using System; using System.IO; using ANX.Framework.Audio; using ANX.Framework.Media; using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Development; using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.SoundSystem; using SharpDX; using SharpDX.Multimedia; using SharpDX.XAudio2; // This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the // "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license. // For details see: namespace ANX.SoundSystem.Windows.XAudio { [Developer("AstrorEnales")] public class XAudioSong : ISong { #if !WINDOWSMETRO private FileStream oggFileStream; private XAudioOggInputStream oggStream; #endif private SourceVoice source; private readonly AudioBuffer[] buffers = new AudioBuffer[2]; private int nextBufferIndex; private XAudio2 device; private string filepath; private bool isInitialized; public TimeSpan Duration { get; private set; } public TimeSpan PlayPosition { get; private set; } public MediaState State { get; private set; } public XAudioSong(XAudio2 device, Uri uri) { filepath = Uri.UnescapeDataString(uri.AbsolutePath); this.device = device; // TODO: duration } public XAudioSong(XAudio2 device, string filepath, int duration) { this.filepath = filepath; this.device = device; Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, duration); } private void Init() { if (Path.GetExtension(filepath).ToLower() != ".ogg") throw new NotImplementedException("Currently only ogg playback is implemented!"); isInitialized = true; PlayPosition = TimeSpan.Zero; State = MediaState.Stopped; //TODO: Provide a Metro implementation. #if !WINDOWSMETRO oggFileStream = File.Open(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); oggStream = new XAudioOggInputStream(oggFileStream); var format = new WaveFormat(oggStream.SampleRate, 16, oggStream.Channels); source = new SourceVoice(device, format, true); source.BufferEnd += StreamBuffer; for (int index = 0; index < buffers.Length; index++) buffers[index] = new AudioBuffer { Stream = new DataStream(XAudioOggInputStream.BufferLength, false, true) }; #endif } private void StreamBuffer(IntPtr handle) { if (Stream() == false) Stop(); } public void Play() { if (isInitialized == false) Init(); if (State == MediaState.Playing) return; if (State == MediaState.Stopped) { Rewind(); for (int index = 0; index < buffers.Length; index++) if (Stream() == false) return; } source.Start(); State = MediaState.Playing; } public void Stop() { if (State == MediaState.Stopped) return; State = MediaState.Stopped; source.Stop(); source.FlushSourceBuffers(); } public void Pause() { if (State == MediaState.Paused) return; State = MediaState.Paused; source.Stop(); } public void Resume() { Play(); } public void Update() { } public void GetVisualizationData(VisualizationData data) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } internal void Rewind() { PlayPosition = TimeSpan.Zero; #if !WINDOWSMETRO oggFileStream.Position = 0; oggStream = new XAudioOggInputStream(oggFileStream); #endif } internal bool Stream() { #if !WINDOWSMETRO AudioBuffer currentBuffer = buffers[nextBufferIndex]; currentBuffer.Stream.Position = 0; int size = oggStream.Read(currentBuffer.Stream); if (size <= 0) return false; var channels = (AudioChannels)oggStream.Channels; PlayPosition = PlayPosition.Add(SoundEffect.GetSampleDuration(size, oggStream.SampleRate, channels)); currentBuffer.PlayLength = size / 4; source.SubmitSourceBuffer(currentBuffer, null); nextBufferIndex = (nextBufferIndex + 1) % buffers.Length; return true; #else return false; #endif } public void Dispose() { #if !WINDOWSMETRO if (oggFileStream != null) { oggFileStream.Close(); oggFileStream.Dispose(); oggFileStream = null; } if (oggStream != null) { oggStream = null; } #endif if (source != null) { source.FlushSourceBuffers(); source.DestroyVoice(); source.Dispose(); } source = null; } } }