using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.IO; using ANX.Framework; using ANX.Framework.Graphics; using ANX.Framework.NonXNA; using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Development; using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.RenderSystem; using ANX.Framework.GL3; using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; // This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the // "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license. // For details see: namespace ANX.RenderSystem.GL3 { [PercentageComplete(90)] [TestState(TestStateAttribute.TestState.Untested)] [Developer("AstrorEnales")] public class Creator : IRenderSystemCreator { #region Public public string Name { get { return "OpenGL3"; } } public int Priority { get { return 100; } } public bool IsSupported { get { //TODO: this is just a very basic version of test for support PlatformName os = OSInformation.GetName(); return OSInformation.IsWindows || os == PlatformName.Linux || os == PlatformName.MacOSX; } } public EffectSourceLanguage GetStockShaderSourceLanguage { get { return EffectSourceLanguage.GLSL_FX; } } #endregion #region CreateEffect public INativeEffect CreateEffect(GraphicsDevice graphics, Effect managedEffect, Stream byteCode) { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange( AddInType.RenderSystem); return new EffectGL3(managedEffect, byteCode); } public INativeEffect CreateEffect(GraphicsDevice graphics, Effect managedEffect, Stream vertexShaderByteCode, Stream pixelShaderByteCode) { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange( AddInType.RenderSystem); return new EffectGL3(managedEffect, vertexShaderByteCode, pixelShaderByteCode); } #endregion #region CreateGraphicsDevice INativeGraphicsDevice IRenderSystemCreator.CreateGraphicsDevice(PresentationParameters presentationParameters) { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); return new GraphicsDeviceWindowsGL3(presentationParameters); } #endregion #region CreateTexture /// /// Create a new native texture. /// /// Graphics device. /// The format of the texture. /// The width of the texture. /// The height of the texture. /// The number of mipmaps in the texture. /// public INativeTexture2D CreateTexture(GraphicsDevice graphics, SurfaceFormat surfaceFormat, int width, int height, int mipCount) { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); return new Texture2DGL3(surfaceFormat, width, height, mipCount); } #endregion #region CreateIndexBuffer /// /// Create a native index buffer. /// /// The current graphics device. /// The size of a single index element. /// The number of indices stored in the buffer. /// /// The usage type of the buffer. /// Native OpenGL index buffer. public INativeIndexBuffer CreateIndexBuffer(GraphicsDevice graphics, IndexBuffer managedBuffer, IndexElementSize size, int indexCount, BufferUsage usage) { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); return new IndexBufferGL3(managedBuffer, size, indexCount, usage); } public INativeIndexBuffer CreateDynamicIndexBuffer(GraphicsDevice graphics, IndexBuffer managedBuffer, IndexElementSize size, int indexCount, BufferUsage usage) { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); return new IndexBufferGL3(managedBuffer, size, indexCount, usage); } #endregion #region CreateVertexBuffer /// /// Create a native vertex buffer. /// /// The current graphics device. /// The vertex declaration for the buffer. /// The number of vertices stored in the buffer. /// /// The usage type of the buffer. /// Native OpenGL vertex buffer. public INativeVertexBuffer CreateVertexBuffer(GraphicsDevice graphics, VertexBuffer managedBuffer, VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration, int vertexCount, BufferUsage usage) { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); return new VertexBufferGL3(managedBuffer, vertexDeclaration, vertexCount, usage); } public INativeVertexBuffer CreateDynamicVertexBuffer(GraphicsDevice graphics, DynamicVertexBuffer managedBuffer, VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration, int vertexCount, BufferUsage usage) { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); return new VertexBufferGL3(managedBuffer, vertexDeclaration, vertexCount, usage); } #endregion #if XNAEXT #region CreateConstantBuffer (TODO) public INativeConstantBuffer CreateConstantBuffer(GraphicsDevice graphics, ConstantBuffer managedBuffer, BufferUsage usage) { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); throw new NotImplementedException(); } #endregion #endif #region CreateBlendState /// /// Create a new native blend state. /// /// Native Blend State. public INativeBlendState CreateBlendState() { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); return new BlendStateGL3(); } #endregion #region CreateBlendState /// /// Create a new native rasterizer state. /// /// Native Rasterizer State. public INativeRasterizerState CreateRasterizerState() { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); return new RasterizerStateGL3(); } #endregion #region CreateDepthStencilState /// /// Create a new native Depth Stencil State. /// /// Native Depth Stencil State. public INativeDepthStencilState CreateDepthStencilState() { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); return new DepthStencilStateGL3(); } #endregion #region CreateSamplerState /// /// Create a new native sampler state. /// /// Native Sampler State. public INativeSamplerState CreateSamplerState() { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); return new SamplerStateGL3(); } #endregion #region GetShaderByteCode /// /// Get the byte code of a pre defined shader. /// /// Pre defined shader type. /// Byte code of the shader. public byte[] GetShaderByteCode(PreDefinedShader type) { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); if (type == PreDefinedShader.SpriteBatch) { return ShaderByteCode.SpriteBatchByteCode; } else if (type == PreDefinedShader.AlphaTestEffect) { return ShaderByteCode.AlphaTestEffectByteCode; } else if (type == PreDefinedShader.BasicEffect) { return ShaderByteCode.BasicEffectByteCode; } else if (type == PreDefinedShader.DualTextureEffect) { return ShaderByteCode.DualTextureEffectByteCode; } else if (type == PreDefinedShader.EnvironmentMapEffect) { return ShaderByteCode.EnvironmentMapEffectByteCode; } else if (type == PreDefinedShader.SkinnedEffect) { return ShaderByteCode.SkinnedEffectByteCode; } throw new NotImplementedException("ByteCode for '" + type.ToString() + "' is not yet available"); } #endregion #region GetAdapterList (TODO) /// /// Get a list of available graphics adapter information. /// /// List of graphics adapters. public ReadOnlyCollection GetAdapterList() { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); var result = new List(); foreach (DisplayDevice device in DisplayDevice.AvailableDisplays) { var resultingModes = new List(); foreach (string format in Enum.GetNames(typeof(SurfaceFormat))) { SurfaceFormat surfaceFormat = (SurfaceFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(SurfaceFormat), format); // TODO: device.BitsPerPixel if (surfaceFormat != SurfaceFormat.Color)//adapter.Supports(surfaceFormat) == false) { continue; } } var newAdapter = new GraphicsAdapterGL3(device, SurfaceFormat.Color); result.Add(newAdapter); } return new ReadOnlyCollection(result); } #endregion #region CreateRenderTarget public INativeRenderTarget2D CreateRenderTarget(GraphicsDevice graphics, int width, int height, bool mipMap, SurfaceFormat preferredFormat, DepthFormat preferredDepthFormat, int preferredMultiSampleCount, RenderTargetUsage usage) { AddInSystemFactory.Instance.PreventSystemChange(AddInType.RenderSystem); return new RenderTarget2DGL3(width, height, mipMap, preferredFormat, preferredDepthFormat, preferredMultiSampleCount, usage); } #endregion #region IsLanguageSupported public bool IsLanguageSupported(EffectSourceLanguage sourceLanguage) { return sourceLanguage == EffectSourceLanguage.GLSL_FX || sourceLanguage == EffectSourceLanguage.GLSL; } #endregion #region CreateOcclusionQuery public IOcclusionQuery CreateOcclusionQuery() { return new OcclusionQueryGL3(); } #endregion #region SetTextureSampler (TODO) public void SetTextureSampler(int index, Texture value) { TextureUnit textureUnit = TextureUnit.Texture0 + index; GL.ActiveTexture(textureUnit); int handle = (value.NativeTexture as Texture2DGL3).NativeHandle; GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, handle); int unitIndex = (int)(textureUnit - TextureUnit.Texture0); //GL.Uniform1(UniformIndex, 1, ref unitIndex); } #endregion } }