SharpDX.XAPO No documentation. IXAPO Queries if a specific input format is supported for a given output format. Output format. Input format to check for being supported. If not NULL, and the input format is not supported for the given output format, ppSupportedInputFormat returns a pointer to the closest input format that is supported. Use {{XAPOFree}} to free the returned structure. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::IsInputFormatSupported([None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pOutputFormat,[None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pRequestedInputFormat,[Out, Optional] WAVEFORMATEX** ppSupportedInputFormat) Queries if a specific output format is supported for a given input format. [in] Input format. [in] Output format to check for being supported. [out] If not NULL and the output format is not supported for the given input format, ppSupportedOutputFormat returns a pointer to the closest output format that is supported. Use {{XAPOFree}} to free the returned structure. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::IsOutputFormatSupported([None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pInputFormat,[None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pRequestedOutputFormat,[Out, Optional] WAVEFORMATEX** ppSupportedOutputFormat) Performs any effect-specific initialization. Effect-specific initialization parameters, may be NULL if DataByteSize is 0. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::Initialize([In, Buffer, Optional] const void* pData,[None] UINT32 DataByteSize) Resets variables dependent on frame history. void IXAPO::Reset() Called by XAudio2 to lock the input and output configurations of an XAPO allowing it to do any final initialization before {{Process}} is called on the realtime thread. Array of input structures.pInputLockedParameters may be NULL if InputLockedParameterCount is 0, otherwise itmust have InputLockedParameterCount elements. Array of output structures.pOutputLockedParameters may be NULL if OutputLockedParameterCount is 0, otherwise itmust have OutputLockedParameterCount elements. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::LockForProcess([None] UINT32 InputLockedParameterCount,[In, Buffer, Optional] const XAPO_LOCKFORPROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pInputLockedParameters,[None] UINT32 OutputLockedParameterCount,[In, Buffer, Optional] const XAPO_LOCKFORPROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pOutputLockedParameters) Deallocates variables that were allocated with the {{LockForProcess}} method. void IXAPO::UnlockForProcess() Runs the XAPO's digital signal processing (DSP) code on the given input and output buffers. [in] Input array of structures. [in, out] Output array of structures. On input, the value of .ValidFrameCount indicates the number of frames that the XAPO should write to the output buffer. On output, the value of .ValidFrameCount indicates the actual number of frames written. TRUE to process normally; FALSE to process thru. See Remarks for additional information. void IXAPO::Process([None] UINT32 InputProcessParameterCount,[In, Buffer, Optional] const XAPO_PROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pInputProcessParameters,[None] UINT32 OutputProcessParameterCount,[InOut, Buffer, Optional] XAPO_PROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pOutputProcessParameters,[None] BOOL IsEnabled) Returns the number of input frames required to generate the given number of output frames. The number of output frames desired. No documentation. UINT32 IXAPO::CalcInputFrames([None] UINT32 OutputFrameCount) Returns the number of output frames that will be generated from a given number of input frames. The number of input frames. No documentation. UINT32 IXAPO::CalcOutputFrames([None] UINT32 InputFrameCount) Returns the registration properties of an XAPO. a structure containing theregistration properties the XAPO was created with; use XAPOFree to free thestructure. HRESULT IXAPO::GetRegistrationProperties([Out] XAPO_REGISTRATION_PROPERTIES** ppRegistrationProperties) Base AudioProcessor class that implements methods from . This class is also providing its parameter through a generic. type of the parameter for this AudioProcessor No documentation. IXAPOParameters Sets effect-specific parameters. Effect-specific parameter block. void IXAPOParameters::SetParameters([In, Buffer] const void* pParameters,[None] UINT32 ParameterByteSize) Gets the current values for any effect-specific parameters. [in, out] Receives an effect-specific parameter block. void IXAPOParameters::GetParameters([Out, Buffer] void* pParameters,[None] UINT32 ParameterByteSize) Queries if a specific input format is supported for a given output format. Output format. Input format to check for being supported. If not NULL, and the input format is not supported for the given output format, ppSupportedInputFormat returns a pointer to the closest input format that is supported. Use {{XAPOFree}} to free the returned structure. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::IsInputFormatSupported([None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pOutputFormat,[None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pRequestedInputFormat,[Out, Optional] WAVEFORMATEX** ppSupportedInputFormat) Queries if a specific output format is supported for a given input format. [in] Input format. [in] Output format to check for being supported. [out] If not NULL and the output format is not supported for the given input format, ppSupportedOutputFormat returns a pointer to the closest output format that is supported. Use {{XAPOFree}} to free the returned structure. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::IsOutputFormatSupported([None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pInputFormat,[None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pRequestedOutputFormat,[Out, Optional] WAVEFORMATEX** ppSupportedOutputFormat) Performs any effect-specific initialization. Effect-specific initialization parameters, may be NULL if DataByteSize is 0. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::Initialize([In, Buffer, Optional] const void* pData,[None] UINT32 DataByteSize) Resets variables dependent on frame history. void IXAPO::Reset() Called by XAudio2 to lock the input and output configurations of an XAPO allowing it to do any final initialization before {{Process}} is called on the realtime thread. Array of input structures.pInputLockedParameters may be NULL if InputLockedParameterCount is 0, otherwise itmust have InputLockedParameterCount elements. Array of output structures.pOutputLockedParameters may be NULL if OutputLockedParameterCount is 0, otherwise itmust have OutputLockedParameterCount elements. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::LockForProcess([None] UINT32 InputLockedParameterCount,[In, Buffer, Optional] const XAPO_LOCKFORPROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pInputLockedParameters,[None] UINT32 OutputLockedParameterCount,[In, Buffer, Optional] const XAPO_LOCKFORPROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pOutputLockedParameters) Deallocates variables that were allocated with the {{LockForProcess}} method. void IXAPO::UnlockForProcess() Runs the XAPO's digital signal processing (DSP) code on the given input and output buffers. [in] Input array of structures. [in, out] Output array of structures. On input, the value of .ValidFrameCount indicates the number of frames that the XAPO should write to the output buffer. On output, the value of .ValidFrameCount indicates the actual number of frames written. TRUE to process normally; FALSE to process thru. See Remarks for additional information. void IXAPO::Process([None] UINT32 InputProcessParameterCount,[In, Buffer, Optional] const XAPO_PROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pInputProcessParameters,[None] UINT32 OutputProcessParameterCount,[InOut, Buffer, Optional] XAPO_PROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pOutputProcessParameters,[None] BOOL IsEnabled) Returns the number of input frames required to generate the given number of output frames. The number of output frames desired. No documentation. UINT32 IXAPO::CalcInputFrames([None] UINT32 OutputFrameCount) Returns the number of output frames that will be generated from a given number of input frames. The number of input frames. No documentation. UINT32 IXAPO::CalcOutputFrames([None] UINT32 InputFrameCount) Sets effect-specific parameters. Effect-specific parameter block. void IXAPOParameters::SetParameters([In, Buffer] const void* pParameters,[None] UINT32 ParameterByteSize) Gets the current values for any effect-specific parameters. [in, out] Receives an effect-specific parameter block. void IXAPOParameters::GetParameters([Out, Buffer] void* pParameters,[None] UINT32 ParameterByteSize) Return parameters Gets the input format locked. The input format locked. Gets the output format locked. The output format locked. Gets the max frame count locked. The max frame count locked. Returns the registration properties of an XAPO. a structure containing theregistration properties the XAPO was created with; use XAPOFree to free thestructure. HRESULT IXAPO::GetRegistrationProperties([Out] XAPO_REGISTRATION_PROPERTIES** ppRegistrationProperties) Internal AudioProcessorShadow IXAPO GUID Return a pointer to the unamanged version of this callback. The callback. A pointer to a shadow c++ callback HRESULT IXAPO::GetRegistrationProperties([Out] XAPO_REGISTRATION_PROPERTIES** ppRegistrationProperties) HRESULT IXAPO::IsInputFormatSupported([None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pOutputFormat,[None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pRequestedInputFormat,[Out, Optional] WAVEFORMATEX** ppSupportedInputFormat) HRESULT IXAPO::IsOutputFormatSupported([None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pInputFormat,[None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pRequestedOutputFormat,[Out, Optional] WAVEFORMATEX** ppSupportedOutputFormat) HRESULT IXAPO::Initialize([In, Buffer, Optional] const void* pData,[None] UINT32 DataByteSize) void IXAPO::Reset() HRESULT IXAPO::LockForProcess([None] UINT32 InputLockedParameterCount,[In, Buffer, Optional] const XAPO_LOCKFORPROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pInputLockedParameters,[None] UINT32 OutputLockedParameterCount,[In, Buffer, Optional] const XAPO_LOCKFORPROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pOutputLockedParameters) Deallocates variables that were allocated with the {{LockForProcess}} method. void IXAPO::UnlockForProcess() void IXAPO::Process([None] UINT32 InputProcessParameterCount,[In, Buffer, Optional] const XAPO_PROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pInputProcessParameters,[None] UINT32 OutputProcessParameterCount,[InOut, Buffer, Optional] XAPO_PROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pOutputProcessParameters,[None] BOOL IsEnabled) Returns the number of input frames required to generate the given number of output frames. This pointer The number of output frames desired. No documentation. UINT32 IXAPO::CalcInputFrames([None] UINT32 OutputFrameCount) Returns the number of output frames that will be generated from a given number of input frames. This Pointer The number of input frames. No documentation. UINT32 IXAPO::CalcOutputFrames([None] UINT32 InputFrameCount) Native Accessor to an existing AudioProcessor instance No documentation. IXAPO Queries if a specific input format is supported for a given output format. Output format. Input format to check for being supported. If not NULL, and the input format is not supported for the given output format, ppSupportedInputFormat returns a pointer to the closest input format that is supported. Use {{XAPOFree}} to free the returned structure. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::IsInputFormatSupported([None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pOutputFormat,[None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pRequestedInputFormat,[Out, Optional] WAVEFORMATEX** ppSupportedInputFormat) Queries if a specific output format is supported for a given input format. [in] Input format. [in] Output format to check for being supported. [out] If not NULL and the output format is not supported for the given input format, ppSupportedOutputFormat returns a pointer to the closest output format that is supported. Use {{XAPOFree}} to free the returned structure. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::IsOutputFormatSupported([None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pInputFormat,[None] const WAVEFORMATEX* pRequestedOutputFormat,[Out, Optional] WAVEFORMATEX** ppSupportedOutputFormat) Performs any effect-specific initialization. Effect-specific initialization parameters, may be NULL if DataByteSize is 0. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::Initialize([In, Buffer, Optional] const void* pData,[None] UINT32 DataByteSize) Resets variables dependent on frame history. void IXAPO::Reset() Called by XAudio2 to lock the input and output configurations of an XAPO allowing it to do any final initialization before {{Process}} is called on the realtime thread. Array of input structures.pInputLockedParameters may be NULL if InputLockedParameterCount is 0, otherwise itmust have InputLockedParameterCount elements. Array of output structures.pOutputLockedParameters may be NULL if OutputLockedParameterCount is 0, otherwise itmust have OutputLockedParameterCount elements. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::LockForProcess([None] UINT32 InputLockedParameterCount,[In, Buffer, Optional] const XAPO_LOCKFORPROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pInputLockedParameters,[None] UINT32 OutputLockedParameterCount,[In, Buffer, Optional] const XAPO_LOCKFORPROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pOutputLockedParameters) Deallocates variables that were allocated with the {{LockForProcess}} method. void IXAPO::UnlockForProcess() Runs the XAPO's digital signal processing (DSP) code on the given input and output buffers. [in] Input array of structures. [in, out] Output array of structures. On input, the value of .ValidFrameCount indicates the number of frames that the XAPO should write to the output buffer. On output, the value of .ValidFrameCount indicates the actual number of frames written. TRUE to process normally; FALSE to process thru. See Remarks for additional information. void IXAPO::Process([None] UINT32 InputProcessParameterCount,[In, Buffer, Optional] const XAPO_PROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pInputProcessParameters,[None] UINT32 OutputProcessParameterCount,[InOut, Buffer, Optional] XAPO_PROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pOutputProcessParameters,[None] BOOL IsEnabled) Returns the number of input frames required to generate the given number of output frames. The number of output frames desired. No documentation. UINT32 IXAPO::CalcInputFrames([None] UINT32 OutputFrameCount) Returns the number of output frames that will be generated from a given number of input frames. The number of input frames. No documentation. UINT32 IXAPO::CalcOutputFrames([None] UINT32 InputFrameCount) Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::GetRegistrationProperties([Out] XAPO_REGISTRATION_PROPERTIES** ppRegistrationProperties) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::IsInputFormatSupported([In] const WAVEFORMATEX* pOutputFormat,[In] const WAVEFORMATEX* pRequestedInputFormat,[Out, Optional] WAVEFORMATEX** ppSupportedInputFormat) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::IsOutputFormatSupported([In] const WAVEFORMATEX* pInputFormat,[In] const WAVEFORMATEX* pRequestedOutputFormat,[Out, Optional] WAVEFORMATEX** ppSupportedOutputFormat) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::Initialize([In, Buffer, Optional] const void* pData,[In] unsigned int DataByteSize) No documentation. void IXAPO::Reset() No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT IXAPO::LockForProcess([In] unsigned int InputLockedParameterCount,[In, Buffer] const XAPO_LOCKFORPROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pInputLockedParameters,[In] unsigned int OutputLockedParameterCount,[In, Buffer] const XAPO_LOCKFORPROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pOutputLockedParameters) No documentation. void IXAPO::UnlockForProcess() No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. void IXAPO::Process([In] unsigned int InputProcessParameterCount,[In, Buffer, Optional] const XAPO_PROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pInputProcessParameters,[In] unsigned int OutputProcessParameterCount,[In, Buffer] XAPO_PROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS* pOutputProcessParameters,[In] BOOL IsEnabled) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. unsigned int IXAPO::CalcInputFrames([In] unsigned int OutputFrameCount) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. unsigned int IXAPO::CalcOutputFrames([In] unsigned int InputFrameCount) Returns the registration properties of an XAPO. a structure containing theregistration properties the XAPO was created with; use XAPOFree to free thestructure. HRESULT IXAPO::GetRegistrationProperties([Out] XAPO_REGISTRATION_PROPERTIES** ppRegistrationProperties) Implements this class to call an existing unmanaged AudioProcessor which supports parameter. the parameter type of this AudioProcessor Initializes a new instance of the class. The base PTR. Update the Native Poinder. Rebuild ParameterProviderNative. Get or Set the parameters for this AudioProcessor Functions Constant CLSID_FXEQ. CLSID_FXEQ Constant CLSID_FXMasteringLimiter. CLSID_FXMasteringLimiter Constant CLSID_FXReverb. CLSID_FXReverb Constant CLSID_FXEcho. CLSID_FXEcho DLLs loaders No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. HRESULT CreateFX([In] const GUID& clsid,[Out, Fast] IUnknown** pEffect) No documentation. XAPO_BUFFER_FLAGS No documentation. XAPO_BUFFER_SILENT No documentation. XAPO_BUFFER_VALID None. None No documentation. XAPO_PROPERTY_TYPE No documentation. XAPO_FLAG_CHANNELS_MUST_MATCH No documentation. XAPO_FLAG_FRAMERATE_MUST_MATCH No documentation. XAPO_FLAG_BITSPERSAMPLE_MUST_MATCH No documentation. XAPO_FLAG_BUFFERCOUNT_MUST_MATCH No documentation. XAPO_FLAG_INPLACE_REQUIRED No documentation. XAPO_FLAG_INPLACE_SUPPORTED No documentation. XAPO_FLAG_DEFAULT No documentation. FXECHO_PARAMETERS No documentation. float WetDryMix No documentation. float Feedback No documentation. float Delay No documentation. FXEQ_PARAMETERS No documentation. float FrequencyCenter0 No documentation. float Gain0 No documentation. float Bandwidth0 No documentation. float FrequencyCenter1 No documentation. float Gain1 No documentation. float Bandwidth1 No documentation. float FrequencyCenter2 No documentation. float Gain2 No documentation. float Bandwidth2 No documentation. float FrequencyCenter3 No documentation. float Gain3 No documentation. float Bandwidth3 No documentation. FXMASTERINGLIMITER_PARAMETERS Constant MinimumRelease. FXMASTERINGLIMITER_MIN_RELEASE Constant MinimumLoudness. FXMASTERINGLIMITER_MIN_LOUDNESS Constant DefaultLoudness. FXMASTERINGLIMITER_DEFAULT_LOUDNESS Constant DefaultRelease. FXMASTERINGLIMITER_DEFAULT_RELEASE Constant MaximumRelease. FXMASTERINGLIMITER_MAX_RELEASE Constant MaximumLoudness. FXMASTERINGLIMITER_MAX_LOUDNESS No documentation. unsigned int Release No documentation. unsigned int Loudness No documentation. FXREVERB_PARAMETERS No documentation. float Diffusion No documentation. float RoomSize No documentation. IXAPOParameters Initializes a new instance of the class. The native pointer. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. void IXAPOParameters::SetParameters([In, Buffer] const void* pParameters,[In] unsigned int ParameterByteSize) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. void IXAPOParameters::GetParameters([Out, Buffer] void* pParameters,[In] unsigned int ParameterByteSize) No documentation. XAPO_PROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS No documentation. void* pBuffer No documentation. XAPO_BUFFER_FLAGS BufferFlags No documentation. unsigned int ValidFrameCount No documentation. XAPO_LOCKFORPROCESS_BUFFER_PARAMETERS No documentation. const WAVEFORMATEX* pFormat No documentation. unsigned int MaxFrameCount Gets or sets the waveformat. The format. No documentation. XAPO_REGISTRATION_PROPERTIES No documentation. GUID clsid No documentation. wchar_t FriendlyName[256] No documentation. wchar_t CopyrightInfo[256] No documentation. unsigned int MajorVersion No documentation. unsigned int MinorVersion No documentation. XAPO_PROPERTY_TYPE Flags No documentation. unsigned int MinInputBufferCount No documentation. unsigned int MaxInputBufferCount No documentation. unsigned int MinOutputBufferCount No documentation. unsigned int MaxOutputBufferCount Internal AudioProcessorShadow IXAPOParameters Return a pointer to the unamanged version of this callback. The callback. A pointer to a shadow c++ callback Sets effect-specific parameters. This pointer Effect-specific parameter block. size of the parameters void IXAPOParameters::SetParameters([In, Buffer] const void* pParameters,[None] UINT32 ParameterByteSize) Gets the current values for any effect-specific parameters. This pointer [in, out] Receives an effect-specific parameter block. size of the parameters void IXAPOParameters::GetParameters([Out, Buffer] void* pParameters,[None] UINT32 ParameterByteSize) An Echo XAPO AudioProcessor Initializes a new instance of the class. A Equalizer XAPO AudioProcessor Initializes a new instance of the class. A MateringLimiter XAPO AudioProcessor Initializes a new instance of the class. A Reverb XAPO AudioProcessor Initializes a new instance of the class.