diff --git a/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/Creator.cs b/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/Creator.cs
index a3abd491..58d76577 100644
--- a/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/Creator.cs
+++ b/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/Creator.cs
@@ -113,11 +113,7 @@ namespace ANX.InputSystem.Recording
public bool IsSupported
- get
- {
- //TODO: this is just a very basic version of test for support
- return AddInSystemFactory.Instance.OperatingSystem.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT;
- }
+ get { return true; } //This is just a proxy, so it runs on all plattforms
diff --git a/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/Metadata.Designer.cs b/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/Metadata.Designer.cs
index 101f0079..bbe35c67 100644
--- a/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/Metadata.Designer.cs
+++ b/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/Metadata.Designer.cs
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ namespace ANX.InputSystem.Recording {
- /// Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die Win32NT ähnelt.
+ /// Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die Win32NT Unix MacOsX ähnelt.
public static string SupportedPlatforms {
get {
diff --git a/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/Metadata.resx b/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/Metadata.resx
index c90f8c84..8451d556 100644
--- a/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/Metadata.resx
+++ b/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/Metadata.resx
@@ -118,6 +118,6 @@
System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
- Win32NT
+ Win32NT Unix MacOsX
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/RecordableDevice.cs b/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/RecordableDevice.cs
index daa8b76e..c44a2c7c 100644
--- a/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/RecordableDevice.cs
+++ b/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/RecordableDevice.cs
@@ -63,41 +63,38 @@ namespace ANX.InputSystem.Recording
protected Stream recordStream; //The stream where the input is written to
protected int nullStateCounter; //Used to sum up frames with no input.
+ protected bool isInitialized = false;
public RecordingState RecordingState { get; protected set; }
public event EventHandler EndOfPlaybackReached;
- /// How many bytes this Instance requires per Frame. Must never change!
+ /// How many bytes this Instance requires per Paket. Must never change!
- public int FramePacketLenght { get; protected set; }
+ public int PacketLenght { get; protected set; }
public RecordableDevice()
RecordingState = RecordingState.None;
- ///
- /// Initializes the Device using a new
- /// MemoryStream for input-buffering.
- ///
- public virtual void Initialize()
- {
- Initialize(new MemoryStream());
- }
/// Initializes the Device using the specified stream
/// for input-buffering.
- public virtual void Initialize(Stream bufferStream)
+ protected void Initialize(Stream bufferStream)
recordStream = bufferStream;
+ isInitialized = true;
public virtual void StartRecording()
+ if (!isInitialized)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("This instance is not initialized!");
if (RecordingState == RecordingState.Recording)
@@ -114,6 +111,9 @@ namespace ANX.InputSystem.Recording
public virtual void StartPlayback()
+ if (!isInitialized)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("This instance is not initialized!");
if (RecordingState == RecordingState.Recording)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Recording is currently running for this device.");
@@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ namespace ANX.InputSystem.Recording
/// Writes the current input state to the buffering stream. Pass null
/// for state, if no input is done (no keys down etc.).
- /// Must be called once per Frame!
protected virtual void WriteState(byte[] state)
@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ namespace ANX.InputSystem.Recording
- if (state.Length != FramePacketLenght)
+ if (state.Length != PacketLenght)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The passed state's lenght does not match the speficed FramePaketLenght.");
if (nullStateCounter > 0) //Note how many packets we had nothing
@@ -153,8 +152,7 @@ namespace ANX.InputSystem.Recording
/// Reads the next input-state from the buffering stream. Might
- /// return null, if no input was made in this frame.
- /// Must be called once per Frame!
+ /// return null, if no input was made at this Position.
protected virtual byte[] ReadState()
@@ -179,8 +177,8 @@ namespace ANX.InputSystem.Recording
nullStateCounter = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0) - 1;
return null;
case PacketType.InputData:
- byte[] buffer2 = new byte[FramePacketLenght];
- recordStream.Read(buffer2, 0, FramePacketLenght);
+ byte[] buffer2 = new byte[PacketLenght];
+ recordStream.Read(buffer2, 0, PacketLenght);
return buffer2;
throw new NotImplementedException("The PaketType " + Enum.GetName(typeof(PacketType), type) + "is not supported.");
@@ -188,6 +186,10 @@ namespace ANX.InputSystem.Recording
+ ///
+ /// Fires the EndOfPlaybackReaced event. Overwrite this method to change
+ /// this behavoir.
+ ///
protected virtual void OnEndOfPlaybackReached()
if (EndOfPlaybackReached != null)
diff --git a/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/RecordingMouse.cs b/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/RecordingMouse.cs
index f660a194..d510cdfa 100644
--- a/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/RecordingMouse.cs
+++ b/InputSystems/ANX.InputSystem.Recording/RecordingMouse.cs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using System.Text;
using ANX.Framework.NonXNA;
using ANX.Framework.Input;
using System.IO;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
@@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ namespace ANX.InputSystem.Recording
ScrollWheel = 32,
XPosition = 64,
YPosition = 128,
LRMButtons = LeftButton | RightButton | MiddleButton,
XButtons = X1Button | X2Button,
AllButtons = LRMButtons | XButtons,
@@ -77,45 +79,126 @@ namespace ANX.InputSystem.Recording
- /// Wrapper arround another IGamePad, will record all inputs and allows playback.
+ /// Used to store the ButtonStates packed to one byte.
+ ///
+ [Flags]
+ enum MouseButtons : byte
+ {
+ Left = 1,
+ Right = 2,
+ Middle = 4,
+ X1 = 8,
+ X2 = 16
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Wrapper arround another IMouse, will record all inputs and allows playback.
public class RecordingMouse : RecordableDevice, IMouse
- public IntPtr WindowHandle { get; set; }
+ protected IMouse realMouse;
+ protected MouseRecordInfo recordInfo;
- public MouseState GetState()
+ public IntPtr WindowHandle
+ {
+ get { return realMouse.WindowHandle; }
+ set { realMouse.WindowHandle = value; }
+ }
+ public MouseState GetState() //The main recording/playback logic is placed here
- throw new NotImplementedException();
+ switch(RecordingState)
+ {
+ case RecordingState.None:
+ return realMouse.GetState();
+ case RecordingState.Playback:
+ case RecordingState.Recording:
+ MouseState state = realMouse.GetState();
+ //Pack the state to a buffer and save it. In can be never null, because the mouse has allways a position.
+ //TODO: Check if the position is not recorded
+ byte[] buffer = new byte[PacketLenght];
+ byte offset = 0;
+ if ((recordInfo & MouseRecordInfo.AllButtons) != 0) //Any of the Buttons is recorded
+ {
+ buffer[offset] |= state.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed ? (byte)MouseButtons.Left : (byte)0; //TODO: Is there a byte literal? (like 118L or 91.8f)
+ buffer[offset] |= state.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed ? (byte)MouseButtons.Right : (byte)0;
+ buffer[offset] |= state.MiddleButton == ButtonState.Pressed ? (byte)MouseButtons.Middle : (byte)0;
+ buffer[offset] |= state.XButton1 == ButtonState.Pressed ? (byte)MouseButtons.X1 : (byte)0;
+ buffer[offset] |= state.XButton2 == ButtonState.Pressed ? (byte)MouseButtons.X2 : (byte)0;
+ offset++;
+ }
+ if (recordInfo.HasFlag(MouseRecordInfo.ScrollWheel))
+ Array.ConstrainedCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(state.ScrollWheelValue), 0, buffer, offset++, 4); //int is always 4 byte long.
+ if(recordInfo.HasFlag(MouseRecordInfo.XPosition))
+ Array.ConstrainedCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(state.X), 0, buffer, offset++, 4); //int is always 4 byte long.
+ if(recordInfo.HasFlag(MouseRecordInfo.YPosition))
+ Array.ConstrainedCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(state.Y), 0, buffer, offset++, 4); //int is always 4 byte long.
+ return state;
+ default:
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("The recordsingState is invalid!");
+ }
public void SetPosition(int x, int y)
- throw new NotImplementedException();
+ //We just pass this call the underlying IMouse, unless we are in Playback mode (we don't want the Mouse to jump arround during playback)
+ //There is no need in recording this calls, as they are reflected in the next frame's Mouse position.
+ if (RecordingState != RecordingState.Playback)
+ realMouse.SetPosition(x, y);
+ ///
+ /// Intializes this instance using a new MemoryStream as the Buffer, the
+ /// default's InputSystems Mouse and the passed MouseRecordInfo.
+ ///
public void Initialize(MouseRecordInfo info)
- base.Initialize();
+ this.Initialize(info, new MemoryStream(), AddInSystemFactory.Instance.GetDefaultCreator().Mouse);
+ ///
+ /// Intializes this instance using a new MemoryStream as the Buffer,recording
+ /// the passed IMouse, using the passed MouseRecordInfo.
+ ///
+ public void Initialize(MouseRecordInfo info, IMouse mouse)
+ {
+ this.Initialize(info, new MemoryStream(), mouse);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Intializes this instance using the passed Stream as the Buffer, the
+ /// default's InputSystems Mouse and the passed MouseRecordInfo.
+ ///
public void Initialize(MouseRecordInfo info, Stream bufferStream)
+ this.Initialize(info, bufferStream, AddInSystemFactory.Instance.GetDefaultCreator().Mouse);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Intializes this instance using the passed Stream as the Buffer, recording
+ /// the passed IMouse, using the passed MouseRecordInfo.
+ ///
+ public void Initialize(MouseRecordInfo info, Stream bufferStream, IMouse mouse)
+ {
+ realMouse = mouse;
+ realMouse.WindowHandle = WindowHandle;
+ recordInfo = info;
+ PacketLenght = GetPaketSize(info);
private int GetPaketSize(MouseRecordInfo info)
- int ret = 0; //TODO: Pack the bools in one byte to save space sizeof(bool) == sizeof(byte)!
- if (info.HasFlag(MouseRecordInfo.LeftButton))
- ret += sizeof(bool);
- if (info.HasFlag(MouseRecordInfo.RightButton))
- ret += sizeof(bool);
- if (info.HasFlag(MouseRecordInfo.MiddleButton))
- ret += sizeof(bool);
- if (info.HasFlag(MouseRecordInfo.X1Button))
- ret += sizeof(bool);
- if (info.HasFlag(MouseRecordInfo.X2Button))
- ret += sizeof(bool);
+ int ret = 0;
+ if ((info & MouseRecordInfo.AllButtons) != 0) //We pack all Buttons in one byte, so it does not matter witch buttons are set.
+ ret += sizeof(byte);
if (info.HasFlag(MouseRecordInfo.XPosition))
ret += sizeof(int);