D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC* pInputElementDescs,[In] unsigned int NumElements,[In] const void* pShaderBytecodeWithInputSignature,[In] SIZE_T BytecodeLength,[Out, Fast] ID3D10InputLayout** ppInputLayout) ID3D10Device::CreateInputLayout

Create a vertex-shader object from a compiled shader.

A reference to the compiled shader. To get this reference see Getting a Pointer to a Compiled Shader.

Size of the compiled vertex shader.

Address of a reference to an Interface. If this is null, all other parameters will be validated, and if all parameters pass validation this API will return S_FALSE instead of .

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173562 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateVertexShader([In] const void* pShaderBytecode,[In] SIZE_T BytecodeLength,[Out, Fast] ID3D10VertexShader** ppVertexShader) ID3D10Device::CreateVertexShader

Create a geometry shader.

A reference to the compiled shader. To get this reference see Getting a Pointer to a Compiled Shader.

Size of the compiled geometry shader.

Address of a reference to an Interface. If this is null, all other parameters will be validated, and if all parameters pass validation this API will return S_FALSE instead of .

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Once created, the shader can be set to the device by calling .

bb173548 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateGeometryShader([In] const void* pShaderBytecode,[In] SIZE_T BytecodeLength,[Out, Fast] ID3D10GeometryShader** ppGeometryShader) ID3D10Device::CreateGeometryShader

Creates a geometry shader that can write to streaming output buffers.

A reference to the compiled geometry shader for a standard geometry shader plus stream output. For info on how to get this reference, see Getting a Pointer to a Compiled Shader.

To create the stream output without using a geometry shader, pass a reference to the output signature for the prior stage. To obtain this output signature, call the compiler function. You can also pass a reference to the compiled vertex shader that is used in the prior stage. This compiled shader provides the output signature for the data.

Size of the compiled geometry shader.

Pointer to a array. Cannot be null if NumEntries> 0.

The number of entries in the array pointed to by pSODeclaration. Minimum 0, maximum 64.

The size, in bytes, of each element in the array pointed to by pSODeclaration. This parameter is only used when the output slot is 0 for all entries in pSODeclaration.

Address of a reference to an Interface. If this is null, all other parameters will be validated, and if all parameters pass validation this API will return S_FALSE instead of .

This method returns one of the Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

For more info about using CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput, see Create a Geometry-Shader Object with Stream Output.

bb173549 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput([In] const void* pShaderBytecode,[In] SIZE_T BytecodeLength,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D10_SO_DECLARATION_ENTRY* pSODeclaration,[In] unsigned int NumEntries,[In] unsigned int OutputStreamStride,[Out, Fast] ID3D10GeometryShader** ppGeometryShader) ID3D10Device::CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput

Create a pixel shader.

A reference to the compiled shader. To get this reference see Getting a Pointer to a Compiled Shader.

Size of the compiled pixel shader.

Address of a reference to an Interface. If this is null, all other parameters will be validated, and if all parameters pass validation this API will return S_FALSE instead of .

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

After creating the pixel shader, you can set it to the device using .

Bb173551 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreatePixelShader([In] const void* pShaderBytecode,[In] SIZE_T BytecodeLength,[Out, Fast] ID3D10PixelShader** ppPixelShader) ID3D10Device::CreatePixelShader

Create a blend-state object that encapsules blend state for the output-merger stage.

Pointer to a blend-state description (see ).

Address of a reference to the blend-state object created (see Interface).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

An application can create up to 4096 unique blend-state objects. For each object created, the runtime checks to see if a previous object has the same state. If such a previous object exists, the runtime will return a reference to previous instance instead of creating a duplicate object.

bb173543 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateBlendState([In] const D3D10_BLEND_DESC* pBlendStateDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D10BlendState** ppBlendState) ID3D10Device::CreateBlendState

Create a depth-stencil state object that encapsulates depth-stencil test information for the output-merger stage.

No documentation. No documentation.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

4096 unique depth-stencil state objects can be created on a device at a time.

If an application attempts to create a depth-stencil state with the same description as an already existing depth-stencil state, then the same interface with an incremented reference count will be returned and the total number of unique depth-stencil state objects will stay the same.

bb173546 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateDepthStencilState([In] const D3D10_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC* pDepthStencilDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D10DepthStencilState** ppDepthStencilState) ID3D10Device::CreateDepthStencilState

Create a rasterizer state object that tells the rasterizer stage how to behave.

No documentation. No documentation.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

4096 unique rasterizer state objects can be created on a device at a time.

If an application attempts to create a rasterizer state with the same description as an already existing rasterizer state, then the same interface with an incremented reference count will be returned and the total number of unique rasterizer state objects will stay the same.

bb173554 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateRasterizerState([In] const D3D10_RASTERIZER_DESC* pRasterizerDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D10RasterizerState** ppRasterizerState) ID3D10Device::CreateRasterizerState

Create a sampler-state object that encapsulates sampling information for a texture.

No documentation. No documentation.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

4096 unique sampler state objects can be created on a device at a time.

If an application attempts to create a sampler state with the same description as an already existing sampler state, then the same interface with an incremented reference count will be returned and the total number of unique sampler state objects will stay the same.

bb173557 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateSamplerState([In] const D3D10_SAMPLER_DESC* pSamplerDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D10SamplerState** ppSamplerState) ID3D10Device::CreateSamplerState

This interface encapsulates methods for querying information from the GPU.

Pointer to a query description (see ).

Address of a reference to the query object created (see Interface).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173553 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateQuery([In] const D3D10_QUERY_DESC* pQueryDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D10Query** ppQuery) ID3D10Device::CreateQuery

Creates a predicate.

Pointer to a query description where the type of query must be a or (see ).

Address of a reference to a predicate (see Interface).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173552 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreatePredicate([In] const D3D10_QUERY_DESC* pPredicateDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D10Predicate** ppPredicate) ID3D10Device::CreatePredicate

Create a counter object for measuring GPU performance.

Pointer to a counter description (see ).

Address of a reference to a counter (see Interface).

If this function succeeds, it will return . If it fails, possible return values are: S_FALSE, E_OUTOFMEMORY, , , or E_INVALIDARG.

is returned whenever the application requests to create a well-known counter, but the current device does not support it.

indicates that another device object is currently using the counters, so they cannot be used by this device at the moment.

E_INVALIDARG is returned whenever an out-of-range well-known or device-dependent counter is requested, or when the simulataneously active counters have been exhausted.

bb173545 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CreateCounter([In] const D3D10_COUNTER_DESC* pCounterDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D10Counter** ppCounter) ID3D10Device::CreateCounter

Get the support of a given format on the installed video device.

A enumeration that describes a format for which to check for support.

A bitfield of enumeration values describing how the specified format is supported on the installed device. The values are ORed together.

Most format support is based on the Direct3D feature level. Only a few specific use cases require checking for support. See Hardware Support for Direct3D 10 Formats and Hardware Support for Direct3D 10.1 Formats for additional information.

bb173536 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CheckFormatSupport([In] DXGI_FORMAT Format,[Out] D3D10_FORMAT_SUPPORT* pFormatSupport) ID3D10Device::CheckFormatSupport

Get the number of quality levels available during multisampling.

The texture format. See .

The number of samples during multisampling.

Number of quality levels supported by the adapter. See remarks.

When multisampling a texture, the number of quality levels available for an adapter is dependent on the texture format used and the number of samples requested. The maximum sample count defined by D3D10_MAX_MULTISAMPLE_SAMPLE_COUNT in d3d10.h is 32. If the returned value of pNumQualityLevels is 0, the format and sample count combination is not supported for the installed adapter.

Furthermore, the definition of a quality level is up to each hardware vendor to define, however no facility is provided by Direct3D to help discover this information.

Direct3D 10.1 devices are required to support 4x MSAA for all formats except R32G32B32A32 and R32G32B32 formats.

bb173537 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CheckMultisampleQualityLevels([In] DXGI_FORMAT Format,[In] unsigned int SampleCount,[Out] unsigned int* pNumQualityLevels) ID3D10Device::CheckMultisampleQualityLevels

Get a counter's information.

bb173535 void ID3D10Device::CheckCounterInfo([Out] D3D10_COUNTER_INFO* pCounterInfo) ID3D10Device::CheckCounterInfo

Get the type, name, units of measure, and a description of an existing counter.

Pointer to a counter description (see ). Specifies which counter information is to be retrieved about.

Pointer to the data type of a counter (see ). Specifies the data type of the counter being retrieved.

Pointer to the number of hardware counters that are needed for this counter type to be created. All instances of the same counter type use the same hardware counters.

String to be filled with a brief name for the counter. May be null if the application is not interested in the name of the counter.

Length of the string returned to szName. Can be null.

Name of the units a counter measures, provided the memory the reference points to has enough room to hold the string. Can be null. The returned string will always be in English.

Length of the string returned to szUnits. Can be null.

A description of the counter, provided the memory the reference points to has enough room to hold the string. Can be null. The returned string will always be in English.

Length of the string returned to szDescription. Can be null.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Length parameters can be null, which indicates the application is not interested in the length nor the corresponding string value. When a length parameter is non-null and the corresponding string is null, the input value of the length parameter is ignored, and the length of the corresponding string (including terminating null) will be returned through the length parameter. When length and the corresponding parameter are both non-null, the input value of length is checked to ensure there is enough room, and then the length of the string (including terminating null character) is passed out through the length parameter.

bb173534 HRESULT ID3D10Device::CheckCounter([In] const D3D10_COUNTER_DESC* pDesc,[Out] D3D10_COUNTER_TYPE* pType,[Out] unsigned int* pActiveCounters,[Out, Buffer, Optional] char* szName,[InOut, Optional] unsigned int* pNameLength,[Out, Buffer, Optional] char* szUnits,[InOut, Optional] unsigned int* pUnitsLength,[Out, Buffer, Optional] char* szDescription,[InOut, Optional] unsigned int* pDescriptionLength) ID3D10Device::CheckCounter

Get the flags used during the call to create the device with .

A bitfield containing the flags used to create the device. See .

bb173570 unsigned int ID3D10Device::GetCreationFlags() ID3D10Device::GetCreationFlags

Give a device access to a shared resource created on a different Direct3d device.

A resource handle. See remarks.

The globally unique identifier () for the resource interface. See remarks.

Address of a reference to the resource we are gaining access to.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

To share a resource between two Direct3D 10 devices the resource must have been created with the flag, if it was created using the interface. If it was created using the interface, then the resource is always shared.

The REFIID, or , of the interface to the resource can be obtained by using the __uuidof() macro. For example, __uuidof() will get the of the interface to a buffer resource.

When sharing a resource between two Direct3D 10 devices the unique handle of the resource can be obtained by querying the resource for the interface and then calling GetSharedHandle.

 * pOtherResource(null);	
            hr = pOtherDeviceResource->QueryInterface( __uuidof(), (void**)&pOtherResource );	
            HANDLE sharedHandle;	

The only resources that can be shared are 2D non-mipmapped textures.

To share a resource between a Direct3D 9 device and a Direct3D 10 device the texture must have been created using the pSharedHandle argument of CreateTexture. The shared Direct3D 9 handle is then passed to OpenSharedResource in the hResource argument.

The following code illustrates the method calls involved.

 sharedHandle = null; // must be set to null to create, can use a valid handle here to open in D3D9 	
            pDevice9->CreateTexture(..., pTex2D_9, &sharedHandle); 	
            pDevice10->OpenSharedResource(sharedHandle, __uuidof(), (void**)(&tempResource10)); 	
            tempResource10->QueryInterface(__uuidof(), (void**)(&pTex2D_10)); 	
            // now use pTex2D_10 with pDevice10    

Textures being shared from D3D9 to D3D10 have the following restrictions.

  • Textures must be 2D
  • Only 1 mip level is allowed
  • Texture must have default usage
  • Texture must be write only
  • MSAA textures are not allowed
  • Bind flags must have SHADER_RESOURCE and RENDER_TARGET set
  • Only R10G10B10A2_UNORM, R16G16B16A16_FLOAT and R8G8B8A8_UNORM formats are allowed

If a shared texture is updated on one device must be called on that device.

bb173598 HRESULT ID3D10Device::OpenSharedResource([In] void* hResource,[In] const GUID& ReturnedInterface,[Out, Optional] void** ppResource) ID3D10Device::OpenSharedResource
Get the flags used during the call to create the device with . A bitfield containing the flags used to create the device. See . int ID3D10Device::GetCreationFlags() Gets or sets the debug-name for this object. The debug name. Inner interface giving access to VertexShaderStage methods. Inner interface giving access to PixelShaderStage methods. Inner interface giving access to InputAssemblerStage methods. Inner interface giving access to GeometryShaderStage methods. Inner interface giving access to OutputMergerStage methods. Inner interface giving access to StreamOutputStage methods. Inner interface giving access to RasterizerStage methods.

Get the reason why the device was removed.

bb173571 GetDeviceRemovedReason GetDeviceRemovedReason HRESULT ID3D10Device::GetDeviceRemovedReason()

Get or sets the exception-mode flags.

An exception-mode flag is used to elevate an error condition to a non-continuable exception.

bb173572 GetExceptionMode / SetExceptionMode GetExceptionMode unsigned int ID3D10Device::GetExceptionMode()

The device interface represents a virtual adapter for Direct3D 10.0; it is used to perform rendering and create Direct3D resources.

A device is created using .

bb173528 ID3D10Device ID3D10Device
Set the target output {{buffers}} for the {{StreamOutput}} stage, which enables/disables the pipeline to stream-out data. Call ID3D10Device::SOSetTargets (before any draw calls) to stream data out; call SOSetTargets with NULL to stop streaming data out. For an example, see Exercise 01 from the GDC 2007 workshop, which sets the stream output rendertargets before calling draw methods in the RenderInstanceToStream function. An offset of -1 will cause the stream output buffer to be appended, continuing after the last location written to the buffer in a previous stream output pass. Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing will effectively bind NULL instead because a buffer cannot be bound as both an input and an output at the same time. The {{DeviceDebug Layer}} will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime. The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device. an array of output buffers (see ) to bind to the device. The buffers must have been created with the flag. void SOSetTargets([In] int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer, Optional] const ID3D10Buffer** ppSOTargets,[In, Buffer, Optional] const int* pOffsets) Get the target output {{buffers}} for the {{StreamOutput}} stage of the pipeline. Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call {{IUnknown::Release}} on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks. Number of buffers to get. A maximum of four output buffers can be retrieved. an array of output buffers (see ) to bind to the device. void SOGetTargets([In] int NumBuffers,[Out, Buffer, Optional] ID3D10Buffer** ppSOTargets,[Out, Buffer, Optional] int* pOffsets) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set the target output buffers for the StreamOutput stage, which enables/disables the pipeline to stream-out data.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Call (before any draw calls) to stream data out; call SOSetTargets with null to stop streaming data out. For an example, see Exercise 01 from the GDC 2007 workshop, which sets the stream output rendertargets before calling draw methods in the RenderInstanceToStream function.

An offset of -1 will cause the stream output buffer to be appended, continuing after the last location written to the buffer in a previous stream output pass.

Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing will effectively bind null instead because a buffer cannot be bound as both an input and an output at the same time.

The Debug Layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173620 void ID3D10Device::SOSetTargets([In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer, Optional] const ID3D10Buffer** ppSOTargets,[In, Buffer, Optional] const unsigned int* pOffsets) ID3D10Device::SOSetTargets

Set the target output buffers for the StreamOutput stage, which enables/disables the pipeline to stream-out data.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Call (before any draw calls) to stream data out; call SOSetTargets with null to stop streaming data out. For an example, see Exercise 01 from the GDC 2007 workshop, which sets the stream output rendertargets before calling draw methods in the RenderInstanceToStream function.

An offset of -1 will cause the stream output buffer to be appended, continuing after the last location written to the buffer in a previous stream output pass.

Calling this method using a buffer that is currently bound for writing will effectively bind null instead because a buffer cannot be bound as both an input and an output at the same time.

The Debug Layer will generate a warning whenever a resource is prevented from being bound simultaneously as an input and an output, but this will not prevent invalid data from being used by the runtime.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173620 void ID3D10Device::SOSetTargets([In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer, Optional] const ID3D10Buffer** ppSOTargets,[In, Buffer, Optional] const unsigned int* pOffsets) ID3D10Device::SOSetTargets

Get the target output buffers for the StreamOutput stage of the pipeline.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173619 void ID3D10Device::SOGetTargets([In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[Out, Buffer, Optional] ID3D10Buffer** ppSOTargets,[Out, Buffer, Optional] unsigned int* pOffsets) ID3D10Device::SOGetTargets

The device interface represents a virtual adapter for Direct3D 10.0; it is used to perform rendering and create Direct3D resources.

A device is created using .

bb173528 ID3D10Device ID3D10Device
Get references to the render targets that are available to the {{output-merger stage}}. Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call {{IUnknown::Release}} on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks. a depth-stencil view (see ) to be filled with the depth-stencil information from the device. void OMGetRenderTargets([In] int NumViews,[Out, Buffer, Optional] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppRenderTargetViews,[Out, Optional] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppDepthStencilView) Get references to the render targets that are available to the {{output-merger stage}}. Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call {{IUnknown::Release}} on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks. Number of render targets to retrieve. an array of render targets views (see ) to be filled with the render targets from the device. void OMGetRenderTargets([In] int NumViews,[Out, Buffer, Optional] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppRenderTargetViews,[Out, Optional] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppDepthStencilView) Get references to the render targets and the depth-stencil buffer that are available to the {{output-merger stage}}. Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call {{IUnknown::Release}} on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks. Number of render targets to retrieve. Pointer to a depth-stencil view (see ) to be filled with the depth-stencil information from the device. an array of render targets views (see ) to be filled with the render targets from the device. void OMGetRenderTargets([In] int NumViews,[Out, Buffer, Optional] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppRenderTargetViews,[Out, Optional] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppDepthStencilView) Get the {{blend state}} of the output-merger stage. The reference count of the returned interface will be incremented by one when the blend state is retrieved. Applications must release returned reference(s) when they are no longer needed, or else there will be a memory leak. Array of blend factors, one for each RGBA component. Pointer to a {{sample mask}}. a reference to a blend-state interface (see ). void OMGetBlendState([Out, Optional] ID3D10BlendState** ppBlendState,[Out, Optional] float BlendFactor[4],[Out, Optional] int* pSampleMask) Gets the {{depth-stencil}} state of the output-merger stage. Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call {{IUnknown::Release}} on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks. Pointer to the stencil reference value used in the {{depth-stencil}} test. a reference to a depth-stencil state interface (see ) to be filled with information from the device. void OMGetDepthStencilState([Out, Optional] ID3D10DepthStencilState** ppDepthStencilState,[Out, Optional] int* pStencilRef) Binds a set of render targets to the output-merger stage. A set of render target views to bind. Binds a single render target to the output-merger stage. A view of the render target to bind. Binds a depth-stencil buffer and a set of render targets to the output-merger stage. A view of the depth-stencil buffer to bind. A set of render target views to bind. Binds a depth-stencil buffer and a single render target to the output-merger stage. A view of the depth-stencil buffer to bind. A view of the render target to bind. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Bind one or more render targets and the depth-stencil buffer to the output-merger stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

A call to OMSetRenderTargets overrides all bounded render targets and the depth stencil target regardless of the number of render targets in ppRenderTargetViews.

The maximum number of render targets a device can have active at any given time is set by a #define in D3D10.h called D3D10_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT. It is invalid to try to set the same subresource to multiple render target slots.

If any subresources are also currently bound for reading or writing (perhaps in a different part of the pipeline), those bind points will be null'ed out to prevent the same subresource from being read and written simultaneously in a single rendering operation.

The method will not hold references to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release interfaces currently in use by the device.

See Binding Resources and Pipeline stages for more information on binding resources.

The pixel shader must be able to simultaneously render to at least eight separate render targets. All of these render targets must access the same type of resource: Buffer, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, or TextureCube. All render targets must have the same size in all dimensions (width and height, and depth for 3D or array size for *Array types). If render targets use multisample anti-aliasing, all bound render targets and depth buffer must be the same form of multisample resource (that is, the sample counts must be the same). Each render target can have a different data format. These render target formats are not required to have identical bit-per-element counts.

Any combination of the eight slots for render targets can have a render target set or not set.

The same resource view cannot be bound to multiple render target slots simultaneously. However, you can set multiple non-overlapping resource views of a single resource as simultaneous multiple render targets.

bb173597 void ID3D10Device::OMSetRenderTargets([In] unsigned int NumViews,[In, Buffer, Optional] const ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppRenderTargetViews,[In, Optional] ID3D10DepthStencilView* pDepthStencilView) ID3D10Device::OMSetRenderTargets

Bind one or more render targets and the depth-stencil buffer to the output-merger stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

A call to OMSetRenderTargets overrides all bounded render targets and the depth stencil target regardless of the number of render targets in ppRenderTargetViews.

The maximum number of render targets a device can have active at any given time is set by a #define in D3D10.h called D3D10_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDER_TARGET_COUNT. It is invalid to try to set the same subresource to multiple render target slots.

If any subresources are also currently bound for reading or writing (perhaps in a different part of the pipeline), those bind points will be null'ed out to prevent the same subresource from being read and written simultaneously in a single rendering operation.

The method will not hold references to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release interfaces currently in use by the device.

See Binding Resources and Pipeline stages for more information on binding resources.

The pixel shader must be able to simultaneously render to at least eight separate render targets. All of these render targets must access the same type of resource: Buffer, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, or TextureCube. All render targets must have the same size in all dimensions (width and height, and depth for 3D or array size for *Array types). If render targets use multisample anti-aliasing, all bound render targets and depth buffer must be the same form of multisample resource (that is, the sample counts must be the same). Each render target can have a different data format. These render target formats are not required to have identical bit-per-element counts.

Any combination of the eight slots for render targets can have a render target set or not set.

The same resource view cannot be bound to multiple render target slots simultaneously. However, you can set multiple non-overlapping resource views of a single resource as simultaneous multiple render targets.

bb173597 void ID3D10Device::OMSetRenderTargets([In] unsigned int NumViews,[In, Buffer, Optional] const ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppRenderTargetViews,[In, Optional] ID3D10DepthStencilView* pDepthStencilView) ID3D10Device::OMSetRenderTargets

Set the blend state of the output-merger stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Blend state is used by the output-merger stage to determine how to blend together two pixel values. The two values are commonly the current pixel value and the pixel value already in the output render target. Use the blend operation to control where the two pixel values come from and how they are mathematically combined.

To create a blend-state interface, call .

Passing in null for the blend-state interface indicates to the runtime to set a default blending state. The following table indicates the default blending parameters.

StateDefault Value


A sample mask determines which samples get updated in all the active render targets. The mapping of bits in a sample mask to samples in a multisample render target is the responsibility of an individual application. A sample mask is always applied; it is independent of whether multisampling is enabled, and does not depend on whether an application uses multisample render targets.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173595 void ID3D10Device::OMSetBlendState([In, Optional] ID3D10BlendState* pBlendState,[In] const SHARPDX_COLOR4* BlendFactor,[In] unsigned int SampleMask) ID3D10Device::OMSetBlendState

Sets the depth-stencil state of the output-merger stage.

No documentation. No documentation.

To create a depth-stencil state interface, call .

Depth-stencil state is used by the output-merger stage to setup depth-stencil testing. The stencil reference value is the control value used in the depth-stencil test.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173596 void ID3D10Device::OMSetDepthStencilState([In, Optional] ID3D10DepthStencilState* pDepthStencilState,[In] unsigned int StencilRef) ID3D10Device::OMSetDepthStencilState

Get references to the render targets and the depth-stencil buffer that are available to the output-merger stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173594 void ID3D10Device::OMGetRenderTargets([In] unsigned int NumViews,[Out, Buffer, Optional] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppRenderTargetViews,[Out, Optional] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppDepthStencilView) ID3D10Device::OMGetRenderTargets

Get the blend state of the output-merger stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

The reference count of the returned interface will be incremented by one when the blend state is retrieved. Applications must release returned reference(s) when they are no longer needed, or else there will be a memory leak.

bb173592 void ID3D10Device::OMGetBlendState([Out, Optional] ID3D10BlendState** ppBlendState,[Out, Optional] SHARPDX_COLOR4* BlendFactor,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* pSampleMask) ID3D10Device::OMGetBlendState

Gets the depth-stencil state of the output-merger stage.

No documentation. No documentation.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173593 void ID3D10Device::OMGetDepthStencilState([Out, Optional] ID3D10DepthStencilState** ppDepthStencilState,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* pStencilRef) ID3D10Device::OMGetDepthStencilState
Gets or sets the blend factor. The blend factor. Gets or sets the blend sample mask. The blend sample mask. Gets or sets the state of the blend. The state of the blend. Gets or sets the depth stencil reference. The depth stencil reference. Gets or sets the state of the depth stencil. The state of the depth stencil.

The device interface represents a virtual adapter for Direct3D 10.0; it is used to perform rendering and create Direct3D resources.

A device is created using .

bb173528 ID3D10Device ID3D10Device
Get the array of {{viewports}} bound to the {{rasterizer stage}} An array of viewports (see ). void RSGetViewports([InOut] int* NumViewports,[Out, Buffer, Optional] D3D10_VIEWPORT* pViewports) Get the array of {{viewports}} bound to the {{rasterizer stage}} An array of viewports (see ). void RSGetViewports([InOut] int* NumViewports,[Out, Buffer, Optional] D3D10_VIEWPORT* pViewports) Get the array of {{scissor rectangles}} bound to the {{rasterizer stage}}. An array of scissor rectangles (see ). void RSGetScissorRects([InOut] int* NumRects,[Out, Buffer, Optional] D3D10_RECT* pRects) Get the array of {{scissor rectangles}} bound to the {{rasterizer stage}}. An array of scissor rectangles (see ). void RSGetScissorRects([InOut] int* NumRects,[Out, Buffer, Optional] D3D10_RECT* pRects) Binds a single scissor rectangle to the rasterizer stage. The scissor rectangle to bind. Binds a set of scissor rectangles to the rasterizer stage. The set of scissor rectangles to bind. Binds a set of viewports to the rasterizer stage. The set of viewports to bind. Binds a single viewport to the rasterizer stage. The viewport to bind. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set the rasterizer state for the rasterizer stage of the pipeline.

No documentation.

To create a rasterizer state interface, call . For more details on setting up the rasterizer state, see Set Rasterizer State.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173612 void ID3D10Device::RSSetState([In, Optional] ID3D10RasterizerState* pRasterizerState) ID3D10Device::RSSetState

Bind an array of viewports to the rasterizer stage of the pipeline.

No documentation. No documentation.

All viewports must be set atomically as one operation. Any viewports not defined by the call are disabled.

Which viewport to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader (see shader semantic syntax). If a geometry shader does not make use of the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic then Direct3D will use the first viewport in the array.

bb173613 void ID3D10Device::RSSetViewports([In] unsigned int NumViewports,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D10_VIEWPORT* pViewports) ID3D10Device::RSSetViewports

Bind an array of scissor rectangles to the rasterizer stage.

No documentation. No documentation.

The scissor rectangles will only be used if ScissorEnable is set to true in the rasterizer state (see ).

Which scissor rectangle to use is determined by the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic output by a geometry shader (see shader semantic syntax). If a geometry shader does not make use of the SV_ViewportArrayIndex semantic then Direct3D will use the first scissor rectangle in the array.

Each scissor rectangle in the array corresponds to a viewport in an array of viewports (see ).

bb173611 void ID3D10Device::RSSetScissorRects([In] unsigned int NumRects,[In, Buffer, Optional] const RECT* pRects) ID3D10Device::RSSetScissorRects

Get the rasterizer state from the rasterizer stage of the pipeline.

No documentation.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173609 void ID3D10Device::RSGetState([Out] ID3D10RasterizerState** ppRasterizerState) ID3D10Device::RSGetState

Get the array of viewports bound to the rasterizer stage

No documentation. No documentation. bb173610 void ID3D10Device::RSGetViewports([InOut] unsigned int* NumViewports,[Out, Buffer, Optional] D3D10_VIEWPORT* pViewports) ID3D10Device::RSGetViewports

Get the array of scissor rectangles bound to the rasterizer stage.

No documentation. No documentation. bb173608 void ID3D10Device::RSGetScissorRects([InOut] unsigned int* NumRects,[Out, Buffer, Optional] RECT* pRects) ID3D10Device::RSGetScissorRects

Get or sets the rasterizer state from the rasterizer stage of the pipeline.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173609 RSGetState / RSSetState RSGetState void ID3D10Device::RSGetState([Out] ID3D10RasterizerState** ppRasterizerState)

The device interface represents a virtual adapter for Direct3D 10.1; it is used to perform rendering and create Direct3D resources.

A device is created using .

This method requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

bb694546 ID3D10Device1 ID3D10Device1
Constructor for a D3D10.1 Device. See for more information. Constructor for a D3D10.1 Device. See for more information. Constructor for a D3D10.1 Device. See for more information. Constructor for a D3D10.1 Device. See for more information. Constructor for a D3D10.1 Device. See for more information. Constructor for a D3D10.1 Device. See for more information. Initializes a new instance of the class along with a new used for rendering. The type of device to create. A list of runtime layers to enable. Details used to create the swap chain. When the method completes, contains the created device instance. When the method completes, contains the created swap chain instance. A object describing the result of the operation. Initializes a new instance of the class along with a new used for rendering. The video adapter on which the device should be created. A list of runtime layers to enable. Details used to create the swap chain. When the method completes, contains the created device instance. When the method completes, contains the created swap chain instance. A object describing the result of the operation. Initializes a new instance of the class along with a new used for rendering. The type of device to create. A list of runtime layers to enable. Details used to create the swap chain. Desired feature level When the method completes, contains the created device instance. When the method completes, contains the created swap chain instance. A object describing the result of the operation. Initializes a new instance of the class along with a new used for rendering. The video adapter on which the device should be created. A list of runtime layers to enable. Details used to create the swap chain. Desired feature level When the method completes, contains the created device instance. When the method completes, contains the created swap chain instance. A object describing the result of the operation. This overload has been deprecated. Use one of the alternatives that does not take both an adapter and a driver type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Create a shader-resource view for accessing data in a resource.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

A resource is made up of one or more subresources, a view identifies which subresources to allow the pipeline to access. In addition, each resource is bound to the pipeline using a view. A shader-resource view is designed to bind any buffer or texture resource to the shader stages using the following API methods: VSSetShaderResources, GSSetShaderResources and PSSetShaderResources.

Since a view is fully typed, this means that typeless resources become fully typed when bound to the pipeline.

This method requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

bb694548 HRESULT ID3D10Device1::CreateShaderResourceView1([In] ID3D10Resource* pResource,[In, Optional] const D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC1* pDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D10ShaderResourceView1** ppSRView) ID3D10Device1::CreateShaderResourceView1

Create a blend-state object that encapsules blend state for the output-merger stage.

Pointer to a blend-state description (see ).

Address of a reference to the blend-state object created (see Interface).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

An application can create up to 4096 unique blend-state objects. For each object created, the runtime checks to see if a previous object has the same state. If such a previous object exists, the runtime will return a reference to previous instance instead of creating a duplicate object.

This method requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

bb694547 HRESULT ID3D10Device1::CreateBlendState1([In] const D3D10_BLEND_DESC1* pBlendStateDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3D10BlendState1** ppBlendState) ID3D10Device1::CreateBlendState1

Gets the feature level of the hardware device.

The feature level (see ).

This method requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

bb694549 D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 ID3D10Device1::GetFeatureLevel() ID3D10Device1::GetFeatureLevel

Gets the feature level of the hardware device.

This method requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

bb694549 GetFeatureLevel GetFeatureLevel D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 ID3D10Device1::GetFeatureLevel()

An interface manages a set of state objects, resources, and shaders for implementing a rendering effect.

An effect is created by calling .

The effect system groups the information required for rendering into an effect which contains: state objects for assigning state changes in groups, resources for supplying input data and storing output data, and programs that control how the rendering is done called shaders. For more information, see Effects (Direct3D 10).


If you call QueryInterface on an object to retrieve the interface, QueryInterface returns E_NOINTERFACE. To work around this issue, use the following code:

 * pIUnknown = (*)pEffect; pIUnknown->AddRef();	
bb173630 ID3D10Effect ID3D10Effect
Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. The effect byte code. Effect compile options Optional. A reference to an memory space for effect variables that are shared across effects (see ). Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Test an effect to see if it contains valid syntax.

TRUE if the code syntax is valid; otherwise .

bb173772 BOOL ID3D10Effect::IsValid() ID3D10Effect::IsValid

Test an effect to see if it is part of a memory pool.

TRUE if the effect is pooled; otherwise . See Interface.

bb173771 BOOL ID3D10Effect::IsPool() ID3D10Effect::IsPool

Get the device that created the effect.

A reference to an Interface.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

An effect is created for a specific device, by calling a function such as .

bb173764 HRESULT ID3D10Effect::GetDevice([Out] ID3D10Device** ppDevice) ID3D10Effect::GetDevice

Get an effect description.

A reference to an effect description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

An effect description contains basic information about an effect such as the techniques it contains and the constant buffer resources it requires.

bb173763 HRESULT ID3D10Effect::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_EFFECT_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10Effect::GetDesc

Get a constant buffer by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to a Interface.

An effect that contains a variable that will be read/written by an application requires at least one constant buffer. For best performance, an effect should organize variables into one or more constant buffers based on their frequency of update.

bb173761 ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer* ID3D10Effect::GetConstantBufferByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3D10Effect::GetConstantBufferByIndex

Get a constant buffer by name.

The constant-buffer name.

A reference to the constant buffer indicated by the Name. See .

An effect that contains a variable that will be read/written by an application requires at least one constant buffer. For best performance, an effect should organize variables into one or more constant buffers based on their frequency of update.

bb173762 ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer* ID3D10Effect::GetConstantBufferByName([In] const char* Name) ID3D10Effect::GetConstantBufferByName

Get a variable by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to a Interface.

An effect may contain one or more variables. Variables outside of a technique are considered global to all effects, those located inside of a technique are local to that technique. You can access any local non-static effect variable using its name or with an index.

The method returns a reference to an effect-variable interface if a variable is not found; you can call to verify whether or not the index exists.

bb173767 ID3D10EffectVariable* ID3D10Effect::GetVariableByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3D10Effect::GetVariableByIndex

Get a variable by name.

The variable name.

A reference to an Interface.

An effect may contain one or more variables. Variables outside of a technique are considered global to all effects, those located inside of a technique are local to that technique. You can access an effect variable using its name or with an index.

The method returns a reference to an effect-variable interface if a variable is not found; you can call to verify whether or not the name exists.

Bb173768 ID3D10EffectVariable* ID3D10Effect::GetVariableByName([In] const char* Name) ID3D10Effect::GetVariableByName

Get a variable by semantic.

The semantic name.

A reference to the effect variable indicated by the Semantic. See Interface.

Each effect variable can have a semantic attached, which is a user defined metadata string. Some system-value semantics are reserved words that trigger built in functionality by pipeline stages.

The method returns a reference to an effect-variable interface if a variable is not found; you can call to verify whether or not the semantic exists.

bb173769 ID3D10EffectVariable* ID3D10Effect::GetVariableBySemantic([In] const char* Semantic) ID3D10Effect::GetVariableBySemantic

Get a technique by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an Interface.

An effect contains one or more techniques; each technique contains one or more passes. You can access a technique using its name or with an index. For more about techniques, see techniques and passes.

bb173765 ID3D10EffectTechnique* ID3D10Effect::GetTechniqueByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3D10Effect::GetTechniqueByIndex

Get a technique by name.

The name of the technique.

A reference to an Interface, or null if the technique is not found.

An effect contains one or more techniques; each technique contains one or more passes. You can access a technique using its name or with an index. For more about techniques, see techniques and passes.

bb173766 ID3D10EffectTechnique* ID3D10Effect::GetTechniqueByName([In] const char* Name) ID3D10Effect::GetTechniqueByName

Minimize the amount of memory required for an effect.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

An effect uses memory space two different ways: to store the information required by the runtime to execute an effect, and to store the metadata required to reflect information back to an application using the API. You can minimize the amount of memory required by an effect by calling which removes the reflection metadata from memory. API methods to read variables will no longer work once reflection data has been removed.

The following methods will fail after Optimize has been called on an effect.

Note that references retrieved with these methods before calling are still valid after is called. This allows the application to get all the variables, techniques, and passes it will use, call Optimize, and then use the effect.

bb173773 HRESULT ID3D10Effect::Optimize() ID3D10Effect::Optimize

Test an effect to see if the reflection metadata has been removed from memory.

TRUE if the effect is optimized; otherwise .

An effect uses memory space two different ways: to store the information required by the runtime to execute an effect, and to store the metadata required to reflect information back to an application using the API. You can minimize the amount of memory required by an effect by calling which removes the reflection metadata from memory. Of course, API methods to read variables will no longer work once reflection data has been removed.

bb173770 BOOL ID3D10Effect::IsOptimized() ID3D10Effect::IsOptimized

Test an effect to see if it contains valid syntax.

bb173772 IsValid IsValid BOOL ID3D10Effect::IsValid()

Test an effect to see if it is part of a memory pool.

bb173771 IsPool IsPool BOOL ID3D10Effect::IsPool()

Get the device that created the effect.

An effect is created for a specific device, by calling a function such as .

bb173764 GetDevice GetDevice HRESULT ID3D10Effect::GetDevice([Out] ID3D10Device** ppDevice)

Get an effect description.

An effect description contains basic information about an effect such as the techniques it contains and the constant buffer resources it requires.

bb173763 GetDesc GetDesc HRESULT ID3D10Effect::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_EFFECT_DESC* pDesc)

Test an effect to see if the reflection metadata has been removed from memory.

An effect uses memory space two different ways: to store the information required by the runtime to execute an effect, and to store the metadata required to reflect information back to an application using the API. You can minimize the amount of memory required by an effect by calling which removes the reflection metadata from memory. Of course, API methods to read variables will no longer work once reflection data has been removed.

bb173770 IsOptimized IsOptimized BOOL ID3D10Effect::IsOptimized()

The blend-variable interface accesses blend state.

An Interface is created when an effect is read into memory.

Effect variables are saved in memory in the backing store; when a technique is applied, the values in the backing store are copied to the device. You can use either of these methods to return state. For examples, see Two Ways to Get the State in an Effect Variable.

bb173631 ID3D10EffectBlendVariable ID3D10EffectBlendVariable

The interface is the base class for all effect variables.

The lifetime of an object is equal to the lifetime of its parent object.

  • Methods

The interface has the following methods.

bb173724 ID3D10EffectVariable ID3D10EffectVariable
Set data. A reference to the variable. size in bytes of data to write. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. This method does no conversion or type checking; it is therefore a very quick way to access array items. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVariable::SetRawValue([None] void* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get data. This method does no conversion or type checking; it is therefore a very quick way to access array items. The number of bytes to get. Returns a filled with the value. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVariable::GetRawValue([None] void* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get a scalar variable. AsScalar returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a scalar variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain scalar data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a scalar variable. See . ID3D10EffectScalarVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsScalar() Get a vector variable. AsVector returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a vector variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain vector data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a vector variable. See . ID3D10EffectVectorVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsVector() Get a matrix variable. AsMatrix returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a matrix variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain matrix data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a matrix variable. See . ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsMatrix() Get a string variable. AsString returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a string variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain string data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a string variable. See . ID3D10EffectStringVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsString() Get a shader-resource variable. AsShaderResource returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a shader-resource variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain shader-resource data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a shader-resource variable. See . ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsShaderResource() Get a render-target-view variable. This method returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a render-target-view variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain render-target-view data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a render-target-view variable. See . ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsRenderTargetView() Get a depth-stencil-view variable. This method returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a depth-stencil-view variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain depth-stencil-view data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a depth-stencil-view variable. See . ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsDepthStencilView() Get a constant buffer. AsConstantBuffer returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a constant buffer. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain constant buffer data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a constant buffer. See . ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsConstantBuffer() Get a shader variable. AsShader returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a shader variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain shader data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a shader variable. See . ID3D10EffectShaderVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsShader() Get a effect-blend variable. AsBlend returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to an effect-blend variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain effect-blend data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to an effect blend variable. See . ID3D10EffectBlendVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsBlend() Get a depth-stencil variable. AsDepthStencil returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a depth-stencil variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain depth-stencil data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a depth-stencil variable. See . ID3D10EffectDepthStencilVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsDepthStencil() Get a rasterizer variable. AsRasterizer returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a rasterizer variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain rasterizer data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a rasterizer variable. See . ID3D10EffectRasterizerVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsRasterizer() Get a sampler variable. AsSampler returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a sampler variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain sampler data. Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling {{IsValid}}. A reference to a sampler variable. See . ID3D10EffectSamplerVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsSampler() Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Compare the data type with the data stored.

TRUE if the syntax is valid; otherwise .

This method checks that the data type matches the data stored after casting one interface to another (using any of the As methods).

bb173746 BOOL ID3D10EffectVariable::IsValid() ID3D10EffectVariable::IsValid

Get type information.

A reference to an Interface.

bb173745 ID3D10EffectType* ID3D10EffectVariable::GetType() ID3D10EffectVariable::GetType

Get a description.

A reference to an effect-variable description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173738 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVariable::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_EFFECT_VARIABLE_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10EffectVariable::GetDesc

Get an annotation by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an Interface.

Annonations can be attached to a technique, a pass or a gloval variable. For the syntax, see Annotation Syntax (Direct3D 10).

bb173736 ID3D10EffectVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::GetAnnotationByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3D10EffectVariable::GetAnnotationByIndex

Get an annotation by name.

The annotation name.

A reference to an Interface. Note that if the annotation is not found the Interface returned will be empty. The method should be called to determine whether the annotation was found.

Annonations can be attached to a technique, a pass or a gloval variable. For the syntax, see Annotation Syntax (Direct3D 10).

bb173737 ID3D10EffectVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::GetAnnotationByName([In] const char* Name) ID3D10EffectVariable::GetAnnotationByName

Get a structure member by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an Interface.

If the effect variable is an structure, use this method to look up a member by index.

bb173740 ID3D10EffectVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::GetMemberByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3D10EffectVariable::GetMemberByIndex

Get a structure member by name.

Member name.

A reference to an Interface.

If the effect variable is an structure, use this method to look up a member by name.

bb173741 ID3D10EffectVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::GetMemberByName([In] const char* Name) ID3D10EffectVariable::GetMemberByName

Get a structure member by semantic.

The semantic.

A reference to an Interface.

If the effect variable is an structure, use this method to look up a member by attached semantic.

bb173742 ID3D10EffectVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::GetMemberBySemantic([In] const char* Semantic) ID3D10EffectVariable::GetMemberBySemantic

Get an array element.

A zero-based index; otherwise 0.

A reference to an Interface.

If the effect variable is an array, use this method to return one of the elements.

bb173739 ID3D10EffectVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::GetElement([In] unsigned int Index) ID3D10EffectVariable::GetElement

Get a constant buffer.

A reference to a Interface.

Effect variables are read-from or written-to a constant buffer.

bb173743 ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer* ID3D10EffectVariable::GetParentConstantBuffer() ID3D10EffectVariable::GetParentConstantBuffer

Get a scalar variable.

A reference to a scalar variable. See .

AsScalar returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a scalar variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain scalar data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

bb173731 ID3D10EffectScalarVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsScalar() ID3D10EffectVariable::AsScalar

Get a vector variable.

A reference to a vector variable. See .

AsVector returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a vector variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain vector data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

bb173735 ID3D10EffectVectorVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsVector() ID3D10EffectVariable::AsVector

Get a matrix variable.

A reference to a matrix variable. See .

AsMatrix returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a matrix variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain matrix data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

bb173728 ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsMatrix() ID3D10EffectVariable::AsMatrix

Get a string variable.

A reference to a string variable. See .

AsString returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a string variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain string data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

bb173734 ID3D10EffectStringVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsString() ID3D10EffectVariable::AsString

Get a shader-resource variable.

A reference to a shader-resource variable. See .

AsShaderResource returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a shader-resource variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain shader-resource data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

Bb173733 ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsShaderResource() ID3D10EffectVariable::AsShaderResource

Get a render-target-view variable.

A reference to a render-target-view variable. See Interface.

This method returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a render-target-view variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain render-target-view data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

bb944008 ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsRenderTargetView() ID3D10EffectVariable::AsRenderTargetView

Get a depth-stencil-view variable.

A reference to a depth-stencil-view variable. See Interface.

This method returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a depth-stencil-view variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain depth-stencil-view data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

bb944007 ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsDepthStencilView() ID3D10EffectVariable::AsDepthStencilView

Get a constant buffer.

A reference to a constant buffer. See .

AsConstantBuffer returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a constant buffer. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain constant buffer data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

bb173726 ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsConstantBuffer() ID3D10EffectVariable::AsConstantBuffer

Get a shader variable.

A reference to a shader variable. See .

AsShader returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a shader variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain shader data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

bb173732 ID3D10EffectShaderVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsShader() ID3D10EffectVariable::AsShader

Get a effect-blend variable.

A reference to an effect blend variable. See .

AsBlend returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to an effect-blend variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain effect-blend data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

bb173725 ID3D10EffectBlendVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsBlend() ID3D10EffectVariable::AsBlend

Get a depth-stencil variable.

A reference to a depth-stencil variable. See .

AsDepthStencil returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a depth-stencil variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain depth-stencil data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

bb173727 ID3D10EffectDepthStencilVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsDepthStencil() ID3D10EffectVariable::AsDepthStencil

Get a rasterizer variable.

A reference to a rasterizer variable. See .

AsRasterizer returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a rasterizer variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain rasterizer data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

bb173729 ID3D10EffectRasterizerVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsRasterizer() ID3D10EffectVariable::AsRasterizer

Get a sampler variable.

A reference to a sampler variable. See .

AsSampler returns a version of the effect variable that has been specialized to a sampler variable. Similar to a cast, this specialization will return an invalid object if the effect variable does not contain sampler data.

Applications can test the returned object for validity by calling IsValid.

bb173730 ID3D10EffectSamplerVariable* ID3D10EffectVariable::AsSampler() ID3D10EffectVariable::AsSampler

Set data.

A reference to the variable.

The offset (in bytes) from the beginning of the reference to the data.

The number of bytes to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

This method does no conversion or type checking; it is therefore a very quick way to access array items.

bb173747 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVariable::SetRawValue([In] void* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectVariable::SetRawValue

Get data.

A reference to the variable.

The offset (in bytes) from the beginning of the reference to the data.

The number of bytes to get.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

This method does no conversion or type checking; it is therefore a very quick way to access array items.

bb173744 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVariable::GetRawValue([In] void* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectVariable::GetRawValue

Compare the data type with the data stored.

This method checks that the data type matches the data stored after casting one interface to another (using any of the As methods).

bb173746 IsValid IsValid BOOL ID3D10EffectVariable::IsValid()

Get type information.

bb173745 GetType GetType ID3D10EffectType* ID3D10EffectVariable::GetType()

Get a description.

bb173738 GetDesc GetDesc HRESULT ID3D10EffectVariable::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_EFFECT_VARIABLE_DESC* pDesc)

Get a constant buffer.

Effect variables are read-from or written-to a constant buffer.

bb173743 GetParentConstantBuffer GetParentConstantBuffer ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer* ID3D10EffectVariable::GetParentConstantBuffer()
Get a pointer to a blend-state interface. Returns . HRESULT ID3D10EffectBlendVariable::GetBlendState([None] int Index,[Out] ID3D10BlendState** ppBlendState) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to a blend-state interface.

Index into an array of blend-state interfaces. If there is only one blend-state interface, use 0.

The address of a reference to a blend-state interface (see Interface).

bb173633 HRESULT ID3D10EffectBlendVariable::GetBlendState([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] ID3D10BlendState** ppBlendState) ID3D10EffectBlendVariable::GetBlendState

Get a reference to a blend-state variable.

Index into an array of blend-state descriptions. If there is only one blend-state variable in the effect, use 0.

A reference to a blend-state description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Effect variables are saved in memory in the backing store; when a technique is applied, the values in the backing store are copied to the device. Backing store data can used to recreate the variable when necessary.

bb173632 HRESULT ID3D10EffectBlendVariable::GetBackingStore([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] D3D10_BLEND_DESC* pBlendDesc) ID3D10EffectBlendVariable::GetBackingStore

A depth-stencil-variable interface accesses depth-stencil state.

An Interface is created when an effect is read into memory.

Effect variables are saved in memory in the backing store; when a technique is applied, the values in the backing store are copied to the device. You can use either of these methods to return state. For examples, see Two Ways to Get the State in an Effect Variable.

bb173639 ID3D10EffectDepthStencilVariable ID3D10EffectDepthStencilVariable
Get a pointer to a depth-stencil interface. Returns a pointer to a blend-state interface (see ). HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilVariable::GetDepthStencilState([None] int Index,[Out] ID3D10DepthStencilState** ppDepthStencilState) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to a depth-stencil interface.

Index into an array of depth-stencil interfaces. If there is only one depth-stencil interface, use 0.

The address of a reference to a blend-state interface (see Interface).

bb173641 HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilVariable::GetDepthStencilState([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] ID3D10DepthStencilState** ppDepthStencilState) ID3D10EffectDepthStencilVariable::GetDepthStencilState

Get a reference to a variable that contains depth-stencil state.

Index into an array of depth-stencil-state descriptions. If there is only one depth-stencil variable in the effect, use 0.

A reference to a depth-stencil-state description (see ).

Effect variables are saved in memory in the backing store; when a technique is applied, the values in the backing store are copied to the device. Backing store data can used to recreate the variable when necessary.

bb173640 HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilVariable::GetBackingStore([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] D3D10_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC* pDepthStencilDesc) ID3D10EffectDepthStencilVariable::GetBackingStore

A depth-stencil-view-variable interface accesses a depth-stencil view.

bb173642 ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable
Set an array of depth-stencil-view resources. A pointer to an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See . Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of depth-stencil-view resources. A pointer to an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See . The zero-based array index to set the first interface. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of depth-stencil-view resources. The number of elements in the array. Returns an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See . HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencilArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of depth-stencil-view resources. The zero-based array index to get the first interface. The number of elements in the array. Returns an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See . HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencilArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a depth-stencil-view resource.

A reference to a depth-stencil-view interface. See Interface.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173645 HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencil([In] ID3D10DepthStencilView* pResource) ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencil

Get a depth-stencil-view resource.

The address of a reference to a depth-stencil-view interface. See Interface.

bb173643 HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencil([In] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppResource) ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencil

Set an array of depth-stencil-view resources.

A reference to an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See Interface.

The zero-based array index to set the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173646 HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray

Set an array of depth-stencil-view resources.

A reference to an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See Interface.

The zero-based array index to set the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173646 HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::SetDepthStencilArray

Get an array of depth-stencil-view resources.

A reference to an array of depth-stencil-view interfaces. See Interface.

The zero-based array index to get the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173644 HRESULT ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencilArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D10DepthStencilView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectDepthStencilViewVariable::GetDepthStencilArray

A matrix-variable interface accesses a matrix.

bb173647 ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable
Set a floating-point matrix. A pointer to the first element in the matrix. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrix([In] float* pData) Get a matrix. A reference to the first element in a matrix. Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrix([Out] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) Get a matrix. A reference to the first element in a matrix. Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrix([Out] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) Set a floating-point matrix. A pointer to the first element in the matrix. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrix([In] float* pData) Set an array of floating-point matrices. A pointer to the first matrix. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of floating-point matrices. A pointer to the first matrix. The number of matrix elements to skip from the start of the array. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of matrices. The number of matrices in the returned array. Returns an array of matrix. HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of matrices. The offset (in number of matrices) between the start of the array and the first matrix returned. The number of matrices in the returned array. Returns an array of matrix. HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Transpose and set a floating-point matrix. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa). A pointer to the first element of a matrix. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTranspose([In] float* pData) Transpose and set a floating-point matrix. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa). A pointer to the first element of a matrix. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTranspose([In] float* pData) Transpose and set an array of floating-point matrices. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa). A pointer to an array of matrices. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposeArray([In] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Transpose and set an array of floating-point matrices. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa). A pointer to an array of matrices. The offset (in number of matrices) between the start of the array and the first matrix to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposeArray([In] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Transpose and get a floating-point matrix. The transposed matrix. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa).Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTranspose([Out] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) Transpose and get a floating-point matrix. The transposed matrix. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa).Note??The DirectX SDK does not supply any compiled binaries for effects. You must use Effects 11 source to build your effects-type application. For more information about using Effects 11 source, see Differences Between Effects 10 and Effects 11. HRESULT ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTranspose([Out] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) Transpose and get an array of floating-point matrices. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa). The number of matrices in the array to get. Returns an array of transposed . HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTransposeArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Transpose and get an array of floating-point matrices. Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa). The offset (in number of matrices) between the start of the array and the first matrix to get. The number of matrices in the array to get. Returns an array of transposed . HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTransposeArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a floating-point matrix.

A reference to the first element in the matrix.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173652 HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrix([In] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrix

Get a matrix.

A reference to the first element in a matrix.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173648 HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrix([Out] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrix

Set an array of floating-point matrices.

A reference to the first matrix.

The number of matrix elements to skip from the start of the array.

The number of elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173653 HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixArray([In, Buffer] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixArray

Get an array of matrices.

A reference to the first element of the first matrix in an array of matrices.

The offset (in number of matrices) between the start of the array and the first matrix returned.

The number of matrices in the returned array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173649 HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixArray([Out, Buffer] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixArray

Transpose and set a floating-point matrix.

A reference to the first element of a matrix.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa).

bb173654 HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTranspose([In] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTranspose

Transpose and get a floating-point matrix.

A reference to the first element of a transposed matrix.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa).

bb173650 HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTranspose([Out] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData) ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTranspose

Transpose and set an array of floating-point matrices.

A reference to an array of matrices.

The offset (in number of matrices) between the start of the array and the first matrix to set.

The number of matrices in the array to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa).

bb173655 HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposeArray([In, Buffer] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::SetMatrixTransposeArray

Transpose and get an array of floating-point matrices.

A reference to the first element of an array of tranposed matrices.

The offset (in number of matrices) between the start of the array and the first matrix to get.

The number of matrices in the array to get.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Transposing a matrix will rearrange the data order from row-column order to column-row order (or vice versa).

bb173651 HRESULT ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTransposeArray([Out, Buffer] SHARPDX_MATRIX* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable::GetMatrixTransposeArray

A pass interface encapsulates state assignments within a technique.

The lifetime of an object is equal to the lifetime of its parent object.

  • Methods

The interface has the following methods.

A pass is a block of code that sets render-state objects and shaders. A pass is declared within a technique; the syntax for a technique is shown in Effect Technique Syntax (Direct3D 10).

To get an effect-pass interface, call a method like .

bb173656 ID3D10EffectPass ID3D10EffectPass
Set the state contained in a pass to the device. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT Apply([None] UINT Flags) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Test a pass to see if it contains valid syntax.

TRUE if the code syntax is valid; otherwise .

bb173665 BOOL ID3D10EffectPass::IsValid() ID3D10EffectPass::IsValid

Get a pass description.

A reference to a pass description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

A pass is a block of code that sets render state and shaders (which in turn sets constant buffers, samplers and textures). An effect technique contains one or more passes. See techniques and passes.

bb173661 HRESULT ID3D10EffectPass::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_PASS_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10EffectPass::GetDesc

Get a vertex-shader description.

A reference to a vertex-shader description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

An effect pass can contain render state assignments and shader object assignments.

Bb173664 HRESULT ID3D10EffectPass::GetVertexShaderDesc([Out] D3D10_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10EffectPass::GetVertexShaderDesc

Get a geometry-shader description.

A reference to a geometry-shader description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

An effect pass can contain render state assignments and shader object assignments.

bb173662 HRESULT ID3D10EffectPass::GetGeometryShaderDesc([Out] D3D10_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10EffectPass::GetGeometryShaderDesc

Get a pixel-shader description.

A reference to a pixel-shader description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

An effect pass can contain render state assignments and shader object assignments.

bb173663 HRESULT ID3D10EffectPass::GetPixelShaderDesc([Out] D3D10_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10EffectPass::GetPixelShaderDesc

Get an annotation by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an Interface.

bb173659 ID3D10EffectVariable* ID3D10EffectPass::GetAnnotationByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3D10EffectPass::GetAnnotationByIndex

Get an annotation by name.

The name of the annotation.

A reference to an Interface.

bb173660 ID3D10EffectVariable* ID3D10EffectPass::GetAnnotationByName([In] const char* Name) ID3D10EffectPass::GetAnnotationByName

Set the state contained in a pass to the device.


Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173657 HRESULT ID3D10EffectPass::Apply([In] unsigned int Flags) ID3D10EffectPass::Apply

Generate a mask for allowing/preventing state changes.

A reference to a state-block mask (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173658 HRESULT ID3D10EffectPass::ComputeStateBlockMask([In] D3D10_STATE_BLOCK_MASK* pStateBlockMask) ID3D10EffectPass::ComputeStateBlockMask

Test a pass to see if it contains valid syntax.

bb173665 IsValid IsValid BOOL ID3D10EffectPass::IsValid()

Get a pass description.

A pass is a block of code that sets render state and shaders (which in turn sets constant buffers, samplers and textures). An effect technique contains one or more passes. See techniques and passes.

bb173661 GetDesc GetDesc HRESULT ID3D10EffectPass::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_PASS_DESC* pDesc)

Get a vertex-shader description.

An effect pass can contain render state assignments and shader object assignments.

Bb173664 GetVertexShaderDesc GetVertexShaderDesc HRESULT ID3D10EffectPass::GetVertexShaderDesc([Out] D3D10_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc)

Get a geometry-shader description.

An effect pass can contain render state assignments and shader object assignments.

bb173662 GetGeometryShaderDesc GetGeometryShaderDesc HRESULT ID3D10EffectPass::GetGeometryShaderDesc([Out] D3D10_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc)

Get a pixel-shader description.

An effect pass can contain render state assignments and shader object assignments.

bb173663 GetPixelShaderDesc GetPixelShaderDesc HRESULT ID3D10EffectPass::GetPixelShaderDesc([Out] D3D10_PASS_SHADER_DESC* pDesc)

Describes an effect pass, which contains pipeline state.

Get a pass description by calling ; an effect technique contains one or more passes.

bb205330 D3D10_PASS_DESC D3D10_PASS_DESC

A string that contains the name of the pass; otherwise null.

bb205330 const char* Name char Name

The number of annotations.

bb205330 unsigned int Annotations unsigned int Annotations

A reference to the input signature or the vertex shader; otherwise null.

bb205330 unsigned char* pIAInputSignature unsigned char pIAInputSignature

The size of the input signature (in bytes).

bb205330 SIZE_T IAInputSignatureSize SIZE_T IAInputSignatureSize

The stencil-reference value used in the depth-stencil state (see Configuring Depth-Stencil Functionality (Direct3D 10)).

bb205330 unsigned int StencilRef unsigned int StencilRef

The sample mask for the blend state (see Configuring Blending Functionality (Direct3D 10)).

bb205330 unsigned int SampleMask unsigned int SampleMask

The per-component blend factors (RGBA) for the blend state (see Configuring Blending Functionality (Direct3D 10)).

bb205330 SHARPDX_COLOR4 BlendFactor SHARPDX_COLOR4 BlendFactor
Returns the signature of this Effect pass.

Describes an effect variable that contains a shader.

To get a shader description, call a method like .


A reference to the variable that the shader came from. If it is an inline shader assignment, the returned interface will be an anonymous shader variable, which is not retrievable any other way. Its name in the variable description will be "$Anonymous". If there is no assignment of this type in the pass block, this will point to a shader variable that returns false when IsValid is called.

bb205331 ID3D10EffectShaderVariable* pShaderVariable ID3D10EffectShaderVariable pShaderVariable

A zero-based array index; otherwise 0.

bb205331 unsigned int ShaderIndex unsigned int ShaderIndex
A reference to the variable that the shader came from. If it is an inline shader assignment, the returned interface will be an anonymous shader variable, which is not retrievable any other way. Its name in the variable description will be "$Anonymous". If there is no assignment of this type in the pass block, this will point to a shader variable that returns false when IsValid is called. ID3D10EffectShaderVariable* pShaderVariable

A pool interface represents a common memory space (or pool) for sharing variables between effects.

To create an effect pool, call a function like . Effect pools can improve performance by reducing the number of API calls required to make state changes (see Using Effect Pools).

bb173667 ID3D10EffectPool ID3D10EffectPool
Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. The effect byte code. Effect compile options Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the effect that created the effect pool.

A reference to an Interface interface.

bb173668 ID3D10Effect* ID3D10EffectPool::AsEffect() ID3D10EffectPool::AsEffect

A rasterizer-variable interface accesses rasterizer state.

An Interface is created when an effect is read into memory.

Effect variables are saved in memory in the backing store; when a technique is applied, the values in the backing store are copied to the device. You can use either of these methods to return state. For examples, see Two Ways to Get the State in an Effect Variable.

bb173669 ID3D10EffectRasterizerVariable ID3D10EffectRasterizerVariable
Get a pointer to a rasterizer interface. Returns a pointer to a rasterizer interface (see ). HRESULT ID3D10EffectRasterizerVariable::GetRasterizerState([None] int Index,[Out] ID3D10RasterizerState** ppRasterizerState) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to a rasterizer interface.

Index into an array of rasterizer interfaces. If there is only one rasterizer interface, use 0.

The address of a reference to a rasterizer interface (see Interface).

bb173671 HRESULT ID3D10EffectRasterizerVariable::GetRasterizerState([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] ID3D10RasterizerState** ppRasterizerState) ID3D10EffectRasterizerVariable::GetRasterizerState

Get a reference to a variable that contains rasteriser state.

Index into an array of rasteriser-state descriptions. If there is only one rasteriser variable in the effect, use 0.

A reference to a rasteriser-state description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Effect variables are saved in memory in the backing store; when a technique is applied, the values in the backing store are copied to the device. Backing store data can used to recreate the variable when necessary.

bb173670 HRESULT ID3D10EffectRasterizerVariable::GetBackingStore([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] D3D10_RASTERIZER_DESC* pRasterizerDesc) ID3D10EffectRasterizerVariable::GetBackingStore

Get an array of render-targets.

bb173674 ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable
Set an array of render-targets. Set an array of render-target-view interfaces. See . Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of render-targets. Set an array of render-target-view interfaces. See . The zero-based array index to store the first interface. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of render-targets. The number of elements in the array. Returns an array of . HRESULT ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::GetRenderTargetArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of render-targets. The zero-based array index to get the first interface. The number of elements in the array. Returns an array of . HRESULT ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::GetRenderTargetArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a render-target.

A reference to a render-target-view interface. See Interface.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173675 HRESULT ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTarget([In] ID3D10RenderTargetView* pResource) ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTarget

Get a render-target.

The address of a reference to a render-target-view interface. See Interface.

bb173673 HRESULT ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::GetRenderTarget([Out] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppResource) ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::GetRenderTarget

Set an array of render-targets.

Set an array of render-target-view interfaces. See Interface.

The zero-based array index to store the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173676 HRESULT ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray

Set an array of render-targets.

Set an array of render-target-view interfaces. See Interface.

The zero-based array index to store the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173676 HRESULT ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::SetRenderTargetArray

Get an array of render-targets.

A reference to an array of render-target-view interfaces. See Interface.

The zero-based array index to get the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173674 HRESULT ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::GetRenderTargetArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D10RenderTargetView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectRenderTargetViewVariable::GetRenderTargetArray

A sampler interface accesses sampler state.

An Interface is created when an effect is read into memory.

Effect variables are saved in memory in the backing store; when a technique is applied, the values in the backing store are copied to the device. You can use either of these methods to return state. For examples, see Two Ways to Get the State in an Effect Variable.

bb173677 ID3D10EffectSamplerVariable ID3D10EffectSamplerVariable
Get a reference to a sampler interface. Returns a reference to a sampler interface (see ). HRESULT ID3D10EffectSamplerVariable::GetSampler([None] int Index,[Out] ID3D10SamplerState** ppSampler) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to a sampler interface.

Index into an array of sampler interfaces. If there is only one sampler interface, use 0.

The address of a reference to a sampler interface (see Interface).

bb173679 HRESULT ID3D10EffectSamplerVariable::GetSampler([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] ID3D10SamplerState** ppSampler) ID3D10EffectSamplerVariable::GetSampler

Get a reference to a variable that contains sampler state.

Index into an array of sampler descriptions. If there is only one sampler variable in the effect, use 0.

A reference to a sampler description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173678 HRESULT ID3D10EffectSamplerVariable::GetBackingStore([In] unsigned int Index,[Out] D3D10_SAMPLER_DESC* pSamplerDesc) ID3D10EffectSamplerVariable::GetBackingStore

Describes an effect shader.

To get an effect-shader description, call .


Passed into CreateInputLayout. Only valid on a vertex shader or geometry shader. See ID3D10Device_CreateInputLayout.

bb205051 const unsigned char* pInputSignature unsigned char pInputSignature

TRUE is the shader is defined inline; otherwise .

bb205051 BOOL IsInline BOOL IsInline

A reference to the compiled shader.

bb205051 const unsigned char* pBytecode unsigned char pBytecode

The length of pBytecode.

bb205051 unsigned int BytecodeLength unsigned int BytecodeLength

A string that constains a declaration of the stream output from a geometry shader.

bb205051 const char* SODecl char SODecl

The number of entries in the input signature.

bb205051 unsigned int NumInputSignatureEntries unsigned int NumInputSignatureEntries

The number of entries in the output signature.

bb205051 unsigned int NumOutputSignatureEntries unsigned int NumOutputSignatureEntries
Gets the signature passed into InputLayout. Only valid on a vertex shader or geometry shader. The signature. Gets the bytecode from the compiled shader. The bytecode.

A shader-resource interface accesses a shader resource.

bb173693 ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable
Set an array of shader resources. The address of an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See . Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray([None] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of shader resources. The address of an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See . The zero-based array index to get the first interface. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray([None] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of shader resources. The number of elements in the array. Returns an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See . HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResourceArray([Out] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of shader resources. The zero-based array index to get the first interface. The number of elements in the array. Returns an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See . HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResourceArray([Out] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a shader resource.

The address of a reference to a shader-resource-view interface. See Interface.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173696 HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResource([In] ID3D10ShaderResourceView* pResource) ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResource

Get a shader resource.

The address of a reference to a shader-resource-view interface. See Interface.

bb173694 HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResource([Out] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppResource) ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResource

Set an array of shader resources.

The address of an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See Interface.

The zero-based array index to get the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173697 HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray

Set an array of shader resources.

The address of an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See Interface.

The zero-based array index to get the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173697 HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray([In, Buffer] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::SetResourceArray

Get an array of shader resources.

The address of an array of shader-resource-view interfaces. See Interface.

The zero-based array index to get the first interface.

The number of elements in the array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173695 HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResourceArray([Out, Buffer] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppResources,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectShaderResourceVariable::GetResourceArray

Get an array of floating-point variables.

bb173684 ID3D10EffectScalarVariable ID3D10EffectScalarVariable
Set a floating-point variable. A reference to the variable. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetFloat([None] float Value) Set an array of floating-point variables. A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetFloatArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of floating-point variables. A reference to the start of the data to set. Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetFloatArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of floating-point variables. The number of array elements to set. Returns an array of floats. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetFloatArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of floating-point variables. Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use. The number of array elements to set. Returns an array of floats. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetFloatArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an integer variable. A reference to the variable. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetInt([None] int Value) Set an array of integer variables. A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetIntArray([In, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of integer variables. A reference to the start of the data to set. Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetIntArray([In, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of integer variables. The number of array elements to set. Returns an array of integer variables. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetIntArray([Out, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of integer variables. Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use. The number of array elements to set. Returns an array of integer variables. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetIntArray([Out, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set a boolean variable. A reference to the variable. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetBool([None] BOOL Value) Get a boolean variable. Returns a boolean. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetBool([Out] BOOL* pValue) Set an array of boolean variables. A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetBoolArray([In, Buffer] BOOL* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of boolean variables. A reference to the start of the data to set. Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetBoolArray([In, Buffer] BOOL* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of boolean variables. Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use. The number of array elements to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetBoolArray([Out, Buffer] BOOL* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a floating-point variable.

A reference to the variable.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173689 HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetFloat([In] float Value) ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetFloat

Get a floating-point variable.

A reference to the variable.

bb173683 HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetFloat([Out] float* pValue) ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetFloat

Set an array of floating-point variables.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173690 HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetFloatArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetFloatArray

Get an array of floating-point variables.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173684 HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetFloatArray([Out, Buffer] float* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetFloatArray

Set an integer variable.

A reference to the variable.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173691 HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetInt([In] int Value) ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetInt

Get an integer variable.

A reference to the variable.

bb173685 HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetInt([Out] int* pValue) ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetInt

Set an array of integer variables.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Bb173692 HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetIntArray([In, Buffer] int* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetIntArray

Get an array of integer variables.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173686 HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetIntArray([Out, Buffer] int* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetIntArray

Set a boolean variable.

A reference to the variable.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173687 HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetBool([In] BOOL Value) ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetBool

Get a boolean variable.

A reference to the variable.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173681 HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetBool([Out] BOOL* pValue) ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetBool

Set an array of boolean variables.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173688 HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetBoolArray([In, Buffer] BOOL* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::SetBoolArray

Get an array of boolean variables.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173682 HRESULT ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetBoolArray([Out, Buffer] BOOL* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectScalarVariable::GetBoolArray

A string-variable interface accesses a string variable.

bb173705 ID3D10EffectStringVariable ID3D10EffectStringVariable
Get the string. Returns a reference to the string. HRESULT ID3D10EffectStringVariable::GetString([Out] const char** ppString) Get an array of strings. The number of strings in the returned array. Returns a reference to the first string in the array. HRESULT ID3D10EffectStringVariable::GetStringArray([Out, Buffer] const char** ppStrings,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of strings. The offset (in number of strings) between the start of the array and the first string to get. The number of strings in the returned array. Returns a reference to the first string in the array. HRESULT ID3D10EffectStringVariable::GetStringArray([Out, Buffer] const char** ppStrings,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the string.

A reference to the string.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173706 HRESULT ID3D10EffectStringVariable::GetString([Out] const void** ppString) ID3D10EffectStringVariable::GetString

Get an array of strings.

A reference to the first string in the array.

The offset (in number of strings) between the start of the array and the first string to get.

The number of strings in the returned array.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173707 HRESULT ID3D10EffectStringVariable::GetStringArray([Out, Buffer] const void** ppStrings,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectStringVariable::GetStringArray

A vector-variable interface accesses a four-component vector.

bb173748 ID3D10EffectVectorVariable ID3D10EffectVectorVariable
Get a four-component vector that contains integer data. Returns a four-component vector that contains integer data HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVector([Out] int* pData) Get a four-component vector that contains floating-point data. Returns a four-component vector that contains floating-point data. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVector([Out] float* pData) Get a four-component vector that contains boolean data. a four-component vector that contains boolean data. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVector([Out, Buffer] BOOL* pData) Get a four-component vector. Type of the four-component vector a four-component vector. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVector([Out, Buffer] BOOL* pData) Set an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data. A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetIntVectorArray([In, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data. A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVectorArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data. Type of the four-component vector A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVectorArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Set a x-component vector. A reference to the first component. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector([In] float* pData) Set a x-component vector. A reference to the first component. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector([In] float* pData) Set a two-component vector that contains floating-point data. A reference to the first component. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector([In] float* pData) Set a three-component vector that contains floating-point data. A reference to the first component. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector([In] float* pData) Set a four-component color that contains floating-point data. A reference to the first component. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector([In] float* pData) Set an array of four-component color that contain floating-point data. A reference to the start of the data to set. Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVectorArray([In, Buffer] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data. The number of array elements to set. Returns an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVectorArray([Out, Buffer] int* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data. The number of array elements to set. Returns an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVectorArray([None] float* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data. The number of array elements to set. an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVectorArray([Out, Buffer] BOOL* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Get an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data. The number of array elements to set. an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data. HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVectorArray([Out, Buffer] BOOL* pData,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a four-component vector that contains boolean data.

A reference to the first component.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173755 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetBoolVector([In] SHARPDX_BOOL4* pData) ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetBoolVector

Set a four-component vector that contains integer data.

A reference to the first component.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173759 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetIntVector([In] SHARPDX_INT4* pData) ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetIntVector

Set a four-component vector that contains floating-point data.

A reference to the first component.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173757 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector([In] float* pData) ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector

Get a four-component vector that contains boolean data.

A reference to the first component.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173749 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVector([Out] SHARPDX_BOOL4* pData) ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVector

Get a four-component vector that contains integer data.

A reference to the first component.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173753 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVector([Out] SHARPDX_INT4* pData) ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVector

Get a four-component vector that contains floating-point data.

A reference to the first component.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173751 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVector([Out] SHARPDX_VECTOR4* pData) ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVector

Set an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173756 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetBoolVectorArray([In, Buffer] SHARPDX_BOOL4* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetBoolVectorArray

Set an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Bb173760 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetIntVectorArray([In, Buffer] SHARPDX_INT4* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetIntVectorArray

Set an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173758 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVectorArray([In, Buffer] SHARPDX_VECTOR4* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVectorArray

Get an array of four-component vectors that contain boolean data.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173750 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVectorArray([Out, Buffer] SHARPDX_BOOL4* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetBoolVectorArray

Get an array of four-component vectors that contain integer data.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173754 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVectorArray([Out, Buffer] SHARPDX_INT4* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetIntVectorArray

Get an array of four-component vectors that contain floating-point data.

A reference to the start of the data to set.

Must be set to 0; this is reserved for future use.

The number of array elements to set.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173752 HRESULT ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVectorArray([Out, Buffer] SHARPDX_VECTOR4* pData,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count) ID3D10EffectVectorVariable::GetFloatVectorArray

The interface encapsulates the textures and resources needed to render a specific font on a specific device.

The interface is obtained by calling or .

The LPD3DX10FONT type is defined as a reference to the interface.

 typedef interface  ;	
            typedef interface  *LPD3DX10FONT;	
bb173886 ID3DX10Font ID3DX10Font
Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. The font description. Initializes a new instance of the class from a The device. The font. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device. The height. The width. The weight. The mip levels. if set to true [is italic]. The character set. The precision. The quality. The pitch and family. Name of the face. Load formatted text into video memory to improve the efficiency of rendering to the device. This method supports ANSI and Unicode strings. The compiler setting also determines the function version. If Unicode is defined, the function call resolves to PreloadTextW. Otherwise, the function call resolves to PreloadTextA because ANSI strings are being used. This method generates textures that contain glyphs that represent the input text. The glyphs are drawn as a series of triangles. Text will not be rendered to the device; ID3DX10Font::DrawText must still be called to render the text. However, by preloading text into video memory, ID3DX10Font::DrawText will use substantially fewer CPU resources. This method internally converts characters to glyphs using the GDI function {{GetCharacterPlacement}}. Pointer to a string of characters to be loaded into video memory. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR; otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR. See Remarks. If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA. HRESULT ID3DX10Font::PreloadTextW([None] const wchar_t* pString,[None] int Count) Draw formatted text. The parameters of this method are very similar to those of the {{GDI DrawText}} function. This method supports both ANSI and Unicode strings. Unless the DT_NOCLIP format is used, this method clips the text so that it does not appear outside the specified rectangle. All formatting is assumed to have multiple lines unless the DT_SINGLELINE format is specified. If the selected font is too large for the rectangle, this method does not attempt to substitute a smaller font. This method supports only fonts whose escapement and orientation are both zero. Reference to an ID3DX10Sprite object that contains the string you wish to draw. Can be NULL, in which case Direct3D will render the string with its own sprite object. To improve efficiency, a sprite object should be specified if ID3DX10Font::DrawText is to be called more than once in a row. Pointer to a string to draw. If UNICODE is defined, this parameter type resolves to an LPCWSTR, otherwise, the type resolves to an LPCSTR. If the Count parameter is -1, the string must be NULL terminated. Pointer to a structure that contains the rectangle, in logical coordinates, in which the text is to be formatted. As with any RECT object, the coordinate value of the rectangle's right side must be greater than that of its left side. Likewise, the coordinate value of the bottom must be greater than that of the top. Specify the method of formatting the text. It can be any combination of the following values: ItemDescription DT_BOTTOM Justify the text to the bottom of the rectangle. This value must be combined with DT_SINGLELINE. DT_CALCRECT Tell DrawText to automatically calculate the width and height of the rectangle based on the length of the string you tell it to draw. If there are multiple lines of text, ID3DX10Font::DrawText uses the width of the rectangle pointed to by the pRect parameter and extends the base of the rectangle to bound the last line of text. If there is only one line of text, ID3DX10Font::DrawText modifies the right side of the rectangle so that it bounds the last character in the line. In either case, ID3DX10Font::DrawText returns the height of the formatted text but does not draw the text. DT_CENTER Center text horizontally in the rectangle. DT_EXPANDTABS Expand tab characters. The default number of characters per tab is eight. DT_LEFT Align text to the left. DT_NOCLIP Draw without clipping. ID3DX10Font::DrawText is somewhat faster when DT_NOCLIP is used. DT_RIGHT Align text to the right. DT_RTLREADING Display text in right-to-left reading order for bidirectional text when a Hebrew or Arabic font is selected. The default reading order for all text is left-to-right. DT_SINGLELINE Display text on a single line only. Carriage returns and line feeds do not break the line. DT_TOP Top-justify text. DT_VCENTER Center text vertically (single line only). DT_WORDBREAK Break words. Lines are automatically broken between words if a word would extend past the edge of the rectangle specified by the pRect parameter. A carriage return/line feed sequence also breaks the line. ? Color of the text. See . If the function succeeds, the return value is the height of the text in logical units. If DT_VCENTER or DT_BOTTOM is specified, the return value is the offset from pRect (top to the bottom) of the drawn text. If the function fails, the return value is zero. int ID3DX10Font::DrawTextW([None] LPD3DX10SPRITE pSprite,[None] const wchar_t* pString,[None] int Count,[None] RECT* pRect,[None] int Format,[None] D3DXCOLOR Color) Draw formatted text at the specified position. Reference to an ID3DX10Sprite object that contains the string you wish to draw. Can be NULL, in which case Direct3D will render the string with its own sprite object. To improve efficiency, a sprite object should be specified if ID3DX10Font::DrawText is to be called more than once in a row. Pointer to a string to draw. If UNICODE is defined, this parameter type resolves to an LPCWSTR, otherwise, the type resolves to an LPCSTR. If the Count parameter is -1, the string must be NULL terminated. The x. The y. Color of the text. See . If the function succeeds, the return value is the height of the text in logical units. If DT_VCENTER or DT_BOTTOM is specified, the return value is the offset from pRect (top to the bottom) of the drawn text. If the function fails, the return value is zero. int ID3DX10Font::DrawTextW([None] LPD3DX10SPRITE pSprite,[None] const wchar_t* pString,[None] int Count,[None] RECT* pRect,[None] int Format,[None] D3DXCOLOR Color) The parameters of this method are very similar to those of the {{GDI DrawText}} function. This method supports both ANSI and Unicode strings. Unless the DT_NOCLIP format is used, this method clips the text so that it does not appear outside the specified rectangle. All formatting is assumed to have multiple lines unless the DT_SINGLELINE format is specified. If the selected font is too large for the rectangle, this method does not attempt to substitute a smaller font. This method supports only fonts whose escapement and orientation are both zero. int ID3DX10Font::DrawTextW([In] ID3DX10Sprite* pSprite,[In] const wchar_t* pString,[In] int Count,[In] RECT* pRect,[In] unsigned int Format,[In] D3DXCOLOR Color) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Retrieve the Direct3D device associated with the font object.

Address of a reference to an interface, representing the Direct3D device object associated with the font object.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: , D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

Note??Calling this method will increase the internal reference count on the interface. Be sure to call when you are done using this interface or you will have a memory leak.

bb173891 HRESULT ID3DX10Font::GetDevice([Out] ID3D10Device** ppDevice) ID3DX10Font::GetDevice

Get a description of the current font object.

Pointer to a structure that describes the font object. If UNICODE is defined, a reference to a D3DX10FONT_DESCW is returned; otherwise a reference to a D3DX10FONT_DESCA is returned.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the following value will be returned: .

This method describes Unicode font objects if UNICODE is defined. Otherwise GetDescA is called, which returns a reference to the D3DX10FONT_DESCA structure.

bb173890 HRESULT ID3DX10Font::GetDescW([Out] D3DX10_FONT_DESCW* pDesc) ID3DX10Font::GetDescW

Retrieve font characteristics.

Pointer to a structure, which contains font properties. If Unicode is defined, the function returns a structure. Otherwise, the function returns a structure.

Nonzero if the function is successful; otherwise 0.

bb173893 BOOL ID3DX10Font::GetTextMetricsW([In] void* pTextMetrics) ID3DX10Font::GetTextMetricsW

Return a handle to a display device context (DC) that has the font set onto it.

Handle to a display DC.

bb173889 HDC ID3DX10Font::GetDC() ID3DX10Font::GetDC

Return information about the placement and orientation of a glyph in a character cell.

Glyph identifier.

Address of a reference to a ID3D10Texture object that contains the glyph.

Pointer to the smallest rectangle object that completely encloses the glyph. See .

Pointer to the two-dimensional vector that connects the origin of the current character cell to the origin of the next character cell. See .

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: , D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

bb173892 HRESULT ID3DX10Font::GetGlyphData([In] unsigned int Glyph,[Out] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppTexture,[Out] RECT* pBlackBox,[Out] POINT* pCellInc) ID3DX10Font::GetGlyphData

Load a series of characters into video memory to improve the efficiency of rendering to the device.

ID of the first character to be loaded into video memory.

ID of the last character to be loaded into video memory.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: , D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

This method generates textures containing glyphs that represent the input characters. The glyphs are drawn as a series of triangles.

Characters will not be rendered to the device; must still be called to render the characters. However, by pre-loading characters into video memory, will use substantially fewer CPU resources.

This method internally converts characters to glyphs using the GDI function GetCharacterPlacement.

bb173894 HRESULT ID3DX10Font::PreloadCharacters([In] unsigned int First,[In] unsigned int Last) ID3DX10Font::PreloadCharacters

Load a series of glyphs into video memory to improve the efficiency of rendering to the device.

ID of the first glyph to be loaded into video memory.

ID of the last glyph to be loaded into video memory.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: , D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

This method generates textures that contain the input glyphs. The glyphs are drawn as a series of triangles.

Glyphs will not be rendered to the device; must still be called to render the glyphs. However, by pre-loading glyphs into video memory, will use substantially fewer CPU resources.

bb173895 HRESULT ID3DX10Font::PreloadGlyphs([In] unsigned int First,[In] unsigned int Last) ID3DX10Font::PreloadGlyphs

Load formatted text into video memory to improve the efficiency of rendering to the device. This method supports ANSI and Unicode strings.

Pointer to a string of characters to be loaded into video memory. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR; otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR. See Remarks.

Number of characters in the text string.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: , D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

The compiler setting also determines the function version. If Unicode is defined, the function call resolves to PreloadTextW. Otherwise, the function call resolves to PreloadTextA because ANSI strings are being used.

This method generates textures that contain glyphs that represent the input text. The glyphs are drawn as a series of triangles.

Text will not be rendered to the device; must still be called to render the text. However, by preloading text into video memory, will use substantially fewer CPU resources.

This method internally converts characters to glyphs using the GDI function GetCharacterPlacement.

bb173896 HRESULT ID3DX10Font::PreloadTextW([In] const wchar_t* pString,[In] int Count) ID3DX10Font::PreloadTextW

Draw formatted text. This method supports ANSI and Unicode strings.

Pointer to an object that contains the string you wish to draw. Can be null, in which case Direct3D will render the string with its own sprite object. To improve efficiency, a sprite object should be specified if is to be called more than once in a row.

Pointer to a string to draw. If UNICODE is defined, this parameter type resolves to an LPCWSTR, otherwise, the type resolves to an LPCSTR. If the Count parameter is -1, the string must be null terminated.

The number of characters in the string. If Count is -1, then the pString parameter is assumed to be a reference to a sprite containing a null-terminated string and computes the character count automatically.

Pointer to a structure that contains the rectangle, in logical coordinates, in which the text is to be formatted. As with any object, the coordinate value of the rectangle's right side must be greater than that of its left side. Likewise, the coordinate value of the bottom must be greater than that of the top.

Specify the method of formatting the text. It can be any combination of the following values:



Justify the text to the bottom of the rectangle. This value must be combined with DT_SINGLELINE.


Tell DrawText to automatically calculate the width and height of the rectangle based on the length of the string you tell it to draw. If there are multiple lines of text, uses the width of the rectangle pointed to by the pRect parameter and extends the base of the rectangle to bound the last line of text. If there is only one line of text, modifies the right side of the rectangle so that it bounds the last character in the line. In either case, returns the height of the formatted text but does not draw the text.


Center text horizontally in the rectangle.


Expand tab characters. The default number of characters per tab is eight.


Align text to the left.


Draw without clipping. is somewhat faster when DT_NOCLIP is used.


Align text to the right.


Display text in right-to-left reading order for bidirectional text when a Hebrew or Arabic font is selected. The default reading order for all text is left-to-right.


Display text on a single line only. Carriage returns and line feeds do not break the line.


Top-justify text.


Center text vertically (single line only).


Break words. Lines are automatically broken between words if a word would extend past the edge of the rectangle specified by the pRect parameter. A carriage return/line feed sequence also breaks the line.


Color of the text. See .

If the function succeeds, the return value is the height of the text in logical units. If DT_VCENTER or DT_BOTTOM is specified, the return value is the offset from pRect (top to the bottom) of the drawn text. If the function fails, the return value is zero.

The parameters of this method are very similar to those of the GDI DrawText function.

This method supports both ANSI and Unicode strings.

Unless the DT_NOCLIP format is used, this method clips the text so that it does not appear outside the specified rectangle. All formatting is assumed to have multiple lines unless the DT_SINGLELINE format is specified.

If the selected font is too large for the rectangle, this method does not attempt to substitute a smaller font.

This method supports only fonts whose escapement and orientation are both zero.

bb173887 int ID3DX10Font::DrawTextW([In] ID3DX10Sprite* pSprite,[In] const wchar_t* pString,[In] int Count,[In] void* pRect,[In] unsigned int Format,[In] D3DXCOLOR Color) ID3DX10Font::DrawTextW

Retrieve the Direct3D device associated with the font object.

Note??Calling this method will increase the internal reference count on the interface. Be sure to call when you are done using this interface or you will have a memory leak.

bb173891 GetDevice GetDevice HRESULT ID3DX10Font::GetDevice([Out] ID3D10Device** ppDevice)

Get a description of the current font object.

This method describes Unicode font objects if UNICODE is defined. Otherwise GetDescA is called, which returns a reference to the D3DX10FONT_DESCA structure.

bb173890 GetDescW GetDescW HRESULT ID3DX10Font::GetDescW([Out] D3DX10_FONT_DESCW* pDesc)

Return a handle to a display device context (DC) that has the font set onto it.

bb173889 GetDC GetDC HDC ID3DX10Font::GetDC()
Defines possible character sets for fonts. CHARSET The ANSI character set. The Arabic character set. The Baltic character set. The Chinese character set. The default system character set. The East Europe character set. The GB2312 character set. The Greek character set. The Hangul character set. The Hebrew character set. The Johab character set. The Mac character set. The OEM character set. The Russian character set. The ShiftJIS character set. The symbol character set. The Thai character set. The Turkish character set. The Vietnamese character set. Specifies formatting options for text rendering. DT Align the text to the bottom. Align the text to the center. Expand tab characters. Align the text to the left. Don't clip the text. Align the text to the right. Rendering the text in right-to-left reading order. Force all text to a single line. Align the text to the top. Vertically align the text to the center. Allow word breaks. Defines pitch and family settings for fonts. Use the Decorative family. Default pitch. The font family doesn't matter. Fixed pitch. Use the Modern family. Mono pitch. Use the Roman family. Use the Script family. Use the Swiss family. Variable pitch. Defines precision levels for font rendering. OutPrecision Default String Character Stroke TrueType Device Raster TrueTypeOnly Outline ScreenOutline PostScriptOnly Specifies quality options for font rendering. QUALITY Default Draft Proof Non antialiased Antialiased ClearType ClearTypeNatural Specifies weights for font rendering. FW Use a black weight. Use a bold weight. Use a demi-bold weight. The font weight doesn't matter. Use an extra bold weight. Make the font extra light. Use a heavy weight. Make the font light. Use a medium weight. Use a normal weight. Use a regular weight. Use a semi-bold weight. Make the font thin. Use an ultra bold weight. Make the font ultra light. Flags that defines the behavior of method . bb204887 D3D10_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG D3D10_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG No documentation. D3D10_ASYNC_GETDATA_DONOTFLUSH D3D10_ASYNC_GETDATA_DONOTFLUSH None. None None

Identifies how to bind a resource to the pipeline.

In general, binding flags can be combined using a logical OR (except the constant-buffer flag); however, you should use a single flag to allow the device to optimize the resource usage.

This enumeration is used by a:

  • Buffer description when creating a buffer.
  • Texture description when creating a texture (see or or ).

A shader-resource buffer is NOT a constant buffer; rather, it is a texture or buffer resource that is bound to a shader, that contains texture or buffer data (it is not limited to a single element type in the buffer). A shader-resource buffer is created with the flag and is bound to the pipeline using one of these APIs: , , or . Furthermore, a shader-resource buffer cannot use the flag.

bb204891 D3D10_BIND_FLAG D3D10_BIND_FLAG

Bind a buffer as a vertex buffer to the input-assembler stage.


Bind a buffer as an index buffer to the input-assembler stage.


Bind a buffer as a constant buffer to a shader stage; this flag may NOT be combined with any other bind flag.


Bind a buffer or texture to a shader stage; this flag cannot be used with the flag.


Bind an output buffer for the stream-output stage.


Bind a texture as a render target for the output-merger stage.


Bind a texture as a depth-stencil target for the output-merger stage.

None. None None

RGB or alpha blending operation.

The runtime implements RGB blending and alpha blending separately. Therefore, blend state requires separate blend operations for RGB data and alpha data. These blend operations are specified in a blend description. The two sources ? Source 1, called SrcBlend and SrcBlendAlpha, and Source 2, called DestBlend and DestBlendAlpha ? are shown in the blending block diagram.

bb204894 D3D10_BLEND_OP D3D10_BLEND_OP

Add source 1 and source 2.


Subtract source 1 from source 2.


Subtract source 2 from source 1.


Find the minimum of source 1 and source 2.


Find the maximum of source 1 and source 2.


Blend options. A blend option identifies the data source and an optional pre-blend operation.

Blend operations are specified in a blend description.

bb204892 D3D10_BLEND D3D10_BLEND

The data source is the color black (0, 0, 0, 0). No pre-blend operation.


The data source is the color white (1, 1, 1, 1). No pre-blend operation.

bb204892 D3D10_BLEND_ONE D3D10_BLEND_ONE

The data source is color data (RGB) from a pixel shader. No pre-blend operation.


The data source is color data (RGB) from a pixel shader. The pre-blend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - RGB.


The data source is alpha data (A) from a pixel shader. No pre-blend operation.


The data source is alpha data (A) from a pixel shader. The pre-blend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - A.


The data source is alpha data from a rendertarget. No pre-blend operation.


The data source is alpha data from a rendertarget. The pre-blend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - A.


The data source is color data from a rendertarget. No pre-blend operation.


The data source is color data from a rendertarget. The pre-blend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - RGB.


The data source is alpha data from a pixel shader. The pre-blend operation clamps the data to 1 or less.


The data source is the blend factor set with . No pre-blend operation.


The data source is the blend factor set with . The pre-blend operation inverts the blend factor, generating 1 - blend_factor.


The data sources are both color data output by a pixel shader. There is no pre-blend operation. This options supports dual-source color blending.


The data sources are both color data output by a pixel shader. The pre-blend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - RGB. This options supports dual-source color blending.


The data sources are alpha data output by a pixel shader. There is no pre-blend operation. This options supports dual-source color blending.


The data sources are alpha data output by a pixel shader. The pre-blend operation inverts the data, generating 1 - A. This options supports dual-source color blending.


These flags are used by functions which operate on one or more channels in a texture.


Indicates the red channel should be used.


Indicates the blue channel should be used.


Indicates the green channel should be used.


Indicates the alpha channel should be used.


Indicates the luminaces of the red, green, and blue channels should be used.

None. None None

Identify which components of each pixel of a render target are writable during blending.

These flags can be combined with a bitwise OR.


Comparison options.

A comparison option determines whether how the runtime compares source (new) data against destination (existing) data before storing the new data. The comparison option is declared in a description before an object is created. The API allows you to set a comparison option for a depth-stencil buffer (see ), depth-stencil operations (see ), or sampler state (see ).


Never pass the comparison.


If the source data is less than the destination data, the comparison passes.


If the source data is equal to the destination data, the comparison passes.


If the source data is less than or equal to the destination data, the comparison passes.


If the source data is greater than the destination data, the comparison passes.


If the source data is not equal to the destination data, the comparison passes.


If the source data is greater than or equal to the destination data, the comparison passes.


Always pass the comparison.


Performance counter types.

In addition to these performance counters, independent hardware vendors may define their own set of performance counters for their devices. The enum values for these counters would start after and would be defined by those hardware vendors.

A device can support one or more of these performance counters, but it is not required to support any of them.

bb204904 D3D10_COUNTER D3D10_COUNTER

Percentage of the time that the GPU is idle.


Percentage of the time that the GPU does vertex processing.


Percentage of the time that the GPU does geometry processing.


Percentage of the time that the GPU does pixel processing.


Percentage of the time that the GPU does other processing (not vertex, geometry, or pixel processing).


Percentage of bandwidth used on a host adapter. Value returned by between 0.0 and 1.0 when using this counter.


Percentage of bandwidth used by the local video memory. Value returned by between 0.0 and 1.0 when using this counter


Percentage of throughput used for vertices. Value returned by between 0.0 and 1.0 when using this counter


Percentage of throughput used for triangle setup. Value returned by between 0.0 and 1.0 when using this counter


Percentage of throughput used for the fillrate. Value returned by between 0.0 and 1.0 when using this counter.


Percentage of time that a vertex shader spends sampling resources.


Percentage of time that a vertex shader spends doing computations.


Percentage of time that a geometry shader spends sampling resources.


Percentage of time that a geometry shader spends doing computations.


Percentage of time that a pixel shader spends sampling resources.


Percentage of time that a pixel shader spends doing computations.


Percentage of vertex data that was read from the vertex cache. For example, if 6 vertices were added to the cache and 3 of them were read from the cache, then the hit rate would be 0.5.


Percentage of texel data that was read from the vertex cache. For example, if 6 texels were added to the cache and 3 of them were read from the cache, then the hit rate would be 0.5.


Start of the device-dependent counters. See remarks.


Data type of a performance counter.

These flags are an output parameter in .


32-bit floating point.


16-bit unsigned integer.


32-bit unsigned integer.


64-bit unsigned integer.


Specifies the types of CPU access allowed for a resource.

This enumeration is used in , , , , and . See Creating Buffer Resources (Direct3D 10) for more details.

Applications can combine one or more of these flags with a bitwise OR. When possible, create resources with no CPU access flags, as this enables better resource optimization.


The resource is to be mappable so that the CPU can change its contents. Resources created with this flag cannot be set as outputs of the pipeline and must be created with either dynamic or staging usage (see ).


The resource is to be mappable so that the CPU can read its contents. Resources created with this flag cannot be set as either inputs or outputs to the pipeline and must be created with staging usage (see ).

None. None None

Indicates triangles facing a particular direction are not drawn.

This enumeration is part of a rasterizer-state object description (see ).

bb204911 D3D10_CULL_MODE D3D10_CULL_MODE

Always draw all triangles.

bb204911 D3D10_CULL_NONE D3D10_CULL_NONE

Do not draw triangles that are front-facing.


Do not draw triangles that are back-facing.

bb204911 D3D10_CULL_BACK D3D10_CULL_BACK

Specifies the parts of the depth stencil to clear. Usually used with .

These flags can be bitwise ORed together.

No documentation. D3D10_CLEAR_DEPTH D3D10_CLEAR_DEPTH No documentation. D3D10_CLEAR_STENCIL D3D10_CLEAR_STENCIL

Specifies how to access a resource used in a depth-stencil view.

This enumeration is used in to create a depth-stencil view.


Identify the portion of a depth-stencil buffer for writing depth data.


Device creation flags.

Device creation flags are used by and .

An application might dynamically create (and destroy) threads to improve performance especially on a machine with multiple CPU cores. There may be cases, however, when an application needs to prevent extra threads from being created. This can happen when you want to simplify debugging, profile code or develop a tool for instance. For these cases, use to request that the runtime and video driver not create any additional threads that might interfere with the application.


Use this flag if an application will only be calling D3D10 from a single thread. If this flag is not specified, the default behavior of D3D10 is to enter a lock during each API call to prevent multiple threads altering internal state. By using this flag no locks will be taken which can slightly increase performance, but could result in undefine behavior if D3D10 is called from multiple threads.


Create a device that supports the debug layer.


Create both a software (REF) and hardware (HAL) version of the device simultaneously, which allows an application to switch to a reference device to enable debugging. See Interface for more information.


Prevents multiple threads from being created. When this flag is used with a WARP device, no additional threads will be created by WARP and all rasterization will occur on the calling thread. This flag is not recommended for general use. See remarks.


Return a null reference instead of triggering an exception on memory exhaustion during invocations to Map. Without this flag an exception will be raised on memory exhaustion. Only valid on Winodws 7.


Causes device creation to fail if BGRA support is not available.

BGRA support enables the following formats.

is only relevant when a device is created with or using the or feature levels, the flag will be ignored when a device is created with other feature levels.

Note that BGRA support may be present even if the application didn't specify . The flag merely causes device creation to fail if BGRA support isn't available.

is only valid on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and updated Windows Vista (KB971644) systems.


Reserved. This flag is currently not supported. Do not use.

None. None None

The device-driver type.

The device-driver type needs to be specified when the device is created (using or ).

For information about limitations creating nonhardware-type devices on certain feature levels, see Limitations Creating WARP and Reference Devices.


A hardware device; commonly called a HAL device.


A reference device; commonly called a REF device.


A null device; which is a reference device without render capability.


Reserved for later use.


A WARP driver, which is a high-performance software rasterizer. The rasterizer supports feature level 9_1 through level 10.1 with a high performance software implementation when hardware is not available. For more information about using a WARP driver, see Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform (WARP) In-Depth Guide. Note that WARP is only available with the DirectX 11 Runtime (Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, updated Windows Vista [KB971644]).


The version of hardware acceleration requested.

Use this enumeration when creating a device with or .

Note that 10level9 feature levels 9_1, 9_2, and 9_3 are only available with the Direct3D 11 runtime (Windows?7, Windows Server?2008?R2, updated Windows?Vista with Service Pack?2 (SP2) [KB 971644], and updated Windows Server?2008 [KB 971512]).

For information about limitations creating nonhardware-type devices on certain feature levels, see Limitations Creating WARP and Reference Devices.

For an overview of the capabilities of each feature level, see Overview For Each Feature Level.


The hardware supports Direct3D 10.0 features.

bb694529 D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0 D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0

The hardware supports Direct3D 10.1 features.

bb694529 D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1 D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1

The hardware supports 9.1 feature level.

bb694529 D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1 D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1

The hardware supports 9.2 feature level.

bb694529 D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2 D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2

The hardware supports 9.3 feature level.

bb694529 D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3 D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3

Determines the fill mode to use when rendering triangles.

This enumeration is part of a rasterizer-state object description (see ).

bb205059 D3D10_FILL_MODE D3D10_FILL_MODE

Draw lines connecting the vertices. Adjacent vertices are not drawn.


Fill the triangles formed by the vertices. Adjacent vertices are not drawn.


Filtering options during texture sampling.

During texture sampling, one or more texels are read and combined (this is calling filtering) to produce a single value. Point sampling reads a single texel while linear sampling reads two texels (endpoints) and linearly interpolates a third value between the endpoints.

HLSL texture-sampling functions also support comparison filtering during texture sampling. Comparison filtering compares each sampled texel against a comparison value. The boolean result is blended the same way that normal texture filtering is blended.

You can use HLSL intrinsic texture-sampling functions that implement texture filtering only or companion functions that use texture filtering with comparison filtering.

Texture Sampling FunctionTexture Sampling Function with Comparison Filtering
sample samplecmp or samplecmplevelzero


Comparison filters only work with textures that have the following formats: R32_FLOAT_X8X24_TYPELESS, R32_FLOAT, R24_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS, R16_UNORM.

bb205060 D3D10_FILTER D3D10_FILTER

Use point sampling for minification, magnification, and mip-level sampling.


Use point sampling for minification and magnification; use linear interpolation for mip-level sampling.


Use point sampling for minification; use linear interpolation for magnification; use point sampling for mip-level sampling.


Use point sampling for minification; use linear interpolation for magnification and mip-level sampling.


Use linear interpolation for minification; use point sampling for magnification and mip-level sampling.


Use linear interpolation for minification; use point sampling for magnification; use linear interpolation for mip-level sampling.


Use linear interpolation for minification and magnification; use point sampling for mip-level sampling.


Use linear interpolation for minification, magnification, and mip-level sampling.


Use anisotropic interpolation for minification, magnification, and mip-level sampling.


Use point sampling for minification, magnification, and mip-level sampling. Compare the result to the comparison value.


Use point sampling for minification and magnification; use linear interpolation for mip-level sampling. Compare the result to the comparison value.


Use point sampling for minification; use linear interpolation for magnification; use point sampling for mip-level sampling. Compare the result to the comparison value.


Use point sampling for minification; use linear interpolation for magnification and mip-level sampling. Compare the result to the comparison value.


Use linear interpolation for minification; use point sampling for magnification and mip-level sampling. Compare the result to the comparison value.


Use linear interpolation for minification; use point sampling for magnification; use linear interpolation for mip-level sampling. Compare the result to the comparison value.


Use linear interpolation for minification and magnification; use point sampling for mip-level sampling. Compare the result to the comparison value.


Use linear interpolation for minification, magnification, and mip-level sampling. Compare the result to the comparison value.


Use anisotropic interpolation for minification, magnification, and mip-level sampling. Compare the result to the comparison value.


For use in pixel shaders with textures that have the R1_UNORM format.


Texture filtering flags.

D3DX10 automatically performs gamma correction (to convert color data from RGB space to standard RGB space) when loading texture data. This is automatically done for instance when RGB data is loaded from a .png file into an sRGB texture. Use the SRGB filter flags to indicate if the data does not need to be converted into sRGB space.


No scaling or filtering will take place. Pixels outside the bounds of the source image are assumed to be transparent black.


Each destination pixel is computed by sampling the nearest pixel from the source image.


Each destination pixel is computed by sampling the four nearest pixels from the source image. This filter works best when the scale on both axes is less than two.


Every pixel in the source image contributes equally to the destination image. This is the slowest of the filters.


Each pixel is computed by averaging a 2x2(x2) box of pixels from the source image. This filter works only when the dimensions of the destination are half those of the source, as is the case with mipmaps.


Pixels off the edge of the texture on the u-axis should be mirrored, not wrapped.


Pixels off the edge of the texture on the v-axis should be mirrored, not wrapped.


Pixels off the edge of the texture on the w-axis should be mirrored, not wrapped.


Specifying this flag is the same as specifying the , , and flags.


The resulting image must be dithered using a 4x4 ordered dither algorithm. This happens when converting from one format to another.


Do diffuse dithering on the image when changing from one format to another.


Input data is in standard RGB (sRGB) color space. See remarks.


Output data is in standard RGB (sRGB) color space. See remarks.


Same as specifying | . See remarks.


Types of magnification or minification sampler filters.


Point filtering used as a texture magnification or minification filter. The texel with coordinates nearest to the desired pixel value is used. The texture filter to be used between mipmap levels is nearest-point mipmap filtering. The rasterizer uses the color from the texel of the nearest mipmap texture.


Bilinear interpolation filtering used as a texture magnification or minification filter. A weighted average of a 2 x 2 area of texels surrounding the desired pixel is used. The texture filter to use between mipmap levels is trilinear mipmap interpolation. The rasterizer linearly interpolates pixel color, using the texels of the two nearest mipmap textures.


Which resources are supported for a given format and given device (see ).


Image file formats supported by D3DXCreatexxx and D3DX10Savexxx functions.

See Types of Bitmaps (GDI+) for more information on some of these formats.

D3DX10 makes use of the Windows Imaging Component to implement the majority of the supported bitmap file types. See Windows Imaging Component Overview for additional information.


Windows bitmap (BMP) file format. Contains a header that describes the resolution of the device on which the rectangle of pixels was created, the dimensions of the rectangle, the size of the array of bits, a logical palette, and an array of bits that defines the relationship between pixels in the bitmapped image and entries in the logical palette. The file extension for this format is .bmp.

bb172694 D3DX10_IFF_BMP D3DX10_IFF_BMP

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) compressed file format. Specifies variable compression of 24-bit RGB color and 8-bit gray-scale Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) image document files. The file extension for this format is .jpg.

bb172694 D3DX10_IFF_JPG D3DX10_IFF_JPG

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file format. A non-proprietary bitmap format using lossless compression. The file extension for this format is .png.

bb172694 D3DX10_IFF_PNG D3DX10_IFF_PNG

DirectDraw surface (DDS) file format. Stores textures, volume textures, and cubic environment maps, with or without mipmap levels, and with or without pixel compression. The file extension for this format is .dds.

bb172694 D3DX10_IFF_DDS D3DX10_IFF_DDS

Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). The file extensions for this format are .tif and .tiff.

bb172694 D3DX10_IFF_TIFF D3DX10_IFF_TIFF

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF).The file extension for this format is .gif.

bb172694 D3DX10_IFF_GIF D3DX10_IFF_GIF

Windows Media Photo format (WMP). This format is also known as HD Photo and JPEG XR. The file extensions for this format are .hdp, .jxr, and .wdp.

To work properly, requires that you initialize COM. Therefore, call CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx in your application before you call D3DX.

bb172694 D3DX10_IFF_WMP D3DX10_IFF_WMP

Type of data contained in an input slot.

Use these values to specify the type of data for a particular input element (see ) of an input-layout object.


Input data is per-vertex data.


Input data is per-instance data.


Specifies how the CPU should respond when Map is called on a resource being used by the GPU.

This enumeration is used by , , , and .

cannot be used with or D3D10_MAP_WRITE_NOOVERWRITE.

For more information about potential conflicts between the GPU and CPU during resource mapping, see Copying and Accessing Resource Data (Direct3D 10).

bb205321 D3D10_MAP_FLAG D3D10_MAP_FLAG

Specifies that Map should return when the GPU blocks the CPU from accessing a resource.

None. None None

Identifies a resource to be accessed for reading and writing by the CPU. Applications may combine one or more of these flags.

This enumeration is used in , , , and .

These remarks are divided into the following topics:

  • Meaning
  • Common
Meaning of

signifies that the application promises not to write to data that the Input Assembler (IA) stage is using. In exchange, the GPU allows the application to write to other parts of the same buffer. The application must ensure that it does not write over any data in use by the IA stage.

For example, consider the buffer illustrated in the following diagram. If a Draw call has been issued that uses vertices 4-6, an application that calls Map on this buffer must ensure that it does not write to the vertices that the Draw call will access during rendering.

However, ensuring this can be difficult, because the GPU is often many frames behind the CPU in terms of which frame it is currently processing. Keeping track of which sections of a resource are being used because of calls made 2 to 5 frames ago is difficult and error-prone. Because of this, it is recommended that applications only write to the uninitialized portions of a resource when using .

Common Usage of with

and are normally used in conjunction with dynamic index/vertex buffers, although they can also be used with dynamic textures.

A common use of these two flags involves filling dynamic index/vertex buffers with geometry that can be seen from the camera's current position. The first time that data is entered into the buffer on a given frame, Map is called with ; doing so invalidates the previous contents of the buffer. The buffer is then filled with all available data.

Subsequent writes to the buffer within the same frame should use . This will enable the CPU to access a resource that is potentially being used by the GPU as long as the restrictions described previously are respected.

bb205318 D3D10_MAP D3D10_MAP

Resource is mapped for reading. The resource must have been created with read access (see ).

bb205318 D3D10_MAP_READ D3D10_MAP_READ

Resource is mapped for writing. The resource must have been created with write access (see ).

bb205318 D3D10_MAP_WRITE D3D10_MAP_WRITE

Resource is mapped for reading and writing. The resource must have been created with read and write access (see and ).


Resource is mapped for writing; the previous contents of the resource will be undefined. The resource must have been created with write access (see ).


Resource is mapped for writing; the existing contents of the resource cannot be overwritten (see Remarks). This flag is only valid on vertex and index buffers. The resource must have been created with write access (see ). Cannot be used on a resource created with the flag.


Specifies which pieces of mesh data to discard from the device. Used with .


Flags used to specify creation options for a mesh.

A 32-bit mesh () can theoretically support (232)-1 faces and vertices. However, allocating memory for a mesh that large on a 32-bit operating system is not practical.

bb172698 _D3DX10_MESH _D3DX10_MESH

The mesh has 32-bit indices instead of 16-bit indices. See Remarks.

bb172698 D3DX10_MESH_32_BIT D3DX10_MESH_32_BIT

Signals that the mesh contains geometry shader adjacency data.

None. None None

Specifies the type of mesh optimization to be performed.

The and optimization flags are mutually exclusive.

The D3DXMESHOPT_SHAREVB flag has been removed from this enumeration. Use instead, in D3DXMESH.

bb172699 _D3DX10_MESHOPT _D3DX10_MESHOPT

Reorders faces to remove unused vertices and faces.


Reorders faces to optimize for fewer attribute bundle state changes and enhanced DrawSubset performance.


Reorders faces to increase the cache hit rate of vertex caches.


Reorders faces to maximize length of adjacent triangles.


Optimize the faces only; do not optimize the vertices.


While attribute sorting, do not split vertices that are shared between attribute groups.


Affects the vertex cache size. Using this flag specifies a default vertex cache size that works well on legacy hardware.


Categories of debug messages. This will identify the category of a message when retrieving a message with and when adding a message with . When creating an info queue filter, these values can be used to allow or deny any categories of messages to pass through the storage and retrieval filters.

This is part of the Information Queue feature. See Interface.


Debug message severity levels for an information queue.

Use these values to allow or deny message categories to pass through the storage and retrieval filters for an information queue (see ). This API is used by .


Defines some type of corruption which has occurred.


Defines an error message.


Defines a warning message.


Defines an information message.


These flags are used to control how generates normal maps. Any number of these flags may be OR'd together in any combination.


Flags that describe miscellaneous query behavior.

This flag is part of a query description (see ).


Tell the hardware that if it is not yet sure if something is hidden or not to draw it anyway. This is only used with an occlusion predicate. Predication data cannot be returned to your application via when using this flag.

None. None None

Query types.

bb205335 D3D10_QUERY D3D10_QUERY

Determines whether or not the GPU is finished processing commands. When the GPU is finished processing commands GetData will return , and pData will point to a with a value of TRUE. When using this type of query, Begin is disabled.


Get the number of samples that passed the depth and stencil tests in between Begin and End. GetData returns a UINT64. If a depth or stencil test is disabled, then each of those tests will be counted as a pass.


Get a timestamp value where GetData returns a UINT64. This kind of query is only useful if two timestamp queries are done in the middle of a query. The difference of two timestamps can be used to determine how many ticks have elapsed, and the query will determine if that difference is a reliable value and also has a value that shows how to convert the number of ticks into seconds. See . When using this type of query, Begin is disabled.


Determines whether or not a is returning reliable values, and also gives the frequency of the processor enabling you to convert the number of elapsed ticks into seconds. GetData will return a . This type of query should only be invoked once per frame or less.


Get pipeline statistics, such as the number of pixel shader invocations in between Begin and End. GetData will return a .


Similar to , except GetData returns a indicating whether or not any samples passed the depth and stencil tests - TRUE meaning at least one passed, meaning none passed.


Get streaming output statistics, such as the number of primitives streamed out in between Begin and End. GetData will return a structure.


Determines whether or not any of the streaming output buffers overflowed in between Begin and End. GetData returns a - TRUE meaning there was an overflow, meaning there was not an overflow. If streaming output writes to multiple buffers, and one of the buffers overflows, then it will stop writing to all the output buffers. When an overflow is detected by Direct3D it is prevented from happening - no memory is corrupted. This predication may be used in conjunction with an SO_STATISTICS query so that when an overflow occurs the SO_STATISTIC query will let the application know how much memory was needed to prevent an overflow.


Specifies how to access a resource used in a render-target view.

This enumeration is used in to create a render-target view.


Identifies the type of resource being used.

This enumeration is used in , and .


Identifies other, less common options for resources.

This enumeration is used in , , , , , and .

These flags can be combined by bitwise OR.

and are mutually exclusive flags: either one may be set in the resource creation calls but not both simultaneously.


Enables an application to call on a texture resource. The resource must be created with the bind flags that specify that the resource is a render target and a shader resource.


Enables the sharing of resource data between two or more Direct3D devices. The only resources that can be shared are 2D non-mipmapped textures.

WARP and REF devices do not support shared resources. Attempting to create a resource with this flag on either a WARP or REF device will cause the create method to return an E_OUTOFMEMORY error code.


Enables an application to create a cube texture from a Texture2DArray that contains 6 textures.


Enables the resource created to be synchronized using the and ReleaseSync APIs. The following resource creation D3D10 APIs, that all take a parameter, have been extended to support the new flag.

  • ID3D10Device1::CreateTexture1D
  • ID3D10Device1::CreateTexture2D
  • ID3D10Device1::CreateTexture3D
  • ID3D10Device1::CreateBuffer

If any of the listed functions are called with the flag set, the interface returned can be queried for an interface, which implements AcquireSync and ReleaseSync APIs to synchronize access to the surface. The device creating the surface, and any other device opening the surface (using OpenSharedResource) is required to call before any rendering commands to the surface, and when it is done rendering.

WARP and REF devices do not support shared resources. Attempting to create a resource with this flag on either a WARP or REF device will cause the create method to return an E_OUTOFMEMORY error code.


Enables a surface to be used for GDI interoperability. Setting this flag enables rendering on the surface via .

None. None None

Identifies expected resource use during rendering. The usage directly reflects whether a resource is accessible by the CPU and/or the GPU.

An application identifies the way a resource is intended to be used (its usage) in a resource description. There are several structures for creating resources including: , , , , and .

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10:

In Direct3D 9, you specify the type of memory a resource should be created in at resource creation time (using ). It was an application's job to decide what memory pool would provide the best combination of functionality and performance.

In Direct3D 10, an application no longer specifies what type of memory (the pool) to create a resource in. Instead, you specify the intended usage of the resource, and let the runtime (in concert with the driver and a memory manager) choose the type of memory that will achieve the best performance.


Resource Usage Restrictions

Each usage dictates a tradeoff between functionality and performance. In general, resource accessing is accomplished with the following APIs.

  • CPU access is done with , , , or
  • GPU access is done with CopySubresourceRegion, CopyResource, or UpdateSubresource.

Use the following table to choose the usage that best describes how the resource will need to be accessed by the CPU and/or the GPU. Of course, there will be performance tradeoffs.

Resource UsageDefaultDynamicImmutableStaging
GPU-Readyesyes1yesyes1, 2
GPU-Writeyes1yes1, 2
CPU-Readyes1, 2
CPU-Writeyesyes1, 2


  • 1 - This is restricted to CopySubresourceRegion, CopyResource, and UpdateSubresource.
  • 2 - Cannot be a depth-stencil buffer or a multisampled render target.
Resource Bind Options

To maximize performance, not all resource usage options can be used as input or output resources to the pipeline. This table identifies these limitations.

Resource Can Be Bound AsDefaultDynamicImmutableStaging
Input to a Stageyes3yes4yes
Output from a Stageyes3


  • 3 - If bound as an input and an output using different views, each view must use different subresources.
  • 4 - The resource can only be created with a single subresource. The resource cannot be a texture array. The resource cannot be a mipmap chain.
bb172499 D3D10_USAGE D3D10_USAGE

A resource that requires read and write access by the GPU. This is likely to be the most common usage choice.


A resource that can only be read by the GPU. It cannot be written by the GPU, and cannot be accessed at all by the CPU. This type of resource must be initialized when it is created, since it cannot be changed after creation.


A resource that is accessible by both the GPU and the CPU (write only). A dynamic resource is a good choice for a resource that will be updated by the CPU at least once per frame. To write to a dynamic resource on the CPU, use a Map method. You can write to a dynamic resource on the GPU using CopyResource or CopySubresourceRegion.


A resource that supports data transfer (copy) from the GPU to the CPU.


Sprite flags that tell the sprite drawing API how to behave. These are passed into .

After a front-to-back or back-to-front sort is done, it will automatically do a secondary sort by texture. This is helpful for when there are many sprites with the same texture all on the same plane, such as when drawing the user interface in a game.


The stencil operations that can be performed during depth-stencil testing.


Identify a technique for resolving texture coordinates that are outside of the boundaries of a texture.


Tile the texture at every integer junction. For example, for u values between 0 and 3, the texture is repeated three times.


Flip the texture at every integer junction. For u values between 0 and 1, for example, the texture is addressed normally; between 1 and 2, the texture is flipped (mirrored); between 2 and 3, the texture is normal again; and so on.


Texture coordinates outside the range [0.0, 1.0] are set to the texture color at 0.0 or 1.0, respectively.


Texture coordinates outside the range [0.0, 1.0] are set to the border color specified in or HLSL code.


Similar to and . Takes the absolute value of the texture coordinate (thus, mirroring around 0), and then clamps to the maximum value.


The different faces of a cube texture.


Positive X face.


Negative X face.


Positive Y face.


Negative Y face.


Positive Z face.


Negative Z face.

Functions Constant SdkVersion. D3D10_SDK_VERSION Constant SdkVersion1. D3D10_1_SDK_VERSION

Create a Direct3D 10.1 device and a swap chain.

Pointer to a .

The type of driver for the device. See .

A handle to the DLL that implements a software rasterizer. Must be null if DriverType is non-software. The HMODULE of a DLL can be obtained with LoadLibrary, LoadLibraryEx, or GetModuleHandle.

Optional. Device creation flags (see ) that enable API layers. These flags can be bitwise OR'd together.

The version of hardware that is available for acceleration (see ).

Bit flag that indicates the version of the SDK. Should be , defined in D3D10.h.

Description of the swap chain. See .

Address of a reference to an .

Address of a reference to an Interface that will receive the newly created device.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

To create a device without creating a swap chain, see .

This method requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2008, or later release of Windows.

bb694527 HRESULT D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain1([In] IDXGIAdapter* pAdapter,[In] D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType,[In] HINSTANCE Software,[In] D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG Flags,[In] D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 HardwareLevel,[In] unsigned int SDKVersion,[In] DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC* pSwapChainDesc,[Out] IDXGISwapChain** ppSwapChain,[Out] ID3D10Device1** ppDevice) D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain1

Create a Direct3D 10.1 device that represents the display adapter.

Pointer to the display adapter (see ) when creating a hardware device; otherwise set this parameter to null. If null is specified when creating a hardware device, Direct3D will use the first adapter enumerated by EnumAdapters.

The device-driver type (see ). The driver type determines the type of device you will create.

This is set to null except for driver types.

Optional. Device creation flags (see ) that enable API layers. These flags can be bitwise OR'd together.

The version of hardware that is available for acceleration (see ).

Bit flag that indicates the version of the SDK. Should be , defined in D3D10.h.

Address of a reference to the device created (see Interface).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

To create a device and a swap chain at the same time, see .

This method requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2008, or later release of Windows.

The object returned by implements the interface and can be queried for other interfaces the object supports. To retrieve the interface of the object the following code could be used.

  * pDXGIDevice;	
            hr = g_pd3dDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(), (void **)&pDXGIDevice); 
bb694526 HRESULT D3D10CreateDevice1([In] IDXGIAdapter* pAdapter,[In] D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType,[In] HINSTANCE Software,[In] D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG Flags,[In] D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 HardwareLevel,[In] unsigned int SDKVersion,[Out, Fast] ID3D10Device1** ppDevice) D3D10CreateDevice1

Create an effect pool (or shared memory location), to enable sharing variables between effects.

A reference to a compiled effect.

Length of pData.

Effect compile options.

A reference to the device (see Interface).

A reference to the Interface that contains the effect pool.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

A pool is a shared location in memory. Effect variables that are located in a pool can be updated once, and the effect system will take care of updating each effect that uses that variable. To pool an effect variable, tell the effect to locate the variable in a pool when the effect is created, using a helper function such as .

For help compiling an effect, see Compile an Effect (Direct3D 10).

bb205089 HRESULT D3D10CreateEffectPoolFromMemory([In] void* pData,[In] SIZE_T DataLength,[In] unsigned int FXFlags,[In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[Out, Fast] ID3D10EffectPool** ppEffectPool) D3D10CreateEffectPoolFromMemory

Create a state block.

The device for which the state block will be created.

Indicates which parts of the device state will be captured when calling and reapplied when calling . See remarks.

Address of a reference to the buffer created (see Interface).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

A state block is a collection of device state, and is used for saving and restoring device state. Use a state-block mask to enable subsets of state for saving and restoring.

The structure can be filled manually or by using any of the D3D10StateBlockMaskXXX APIs. A state block mask can also be obtained by calling or .

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10:

In Direct3D 10, a state block object does not contain any valid information about the state of the device until is called. In Direct3D 9, state is saved in a state block object, when it is created.


bb205090 HRESULT D3D10CreateStateBlock([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] D3D10_STATE_BLOCK_MASK* pStateBlockMask,[Out, Fast] ID3D10StateBlock** ppStateBlock) D3D10CreateStateBlock

Compile an effect.

Note??Use D3DX10CompileFromMemory instead of this function.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

This function uses the version of the HLSL compiler released in the November 2006 DirectX SDK.

For an example, see Compile an Effect (Direct3D 10).

bb205083 HRESULT D3D10CompileEffectFromMemory([In] void* pData,[In] SIZE_T DataLength,[In] const char* pSrcFileName,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D_SHADER_MACRO* pDefines,[In] ID3DInclude* pInclude,[In] D3DCOMPILE_SHADER_FLAGS HLSLFlags,[In] D3DCOMPILE_EFFECT_FLAGS FXFlags,[In] ID3D10Blob** ppCompiledEffect,[In] ID3D10Blob** ppErrors) D3D10CompileEffectFromMemory

Creates an from a buffer containing a compiled effect.

A reference to a compiled effect.

Length of pData.

Effect compile options.

A reference to the device (see Interface).

Optional. A reference to an memory space for effect variables that are shared across effects (see Interface).

A reference to an Interface which contains the created effect.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

This method is used to create an Interface object from an effect that has been compiled before runtime and loaded into memory. For help precompiling an effect, see Offline Compiling. To load and compile an ASCII .fx file see Compile an Effect (Direct3D 10).

bb205088 HRESULT D3D10CreateEffectFromMemory([In] void* pData,[In] SIZE_T DataLength,[In] unsigned int FXFlags,[In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] ID3D10EffectPool* pEffectPool,[Out, Fast] ID3D10Effect** ppEffect) D3D10CreateEffectFromMemory

Create a Direct3D 10.0 device and a swap chain.

Pointer to a .

The type of driver for the device. See .

A handle to the DLL that implements a software rasterizer. Must be null if DriverType is non-software. The HMODULE of a DLL can be obtained with LoadLibrary, LoadLibraryEx, or GetModuleHandle.

Optional. Device creation flags (see ) that enable API layers. These flags can be bitwise OR'd together.

Bit flag that indicates the version of the SDK. Should be , defined in d3d10.h.

Description of the swap chain. See .

Address of a reference to an .

Address of a reference to an Interface that will receive the newly created device.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

To create a device without creating a swap chain, see .

bb205087 HRESULT D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain([In] IDXGIAdapter* pAdapter,[In] D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType,[In] HINSTANCE Software,[In] D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG Flags,[In] unsigned int SDKVersion,[In] DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC* pSwapChainDesc,[Out] IDXGISwapChain** ppSwapChain,[Out] ID3D10Device** ppDevice) D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain

Create a Direct3D 10.0 device that represents the display adapter.

Pointer to the display adapter (see ) when creating a hardware device; otherwise set this parameter to null. If null is specified when creating a hardware device, Direct3D will use the first adapter enumerated by EnumAdapters.

The device-driver type (see ). The driver type determines the type of device you will create.

Reserved. Set to null.

Optional. Device creation flags (see ) that enable API layers. These flags can be bitwise OR'd together.

Bit flag that indicates the version of the SDK. Should always be .

Address of a reference to the device created (see Interface).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

This example creates a reference device.

 * g_pd3dDevice = null;	
            ( null, , null, 0,  , &g_pd3dDevice );              

To create a device and a swap chain at the same time, see .

The object returned by implements the interface and can be queried for other interfaces the object supports. To retrieve the interface of the object the following code could be used.

  * pDXGIDevice;	
            hr = g_pd3dDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(), (void **)&pDXGIDevice); 
bb205086 HRESULT D3D10CreateDevice([In] IDXGIAdapter* pAdapter,[In] D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType,[In] HINSTANCE Software,[In] D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG Flags,[In] unsigned int SDKVersion,[Out, Fast] ID3D10Device** ppDevice) D3D10CreateDevice

Get the vertex shader profile best suited to a given device.

No documentation.

The shader profile.

bb205099 const char* D3D10GetVertexShaderProfile([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice) D3D10GetVertexShaderProfile

Get the geometry shader profile best suited to a given device.

No documentation.

The shader profile.

bb205093 const char* D3D10GetGeometryShaderProfile([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice) D3D10GetGeometryShaderProfile

Get the pixel shader profile best suited to a given device.

No documentation.

The shader profile.

bb205097 const char* D3D10GetPixelShaderProfile([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice) D3D10GetPixelShaderProfile

Get a Direct3D 10.1 device interface reference from a Direct3D 10.0 interface reference.

Pointer to the Direct3D 10.0 device (see the interface).

Pointer to the Direct3D 10.1 device (see the interface).

This function returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes. If a Direct3D 10.1 device interface can be acquired, this function succeeds and passes a reference to the 10.1 interface using the ppDevice parameter. If a Direct3D 10.1 device interface cannot be acquired, this function returns E_FAIL, and will not return anything for the ppDevice parameter.

For this function to succeed, you must have acquired the supplied reference using a call to the function, the function, the function, or the function.

You can only create a Direct3D 10.1 device on computers running Windows Vista Service Pack 1 or later, and with Direct3D 10.1-compatible hardware installed. This function will return E_FAIL on any computer not meeting these requirements. However, you can call this function on any version of Windows that has the D3DX10 DLL installed.

bb694539 HRESULT D3DX10GetFeatureLevel1([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] ID3D10Device1** ppDevice1) D3DX10GetFeatureLevel1

Creates a font object for a device and font.

Pointer to an interface, the device to be associated with the font object.

The height of the characters in logical units.

The width of the characters in logical units.

Typeface weight. One example is bold.

The number of mipmap levels.

True for italic font, false otherwise.

The character set of the font.

Specifies how Windows should attempt to match the desired font sizes and characteristics with actual fonts. Use OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS for instance, to ensure that you always get a TrueType font.

Specifies how Windows should match the desired font with a real font. It applies to raster fonts only and should not affect TrueType fonts.

Pitch and family index.

String containing the typeface name. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR. See Remarks.

Returns a reference to an interface, representing the created font object.

If the function succeeds, the return value is . If the function fails, the return value can be one of the following: , D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA, E_OUTOFMEMORY.

The compiler setting also determines the function version. If Unicode is defined, the function call resolves to . Otherwise, the function call resolves to D3DXCreateFontA because ANSI strings are being used.

If you want more information about font parameters, see The Logical Font.

bb172664 HRESULT D3DX10CreateFontW([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] int Height,[In] unsigned int Width,[In] unsigned int Weight,[In] unsigned int MipLevels,[In] BOOL Italic,[In] unsigned int CharSet,[In] unsigned int OutputPrecision,[In] unsigned int Quality,[In] unsigned int PitchAndFamily,[In] const wchar_t* pFaceName,[Out, Fast] ID3DX10Font** ppFont) D3DX10CreateFontW

Creates a font object.

Pointer to an Interface interface.

Pointer to a structure, describing the attributes of the font object to create. If Unicode is defined, the function call resolves to . Otherwise, the function call resolves to D3DXCreateFontIndirectA because ANSI strings are being used.

Returns a reference to an Interface.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb172665 HRESULT D3DX10CreateFontIndirectW([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] const D3DX10_FONT_DESCW* pDesc,[Out, Fast] ID3DX10Font** ppFont) D3DX10CreateFontIndirectW

Create the best Direct3D device and a swap chain.

Pointer to a .

The type of driver for the device. See .

A handle to the DLL that implements a software rasterizer. Must be null if DriverType is non-software. The HMODULE of a DLL can be obtained with LoadLibrary, LoadLibraryEx, or GetModuleHandle.

Optional. Device creation flags (see ) that enable API layers. These flags can be bitwise OR'd together.

Description of the swap chain. See .

Address of a reference to an .

Address of a reference to an Interface that will receive the newly created device.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

To create the best device, this method implements more than one device creation option. First, the method attempts to create a 10.1 device (and swap chain). If that fails, the method attempts to create a 10.0 device. If that fails, the method will fail. If your application needs to create only a 10.1 device, or a 10.0 device only, use these APIs instead:

  • Use to create a Direct3D 10.0 (only) device and swap chain.
  • Use to create a Direct3D 10.1 (only) device and swap chain.

This method requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

bb694538 HRESULT D3DX10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain([In] IDXGIAdapter* pAdapter,[In] D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType,[In] HINSTANCE Software,[In] unsigned int Flags,[In] DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC* pSwapChainDesc,[In] IDXGISwapChain** ppSwapChain,[In] ID3D10Device** ppDevice) D3DX10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain

Create a sprite for drawing a 2D texture.

A reference to the device (see Interface) that will draw the sprite.

The size of the vertex buffer, in number of sprites, that will be sent to the device when or is called. This should be a small number if you know you will be rendering a small number of sprites at a time (to save memory) and a large number if you know you will be rendering a large number of sprites at a time. The maximum value is 4096. If 0 is specified, the vertex buffer size will automatically be set to 4096.

The address of a reference to a sprite interface (see Interface).

If the function succeeds, the return value is . If the function fails, the return value can be one of the following: , E_OUTOFMEMORY.

bb172670 HRESULT D3DX10CreateSprite([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] unsigned int cDeviceBufferSize,[Out, Fast] ID3DX10Sprite** ppSprite) D3DX10CreateSprite

Verify that the version of D3DX you compiled with is the version that you are running.

Use . See remarks.

Use D3DX10_SDK_VERSION. See remarks.

If the version doesn't match, the function will return (a number less than or equal to 0, the number itself has no meaning).

Use this function during the initialization of your application.

  hr; if( FAILED( (, D3DX10_SDK_VERSION) ) ) return E_FAIL;	
bb172639 HRESULT D3DX10CheckVersion([In] unsigned int D3DSdkVersion,[In] unsigned int D3DX10SdkVersion) D3DX10CheckVersion

Create the best Direct3D 10 device that represents the display adapter. If a Direct3D 10.1-compatible device can be created, it will be possible to acquire an Interface reference from the returned device interface reference.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

This function returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

This function attempts to create the best device for the hardware. First, the function attempts to create a 10.1 device. If a 10.1 device cannot be created, the function attempts to create a 10.0 device. If neither device is successfully created, the function returns E_FAIL.

If your application needs to create only a 10.1 device, or a 10.0 device only, use the following functions instead:

  • Use the function to create a Direct3D 10.0 device only.
  • Use the function to create a Direct3D 10.1 device only.
  • Use the function to get an interface reference from an interface reference.

A Direct3D 10.1 device can only be created on computers running Windows Vista Service Pack 1 or later, and with Direct3D 10.1-compatible hardware installed. However, it is legal to call this function on computers running any version of Windows that has the D3DX10 DLL installed.

bb694537 HRESULT D3DX10CreateDevice([In] IDXGIAdapter* pAdapter,[In] D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType,[In] HINSTANCE Software,[In] unsigned int Flags,[In] ID3D10Device** ppDevice) D3DX10CreateDevice

Create a shader-resource view from a file.

A reference to the device (see Interface) that will use the resource.

Name of the file that contains the shader-resource view. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR.

Optional. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see ) when the data processor is created; set this to null to read the characteristics of a texture when the texture is loaded.

Pointer to a thread-pump interface (see Interface). If null is specified, this function will behave synchronously and will not return until it is finished.

Address of a reference to the shader-resource view (see Interface).

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb172667 HRESULT D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromFileW([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] const wchar_t* pSrcFile,[In, Optional] D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[In] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromFileW

Save a texture to a file.

Pointer to the texture to be saved. See Interface.

The format the texture will be saved as (see ). is the preferred format since it is the only option that supports all the formats in .

Name of the destination output file where the texture will be saved. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes; use the return value to see if the DestFormat is supported.

writes out the extra DDS_HEADER_DXT10 structure for the input texture only if necessary (for example, because the input texture is in standard RGB (sRGB) format). If writes out the DDS_HEADER_DXT10 structure, it sets the dwFourCC member of the DDS_PIXELFORMAT structure for the texture to DX10 to indicate the prescense of the DDS_HEADER_DXT10 extended header.

bb172684 HRESULT D3DX10SaveTextureToFileW([In] ID3D10Resource* pSrcTexture,[In] D3DX10_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT DestFormat,[In] const wchar_t* pDestFile) D3DX10SaveTextureToFileW

Converts a height map into a normal map. The (x,y,z) components of each normal are mapped to the (r,g,b) channels of the output texture.

Pointer to an interface, representing the source height-map texture.

One or more flags that control generation of normal maps.

One flag specifying the source of height information.

Constant value multiplier that increases (or decreases) the values in the normal map. Higher values usually make bumps more visible, lower values usually make bumps less visible.

Pointer to an interface, representing the destination texture.

If the function succeeds, the return value is . If the function fails, the return value can be the following value: .

This method computes the normal by using the central difference with a kernel size of 3x3. RGB channels in the destination contain biased (x,y,z) components of the normal. The central differencing denominator is hardcoded to 2.0.

bb172646 HRESULT D3DX10ComputeNormalMap([In] ID3D10Texture2D* pSrcTexture,[In] D3DX10_NORMALMAP_FLAG Flags,[In] D3DX10_CHANNEL_FLAG Channel,[In] float Amplitude,[In] ID3D10Texture2D* pDestTexture) D3DX10ComputeNormalMap

Get information about an image already loaded into memory.

Pointer to the image in memory.

Size of the image in memory, in bytes.

Optional thread pump that can be used to load the info asynchronously. Can be null. See .

Information about the image in memory.

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb172678 HRESULT D3DX10GetImageInfoFromMemory([In] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[In] D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO* pSrcInfo,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10GetImageInfoFromMemory

Retrieves information about a given image in a resource.

Module where the resource is loaded. Set this parameter to null to specify the module associated with the image that the operating system used to create the current process.

Pointer to a string that specifies the filename. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR. See Remarks.

Optional thread pump that can be used to load the info asynchronously. Can be null. See .

Pointer to a structure to be filled with the description of the data in the source file.

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

If the function succeeds, the return value is . If the function fails, the return value can be the following:

The compiler setting also determines the function version. If Unicode is defined, the function call resolves to . Otherwise, the function call resolves to D3DX10GetImageInfoFromResourceA because ANSI strings are being used.

bb172679 HRESULT D3DX10GetImageInfoFromResourceW([In] HINSTANCE hSrcModule,[In] const wchar_t* pSrcResource,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[In] D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO* pSrcInfo,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10GetImageInfoFromResourceW

Create a texture resource from a file.

A reference to the device (see Interface) that will use the resource.

The name of the file containing the resource. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR. See enumeration for a list of the supported image file formats.

Optional. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see ) when the data processor is created; set this to null to read the characteristics of a texture when the texture is loaded.

A reference to a thread pump interface (see Interface). If null is specified, this function will behave synchronously and will not return until it is finished.

The address of a reference to the texture resource (see Interface).

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

For a list of supported image formats see .

bb172671 HRESULT D3DX10CreateTextureFromFileW([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] const wchar_t* pSrcFile,[In, Optional] D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[Out] void** ppTexture,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10CreateTextureFromFileW

Save a texture to memory.

Pointer to the texture to be saved. See Interface.

The format the texture will be saved as. See .

Address of a reference to the memory containing the saved texture. See Interface.


The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb172685 HRESULT D3DX10SaveTextureToMemory([In] ID3D10Resource* pSrcTexture,[In] D3DX10_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT DestFormat,[Out] ID3D10Blob** ppDestBuf,[In] unsigned int Flags) D3DX10SaveTextureToMemory

Create a shader-resource view from a resource.

A reference to the device (see Interface) that will use the resource.

Handle to the resource module containing the shader-resource view. HMODULE can be obtained with GetModuleHandle Function.

Name of the shader resource view in hSrcModule. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR.

Optional. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see ) when the data processor is created; set this to null to read the characteristics of a texture when the texture is loaded.

A reference to a thread pump interface (see Interface). If null is specified, this function will behave synchronously and will not return until it is finished.

Address of a reference to the shader-resource view (see Interface).

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb172669 HRESULT D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromResourceW([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] HINSTANCE hSrcModule,[In] const wchar_t* pSrcResource,[In, Optional] D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[In] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromResourceW

Projects a function represented in a cube map into spherical harmonics.

Order of the SH evaluation, generates Order^2 coefs, degree is Order-1.

Cubemap that is going to be projected into spherical harmonics. See .

Output SH vector for red.

Output SH vector for green.

Output SH vector for blue.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb172686 HRESULT D3DX10SHProjectCubeMap([In] unsigned int Order,[In] ID3D10Texture2D* pCubeMap,[Out, Buffer] float* pROut,[Out, Buffer, Optional] float* pGOut,[Out, Buffer, Optional] float* pBOut) D3DX10SHProjectCubeMap

Create a texture from another resource.

A reference to the device (see Interface) that will use the resource.

A handle to the source resource. HMODULE can be obtained with GetModuleHandle Function.

A string that contains the name of the source resource. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR.

Optional. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see ) when the data processor is created; set this to null to read the characteristics of a texture when the texture is loaded.

A reference to a thread pump interface (see Interface). If null is specified, this function will behave synchronously and will not return until it is finished.

The address of a reference to the texture resource (see Interface).

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

For a list of supported image formats see .

bb172673 HRESULT D3DX10CreateTextureFromResourceW([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] HINSTANCE hSrcModule,[In] const wchar_t* pSrcResource,[In, Optional] D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[Out] void** ppTexture,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10CreateTextureFromResourceW

Load a texture from a texture.

Pointer to the source texture. See .

Pointer to texture loading parameters. See .

Pointer to the destination texture. See Interface.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb172680 HRESULT D3DX10LoadTextureFromTexture([In] ID3D10Resource* pSrcTexture,[In] D3DX10_TEXTURE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[In] ID3D10Resource* pDstTexture) D3DX10LoadTextureFromTexture

Create a shader-resource view from a file in memory.

A reference to the device (see Interface) that will use the resource.

Pointer to the file in memory that contains the shader-resource view.

Size of the file in memory.

Optional. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see ) when the data processor is created; set this to null to read the characteristics of a texture when the texture is loaded.

A reference to a thread pump interface (see Interface). If null is specified, this function will behave synchronously and will not return until it is finished.

Address of a reference to the newly created shader resource view. See Interface.

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb172668 HRESULT D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromMemory([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In, Optional] D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[In] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromMemory

Generates mipmap chain using a particular texture filter.

The texture object to be filtered. See .

The mipmap level whose data is used to generate the rest of the mipmap chain.

Flags controlling how each miplevel is filtered (or D3DX10_DEFAULT for ). See .

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Bb172675 HRESULT D3DX10FilterTexture([In] ID3D10Resource* pTexture,[In] unsigned int SrcLevel,[In] unsigned int MipFilter) D3DX10FilterTexture

Create a texture resource from a file residing in system memory.

A reference to the device (see Interface) that will use the resource.

Pointer to the resource in system memory.

Size of the resource in system memory.

Optional. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see ) when the data processor is created; set this to null to read the characteristics of a texture when the texture is loaded.

A reference to a thread pump interface (see Interface). If null is specified, this function will behave synchronously and will not return until it is finished.

Address of a reference to the created resource. See Interface.

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

For a list of supported image formats see .

bb172672 HRESULT D3DX10CreateTextureFromMemory([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] const void* pSrcData,[In] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In, Optional] D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[Out] void** ppTexture,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10CreateTextureFromMemory

Retrieves information about a given image file.

File name of image to retrieve information about. If UNICODE or _UNICODE are defined, this parameter type is LPCWSTR, otherwise, the type is LPCSTR.

Optional thread pump that can be used to load the info asynchronously. Can be null. See .

Pointer to a structure to be filled with the description of the data in the source file.

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

If the function succeeds, the return value is . If the function fails, the return value can be the following:

This function supports both Unicode and ANSI strings.

bb172677 HRESULT D3DX10GetImageInfoFromFileW([In] const wchar_t* pSrcFile,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[In] D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO* pSrcInfo,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10GetImageInfoFromFileW

Creates a mesh object using a declarator.

Pointer to an Interface, the device object to be associated with the mesh.

Array of elements, describing the vertex format for the returned mesh. This parameter must map directly to a flexible vertex format (FVF).

The number of elements in pDeclaration.

Semantic that identifies which part of the vertex declaration contains position information.

Number of vertices for the mesh. This parameter must be greater than 0.

Number of faces for the mesh. The valid range for this number is greater than 0, and one less than the maximum DWORD (typically 65534), because the last index is reserved.

Combination of one or more flags from the D3DX10_MESH, specifying options for the mesh.

Address of a reference to an Interface, representing the created mesh object.

If the function succeeds, the return value is . If the function fails, the return value can be one of the following: , E_OUTOFMEMORY.

bb204914 HRESULT D3DX10CreateMesh([In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In, Buffer] const D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC* pDeclaration,[In] unsigned int DeclCount,[In] const char* pPositionSemantic,[In] unsigned int VertexCount,[In] unsigned int FaceCount,[In] unsigned int Options,[Out, Fast] ID3DX10Mesh** ppMesh) D3DX10CreateMesh

Creates an empty skin mesh object using a declarator.

Address of a reference to an Interface, representing the created skin mesh object.

If the function succeeds, the return value is . If the function fails, the return value can be: E_OUTOFMEMORY.

Use the to populate the empty skin mesh object returned by this method.

bb204915 HRESULT D3DX10CreateSkinInfo([In] ID3DX10SkinInfo** ppSkinInfo) D3DX10CreateSkinInfo

Create an effect pool from a resource.

A handle to the resource module containing the effect. HMODULE can be obtained with GetModuleHandle Function.

The name of the resource in hModule. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR.

Optional. Effect file name, which is used for error messages only. Can be null.

A null-terminated array of shader macros (see D3D10_SHADER_MACRO); set this to null to specify no macros.

A reference to an include interface (see ID3D10Include Interface). This parameter can be null.

A string that specifies the shader profile, or shader model.

HLSL compile options (see D3D10_SHADER Constants).

Effect compile options (see Compile and Effect Flags).

A reference to the device (see Interface) that will use the resources.

A reference to a thread pump interface (see Interface). Use null to specify that this function should not return until it is completed.

The address of a reference to the effect pool (see Interface).

The address of a reference to memory (see Interface) that contains effect compile errors, if there were any.

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb172663 HRESULT D3DX10CreateEffectPoolFromResourceW([In] HINSTANCE hModule,[In] const wchar_t* pResourceName,[In] const wchar_t* pSrcFileName,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D_SHADER_MACRO* pDefines,[In] ID3DInclude* pInclude,[In] const char* pProfile,[In] unsigned int HLSLFlags,[In] unsigned int FXFlags,[In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[In] ID3D10EffectPool** ppEffectPool,[In] ID3D10Blob** ppErrors,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10CreateEffectPoolFromResourceW

Create an effect pool from an effect file.

The effect filename. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR.

A null-terminated array of shader macros (see D3D10_SHADER_MACRO); set this to null to specify no macros.

A reference to an include interface (see ID3D10Include Interface). This parameter can be null.

A string that specifies the shader profile, or shader model.

HLSL compile options (see D3D10_SHADER Constants).

Effect compile options (see Compile and Effect Flags).

A reference to the device (see Interface) that will use the resources.

A reference to a thread pump interface (see Interface). Use null to specify that this function should not return until it is completed.

The address of a reference to the effect pool (see Interface).

The address of a reference to memory (see Interface) that contains effect compile errors, if there were any.

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

This example creates an effect pool from the effect used in the BasicHLSL10 Sample.

 // Create an effect pool from an effect in memory	
             * l_pEffectPool = null;	
            *	l_pBlob_Errors = null;	
            WCHAR str[MAX_PATH];	
            hr = DXUTFindDXSDKMediaFileCch( str, MAX_PATH, L"BasicHLSL10.fx" );	
            hr = ( str,  null, null, D3D10_SHADER_ENABLE_STRICTNESS,  0, pd3dDevice, null, &l_pEffectPool, &l_pBlob_Errors );	
bb172661 HRESULT D3DX10CreateEffectPoolFromFileW([In] const wchar_t* pFileName,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D_SHADER_MACRO* pDefines,[In] ID3DInclude* pInclude,[In] const char* pProfile,[In] unsigned int HLSLFlags,[In] unsigned int FXFlags,[In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[In] ID3D10EffectPool** ppEffectPool,[In] ID3D10Blob** ppErrors,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10CreateEffectPoolFromFileW

Create an effect from a file.

Name of the ASCII effect file. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR.

A null-terminated array of shader macros (see D3D10_SHADER_MACRO); set this to null to specify no macros.

A reference to an include interface (see ID3D10Include Interface). This parameter can be null.

A string that specifies the shader profile, or shader model.

HLSL compile options (see D3D10_SHADER Constants).

Effect compile options (see Compile and Effect Flags).

A reference to the device (see Interface) that will use the resources.

Pointer to an effect pool (see Interface) for sharing variables between effects.

A reference to a thread pump interface (see Interface). Use null to specify that this function should not return until it is completed.

Address of a reference to the effect (see Interface) that is created.

The address of a reference to memory (see Interface) that contains effect compile errors, if there were any.

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb172658 HRESULT D3DX10CreateEffectFromFileW([In] const wchar_t* pFileName,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D_SHADER_MACRO* pDefines,[In] ID3DInclude* pInclude,[In] const char* pProfile,[In] unsigned int HLSLFlags,[In] unsigned int FXFlags,[In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] ID3D10EffectPool* pEffectPool,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[In] ID3D10Effect** ppEffect,[In] ID3D10Blob** ppErrors,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10CreateEffectFromFileW

Create an effect from memory.

Pointer to the effect in memory.

Size of the effect in memory.

Name of the effect file in memory.

A null-terminated array of shader macros (see D3D10_SHADER_MACRO); set this to null to specify no macros.

A reference to an include interface (see ID3D10Include Interface). This parameter can be null.

A string that specifies the shader profile, or shader model.

HLSL compile options (see D3D10_SHADER Constants).

Effect compile options (see D3D10_EFFECT Constants).

A reference to the device (see Interface) that will use the resources.

Pointer to an effect pool (see Interface) for sharing variables between effects.

A reference to a thread pump interface (see Interface). Use null to specify that this function should not return until it is completed.

Address of a reference to the effect (see Interface) that is created.

The address of a reference to memory (see Interface) that contains effect compile errors, if there were any.

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb172659 HRESULT D3DX10CreateEffectFromMemory([In] const void* pData,[In] SIZE_T DataLength,[In] const char* pSrcFileName,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D_SHADER_MACRO* pDefines,[In] ID3DInclude* pInclude,[In] const char* pProfile,[In] unsigned int HLSLFlags,[In] unsigned int FXFlags,[In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] ID3D10EffectPool* pEffectPool,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[In] ID3D10Effect** ppEffect,[In] ID3D10Blob** ppErrors,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10CreateEffectFromMemory

Create an effect pool from an effect in memory.

A reference to the effect.

The size of the effect.

The name of the effect file.

A null-terminated array of shader macros (see D3D10_SHADER_MACRO); set this to null to specify no macros.

A reference to an include interface (see ID3D10Include Interface). This parameter can be null.

A string that specifies the shader profile, or shader model.

HLSL compile options (see D3D10_SHADER Constants).

Effect compile options (see Compile and Effect Flags).

A reference to the device (see Interface) that will use the resources.

A reference to a thread pump interface (see Interface). Use null to specify that this function should not return until it is completed.

The address of a reference to the effect pool (see Interface).

The address of a reference to memory (see Interface) that contains effect compile errors, if there were any.

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb172662 HRESULT D3DX10CreateEffectPoolFromMemory([In] const void* pData,[In] SIZE_T DataLength,[In] const char* pSrcFileName,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D_SHADER_MACRO* pDefines,[In] ID3DInclude* pInclude,[In] const char* pProfile,[In] unsigned int HLSLFlags,[In] unsigned int FXFlags,[In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[In] ID3D10EffectPool** ppEffectPool,[In] ID3D10Blob** ppErrors,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10CreateEffectPoolFromMemory

Create an effect from a resource.

A handle to the resource module containing the effect. HMODULE can be obtained with GetModuleHandle Function.

Name of the resource in hModule. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type LPCTSTR resolves to LPCWSTR. Otherwise, the data type resolves to LPCSTR.

Optional. Effect file name, which is used for error messages only. Can be null.

A null-terminated array of shader macros (see D3D10_SHADER_MACRO); set this to null to specify no macros.

A reference to an include interface (see ID3D10Include Interface). This parameter can be null.

A string that specifies the shader profile, or shader model.

HLSL compile options (see D3D10_SHADER Constants).

Effect compile options (see Compile and Effect Flags).

A reference to the device (see Interface) that will use the resources.

Pointer to an effect pool (see Interface) for sharing variables between effects.

A reference to a thread pump interface (see Interface). Use null to specify that this function should not return until it is completed.

Address of a reference to the effect (see Interface) that is created.

The address of a reference to memory (see Interface) that contains effect compile errors, if there were any.

A reference to the return value. May be null. If pPump is not null, then pHResult must be a valid memory location until the asynchronous execution completes.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb172660 HRESULT D3DX10CreateEffectFromResourceW([In] HINSTANCE hModule,[In] const wchar_t* pResourceName,[In] const wchar_t* pSrcFileName,[In, Buffer, Optional] const D3D_SHADER_MACRO* pDefines,[In] ID3DInclude* pInclude,[In] const char* pProfile,[In] unsigned int HLSLFlags,[In] unsigned int FXFlags,[In] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In] ID3D10EffectPool* pEffectPool,[In] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[In] ID3D10Effect** ppEffect,[In] ID3D10Blob** ppErrors,[Out] HRESULT* pHResult) D3DX10CreateEffectFromResourceW

A constant-buffer interface accesses constant buffers or texture buffers.

Use constant buffers to store many effect constants; grouping constants into buffers based on their frequency of update. This allows you to minimize the number of state changes as well as make the fewest API calls to change state. Both of these factors lead to better performance.

bb173634 ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set a constant-buffer.

A reference to a constant-buffer interface. See Interface.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173637 HRESULT ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer::SetConstantBuffer([In] ID3D10Buffer* pConstantBuffer) ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer::SetConstantBuffer

Get a constant-buffer.

The address of a reference to a constant-buffer interface. See Interface.

bb173635 HRESULT ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer::GetConstantBuffer([Out] ID3D10Buffer** ppConstantBuffer) ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer::GetConstantBuffer

Set a texture-buffer.

A reference to a shader-resource-view interface for accessing a texture buffer.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173638 HRESULT ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer::SetTextureBuffer([In] ID3D10ShaderResourceView* pTextureBuffer) ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer::SetTextureBuffer

Get a texture-buffer.

The address of a reference to a shader-resource-view interface for accessing a texture buffer. See Interface.

bb173636 HRESULT ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer::GetTextureBuffer([Out] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppTextureBuffer) ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer::GetTextureBuffer

A shader-variable interface accesses a shader variable.

bb173698 ID3D10EffectShaderVariable ID3D10EffectShaderVariable
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a shader description.

A zero-based index.

A reference to a shader description (see ).

bb173703 HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderVariable::GetShaderDesc([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[Out] D3D10_EFFECT_SHADER_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10EffectShaderVariable::GetShaderDesc

Get a vertex shader.

A zero-based index.

A reference to a Interface.

Bb173704 HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderVariable::GetVertexShader([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[Out] ID3D10VertexShader** ppVS) ID3D10EffectShaderVariable::GetVertexShader

Get a geometry shader.

A zero-based index.

A reference to a Interface.

bb173699 HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderVariable::GetGeometryShader([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[Out] ID3D10GeometryShader** ppGS) ID3D10EffectShaderVariable::GetGeometryShader

Get a pixel shader.

A zero-based index.

A reference to a Interface.

bb173702 HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderVariable::GetPixelShader([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[Out] ID3D10PixelShader** ppPS) ID3D10EffectShaderVariable::GetPixelShader

Get an input-signature description.

A zero-based shader index.

A zero-based shader-element index.

A reference to a parameter description (see ).

An effect contains one or more shaders; each shader has an input and output signature; each signature contains one or more elements (or parameters). The shader index identifies the shader and the element index identifies the element (or parameter) in the shader signature.

bb173700 HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderVariable::GetInputSignatureElementDesc([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[In] unsigned int Element,[Out] D3D10_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10EffectShaderVariable::GetInputSignatureElementDesc

Get an output-signature description.

A zero-based shader index.

A zero-based element index.

A reference to a parameter description (see ).

An effect contains one or more shaders; each shader has an input and output signature; each signature contains one or more elements (or parameters). The shader index identifies the shader and the element index identifies the element (or parameter) in the shader signature.

bb173701 HRESULT ID3D10EffectShaderVariable::GetOutputSignatureElementDesc([In] unsigned int ShaderIndex,[In] unsigned int Element,[Out] D3D10_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10EffectShaderVariable::GetOutputSignatureElementDesc

An interface is a collection of passes.

The lifetime of an object is equal to the lifetime of its parent object.

  • Methods

The interface has the following methods.

An effect contains one or more techniques; each technique contains one or more passes; each pass contains state assignments (see Organizing State in an Effect (Direct3D 10)). The syntax for creating a technique is shown in Effect Technique Syntax (Direct3D 10).

To get an effect-technique interface, call a method like .

bb173708 ID3D10EffectTechnique ID3D10EffectTechnique
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Test a technique to see if it contains valid syntax.

TRUE if the code syntax is valid; otherwise .

bb173715 BOOL ID3D10EffectTechnique::IsValid() ID3D10EffectTechnique::IsValid

Get a technique description.

A reference to a technique description (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173712 HRESULT ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_TECHNIQUE_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetDesc

Get an annotation by index.

The zero-based index of the interface reference.

A reference to an Interface.

Use an annotation to attach a piece of metadata to a technique.

bb173710 ID3D10EffectVariable* ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetAnnotationByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetAnnotationByIndex

Get an annotation by name.

Name of the annotation.

A reference to an Interface.

Use an annotation to attach a piece of metadata to a technique.

bb173711 ID3D10EffectVariable* ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetAnnotationByName([In] const char* Name) ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetAnnotationByName

Get a pass by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to a Interface.

A technique contains one or more passes; get a pass using a name or an index.

Bb173713 ID3D10EffectPass* ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetPassByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetPassByIndex

Get a pass by name.

The name of the pass.

A reference to an Interface.

A technique contains one or more passes; get a pass using a name or an index.

bb173714 ID3D10EffectPass* ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetPassByName([In] const char* Name) ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetPassByName

Compute a state-block mask to allow/prevent state changes.

A reference to a state-block mask (see ).

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173709 HRESULT ID3D10EffectTechnique::ComputeStateBlockMask([In] D3D10_STATE_BLOCK_MASK* pStateBlockMask) ID3D10EffectTechnique::ComputeStateBlockMask

Test a technique to see if it contains valid syntax.

bb173715 IsValid IsValid BOOL ID3D10EffectTechnique::IsValid()

Get a technique description.

bb173712 GetDesc GetDesc HRESULT ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_TECHNIQUE_DESC* pDesc)

Get an member type by name.

bb173721 ID3D10EffectType ID3D10EffectType
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Tests that the effect type is valid.

TRUE if it is valid; otherwise .

bb173723 BOOL ID3D10EffectType::IsValid() ID3D10EffectType::IsValid

Get an effect-type description.

A reference to an effect-type description. See .

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

The effect-variable description contains data about the name, annotations, semantic, flags and buffer offset of the effect type.

bb173717 HRESULT ID3D10EffectType::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10EffectType::GetDesc

Get a member type by index.

A zero-based index.

A reference to an Interface.

bb173720 ID3D10EffectType* ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberTypeByIndex([In] unsigned int Index) ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberTypeByIndex

Get an member type by name.

A member's name.

A reference to an Interface.

bb173721 ID3D10EffectType* ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberTypeByName([In] const char* Name) ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberTypeByName

Get a member type by semantic.

A semantic.

A reference to an Interface.

bb173722 ID3D10EffectType* ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberTypeBySemantic([In] const char* Semantic) ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberTypeBySemantic

Get the name of a member.

A zero-based index.

The name of the member.

bb173718 const char* ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberName([In] unsigned int Index) ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberName

Get the semantic attached to a member.

A zero-based index.

A string that contains the semantic.

bb173719 const char* ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberSemantic([In] unsigned int Index) ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberSemantic

Tests that the effect type is valid.

bb173723 IsValid IsValid BOOL ID3D10EffectType::IsValid()

Get an effect-type description.

The effect-variable description contains data about the name, annotations, semantic, flags and buffer offset of the effect type.

bb173717 GetDesc GetDesc HRESULT ID3D10EffectType::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_EFFECT_TYPE_DESC* pDesc)

A geometry-shader interface manages an executable program (a geometry shader) that controls the geometry-shader stage.

The geometry-shader interface has no methods; use HLSL to implement your shader functionality. All shaders in Direct3D 10 are implemented from a common set of features referred to as the common shader core.

To create a geometry shader interface, call either or . Before using a geometry shader you must bind it to the device by calling .

This interface is defined in D3D10.h.

bb173774 ID3D10GeometryShader ID3D10GeometryShader
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device used to create the shader. The compiled shader bytecode. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device used to create the shader. The compiled shader bytecode. An array of instances describing the layout of the output buffers. The size, in bytes, of each element in the array pointed to by pSODeclaration. This parameter is only used when the output slot is 0 for all entries in pSODeclaration.

The device interface represents a virtual adapter for Direct3D 10.0; it is used to perform rendering and create Direct3D resources.

A device is created using .

bb173528 ID3D10Device ID3D10Device
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set the constant buffers used by the geometry shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

The method will not hold references to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release interfaces currently in use by the device.

bb173580 void ID3D10Device::GSSetConstantBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10Buffer** ppConstantBuffers) ID3D10Device::GSSetConstantBuffers

Set the constant buffers used by the geometry shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

The method will not hold references to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release interfaces currently in use by the device.

bb173580 void ID3D10Device::GSSetConstantBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10Buffer** ppConstantBuffers) ID3D10Device::GSSetConstantBuffers

Set a geometry shader to the device.

Pointer to a geometry shader (see ). Passing in null disables the shader for this pipeline stage.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173582 void ID3D10Device::GSSetShader([In, Optional] ID3D10GeometryShader* pShader) ID3D10Device::GSSetShader

Bind an array of shader resources to the geometry shader stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

If you bind a subresource as an input and an output, this API will fill the destination shader resource slot with null. The debug layer (when active) will alert you if this is true.

For information about creating shader-resource views, see .

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173583 void ID3D10Device::GSSetShaderResources([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumViews,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceViews) ID3D10Device::GSSetShaderResources

Bind an array of shader resources to the geometry shader stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

If you bind a subresource as an input and an output, this API will fill the destination shader resource slot with null. The debug layer (when active) will alert you if this is true.

For information about creating shader-resource views, see .

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173583 void ID3D10Device::GSSetShaderResources([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumViews,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceViews) ID3D10Device::GSSetShaderResources

Set an array of sampler states to the geometry shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any sampler may be set to null; this invokes the default state, which is defined to be the following.

 //Default sampler state:	
            SamplerDesc.Filter = ;	
            SamplerDesc.AddressU = ;	
            SamplerDesc.AddressV = ;	
            SamplerDesc.AddressW = ;	
            SamplerDesc.MipLODBias = 0;	
            SamplerDesc.MaxAnisotropy = 1;	
            SamplerDesc.ComparisonFunc = ;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[0] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[1] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[2] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[3] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.MinLOD = -FLT_MAX;	
            SamplerDesc.MaxLOD = FLT_MAX; 

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173581 void ID3D10Device::GSSetSamplers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumSamplers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10SamplerState** ppSamplers) ID3D10Device::GSSetSamplers

Set an array of sampler states to the geometry shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any sampler may be set to null; this invokes the default state, which is defined to be the following.

 //Default sampler state:	
            SamplerDesc.Filter = ;	
            SamplerDesc.AddressU = ;	
            SamplerDesc.AddressV = ;	
            SamplerDesc.AddressW = ;	
            SamplerDesc.MipLODBias = 0;	
            SamplerDesc.MaxAnisotropy = 1;	
            SamplerDesc.ComparisonFunc = ;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[0] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[1] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[2] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[3] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.MinLOD = -FLT_MAX;	
            SamplerDesc.MaxLOD = FLT_MAX; 

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173581 void ID3D10Device::GSSetSamplers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumSamplers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10SamplerState** ppSamplers) ID3D10Device::GSSetSamplers

Get the constant buffers used by the geometry shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173576 void ID3D10Device::GSGetConstantBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10Buffer** ppConstantBuffers) ID3D10Device::GSGetConstantBuffers

Get the geometry shader currently set on the device.

Address of a reference to a geometry shader (see ) to be returned by the method.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173578 void ID3D10Device::GSGetShader([Out] ID3D10GeometryShader** ppGeometryShader) ID3D10Device::GSGetShader

Get the geometry shader resources.

Index into the device's zero-based array to begin getting shader resources from.

The number of resources to get from the device. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources.

Array of shader resource view interfaces to be returned by the device.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173579 void ID3D10Device::GSGetShaderResources([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumViews,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceViews) ID3D10Device::GSGetShaderResources

Get an array of sampler states from the geometry shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173577 void ID3D10Device::GSGetSamplers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumSamplers,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10SamplerState** ppSamplers) ID3D10Device::GSGetSamplers

An information-queue interface stores, retrieves, and filters debug messages. The queue consists of a message queue, an optional storage filter stack, and a optional retrieval filter stack.

This interface is obtained by turning on the debug layer and querying it from the Interface using IUnknown::QueryInterface.

hr = ( null, g_driverType, null, , , &sd, &g_pSwapChain, &g_pd3dDevice );	
             * infoQueue;	
            g_pd3dDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(),  (void **)&infoQueue); 	
bb173779 ID3D10InfoQueue ID3D10InfoQueue
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set the maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue.

Maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue. -1 means no limit.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

When the number of messages in the message queue has reached the maximum limit, new messages coming in will push old messages out.

bb173813 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::SetMessageCountLimit([In] unsigned longlong MessageCountLimit) ID3D10InfoQueue::SetMessageCountLimit

Clear all messages from the message queue.

bb173786 void ID3D10InfoQueue::ClearStoredMessages() ID3D10InfoQueue::ClearStoredMessages

Get a message from the message queue.

Index into message queue after an optional retrieval filter has been applied. This can be between 0 and the number of messages in the message queue that pass through the retrieval filter (which can be obtained with ). 0 is the message at the front of the message queue.

Returned message (see ).

Size of pMessage in bytes, including the size of the message string that the pMessage points to.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

This method does not remove any messages from the message queue.

This method gets messages from the message queue after an optional retrieval filter has been applied.

Applications should call this method twice to retrieve a message - first to obtain the size of the message and second to get the message. Here is a typical example:

 // Get the size of the message	
             messageLength = 0;	
             hr = pInfoQueue->GetMessage(0, null, &messageLength); // Allocate space and get the message	
             * pMessage = (*)malloc(messageLength);	
            hr = pInfoQueue->GetMessage(0, pMessage, &messageLength);	

For an overview see Information Queue Overview.

bb173790 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::GetMessageW([In] unsigned longlong MessageIndex,[In] void* pMessage,[InOut] SIZE_T* pMessageByteLength) ID3D10InfoQueue::GetMessageW

Get the number of messages that were allowed to pass through a storage filter.

Number of messages allowed by a storage filter.

bb173793 unsigned longlong ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter() ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter

Get the number of messages that were denied passage through a storage filter.

Number of messages denied by a storage filter.

bb173794 unsigned longlong ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter() ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter

Get the number of messages currently stored in the message queue.

Number of messages currently stored in the message queue.

bb173796 unsigned longlong ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumStoredMessages() ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumStoredMessages

Get the number of messages that are able to pass through a retrieval filter.

Number of messages allowed by a retrieval filter.

bb173797 unsigned longlong ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilter() ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilter

Get the number of messages that were discarded due to the message count limit.

Number of messages discarded.

Get and set the message count limit with and , respectively.

bb173795 unsigned longlong ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit() ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit

Get the maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue.

Maximum number of messages that can be added to the queue. -1 means no limit.

When the number of messages in the message queue has reached the maximum limit, new messages coming in will push old messages out.

bb173791 unsigned longlong ID3D10InfoQueue::GetMessageCountLimit() ID3D10InfoQueue::GetMessageCountLimit

Add storage filters to the top of the storage-filter stack.

Array of storage filters (see ).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

A storage filter defines a grouping of debug messages that should be allowed into the info queue.

bb173783 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::AddStorageFilterEntries([In] D3D10_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER* pFilter) ID3D10InfoQueue::AddStorageFilterEntries

Get the storage filter at the top of the storage-filter stack.

Storage filter at the top of the storage-filter stack.

Size of the storage filter in bytes. If pFilter is null, the size of the storage filter will be output to this parameter.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Bb173800 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::GetStorageFilter([In] void* pFilter,[InOut] SIZE_T* pFilterByteLength) ID3D10InfoQueue::GetStorageFilter

Remove a storage filter from the top of the storage-filter stack.

bb173785 void ID3D10InfoQueue::ClearStorageFilter() ID3D10InfoQueue::ClearStorageFilter

Push an empty storage filter onto the storage-filter stack.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

An empty storage filter allows all messages to pass through.

bb173807 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::PushEmptyStorageFilter() ID3D10InfoQueue::PushEmptyStorageFilter

Push a copy of storage filter currently on the top of the storage-filter stack onto the storage-filter stack.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173805 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::PushCopyOfStorageFilter() ID3D10InfoQueue::PushCopyOfStorageFilter

Push a storage filter onto the storage-filter stack.

Pointer to a storage filter (see ).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173809 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::PushStorageFilter([In] D3D10_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER* pFilter) ID3D10InfoQueue::PushStorageFilter

Pop a storage filter from the top of the storage-filter stack.

bb173803 void ID3D10InfoQueue::PopStorageFilter() ID3D10InfoQueue::PopStorageFilter

Get the size of the storage-filter stack in bytes.

Size of the storage-filter stack in bytes.

bb173801 unsigned int ID3D10InfoQueue::GetStorageFilterStackSize() ID3D10InfoQueue::GetStorageFilterStackSize

Add storage filters to the top of the retrieval-filter stack.

Array of retrieval filters (see ).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

A retrieval filter is used to define a subgroup of the messages that are already in the info queue. Retrieval filters affect the messages that will be returned by .

The number of messages already in the info queue that will be allowed through the retrieval filter can be determined by calling .

bb173782 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::AddRetrievalFilterEntries([In] D3D10_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER* pFilter) ID3D10InfoQueue::AddRetrievalFilterEntries

Get the retrieval filter at the top of the retrieval-filter stack.

Retrieval filter at the top of the retrieval-filter stack.

Size of the retrieval filter in bytes. If pFilter is null, the size of the retrieval filter will be output to this parameter.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173798 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::GetRetrievalFilter([In] void* pFilter,[InOut] SIZE_T* pFilterByteLength) ID3D10InfoQueue::GetRetrievalFilter

Remove a retrieval filter from the top of the retrieval-filter stack.

bb173784 void ID3D10InfoQueue::ClearRetrievalFilter() ID3D10InfoQueue::ClearRetrievalFilter

Push an empty retrieval filter onto the retrieval-filter stack.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

An empty retrieval filter allows all messages to pass through.

bb173806 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::PushEmptyRetrievalFilter() ID3D10InfoQueue::PushEmptyRetrievalFilter

Push a copy of retrieval filter currently on the top of the retrieval-filter stack onto the retrieval-filter stack.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173804 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::PushCopyOfRetrievalFilter() ID3D10InfoQueue::PushCopyOfRetrievalFilter

Push a retrieval filter onto the retrieval-filter stack.

Pointer to a retrieval filter (see ).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173808 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::PushRetrievalFilter([In] D3D10_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER* pFilter) ID3D10InfoQueue::PushRetrievalFilter

Pop a retrieval filter from the top of the retrieval-filter stack.

bb173802 void ID3D10InfoQueue::PopRetrievalFilter() ID3D10InfoQueue::PopRetrievalFilter

Get the size of the retrieval-filter stack in bytes.

Size of the retrieval-filter stack in bytes.

Bb173799 unsigned int ID3D10InfoQueue::GetRetrievalFilterStackSize() ID3D10InfoQueue::GetRetrievalFilterStackSize

Add a Direct3D 10 debug message to the message queue and send that message to debug output.

Category of a message (see ).

Severity of a message (see ).

Unique identifier of a message (see ).

User-defined message.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

This method is used by the runtime's internal mechanisms to add Direct3D 10 debug messages to the message queue and send them to debug output. For applications to add their own custom messages to the message queue and send them to debug output, call .

bb173781 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::AddMessage([In] D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Category,[In] D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity,[In] D3D10_MESSAGE_ID ID,[In] const char* pDescription) ID3D10InfoQueue::AddMessage

Add a user-defined message to the message queue and send that message to debug output.

Severity of a message (see ).

Message string.

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173780 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::AddApplicationMessage([In] D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity,[In] const char* pDescription) ID3D10InfoQueue::AddApplicationMessage

Set a message category to break on when a message with that category passes through the storage filter.

Message category to break on (see ).

Turns this breaking condition on or off (true for on, false for off).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173810 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::SetBreakOnCategory([In] D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Category,[In] BOOL bEnable) ID3D10InfoQueue::SetBreakOnCategory

Set a message severity level to break on when a message with that severity level passes through the storage filter.

Message severity level to break on (see ).

Turns this breaking condition on or off (true for on, false for off).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173812 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::SetBreakOnSeverity([In] D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity,[In] BOOL bEnable) ID3D10InfoQueue::SetBreakOnSeverity

Set a message identifier to break on when a message with that identifier passes through the storage filter.

Message identifier to break on (see ).

Turns this breaking condition on or off (true for on, false for off).

This method returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173811 HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::SetBreakOnID([In] D3D10_MESSAGE_ID ID,[In] BOOL bEnable) ID3D10InfoQueue::SetBreakOnID

Get a message category to break on when a message with that category passes through the storage filter.

Message category to break on (see ).

Whether this breaking condition is turned on or off (true for on, false for off).

bb173787 BOOL ID3D10InfoQueue::GetBreakOnCategory([In] D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Category) ID3D10InfoQueue::GetBreakOnCategory

Get a message severity level to break on when a message with that severity level passes through the storage filter.

Message severity level to break on (see ).

Whether this breaking condition is turned on or off (true for on, false for off).

bb173789 BOOL ID3D10InfoQueue::GetBreakOnSeverity([In] D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity) ID3D10InfoQueue::GetBreakOnSeverity

Get a message identifier to break on when a message with that identifier passes through the storage filter.

Message identifier to break on (see ).

Whether this breaking condition is turned on or off (true for on, false for off).

bb173788 BOOL ID3D10InfoQueue::GetBreakOnID([In] D3D10_MESSAGE_ID ID) ID3D10InfoQueue::GetBreakOnID

Set a boolean that turns the debug output on or off.

Disable/Enable the debug output (TRUE to disable or mute the output, to enable the output).

This will stop messages that pass the storage filter from being printed out in the debug output, however those messages will still be added to the message queue.

Bb173814 void ID3D10InfoQueue::SetMuteDebugOutput([In] BOOL bMute) ID3D10InfoQueue::SetMuteDebugOutput

Get a boolean that turns the debug output on or off.

Whether the debug output is on or off (true for on, false for off).

bb173792 BOOL ID3D10InfoQueue::GetMuteDebugOutput() ID3D10InfoQueue::GetMuteDebugOutput
No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::GetMessageW([In] unsigned longlong MessageIndex,[Out, Buffer, Optional] D3D10_MESSAGE* pMessage,[InOut] SIZE_T* pMessageByteLength) No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::GetStorageFilter([Out, Buffer, Optional] D3D10_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER* pFilter,[InOut] SIZE_T* pFilterByteLength) No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT ID3D10InfoQueue::GetRetrievalFilter([Out, Buffer, Optional] D3D10_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER* pFilter,[InOut] SIZE_T* pFilterByteLength)

Get or sets the maximum number of messages that can be added to the message queue.

When the number of messages in the message queue has reached the maximum limit, new messages coming in will push old messages out.

bb173791 GetMessageCountLimit / SetMessageCountLimit GetMessageCountLimit unsigned longlong ID3D10InfoQueue::GetMessageCountLimit()

Get the number of messages that were allowed to pass through a storage filter.

bb173793 GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter unsigned longlong ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumMessagesAllowedByStorageFilter()

Get the number of messages that were denied passage through a storage filter.

bb173794 GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter unsigned longlong ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumMessagesDeniedByStorageFilter()

Get the number of messages currently stored in the message queue.

bb173796 GetNumStoredMessages GetNumStoredMessages unsigned longlong ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumStoredMessages()

Get the number of messages that are able to pass through a retrieval filter.

bb173797 GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilter GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilter unsigned longlong ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumStoredMessagesAllowedByRetrievalFilter()

Get the number of messages that were discarded due to the message count limit.

Get and set the message count limit with and , respectively.

bb173795 GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit unsigned longlong ID3D10InfoQueue::GetNumMessagesDiscardedByMessageCountLimit()

Get the size of the storage-filter stack in bytes.

bb173801 GetStorageFilterStackSize GetStorageFilterStackSize unsigned int ID3D10InfoQueue::GetStorageFilterStackSize()

Get the size of the retrieval-filter stack in bytes.

Bb173799 GetRetrievalFilterStackSize GetRetrievalFilterStackSize unsigned int ID3D10InfoQueue::GetRetrievalFilterStackSize()

Get or sets a boolean that turns the debug output on or off.

bb173792 GetMuteDebugOutput / SetMuteDebugOutput GetMuteDebugOutput BOOL ID3D10InfoQueue::GetMuteDebugOutput()

An input-layout interface accesses the input data for the input-assembler stage.

This interface is created by calling ; use to bind it to the graphics pipeline.

bb173815 ID3D10InputLayout ID3D10InputLayout
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Initializes a new instance of the object to describe the input-buffer data for the input-assembler stage. ID3D10Device::CreateInputLayout The device used to create the layout. An array of input elements describing the layout of the input data. The compiled shader used to validate the input elements.

Applications use the methods of the interface to manipulate mesh objects.

To obtain the interface, call .

bb173897 ID3DX10Mesh ID3DX10Mesh
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Retrieves the number of faces in the mesh.

Returns the number of faces in the mesh.

bb173915 unsigned int ID3DX10Mesh::GetFaceCount() ID3DX10Mesh::GetFaceCount

Get the number of vertices in the mesh. A mesh may contain multiple vertex buffers (i.e. one vertex buffer may contain all position data, another may contains all texture coordinate data, etc.), however each vertex buffer will contain the same number of elements.

The number of vertices in the mesh.

bb173921 unsigned int ID3DX10Mesh::GetVertexCount() ID3DX10Mesh::GetVertexCount

Get the number of vertex buffers in the mesh.

The number of vertex buffers in the mesh.

bb173920 unsigned int ID3DX10Mesh::GetVertexBufferCount() ID3DX10Mesh::GetVertexBufferCount

Access the mesh's creation flags.

The creation flags passed into the options parameter of when the mesh was created. See D3DX10_MESH.

bb173916 unsigned int ID3DX10Mesh::GetFlags() ID3DX10Mesh::GetFlags

Access the vertex description passed into . The vertex description describes the layout of the mesh's vertex buffers.

No documentation. No documentation.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Bb173922 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GetVertexDescription([Out, Buffer] const D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC** ppDesc,[In] unsigned int* pDeclCount) ID3DX10Mesh::GetVertexDescription

Set vertex data into one of the mesh's vertex buffers.

The vertex buffer to be filled with pData.

The vertex data to set.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Bb173931 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::SetVertexData([In] unsigned int iBuffer,[In] const void* pData) ID3DX10Mesh::SetVertexData

Retrieves the vertex buffer associated with the mesh.

The vertex buffer to get. This is an index value.

The vertex buffer. See

bb173919 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GetVertexBuffer([In] unsigned int iBuffer,[In] ID3DX10MeshBuffer** ppVertexBuffer) ID3DX10Mesh::GetVertexBuffer

Set the mesh's index data.

The index data.

The number of indices in pData.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173929 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::SetIndexData([In] const void* pData,[In] unsigned int cIndices) ID3DX10Mesh::SetIndexData

Retrieves the data in an index buffer.

Address of a reference to a interface, representing the index buffer associated with the mesh.

Bb173917 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GetIndexBuffer([In] ID3DX10MeshBuffer** ppIndexBuffer) ID3DX10Mesh::GetIndexBuffer

Set the mesh's attribute data.

The attribute data to set.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173927 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::SetAttributeData([In] const void* pData) ID3DX10Mesh::SetAttributeData

Access the mesh's attribute buffer.

The attribute buffer. See .

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Bb173911 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GetAttributeBuffer([In] ID3DX10MeshBuffer** ppAttributeBuffer) ID3DX10Mesh::GetAttributeBuffer

Sets the attribute table for a mesh and the number of entries stored in the table.

Pointer to an array of structures, representing the entries in the mesh attribute table.

Number of attributes in the mesh attribute table.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

If an application keeps track of the information in an attribute table, and rearranges the table as a result of changes to attributes or faces, this method allows the application to update the attribute tables instead of calling again.

bb173928 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::SetAttributeTable([In, Buffer] const D3DX10_ATTRIBUTE_RANGE* pAttribTable,[In] unsigned int cAttribTableSize) ID3DX10Mesh::SetAttributeTable

Retrieves either an attribute table for a mesh, or the number of entries stored in an attribute table for a mesh.

Pointer to an array of structures, representing the entries in the mesh's attribute table. Specify null to retrieve the value for pAttribTableSize.

Pointer to either the number of entries stored in pAttribTable or a value to be filled in with the number of entries stored in the attribute table for the mesh.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

An attribute table is used to identify areas of the mesh that need to be drawn with different textures, render states, materials, and so on. In addition, the application can use the attribute table to hide portions of a mesh by not drawing a given attribute identifier when drawing the frame.

bb173912 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GetAttributeTable([Out, Buffer, Optional] D3DX10_ATTRIBUTE_RANGE* pAttribTable,[InOut] unsigned int* pAttribTableSize) ID3DX10Mesh::GetAttributeTable

Generate a list of mesh edges, as well as a list of faces that share each edge.

Specifies that vertices that differ in position by less than epsilon should be treated as coincident.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

After an application generates adjacency information for a mesh, the mesh data can be optimized for better drawing performance.

The order of the entries in the adjacency buffer is determined by the order of the vertex indices in the index buffer. The adjacent triangle 0 always corresponds to the edge between the indices of the corners 0 and 1. The adjacent triangle 1 always corresponds to the edge between the indices of the corners 1 and 2 while the adjacent triangle 2 corresponds to the edge between the indices of the corners 2 and 0.

bb173907 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GenerateAdjacencyAndPointReps([In] float Epsilon) ID3DX10Mesh::GenerateAdjacencyAndPointReps

Adds adjacency data to the mesh's index buffer. When the mesh is to be sent to a geometry shader that takes adjacency data, it is neccessary for the mesh's index buffer to contain adjacency data.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173909 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GenerateGSAdjacency() ID3DX10Mesh::GenerateGSAdjacency

Set the mesh's adjacency data.

The adjacency data to set.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173926 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::SetAdjacencyData([In] const void* pAdjacency) ID3DX10Mesh::SetAdjacencyData

Access the mesh's adjacency buffer.

The adjacency buffer. See .

bb173910 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GetAdjacencyBuffer([In] ID3DX10MeshBuffer** ppAdjacency) ID3DX10Mesh::GetAdjacencyBuffer

Set the point rep data for the mesh.

The point rep data to set.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173930 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::SetPointRepData([In] const void* pPointReps) ID3DX10Mesh::SetPointRepData

Get the mesh's point rep buffer.

Pointer to a mesh buffer containing the mesh's point rep data. See .

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173918 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GetPointRepBuffer([In] ID3DX10MeshBuffer** ppPointReps) ID3DX10Mesh::GetPointRepBuffer

Removes mesh data from the device that has been committed to the device (with ).

No documentation.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173904 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::Discard([In] D3DX10_MESH_DISCARD_FLAGS dwDiscard) ID3DX10Mesh::Discard

Creates a new mesh and fills it with the data of a previously loaded mesh.

Creation flags to be applied to the new mesh. See D3DX10_MESH.

The semantic name for the position data.

Array of structures, describing the vertex format for the returned mesh. See .

The number of elements in the pDesc array.

The new mesh.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173902 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::CloneMesh([In] unsigned int Flags,[In] const char* pPosSemantic,[In, Buffer] const D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC* pDesc,[In] unsigned int DeclCount,[In] ID3DX10Mesh** ppCloneMesh) ID3DX10Mesh::CloneMesh

Generates a new mesh with reordered faces and vertices to optimize drawing performance.

Specifies the type of optimization to perform. This parameter can be set to a combination of one or more flags from D3DXMESHOPT and D3DXMESH (except , , and ).

An array of UINTs, one per face, that identifies the original mesh face that corresponds to each face in the optimized mesh. If the value supplied for this argument is null, face remap data is not returned.

Address of a reference to an Interface, which contains a DWORD for each vertex that specifies how the new vertices map to the old vertices. This remap is useful if you need to alter external data based on the new vertex mapping.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

This method generates a new mesh. Before running Optimize, an application must generate an adjacency buffer by calling . The adjacency buffer contains adjacency data, such as a list of edges and the faces that are adjacent to each other.

This method is very similar to the method, except that it can perform optimization while generating the new clone of the mesh. The output mesh inherits all of the creation parameters of the input mesh.

bb173925 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::Optimize([In] unsigned int Flags,[Out, Buffer, Optional] unsigned int* pFaceRemap,[In] void** ppVertexRemap) ID3DX10Mesh::Optimize

Generate an attribute buffer from the data in the mesh's attribute table. An attribute buffer is another format for storing the data in the attribute table. Both the attribute buffer and the attribute table are internal data structures in the mesh.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173908 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GenerateAttributeBufferFromTable() ID3DX10Mesh::GenerateAttributeBufferFromTable

Applies to: desktop apps only

Determines if a ray intersects with this mesh.

Pointer to a structure, specifying the point where the ray begins.

Pointer to a structure, specifying the direction of the ray.

The number of times the ray intersected with the mesh.

Pointer to an index value of the face closest to the ray origin, if pHit is TRUE.

Pointer to a barycentric hit coordinate, U.

Pointer to a barycentric hit coordinate, V.

Pointer to a ray intersection parameter distance.

Pointer to an Interface, containing an array of D3DX10_INTERSECT_INFO structures. This is a list of all the hits that occurred in the intersection test.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

This API provides a way to understand points in and around a triangle, independent of where the triangle is actually located. This function returns the resulting point by using the following equation: V1 + U(V2 - V1) + V(V3 - V1).

Any point in the plane V1V2V3 can be represented by the barycentric coordinate (U,V). The parameter U controls how much V2 gets weighted into the result, and the parameter V controls how much V3 gets weighted into the result. Lastly, the value of [1 - (U + V)] controls how much V1 gets weighted into the result.

Barycentric coordinates are a form of general coordinates. In this context, using barycentric coordinates represents a change in coordinate systems. What holds true for Cartesian coordinates holds true for barycentric coordinates.

Barycentric coordinates define a point inside a triangle in terms of the triangle's vertices. For a more in-depth description of barycentric coordinates, see Mathworld's Barycentric Coordinates Description.

bb173923 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::Intersect([In] D3DXVECTOR3* pRayPos,[In] D3DXVECTOR3* pRayDir,[In] unsigned int* pHitCount,[In] unsigned int* pFaceIndex,[In] float* pU,[In] float* pV,[In] float* pDist,[In] ID3D10Blob** ppAllHits) ID3DX10Mesh::Intersect

Applies to: desktop apps only

Determines if a ray intersects with a subset of this mesh.

Attribute ID identifying the subset of the mesh.

Pointer to a structure, specifying the point where the ray begins.

Pointer to a structure, specifying the direction of the ray.

The number of times the ray intersected with the mesh.

Pointer to an index value of the face closest to the ray origin, if pHit is TRUE.

Pointer to a barycentric hit coordinate, U.

Pointer to a barycentric hit coordinate, V.

Pointer to a ray intersection parameter distance.

Pointer to an Interface, containing an array of D3DX10_INTERSECT_INFO structures. This is a list of all the hits that occurred in the intersection test.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

This API provides a way to understand points in and around a triangle, independent of where the triangle is actually located. This function returns the resulting point by using the following equation: V1 + U(V2 - V1) + V(V3 - V1).

Any point in the plane V1V2V3 can be represented by the barycentric coordinate (U,V). The parameter U controls how much V2 gets weighted into the result, and the parameter V controls how much V3 gets weighted into the result. Lastly, the value of [1 - (U + V)] controls how much V1 gets weighted into the result.

Barycentric coordinates are a form of general coordinates. In this context, using barycentric coordinates represents a change in coordinate systems. What holds true for Cartesian coordinates holds true for barycentric coordinates.

Barycentric coordinates define a point inside a triangle in terms of the triangle's vertices. For a more in-depth description of barycentric coordinates, see Mathworld's Barycentric Coordinates Description.

bb173924 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::IntersectSubset([In] unsigned int AttribId,[In] D3DXVECTOR3* pRayPos,[In] D3DXVECTOR3* pRayDir,[In] unsigned int* pHitCount,[In] unsigned int* pFaceIndex,[In] float* pU,[In] float* pV,[In] float* pDist,[In] ID3D10Blob** ppAllHits) ID3DX10Mesh::IntersectSubset

Commit any changes made to a mesh to the device so that the changes can be rendered. This should be called after a mesh's data is altered and before it is rendered. A mesh cannot be rendered unless it is committed to the device. See remarks.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

When a mesh is loaded, it's data is loaded into staging resources, meaning the data can be altered but not rendered. When CommitToDevice is called, the data from the staging resources are copied into device resources so that they can be rendered. Although the data is committed to the device, the staging resources remain and can be modified. If any modifications are made to the staging resources, the staging resources must be committed to the device again in order for those changes to be rendered on screen.

bb173903 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::CommitToDevice() ID3DX10Mesh::CommitToDevice

Draws a subset of a mesh.

Specifies which subset of the mesh to draw. This value is used to differentiate faces in a mesh as belonging to one or more attribute groups.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

An attribute table is used to identify areas of the mesh that need to be drawn with different textures, render states, materials, and so on. In addition, the application can use the attribute table to hide portions of a mesh by not drawing a given attribute identifier (AttribId) when drawing the frame.

bb173905 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::DrawSubset([In] unsigned int AttribId) ID3DX10Mesh::DrawSubset

Draw several instances of the same subset of a mesh.

Specifies which subset of the mesh to draw. This value is used to differentiate faces in a mesh as belonging to one or more attribute groups. See remarks.

Number of instances to render.

Which instance to start fetching from in each buffer marked as instance data.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

A mesh contains an attribute table. The attribute table can divide a mesh into subsets, where each subset is identified with an attribute ID. For example, a mesh with 200 faces, divided into three subsets, might have an attribute table that looks like this:

AttribID 0Faces 0 ~ 50
AttribID 1Faces 51 ~ 125
AttribID 2Faces 126 ~ 200


Instancing may extend performance by reusing the same geometry to draw multiple objects in a scene. One example of instancing could be to draw the same object with different positions and colors. Indexing requires multiple vertex buffers: at least one for per-vertex data and a second buffer for per-instance data.

Drawing instances with DrawSubsetInstanced is very similar to the process used with that is outlined in Instancing Sample. The key difference when using DrawSubsetInstanced is that vertex and index buffers must be extracted from the Interface object before the instancing data can be combined.

The following code illustrates extracting the vertex and index buffers from the mesh object.

 * vertexBuffer; pDeviceObj->pMesh->GetDeviceVertexBuffer(0, &vertexBuffer); * indexBuffer; pDeviceObj->pMesh->GetDeviceIndexBuffer(&indexBuffer); 
Bb173906 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::DrawSubsetInstanced([In] unsigned int AttribId,[In] unsigned int InstanceCount,[In] unsigned int StartInstanceLocation) ID3DX10Mesh::DrawSubsetInstanced

Access the mesh's vertex buffer after it has been committed to the device with . This is different from , which returns the vertex buffer before it has been committed to the device.

No documentation. No documentation. Bb173914 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GetDeviceVertexBuffer([In] unsigned int iBuffer,[In] ID3D10Buffer** ppVertexBuffer) ID3DX10Mesh::GetDeviceVertexBuffer

Access the mesh's index buffer after it has been committed to the device with . This is different from , which returns the index buffer before it has been committed to the device.

No documentation.

If the mesh's index buffer has not already been committed to the device, this API will automatically commit the index buffer before it returns a reference to the buffer.

bb173913 HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GetDeviceIndexBuffer([In] ID3D10Buffer** ppIndexBuffer) ID3DX10Mesh::GetDeviceIndexBuffer
Creates a mesh object using a declarator. Pointer to an , the device object to be associated with the mesh. Array of elements, describing the vertex format for the returned mesh. This parameter must map directly to a flexible vertex format (FVF). Semantic that identifies which part of the vertex declaration contains position information. Number of vertices for the mesh. This parameter must be greater than 0. Number of faces for the mesh. The valid range for this number is greater than 0, and one less than the maximum DWORD (typically 65534), because the last index is reserved. Combination of one or more flags from the , specifying options for the mesh. HRESULT D3DX10CreateMesh([None] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[In, Buffer] const D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC* pDeclaration,[None] int DeclCount,[None] const char* pPositionSemantic,[None] int VertexCount,[None] int FaceCount,[None] int Options,[None] ID3DX10Mesh** ppMesh) Creates a new mesh and fills it with the data of a previously loaded mesh. The semantic name for the position data. Array of structures, describing the vertex format for the returned mesh. See . Creation flags to be applied to the new mesh. See . returns the Mesh cloned. HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::CloneMesh([None] int Flags,[None] const char* pPosSemantic,[In, Buffer] const D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC* pDesc,[None] int DeclCount,[None] ID3DX10Mesh** ppCloneMesh) Access the mesh's attribute buffer. Returns the attribute buffer. See . HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GetAttributeBuffer([None] ID3DX10MeshBuffer** ppAttribute) Retrieves either an attribute table for a mesh, or the number of entries stored in an attribute table for a mesh. An attribute table is used to identify areas of the mesh that need to be drawn with different textures, render states, materials, and so on. In addition, the application can use the attribute table to hide portions of a mesh by not drawing a given attribute identifier when drawing the frame. Returns an array of structures, representing the entries in the mesh's attribute table. HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GetAttributeTable([Out, Buffer, Optional] D3DX10_ATTRIBUTE_RANGE* pAttribTable,[None] int* pAttribTableSize) Get the mesh's point rep buffer. Returns a mesh buffer containing the mesh's point rep data. See . HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::GetPointRepBuffer([None] ID3DX10MeshBuffer** ppPointReps) Optimizes the mesh data. Flags indicating which optimizations to perform. A result code. Generates a new mesh with reordered faces and vertices to optimize drawing performance. This method generates a new mesh. Before running Optimize, an application must generate an adjacency buffer by calling . The adjacency buffer contains adjacency data, such as a list of edges and the faces that are adjacent to each other. This method is very similar to the method, except that it can perform optimization while generating the new clone of the mesh. The output mesh inherits all of the creation parameters of the input mesh. Specifies the type of optimization to perform. This parameter can be set to a combination of one or more flags from D3DXMESHOPT and D3DXMESH (except D3DXMESH_32BIT, D3DXMESH_IB_WRITEONLY, and D3DXMESH_WRITEONLY). An array of UINTs, one per face, that identifies the original mesh face that corresponds to each face in the optimized mesh. An array of index for each vertex that specifies how the new vertices map to the old vertices. This remap is useful if you need to alter external data based on the new vertex mapping. The return value is one of the values listed in {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::Optimize([None] int Flags,[Out, Buffer, Optional] int* pFaceRemap,[In] LPD3D10BLOB* ppVertexRemap) Set the mesh's adjacency data. The adjacency data to set The return value is one of the values listed in {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::SetAdjacencyData([In] const int* pAdjacency) Set the mesh's attribute data. The attribute data to set. The return value is one of the values listed in {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::SetAttributeData([In] const int* pData) Sets the attribute table for a mesh and the number of entries stored in the table. If an application keeps track of the information in an attribute table, and rearranges the table as a result of changes to attributes or faces, this method allows the application to update the attribute tables instead of calling ID3DX10Mesh::Optimize again. an array of structures, representing the entries in the mesh attribute table. The return value is one of the values listed in {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::SetAttributeTable([In, Buffer] const D3DX10_ATTRIBUTE_RANGE* pAttribTable,[None] int cAttribTableSize) Set the mesh's index data. The index data. The number of indices in pData. The return value is one of the values listed in {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::SetIndexData([None] const void* pData,[None] int cIndices) Set the point rep data for the mesh. The point rep data to set. The return value is one of the values listed in {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::SetPointRepData([None] const int* pPointReps) Set vertex data into one of the mesh's vertex buffers. The vertex buffer to be filled with pData. The vertex data to set. The return value is one of the values listed in {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. HRESULT ID3DX10Mesh::SetVertexData([None] int iBuffer,[None] const void* pData)

Retrieves the number of faces in the mesh.

bb173915 GetFaceCount GetFaceCount unsigned int ID3DX10Mesh::GetFaceCount()

Get the number of vertices in the mesh. A mesh may contain multiple vertex buffers (i.e. one vertex buffer may contain all position data, another may contains all texture coordinate data, etc.), however each vertex buffer will contain the same number of elements.

bb173921 GetVertexCount GetVertexCount unsigned int ID3DX10Mesh::GetVertexCount()

Get the number of vertex buffers in the mesh.

bb173920 GetVertexBufferCount GetVertexBufferCount unsigned int ID3DX10Mesh::GetVertexBufferCount()
Access the mesh's creation flags. The creation flags passed into the options parameter of when the mesh was created. See {{D3DX10_MESH}}. int ID3DX10Mesh::GetFlags()

A mesh buffer is a buffer that contains data about a mesh. It can contain one of five different types of data: vertex data, index data, adjacency data, attribute data, or point rep data. The structure is used to access these five pieces of data through the following five APIs: , , , , or .

bb173898 ID3DX10MeshBuffer ID3DX10MeshBuffer
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to the mesh buffer memory to modify its contents.

Pointer to the buffer data.

Size of the buffer in bytes.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10:

Map() in Direct3D 10 is analogous to resource Map() in Direct3D 9.


bb173900 HRESULT ID3DX10MeshBuffer::Map([Out] void** ppData,[Out] SIZE_T* pSize) ID3DX10MeshBuffer::Map

Unmap a buffer.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10:

Unmap() in Direct3D 10 is analogous to resource Unlock() in Direct3D 9.


bb173901 HRESULT ID3DX10MeshBuffer::Unmap() ID3DX10MeshBuffer::Unmap

Get the size of the mesh buffer, in bytes.

The size of the mesh buffer, in bytes.

bb173899 SIZE_T ID3DX10MeshBuffer::GetSize() ID3DX10MeshBuffer::GetSize
Get a reference to the mesh buffer memory to modify its contents. Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10: Map() in Direct3D 10 is analogous to resource Map() in Direct3D 9. ? Returns a reference to the mesh buffer memory to modify its contents HRESULT ID3DX10MeshBuffer::Map([Out] void** ppData,[Out] SIZE_T* pSize)

Get the size of the mesh buffer, in bytes.

bb173899 GetSize GetSize SIZE_T ID3DX10MeshBuffer::GetSize()

A pixel-shader interface manages an executable program (a pixel shader) that controls the pixel-shader stage.

The pixel-shader interface has no methods; use HLSL to implement your shader functionality. All shaders in Direct3D 10 are implemented from a common set of features referred to as the common shader core.

To create a pixel shader interface, call . Before using a pixel shader you must bind it to the device by calling .

This interface is defined in D3D10.h.

bb173821 ID3D10PixelShader ID3D10PixelShader
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device used to create the shader. The compiled shader bytecode.

The device interface represents a virtual adapter for Direct3D 10.0; it is used to perform rendering and create Direct3D resources.

A device is created using .

bb173528 ID3D10Device ID3D10Device
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Bind an array of shader resources to the pixel shader stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

If you bind a subresource as an input and an output, this API will fill the destination shader resource slot with null. The debug layer (when active) will alert you if this is true.

For information about creating shader-resource views, see .

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173606 void ID3D10Device::PSSetShaderResources([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumViews,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceViews) ID3D10Device::PSSetShaderResources

Bind an array of shader resources to the pixel shader stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

If you bind a subresource as an input and an output, this API will fill the destination shader resource slot with null. The debug layer (when active) will alert you if this is true.

For information about creating shader-resource views, see .

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173606 void ID3D10Device::PSSetShaderResources([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumViews,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceViews) ID3D10Device::PSSetShaderResources

Sets a pixel shader to the device.

Pointer to a pixel shader (see ). Passing in null disables the shader for this pipeline stage.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173605 void ID3D10Device::PSSetShader([In, Optional] ID3D10PixelShader* pPixelShader) ID3D10Device::PSSetShader

Set an array of sampler states to the pixel shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any sampler may be set to null; this invokes the default state, which is defined to be the following.

StateDefault Value


The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173604 void ID3D10Device::PSSetSamplers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumSamplers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10SamplerState** ppSamplers) ID3D10Device::PSSetSamplers

Set an array of sampler states to the pixel shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any sampler may be set to null; this invokes the default state, which is defined to be the following.

StateDefault Value


The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173604 void ID3D10Device::PSSetSamplers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumSamplers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10SamplerState** ppSamplers) ID3D10Device::PSSetSamplers

Set the constant buffers used by the pixel shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173603 void ID3D10Device::PSSetConstantBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10Buffer** ppConstantBuffers) ID3D10Device::PSSetConstantBuffers

Set the constant buffers used by the pixel shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173603 void ID3D10Device::PSSetConstantBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10Buffer** ppConstantBuffers) ID3D10Device::PSSetConstantBuffers

Get the pixel shader resources.

Index into the device's zero-based array to begin getting shader resources from.

The number of resources to get from the device. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources.

Array of shader resource view interfaces to be returned by the device.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173602 void ID3D10Device::PSGetShaderResources([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumViews,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceViews) ID3D10Device::PSGetShaderResources

Get the pixel shader currently set on the device.

Address of a reference to a pixel shader (see ) to be returned by the method.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173601 void ID3D10Device::PSGetShader([Out] ID3D10PixelShader** ppPixelShader) ID3D10Device::PSGetShader

Get an array of sampler states from the pixel shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173600 void ID3D10Device::PSGetSamplers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumSamplers,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10SamplerState** ppSamplers) ID3D10Device::PSGetSamplers

Get the constant buffers used by the pixel shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173599 void ID3D10Device::PSGetConstantBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10Buffer** ppConstantBuffers) ID3D10Device::PSGetConstantBuffers

A predicate interface determines whether geometry should be processed depending on the results of a previous draw call.

A predicate can be created with , and used with .

There are two types of predicates in Direct3D 10: stream-output-overflow predicates and occlusion predicates. Stream-output-overflow predicates will cause any geometry residing in stream-output buffers that were overflowed to not be processed. Occlusion predicates will cause any geometry that did not have a single sample pass the depth/stencil tests to not be processed.

For an example of occlusion-predicated rendering, see Draw Predicated Sample.

bb173822 ID3D10Predicate ID3D10Predicate

A query interface queries information from the GPU.

A query can be created with .

This interface inherits the functionality of an Interface.

Query data is typically gathered by issuing an command, issuing some graphics commands, issuing an command, and then calling to get data about what happened in between the Begin and End calls. The data returned by GetData will be different depending on the type of query.

There are, however, some queries that do not require calls to Begin. For a list of possible queries see .

A query is typically executed as shown in the following code:

 queryDesc; ... // Fill out queryDesc structure  * pQuery;	
            pDevice->CreateQuery(&queryDesc, &pQuery); pQuery->Begin(); ... // Issue graphis commands, do whatever pQuery->End(); UINT64 queryData; // This data type is different depending on the query type while(  != pQuery->GetData(&queryData, sizeof(UINT64), 0) )	

When using a query that does not require a call to Begin, it still requires a call to End. The call to End causes the data returned by GetData to be accurate up until the last call to End.

bb173823 ID3D10Query ID3D10Query
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a query description.

Pointer to a query description (see ).

bb173824 void ID3D10Query::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_QUERY_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10Query::GetDesc
Constructs a new based on the specified description. The device with which to associate the state object. The query description. The newly created object.

Get a query description.

bb173824 GetDesc GetDesc void ID3D10Query::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_QUERY_DESC* pDesc)
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Constructs a new based on the specified description. The device with which to associate the state object. The query description. The newly created object.

A rasterizer-state interface accesses rasterizer state for the rasterizer stage.

A rasterizer-state object is created with and bound to the pipeline with .

bb173825 ID3D10RasterizerState ID3D10RasterizerState
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the properties of a rasterizer-state object.

Pointer to a rasterizer-state description (see ).

bb173826 void ID3D10RasterizerState::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_RASTERIZER_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10RasterizerState::GetDesc
Constructs a new based on the specified description. The device with which to associate the state object. The state description. The newly created object. Constructs a new based on the specified description. The device with which to associate the state object. The state description. The newly created object.

Get the properties of a rasterizer-state object.

bb173826 GetDesc GetDesc void ID3D10RasterizerState::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_RASTERIZER_DESC* pDesc)

A render-target-view interface identifies the render-target subresources that can be accessed during rendering.

To create a render-target view, call . To bind a render-target view to the pipeline, call .

A rendertarget is a resource that can be written by the output-merger stage at the end of a render pass. Each render-target should also have a corresponding depth-stencil view.

bb173827 ID3D10RenderTargetView ID3D10RenderTargetView
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the properties of a render target view.

Pointer to the description of a render target view (see ).

bb173828 void ID3D10RenderTargetView::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_RENDER_TARGET_VIEW_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10RenderTargetView::GetDesc
Creates a for accessing resource data. The device to use when creating this . The resource that represents the render-target surface. This surface must have been created with the RenderTarget flag. ID3D10Device::CreateRenderTargetView Creates a for accessing resource data. The device to use when creating this . The resource that represents the render-target surface. This surface must have been created with the RenderTarget flag. A structure describing the to be created. ID3D10Device::CreateRenderTargetView

Get the properties of a render target view.

bb173828 GetDesc GetDesc void ID3D10RenderTargetView::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_RENDER_TARGET_VIEW_DESC* pDesc)

A sampler-state interface accesses sampler state for a texture.

Create a sampler-state object by calling .

To initialize sampler state, bind the sampler-state object to the pipeline by calling , , or .

bb173833 ID3D10SamplerState ID3D10SamplerState
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the sampler state.

A reference to the sampler state (see ).

bb173834 void ID3D10SamplerState::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_SAMPLER_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10SamplerState::GetDesc
Constructs a new based on the specified description. The device with which to associate the state object. The state description. The newly created object. Constructs a new based on the specified description. The device with which to associate the state object. The state description. The newly created object.

Get the sampler state.

bb173834 GetDesc GetDesc void ID3D10SamplerState::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_SAMPLER_DESC* pDesc)

A shader-resource-view interface specifies the subresources a shader can access during rendering. Examples of shader resources include a constant buffer, a texture buffer, a texture or a sampler.

To create a shader-resource view, call .

A shader-resource view is required when binding a resource to a shader stage; the binding occurs by calling , or .

bb173854 ID3D10ShaderResourceView ID3D10ShaderResourceView
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the shader resource view's description.

A reference to a structure to be filled with data about the shader resource view.

bb173855 void ID3D10ShaderResourceView::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10ShaderResourceView::GetDesc
Creates a for accessing resource data. The device to use when creating this . The resource that represents the render-target surface. This surface must have been created with the ShaderResource flag. ID3D10Device::CreateShaderResourceView Creates a for accessing resource data. The device to use when creating this . The resource that represents the render-target surface. This surface must have been created with the ShaderResource flag. A structure describing the to be created. ID3D10Device::CreateShaderResourceView Create a shader-resource view from a file. Read the characteristics of a texture when the texture is loaded. A reference to the device (see ) that will use the resource. Name of the file that contains the shader-resource view. Returns a reference to the shader-resource view (see ). HRESULT D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromFileW([None] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[None] const wchar_t* pSrcFile,[In, Optional] D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[None] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[None] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView,[None] HRESULT* pHResult) Create a shader-resource view from a file. A reference to the device (see ) that will use the resource. Name of the file that contains the shader-resource view. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see ) when the data processor is created. Returns a reference to the shader-resource view (see ). HRESULT D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromFileW([None] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[None] const wchar_t* pSrcFile,[In, Optional] D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[None] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[None] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView,[None] HRESULT* pHResult) Create a shader-resource view from a file in memory. A reference to the device (see ) that will use the resource. Pointer to a memory location that contains the shader-resource view. Returns a reference to the shader-resource view (see ). HRESULT D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromMemory([None] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[None] const void* pSrcData,[None] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In, Optional] D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[None] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[None] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView,[None] HRESULT* pHResult) Create a shader-resource view from a file in memory. A reference to the device (see ) that will use the resource. Pointer to a memory location that contains the shader-resource view. Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see ) when the data processor is created. Returns a reference to the shader-resource view (see ). HRESULT D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromMemory([None] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[None] const void* pSrcData,[None] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In, Optional] D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[None] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[None] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView,[None] HRESULT* pHResult) Create a shader-resource view from a file in a stream.. A reference to the device (see ) that will use the resource. Pointer to the file in memory that contains the shader-resource view. Size of the file to read from the stream Returns a reference to the shader-resource view (see ). HRESULT D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromMemory([None] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[None] const void* pSrcData,[None] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In, Optional] D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[None] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[None] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView,[None] HRESULT* pHResult) Create a shader-resource view from a file in a stream.. A reference to the device (see ) that will use the resource. Pointer to the file in memory that contains the shader-resource view. Size of the file to read from the stream Identifies the characteristics of a texture (see ) when the data processor is created. Returns a reference to the shader-resource view (see ). HRESULT D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromMemory([None] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[None] const void* pSrcData,[None] SIZE_T SrcDataSize,[In, Optional] D3DX10_IMAGE_LOAD_INFO* pLoadInfo,[None] ID3DX10ThreadPump* pPump,[None] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceView,[None] HRESULT* pHResult)

Get the shader resource view's description.

bb173855 GetDesc GetDesc void ID3D10ShaderResourceView::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC* pDesc)

A shader-resource-view interface specifies the subresources a shader can access during rendering. Examples of shader resources include a constant buffer, a texture buffer, a texture or a sampler.

To create a shader-resource view, call .

A shader-resource view is required when binding a resource to a shader stage; the binding occurs by calling , or .

This method requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

bb694557 ID3D10ShaderResourceView1 ID3D10ShaderResourceView1
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the shader resource view's description.

A reference to a structure to be filled with data about the shader resource view.

This method requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

bb694558 void ID3D10ShaderResourceView1::GetDesc1([Out] D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC1* pDesc) ID3D10ShaderResourceView1::GetDesc1
Creates a for accessing resource data. The device to use when creating this . The resource that represents the render-target surface. This surface must have been created with the ShaderResource flag. ID3D10Device1::CreateShaderResourceView1 Creates a for accessing resource data. The device to use when creating this . The resource that represents the render-target surface. This surface must have been created with the ShaderResource flag. A structure describing the to be created. ID3D10Device1::CreateShaderResourceView1

Get the shader resource view's description.

This method requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

bb694558 GetDesc1 GetDesc1 void ID3D10ShaderResourceView1::GetDesc1([Out] D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC1* pDesc)

allows you to optimize, process, and manually set the relationship between bones and vertices in your meshes (see Skeletal Animation on Wikipedia). It is most useful for making .x files exported by DCC Apps (such as 3DS Max and Maya) more hardware-friendly, and for improving the render speed of your skinned meshes in software render mode.

Create a interface with , D3DX10CreateSkinInfoFromBlendedMesh, or D3DX10CreateSkinInfoFVF.

The LPD3DX10SKININFO type is defined as a reference to the interface.

 typedef struct  *LPD3DX10SKININFO;	
Bb173932 ID3DX10SkinInfo ID3DX10SkinInfo
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get the number of vertices in .

The number of vertices in .

bb173945 unsigned int ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetNumVertices() ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetNumVertices

Get the number of bones in .

The number of bones in .

bb173944 unsigned int ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetNumBones() ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetNumBones

Get the number of vertices a bone can maximally influence.

The number of vertices a bone can maximally influence.

bb173943 unsigned int ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetMaxBoneInfluences() ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetMaxBoneInfluences

Allocate space for additional vertices.

The number of vertices to add.

If this method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be: E_OUTOFMEMORY.

bb173935 HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::AddVertices([In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX10SkinInfo::AddVertices

Change which vertices are influenced by which bones.

The new number of vertices.

A reference to an array of vertex indices, which describe the remapping. For example, say SkinInfo contains some vertices such that bone0 is mapped to v0, bone1 to v1, and bone2 to v2, and array with 2,1,0 is specified for pBoneRemap. This will cause bone0 to be mapped to v2, bone1 to v1, and bone2 to v0.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be: E_OUTOFMEMORY or E_INVALIDARG.

bb173947 HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::RemapVertices([In] unsigned int NewVertexCount,[In, Buffer] unsigned int* pVertexRemap) ID3DX10SkinInfo::RemapVertices

Allocate space for more bones.

The number of bones to add.

If this method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be: E_OUTOFMEMORY.

bb173934 HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::AddBones([In] unsigned int Count) ID3DX10SkinInfo::AddBones

Remove a bone.

An index that specifies which bone to remove. Must be between 0 and the value returned by .

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be: E_INVALIDARG.

bb173948 HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::RemoveBone([In] unsigned int Index) ID3DX10SkinInfo::RemoveBone

Change which bones influence which vertices.

The new number of bones.

A reference to an array of bone indices, which describe the remapping. For example, say SkinInfo contains some bones such that bone0 is mapped to v0, bone1 to v1, and bone2 to v2, and array with 2,1,0 is specified for pBoneRemap. This will cause bone0 to be mapped to v2, bone1 to v1, and bone2 to v0.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be: E_OUTOFMEMORY or E_INVALIDARG.

bb173946 HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::RemapBones([In] unsigned int NewBoneCount,[In, Buffer] unsigned int* pBoneRemap) ID3DX10SkinInfo::RemapBones

Enable an existing bone to influence a group of vertices and define how much influence the bone has on each vertex.

An index that specifies an existing bone. Must be between 0 and the value returned by .

Number of vertices to add to the bone's influence.

Pointer to an array of vertex indices. Each member of this array has a corresponding member in pWeights, such that pIndices[i] corresponds to pWeights[i]. The corresponding value in pWeights[i] determines how much influence BoneIndex will have on the vertex indexed by pIndices[i]. The size of the pIndices array must be equal to or greater than InfluenceCount.

Pointer to an array of bone weights. Each member of this array has a corresponding member in pIndices, such that pWeights[i] corresponds to pIndices[i]. Each value in pWeights is between 0 and 1 and defines the amount of influence the bone has over each vertex. The size of pWeights must be equal to or greater than InfluenceCount.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be: E_INVALIDARG or E_OUTOFMEMORY.

bb173933 HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::AddBoneInfluences([In] unsigned int BoneIndex,[In] unsigned int InfluenceCount,[In, Buffer] unsigned int* pIndices,[In, Buffer] float* pWeights) ID3DX10SkinInfo::AddBoneInfluences

Clear a bone's list of vertices that it influences.

An index that specifies an existing bone. Must be between 0 and the value returned by .

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be: E_INVALIDARG.

bb173936 HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::ClearBoneInfluences([In] unsigned int BoneIndex) ID3DX10SkinInfo::ClearBoneInfluences

Get the number of vertices that a given bone influences.

An index that specifies an existing bone. Must be between 0 and the value returned by .

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be: E_INVALIDARG.

bb173941 unsigned int ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetBoneInfluenceCount([In] unsigned int BoneIndex) ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetBoneInfluenceCount

Get a list of vertices that a given bone influences and a list of the amount of influence that bone has on each vertex.

An index that specifies an existing bone. Must be between 0 and the value returned by .

An offset from the top of the bone's list of influenced vertices. This must be between 0 and the value returned by .

The number of indices and weights to retrieve. Must be between 0 and the value returned by .

A list of indices into the vertex buffer, each one representing a vertex influenced by the bone. These values correspond to the values in pDestWeights, such that pDestIndices[i] corresponds to pDestWeights[i].

A list of the amount of influence the bone has on each vertex. These values correspond to the values in pDestIndices, such that pDestWeights[i] corresponds to pDestIndices[i].f

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be: E_INVALIDARG or E_OUTOFMEMORY.

bb173942 HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetBoneInfluences([In] unsigned int BoneIndex,[In] unsigned int Offset,[In] unsigned int Count,[Out, Buffer] unsigned int* pDestIndices,[Out, Buffer] float* pDestWeights) ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetBoneInfluences

Find the index that indicates where a given vertex is in a given bone's list of influenced vertices.

An index that specifies an existing bone. Must be between 0 and the value returned by .

The index of the vertex in the vertex buffer.

The index of the vertex in the bone's list of influenced vertices.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be: E_INVALIDARG.

bb173939 HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::FindBoneInfluenceIndex([In] unsigned int BoneIndex,[In] unsigned int VertexIndex,[In] unsigned int* pInfluenceIndex) ID3DX10SkinInfo::FindBoneInfluenceIndex

Set the amount of influence a given bone has over a given vertex.

An index that specifies an existing bone. Must be between 0 and the value returned by .

An index into the bone's list of vertices that it influences.

The amount of influence, between 0 and 1, that the bone has over the vertex.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be E_INVALIDARG.

bb173949 HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::SetBoneInfluence([In] unsigned int BoneIndex,[In] unsigned int InfluenceIndex,[In] float Weight) ID3DX10SkinInfo::SetBoneInfluence

Get the amount of influence a given bone has over a given vertex.

An index that specifies an existing bone. Must be between 0 and the value returned by .

An index into the bone's list of vertices that it influences.

The amount of influence, between 0 and 1, that the bone has over the vertex.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be E_INVALIDARG.

Use to find out how many vertices the bone influences.

bb173940 HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetBoneInfluence([In] unsigned int BoneIndex,[In] unsigned int InfluenceIndex,[In] float* pWeight) ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetBoneInfluence

Limit the number of bones that can influence a vertex and/or limit the amount of influence a bone can have on a vertex.

The maximum number of bones that can influence any given vertex. This value is ignored if it is greater than the value returned by .

A flag describing how to scale the remaining weights on a given vertex after some have been chopped off by MinWeight. If D3DX10_SKININFO_NO_SCALING is specified, the weights will not be scaled at all. If D3DX10_SKININFO_SCALE_TO_1 is specified, the weights greater than MinWeight will be scaled up so that they add up to 1.0. If D3DX10_SKININFO_SCALE_TO_TOTAL is specified, the weights greater than MinWeight will be scaled up so that they add up to the original total.

The minimum percentage of influence, or weight, that any bone can have on any vertex. This value must be between 0 and 1.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be: E_OUTOFMEMORY or E_INVALIDARG.

bb173937 HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::Compact([In] unsigned int MaxPerVertexInfluences,[In] unsigned int ScaleMode,[In] float MinWeight) ID3DX10SkinInfo::Compact

Do software skinning on an array of vertices.

A 0-based index into pSrcVertices.

Number of vertices to transform.

Pointer to an array of vertices to transform.

The size, in bytes, of a vertex in pSrcVertices.

Pointer to an array of vertices, which will be filled with the transformed vertices.

The size, in bytes, of a vertex in pDestVertices.

An array of matrices that will be used to transform the points mapped to each bone, such that the vertices mapped to bone[i] will be transformed by pBoneMatrices[i]. This array will be used to transform the matrices only if the IsNormal value in pChannelDescs is set to , otherwise pInverseTransposeBoneMatrices will be used.

If this value is null, it will be set equal to pBoneMatrices. This array of matrices will be used to transform the vertices only if the IsNormal value in pChannelDescs is set to TRUE, otherwise pBoneMatrices will be used.

Pointer to a structure, which determines the member of the vertex decl the software skinning will be done on.

The number of structures in pChannelDescs.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be: E_INVALIDARG.

Here is an example of how to use software skinning:

 //vertex definition	
            struct MyVertex	
            {  Position;  Weight;  TexCoord;	
            }; //create vertex data	
            const UINT numVertices = 16;	
            MyVertex vertices[numVertices] = {...};	
            MyVertex destVertices[numVertices]; //create bone matrices	
            D3DXMatrixRotationX(&boneMatrices[1], 3.14159f / 180.0f); //create bone indices and weights	
            UINT boneIndices[numVertices] = {...};	
            float boneWeights[2][numVertices] = {...}; //create skin info, populate it with bones and vertices, and then map them to each other	
             *pSkinInfo = null;	
            pSkinInfo->AddBoneInfluences(0, numVertices, boneIndices, boneWeights[0]);	
            pSkinInfo->AddBoneInfluences(1, numVertices, boneIndices, boneWeights[1]); //create channel desc	
            channelDesc.SrcOffset = 0;	
            channelDesc.DestOffset = 0;	
            channelDesc.IsNormal = ; //do the skinning	
            pSkinInfo->DoSoftwareSkinning(0, numVertices, vertices, sizeof(MyVertex),  destVertices, sizeof(MyVertex),  boneMatrices, null,  &channelDesc, 1);	
bb173938 HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::DoSoftwareSkinning([In] unsigned int StartVertex,[In] unsigned int VertexCount,[In] void* pSrcVertices,[In] unsigned int SrcStride,[In] void* pDestVertices,[In] unsigned int DestStride,[In] D3DXMATRIX* pBoneMatrices,[In, Optional] D3DXMATRIX* pInverseTransposeBoneMatrices,[In] D3DX10_SKINNING_CHANNEL* pChannelDescs,[In] unsigned int NumChannels) ID3DX10SkinInfo::DoSoftwareSkinning
Get a list of vertices that a given bone influences and a list of the amount of influence that bone has on each vertex. An index that specifies an existing bone. Must be between 0 and the value returned by . An offset from the top of the bone's list of influenced vertices. This must be between 0 and the value returned by . The number of indices and weights to retrieve. Must be between 0 and the value returned by ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetBoneInfluenceCount. A list of indices into the vertex buffer, each one representing a vertex influenced by the bone. These values correspond to the values in pDestWeights, such that pDestIndices[i] corresponds to pDestWeights[i]. A list of the amount of influence the bone has on each vertex. These values correspond to the values in pDestIndices, such that pDestWeights[i] corresponds to pDestIndices[i].f If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. If the method fails, the return value can be: E_INVALIDARG or E_OUTOFMEMORY. HRESULT ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetBoneInfluences([None] int BoneIndex,[None] int Offset,[None] int Count,[Out, Buffer] int* pDestIndices,[Out, Buffer] float* pDestWeights)

Get the number of vertices in .

bb173945 GetNumVertices GetNumVertices unsigned int ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetNumVertices()

Get the number of bones in .

bb173944 GetNumBones GetNumBones unsigned int ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetNumBones()

Get the number of vertices a bone can maximally influence.

bb173943 GetMaxBoneInfluences GetMaxBoneInfluences unsigned int ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetMaxBoneInfluences()

The interface provides a set of methods that simplify the process of drawing sprites using Microsoft Direct3D. This interface can operate on a set of many sprites.

The interface is obtained by calling the function.

bb205601 ID3DX10Sprite ID3DX10Sprite
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Prepare a device for drawing sprites.

Flags that control how the sprites will be drawn. See .

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: , , D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA, E_OUTOFMEMORY.

Every call to Begin must be matched with a call to .

bb205602 HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::Begin([In] D3DX10_SPRITE_FLAG flags) ID3DX10Sprite::Begin

Add an array of sprites to the batch of sprites to be rendered. This must be called in between calls to and , and must be called before End to send all of the batched sprites to the device for rendering. This draw method is most useful when drawing a small number of sprites that you want buffered into a large batch, such as fonts.

No documentation. No documentation.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: , D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

bb205603 HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::DrawSpritesBuffered([In, Buffer] D3DX10_SPRITE* pSprites,[In] unsigned int cSprites) ID3DX10Sprite::DrawSpritesBuffered

Force all batched sprites to be submitted to the device. Device states remain as they were after the last call to . The list of batched sprites is then cleared.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the following value will be returned: .

bb205606 HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::Flush() ID3DX10Sprite::Flush

Draw an array of sprites. This will immediately send the sprites to the device for rendering, which is different from which only adds an array of sprites to a batch of sprites to be rendered when is called. This draw method is most useful when drawing a large number of sprites that have already been sorted on the CPU (or do not need to be sorted), such as in a particle system. This must be called in between calls to and .

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: , D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.

Bb205604 HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::DrawSpritesImmediate([In, Buffer] D3DX10_SPRITE* pSprites,[In] unsigned int cSprites,[In] unsigned int cbSprite,[In] unsigned int flags) ID3DX10Sprite::DrawSpritesImmediate

Call this after . If was specified when was called, this API will restore the device state to how it was before was called.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the following value will be returned: .

bb205605 HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::End() ID3DX10Sprite::End

Get the view transform that applies to all sprites.

Pointer to a D3DX10MATRIX that will be set to the transform of the sprite from the original world space.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the following value will be returned: .

bb205609 HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::GetViewTransform([Out] D3DXMATRIX* pViewTransform) ID3DX10Sprite::GetViewTransform

Set the view transform that applies to all sprites.

Pointer to a that contains a transform of the sprite from the original world space. Use this transform to scale, rotate, or transform the sprite.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the following value will be returned: .

bb205611 HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::SetViewTransform([In] D3DXMATRIX* pViewTransform) ID3DX10Sprite::SetViewTransform

Get the sprite projection matrix that is applied to all sprites.

Pointer to a D3DX10MATRIX that will be set to the sprite's projection matrix.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb205608 HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::GetProjectionTransform([Out] D3DXMATRIX* pProjectionTransform) ID3DX10Sprite::GetProjectionTransform

Set the projection matrix for all sprites.

The projection matrix to be used on all sprites.

The return value is one of the values listed in Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb205610 HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::SetProjectionTransform([In] D3DXMATRIX* pProjectionTransform) ID3DX10Sprite::SetProjectionTransform

Retrieve the device associated with the sprite object.

Address of a reference to an interface, representing the Direct3D device object associated with the sprite object.

If the method succeeds, the return value is . If the method fails, the following value will be returned: .

Calling this method will increase the internal reference count on the interface.

bb205607 HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::GetDevice([Out] ID3D10Device** ppDevice) ID3DX10Sprite::GetDevice
Create a sprite for drawing a 2D texture. A reference to the device (see ) that will draw the sprite. The size of the vertex buffer, in number of sprites, that will be sent to the device when or is called. This should be a small number if you know you will be rendering a small number of sprites at a time (to save memory) and a large number if you know you will be rendering a large number of sprites at a time. The maximum value is 4096. If 0 is specified, the vertex buffer size will automatically be set to 4096. HRESULT D3DX10CreateSprite([None] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[None] int cDeviceBufferSize,[None] LPD3DX10SPRITE* ppSprite) Add an array of sprites to the batch of sprites to be rendered. This must be called in between calls to and , and must be called before End to send all of the batched sprites to the device for rendering. This draw method is most useful when drawing a small number of sprites that you want buffered into a large batch, such as fonts. The array of sprites to draw. See . If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA. HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::DrawSpritesBuffered([None] D3DX10_SPRITE* pSprites,[None] int cSprites) Draw an array of sprites. This will immediately send the sprites to the device for rendering, which is different from which only adds an array of sprites to a batch of sprites to be rendered when is called. This draw method is most useful when drawing a large number of sprites that have already been sorted on the CPU (or do not need to be sorted), such as in a particle system. This must be called in between calls to and . The array of sprites to draw. See . If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. If the method fails, the return value can be one of the following: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA. HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::DrawSpritesImmediate([In, Buffer] D3DX10_SPRITE* pSprites,[None] int cSprites,[None] int cbSprite,[None] int flags)

Get or sets the view transform that applies to all sprites.

bb205609 GetViewTransform / SetViewTransform GetViewTransform HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::GetViewTransform([Out] D3DXMATRIX* pViewTransform)

Get or sets the sprite projection matrix that is applied to all sprites.

bb205608 GetProjectionTransform / SetProjectionTransform GetProjectionTransform HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::GetProjectionTransform([Out] D3DXMATRIX* pProjectionTransform)

Retrieve the device associated with the sprite object.

Calling this method will increase the internal reference count on the interface.

bb205607 GetDevice GetDevice HRESULT ID3DX10Sprite::GetDevice([Out] ID3D10Device** ppDevice)

A state-block interface encapsulates render states.

To create a state-block interface, call .

This interface can be used to save and restore pipeline state. It can also be used to capture the current state.

bb173856 ID3D10StateBlock ID3D10StateBlock
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Capture the current value of states that are included in a stateblock.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Capture captures current values for states within an existing state block. It does not capture the entire state of the device. Creating an empty stateblock and calling Capture does nothing if no states have been set.

bb173858 HRESULT ID3D10StateBlock::Capture() ID3D10StateBlock::Capture

Apply the state block to the current device state.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173857 HRESULT ID3D10StateBlock::Apply() ID3D10StateBlock::Apply

Release all references to device objects.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

Each time you return a reference to an interface (by calling ), the internal reference count is incremented; when you are finished using a stateblock, call this method to release all references and avoid a memory leak.

cc627127 HRESULT ID3D10StateBlock::ReleaseAllDeviceObjects() ID3D10StateBlock::ReleaseAllDeviceObjects

Get the device.

Pointer to the interface that is returned.

Returns one of the following Direct3D 10 Return Codes.

bb173859 HRESULT ID3D10StateBlock::GetDevice([Out] ID3D10Device** ppDevice) ID3D10StateBlock::GetDevice
Create a state block. A state block is a collection of device state, and is used for saving and restoring device state. Use a state-block mask to enable subsets of state for saving and restoring. The structure can be filled manually or by using any of the D3D10StateBlockMaskXXX APIs. A state block mask can also be obtained by calling or . Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10: In Direct3D 10, a state block object does not contain any valid information about the state of the device until is called. In Direct3D 9, state is saved in a state block object, when it is created. ? The device for which the state block will be created. Indicates which parts of the device state will be captured when calling and reapplied when calling . See remarks. HRESULT D3D10CreateStateBlock([None] ID3D10Device* pDevice,[None] D3D10_STATE_BLOCK_MASK* pStateBlockMask,[None] ID3D10StateBlock** ppStateBlock)

Get the device.

bb173859 GetDevice GetDevice HRESULT ID3D10StateBlock::GetDevice([Out] ID3D10Device** ppDevice)

Get a boolean value that indicates the type of device being used.

A hardware device is commonly referred to as a HAL device, which stands for a hardware accelerated device. This means that the pipeline is rendering all of the pipeline commands in hardware, using the GPU. Operating the pipeline with a HAL device gives the best performance generally, but it can be more difficult to debug since resources exist on the GPU instead of the CPU.

A software device implements rendering in software using the CPU with no hardware acceleration. A software device is commonly referred to as a reference device or REF device. Because a REF device implements rendering on the CPU, it is generally slower, but is easier to debug since it allows access to resources.

bb173861 ID3D10SwitchToRef ID3D10SwitchToRef
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Switch between a hardware and a software device.

A boolean value. Set this to TRUE to change to a software device, set this to to change to a hardware device.

The previous value of UseRef.

This API will fail if the device is not switchable; you must have created a device that is switchable by specifying the flag during device creation (when calling ).

Switching from a software device to a hardware device clears all cached objects from system memory. Switching from a hardware device to a software device causes resources to be downloaded to system memory.

bb173862 BOOL ID3D10SwitchToRef::SetUseRef([In] BOOL UseRef) ID3D10SwitchToRef::SetUseRef

Get a boolean value that indicates the type of device being used.

TRUE if the device is a software device, if the device is a hardware device. See remarks.

A hardware device is commonly referred to as a HAL device, which stands for a hardware accelerated device. This means that the pipeline is rendering all of the pipeline commands in hardware, using the GPU. Operating the pipeline with a HAL device gives the best performance generally, but it can be more difficult to debug since resources exist on the GPU instead of the CPU.

A software device implements rendering in software using the CPU with no hardware acceleration. A software device is commonly referred to as a reference device or REF device. Because a REF device implements rendering on the CPU, it is generally slower, but is easier to debug since it allows access to resources.

bb173861 BOOL ID3D10SwitchToRef::GetUseRef() ID3D10SwitchToRef::GetUseRef

Get a boolean value that indicates the type of device being used.

A hardware device is commonly referred to as a HAL device, which stands for a hardware accelerated device. This means that the pipeline is rendering all of the pipeline commands in hardware, using the GPU. Operating the pipeline with a HAL device gives the best performance generally, but it can be more difficult to debug since resources exist on the GPU instead of the CPU.

A software device implements rendering in software using the CPU with no hardware acceleration. A software device is commonly referred to as a reference device or REF device. Because a REF device implements rendering on the CPU, it is generally slower, but is easier to debug since it allows access to resources.

bb173861 GetUseRef GetUseRef BOOL ID3D10SwitchToRef::GetUseRef()

A 1D texture interface accesses texel data, which is structured memory.

To create an empty 1D texture, call . For more details on creating and loading textures, see Creating Texture Resources.

Textures cannot be bound directly to the pipeline; instead, a view must be created and bound. Using a view, texture data can be interpreted at run time within certain restrictions. To use the texture as a render target or depth-stencil resource, call , and , respectively. To use the texture as an input to a shader, create a by calling .

bb173863 ID3D10Texture1D ID3D10Texture1D
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to the data contained in a subresource, and deny the GPU access to that subresource.

Index number of the subresource. See D3D10CalcSubresource for more details.

Specifies the CPU's read and write permissions for a resource. For possible values, see .

Flag that specifies what the CPU should do when the GPU is busy. This flag is optional.

Pointer to the texture resource data.

If this function succeeds, it returns . For other restrictions, and a listing of error values that can be returned by any of the Map methods, see Remarks.

Mapping a texture enables the CPU to directly access the underlying data in the subresource of a texture. For the method to succeed, the texture being mapped must be created with the appropriate flags (see ), and its specified usage (see ) must be either or .

Common failures of Map methods are indicated by the following return values:


If MapFlags specifies and the GPU is not yet finished with the resource, Map returns .

Map returns if MapType allows any CPU read access and the video card has been removed.


For more information about the preceding return values, see DXGI_ERROR.

Map has the following restrictions:

  • A single subresource cannot be mapped multiple times; in other words, do not call Map on a subresource that is already mapped.
  • Any subresource that is bound to the pipeline must be unmapped before any render operation (that is, before ) can be executed.

Applications must cast the void pData reference to the appropriate type to meaningfully access the underlying subresource data. For example, the following code demonstrates how to read each texel of a 1D subresource. It is assumed that the texture was created using and that pData is the reference to the texture resource data output from a successful call to this method.

 FLOAT* pTexels = (FLOAT*)pData;	
            for( UINT col = 0; col < width; col++ )	
            { pTexels[col*4 + 0]; // Alpha pTexels[col*4 + 1]; // Blue pTexels[col*4 + 2]; // Green pTexels[col*4 + 3]; // Red	

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10:

Map in Direct3D 10 is analogous to resource Lock in Direct3D 9.


bb173865 HRESULT ID3D10Texture1D::Map([In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D10_MAP MapType,[In] D3D10_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] void** ppData) ID3D10Texture1D::Map

Invalidate the reference to a resource that was retrieved by , and re-enable the GPU's access to that resource.

No documentation.

A subresource must be mapped before Unmap is called.

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10:

Unmap in Direct3D 10 is analogous to resource Unlock in Direct3D 9.


bb173866 void ID3D10Texture1D::Unmap([In] unsigned int Subresource) ID3D10Texture1D::Unmap

Get the properties of the texture resource.

Pointer to a resource description (see ).

bb173864 void ID3D10Texture1D::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10Texture1D::GetDesc
Initializes a new instance of the class. The device with which to associate the texture. The description of the texture. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device with which to associate the texture. The description of the texture. The initial texture data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device with which to associate the texture. The description of the texture. An array of initial texture data for each subresource. Maps the texture, providing CPU access to its contents. The mip slice to map. The IO operations to enable on the CPU. Flags indicating how the CPU should respond when the GPU is busy. A data stream containing the mapped data. This data stream is invalidated when the buffer is unmapped.

Get the properties of the texture resource.

bb173864 GetDesc GetDesc void ID3D10Texture1D::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_TEXTURE1D_DESC* pDesc)

A 2D texture interface manages texel data, which is structured memory.

To create an empty Texture2D resource, call . For more details on creating and loading textures, see Creating Texture Resources.

Textures cannot be bound directly to the pipeline; instead, a view must be created and bound. Using a view, texture data can be interpreted at run time within certain restrictions. To use the texture as a render target or depth-stencil resource, call , and , respectively. To use the texture as an input to a shader, create a by calling .

bb173867 ID3D10Texture2D ID3D10Texture2D
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to the data contained in a subresource, and deny GPU access to that subresource.

Index number of the subresource. See D3D10CalcSubresource for more details.

Integer that specifies the CPU's read and write permissions for a resource. For possible values, see .

Flag that specifies what the CPU should do when the GPU is busy. This flag is optional.

Pointer to a structure () that is filled in by the function and contains a reference to the resource data.

If this function succeeds, it returns .

All of the Map methods have identical return values and operating restrictions. These are listed in the remarks section of .

bb173869 HRESULT ID3D10Texture2D::Map([In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D10_MAP MapType,[In] D3D10_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D10_MAPPED_TEXTURE2D* pMappedTex2D) ID3D10Texture2D::Map

Invalidate the reference to the resource that was retrieved by , and re-enable GPU access to the resource.

No documentation.

A subresource must be mapped before Unmap is called.

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10:

Unmap in Direct3D 10 is analogous to resource Unlock in Direct3D 9.


bb173870 void ID3D10Texture2D::Unmap([In] unsigned int Subresource) ID3D10Texture2D::Unmap

Get the properties of the texture resource.

Pointer to a resource description (see ).

bb173868 void ID3D10Texture2D::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10Texture2D::GetDesc
Initializes a new instance of the class. The device with which to associate the texture. The description of the texture. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device with which to associate the texture. The description of the texture. The initial texture data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device with which to associate the texture. The description of the texture. An array of initial texture data for each subresource. Converts a height map into a normal map. The (x,y,z) components of each normal are mapped to the (r,g,b) channels of the output texture. The source height map texture. The destination texture. One or more flags that control generation of normal maps. One or more flag specifying the source of height information. Constant value multiplier that increases (or decreases) the values in the normal map. Higher values usually make bumps more visible, lower values usually make bumps less visible. A object describing the result of the operation. Maps the texture, providing CPU access to its contents. The mip slice to map. The IO operations to enable on the CPU. Flags indicating how the CPU should respond when the GPU is busy. A data rectangle containing the mapped data. This data stream is invalidated when the buffer is unmapped. Maps the texture, providing CPU access to its contents. The mip slice to map. The IO operations to enable on the CPU. Flags indicating how the CPU should respond when the GPU is busy. The data stream. A data rectangle containing the mapped data. This data stream is invalidated when the buffer is unmapped.

Get the properties of the texture resource.

bb173868 GetDesc GetDesc void ID3D10Texture2D::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc)

A 3D texture interface accesses texel data, which is structured memory.

To create an empty Texture3D resource, call . For more details on creating and loading textures, see Creating Texture Resources.

Textures cannot be bound directly to the pipeline; instead, a view must be created and bound. Using a view, texture data can be interpreted at run time within certain restrictions. To use the texture as a render target or depth-stencil resource, call , and , respectively. To use the texture as an input to a shader, create a by calling .

Bb173871 ID3D10Texture3D ID3D10Texture3D
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Get a reference to the data contained in a subresource, and deny GPU access to that subresource.

Index number of the subresource. See D3D10CalcSubresourcefor more details.

Specifies the CPU's read and write permissions for a resource. For possible values, see .

Flag that specifies what the CPU should do when the GPU is busy. This flag is optional.

Pointer to a structure () that is filled in by the function and contains a reference to the resource data.

If this function succeeds, it returns . All of the Map methods have identical return values and operating restrictions. These are listed in the remarks section of .

bb173873 HRESULT ID3D10Texture3D::Map([In] unsigned int Subresource,[In] D3D10_MAP MapType,[In] D3D10_MAP_FLAG MapFlags,[Out] D3D10_MAPPED_TEXTURE3D* pMappedTex3D) ID3D10Texture3D::Map

Invalidate the reference to the resource retrieved by , and re-enable the GPU's access to the resource.

No documentation.

A subresource must be mapped before Unmap is called.

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10:

Unmap() in Direct3D 10 is analogous to resource Unlock() in Direct3D 9.


bb173874 void ID3D10Texture3D::Unmap([In] unsigned int Subresource) ID3D10Texture3D::Unmap

Get the properties of the texture resource.

Pointer to a resource description (see ).

Bb173872 void ID3D10Texture3D::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc) ID3D10Texture3D::GetDesc
Initializes a new instance of the class. The device with which to associate the texture. The description of the texture. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device with which to associate the texture. The description of the texture. The initial texture data. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device with which to associate the texture. The description of the texture. An array of initial texture data for each subresource. Maps the texture, providing CPU access to its contents. The mip slice to map. The IO operations to enable on the CPU. Flags indicating how the CPU should respond when the GPU is busy. A databox containing the mapped data. This data stream is invalidated when the buffer is unmapped. Maps the texture, providing CPU access to its contents. The mip slice to map. The IO operations to enable on the CPU. Flags indicating how the CPU should respond when the GPU is busy. The data stream. A databox containing the mapped data. This data stream is invalidated when the buffer is unmapped.

Get the properties of the texture resource.

Bb173872 GetDesc GetDesc void ID3D10Texture3D::GetDesc([Out] D3D10_TEXTURE3D_DESC* pDesc)

A vertex-shader interface manages an executable program (a vertex shader) that controls the vertex-shader stage.

The vertex-shader interface has no methods; use HLSL to implement your shader functionality. All shaders in Direct3D 10 are implemented from a common set of features referred to as the common shader core.

To create a vertex shader interface, call . Before using a vertex shader you must bind it to the device by calling .

This interface is defined in D3D10.h.

bb173875 ID3D10VertexShader ID3D10VertexShader
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion. Initializes a new instance of the class. The device used to create the shader. The compiled shader bytecode.

The device interface represents a virtual adapter for Direct3D 10.0; it is used to perform rendering and create Direct3D resources.

A device is created using .

bb173528 ID3D10Device ID3D10Device
Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. Performs an explicit conversion from to . (This method is a shortcut to ) The native pointer. The result of the conversion.

Set the constant buffers used by the vertex shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173626 void ID3D10Device::VSSetConstantBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10Buffer** ppConstantBuffers) ID3D10Device::VSSetConstantBuffers

Set the constant buffers used by the vertex shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173626 void ID3D10Device::VSSetConstantBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10Buffer** ppConstantBuffers) ID3D10Device::VSSetConstantBuffers

Set a vertex shader to the device.

Pointer to a vertex shader (see ). Passing in null disables the shader for this pipeline stage.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173628 void ID3D10Device::VSSetShader([In, Optional] ID3D10VertexShader* pVertexShader) ID3D10Device::VSSetShader

Bind an array of shader resources to the vertex shader stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

If you bind a subresource as an input and an output, this API will fill the destination shader resource slot with null. The debug layer (when active) will alert you if this is true.

For information about creating shader-resource views, see .

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173629 void ID3D10Device::VSSetShaderResources([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumViews,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceViews) ID3D10Device::VSSetShaderResources

Bind an array of shader resources to the vertex shader stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

If you bind a subresource as an input and an output, this API will fill the destination shader resource slot with null. The debug layer (when active) will alert you if this is true.

For information about creating shader-resource views, see .

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173629 void ID3D10Device::VSSetShaderResources([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumViews,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceViews) ID3D10Device::VSSetShaderResources

Set an array of sampler states to the vertex shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any sampler may be set to null; this invokes the default state, which is defined to be the following.

 //Default sampler state:	
            SamplerDesc.Filter = ;	
            SamplerDesc.AddressU = ;	
            SamplerDesc.AddressV = ;	
            SamplerDesc.AddressW = ;	
            SamplerDesc.MipLODBias = 0;	
            SamplerDesc.MaxAnisotropy = 1;	
            SamplerDesc.ComparisonFunc = ;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[0] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[1] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[2] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[3] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.MinLOD = -FLT_MAX;	
            SamplerDesc.MaxLOD = FLT_MAX; 

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173627 void ID3D10Device::VSSetSamplers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumSamplers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10SamplerState** ppSamplers) ID3D10Device::VSSetSamplers

Set an array of sampler states to the vertex shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any sampler may be set to null; this invokes the default state, which is defined to be the following.

 //Default sampler state:	
            SamplerDesc.Filter = ;	
            SamplerDesc.AddressU = ;	
            SamplerDesc.AddressV = ;	
            SamplerDesc.AddressW = ;	
            SamplerDesc.MipLODBias = 0;	
            SamplerDesc.MaxAnisotropy = 1;	
            SamplerDesc.ComparisonFunc = ;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[0] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[1] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[2] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.BorderColor[3] = 1.0f;	
            SamplerDesc.MinLOD = -FLT_MAX;	
            SamplerDesc.MaxLOD = FLT_MAX; 

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.

bb173627 void ID3D10Device::VSSetSamplers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumSamplers,[In, Buffer] const ID3D10SamplerState** ppSamplers) ID3D10Device::VSSetSamplers

Get the constant buffers used by the vertex shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173622 void ID3D10Device::VSGetConstantBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10Buffer** ppConstantBuffers) ID3D10Device::VSGetConstantBuffers

Get the vertex shader currently set on the device.

Address of a reference to a vertex shader (see ) to be returned by the method.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173624 void ID3D10Device::VSGetShader([Out] ID3D10VertexShader** ppVertexShader) ID3D10Device::VSGetShader

Get the vertex shader resources.

Index into the device's zero-based array to begin getting shader resources from.

The number of resources to get from the device. Up to a maximum of 128 slots are available for shader resources.

Array of shader resource view interfaces to be returned by the device.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173625 void ID3D10Device::VSGetShaderResources([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumViews,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10ShaderResourceView** ppShaderResourceViews) ID3D10Device::VSGetShaderResources

Get an array of sampler states from the vertex shader pipeline stage.

No documentation. No documentation. No documentation.

Any returned interfaces will have their reference count incremented by one. Applications should call IUnknown::Release on the returned interfaces when they are no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.

bb173623 void ID3D10Device::VSGetSamplers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumSamplers,[Out, Buffer] ID3D10SamplerState** ppSamplers) ID3D10Device::VSGetSamplers

Describes the blend state.

To see how blending is done, see Output-Merger Stage (Direct3D 10).

These are the default values for blend state.

StateDefault Value
BlendEnable[8] (for all 8)
RenderTargetWriteMask[8] (for all 8)



Determines whether or not to use alpha-to-coverage as a multisampling technique when setting a pixel to a rendertarget.

bb204893 BOOL AlphaToCoverageEnable BOOL AlphaToCoverageEnable

This blend option specifies the first RGB data source and includes an optional pre-blend operation.

bb204893 D3D10_BLEND SrcBlend D3D10_BLEND SrcBlend

This blend option specifies the second RGB data source and includes an optional pre-blend operation.

bb204893 D3D10_BLEND DestBlend D3D10_BLEND DestBlend

This blend operation defines how to combine the RGB data sources.

bb204893 D3D10_BLEND_OP BlendOp D3D10_BLEND_OP BlendOp

This blend option specifies the first alpha data source and includes an optional pre-blend operation. Blend options that end in _COLOR are not allowed.

bb204893 D3D10_BLEND SrcBlendAlpha D3D10_BLEND SrcBlendAlpha

This blend option specifies the second alpha data source and includes an optional pre-blend operation. Blend options that end in _COLOR are not allowed.

bb204893 D3D10_BLEND DestBlendAlpha D3D10_BLEND DestBlendAlpha

This blend operation defines how to combine the alpha data sources.

bb204893 D3D10_BLEND_OP BlendOpAlpha D3D10_BLEND_OP BlendOpAlpha

Enable (or disable) blending. There are eight elements in this array; these correspond to the eight rendertargets that can be set to output-merger stage at one time.

bb204893 BOOL BlendEnable[8] BOOL BlendEnable

A per-pixel write mask that allows control over which components can be written (see ).

bb204893 D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE RenderTargetWriteMask[8] D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE RenderTargetWriteMask

Describes the blend state for a Direct3D 10.1 device.

To see how blending is done, see Output-Merger Stage (Direct3D 10).

These are the default values for the blend description.

StateDefault Value


This structure requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

If the driver type is set to , the feature level is set to less than or equal to , and the pixel format of the render target is set to , , or , the device performs the blend in standard RGB (sRGB) space and not in linear space. However, if the feature level is set to greater than , the device performs the blend in linear space.

bb694528 D3D10_BLEND_DESC1 D3D10_BLEND_DESC1

Determines whether or not to use the alpha-to-coverage multisampling technique when setting a render-target pixel.

bb694528 BOOL AlphaToCoverageEnable BOOL AlphaToCoverageEnable

Set to TRUE to enable independent blending in simultaneous render targets. If set to , only the RenderTarget[0] members are used. RenderTarget[1..7] are ignored.

bb694528 BOOL IndependentBlendEnable BOOL IndependentBlendEnable

An array of render-target-blend descriptions (see ); these correspond to the eight rendertargets that can be set to the output-merger stage at one time.

bb694528 D3D10_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC1 RenderTarget[8] D3D10_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC1 RenderTarget

Information about the video card's performance counter capabilities.

This structure is returned by .


Largest device-dependent counter ID that the device supports. If none are supported, this value will be 0. Otherwise it will be greater than or equal to . See .

bb204906 D3D10_COUNTER LastDeviceDependentCounter D3D10_COUNTER LastDeviceDependentCounter

Number of counters that can be simultaneously supported.

bb204906 unsigned int NumSimultaneousCounters unsigned int NumSimultaneousCounters

Number of detectable parallel units that the counter is able to discern. Values are 1 ~ 4. Use NumDetectableParallelUnits to interpret the values of the VERTEX_PROCESSING, GEOMETRY_PROCESSING, PIXEL_PROCESSING, and OTHER_GPU_PROCESSING counters. See for an equation.

bb204906 unsigned char NumDetectableParallelUnits unsigned char NumDetectableParallelUnits

Describes a counter.


Type of counter (see ).

bb204905 D3D10_COUNTER Counter D3D10_COUNTER Counter


bb204905 unsigned int MiscFlags unsigned int MiscFlags

Describes the stencil operations that can be performed based on the results of stencil test.

The stencil operation can be set differently based on the outcome of the stencil test by using the StencilFunc member. This can be done for the stencil test portion of depth-stencil testing.

The structure is a member of the structure.

No documentation. D3D10_STENCIL_OP StencilFailOp D3D10_STENCIL_OP StencilFailOp No documentation. D3D10_STENCIL_OP StencilDepthFailOp D3D10_STENCIL_OP StencilDepthFailOp No documentation. D3D10_STENCIL_OP StencilPassOp D3D10_STENCIL_OP StencilPassOp No documentation. D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC StencilFunc D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC StencilFunc

Describes depth-stencil state.

Depth-stencil state controls how depth-stencil testing is performed by the output-merger stage.

The formats that support stenciling are and .


A Boolean value that enables depth testing. The default value is TRUE.

bb205036 BOOL DepthEnable BOOL DepthEnable

A member of the enumerated type that identifies a portion of the depth-stencil buffer that can be modified by depth data. The default value is .

bb205036 D3D10_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK DepthWriteMask D3D10_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK DepthWriteMask

A member of the enumerated type that defines how depth data is compared against existing depth data. The default value is

bb205036 D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC DepthFunc D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC DepthFunc

A Boolean value that enables stencil testing. The default value is .

bb205036 BOOL StencilEnable BOOL StencilEnable

A value that identifies a portion of the depth-stencil buffer for reading stencil data. The default value is D3D10_DEFAULT_STENCIL_READ_MASK.

bb205036 unsigned char StencilReadMask unsigned char StencilReadMask

A value that identifies a portion of the depth-stencil buffer for writing stencil data. The default value is D3D10_DEFAULT_STENCIL_WRITE_MASK.

bb205036 unsigned char StencilWriteMask unsigned char StencilWriteMask

A structure that identifies how to use the results of the depth test and the stencil test for pixels whose surface normal is facing toward the camera.


A structure that identifies how to use the results of the depth test and the stencil test for pixels whose surface normal is facing away from the camera.


Specifies the subresource(s) from a texture that are accessible using a depth-stencil view.

These are valid formats for a depth-stencil view:

A depth-stencil view cannot use a typeless format. If the format chosen is , then the format of the parent resource is used.

A depth-stencil-view description is needed when calling .

No documentation. DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format No documentation. D3D10_DSV_DIMENSION ViewDimension D3D10_DSV_DIMENSION ViewDimension No documentation. D3D10_TEX1D_DSV Texture1D D3D10_TEX1D_DSV Texture1D No documentation. D3D10_TEX1D_ARRAY_DSV Texture1DArray D3D10_TEX1D_ARRAY_DSV Texture1DArray No documentation. D3D10_TEX2D_DSV Texture2D D3D10_TEX2D_DSV Texture2D No documentation. D3D10_TEX2D_ARRAY_DSV Texture2DArray D3D10_TEX2D_ARRAY_DSV Texture2DArray No documentation. D3D10_TEX2DMS_DSV Texture2DMS D3D10_TEX2DMS_DSV Texture2DMS No documentation. D3D10_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_DSV Texture2DMSArray D3D10_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_DSV Texture2DMSArray

Specifies the subresource(s) from an array 2D textures that are accessible to a depth-stencil view.

This structure is one member of a depth-stencil-view description (see ).

No documentation. unsigned int MipSlice unsigned int MipSlice No documentation. unsigned int FirstArraySlice unsigned int FirstArraySlice No documentation. unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize

Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of multisampled 2D textures for a depth-stencil view.

This structure is one member of a depth-stencil-view description (see ).

No documentation. unsigned int FirstArraySlice unsigned int FirstArraySlice No documentation. unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize

Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of 1D textures to use in a depth-stencil view.

This structure is one member of a depth-stencil-view description (see ).

No documentation. unsigned int MipSlice unsigned int MipSlice No documentation. unsigned int FirstArraySlice unsigned int FirstArraySlice No documentation. unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize

Specifies the subresource from a 1D texture that is accessible to a depth-stencil view.

This structure is one member of a depth-stencil-view description (see ).

bb172461 D3D10_TEX1D_DSV D3D10_TEX1D_DSV
No documentation. unsigned int MipSlice unsigned int MipSlice

Specifies the subresource from a multisampled 2D texture that is accessible to a depth-stencil view.

Since a multisampled 2D texture contains a single subtexture, there is nothing to specify; this unused member is included so that this structure will compile in C.

bb172467 D3D10_TEX2DMS_DSV D3D10_TEX2DMS_DSV
No documentation. unsigned int UnusedField_NothingToDefine unsigned int UnusedField_NothingToDefine

Specifies the subresource from a 2D texture that is accessible to a depth-stencil view.

This structure is one member of a depth-stencil-view description (see ).

bb172473 D3D10_TEX2D_DSV D3D10_TEX2D_DSV
No documentation. unsigned int MipSlice unsigned int MipSlice

Describes an effect.

To get an effect description, call .


TRUE if the effect is a child effect; otherwise .

bb205047 BOOL IsChildEffect BOOL IsChildEffect

The number of constant buffers.

bb205047 unsigned int ConstantBuffers unsigned int ConstantBuffers

The number of constant buffers shared in an effect pool.

bb205047 unsigned int SharedConstantBuffers unsigned int SharedConstantBuffers

The number of global variables.

bb205047 unsigned int GlobalVariables unsigned int GlobalVariables

The number of global variables shared in an effect pool.

bb205047 unsigned int SharedGlobalVariables unsigned int SharedGlobalVariables

The number of techniques.

bb205047 unsigned int Techniques unsigned int Techniques

Describes an effect technique.

To get a technique, call .


A string that contains the technique name; otherwise null.

bb172457 const char* Name char Name

The number of passes in the technique.

bb172457 unsigned int Passes unsigned int Passes

The number of annotations.

bb172457 unsigned int Annotations unsigned int Annotations

Describes an effect-variable type.

To get an effect-variable type, call .


A string that contains the variable name.

bb205054 const char* TypeName char TypeName

The variable class (see D3D10_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS).


The variable type (see D3D10_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE).


The number of elements if the variable is an array; otherwise 0.

bb205054 unsigned int Elements unsigned int Elements

The number of members if the variable is a structure; otherwise 0.

bb205054 unsigned int Members unsigned int Members

The number of rows if the variable is a matrix; otherwise 0.

bb205054 unsigned int Rows unsigned int Rows

The number of columns if the variable is a matrix; otherwise 0.

bb205054 unsigned int Columns unsigned int Columns

The number of bytes that the variable consumes when it is packed tightly by the compiler.

bb205054 unsigned int PackedSize unsigned int PackedSize

The number of bytes that the variable consumes before it is packed by the compiler.

bb205054 unsigned int UnpackedSize unsigned int UnpackedSize

The number of bytes between elements.

bb205054 unsigned int Stride unsigned int Stride

Describes an effect variable.

To get an effect-variable description, call .


A string that contains the variable name.

bb205056 const char* Name char Name

The semantic attached to the variable; otherwise null.

bb205056 const char* Semantic char Semantic

Optional flags for effect variables.


The number of annotations; otherwise 0.

bb205056 unsigned int Annotations unsigned int Annotations

The offset between the beginning of the constant buffer and this variable; otherwise 0.

bb205056 unsigned int BufferOffset unsigned int BufferOffset

The register that this variable is bound to. To bind a variable explicitly use the flag.

bb205056 unsigned int ExplicitBindPoint unsigned int ExplicitBindPoint

Defines font attributes.

The compiler setting also determines the structure type. If Unicode is defined, the structure type resolves to a ; otherwise the structure type resolves to a D3DX10_FONT_DESCA.

Possible values of the above members are given in the GDI structure.


Height, in logical units, of the font's character cell or character.

bb172693 int Height int Height

Width, in logical units, of characters in the font.

bb172693 unsigned int Width unsigned int Width

Weight of the font in the range from 0 through 1000.

bb172693 D3DX10_FONT_WEIGHT Weight D3DX10_FONT_WEIGHT Weight

Number of mipmap levels requested. If this value is zero or D3DX_DEFAULT, a complete mipmap chain is created. If the value is 1, the texture space is mapped identically to the screen space.

bb172693 unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels

Set to TRUE for an Italic font.

bb172693 BOOL Italic BOOL Italic

Character set.

bb172693 D3DX10_FONT_CHARSET CharSet D3DX10_FONT_CHARSET CharSet

Output precision. The output precision defines how closely the output must match the requested font height, width, character orientation, escapement, pitch, and font type.

bb172693 D3DX10_FONT_PRECISION OutputPrecision D3DX10_FONT_PRECISION OutputPrecision

Output quality.

bb172693 D3DX10_FONT_QUALITY Quality D3DX10_FONT_QUALITY Quality

Pitch and family of the font.

bb172693 D3DX10_FONT_PITCHFAMILY PitchAndFamily D3DX10_FONT_PITCHFAMILY PitchAndFamily

A null-terminated string that specifies the typeface name of the font. The length of the string must not exceed 32 characters, including the terminating null character. If FaceName is an empty string, the first font that matches the other specified attributes will be used. If the compiler settings require Unicode, the data type TCHAR resolves to WCHAR; otherwise, the data type resolves to CHAR. See Remarks.

bb172693 wchar_t FaceName[32] wchar_t FaceName

Returns a description of the original contents of an image file.


Width of original image in pixels.

bb172695 unsigned int Width unsigned int Width

Height of original image in pixels.

bb172695 unsigned int Height unsigned int Height

Depth of original image in pixels.

bb172695 unsigned int Depth unsigned int Depth

Size of the texture array. ArraySize will be 1 for a single image.

bb172695 unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize

Number of mipmap levels in original image.

bb172695 unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels

Miscellaneous resource properties (see ).


A value from the enumerated type that most closely describes the data in the original image.

bb172695 DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format

Represents the type of the texture stored in the file. See .

bb172695 D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION ResourceDimension D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION ResourceDimension

Represents the format of the image file. See .

bb172695 D3DX10_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT ImageFileFormat D3DX10_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT ImageFileFormat
Retrieves information about a given image file. File name of image to retrieve information about. If the function succeeds, returns a filled with the description of the data in the source file. else returns null HRESULT D3DX11GetImageInfoFromFileW([None] const wchar_t* pSrcFile,[None] ID3DX11ThreadPump* pPump,[None] D3DX11_IMAGE_INFO* pSrcInfo,[None] HRESULT* pHResult) Retrieves information about a given image file from a memory location. an array to the image in memory If the function succeeds, returns a filled with the description of the data from the image memory. else returns null HRESULT D3DX11GetImageInfoFromFileW([None] const wchar_t* pSrcFile,[None] ID3DX11ThreadPump* pPump,[None] D3DX11_IMAGE_INFO* pSrcInfo,[None] HRESULT* pHResult)

Optionally provide information to texture loader APIs to control how textures get loaded. A value of D3DX10_DEFAULT for any of these parameters will cause D3DX to automatically use the value from the source file.

When initializing the structure, you may set any member to D3DX10_DEFAULT and D3DX will initialize it with a default value from the source texture when the texture is loaded.

This structure can be used by APIs that:

  • Create resources, such as and .
  • Create data processors, such as D3DX10CreateAsyncTextureInfoProcessor or D3DX10CreateAsyncShaderResourceViewProcessor.
The default value for load options.

The target width of the texture. If the actual width of the texture is larger or smaller than this value then the texture will be scaled up or down to fit this target width.

bb172696 unsigned int Width unsigned int Width

The target height of the texture. If the actual height of the texture is larger or smaller than this value then the texture will be scaled up or down to fit this target height.

bb172696 unsigned int Height unsigned int Height

The depth of the texture. This only applies to volume textures.

bb172696 unsigned int Depth unsigned int Depth

The highest resolution mipmap level of the texture. If this is greater than 0, then after the texture is loaded FirstMipLevel will be mapped to mipmap level 0.

bb172696 unsigned int FirstMipLevel unsigned int FirstMipLevel

The maximum number of mipmap levels that the texture will have. Using 0 or D3DX10_DEFAULT will cause a full mipmap chain to be created.

bb172696 unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels

The way the texture resource is intended to be used. See .

bb172696 D3D10_USAGE Usage D3D10_USAGE Usage

The pipeline stages that the texture will be allowed to bind to. See .

bb172696 D3D10_BIND_FLAG BindFlags D3D10_BIND_FLAG BindFlags

The access permissions the cpu will have for the texture resource. See .

bb172696 D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG CpuAccessFlags D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG CpuAccessFlags

Miscellaneous resource properties (see ).


The format the texture will be in after it is loaded. See .

bb172696 DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format

Filter the texture using the specified filter (only when resampling). See .

bb172696 D3DX10_FILTER_FLAG Filter D3DX10_FILTER_FLAG Filter

Filter the texture mip levels using the specified filter (only if generating mipmaps). Valid values are , , , or . See .

bb172696 D3DX10_FILTER_FLAG MipFilter D3DX10_FILTER_FLAG MipFilter

Information about the original image. See . Can be obtained with , , or .

bb172696 D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO* pSrcInfo D3DX10_IMAGE_INFO pSrcInfo
Gets an ImageLoadInformation that is setup with all default values ().

Debug message filter; contains a lists of message types to allow or deny.

For use with an Interface.

Providing an allow list with non-zero values causes only the specified combination of categories, severities and message IDs to be allowed. Messages that do not match the specified combination will be rejected.

Providing a deny list with non-zero values causes the specified combination of categories, severities and message IDs to be rejected. Messages that do not match the specified combination will be allowed.


A structure describing the types of messages the info queue should allow.


A structure describing the types of messages the info queue should reject.


Allow or deny certain types of messages to pass through a filter.

is used to define the allow list and deny list in the structure.


Number of message categories to allow or deny.

bb205314 unsigned int NumCategories unsigned int NumCategories

Array of message categories to allow or deny. Array must have at least NumCategories members (see ).

bb205314 D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY* pCategoryList D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY pCategoryList

Number of message severity levels to allow or deny.

bb205314 unsigned int NumSeverities unsigned int NumSeverities

Array of message severity levels to allow or deny. Array must have at least NumSeverities members (see ).

bb205314 D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY* pSeverityList D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY pSeverityList

Number of message IDs to allow or deny.

bb205314 unsigned int NumIDs unsigned int NumIDs

Array of message IDs to allow or deny. Array must have at least NumIDs members (see ).

bb205314 D3D10_MESSAGE_ID* pIDList D3D10_MESSAGE_ID pIDList
Gets or sets the categories. The categories. Gets or sets the severities. The severities. Gets or sets the ids. The ids.

A description of a single element for the input-assembler stage.

An input-layout object contains an array of structures, each structure defines one element being read from an input slot. Create an input-layout object by calling . For an example, see Create an input-layout object.

No documentation. const char* SemanticName char SemanticName No documentation. unsigned int SemanticIndex unsigned int SemanticIndex No documentation. DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format No documentation. unsigned int InputSlot unsigned int InputSlot No documentation. unsigned int AlignedByteOffset unsigned int AlignedByteOffset No documentation. D3D10_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION InputSlotClass D3D10_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION InputSlotClass No documentation. unsigned int InstanceDataStepRate unsigned int InstanceDataStepRate Initializes a new instance of the struct. The HLSL semantic associated with this element in a shader input-signature. The semantic index for the element. A semantic index modifies a semantic, with an integer index number. A semantic index is only needed in a case where there is more than one element with the same semantic. For example, a 4x4 matrix would have four components each with the semantic name matrix, however each of the four component would have different semantic indices (0, 1, 2, and 3). The data type of the element data. Offset (in bytes) between each element. Use AppendAligned for convenience to define the current element directly after the previous one, including any packing if necessary. An integer value that identifies the input-assembler. Valid values are between 0 and 15. Identifies the input data class for a single input slot. The number of instances to draw using the same per-instance data before advancing in the buffer by one element. This value must be 0 for an element that contains per-vertex data. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The HLSL semantic associated with this element in a shader input-signature. The semantic index for the element. A semantic index modifies a semantic, with an integer index number. A semantic index is only needed in a case where there is more than one element with the same semantic. For example, a 4x4 matrix would have four components each with the semantic name matrix, however each of the four component would have different semantic indices (0, 1, 2, and 3). The data type of the element data. Offset (in bytes) between each element. Use AppendAligned for convenience to define the current element directly after the previous one, including any packing if necessary. An integer value that identifies the input-assembler. Valid values are between 0 and 15. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The HLSL semantic associated with this element in a shader input-signature. The semantic index for the element. A semantic index modifies a semantic, with an integer index number. A semantic index is only needed in a case where there is more than one element with the same semantic. For example, a 4x4 matrix would have four components each with the semantic name matrix, however each of the four component would have different semantic indices (0, 1, 2, and 3). The data type of the element data. An integer value that identifies the input-assembler. Valid values are between 0 and 15. Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance. The to compare with this instance. true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false. Implements the operator ==. The left. The right. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The left. The right. The result of the operator. Returns a value that can be used for the offset parameter of an InputElement to indicate that the element should be aligned directly after the previous element, including any packing if neccessary. A value used to align input elements. D3D10_APPEND_ALIGNED_ELEMENT

Stores an attribute table entry.

An attribute table is used to identify areas of the mesh that need to be drawn with different textures, render states, materials, and so on. In addition, the application can use the attribute table to hide portions of a mesh by not drawing a given attribute identifier (AttribId) when drawing the frame.

The LPD3DX_ATTRIBUTE_RANGE type is defined as a reference to the D3DX_ATTRIBUTE_RANGE structure.


Attribute table identifier.

bb172688 unsigned int AttribId unsigned int AttribId

Starting face.

bb172688 unsigned int FaceStart unsigned int FaceStart

Face count.

bb172688 unsigned int FaceCount unsigned int FaceCount

Starting vertex.

bb172688 unsigned int VertexStart unsigned int VertexStart

Vertex count.

bb172688 unsigned int VertexCount unsigned int VertexCount

Specifies mesh weight attributes.

This structure describes how a simplification operation will consider vertex data when calculating relative costs between collapsing edges. For example, if the Normal field is 0.0, the simplification operation will ignore the vertex normal component when calculating the error for the collapse. However, if the Normal field is 1.0, the simplification operation will use the vertex normal component. If the Normal field is 2.0, double the amount of errors; if the Normal field is 4.0, then quadruple the number of errors, and so on.

The LPD3DX_ATTRIBUTE_WEIGHTS type is defined as a reference to the D3DX_ATTRIBUTE_WEIGHTS structure.



bb172689 float Position float Position

Blend weight.

bb172689 float Boundary float Boundary


bb172689 float Normal float Normal

Diffuse lighting value.

bb172689 float Diffuse float Diffuse

Specular lighting value.

bb172689 float Specular float Specular


bb172689 float Tangent float Tangent


bb172689 float Binormal float Binormal

Eight texture coordinates.

bb172689 float Texcoord[8] float Texcoord

Categories of debug messages. This will identify the category of a message when retrieving a message with and when adding a message with . When creating an info queue filter, these values can be used to allow or deny any categories of messages to pass through the storage and retrieval filters.

This is part of the Information Queue feature. See Interface.

bb205323 D3D10_MESSAGE D3D10_MESSAGE
No documentation. D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Category D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY Category No documentation. D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY Severity No documentation. D3D10_MESSAGE_ID ID D3D10_MESSAGE_ID ID No documentation. const char* pDescription char pDescription No documentation. SIZE_T DescriptionByteLength SIZE_T DescriptionByteLength

Query information about graphics-pipeline activity in between calls to and .

No documentation. unsigned longlong IAVertices unsigned longlong IAVertices No documentation. unsigned longlong IAPrimitives unsigned longlong IAPrimitives No documentation. unsigned longlong VSInvocations unsigned longlong VSInvocations No documentation. unsigned longlong GSInvocations unsigned longlong GSInvocations No documentation. unsigned longlong GSPrimitives unsigned longlong GSPrimitives No documentation. unsigned longlong CInvocations unsigned longlong CInvocations No documentation. unsigned longlong CPrimitives unsigned longlong CPrimitives No documentation. unsigned longlong PSInvocations unsigned longlong PSInvocations

Query information about the reliability of a timestamp query.

For a list of query types see .


How frequently the GPU counter increments in Hz.

bb172404 unsigned longlong Frequency unsigned longlong Frequency

If this is TRUE, something occurred in between the query's and calls that caused the timestamp counter to become discontinuous or disjoint, such as unplugging the AC chord on a laptop, overheating, or throttling up/down due to laptop savings events. The timestamp returned by for a timestamp query is only reliable if Disjoint is .

bb172404 BOOL Disjoint BOOL Disjoint

Describes a query.


Type of query (see ).

bb172405 D3D10_QUERY Query D3D10_QUERY Query

Miscellaneous flags (see ).

bb172405 D3D10_QUERY_MISC_FLAG MiscFlags D3D10_QUERY_MISC_FLAG MiscFlags

Describes the rasterizer state.

Rasterizer state defines the behavior of the rasterizer stage; to set rasterizer state, call .


A member of the enumerated type that determines the fill mode to use when rendering. The default value is .

bb172408 D3D10_FILL_MODE FillMode D3D10_FILL_MODE FillMode

A member of the enumerated type that indicates whether triangles facing the specified direction are drawn. The default value is .

bb172408 D3D10_CULL_MODE CullMode D3D10_CULL_MODE CullMode

Determines if a triangle is front-facing or back-facing. If this parameter is TRUE, then a triangle is considered front-facing if its vertices are counter-clockwise on the render target, and considered back-facing if they are clockwise. If this parameter is , then the opposite is true. The default value is .

bb172408 BOOL FrontCounterClockwise BOOL FrontCounterClockwise

Specifies the depth value added to a given pixel. The default value is 0. For more information, see Depth Bias.

bb172408 int DepthBias int DepthBias

Specifies the maximum depth bias of a pixel. The default value is 0.0f. For more information, see Depth Bias.

bb172408 float DepthBiasClamp float DepthBiasClamp

Specifies a scalar on a given pixel's slope. The default value is 0.0f. For more information, see Depth Bias.

bb172408 float SlopeScaledDepthBias float SlopeScaledDepthBias

Enables or disables clipping based on distance. The default value is TRUE.

The hardware always performs x and y clipping of rasterized coordinates. When DepthClipEnable is set to the default value, the hardware also clips the z value (that is, the hardware performs the last step of the following algorithm).

0 < w -w <= x <= w (or arbitrarily wider range if implementation uses a guard band to reduce clipping burden) -w <= y <= w (or arbitrarily wider range if implementation uses a guard band to reduce clipping burden) 0 <= z <= w

When you set DepthClipEnable to , the hardware skips the z clipping (that is, the last step in the preceding algorithm). However, the hardware still performs the "0 < w" clipping. When z clipping is disabled, improper depth ordering at the pixel level might result. However, when z clipping is disabled, stencil shadow implementations are simplified. In other words, you can avoid complex special-case handling for geometry that goes beyond the back clipping plane.

bb172408 BOOL DepthClipEnable BOOL DepthClipEnable

Enable or disables scissor-rectangle culling. All pixels outside an active scissor rectangle are culled. The default value is . For more information, see Set the Scissor Rectangle.

bb172408 BOOL ScissorEnable BOOL ScissorEnable

Enables or disables multisample antialiasing. The default value is .

bb172408 BOOL MultisampleEnable BOOL MultisampleEnable

Enable or disables line antialiasing. Note that this option only applies when alpha blending is enabled, you are drawing lines, and the MultisampleEnable member is . The default value is .

bb172408 BOOL AntialiasedLineEnable BOOL AntialiasedLineEnable

Describes the blend state for a render target for a Direct3D 10.1 device

To see how blending is done, see Output-Merger Stage (Direct3D 10).

These are the default values for blend state.

StateDefault Value



Enable (or disable) blending.

bb694533 BOOL BlendEnable BOOL BlendEnable

This blend option specifies the first RGB data source and includes an optional pre-blend operation.

bb694533 D3D10_BLEND SrcBlend D3D10_BLEND SrcBlend

This blend option specifies the second RGB data source and includes an optional pre-blend operation.

bb694533 D3D10_BLEND DestBlend D3D10_BLEND DestBlend

This blend operation defines how to combine the RGB data sources.

bb694533 D3D10_BLEND_OP BlendOp D3D10_BLEND_OP BlendOp

This blend option specifies the first alpha data source and includes an optional pre-blend operation. Blend options that end in _COLOR are not allowed.

bb694533 D3D10_BLEND SrcBlendAlpha D3D10_BLEND SrcBlendAlpha

This blend option specifies the second alpha data source and includes an optional pre-blend operation. Blend options that end in _COLOR are not allowed.

bb694533 D3D10_BLEND DestBlendAlpha D3D10_BLEND DestBlendAlpha

This blend operation defines how to combine the alpha data sources.

bb694533 D3D10_BLEND_OP BlendOpAlpha D3D10_BLEND_OP BlendOpAlpha

A write mask.

bb694533 D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE RenderTargetWriteMask D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE RenderTargetWriteMask

Specifies the subresource(s) from a resource that are accessible using a render-target view.

A render-target-view description is passed into to create a render target.

A render-target-view cannot use the following formats:

  • Any typeless format.
  • if the view will be used to bind a buffer (vertex, index, constant, or stream-output).

If the format is set to , then the format of the resource that the view binds to the pipeline will be used.

No documentation. DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format No documentation. D3D10_RTV_DIMENSION ViewDimension D3D10_RTV_DIMENSION ViewDimension No documentation. D3D10_BUFFER_RTV Buffer D3D10_BUFFER_RTV Buffer No documentation. D3D10_TEX1D_RTV Texture1D D3D10_TEX1D_RTV Texture1D No documentation. D3D10_TEX1D_ARRAY_RTV Texture1DArray D3D10_TEX1D_ARRAY_RTV Texture1DArray No documentation. D3D10_TEX2D_RTV Texture2D D3D10_TEX2D_RTV Texture2D No documentation. D3D10_TEX2D_ARRAY_RTV Texture2DArray D3D10_TEX2D_ARRAY_RTV Texture2DArray No documentation. D3D10_TEX2DMS_RTV Texture2DMS D3D10_TEX2DMS_RTV Texture2DMS No documentation. D3D10_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_RTV Texture2DMSArray D3D10_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_RTV Texture2DMSArray No documentation. D3D10_TEX3D_RTV Texture3D D3D10_TEX3D_RTV Texture3D

Specifies the subresource(s) from a 3D texture to use in a render-target view.

This structure is one member of a render target view. See .

Bb172476 D3D10_TEX3D_RTV D3D10_TEX3D_RTV
No documentation. unsigned int MipSlice unsigned int MipSlice No documentation. unsigned int FirstWSlice unsigned int FirstWSlice No documentation. unsigned int WSize unsigned int WSize

Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of 2D textures to use in a render-target view.

This structure is one member of a render-target-view description (see ).

No documentation. unsigned int MipSlice unsigned int MipSlice No documentation. unsigned int FirstArraySlice unsigned int FirstArraySlice No documentation. unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize

Specifies the subresource(s) from a an array of multisampled 2D textures to use in a render-target view.

This structure is one member of a render-target-view description (see ).

No documentation. unsigned int FirstArraySlice unsigned int FirstArraySlice No documentation. unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize

Specifies the elements from a buffer resource to use in a render-target view.

A render-target view is a member of a render-target-view description (see ). Create a render-target view by calling .

No documentation. unsigned int FirstElement unsigned int FirstElement No documentation. unsigned int ElementOffset unsigned int ElementOffset No documentation. unsigned int NumElements unsigned int NumElements No documentation. unsigned int ElementWidth unsigned int ElementWidth

Specifies the subresource from a 1D texture to use in a render-target view.

This structure is one member of a render-target-view description (see ).

bb172462 D3D10_TEX1D_RTV D3D10_TEX1D_RTV
No documentation. unsigned int MipSlice unsigned int MipSlice

Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of 1D textures to use in a render-target view.

This structure is one member of a render-target-view description (see ).

No documentation. unsigned int MipSlice unsigned int MipSlice No documentation. unsigned int FirstArraySlice unsigned int FirstArraySlice No documentation. unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize

Specifies the subresource from a 2D texture to use in a render-target view.

This structure is one member of a render-target-view description (see ).

bb172474 D3D10_TEX2D_RTV D3D10_TEX2D_RTV
No documentation. unsigned int MipSlice unsigned int MipSlice

Specifies the subresource from a multisampled 2D texture to use in a render-target view.

Since a multisampled 2D texture contains a single subresource, there is actually nothing to specify in . Consequently, UnusedField_NothingToDefine is included so that this structure will compile in C.

bb172468 D3D10_TEX2DMS_RTV D3D10_TEX2DMS_RTV
No documentation. unsigned int UnusedField_NothingToDefine unsigned int UnusedField_NothingToDefine

Defines a 3D box.

The following diagram shows a 3D box, where the origin is the left, front, top corner.

bb204895 D3D10_BOX D3D10_BOX

The x position of the left hand side of the box.

bb204895 unsigned int left unsigned int left

The y position of the top of the box.

bb204895 unsigned int top unsigned int top

The z position of the front of the box.

bb204895 unsigned int front unsigned int front

The x position of the right hand side of the box.

bb204895 unsigned int right unsigned int right

The y position of the bottom of the box.

bb204895 unsigned int bottom unsigned int bottom

The z position of the back of the box.

bb204895 unsigned int back unsigned int back

Describes a sampler state.

These are the default values for sampler state.

StateDefault Value
MaxLOD3.402823466e+38F (FLT_MAX)
BorderColorfloat4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)



Filtering method to use when sampling a texture (see ).

bb172415 D3D10_FILTER Filter D3D10_FILTER Filter

Method to use for resolving a u texture coordinate that is outside the 0 to 1 range (see ).


Method to use for resolving a v texture coordinate that is outside the 0 to 1 range.


Method to use for resolving a w texture coordinate that is outside the 0 to 1 range.


Offset from the calculated mipmap level. For example, if Direct3D calculates that a texture should be sampled at mipmap level 3 and MipLODBias is 2, then the texture will be sampled at mipmap level 5.

bb172415 float MipLODBias float MipLODBias

Clamping value used if or is specified in Filter. Valid values are between 1 and 16.

bb172415 unsigned int MaxAnisotropy unsigned int MaxAnisotropy

A function that compares sampled data against existing sampled data. The function options are listed in .

bb172415 D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC ComparisonFunc D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC ComparisonFunc

Border color to use if is specified for AddressU, AddressV, or AddressW. Range must be between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.

bb172415 SHARPDX_COLOR4 BorderColor SHARPDX_COLOR4 BorderColor

Lower end of the mipmap range to clamp access to, where 0 is the largest and most detailed mipmap level and any level higher than that is less detailed.

bb172415 float MinLOD float MinLOD

Upper end of the mipmap range to clamp access to, where 0 is the largest and most detailed mipmap level and any level higher than that is less detailed. This value must be greater than or equal to MinLOD. To have no upper limit on LOD set this to a large value such as D3D10_FLOAT32_MAX.

bb172415 float MaxLOD float MaxLOD

Describes a shader constant-buffer.

Constants are supplied to shaders in a shader-constant buffer. Get the description of a shader-constant-buffer by calling ID3D10ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer::GetDesc.


The name of the buffer.

bb172417 const char* Name char Name

The intended use of the constant data. See D3D10_CBUFFER_TYPE.


The number of unique variables.

bb172417 unsigned int Variables unsigned int Variables

Buffer size (in bytes).

bb172417 unsigned int Size unsigned int Size

Shader buffer properties. See D3D10_SHADER_CBUFFER_FLAGS.


Describes a shader signature.

A shader can take n inputs and can produce m outputs. The order of the input (or output) parameters, their associated types, and any attached semantics make up the shader signature. Each shader has an input and an output signature.

When compiling a shader or an effect, some API calls validate shader signatures (such as D3D10CompileShader and ). That is, they compare the output signature of one shader (like a vertex shader) with the input signature of another shader (like a pixel shader). This ensures that a shader outputs data that is compatible with a downstream shader that is consuming that data. Compatible means that a shader signature is a exact-match subset of the preceding shader stage. Exact match means parameter types and semantics must exactly match. Subset means that a parameter that is not required by a downstream stage, does not need to include that parameter in its shader signature.

Get a shader-signature from a shader or an effect by calling APIs such as ID3D10ShaderReflection::GetInputParameterDesc or .


A per-parameter string that identifies how the data will be used. See Semantics (DirectX HLSL).

Bb172446 const char* SemanticName char SemanticName

Semantic index that modifies the semantic. Used to differentiate different parameters that use the same semantic.

Bb172446 unsigned int SemanticIndex unsigned int SemanticIndex

The register that will contain this variable's data.

Bb172446 unsigned int Register unsigned int Register

A predefined string that determines the functionality of certain pipeline stages. See D3D10_NAME.

Bb172446 D3D_NAME SystemValueType D3D_NAME SystemValueType

The per-component-data type that is stored in a register. See D3D10_REGISTER_COMPONENT_TYPE. Each register can store up to four-components of data.


Mask which indicates which components of a register are used.

Bb172446 unsigned char Mask unsigned char Mask

Mask which indicates whether a given component is never written (if the signature is an output signature) or always read (if the signature is an input signature). The mask is a combination of D3D10_REGISTER_COMPONENT_TYPE values.

Bb172446 unsigned char ReadWriteMask unsigned char ReadWriteMask

Describes a shader-resource view.

A view is a format-specific way to look at the data in a resource. The view determines what data to look at, and how it is cast when read. For more information about how views work, see Views

When viewing a resource, the resource-view description must specify a typed format, that is compatible with the resource format. So that means that you cannot create a resource-view description using any format with _TYPELESS in the name. You can however view a typeless resource by specifying a typed format for the view. For example, a resource can be viewed with one of these typed formats: , , and , since these typed formats are compatible with the typeless resource.

Create a shader-resource-view description by calling . To view a shader-resource-view description, call .


The viewing format. See remarks.

bb172437 DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format

The resource type of the view. See D3D10_SRV_DIMENSION. This should be the same as the resource type of the underlying resource. This parameter also determines which _SRV to use in the union below.

bb172437 D3D_SRV_DIMENSION ViewDimension D3D_SRV_DIMENSION ViewDimension

View the resource as a buffer using information from a shader-resource view (see ).

bb172437 D3D10_BUFFER_SRV Buffer D3D10_BUFFER_SRV Buffer

View the resource as a 1D texture using information from a shader-resource view (see ).

bb172437 D3D10_TEX1D_SRV Texture1D D3D10_TEX1D_SRV Texture1D

View the resource as a 1D-texture array using information from a shader-resource view (see .

bb172437 D3D10_TEX1D_ARRAY_SRV Texture1DArray D3D10_TEX1D_ARRAY_SRV Texture1DArray

View the resource as a 2D-texture using information from a shader-resource view (see .

bb172437 D3D10_TEX2D_SRV Texture2D D3D10_TEX2D_SRV Texture2D

View the resource as a 2D-texture array using information from a shader-resource view (see .

bb172437 D3D10_TEX2D_ARRAY_SRV Texture2DArray D3D10_TEX2D_ARRAY_SRV Texture2DArray

View the resource as a 2D-multisampled texture using information from a shader-resource view (see .

bb172437 D3D10_TEX2DMS_SRV Texture2DMS D3D10_TEX2DMS_SRV Texture2DMS

View the resource as a 2D-multisampled-texture array using information from a shader-resource view (see .

bb172437 D3D10_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_SRV Texture2DMSArray D3D10_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_SRV Texture2DMSArray

View the resource as a 3D texture using information from a shader-resource view (see .

bb172437 D3D10_TEX3D_SRV Texture3D D3D10_TEX3D_SRV Texture3D

View the resource as a 3D-cube texture using information from a shader-resource view (see ).

bb172437 D3D10_TEXCUBE_SRV TextureCube D3D10_TEXCUBE_SRV TextureCube

Specifies the elements in a buffer resource to use in a shader-resource view.

The structure is a member of the structure, which represents a shader-resource view description. You can create a shader-resource view by calling the method.

No documentation. unsigned int FirstElement unsigned int FirstElement No documentation. unsigned int ElementOffset unsigned int ElementOffset No documentation. unsigned int NumElements unsigned int NumElements No documentation. unsigned int ElementWidth unsigned int ElementWidth

Specifies the subresource from a 1D texture to use in a shader-resource view.

This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see ).

bb172463 D3D10_TEX1D_SRV D3D10_TEX1D_SRV
No documentation. unsigned int MostDetailedMip unsigned int MostDetailedMip No documentation. unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels

Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of 1D textures to use in a shader-resource view.

This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see ).

No documentation. unsigned int MostDetailedMip unsigned int MostDetailedMip No documentation. unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels No documentation. unsigned int FirstArraySlice unsigned int FirstArraySlice No documentation. unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize

Specifies the subresource from a 2D texture to use in a shader-resource view.

This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see ).

bb172475 D3D10_TEX2D_SRV D3D10_TEX2D_SRV
No documentation. unsigned int MostDetailedMip unsigned int MostDetailedMip No documentation. unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels

Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of 2D textures to use in a shader-resource view.

This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see ).

No documentation. unsigned int MostDetailedMip unsigned int MostDetailedMip No documentation. unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels No documentation. unsigned int FirstArraySlice unsigned int FirstArraySlice No documentation. unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize

Specifies the subresource(s) from a multisampled 2D texture to use in a shader-resource view.

Since a multisampled 2D texture contains a single subresource, there is actually nothing to specify in . Consequently, UnusedField_NothingToDefine is included so that this structure will compile in C.

bb172469 D3D10_TEX2DMS_SRV D3D10_TEX2DMS_SRV
No documentation. unsigned int UnusedField_NothingToDefine unsigned int UnusedField_NothingToDefine

Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of multisampled 2D textures to use in a shader-resource view.

This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see ).

No documentation. unsigned int FirstArraySlice unsigned int FirstArraySlice No documentation. unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize

Specifies the subresource(s) from a 3D texture to use in a shader-resource view.

This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see ).

Bb172477 D3D10_TEX3D_SRV D3D10_TEX3D_SRV
No documentation. unsigned int MostDetailedMip unsigned int MostDetailedMip No documentation. unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels

Specifies the subresource from a cube texture to use in a shader-resource view.

This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see ).

No documentation. unsigned int MostDetailedMip unsigned int MostDetailedMip No documentation. unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels

Describes a shader-resource view.

A view is a format-specific way to look at the data in a resource. The view determines what data to look at, and how it is cast when read. For more information about how views work, see Views

When viewing a resource, the resource-view description must specify a typed format, that is compatible with the resource format. So that means that you cannot create a resource-view description using any format with _TYPELESS in the name. You can however view a typeless resource by specifying a typed format for the view. For example, a resource can be viewed with one of these typed formats: , , and , since these typed formats are compatible with the typeless resource.

Create a shader-resource-view description by calling . To view a shader-resource-view description, call .

This structure requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.


The viewing format. See remarks.

bb694534 DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format

The resource type of the view. See D3D10_SRV_DIMENSION1. This should be the same as the resource type of the underlying resource. This parameter also determines which _SRV to use in the union below.

bb694534 D3D_SRV_DIMENSION ViewDimension D3D_SRV_DIMENSION ViewDimension

View the resource as a buffer using information from a shader-resource view (see ).

bb694534 D3D10_BUFFER_SRV Buffer D3D10_BUFFER_SRV Buffer

View the resource as a 1D texture using information from a shader-resource view (see ).

bb694534 D3D10_TEX1D_SRV Texture1D D3D10_TEX1D_SRV Texture1D

View the resource as a 1D-texture array using information from a shader-resource view (see .

bb694534 D3D10_TEX1D_ARRAY_SRV Texture1DArray D3D10_TEX1D_ARRAY_SRV Texture1DArray

View the resource as a 2D-texture using information from a shader-resource view (see .

bb694534 D3D10_TEX2D_SRV Texture2D D3D10_TEX2D_SRV Texture2D

View the resource as a 2D-texture array using information from a shader-resource view (see .

bb694534 D3D10_TEX2D_ARRAY_SRV Texture2DArray D3D10_TEX2D_ARRAY_SRV Texture2DArray

View the resource as a 2D-multisampled texture using information from a shader-resource view (see .

bb694534 D3D10_TEX2DMS_SRV Texture2DMS D3D10_TEX2DMS_SRV Texture2DMS

View the resource as a 2D-multisampled-texture array using information from a shader-resource view (see .

bb694534 D3D10_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_SRV Texture2DMSArray D3D10_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_SRV Texture2DMSArray

View the resource as a 3D texture using information from a shader-resource view (see .

bb694534 D3D10_TEX3D_SRV Texture3D D3D10_TEX3D_SRV Texture3D

View the resource as a 3D-cube texture using information from a shader-resource view (see ).

bb694534 D3D10_TEXCUBE_SRV TextureCube D3D10_TEXCUBE_SRV TextureCube

View the resource as an array of cube textures using information from a shader-resource view (see ).

bb694534 D3D10_TEXCUBE_ARRAY_SRV1 TextureCubeArray D3D10_TEXCUBE_ARRAY_SRV1 TextureCubeArray

Specifies the subresource(s) from an array of cube textures to use in a shader-resource view.

This structure is one member of a shader-resource-view description (see ).

This structure requires Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

No documentation. unsigned int MostDetailedMip unsigned int MostDetailedMip No documentation. unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels No documentation. unsigned int First2DArrayFace unsigned int First2DArrayFace No documentation. unsigned int NumCubes unsigned int NumCubes

The member of the vertex decl to do the software skinning on. This is used with the API.

No documentation. unsigned int SrcOffset unsigned int SrcOffset No documentation. unsigned int DestOffset unsigned int DestOffset No documentation. BOOL IsNormal BOOL IsNormal

Defines position, texture, and color information about a sprite.

bb172703 D3DX10_SPRITE D3DX10_SPRITE

The sprite's model-world transformation. This defines the position and orientation of the sprite in world space.

bb172703 D3DXMATRIX matWorld D3DXMATRIX matWorld

Offset from the upper-left corner of the texture indicating where the sprite image should start in the texture. TexCoord is in texture coordinates.

bb172703 D3DXVECTOR2 TexCoord D3DXVECTOR2 TexCoord

A vector containing the width and height of the sprite in texture coordinates.

bb172703 D3DXVECTOR2 TexSize D3DXVECTOR2 TexSize

A color that will be multiplied with the pixel color before rendering.

bb172703 D3DXCOLOR ColorModulate D3DXCOLOR ColorModulate

Pointer to a shader-resource view representing the sprite's texture. See Interface.

bb172703 ID3D10ShaderResourceView* pTexture ID3D10ShaderResourceView pTexture

The index of the texture. If pTexture does not represent a texture array, then this should be 0.

bb172703 unsigned int TextureIndex unsigned int TextureIndex
Gets or sets the texture. The texture.

Indicates the device state.

A state-block mask indicates the device states that a pass or a technique changes. The D3D10StateBlockMaskEnableCapture function provides a convenient way of setting a range of bitmasks for the array members of .


Boolean value indicating whether to save the vertex shader state.

bb172453 bool VS bool VS

Boolean value indicating whether to save the geometry shader state.

bb172453 bool GS bool GS

Boolean value indicating whether to save the pixel shader state.

bb172453 bool PS bool PS

Boolean value indicating whether to save the index buffer state.

bb172453 bool IAIndexBuffer bool IAIndexBuffer

Boolean value indicating whether to save the input layout state.

bb172453 bool IAInputLayout bool IAInputLayout

Boolean value indicating whether to save the primitive topology state.

bb172453 bool IAPrimitiveTopology bool IAPrimitiveTopology

Boolean value indicating whether to save the render targets states.

bb172453 bool OMRenderTargets bool OMRenderTargets

Boolean value indicating whether to save the depth-stencil state.

bb172453 bool OMDepthStencilState bool OMDepthStencilState

Boolean value indicating whether to save the blend state.

bb172453 bool OMBlendState bool OMBlendState

Boolean value indicating whether to save the viewports states.

bb172453 bool RSViewports bool RSViewports

Boolean value indicating whether to save the scissor rectangles states.

bb172453 bool RSScissorRects bool RSScissorRects

Boolean value indicating whether to save the rasterizer state.

bb172453 bool RSRasterizerState bool RSRasterizerState

Boolean value indicating whether to save the stream-out buffers states.

bb172453 bool SOBuffers bool SOBuffers

Boolean value indicating whether to save the predication state.

bb172453 bool Predication bool Predication

Array of vertex-shader samplers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one sampler slot.

bb172453 bool VSSamplers[2] bool VSSamplers

Array of vertex-shader resources. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one resource slot.

bb172453 bool VSShaderResources[16] bool VSShaderResources

Array of vertex-shader constant buffers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one constant buffer slot.

bb172453 bool VSConstantBuffers[2] bool VSConstantBuffers

Array of geometry-shader samplers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one sampler slot.

bb172453 bool GSSamplers[2] bool GSSamplers

Array of geometry-shader resources. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one resource slot.

bb172453 bool GSShaderResources[16] bool GSShaderResources

Array of geometry-shader constant buffers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one buffer slot.

bb172453 bool GSConstantBuffers[2] bool GSConstantBuffers

Array of pixel-shader samplers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one sampler slot.

bb172453 bool PSSamplers[2] bool PSSamplers

Array of pixel-shader resources. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one resource slot.

bb172453 bool PSShaderResources[16] bool PSShaderResources

Array of pixel-shader constant buffers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one constant buffer slot.

bb172453 bool PSConstantBuffers[2] bool PSConstantBuffers

Array of vertex buffers. The array is a multi-byte bitmask where each bit represents one resource slot.

bb172453 bool IAVertexBuffers[2] bool IAVertexBuffers

Description of a vertex element in a vertex buffer in an output slot.


Type of output element. Possible values: "POSITION", "NORMAL", or "TEXCOORD0".

bb172450 const char* SemanticName char SemanticName

Output element's zero-based index. Should be used if, for example, you have more than one texture coordinate stored in each vertex.

bb172450 unsigned int SemanticIndex unsigned int SemanticIndex

Which component of the entry to begin writing out to. Valid values are 0 ~ 3. For example, if you only wish to output to the y and z components of a position, then StartComponent should be 1 and ComponentCount should be 2.

bb172450 unsigned char StartComponent unsigned char StartComponent

The number of components of the entry to write out to. Valid values are 1 ~ 4. For example, if you only wish to output to the y and z components of a position, then StartComponent should be 1 and ComponentCount should be 2.

bb172450 unsigned char ComponentCount unsigned char ComponentCount

The output slot that contains the vertex buffer that contains this output entry.

bb172450 unsigned char OutputSlot unsigned char OutputSlot
Initializes a new instance of the struct. Name of the semantic. Index of the semantic. The start component. The component count. The output slot.

Query information about the amount of data streamed out to the stream-output buffers in between and .

No documentation. unsigned longlong NumPrimitivesWritten unsigned longlong NumPrimitivesWritten No documentation. unsigned longlong PrimitivesStorageNeeded unsigned longlong PrimitivesStorageNeeded

Describes a 1D texture.

This structure is used in a call to . A helpful derived structure CD3D10_TEXTURE1D_DESC is declared in D3D10.h, to help create a texture description.

No documentation. unsigned int Width unsigned int Width No documentation. unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels No documentation. unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize No documentation. DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format No documentation. D3D10_USAGE Usage D3D10_USAGE Usage No documentation. D3D10_BIND_FLAG BindFlags D3D10_BIND_FLAG BindFlags No documentation. D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG CPUAccessFlags D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG CPUAccessFlags No documentation. D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG MiscFlags D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG MiscFlags

Describes a 2D texture.

This structure is used in a call to . A helpful derived structure CD3D10_TEXTURE2D_DESC is declared in D3D10.h, to help create a texture description.

The device places some size restrictions (must be multiples of a minimum size) for a subsampled, block compressed, or bit-format resource.

No documentation. unsigned int Width unsigned int Width No documentation. unsigned int Height unsigned int Height No documentation. unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels No documentation. unsigned int ArraySize unsigned int ArraySize No documentation. DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format No documentation. DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC SampleDesc DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC SampleDesc No documentation. D3D10_USAGE Usage D3D10_USAGE Usage No documentation. D3D10_BIND_FLAG BindFlags D3D10_BIND_FLAG BindFlags No documentation. D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG CPUAccessFlags D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG CPUAccessFlags No documentation. D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG MiscFlags D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG MiscFlags

Describes a 3D texture.

This structure is used in a call to . A helpful derived structure CD3D10_TEXTURE3D_DESC is declared in D3D10.h, to help create a texture description.

The device restricts the size of subsampled, block compressed (see Block Compression (Direct3D 10)), and bit format resources to be multiples of sizes specific to each format.

No documentation. unsigned int Width unsigned int Width No documentation. unsigned int Height unsigned int Height No documentation. unsigned int Depth unsigned int Depth No documentation. unsigned int MipLevels unsigned int MipLevels No documentation. DXGI_FORMAT Format DXGI_FORMAT Format No documentation. D3D10_USAGE Usage D3D10_USAGE Usage No documentation. D3D10_BIND_FLAG BindFlags D3D10_BIND_FLAG BindFlags No documentation. D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG CPUAccessFlags D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG CPUAccessFlags No documentation. D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG MiscFlags D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG MiscFlags

Describes parameters used to load a texture from another texture.

This structure is used in a call to .


Source texture box (see ).

bb172705 D3D10_BOX* pSrcBox D3D10_BOX pSrcBox

Destination texture box (see ).

bb172705 D3D10_BOX* pDstBox D3D10_BOX pDstBox

Source texture mipmap level, see D3D10CalcSubresource for more detail.

bb172705 unsigned int SrcFirstMip unsigned int SrcFirstMip

Destination texture mipmap level, see D3D10CalcSubresource for more detail.

bb172705 unsigned int DstFirstMip unsigned int DstFirstMip

Number of mipmap levels in the source texture.

bb172705 unsigned int NumMips unsigned int NumMips

First element of the source texture.

bb172705 unsigned int SrcFirstElement unsigned int SrcFirstElement

First element of the destination texture.

bb172705 unsigned int DstFirstElement unsigned int DstFirstElement

Number of elements to load.

bb172705 unsigned int NumElements unsigned int NumElements

Filtering options during resampling (see ).

bb172705 D3DX10_FILTER_FLAG Filter D3DX10_FILTER_FLAG Filter

Filtering options when generating mip levels (see ).

bb172705 D3DX10_FILTER_FLAG MipFilter D3DX10_FILTER_FLAG MipFilter
Source texture box (see ). D3D11_BOX* pSrcBox Destination texture box (see ). D3D11_BOX* pDstBox

Defines the dimensions of a viewport.

In all cases, Width and Height must be ? 0 and TopLeftX + Width and TopLeftY + Height must be ? D3D10_VIEWPORT_BOUNDS_MAX.

No documentation. int TopLeftX int TopLeftX No documentation. int TopLeftY int TopLeftY No documentation. unsigned int Width unsigned int Width No documentation. unsigned int Height unsigned int Height No documentation. float MinDepth float MinDepth No documentation. float MaxDepth float MaxDepth Initializes a new instance of the structure. The X coordinate of the viewport. The Y coordinate of the viewport. The width of the viewport. The height of the viewport. The minimum Z distance of the viewport. The maximum Z distance of the viewport. Initializes a new instance of the structure. The X coordinate of the viewport. The Y coordinate of the viewport. The width of the viewport. The height of the viewport. The namespace provides a managed Direct3D10 API. bb205066 Direct3D10 Direct3D10 Properties defining the way a buffer is bound to the pipeline as a target for stream output operations. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The buffer being bound. The offset to the first vertex (in bytes). Gets or sets the buffer being bound. Gets or sets the offset from the start of the buffer of the first vertex to use (in bytes). Properties defining the way a buffer (containing vertex data) is bound to the pipeline for rendering. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The buffer being bound. The stride between vertex element (in bytes). The offset to the first vertex (in bytes). Gets or sets the buffer being bound. Gets or sets the stride between vertex elements in the buffer (in bytes). Gets or sets the offset from the start of the buffer of the first vertex to use (in bytes).