using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; // This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the // "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license. // For details see: namespace ANXStatusComparer.Data { public class ConstructorElement : BaseObjectElement { public ConstructorInfo Handle { get; private set; } public ConstructorElement(ConstructorInfo method, string setKeyName) : base(setKeyName) { Handle = method; } #region IsCorrect public override bool IsCorrect(BaseObjectElement otherElement) { ConstructorElement other = otherElement as ConstructorElement; bool isCorrect = true; if (otherElement.KeyName != KeyName) { isCorrect = false; } if (Handle.IsPublic != other.Handle.IsPublic) { isCorrect = false; } ParameterInfo[] parameters = Handle.GetParameters(); ParameterInfo[] otherParameters = other.Handle.GetParameters(); if (parameters.Length != otherParameters.Length) { isCorrect = false; } else { for (int index = 0; index < parameters.Length; index++) { ParameterInfo thisParam = parameters[index]; ParameterInfo otherParam = otherParameters[index]; if (thisParam.IsIn != otherParam.IsIn) { isCorrect = false; } if (thisParam.IsOptional != otherParam.IsOptional) { isCorrect = false; } if (thisParam.IsOut != otherParam.IsOut) { isCorrect = false; } #region Check custom attributes object[] thisAttributes = thisParam.GetCustomAttributes(false); object[] otherAttributes = otherParam.GetCustomAttributes(false); Dictionary thisAttribDict = new Dictionary(); Dictionary otherAttribDict = new Dictionary(); if (thisAttributes.Length != otherAttributes.Length) { isCorrect = false; } else { for (int attribIndex = 0; attribIndex < thisAttributes.Length; attribIndex++) { Type thisType = thisAttributes[attribIndex].GetType(); if (thisAttribDict.ContainsKey(thisType) == false) { thisAttribDict.Add(thisType, 0); } thisAttribDict[thisType]++; Type otherType = otherAttributes[attribIndex].GetType(); if (otherAttribDict.ContainsKey(otherType) == false) { otherAttribDict.Add(otherType, 0); } otherAttribDict[otherType]++; } } foreach (Type thisType in thisAttribDict.Keys) { if (otherAttribDict.ContainsKey(thisType) == false) { isCorrect = false; break; } if (thisAttribDict[thisType] != otherAttribDict[thisType]) { isCorrect = false; break; } } #endregion } } if (Handle.IsFamily != other.Handle.IsFamily) { isCorrect = false; } return isCorrect; } #endregion public override string GetDescription() { string result = (Handle.IsPublic ? "PUBLIC " : "") + (Handle.IsFamily ? "PROTECTED " : "") + Handle.ToString(); #region Add attributes ParameterInfo[] parameters = Handle.GetParameters(); result += " (Attributes: "; for (int index = 0; index < parameters.Length; index++) { ParameterInfo thisParam = parameters[index]; object[] attributes = thisParam.GetCustomAttributes(false); if (attributes.Length == 0) { continue; } result += thisParam.Position + ": "; foreach (object attrib in attributes) { result += "[" + attrib.GetType().Name + "] "; } result += ", "; } result += ")"; if (result.EndsWith(" (Attributes: )")) { result = result.Substring(0, result.Length - 14); } #endregion return result; } } }