The parameter type X3DAUDIO_VECTOR is typed to DirectX::XMFLOAT3, to provide x , y , and z floating-point values.
X3DAudio uses a left-handed Cartesian coordinate system, with values on the x-axis increasing from left to right, on the y-axis from bottom to top, and on the z-axis from near to far. Azimuths are measured clockwise from a given reference direction.
For user-defined distance curves, the distance field of the first point must be 0.0f and the distance field of the last point must be 1.0f.
If an emitter moves beyond a distance of (CurveDistanceScaler ? 1.0f), the last point on the curve is used to compute the volume output level. The last point is determined by the following:
Inner Radius and Inner Radius Angle.pPoints[PointCount-1].DSPSetting)
InnerRadius is used to specify an area of smooth transition around the origin point as a sound travels directly through, above or below the listener. Elevation is accounted for by specifying an InnerRadiusAngle, whereby a sound whose elevation increases or decreases, will eventually start to bleed the sound into more than just two speakers.
When Inner Radius and Inner Radius Angle are not used, emitters are audible in the two closest speakers to their current position/orientation (or, if directly on a line with one speaker's defined angle, solely from that one speaker).
Inner Radius and Inner Radius Angle have no effect on emitters positioned outside of the cones they describe. Inside of the cone, they will gradually cause the sound to bleed into the opposite speakers, until the sound will be equally heard in all speakers when the emitter is at the same position as (or directly above or below) the listener.
-When distance is greater than CurveDistanceScaler ? 1.0f, the amplification factor is (CurveDistanceScaler ? 1.0f)/distance. At a distance of CurveDistanceScaler ? 2.0f, the sound will be at half volume or -6 dB, at a distance of CurveDistanceScaler ? 4.0f, the sound will be at one quarter volume or -12 dB, and so on.
pVolumeCurve and pLFECurve are independent of each other. pVolumeCurve does not affect LFE channel volume.
pVolumeCurve and pLFECurve are independent of each other. pLFECurve does not affect non LFE channel volume.
The following members must be initialized before passing this structure to the
The following members are returned by passing this structure to the
Note |
For pMatrixCoefficients and pDelayTimes, |
Value | Description |
Enables matrix coefficient table calculation.? | |
Enables delay time array calculation (stereo only).? | |
Enables low pass filter (LPF) direct-path coefficient calculation.? | |
Enables LPF reverb-path coefficient calculation.? | |
Enables reverb send level calculation.? | |
Enables Doppler shift factor calculation.? | |
Enables emitter-to-listener interior angle calculation.? | |
Fills the center channel with silence. This flag allows you to keep a 6-channel matrix so you do not have to remap the channels, but the center channel will be silent. This flag is only valid if you also set | |
Applies an equal mix of all source channels to a low frequency effect (LFE) destination channel. It only applies to matrix calculations with a source that does not have an LFE channel and a destination that does have an LFE channel. This flag is only valid if you also set |
The parameter type X3DAUDIO_VECTOR is typed to DirectX::XMFLOAT3, to provide x, y and z floating-point values.
A listener's front and top vectors must be orthonormal. To be considered orthonormal, a pair of vectors must have a magnitude of 1 +- 1x10-5 and a dot product of 0 +- 1x10-5.
-For a detailed explanation of sound cones see Sound Cones.
-The parameter type X3DAUDIO_VECTOR is typed to DirectX::XMFLOAT3, to provide x , y , and z floating-point values.
X3DAudio uses a left-handed Cartesian coordinate system, with values on the x-axis increasing from left to right, on the y-axis from bottom to top, and on the z-axis from near to far. Azimuths are measured clockwise from a given reference direction.
For user-defined distance curves, the distance field of the first point must be 0.0f and the distance field of the last point must be 1.0f.
If an emitter moves beyond a distance of (CurveDistanceScaler ? 1.0f), the last point on the curve is used to compute the volume output level. The last point is determined by the following:
Inner Radius and Inner Radius Angle.pPoints[PointCount-1].DSPSetting)
InnerRadius is used to specify an area of smooth transition around the origin point as a sound travels directly through, above or below the listener. Elevation is accounted for by specifying an InnerRadiusAngle, whereby a sound whose elevation increases or decreases, will eventually start to bleed the sound into more than just two speakers.
When Inner Radius and Inner Radius Angle are not used, emitters are audible in the two closest speakers to their current position/orientation (or, if directly on a line with one speaker's defined angle, solely from that one speaker).
Inner Radius and Inner Radius Angle have no effect on emitters positioned outside of the cones they describe. Inside of the cone, they will gradually cause the sound to bleed into the opposite speakers, until the sound will be equally heard in all speakers when the emitter is at the same position as (or directly above or below) the listener.
-When distance is greater than CurveDistanceScaler ? 1.0f, the amplification factor is (CurveDistanceScaler ? 1.0f)/distance. At a distance of CurveDistanceScaler ? 2.0f, the sound will be at half volume or -6 dB, at a distance of CurveDistanceScaler ? 4.0f, the sound will be at one quarter volume or -12 dB, and so on.
pVolumeCurve and pLFECurve are independent of each other. pVolumeCurve does not affect LFE channel volume.
pVolumeCurve and pLFECurve are independent of each other. pLFECurve does not affect non LFE channel volume.
The following members must be initialized before passing this structure to the
The following members are returned by passing this structure to the
Note |
For pMatrixCoefficients and pDelayTimes, |
Value | Description |
Enables matrix coefficient table calculation.? | |
Enables delay time array calculation (stereo only).? | |
Enables low pass filter (LPF) direct-path coefficient calculation.? | |
Enables LPF reverb-path coefficient calculation.? | |
Enables reverb send level calculation.? | |
Enables Doppler shift factor calculation.? | |
Enables emitter-to-listener interior angle calculation.? | |
Fills the center channel with silence. This flag allows you to keep a 6-channel matrix so you do not have to remap the channels, but the center channel will be silent. This flag is only valid if you also set | |
Applies an equal mix of all source channels to a low frequency effect (LFE) destination channel. It only applies to matrix calculations with a source that does not have an LFE channel and a destination that does have an LFE channel. This flag is only valid if you also set |
The parameter type X3DAUDIO_VECTOR is typed to DirectX::XMFLOAT3, to provide x, y and z floating-point values.
A listener's front and top vectors must be orthonormal. To be considered orthonormal, a pair of vectors must have a magnitude of 1 +- 1x10-5 and a dot product of 0 +- 1x10-5.
-For a detailed explanation of sound cones see Sound Cones.