SharpDX.XInput A XInput controller. Initializes a new instance of the class. Index of the user. Gets the battery information. Type of the battery device. unsigned int XInputGetBatteryInformation([In] XUSER_INDEX dwUserIndex,[In] BATTERY_DEVTYPE devType,[Out] XINPUT_BATTERY_INFORMATION* pBatteryInformation) Gets the capabilities. Type of the device query. unsigned int XInputGetCapabilities([In] XUSER_INDEX dwUserIndex,[In] XINPUT_DEVQUERYTYPE dwFlags,[Out] XINPUT_CAPABILITIES* pCapabilities) Gets the keystroke. The flag. The keystroke. unsigned int XInputGetKeystroke([In] XUSER_INDEX dwUserIndex,[In] unsigned int dwReserved,[Out] XINPUT_KEYSTROKE* pKeystroke) Gets the state. Sets the reporting. if set to true [enable reporting]. Sets the vibration. The vibration. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is connected. true if this instance is connected; otherwise, false. Gets the sound render GUID. Gets the sound capture GUID. typedef struct _XINPUT_GAMEPAD { WORD wButtons; BYTE bLeftTrigger; BYTE bRightTrigger; SHORT sThumbLX; SHORT sThumbLY; SHORT sThumbRX; SHORT sThumbRY; } , *PXINPUT_GAMEPAD; Members wButtons Bitmask of the device digital buttons, as follows. A set bit indicates that the corresponding button is pressed. #define 0x00000001 #define 0x00000002 #define 0x00000004 #define 0x00000008 #define 0x00000010 #define 0x00000020 #define 0x00000040 #define 0x00000080 #define 0x0100 #define 0x0200 #define 0x1000 #define 0x2000 #define 0x4000 #define 0x8000 Bits that are set but not defined above are reserved, and their state is undefined. bLeftTrigger The current value of the left trigger analog control. The value is between 0 and 255. bRightTrigger The current value of the right trigger analog control. The value is between 0 and 255. sThumbLX Left thumbstick x-axis value. Each of the thumbstick axis members is a signed value between -32768 and 32767 describing the position of the thumbstick. A value of 0 is centered. Negative values signify down or to the left. Positive values signify up or to the right. The constants or can be used as a positive and negative value to filter a thumbstick input. sThumbLY Left thumbstick y-axis value. The value is between -32768 and 32767. sThumbRX Right thumbstick x-axis value. The value is between -32768 and 32767. sThumbRY Right thumbstick y-axis value. The value is between -32768 and 32767. XINPUT_GAMEPAD Constant TriggerThreshold. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_TRIGGER_THRESHOLD Constant LeftThumbDeadZone. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB_DEADZONE Constant RightThumbDeadZone. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB_DEADZONE Bitmask of the device digital buttons, as follows. A set bit indicates that the corresponding button is pressed. #define 0x00000001 #define 0x00000002 #define 0x00000004 #define 0x00000008 #define 0x00000010 #define 0x00000020 #define 0x00000040 #define 0x00000080 #define 0x0100 #define 0x0200 #define 0x1000 #define 0x2000 #define 0x4000 #define 0x8000 Bits that are set but not defined above are reserved, and their state is undefined. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_FLAGS wButtons The current value of the left trigger analog control. The value is between 0 and 255. unsigned char bLeftTrigger The current value of the right trigger analog control. The value is between 0 and 255. unsigned char bRightTrigger Left thumbstick x-axis value. Each of the thumbstick axis members is a signed value between -32768 and 32767 describing the position of the thumbstick. A value of 0 is centered. Negative values signify down or to the left. Positive values signify up or to the right. The constants or can be used as a positive and negative value to filter a thumbstick input. short sThumbLX Left thumbstick y-axis value. The value is between -32768 and 32767. short sThumbLY Right thumbstick x-axis value. The value is between -32768 and 32767. short sThumbRX Right thumbstick y-axis value. The value is between -32768 and 32767. short sThumbRY No documentation. BATTERY_DEVTYPE No documentation. BATTERY_DEVTYPE_GAMEPAD No documentation. BATTERY_DEVTYPE_HEADSET The OID_WW_GEN_BATTERY_LEVEL OID requests the miniport driver to return the current charge of the battery as follows: BATTERY_LEVEL No documentation. BATTERY_LEVEL_EMPTY No documentation. BATTERY_LEVEL_LOW No documentation. BATTERY_LEVEL_MEDIUM No documentation. BATTERY_LEVEL_FULL No documentation. BATTERY_TYPE No documentation. BATTERY_TYPE_DISCONNECTED No documentation. BATTERY_TYPE_WIRED No documentation. BATTERY_TYPE_ALKALINE No documentation. BATTERY_TYPE_NIMH No documentation. BATTERY_TYPE_UNKNOWN No documentation. XINPUT_CAPS_FLAGS No documentation. XINPUT_CAPS_FFB_SUPPORTED No documentation. XINPUT_CAPS_WIRELESS No documentation. XINPUT_CAPS_VOICE_SUPPORTED No documentation. XINPUT_CAPS_PMD_SUPPORTED No documentation. XINPUT_CAPS_NO_NAVIGATION None. None No documentation. XINPUT_DEVQUERYTYPE No documentation. XINPUT_FLAG_GAMEPAD No documentation. XINPUT_FLAG_ANY No documentation. XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE No documentation. XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_GAMEPAD No documentation. XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_UNKNOWN No documentation. XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_WHEEL No documentation. XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_ARCADE_STICK No documentation. XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_FLIGHT_STICK No documentation. XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_DANCE_PAD No documentation. XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_GUITAR No documentation. XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_GUITAR_ALTERNATE No documentation. XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_DRUM_KIT No documentation. XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_GUITAR_BASS No documentation. XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE_ARCADE_PAD No documentation. XINPUT_DEVTYPE No documentation. XINPUT_DEVTYPE_GAMEPAD No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_FLAGS No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y None. None No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_KEY_CODE No documentation. VK_PAD_A No documentation. VK_PAD_B No documentation. VK_PAD_X No documentation. VK_PAD_Y No documentation. VK_PAD_RSHOULDER No documentation. VK_PAD_LSHOULDER No documentation. VK_PAD_LTRIGGER No documentation. VK_PAD_RTRIGGER No documentation. VK_PAD_DPAD_UP No documentation. VK_PAD_DPAD_DOWN No documentation. VK_PAD_DPAD_LEFT No documentation. VK_PAD_DPAD_RIGHT No documentation. VK_PAD_START No documentation. VK_PAD_BACK No documentation. VK_PAD_LTHUMB_PRESS No documentation. VK_PAD_RTHUMB_PRESS No documentation. VK_PAD_LTHUMB_UP No documentation. VK_PAD_LTHUMB_DOWN No documentation. VK_PAD_LTHUMB_RIGHT No documentation. VK_PAD_LTHUMB_LEFT No documentation. VK_PAD_LTHUMB_UPLEFT No documentation. VK_PAD_LTHUMB_UPRIGHT No documentation. VK_PAD_LTHUMB_DOWNRIGHT No documentation. VK_PAD_LTHUMB_DOWNLEFT No documentation. VK_PAD_RTHUMB_UP No documentation. VK_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWN No documentation. VK_PAD_RTHUMB_RIGHT No documentation. VK_PAD_RTHUMB_LEFT No documentation. VK_PAD_RTHUMB_UPLEFT No documentation. VK_PAD_RTHUMB_UPRIGHT No documentation. VK_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWNRIGHT No documentation. VK_PAD_RTHUMB_DOWNLEFT None. None No documentation. XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_FLAGS No documentation. XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_KEYDOWN No documentation. XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_KEYUP No documentation. XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_REPEAT None. None No documentation. XUSER_INDEX No documentation. XUSER_INDEX_ANY No documentation. XUSER_INDEX_ONE No documentation. XUSER_INDEX_TWO No documentation. XUSER_INDEX_THREE No documentation. XUSER_INDEX_FOUR Functions DLLs loaders DWORD ( DWORD Parameters dwUserIndex[in] Index of the signed-in gamer associated with the device. Can be a value in the range 0?XUSER_MAX_COUNT???1, or to fetch the next available input event from any user. dwReserved[in] Input flags that identify the device type. ValueDescriptionXINPUT_FLAG_GAMEPADLimit input event fetch to the gamepad.? pKeystroke[out] Pointer to an structure that receives an input event. Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value is . If no new keys have been pressed, the return value is . If the controller is not connected or the user has not activated it, the return value is . (See Remarks.) If the function fails, the return value is an error code defined in Winerror.h. The function does not use SetLastError to set the calling thread's last-error code. [in] Index of the signed-in gamer associated with the device. Can be a value in the range 0?XUSER_MAX_COUNT???1, or to fetch the next available input event from any user. [in] Input flags that identify the device type. ValueDescriptionXINPUT_FLAG_GAMEPADLimit input event fetch to the gamepad.? [out] Pointer to an structure that receives an input event. If the function succeeds, the return value is . If no new keys have been pressed, the return value is . If the controller is not connected or the user has not activated it, the return value is . (See Remarks.) If the function fails, the return value is an error code defined in Winerror.h. The function does not use SetLastError to set the calling thread's last-error code. unsigned int XInputGetKeystroke([In] unsigned int dwUserIndex,[In] unsigned int dwReserved,[Out] XINPUT_KEYSTROKE* pKeystroke) DWORD ( DWORD Parameters dwUserIndex[in] Index of the user's controller. Can be a value from 0 to 3. For information about how this value is determined and how the value maps to indicators on the controller, see Multiple Controllers. pVibration[in, out] Pointer to an structure containing the vibration information to send to the controller. Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value is . If the controller is not connected, the return value is . If the function fails, the return value is an error code defined in Winerror.h. The function does not use SetLastError to set the calling thread's last-error code. [in] Index of the user's controller. Can be a value from 0 to 3. For information about how this value is determined and how the value maps to indicators on the controller, see Multiple Controllers. [in, out] Pointer to an structure containing the vibration information to send to the controller. If the function succeeds, the return value is . If the controller is not connected, the return value is . If the function fails, the return value is an error code defined in Winerror.h. The function does not use SetLastError to set the calling thread's last-error code. unsigned int XInputSetState([In] unsigned int dwUserIndex,[In] XINPUT_VIBRATION* pVibration) DWORD ( DWORD Parameters dwUserIndex[in] Index of the user's controller. It can be a value in the range 0?3. For information about how this value is determined and how the value maps to indicators on the controller, see Multiple Controllers. pDSoundRenderGuid[out, optional] Pointer that receives the of the headset sound rendering device. pDSoundCaptureGuid[out, optional] Pointer that receives the of the headset sound capture device. Return Value If the function successfully retrieves the device IDs for render and capture, the return code is . If there is no headset connected to the controller, the function also retrieves with GUID_NULL as the values for pDSoundRenderGuid and pDSoundCaptureGuid. If the controller port device is not physically connected, the function returns . If the function fails, it returns a valid Win32 error code. [in] Index of the user's controller. It can be a value in the range 0?3. For information about how this value is determined and how the value maps to indicators on the controller, see Multiple Controllers. [out, optional] Pointer that receives the of the headset sound rendering device. [out, optional] Pointer that receives the of the headset sound capture device. If the function successfully retrieves the device IDs for render and capture, the return code is . If there is no headset connected to the controller, the function also retrieves with GUID_NULL as the values for pDSoundRenderGuid and pDSoundCaptureGuid. If the controller port device is not physically connected, the function returns . If the function fails, it returns a valid Win32 error code. unsigned int XInputGetDSoundAudioDeviceGuids([In] unsigned int dwUserIndex,[Out, Optional] GUID* pDSoundRenderGuid,[Out, Optional] GUID* pDSoundCaptureGuid) DWORD ( DWORD Parameters dwUserIndex[in] Index of the user's controller. Can be a value from 0 to 3. For information about how this value is determined and how the value maps to indicators on the controller, see Multiple Controllers. pState[out] Pointer to an structure that receives the current state of the controller. Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value is . If the controller is not connected, the return value is . If the function fails, the return value is an error code defined in Winerror.h. The function does not use SetLastError to set the calling thread's last-error code. [in] Index of the user's controller. Can be a value from 0 to 3. For information about how this value is determined and how the value maps to indicators on the controller, see Multiple Controllers. [out] Pointer to an structure that receives the current state of the controller. If the function succeeds, the return value is . If the controller is not connected, the return value is . If the function fails, the return value is an error code defined in Winerror.h. The function does not use SetLastError to set the calling thread's last-error code. unsigned int XInputGetState([In] unsigned int dwUserIndex,[Out] XINPUT_STATE* pState) void ( Parameters enable If enable is , XInput will only send neutral data in response to (all buttons up, axes centered, and triggers at 0). calls will be registered but not sent to the device. Sending any value other than will restore reading and writing functionality to normal. Return ValueNone. If enable is , XInput will only send neutral data in response to (all buttons up, axes centered, and triggers at 0). calls will be registered but not sent to the device. Sending any value other than will restore reading and writing functionality to normal. void XInputEnable([In] BOOL enable) DWORD ( DWORD Parameters dwUserIndex[in] Index of the user's controller. Can be a value in the range 0?3. For information about how this value is determined and how the value maps to indicators on the controller, see Multiple Controllers. dwFlags[in] Input flags that identify the controller type. If this value is 0, then the capabilities of all controllers connected to the system are returned. Currently, only one value is supported: ValueDescriptionXINPUT_FLAG_GAMEPADLimit query to devices of Xbox 360 Controller type.? Any value of dwflags other than the above or 0 is illegal and will result in an error break when debugging. pCapabilities[out] Pointer to an structure that receives the controller capabilities. Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value is . If the controller is not connected, the return value is . If the function fails, the return value is an error code defined in Winerror.h. The function does not use SetLastError to set the calling thread's last-error code. [in] Index of the user's controller. Can be a value in the range 0?3. For information about how this value is determined and how the value maps to indicators on the controller, see Multiple Controllers. [in] Input flags that identify the controller type. If this value is 0, then the capabilities of all controllers connected to the system are returned. Currently, only one value is supported: ValueDescriptionXINPUT_FLAG_GAMEPADLimit query to devices of Xbox 360 Controller type.? Any value of dwflags other than the above or 0 is illegal and will result in an error break when debugging. [out] Pointer to an structure that receives the controller capabilities. If the function succeeds, the return value is . If the controller is not connected, the return value is . If the function fails, the return value is an error code defined in Winerror.h. The function does not use SetLastError to set the calling thread's last-error code. unsigned int XInputGetCapabilities([In] unsigned int dwUserIndex,[In] XINPUT_DEVQUERYTYPE dwFlags,[Out] XINPUT_CAPABILITIES* pCapabilities) No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. No documentation. unsigned int XInputGetAudioEndpointIds([In] unsigned int dwUserIndex,[Out, Buffer, Optional] wchar_t* pRenderEndpointId,[InOut, Optional] unsigned int* pRenderCount,[Out, Buffer, Optional] wchar_t* pCaptureEndpointId,[InOut, Optional] unsigned int* pCaptureCount) DWORD ( DWORD Parameters dwUserIndex[in] Index of the signed-in gamer associated with the device. Can be a value in the range 0?XUSER_MAX_COUNT???1. devType[in] Specifies which device associated with this user index should be queried. Must be or . pBatteryInformation[out] Pointer to an structure that receives the battery information. Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value is . [in] Index of the signed-in gamer associated with the device. Can be a value in the range 0?XUSER_MAX_COUNT???1. [in] Specifies which device associated with this user index should be queried. Must be or . [out] Pointer to an structure that receives the battery information. If the function succeeds, the return value is . unsigned int XInputGetBatteryInformation([In] unsigned int dwUserIndex,[In] BATTERY_DEVTYPE devType,[Out] XINPUT_BATTERY_INFORMATION* pBatteryInformation) typedef struct _XINPUT_BATTERY_INFORMATION { BYTE BatteryType; BYTE BatteryLevel; } , *PXINPUT_BATTERY_INFORMATION; Members BatteryType The type of battery. BatteryType will be one of the following values. ValueDescriptionBATTERY_TYPE_DISCONNECTEDThe device is not connected.?BATTERY_TYPE_WIREDThe device is a wired device and does not have a battery.?BATTERY_TYPE_ALKALINEThe device has an alkaline battery.?BATTERY_TYPE_NIMHThe device has a nickel metal hydride battery.?BATTERY_TYPE_UNKNOWNThe device has an unknown battery type.? BatteryLevel The charge state of the battery. This value is only valid for wireless devices with a known battery type. BatteryLevel will be one of the following values. ValueBATTERY_LEVEL_EMPTYBATTERY_LEVEL_LOWBATTERY_LEVEL_MEDIUMBATTERY_LEVEL_FULL XINPUT_BATTERY_INFORMATION The type of battery. BatteryType will be one of the following values. ValueDescriptionBATTERY_TYPE_DISCONNECTEDThe device is not connected.?BATTERY_TYPE_WIREDThe device is a wired device and does not have a battery.?BATTERY_TYPE_ALKALINEThe device has an alkaline battery.?BATTERY_TYPE_NIMHThe device has a nickel metal hydride battery.?BATTERY_TYPE_UNKNOWNThe device has an unknown battery type.? BATTERY_TYPE BatteryType The charge state of the battery. This value is only valid for wireless devices with a known battery type. BatteryLevel will be one of the following values. ValueBATTERY_LEVEL_EMPTYBATTERY_LEVEL_LOWBATTERY_LEVEL_MEDIUMBATTERY_LEVEL_FULL BATTERY_LEVEL BatteryLevel XInputGetCapabilities XINPUT_CAPABILITIES No documentation. XINPUT_DEVTYPE Type No documentation. XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE SubType No documentation. XINPUT_CAPS_FLAGS Flags No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD Gamepad No documentation. XINPUT_VIBRATION Vibration XInputGetKeystroke XINPUT_KEYSTROKE No documentation. XINPUT_GAMEPAD_KEY_CODE VirtualKey No documentation. wchar_t Unicode No documentation. XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_FLAGS Flags No documentation. XUSER_INDEX UserIndex No documentation. unsigned char HidCode typedef struct _XINPUT_STATE { DWORD dwPacketNumber; Gamepad; } , *PXINPUT_STATE; Members dwPacketNumber State packet number. The packet number indicates whether there have been any changes in the state of the controller. If the dwPacketNumber member is the same in sequentially returned structures, the controller state has not changed. Gamepad structure containing the current state of an Xbox 360 Controller. XINPUT_STATE State packet number. The packet number indicates whether there have been any changes in the state of the controller. If the dwPacketNumber member is the same in sequentially returned structures, the controller state has not changed. unsigned int dwPacketNumber structure containing the current state of an Xbox 360 Controller. XINPUT_GAMEPAD Gamepad typedef struct _XINPUT_VIBRATION { WORD wLeftMotorSpeed; WORD wRightMotorSpeed; } , *PXINPUT_VIBRATION; Members wLeftMotorSpeed Speed of the left motor. Valid values are in the range 0 to 65,535. Zero signifies no motor use; 65,535 signifies 100 percent motor use. wRightMotorSpeed Speed of the right motor. Valid values are in the range 0 to 65,535. Zero signifies no motor use; 65,535 signifies 100 percent motor use. XINPUT_VIBRATION Speed of the left motor. Valid values are in the range 0 to 65,535. Zero signifies no motor use; 65,535 signifies 100 percent motor use. unsigned short wLeftMotorSpeed Speed of the right motor. Valid values are in the range 0 to 65,535. Zero signifies no motor use; 65,535 signifies 100 percent motor use. unsigned short wRightMotorSpeed Common error code from XInput Device is not connected