using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Security.Cryptography; using StringPair = System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair; // This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the // "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license. // For details see: namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Helpers.GL3 { public static class ShaderHelper { #region SaveShaderCode (for external) public static byte[] SaveShaderCode(string effectCode) { effectCode = CleanCode(effectCode); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); // First of all writer the shader code (which is already preceeded // by a length identifier, making it harder to manipulate the code) writer.Write(effectCode); // And now we additionally generate a sha hash so it nearly becomes // impossible to manipulate the shader. using (SHA512Managed sha = new SHA512Managed()) { byte[] data = stream.ToArray(); byte[] hash = sha.ComputeHash(data); // The hash is added to the end of the stream. writer.Write(hash); writer.Flush(); } return stream.ToArray(); } #endregion #region LoadShaderCode public static string LoadShaderCode(Stream stream) { BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream); // First load the source. string source = reader.ReadString(); byte[] hash; // And now check if it was manipulated. using (SHA512Managed sha = new SHA512Managed()) { int lengthRead = (int)stream.Position; stream.Position = 0; byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes(lengthRead); hash = sha.ComputeHash(data); } byte[] loadedHash = reader.ReadBytes(64); for (int index = 0; index < hash.Length; index++) { if (hash[index] != loadedHash[index]) { throw new InvalidDataException("Failed to load the shader " + "because the data got manipulated!"); } } return source; } #endregion #region CleanCode private static string CleanCode(string input) { // We wanna clean up the shader a little bit, so we remove // empty lines, spaces and tabs at beginning and end and also // remove comments. List lines = new List(input.Split('\n')); input = ""; for (int index = lines.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) { lines[index] = lines[index].Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[index]) || lines[index].StartsWith("//")) { lines.RemoveAt(index); continue; } input = lines[index] + input; } #region Multiline comment removing input = input.Replace("/*/*", "/* /*"); input = input.Replace("*/*/", "*/ */"); int length = input.Length; int foundStartIndex = -1; int openCommentsCount = 0; for (int index = 0; index < length - 1; index++) { if (input[index] == '/' && input[index + 1] == '*') { if (openCommentsCount == 0) { foundStartIndex = index; } openCommentsCount++; } if (input[index] == '*' && input[index + 1] == '/') { openCommentsCount--; if (openCommentsCount == 0) { int commentLength = index - foundStartIndex + 2; length -= commentLength; index = foundStartIndex - 1; input = input.Remove(foundStartIndex, commentLength); foundStartIndex = -1; } } } if (openCommentsCount > 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to clean the shader code because it seems " + "some multiline comments interfere with each other or with the code. " + "Please make sure your shader code and comments are well formatted!"); } #endregion // Now to some additional cleanup string[] minimizables = { " * ", " = ", " + ", " / ", " - ", ", ", }; foreach (string mizable in minimizables) { input = input.Replace(mizable, mizable.Trim()); } return input; } #endregion #region ParseShaderCode public static ShaderData ParseShaderCode(string source) { ShaderData result = new ShaderData(); string[] partIdentifiers = { "vertexglobal", "vertexshaders", "fragmentglobal", "fragmentshaders", "techniques", }; int index = 0; while (index < source.Length) { for (int partIdsIndex = 0; partIdsIndex < partIdentifiers.Length; partIdsIndex++) { string partId = partIdentifiers[partIdsIndex]; bool isValid = true; for (int partIndex = 0; partIndex < partId.Length; partIndex++) { if (source[index + partIndex] != partId[partIndex]) { isValid = false; break; } } if (isValid) { int startIndex = index + partId.Length; startIndex = source.IndexOf('{', startIndex) + 1; string area = ExtractArea(source, startIndex); index = startIndex + area.Length - 1; switch (partIdsIndex) { case 0: result.VertexGlobalCode = area; break; case 2: result.FragmentGlobalCode = area; break; case 1: ExtractNamedAreas(area, "shader", 0, result); break; case 3: ExtractNamedAreas(area, "shader", 1, result); break; case 4: ExtractNamedAreas(area, "technique", 2, result); break; } } } index++; } return result; } #endregion #region ExtractNamedAreas private static void ExtractNamedAreas(string areaSource, string identifier, int addToId, ShaderData result) { int index = 0; while (index < areaSource.Length) { bool isValid = true; for (int partIndex = 0; partIndex < identifier.Length; partIndex++) { if (areaSource[index + partIndex] != identifier[partIndex]) { isValid = false; break; } } if (isValid) { int startIndex = index + identifier.Length; startIndex = areaSource.IndexOf('"', startIndex) + 1; string name = areaSource.Substring(startIndex, areaSource.IndexOf('"', startIndex) - startIndex); startIndex = areaSource.IndexOf('{', startIndex) + 1; string area = ExtractArea(areaSource, startIndex); switch (addToId) { case 0: result.VertexShaderCodes.Add(name, area); break; case 1: result.FragmentShaderCodes.Add(name, area); break; case 2: int vertexIndex = area.IndexOf("vertex"); vertexIndex = area.IndexOf('"', vertexIndex) + 1; string vertexName = area.Substring(vertexIndex, area.IndexOf('"', vertexIndex) - vertexIndex); int fragmentIndex = area.IndexOf("fragment"); fragmentIndex = area.IndexOf('"', fragmentIndex) + 1; string fragmentName = area.Substring(fragmentIndex, area.IndexOf('"', fragmentIndex) - fragmentIndex); result.Techniques.Add(name, new StringPair(vertexName, fragmentName)); break; } } index++; } } #endregion #region ExtractArea private static string ExtractArea(string source, int startIndex) { int endIndex = startIndex; int openBraceCount = 0; for (int index = startIndex; index < source.Length; index++) { if (source[index] == '{') { openBraceCount++; } if (source[index] == '}') { openBraceCount--; } if (openBraceCount == -1) { endIndex = index; break; } } return source.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); } #endregion private class Tests { #region TestCleanCode public static void TestCleanCode() { string input = File.ReadAllText(@"..\..\shader\GL3\SpriteBatch_GLSL.fx"); Console.WriteLine(CleanCode(input)); } #endregion #region TestCleanCodeWithExtendedComments public static void TestCleanCodeWithExtendedComments() { string input = @"// This is a simple comment. /*Hello im a multiline comment*/ /* Multiline on a single line */ /* And now the hardcore...a multiline comment /*in a multiline comment/*in another one */*/ Wow... */ "; Console.WriteLine(CleanCode(input)); } #endregion #region TestParseShaderCode public static void TestParseShaderCode() { string input = CleanCode(File.ReadAllText( @"..\..\shader\GL3\SpriteBatch_GLSL.fx")); ShaderData data = ParseShaderCode(input); Console.WriteLine("Vertex globals:"); Console.WriteLine(data.VertexGlobalCode); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Fragment globals:"); Console.WriteLine(data.FragmentGlobalCode); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------"); foreach (StringPair pair in data.VertexShaderCodes) { Console.WriteLine("vertex shader: " + pair.Key); Console.WriteLine(pair.Value); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------"); } foreach (StringPair pair in data.FragmentShaderCodes) { Console.WriteLine("fragment shader: " + pair.Key); Console.WriteLine(pair.Value); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------"); } foreach (KeyValuePair pair in data.Techniques) { Console.WriteLine("technique: " + pair.Key); Console.WriteLine("vertex shader: " + pair.Value.Key); Console.WriteLine("fragment shader: " + pair.Value.Value); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------"); } } #endregion } } }