converted the fbx models to a format that can be read by assimp

This commit is contained in:
Konstantin Koch 2015-11-04 23:43:12 +01:00
parent d7f9fe2270
commit b7223ccd92
6 changed files with 3265 additions and 3221 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

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Property: "UnitScaleFactor", "double", "",1
AnimationLayer: 1042193136, "AnimLayer::BaseLayer", "" {
AnimationCurveNode: 906353776, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" {
Properties70: {
P: "d", "Compound", "", ""
P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",90.0000025044782
P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0
P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0
; Object relations
Relations: {
Model: "Model::Cube", "Mesh" {
AnimationCurveNode: 906351472, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" {
Properties70: {
P: "d", "Compound", "", ""
P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.393700778484344
P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.393700778484345
P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.393700778484345
Model: "Model::Producer Perspective", "Camera" {
AnimationCurve: 1178766880, "AnimCurve::", "" {
Default: 0
KeyVer: 4008
KeyTime: *1 {
a: 0
KeyValueFloat: *1 {
a: 90
;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantUser|WeightedRight
KeyAttrFlags: *1 {
a: 16778248
;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightSlope:0, NextLeftSlope:0, RightWeight:0.333233, NextLeftWeight:0.333333, RightVelocity:0, NextLeftVelocity:0
KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 {
a: 0,0,218434820,0
KeyAttrRefCount: *1 {
a: 1
Model: "Model::Producer Top", "Camera" {
AnimationCurve: 1178767840, "AnimCurve::", "" {
Default: 0
KeyVer: 4008
KeyTime: *1 {
a: 0
KeyValueFloat: *1 {
a: -0
;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantUser|WeightedRight
KeyAttrFlags: *1 {
a: 16778248
;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightSlope:0, NextLeftSlope:0, RightWeight:0.333233, NextLeftWeight:0.333333, RightVelocity:0, NextLeftVelocity:0
KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 {
a: 0,0,218434820,0
KeyAttrRefCount: *1 {
a: 1
Model: "Model::Producer Bottom", "Camera" {
AnimationCurve: 1178766720, "AnimCurve::", "" {
Default: 0
KeyVer: 4008
KeyTime: *1 {
a: 0
KeyValueFloat: *1 {
a: 0
;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantUser|WeightedRight
KeyAttrFlags: *1 {
a: 16778248
;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightSlope:0, NextLeftSlope:0, RightWeight:0.333233, NextLeftWeight:0.333333, RightVelocity:0, NextLeftVelocity:0
KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 {
a: 0,0,218434820,0
KeyAttrRefCount: *1 {
a: 1
Model: "Model::Producer Front", "Camera" {
AnimationCurve: 1178771600, "AnimCurve::", "" {
Default: 0
KeyVer: 4008
KeyTime: *1 {
a: 0
KeyValueFloat: *1 {
a: 0.3937008
;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantUser|WeightedRight
KeyAttrFlags: *1 {
a: 16778248
;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightSlope:0, NextLeftSlope:0, RightWeight:0.333233, NextLeftWeight:0.333333, RightVelocity:0, NextLeftVelocity:0
KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 {
a: 0,0,218434820,0
KeyAttrRefCount: *1 {
a: 1
Model: "Model::Producer Back", "Camera" {
AnimationCurve: 1178769680, "AnimCurve::", "" {
Default: 0
KeyVer: 4008
KeyTime: *1 {
a: 0
KeyValueFloat: *1 {
a: 0.3937008
;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantUser|WeightedRight
KeyAttrFlags: *1 {
a: 16778248
;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightSlope:0, NextLeftSlope:0, RightWeight:0.333233, NextLeftWeight:0.333333, RightVelocity:0, NextLeftVelocity:0
KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 {
a: 0,0,218434820,0
KeyAttrRefCount: *1 {
a: 1
Model: "Model::Producer Right", "Camera" {
Model: "Model::Producer Left", "Camera" {
Model: "Model::Camera Switcher", "CameraSwitcher" {
Material: "Material::Material", "" {
AnimationCurve: 1178769840, "AnimCurve::", "" {
Default: 0
KeyVer: 4008
KeyTime: *1 {
a: 0
KeyValueFloat: *1 {
a: 0.3937008
;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantUser|WeightedRight
KeyAttrFlags: *1 {
a: 16778248
;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightSlope:0, NextLeftSlope:0, RightWeight:0.333233, NextLeftWeight:0.333333, RightVelocity:0, NextLeftVelocity:0
KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 {
a: 0,0,218434820,0
KeyAttrRefCount: *1 {
a: 1
@ -273,41 +508,57 @@ Relations: {
Connections: {
Connect: "OO", "Model::Cube", "Model::Scene"
Connect: "OO", "Material::Material", "Model::Cube"
;Model::Cube, Model::RootNode
C: "OO",569351744,0
;AnimLayer::BaseLayer, AnimStack::Take 001
C: "OO",1042193136,909387520
;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer
C: "OO",906353776,1042193136
;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer
C: "OO",906351472,1042193136
;Geometry::, Model::Cube
C: "OO",717843856,569351744
;Material::Material, Model::Cube
C: "OO",916493920,569351744
;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::Cube
C: "OP",906353776,569351744, "Lcl Rotation"
;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::Cube
C: "OP",906351472,569351744, "Lcl Scaling"
;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R
C: "OP",1178766880,906353776, "d|X"
;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R
C: "OP",1178767840,906353776, "d|Y"
;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R
C: "OP",1178766720,906353776, "d|Z"
;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S
C: "OP",1178771600,906351472, "d|X"
;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S
C: "OP",1178769680,906351472, "d|Y"
;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S
C: "OP",1178769840,906351472, "d|Z"
;Takes and animation section
;Takes section
Takes: {
Current: "Default Take"
;Version 5 settings
Version5: {
AmbientRenderSettings: {
Version: 101
AmbientLightColor: 0.0,0.0,0.0,0
FogOptions: {
FlogEnable: 0
FogMode: 0
FogDensity: 0.000
FogStart: 5.000
FogEnd: 25.000
FogColor: 0.1,0.1,0.1,1
Settings: {
FrameRate: "24"
TimeFormat: 1
SnapOnFrames: 0
ReferenceTimeIndex: -1
TimeLineStartTime: 0
TimeLineStopTime: 479181389250
RendererSetting: {
DefaultCamera: "Producer Perspective"
DefaultViewingMode: 0
Current: ""
Take: "Take 001" {
FileName: "Take_001.tak"
LocalTime: 0,153953860000
ReferenceTime: 0,153953860000

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -92,11 +92,6 @@
<OutputPath>bin\Xbox 360\Release</OutputPath>
<Configuration Name="Debug" Platform="0">
<AssemblyReference Name="ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Assimp">..\..\bin\Debug\ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Assimp.dll</AssemblyReference>
@ -129,27 +124,40 @@
<BuildItem AssetName="ANX_vertex_color" Importer="AssimpImporter" Processor="ModelProcessor">
<ProcessorParams />
<Parameter Name="TextureFormat">Color</Parameter>
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<ProcessorParams />
<Parameter Name="TextureFormat">Color</Parameter>
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<ProcessorParams />
<Parameter Name="TextureFormat">Color</Parameter>
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<ProcessorParams />
<Parameter Name="TextureFormat">Color</Parameter>
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<ProcessorParams />
<Parameter Name="TextureFormat">Color</Parameter>
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