using System; using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Development; // This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the // "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license. // For details see: namespace ANX.Framework.Media { [PercentageComplete(100)] [Developer("AstrorEnales")] [TestState(TestStateAttribute.TestState.Untested)] public static class MediaPlayer { #region Events public static event EventHandler ActiveSongChanged; public static event EventHandler MediaStateChanged; #endregion private static bool isShuffled; private static bool isRepeating; private static float volume; private static MediaState currentState; internal static float VolumeToUse { get { return IsMuted ? 0f : volume; } } #region Public public static bool IsShuffled { get { return isShuffled; } set { isShuffled = value; Queue.UpdateOrder(); } } public static bool IsRepeating { get { return isRepeating; } set { isRepeating = value; } } public static float Volume { get { return volume; } set { volume = MathHelper.Clamp(value, 0f, 1f); } } public static bool IsVisualizationEnabled { get; set; } public static bool IsMuted { get; set; } public static MediaQueue Queue { get; private set; } public static MediaState State { get { return currentState; } private set { if (currentState == value) return; currentState = value; if (MediaStateChanged != null) MediaStateChanged(null, EventArgs.Empty); } } public static TimeSpan PlayPosition { get { return Queue.ActiveSong == null ? TimeSpan.Zero : Queue.ActiveSong.NativeSong.PlayPosition; } } public static bool GameHasControl { get { return true; } } #endregion #region Constructor static MediaPlayer() { currentState = MediaState.Stopped; volume = 1f; isRepeating = false; IsMuted = false; IsVisualizationEnabled = false; isShuffled = false; Queue = new MediaQueue(); FrameworkDispatcher.OnUpdate += Tick; } #endregion #region Play public static void Play(Song song) { Queue.Play(song); } public static void Play(SongCollection songCollection) { Queue.Play(songCollection); } public static void Play(SongCollection songCollection, int index) { Queue.Play(songCollection, index); } #endregion #region Pause public static void Pause() { if (Queue.ActiveSong != null) Queue.ActiveSong.Pause(); } #endregion #region Resume public static void Resume() { if (Queue.ActiveSong != null) Queue.ActiveSong.Resume(); } #endregion #region Stop public static void Stop() { Queue.Stop(); } #endregion #region MoveNext public static void MoveNext() { Queue.MoveNext(false); } #endregion #region MovePrevious public static void MovePrevious() { Queue.MovePrevious(); } #endregion #region Tick private static void Tick() { if (Queue.ActiveSong == null) { State = MediaState.Stopped; return; } Queue.ActiveSong.NativeSong.Update(); State = Queue.ActiveSong.State; if (Queue.ActiveSong.State != MediaState.Stopped) return; if (Queue.MoveNext(isRepeating)) State = MediaState.Playing; if (ActiveSongChanged != null) ActiveSongChanged(null, EventArgs.Empty); } #endregion #region GetVisualizationData public static void GetVisualizationData(VisualizationData visualizationData) { if (visualizationData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("visualizationData"); if (IsVisualizationEnabled == false) return; if(Queue.ActiveSong != null) Queue.ActiveSong.NativeSong.GetVisualizationData(visualizationData); } #endregion } }