using System; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.IO; using ANX.Framework.Graphics; using ANX.Framework.NonXNA; using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.RenderSystem; // This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the // "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license. // For details see: namespace ANX.RenderSystem.Windows.Metro { public class Creator : IRenderSystemCreator { #region Public public string Name { get { return "Metro"; } } public int Priority { get { return 10; } } public bool IsSupported { get { return OSInformation.GetName() == PlatformName.Windows8; } } #endregion #region CreateGraphicsDevice public INativeGraphicsDevice CreateGraphicsDevice( PresentationParameters presentationParameters) { return new GraphicsDeviceWindowsMetro(presentationParameters); } #endregion #region CreateIndexBuffer public INativeIndexBuffer CreateIndexBuffer(GraphicsDevice graphics, IndexBuffer managedBuffer, IndexElementSize size, int indexCount, BufferUsage usage) { return new IndexBuffer_Metro(graphics, size, indexCount, usage); } #endregion #region CreateVertexBuffer public INativeVertexBuffer CreateVertexBuffer(GraphicsDevice graphics, VertexBuffer managedBuffer, VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration, int vertexCount, BufferUsage usage) { return new VertexBuffer_Metro(graphics, vertexDeclaration, vertexCount, usage); } #endregion #if XNAEXT #region CreateConstantBuffer public INativeConstantBuffer CreateConstantBuffer(GraphicsDevice graphics, ConstantBuffer managedBuffer, BufferUsage usage) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } #endregion #endif #region CreateEffect public INativeEffect CreateEffect(GraphicsDevice graphics, Effect managedEffect, Stream vertexShaderByteCode, Stream pixelShaderByteCode) { return new Effect_Metro(graphics, managedEffect, vertexShaderByteCode, pixelShaderByteCode); } #endregion #region CreateEffect public INativeEffect CreateEffect(GraphicsDevice graphics, Effect managedEffect, System.IO.Stream byteCode) { return new Effect_Metro(graphics, managedEffect, byteCode); } #endregion #region CreateTexture (TODO) public Texture2D CreateTexture(GraphicsDevice graphics, string fileName) { //TODO: implement throw new NotImplementedException(); //GraphicsDeviceWindowsDX10 graphicsDX10 = graphics.NativeDevice as GraphicsDeviceWindowsDX10; //Dx11.Texture2D nativeTexture = Dx11.Texture2D.FromFile(graphicsDX10.NativeDevice, fileName); //Texture2D_DX10 texture = new Texture2D_DX10(graphics, nativeTexture.Description.Width, nativeTexture.Description.Height, FormatConverter.Translate(nativeTexture.Description.Format), nativeTexture.Description.MipLevels); //texture.NativeTexture = nativeTexture; //return texture; } #endregion #region CreateTexture public INativeTexture2D CreateTexture(GraphicsDevice graphics, SurfaceFormat surfaceFormat, int width, int height, int mipCount) { return new Texture2D_Metro(graphics, width, height, surfaceFormat, mipCount); } #endregion #region CreateBlendState public INativeBlendState CreateBlendState() { return new BlendState_Metro(); } #endregion #region CreateRasterizerState public INativeRasterizerState CreateRasterizerState() { return new RasterizerState_Metro(); } #endregion #region CreateDepthStencilState public INativeDepthStencilState CreateDepthStencilState() { return new DepthStencilState_Metro(); } #endregion #region CreateSamplerState public INativeSamplerState CreateSamplerState() { return new SamplerState_Metro(); } #endregion #region GetShaderByteCode public byte[] GetShaderByteCode(PreDefinedShader type) { if (type == PreDefinedShader.SpriteBatch) { return ShaderByteCode.SpriteBatchByteCode; } else if (type == PreDefinedShader.DualTextureEffect) { return ShaderByteCode.DualTextureEffectByteCode; } /* TODO else if (type == PreDefinedShader.AlphaTestEffect) { return ShaderByteCode.AlphaTestEffectByteCode; } else if (type == PreDefinedShader.BasicEffect) { return ShaderByteCode.BasicEffectByteCode; } else if (type == PreDefinedShader.EnvironmentMapEffect) { return ShaderByteCode.EnvironmentMapEffectByteCode; } else if (type == PreDefinedShader.SkinnedEffect) { return ShaderByteCode.SkinnedEffectByteCode; } */ throw new NotImplementedException("ByteCode for '" + type + "' is not yet available"); } #endregion public EffectSourceLanguage GetStockShaderSourceLanguage { get { return EffectSourceLanguage.HLSL_FX; } } #region RegisterCreator public void RegisterCreator(AddInSystemFactory factory) { factory.AddCreator(this); } #endregion #region GetAdapterList (TODO) public ReadOnlyCollection GetAdapterList() { return new ReadOnlyCollection(new GraphicsAdapter[] { new GraphicsAdapter() { IsDefaultAdapter = true } }); /* SharpDX.DXGI.Factory factory = new Factory(); List adapterList = new List(); DisplayModeCollection displayModeCollection = new DisplayModeCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < factory.GetAdapterCount(); i++) { using (Adapter adapter = factory.GetAdapter(i)) { GraphicsAdapter ga = new GraphicsAdapter(); //ga.CurrentDisplayMode = ; //ga.Description = ; ga.DeviceId = adapter.Description.DeviceId; ga.DeviceName = adapter.Description.Description; ga.IsDefaultAdapter = i == 0; //TODO: how to set default adapter? //ga.IsWideScreen = ; //ga.MonitorHandle = ; ga.Revision = adapter.Description.Revision; ga.SubSystemId = adapter.Description.SubsystemId; //ga.SupportedDisplayModes = ; ga.VendorId = adapter.Description.VendorId; using (Output adapterOutput = adapter.GetOutput(0)) { foreach (ModeDescription modeDescription in adapterOutput.GetDisplayModeList(Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, DisplayModeEnumerationFlags.Interlaced)) { DisplayMode displayMode = new DisplayMode() { Format = FormatConverter.Translate(modeDescription.Format), Width = modeDescription.Width, Height = modeDescription.Height, AspectRatio = (float)modeDescription.Width / (float)modeDescription.Height, TitleSafeArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, modeDescription.Width, modeDescription.Height), //TODO: calculate this for real }; displayModeCollection[displayMode.Format] = new DisplayMode[] { displayMode }; } } ga.SupportedDisplayModes = displayModeCollection; adapterList.Add(ga); } } factory.Dispose(); return new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(adapterList);*/ } #endregion #region CreateRenderTarget public INativeRenderTarget2D CreateRenderTarget(GraphicsDevice graphics, int width, int height, bool mipMap, SurfaceFormat preferredFormat, DepthFormat preferredDepthFormat, int preferredMultiSampleCount, RenderTargetUsage usage) { return new RenderTarget2D_Metro(graphics, width, height, mipMap, preferredFormat, preferredDepthFormat, preferredMultiSampleCount, usage); } #endregion #region CreateOcclusionQuery (TODO) public IOcclusionQuery CreateOcclusionQuery() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } #endregion #region IsLanguageSupported public bool IsLanguageSupported(EffectSourceLanguage sourceLanguage) { return sourceLanguage == EffectSourceLanguage.HLSL_FX || sourceLanguage == EffectSourceLanguage.HLSL; } #endregion #region SetTextureSampler (TODO) public void SetTextureSampler(int index, Texture value) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } #endregion } }