using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Development; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline { [Developer("KorsarNek")] public class MultiContentBuildLogger : ContentBuildLogger { private List _childs = new List(); private string _name; public IList Childs { get { return _childs; } } public override string Name { get { return this._name; } } public MultiContentBuildLogger(string name) { this._name = name; } public override void LogImportantMessage(string message, params object[] messageArgs) { foreach (var child in Childs) try { //Before we send the messageArgs over the eventual process or appDomain boundaries, we format them into the message to make sure that we don't transfer non-marshable types. child.LogImportantMessage(string.Format(message, messageArgs)); } catch (Exception exc) { LogLoggerError(exc, child); } } public override void LogImportantMessage(string helpLink, ContentIdentity contentIdentity, string message, params object[] messageArgs) { foreach (var child in Childs) try { child.LogImportantMessage(helpLink, contentIdentity, string.Format(message, messageArgs)); } catch (Exception exc) { LogLoggerError(exc, child); } } public override void LogMessage(string message, params object[] messageArgs) { foreach (var child in Childs) try { child.LogMessage(string.Format(message, messageArgs)); } catch (Exception exc) { LogLoggerError(exc, child); } } public override void LogWarning(string helpLink, ContentIdentity contentIdentity, string message, params object[] messageArgs) { foreach (var child in Childs) try { child.LogWarning(helpLink, contentIdentity, string.Format(message, messageArgs)); } catch (Exception exc) { LogLoggerError(exc, child); } } public override string LoggerRootDirectory { get { return base.LoggerRootDirectory; } set { base.LoggerRootDirectory = value; foreach (var child in Childs) try { child.LoggerRootDirectory = value; } catch (Exception exc) { LogLoggerError(exc, child); } } } public override void PopFile() { base.PopFile(); foreach (var child in Childs) try { child.PopFile(); } catch (Exception exc) { LogLoggerError(exc, child); } } public override void PushFile(string filename) { base.PushFile(filename); foreach (var child in Childs) try { child.PushFile(filename); } catch (Exception exc) { LogLoggerError(exc, child); } } private void LogLoggerError(Exception exc, IContentBuildLogger faultyLogger) { //For .net 4.0, whe have to use a stackFrame to find out from where we have been called instead of using the [CallerMemberName] attribute. StackFrame stack = new StackFrame(1); string methodName = stack.GetMethod().Name; foreach (var child in Childs.Except(new[] { faultyLogger })) { try { child.LogMessage(string.Format("Logger \"{0}\" had an error executing {1}: {2}", faultyLogger.Name, methodName, exc.Message)); } catch { //If there's an exception again, just forget about it and let the actual error get logged by the loggers that can handle these things. } } } } }