using System; using ANX.Framework; using ANX.Framework.Graphics; using ANX.Framework.NonXNA; using SceGraphics = Sce.PlayStation.Core.Graphics; // This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the // "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license. // For details see: namespace ANX.RenderSystem.PsVita { public class PsVitaBlendState : INativeBlendState { #region Public public bool IsBound { get; private set; } public BlendFunction AlphaBlendFunction { set; private get; } public BlendFunction ColorBlendFunction { set; private get; } public Blend AlphaSourceBlend { set; private get; } public Blend AlphaDestinationBlend { set; private get; } public Blend ColorSourceBlend { set; private get; } public Blend ColorDestinationBlend { set; private get; } public ColorWriteChannels ColorWriteChannels { set; private get; } public ColorWriteChannels ColorWriteChannels1 { set; private get; } public ColorWriteChannels ColorWriteChannels2 { set; private get; } public ColorWriteChannels ColorWriteChannels3 { set; private get; } public Color BlendFactor { set; private get; } public int MultiSampleMask { set; private get; } #endregion #region Constructor internal PsVitaBlendState() { IsBound = false; } #endregion #region Apply (TODO) public void Apply(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) { IsBound = true; var context = PsVitaGraphicsDevice.Current.NativeContext; context.Enable(SceGraphics.EnableMode.Blend); context.SetBlendFuncRgb(TranslateBlendFunction(ColorBlendFunction), TranslateBlend(ColorSourceBlend), TranslateBlend(ColorDestinationBlend)); context.SetBlendFuncAlpha(TranslateBlendFunction(AlphaBlendFunction), TranslateBlend(AlphaSourceBlend), TranslateBlend(AlphaDestinationBlend)); SetColorWriteChannel(context, ColorWriteChannels); // TODO //SetColorWriteChannel(context, ColorWriteChannels1); //SetColorWriteChannel(context, ColorWriteChannels2); //SetColorWriteChannel(context, ColorWriteChannels3); //GL.BlendColor(BlendFactor.R * DatatypesMapping.ColorMultiplier, // BlendFactor.G * DatatypesMapping.ColorMultiplier, // BlendFactor.B * DatatypesMapping.ColorMultiplier, // BlendFactor.A * DatatypesMapping.ColorMultiplier); //ErrorHelper.Check("BlendColor"); // TODO: multi sample mask } #endregion #region Release public void Release() { IsBound = false; } #endregion #region Dispose public void Dispose() { } #endregion #region SetColorWriteChannel private void SetColorWriteChannel(SceGraphics.GraphicsContext context, ColorWriteChannels channels) { var mask = SceGraphics.ColorMask.None; if((channels & ColorWriteChannels.Red) != 0) { mask |= SceGraphics.ColorMask.R; } if((channels & ColorWriteChannels.Green) != 0) { mask |= SceGraphics.ColorMask.G; } if((channels & ColorWriteChannels.Blue) != 0) { mask |= SceGraphics.ColorMask.B; } if((channels & ColorWriteChannels.Alpha) != 0) { mask |= SceGraphics.ColorMask.A; } context.SetColorMask(mask); } #endregion #region TranslateBlend private SceGraphics.BlendFuncFactor TranslateBlend(Blend blending) { switch (blending) { case Blend.SourceAlpha: return SceGraphics.BlendFuncFactor.SrcAlpha; case Blend.DestinationAlpha: return SceGraphics.BlendFuncFactor.DstAlpha; case Blend.DestinationColor: return SceGraphics.BlendFuncFactor.DstColor; case Blend.InverseDestinationAlpha: return SceGraphics.BlendFuncFactor.OneMinusDstAlpha; case Blend.InverseDestinationColor: return SceGraphics.BlendFuncFactor.OneMinusDstColor; case Blend.InverseSourceAlpha: return SceGraphics.BlendFuncFactor.OneMinusSrcAlpha; case Blend.One: return SceGraphics.BlendFuncFactor.One; case Blend.SourceAlphaSaturation: return SceGraphics.BlendFuncFactor.SrcAlphaSaturate; case Blend.Zero: return SceGraphics.BlendFuncFactor.Zero; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unable to translate SourceBlend '" + blending + "' to PsVita BlendFuncFactor."); } } #endregion #region TranslateBlendFunction private SceGraphics.BlendFuncMode TranslateBlendFunction(BlendFunction func) { switch (func) { case BlendFunction.Add: return SceGraphics.BlendFuncMode.Add; case BlendFunction.Subtract: return SceGraphics.BlendFuncMode.Subtract; case BlendFunction.ReverseSubtract: return SceGraphics.BlendFuncMode.ReverseSubtract; } throw new ArgumentException("Unable to translate BlendFunction '" + func + "' to PsVita BlendFuncMode."); } #endregion } }