diff --git a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter.csproj b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter.csproj index 75c837ab..6d9cd3a6 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter.csproj +++ b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter.csproj @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ + diff --git a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter_Linux.csproj b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter_Linux.csproj index 86ed6151..85c7629d 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter_Linux.csproj +++ b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter_Linux.csproj @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ + diff --git a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter_PSVita.csproj b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter_PSVita.csproj index 800f569c..ee856e16 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter_PSVita.csproj +++ b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter_PSVita.csproj @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ + diff --git a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter_WindowsMetro.csproj b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter_WindowsMetro.csproj index 6450c1fb..e9d175c7 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter_WindowsMetro.csproj +++ b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/ANX.Framework.TestCenter_WindowsMetro.csproj @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ + diff --git a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/ColorTest.cs b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/ColorTest.cs index 1428dfe5..b391d143 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/ColorTest.cs +++ b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/ColorTest.cs @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ #region Using Statements using System; -using System.Collections.Generic; -using System.Linq; -using System.Text; +using NUnit.Framework; #endregion // Using Statements @@ -16,8 +14,6 @@ using ANXColor = ANX.Framework.Color; using XNAVector3 = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3; using ANXVector3 = ANX.Framework.Vector3; -using NUnit.Framework; - namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen { [TestFixture] @@ -129,75 +125,75 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen new Object[] { XNAColor.LightSteelBlue, ANXColor.LightSteelBlue, "Color.LightSteelBlue" }, new Object[] { XNAColor.LightYellow, ANXColor.LightYellow, "Color.LightYellow" }, new Object[] { XNAColor.Lime, ANXColor.Lime, "Color.Lime" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.LimeGreen, ANXColor.LimeGreen, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Linen, ANXColor.Linen, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Magenta, ANXColor.Magenta, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Maroon, ANXColor.Maroon, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumAquamarine, ANXColor.MediumAquamarine, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumBlue, ANXColor.MediumBlue, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumOrchid, ANXColor.MediumOrchid, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumPurple, ANXColor.MediumPurple, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumSeaGreen, ANXColor.MediumSeaGreen, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumSlateBlue, ANXColor.MediumSlateBlue, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumSpringGreen, ANXColor.MediumSpringGreen, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumTurquoise, ANXColor.MediumTurquoise, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumVioletRed, ANXColor.MediumVioletRed, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.MidnightBlue, ANXColor.MidnightBlue, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.MintCream, ANXColor.MintCream, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.MistyRose, ANXColor.MistyRose, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Moccasin, ANXColor.Moccasin, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.NavajoWhite, ANXColor.NavajoWhite, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Navy, ANXColor.Navy, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.OldLace, ANXColor.OldLace, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Olive, ANXColor.Olive, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.OliveDrab, ANXColor.OliveDrab, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Orange, ANXColor.Orange, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.OrangeRed, ANXColor.OrangeRed, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Orchid, ANXColor.Orchid, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.PaleGoldenrod, ANXColor.PaleGoldenrod, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.PaleGreen, ANXColor.PaleGreen, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.PaleTurquoise, ANXColor.PaleTurquoise, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.PaleVioletRed, ANXColor.PaleVioletRed, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.PapayaWhip, ANXColor.PapayaWhip, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.PeachPuff, ANXColor.PeachPuff, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Peru, ANXColor.Peru, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Pink, ANXColor.Pink, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Plum, ANXColor.Plum, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.PowderBlue, ANXColor.PowderBlue, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Purple, ANXColor.Purple, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Red, ANXColor.Red, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.RosyBrown, ANXColor.RosyBrown, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.RoyalBlue, ANXColor.RoyalBlue, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.SaddleBrown, ANXColor.SaddleBrown, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Salmon, ANXColor.Salmon, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.SandyBrown, ANXColor.SandyBrown, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.SeaGreen, ANXColor.SeaGreen, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.SeaShell, ANXColor.SeaShell, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Sienna, ANXColor.Sienna, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Silver, ANXColor.Silver, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.SkyBlue, ANXColor.SkyBlue, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.SlateBlue, ANXColor.SlateBlue, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.SlateGray, ANXColor.SlateGray, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Snow, ANXColor.Snow, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.SpringGreen, ANXColor.SpringGreen, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.SteelBlue, ANXColor.SteelBlue, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Tan, ANXColor.Tan, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Teal, ANXColor.Teal, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Thistle, ANXColor.Thistle, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Tomato, ANXColor.Tomato, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Transparent, ANXColor.Transparent, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Turquoise, ANXColor.Turquoise, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Violet, ANXColor.Violet, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Wheat, ANXColor.Wheat, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.White, ANXColor.White, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.WhiteSmoke, ANXColor.WhiteSmoke, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.Yellow, ANXColor.Yellow, "" }, - new Object[] { XNAColor.YellowGreen, ANXColor.YellowGreen, "" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.LimeGreen, ANXColor.LimeGreen, "Color.LimeGreen" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Linen, ANXColor.Linen, "Color.Linen" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Magenta, ANXColor.Magenta, "Color.Magenta" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Maroon, ANXColor.Maroon, "Color.Maroon" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumAquamarine, ANXColor.MediumAquamarine, "Color.MediumAquamarine" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumBlue, ANXColor.MediumBlue, "Color.MediumBlue" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumOrchid, ANXColor.MediumOrchid, "Color.MediumOrchid" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumPurple, ANXColor.MediumPurple, "Color.MediumPurple" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumSeaGreen, ANXColor.MediumSeaGreen, "Color.MediumSeaGreen" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumSlateBlue, ANXColor.MediumSlateBlue, "Color.MediumSlateBlue" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumSpringGreen, ANXColor.MediumSpringGreen, "Color.MediumSpringGreen" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumTurquoise, ANXColor.MediumTurquoise, "Color.MediumTurquoise" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.MediumVioletRed, ANXColor.MediumVioletRed, "Color.MediumVioletRed" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.MidnightBlue, ANXColor.MidnightBlue, "Color.MidnightBlue" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.MintCream, ANXColor.MintCream, "Color.MintCream" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.MistyRose, ANXColor.MistyRose, "Color.MistyRose" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Moccasin, ANXColor.Moccasin, "Color.Moccasin" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.NavajoWhite, ANXColor.NavajoWhite, "Color.NavajoWhite" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Navy, ANXColor.Navy, "Color.Navy" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.OldLace, ANXColor.OldLace, "Color.OldLace" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Olive, ANXColor.Olive, "Color.Olive" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.OliveDrab, ANXColor.OliveDrab, "Color.OliveDrab" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Orange, ANXColor.Orange, "Color.Orange" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.OrangeRed, ANXColor.OrangeRed, "Color.OrangeRed" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Orchid, ANXColor.Orchid, "Color.Orchid" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.PaleGoldenrod, ANXColor.PaleGoldenrod, "Color.PaleGoldenrod" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.PaleGreen, ANXColor.PaleGreen, "Color.PaleGreen" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.PaleTurquoise, ANXColor.PaleTurquoise, "Color.PaleTurquoise" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.PaleVioletRed, ANXColor.PaleVioletRed, "Color.PaleVioletRed" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.PapayaWhip, ANXColor.PapayaWhip, "Color.PapayaWhip" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.PeachPuff, ANXColor.PeachPuff, "Color.PeachPuff" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Peru, ANXColor.Peru, "Color.Peru" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Pink, ANXColor.Pink, "Color.Pink" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Plum, ANXColor.Plum, "Color.Plum" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.PowderBlue, ANXColor.PowderBlue, "Color.PowderBlue" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Purple, ANXColor.Purple, "Color.Purple" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Red, ANXColor.Red, "Color.Red" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.RosyBrown, ANXColor.RosyBrown, "Color.RosyBrown" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.RoyalBlue, ANXColor.RoyalBlue, "Color.RoyalBlue" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.SaddleBrown, ANXColor.SaddleBrown, "Color.SaddleBrown" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Salmon, ANXColor.Salmon, "Color.Salmon" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.SandyBrown, ANXColor.SandyBrown, "Color.SandyBrown" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.SeaGreen, ANXColor.SeaGreen, "Color.SeaGreen" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.SeaShell, ANXColor.SeaShell, "Color.SeaShell" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Sienna, ANXColor.Sienna, "Color.Sienna" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Silver, ANXColor.Silver, "Color.Silver" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.SkyBlue, ANXColor.SkyBlue, "Color.SkyBlue" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.SlateBlue, ANXColor.SlateBlue, "Color.SlateBlue" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.SlateGray, ANXColor.SlateGray, "Color.SlateGray" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Snow, ANXColor.Snow, "Color.Snow" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.SpringGreen, ANXColor.SpringGreen, "Color.SpringGreen" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.SteelBlue, ANXColor.SteelBlue, "Color.SteelBlue" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Tan, ANXColor.Tan, "Color.Tan" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Teal, ANXColor.Teal, "Color.Teal" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Thistle, ANXColor.Thistle, "Color.Thistle" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Tomato, ANXColor.Tomato, "Color.Tomato" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Transparent, ANXColor.Transparent, "Color.Transparent" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Turquoise, ANXColor.Turquoise, "Color.Turquoise" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Violet, ANXColor.Violet, "Color.Violet" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Wheat, ANXColor.Wheat, "Color.Wheat" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.White, ANXColor.White, "Color.White" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.WhiteSmoke, ANXColor.WhiteSmoke, "Color.WhiteSmoke" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.Yellow, ANXColor.Yellow, "Color.Yellow" }, + new Object[] { XNAColor.YellowGreen, ANXColor.YellowGreen, "Color.YellowGreen" }, }; #region Constructors [Test] - public void constructor0() + public void Constructor0() { XNAColor xna = new XNAColor(); ANXColor anx = new ANXColor(); @@ -206,7 +202,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen } [Test, TestCaseSource("fourfloats")] - public void constructor1(float r, float g, float b, float a) + public void Constructor1(float r, float g, float b, float a) { XNAColor xna = new XNAColor(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3(r, g, b)); ANXColor anx = new ANXColor(new ANX.Framework.Vector3(r, g, b)); @@ -215,7 +211,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen } [Test, TestCaseSource("fourfloats")] - public void constructor2(float r, float g, float b, float a) + public void Constructor2(float r, float g, float b, float a) { XNAColor xna = new XNAColor(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4(r, g, b, a)); ANXColor anx = new ANXColor(new ANX.Framework.Vector4(r, g, b, a)); @@ -224,7 +220,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen } [Test, TestCaseSource("fourfloats")] - public void constructor3(float r, float g, float b, float a) + public void Constructor3(float r, float g, float b, float a) { XNAColor xna = new XNAColor(r, g, b); ANXColor anx = new ANXColor(r, g, b); @@ -233,7 +229,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen } [Test, TestCaseSource("fourfloats")] - public void constructor4(float r, float g, float b, float a) + public void Constructor4(float r, float g, float b, float a) { XNAColor xna = new XNAColor((int)(r * 255), (int)(g * 255), (int)(b * 255)); ANXColor anx = new ANXColor((int)(r * 255), (int)(g * 255), (int)(b * 255)); @@ -242,7 +238,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen } [Test, TestCaseSource("fourfloats")] - public void constructor5(float r, float g, float b, float a) + public void Constructor5(float r, float g, float b, float a) { XNAColor xna = new XNAColor(r, g, b) * a; ANXColor anx = new ANXColor(r, g, b) * a; @@ -251,7 +247,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen } [Test, TestCaseSource("fourfloats")] - public void constructor6(float r, float g, float b, float a) + public void Constructor6(float r, float g, float b, float a) { XNAColor xna = new XNAColor((int)(r * 255), (int)(g * 255), (int)(b * 255), (int)(a * 255)); ANXColor anx = new ANXColor((int)(r * 255), (int)(g * 255), (int)(b * 255), (int)(a * 255)); @@ -260,7 +256,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen } [Test] - public void constructor7() + public void Constructor7() { XNAColor xna = new XNAColor(512, 512, 512); ANXColor anx = new ANXColor(512, 512, 512); @@ -269,7 +265,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen } [Test, TestCaseSource("fourfloats")] - public void constructor8(float r, float g, float b, float a) + public void Constructor8(float r, float g, float b, float a) { XNAColor xna = new XNAColor(r, g, b, a); ANXColor anx = new ANXColor(r, g, b, a); @@ -278,7 +274,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen } [Test] - public void constructor9() + public void Constructor9() { XNAColor xna = new XNAColor(512, 512, 512, 512); ANXColor anx = new ANXColor(512, 512, 512, 512); @@ -533,6 +529,24 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen AssertHelper.ConvertEquals(xna, anx, "ToVector4"); } + [Test, TestCaseSource("fourfloats")] + public void ToString(float r, float g, float b, float a) + { + XNAColor xnaColor = new XNAColor(r, g, b) * a; + ANXColor anxColor = new ANXColor(r, g, b) * a; + + AssertHelper.ConvertEquals(xnaColor.ToString(), anxColor.ToString(), "ToString"); + } + + [Test, TestCaseSource("fourfloats")] + public void GetHashCode(float r, float g, float b, float a) + { + XNAColor xnaColor = new XNAColor(r, g, b) * a; + ANXColor anxColor = new ANXColor(r, g, b) * a; + + AssertHelper.ConvertEquals(xnaColor.GetHashCode(), anxColor.GetHashCode(), "GetHashCode"); + } + #endregion // Methods #region Properties diff --git a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/EnumValidationTest.cs b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/EnumValidationTest.cs index 123ba83f..4eae55fb 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/EnumValidationTest.cs +++ b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/EnumValidationTest.cs @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ using System; using ANX.Framework.Audio; +using ANX.Framework.GamerServices; using ANX.Framework.Graphics; -using ANX.Framework.Net; -using NUnit.Framework; using ANX.Framework.Input; using ANX.Framework.Media; +using ANX.Framework.Net; +using NUnit.Framework; // This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the // "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license. @@ -69,6 +70,17 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen new object[] { typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Net.NetworkSessionState), typeof(NetworkSessionState) }, new object[] { typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Net.NetworkSessionType), typeof(NetworkSessionType) }, new object[] { typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Net.SendDataOptions), typeof(SendDataOptions) }, + + new object[] { typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.ControllerSensitivity), typeof(ControllerSensitivity) }, + new object[] { typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.GameDifficulty), typeof(GameDifficulty) }, + new object[] { typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.GamerPresenceMode), typeof(GamerPresenceMode) }, + new object[] { typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.GamerPrivilegeSetting), typeof(GamerPrivilegeSetting) }, + new object[] { typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.GamerZone), typeof(GamerZone) }, + new object[] { typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.LeaderboardKey), typeof(LeaderboardKey) }, + new object[] { typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.LeaderboardOutcome), typeof(LeaderboardOutcome) }, + new object[] { typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.MessageBoxIcon), typeof(MessageBoxIcon) }, + new object[] { typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.NotificationPosition), typeof(NotificationPosition) }, + new object[] { typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.RacingCameraAngle), typeof(RacingCameraAngle) }, }; [TestCaseSource("EnumPairs")] diff --git a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/EventArgsTest.cs b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/EventArgsTest.cs index 93b1ab62..2e25c0e2 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/EventArgsTest.cs +++ b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/EventArgsTest.cs @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.TestCenter.Strukturen { var xna = new XNAGameComponentCollectionEventArgs(null); var anx = new ANXGameComponentCollectionEventArgs(null); - + Assert.AreEqual(xna.GameComponent, anx.GameComponent); } } diff --git a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/PlaneTest.cs b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/PlaneTest.cs index bd97f24d..f0a470e4 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/PlaneTest.cs +++ b/ANX.Framework.TestCenter/Strukturen/PlaneTest.cs @@ -1,8 +1,5 @@ #region Using Statements using System; -using System.Collections.Generic; -using System.Linq; -using System.Text; using NUnit.Framework; #endregion // Using Statements diff --git a/ANX.Framework.sln b/ANX.Framework.sln index 50486112..c8a09e76 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework.sln +++ b/ANX.Framework.sln @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 -# Visual Studio 2012 +# Visual Studio 2010 Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ANX.Framework", "ANX.Framework\ANX.Framework.csproj", "{6899F0C9-70B9-4EB0-9DD3-E598D4BE3E35}" EndProject Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ANX.Framework.TestCenter", "ANX.Framework.TestCenter\ANX.Framework.TestCenter.csproj", "{7344BBEB-A1C7-43A8-B68E-D42B81973DA9}" @@ -201,6 +201,8 @@ Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "OggUtils", "Support\OggUtil EndProject Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "SimpleNoContent", "Samples\SimpleNoContent\SimpleNoContent.csproj", "{AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}" EndProject +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "AlphaTestEffectSample", "Samples\AlphaTestEffectSample\AlphaTestEffectSample.csproj", "{0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}" +EndProject Global GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU @@ -1028,6 +1030,20 @@ Global {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|ARM.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|ARM.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|x86 EndGlobalSection GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution HideSolutionNode = FALSE @@ -1068,6 +1084,7 @@ Global {9259CC4E-AE6B-403C-8FAB-2408448C3935} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} {D810F12D-6CE9-4755-AC6A-5DFEC7D1C782} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} {DB88DDEB-7281-405D-8FCA-5681B6B2BD7A} = {7AD65E6B-2A48-437F-81D9-4CA9C9A85C64} {49066074-3B7B-4A55-B122-6BD33AB73558} = {7AD65E6B-2A48-437F-81D9-4CA9C9A85C64} {60D08399-244F-46A3-91F1-4CFD26D961A3} = {7AD65E6B-2A48-437F-81D9-4CA9C9A85C64} diff --git a/ANX.Framework/Color.cs b/ANX.Framework/Color.cs index 74a2d4ce..b9d337cf 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework/Color.cs +++ b/ANX.Framework/Color.cs @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework { [PercentageComplete(100)] [Developer("Glatzemann, SilentWarrior")] - [TestState(TestStateAttribute.TestState.InProgress)] + [TestState(TestStateAttribute.TestState.Tested)] public struct Color : IPackedVector, IPackedVector, IEquatable { #region Private Members @@ -791,24 +791,19 @@ namespace ANX.Framework return this.packedValue.Equals(other.packedValue); } - public override bool Equals(Object other) + public override bool Equals(object obj) { - if (other is Color) - { - return this.Equals((Color)other); - } - - return false; + return obj is Color && Equals((Color)obj); } public static bool operator ==(Color a, Color b) { - return a.packedValue == b.packedValue; + return a.packedValue == b.packedValue; } public static bool operator !=(Color a, Color b) { - return a.packedValue != b.packedValue; + return a.packedValue != b.packedValue; } public static Color FromNonPremultiplied(int r, int g, int b, int a) @@ -834,24 +829,6 @@ namespace ANX.Framework return color; } - private static int ClampValue64(long value) - { - if (value < 0L) - return 0; - if (value > 255L) - return 255; - return (int) value; - } - - public static int ClampValue32(int value) - { - if (value < 0) - return 0; - if (value > 255) - return 255; - return value; - } - public static Color FromNonPremultiplied(Vector4 vector) { Color color; @@ -866,7 +843,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework return this.packedValue.GetHashCode(); } - #region Lerp + #region Lerp public static Color Lerp(Color value1, Color value2, float amount) { Color color; @@ -892,7 +869,6 @@ namespace ANX.Framework return color; } - #endregion #region Multiply @@ -930,12 +906,9 @@ namespace ANX.Framework } public override string ToString() - { - // This may look a bit more ugly, but String.Format should - // be avoided cause of it's bad performance! - return "{R:" + R + " G:" + G + " B:" + B + " A:" + A + "}"; - - //return string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{{R:{0} G:{1} B:{2} A:{3}}}", new object[] { this.R, this.G, this.B, this.A }); + { + // This may look a bit more ugly, but String.Format should be avoided cause of it's bad performance! + return "{R:" + R + " G:" + G + " B:" + B + " A:" + A + "}"; } public Vector3 ToVector3() @@ -1032,6 +1005,24 @@ namespace ANX.Framework #endregion // Properties #region Helper + private static int ClampValue64(long value) + { + if (value < 0L) + return 0; + if (value > 255L) + return 255; + return (int)value; + } + + private static int ClampValue32(int value) + { + if (value < 0) + return 0; + if (value > 255) + return 255; + return value; + } + private static uint ColorPack(float r, float g, float b, float a) { uint pr = PackUNormal(255f, r); diff --git a/ANX.Framework/GameHost.cs b/ANX.Framework/GameHost.cs index 45893075..fed55849 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework/GameHost.cs +++ b/ANX.Framework/GameHost.cs @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Development; namespace ANX.Framework { + [PercentageComplete(100)] [Developer("Glatzemann")] [TestState(TestStateAttribute.TestState.Untested)] public abstract class GameHost diff --git a/ANX.Framework/GameWindow.cs b/ANX.Framework/GameWindow.cs index 6aed3931..4104f09e 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework/GameWindow.cs +++ b/ANX.Framework/GameWindow.cs @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Development; namespace ANX.Framework { + [PercentageComplete(100)] [Developer("Glatzemann")] [TestState(TestStateAttribute.TestState.Untested)] public abstract class GameWindow @@ -51,37 +52,13 @@ namespace ANX.Framework } #endregion - public abstract bool AllowUserResizing - { - get; - set; - } - - public abstract Rectangle ClientBounds - { - get; - } - - public abstract string ScreenDeviceName - { - get; - } - - public abstract DisplayOrientation CurrentOrientation - { - get; - } - - public abstract IntPtr Handle - { - get; - } - - public abstract bool IsMinimized - { - get; - } - #endregion + public abstract bool AllowUserResizing { get; set; } + public abstract Rectangle ClientBounds { get; } + public abstract string ScreenDeviceName { get; } + public abstract DisplayOrientation CurrentOrientation { get; } + public abstract IntPtr Handle { get; } + internal abstract bool IsMinimized { get; } + #endregion #region BeginScreenDeviceChange (abstract) public abstract void BeginScreenDeviceChange(bool willBeFullScreen); diff --git a/ANX.Framework/Graphics/AlphaTestEffect.cs b/ANX.Framework/Graphics/AlphaTestEffect.cs index 0dd73541..76420785 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework/Graphics/AlphaTestEffect.cs +++ b/ANX.Framework/Graphics/AlphaTestEffect.cs @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Development; namespace ANX.Framework.Graphics { [PercentageComplete(100)] - [TestState(TestStateAttribute.TestState.Untested)] + [TestState(TestStateAttribute.TestState.Tested)] [Developer("AstrorEnales")] public class AlphaTestEffect : Effect, IEffectMatrices, IEffectFog, IGraphicsResource { diff --git a/ANX.Framework/GraphicsDeviceManager.cs b/ANX.Framework/GraphicsDeviceManager.cs index 2a3e3b2e..08b05cd7 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework/GraphicsDeviceManager.cs +++ b/ANX.Framework/GraphicsDeviceManager.cs @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Development; namespace ANX.Framework { + [PercentageComplete(60)] [Developer("Glatzemann")] [TestState(TestStateAttribute.TestState.Untested)] public class GraphicsDeviceManager : IGraphicsDeviceManager, IDisposable, IGraphicsDeviceService diff --git a/ANX.Framework/Plane.cs b/ANX.Framework/Plane.cs index 4f1ded63..04a28956 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework/Plane.cs +++ b/ANX.Framework/Plane.cs @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework } public Plane(Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2, Vector3 point3) { - // calculate 2 vectos spanning the plane and cross them to get the normal, then normalize + // calculate 2 vectors spanning the plane and cross them to get the normal, then normalize this.Normal = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(Vector3.Subtract(point2, point1), Vector3.Subtract(point3, point1))); // now calculate d this.D = Vector3.Dot(point1, this.Normal); @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework { return this.Normal.X * value.X + this.Normal.Y * value.Y + this.Normal.Z * value.Z + this.D * value.W; } + public void Dot(ref Vector4 value, out float result) { result = this.Normal.X * value.X + this.Normal.Y * value.Y + this.Normal.Z * value.Z + this.D * value.W; @@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework { return this.Normal.X * value.X + this.Normal.Y * value.Y + this.Normal.Z * value.Z + this.D; } + public void DotCoordinate(ref Vector3 value, out float result) { result = this.Normal.X * value.X + this.Normal.Y * value.Y + this.Normal.Z * value.Z + this.D; @@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework { return this.Normal.X * value.X + this.Normal.Y * value.Y + this.Normal.Z * value.Z; } + public void DotNormal(ref Vector3 value, out float result) { result = this.Normal.X * value.X + this.Normal.Y * value.Y + this.Normal.Z * value.Z; @@ -123,9 +126,10 @@ namespace ANX.Framework this.Intersects(ref frustum, out result); return result; ; } + public void Intersects(ref BoundingFrustum frustum, out PlaneIntersectionType result) { - throw new Exception("method has not yet been implemented"); + throw new NotImplementedException("method has not yet been implemented"); } public PlaneIntersectionType Intersects(BoundingSphere sphere) @@ -134,6 +138,7 @@ namespace ANX.Framework this.Intersects(ref sphere, out result); return result; } + public void Intersects(ref BoundingSphere sphere, out PlaneIntersectionType result) { float distanceSquared_Sphere_Origin = Vector3.DistanceSquared(Vector3.Zero, sphere.Center); @@ -203,59 +208,60 @@ namespace ANX.Framework public void Normalize() { - float l = Normal.X * Normal.X + Normal.Y * Normal.Y + Normal.Z * Normal.Z; - if (Math.Abs(1.0f - l) < float.Epsilon) + float lengthSquare = Normal.X * Normal.X + Normal.Y * Normal.Y + Normal.Z * Normal.Z; + if (Math.Abs(1.0f - lengthSquare) < float.Epsilon) { return; } - l = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(l); - Normal.X = Normal.X * l; - Normal.Y = Normal.Y * l; - Normal.Z = Normal.Z * l; - this.D = this.D * l; + + float oneOverLength = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(lengthSquare); + Normal.X = Normal.X * oneOverLength; + Normal.Y = Normal.Y * oneOverLength; + Normal.Z = Normal.Z * oneOverLength; + this.D = this.D * oneOverLength; } public static Plane Normalize(Plane value) { - Vector3 n = value.Normal; - float l = n.X * n.X + n.Y * n.Y + n.Z * n.Z; - if (Math.Abs(1.0f - l) < float.Epsilon) + Vector3 normal = value.Normal; + float lengthSquare = normal.X * normal.X + normal.Y * normal.Y + normal.Z * normal.Z; + if (Math.Abs(1.0f - lengthSquare) < float.Epsilon) { - return new Plane(n, value.D); + return new Plane(normal, value.D); } - l = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(l); + + float oneOverLength = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(lengthSquare); Plane result; - result.Normal.X = value.Normal.X * l; - result.Normal.Y = value.Normal.Y * l; - result.Normal.Z = value.Normal.Z * l; - result.D = value.D * l; + result.Normal.X = value.Normal.X * oneOverLength; + result.Normal.Y = value.Normal.Y * oneOverLength; + result.Normal.Z = value.Normal.Z * oneOverLength; + result.D = value.D * oneOverLength; return result; } public static void Normalize(ref Plane value, out Plane result) { - Vector3 n = value.Normal; - float l = n.X * n.X + n.Y * n.Y + n.Z * n.Z; - if (Math.Abs(1.0f - l) < float.Epsilon) + Vector3 normal = value.Normal; + float lengthSquare = normal.X * normal.X + normal.Y * normal.Y + normal.Z * normal.Z; + if (Math.Abs(1.0f - lengthSquare) < float.Epsilon) { - result.Normal = n; + result.Normal = normal; result.D = value.D; return; } - l = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(l); - result.Normal.X = value.Normal.X * l; - result.Normal.Y = value.Normal.Y * l; - result.Normal.Z = value.Normal.Z * l; - result.D = value.D * l; + + float oneOverLength = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(lengthSquare); + result.Normal.X = value.Normal.X * oneOverLength; + result.Normal.Y = value.Normal.Y * oneOverLength; + result.Normal.Z = value.Normal.Z * oneOverLength; + result.D = value.D * oneOverLength; } public override string ToString() { var culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; - // This may look a bit more ugly, but String.Format should - // be avoided cause of it's bad performance! - return "{Normal:" + Normal.ToString() + - " D:" + D.ToString(culture) + "}"; + // This may look a bit more ugly, but String.Format should be avoided cause of it's bad performance! + return "{Normal:" + Normal.ToString() + " D:" + D.ToString(culture) + "}"; } public static Plane Transform(Plane plane, Matrix matrix) @@ -348,12 +354,12 @@ namespace ANX.Framework #region IEquatable implementation public override bool Equals(Object obj) { - return (obj is Plane) ? this.Equals((Plane)obj) : false; + return obj is Plane && Equals((Plane)obj); } public bool Equals(Plane other) { - return this.D == other.D && Normal.Equals(other.Normal); + return D == other.D && Normal.Equals(other.Normal); } #endregion diff --git a/ANX.Framework_Linux.sln b/ANX.Framework_Linux.sln index 949ebd2e..9d8f6151 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework_Linux.sln +++ b/ANX.Framework_Linux.sln @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 -# Visual Studio 2012 +# Visual Studio 2010 Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ANX.Framework", "ANX.Framework\ANX.Framework_Linux.csproj", "{6899F0C9-70B9-4EB0-9DD3-E598D4BE3E35}" EndProject Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ANX.Framework.TestCenter", "ANX.Framework.TestCenter\ANX.Framework.TestCenter_Linux.csproj", "{7344BBEB-A1C7-43A8-B68E-D42B81973DA9}" @@ -201,6 +201,8 @@ Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "OggUtils", "Support\OggUtil EndProject Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "SimpleNoContent", "Samples\SimpleNoContent\SimpleNoContent_Linux.csproj", "{AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}" EndProject +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "AlphaTestEffectSample", "Samples\AlphaTestEffectSample\AlphaTestEffectSample_Linux.csproj", "{0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}" +EndProject Global GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU @@ -1028,6 +1030,20 @@ Global {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|ARM.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|ARM.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|x86 EndGlobalSection GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution HideSolutionNode = FALSE @@ -1068,6 +1084,7 @@ Global {9259CC4E-AE6B-403C-8FAB-2408448C3935} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} {D810F12D-6CE9-4755-AC6A-5DFEC7D1C782} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} {DB88DDEB-7281-405D-8FCA-5681B6B2BD7A} = {7AD65E6B-2A48-437F-81D9-4CA9C9A85C64} {49066074-3B7B-4A55-B122-6BD33AB73558} = {7AD65E6B-2A48-437F-81D9-4CA9C9A85C64} {60D08399-244F-46A3-91F1-4CFD26D961A3} = {7AD65E6B-2A48-437F-81D9-4CA9C9A85C64} diff --git a/ANX.Framework_PSVita.sln b/ANX.Framework_PSVita.sln index bc5b9e57..390afc79 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework_PSVita.sln +++ b/ANX.Framework_PSVita.sln @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 -# Visual Studio 2012 +# Visual Studio 2010 Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ANX.Framework", "ANX.Framework\ANX.Framework_PSVita.csproj", "{6899F0C9-70B9-4EB0-9DD3-E598D4BE3E35}" EndProject Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ANX.Framework.TestCenter", "ANX.Framework.TestCenter\ANX.Framework.TestCenter_PSVita.csproj", "{7344BBEB-A1C7-43A8-B68E-D42B81973DA9}" @@ -201,6 +201,8 @@ Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "OggUtils", "Support\OggUtil EndProject Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "SimpleNoContent", "Samples\SimpleNoContent\SimpleNoContent_PSVita.csproj", "{AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}" EndProject +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "AlphaTestEffectSample", "Samples\AlphaTestEffectSample\AlphaTestEffectSample_PSVita.csproj", "{0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}" +EndProject Global GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU @@ -1028,6 +1030,20 @@ Global {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|ARM.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|ARM.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|x86 EndGlobalSection GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution HideSolutionNode = FALSE @@ -1068,6 +1084,7 @@ Global {9259CC4E-AE6B-403C-8FAB-2408448C3935} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} {D810F12D-6CE9-4755-AC6A-5DFEC7D1C782} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} {DB88DDEB-7281-405D-8FCA-5681B6B2BD7A} = {7AD65E6B-2A48-437F-81D9-4CA9C9A85C64} {49066074-3B7B-4A55-B122-6BD33AB73558} = {7AD65E6B-2A48-437F-81D9-4CA9C9A85C64} {60D08399-244F-46A3-91F1-4CFD26D961A3} = {7AD65E6B-2A48-437F-81D9-4CA9C9A85C64} diff --git a/ANX.Framework_WindowsMetro.sln b/ANX.Framework_WindowsMetro.sln index de35c027..142984a7 100644 --- a/ANX.Framework_WindowsMetro.sln +++ b/ANX.Framework_WindowsMetro.sln @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 -# Visual Studio 2012 +# Visual Studio 2010 Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ANX.Framework", "ANX.Framework\ANX.Framework_WindowsMetro.csproj", "{6899F0C9-70B9-4EB0-9DD3-E598D4BE3E35}" EndProject Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ANX.Framework.TestCenter", "ANX.Framework.TestCenter\ANX.Framework.TestCenter_WindowsMetro.csproj", "{7344BBEB-A1C7-43A8-B68E-D42B81973DA9}" @@ -201,6 +201,8 @@ Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "OggUtils", "Support\OggUtil EndProject Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "SimpleNoContent", "Samples\SimpleNoContent\SimpleNoContent_WindowsMetro.csproj", "{AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}" EndProject +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "AlphaTestEffectSample", "Samples\AlphaTestEffectSample\AlphaTestEffectSample_WindowsMetro.csproj", "{0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}" +EndProject Global GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU @@ -1028,6 +1030,20 @@ Global {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|ARM.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|ARM.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x86 + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|x86 EndGlobalSection GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution HideSolutionNode = FALSE @@ -1068,6 +1084,7 @@ Global {9259CC4E-AE6B-403C-8FAB-2408448C3935} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} {D810F12D-6CE9-4755-AC6A-5DFEC7D1C782} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} {AA3DF4D7-F072-47B5-B88C-20140B5F704A} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605} = {9B0DD48B-3912-4F33-AF3F-691AF02B73F9} {DB88DDEB-7281-405D-8FCA-5681B6B2BD7A} = {7AD65E6B-2A48-437F-81D9-4CA9C9A85C64} {49066074-3B7B-4A55-B122-6BD33AB73558} = {7AD65E6B-2A48-437F-81D9-4CA9C9A85C64} {60D08399-244F-46A3-91F1-4CFD26D961A3} = {7AD65E6B-2A48-437F-81D9-4CA9C9A85C64} diff --git a/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.Linux/LinuxGameWindow.cs b/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.Linux/LinuxGameWindow.cs index c5ebc14f..8a8bcff7 100644 --- a/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.Linux/LinuxGameWindow.cs +++ b/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.Linux/LinuxGameWindow.cs @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace ANX.PlatformSystem.Linux #endregion #region IsMinimized - public override bool IsMinimized + internal override bool IsMinimized { get { diff --git a/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.Metro/WindowsGameWindow.cs b/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.Metro/WindowsGameWindow.cs index e03cb018..f698f2b9 100644 --- a/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.Metro/WindowsGameWindow.cs +++ b/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.Metro/WindowsGameWindow.cs @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace ANX.PlatformSystem.Metro } } - public override bool IsMinimized + internal override bool IsMinimized { get { diff --git a/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.PsVita/PsVitaGameWindow.cs b/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.PsVita/PsVitaGameWindow.cs index 0d043356..59e67baf 100644 --- a/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.PsVita/PsVitaGameWindow.cs +++ b/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.PsVita/PsVitaGameWindow.cs @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ namespace ANX.PlatformSystem.PsVita #endregion #region IsMinimized - public override bool IsMinimized + internal override bool IsMinimized { get { diff --git a/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.Windows/WindowsGameWindow.cs b/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.Windows/WindowsGameWindow.cs index 480fd9ac..d0a8a683 100644 --- a/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.Windows/WindowsGameWindow.cs +++ b/PlatformSystems/ANX.PlatformSystem.Windows/WindowsGameWindow.cs @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace ANX.PlatformSystem.Windows #endregion #region IsMinimized - public override bool IsMinimized + internal override bool IsMinimized { get { diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/AlphaTestEffectSample.csproj b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/AlphaTestEffectSample.csproj new file mode 100644 index 00000000..541abc08 --- /dev/null +++ b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/AlphaTestEffectSample.csproj @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ + + + + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605} + {6D335F3A-9D43-41b4-9D22-F6F17C4BE596};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC} + Debug + x86 + WinExe + Properties + AlphaTestEffectSample + AlphaTestEffectSample + v4.0 + Client + v4.0 + Windows + HiDef + 307d58b8-3323-4e02-8fe4-e77d276cbaa0 + Game + Game.ico + GameThumbnail.png + publish\ + true + Disk + false + Foreground + 7 + Days + false + false + true + 0 + 1.0.0.%2a + false + false + true + + + true + full + false + bin\x86\Debug + DEBUG;TRACE;WINDOWS + prompt + 4 + true + false + x86 + false + + + pdbonly + true + bin\x86\Release + TRACE;WINDOWS + prompt + 4 + true + false + x86 + true + + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + + + + + + + + + + + + {6899F0C9-70B9-4EB0-9DD3-E598D4BE3E35} + ANX.Framework + + + {60D08399-244F-46A3-91F1-4CFD26D961A3} + ANX.InputDevices.Windows.XInput + + + {49066074-3B7B-4A55-B122-6BD33AB73558} + ANX.InputSystem.Standard + + + {068EB2E9-963C-4E1B-8831-E25011F11FFE} + ANX.PlatformSystem.Windows + + + {5BE49183-2F6F-4527-AC90-D816911FCF90} + ANX.RenderSystem.Windows.DX10 + + + {B30DE9C2-0926-46B6-8351-9AF276C472D5} + ANX.RenderSystem.Windows.DX11 + + + {6A582788-C4D2-410C-96CD-177F75712D65} + ANX.SoundSystem.Windows.XAudio + + + {FA6E229D-4504-47B1-8A23-2D3FCC13F778} + SampleContent + Content + + + + + False + Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile %28x86 und x64%29 + true + + + False + .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Client Profile + false + + + False + .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 + false + + + False + Windows Installer 3.1 + true + + + False + Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0 + true + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/AlphaTestEffectSample_Linux.csproj b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/AlphaTestEffectSample_Linux.csproj new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f053aef5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/AlphaTestEffectSample_Linux.csproj @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ + + + + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605} + Debug + x86 + Exe + Properties + AlphaTestEffectSample + AlphaTestEffectSample + v4.0 + v4.0 + Windows + HiDef + 307d58b8-3323-4e02-8fe4-e77d276cbaa0 + Game + Game.ico + GameThumbnail.png + publish\ + true + Disk + false + Foreground + 7 + Days + false + false + true + 0 + 1.0.0.%2a + false + false + true + + + true + full + false + bin\x86\Debug + WINDOWS;TRACE;DEBUG;LINUX; + prompt + 4 + true + false + x86 + false + + + pdbonly + true + bin\x86\Release + WINDOWS;TRACE;LINUX; + prompt + 4 + true + false + x86 + true + + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + + + + + + + + + + + + {6899F0C9-70B9-4EB0-9DD3-E598D4BE3E35} + ANX.Framework + + + {60D08399-244F-46A3-91F1-4CFD26D961A3} + ANX.InputDevices.Windows.XInput + + + {49066074-3B7B-4A55-B122-6BD33AB73558} + ANX.InputSystem.Standard + + + {068EB2E9-963C-4E1B-8831-E25011F11FFE} + ANX.PlatformSystem.Windows + + + {5BE49183-2F6F-4527-AC90-D816911FCF90} + ANX.RenderSystem.Windows.DX10 + + + {B30DE9C2-0926-46B6-8351-9AF276C472D5} + ANX.RenderSystem.Windows.DX11 + + + {6A582788-C4D2-410C-96CD-177F75712D65} + ANX.SoundSystem.Windows.XAudio + + + {FA6E229D-4504-47B1-8A23-2D3FCC13F778} + SampleContent + Content + + + + + False + Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile %28x86 und x64%29 + true + + + False + .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Client Profile + false + + + False + .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 + false + + + False + Windows Installer 3.1 + true + + + False + Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0 + true + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/AlphaTestEffectSample_PSVita.csproj b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/AlphaTestEffectSample_PSVita.csproj new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d2feee02 --- /dev/null +++ b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/AlphaTestEffectSample_PSVita.csproj @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ + + + + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605} + {69878862-DA7D-4DC6-B0A1-50D8FAB4242F};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC} + Debug + x86 + Exe + Properties + AlphaTestEffectSample + AlphaTestEffectSample + v4.0 + Windows + HiDef + 307d58b8-3323-4e02-8fe4-e77d276cbaa0 + Game + Game.ico + GameThumbnail.png + publish\ + true + Disk + false + Foreground + 7 + Days + false + false + true + 0 + 1.0.0.%2a + false + false + true + 10.0.0 + 2.0 + + + true + full + false + bin\x86\Debug + WINDOWS;TRACE;DEBUG;PSVITA; + prompt + 4 + true + false + x86 + false + + + pdbonly + true + bin\x86\Release + WINDOWS;TRACE;PSVITA; + prompt + 4 + true + false + x86 + true + + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + {6899F0C9-70B9-4EB0-9DD3-E598D4BE3E35} + ANX.Framework + + + {60D08399-244F-46A3-91F1-4CFD26D961A3} + ANX.InputDevices.Windows.XInput + + + {49066074-3B7B-4A55-B122-6BD33AB73558} + ANX.InputSystem.Standard + + + {068EB2E9-963C-4E1B-8831-E25011F11FFE} + ANX.PlatformSystem.Windows + + + {5BE49183-2F6F-4527-AC90-D816911FCF90} + ANX.RenderSystem.Windows.DX10 + + + {B30DE9C2-0926-46B6-8351-9AF276C472D5} + ANX.RenderSystem.Windows.DX11 + + + {6A582788-C4D2-410C-96CD-177F75712D65} + ANX.SoundSystem.Windows.XAudio + + + {FA6E229D-4504-47B1-8A23-2D3FCC13F778} + SampleContent + Content + + + + + False + Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile %28x86 und x64%29 + true + + + False + .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Client Profile + false + + + False + .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 + false + + + False + Windows Installer 3.1 + true + + + False + Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0 + true + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/AlphaTestEffectSample_WindowsMetro.csproj b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/AlphaTestEffectSample_WindowsMetro.csproj new file mode 100644 index 00000000..56c2ae50 --- /dev/null +++ b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/AlphaTestEffectSample_WindowsMetro.csproj @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ + + + + {0005BDAA-F232-45C3-8D37-7E4FF7A1F605} + {BC8A1FFA-BEE3-4634-8014-F334798102B3};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC} + Debug + x86 + AppContainerExe + Properties + AlphaTestEffectSample + AlphaTestEffectSample + en-US + 512 + Test_TemporaryKey.pfx + + + true + full + false + bin\x86\Debug\ModernUI + WINDOWS;TRACE;DEBUG;WINDOWSMETRO; + prompt + 4 + false + x86 + + + pdbonly + true + bin\x86\Release\ModernUI + WINDOWS;TRACE;WINDOWSMETRO; + prompt + 4 + false + x86 + + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + + + + + + + + + + + + {6899F0C9-70B9-4EB0-9DD3-E598D4BE3E35} + ANX.Framework + + + {49066074-3B7B-4A55-B122-6BD33AB73558} + ANX.InputSystem.Standard + + + {6A582788-C4D2-410C-96CD-177F75712D65} + ANX.SoundSystem.Windows.XAudio + + + {FA6E229D-4504-47B1-8A23-2D3FCC13F778} + SampleContent + Content + + + + + + + + Designer + + + + + + + + 11.0 + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Assets/Logo.png b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Assets/Logo.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ab28e66b Binary files /dev/null and b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Assets/Logo.png differ diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Assets/SmallLogo.png b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Assets/SmallLogo.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c4a32ab0 Binary files /dev/null and b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Assets/SmallLogo.png differ diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Assets/SplashScreen.png b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Assets/SplashScreen.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d204826 Binary files /dev/null and b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Assets/SplashScreen.png differ diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Assets/StoreLogo.png b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Assets/StoreLogo.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..55690e28 Binary files /dev/null and b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Assets/StoreLogo.png differ diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Game.ico b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Game.ico new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8cff41ea Binary files /dev/null and b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Game.ico differ diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Game1.cs b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Game1.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..09a363ed --- /dev/null +++ b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Game1.cs @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +using System; +using ANX.Framework; +using ANX.Framework.Graphics; +using ANX.Framework.Input; + +namespace AlphaTestEffectSample +{ + public class Game1 : Game + { + private enum AlphaTestMode + { + Fog, + NoFog, + VertexColorFog, + VertexColorNoFog, + } + + GraphicsDeviceManager graphics; + private AlphaTestEffect effect; + + private Texture2D texture; + + VertexBuffer vertices; + VertexBuffer verticesVertexColor; + IndexBuffer indices; + + SpriteBatch spritebatch; + SpriteFont font; + + AlphaTestMode mode = AlphaTestMode.Fog; + + KeyboardState lastState; + + public Game1() + { + graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); + Content.RootDirectory = "SampleContent"; + } + + protected override void LoadContent() + { + effect = new AlphaTestEffect(GraphicsDevice); + + spritebatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); + font = Content.Load("Fonts/Debug"); + + texture = Content.Load("Textures/alpha_test"); + + vertices = new VertexBuffer(GraphicsDevice, VertexPositionTexture.VertexDeclaration, 4, BufferUsage.WriteOnly); + vertices.SetData(new[] + { + new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-5f, 0f, -5f), new Vector2(0f, 0f)), + new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-5f, 0f, 5f), new Vector2(1f, 0f)), + new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(5f, 0f, 5f), new Vector2(1f, 1f)), + new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(5f, 0f, -5f), new Vector2(0f, 1f)), + }); + + verticesVertexColor = new VertexBuffer(GraphicsDevice, VertexPositionColorTexture.VertexDeclaration, + 4, BufferUsage.WriteOnly); + verticesVertexColor.SetData(new[] + { + new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(-5f, 0f, -5f), Color.Green, new Vector2(0f, 0f)), + new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(-5f, 0f, 5f), Color.Green, new Vector2(1f, 0f)), + new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(5f, 0f, 5f), Color.Green, new Vector2(1f, 1f)), + new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(5f, 0f, -5f), Color.Green, new Vector2(0f, 1f)), + }); + + indices = new IndexBuffer(GraphicsDevice, IndexElementSize.ThirtyTwoBits, 6, BufferUsage.WriteOnly); + indices.SetData(new uint[] { 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2 }); + } + + protected override void UnloadContent() + { + } + + protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) + { + KeyboardState newState = Keyboard.GetState(); + + if (newState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && lastState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) == false) + { + int currentIndex = (int)mode; + string[] names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(AlphaTestMode)); + currentIndex++; + if (currentIndex == names.Length) + currentIndex = 0; + mode = (AlphaTestMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(AlphaTestMode), names[currentIndex]); + } + + if (newState.IsKeyDown(Keys.F) && lastState.IsKeyDown(Keys.F) == false) + { + int currentIndex = (int)effect.AlphaFunction; + string[] names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(CompareFunction)); + currentIndex++; + if (currentIndex == names.Length) + currentIndex = 0; + effect.AlphaFunction = (CompareFunction)Enum.Parse(typeof(CompareFunction), names[currentIndex]); + } + + float alpha = effect.Alpha; + if(newState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) + { + alpha += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; + } + if (newState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down)) + { + alpha -= (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; + } + effect.Alpha = MathHelper.Clamp(alpha, 0f, 1f); + + int refAlpha = effect.ReferenceAlpha; + if (newState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) + { + refAlpha++; + } + if (newState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) + { + refAlpha--; + } + effect.ReferenceAlpha = (int)MathHelper.Clamp(refAlpha, 0, 255); + + lastState = newState; + base.Update(gameTime); + } + + protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) + { + GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); + DrawText(); + DrawMesh(); + base.Draw(gameTime); + } + + private void DrawText() + { + spritebatch.Begin(); + spritebatch.DrawString(font, "AlphaTest sample - Current mode: " + mode + " -> Switch with Space\n" + + "AlphaFunction: " + effect.AlphaFunction + " -> Switch with F\n" + + "Alpha: " + effect.Alpha + " -> Change with Up/Down\n" + + "ReferenceAlpha: " + effect.ReferenceAlpha + " -> Change with Left/Right\n", + new Vector2(5, 5), Color.White); + spritebatch.End(); + + GraphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.Opaque; + GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default; + } + + private void DrawMesh() + { + effect.VertexColorEnabled = + (mode == AlphaTestMode.VertexColorFog || mode == AlphaTestMode.VertexColorNoFog); + + effect.DiffuseColor = Color.White.ToVector3(); + + effect.FogEnabled = (mode == AlphaTestMode.VertexColorFog || mode == AlphaTestMode.Fog); + effect.FogColor = Color.Gray.ToVector3(); + effect.FogStart = 5f; + effect.FogEnd = 15f; + + effect.Texture = texture; + + effect.World = Matrix.Identity; + effect.View = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(0f, 5f, -8f), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up); + effect.Projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.PiOver4, + GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, 1f, 100f); + effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0].Apply(); + + GraphicsDevice.Indices = indices; + GraphicsDevice.SetVertexBuffer(effect.VertexColorEnabled ? verticesVertexColor : vertices); + + GraphicsDevice.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, 4, 0, 2); + } + } +} diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/GameThumbnail.png b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/GameThumbnail.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..462311ab Binary files /dev/null and b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/GameThumbnail.png differ diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Manifest.appxmanifest b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Manifest.appxmanifest new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dc883612 --- /dev/null +++ b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Manifest.appxmanifest @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + + + + + AlphaTestEffectSample + ANX Developer Team + Assets\StoreLogo.png + + + 6.2.0 + 6.2.0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Program.cs b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Program.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2b4d8000 --- /dev/null +++ b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Program.cs @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +using System; +using ANX.Framework.NonXNA; + +// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the +// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license. +// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license + +namespace AlphaTestEffectSample +{ + static class Program + { + static void Main(string[] args) + { + AddInSystemFactory.Instance.SetPreferredSystem(AddInType.RenderSystem, "DirectX10"); + //AddInSystemFactory.Instance.SetPreferredSystem(AddInType.RenderSystem, "DirectX11"); + //AddInSystemFactory.Instance.SetPreferredSystem(AddInType.RenderSystem, "OpenGL3"); + + using (Game1 game = new Game1()) + { + game.Run(); + } + } + } +} + diff --git a/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..507201b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Samples/AlphaTestEffectSample/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +using System.Reflection; +using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; + +// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following +// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information +// associated with an assembly. +[assembly: AssemblyTitle("AlphaTestEffectSample")] +[assembly: AssemblyProduct("AlphaTestEffectSample")] +[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCompany("ANX Developer Team")] +[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © ANX Developer Team 2012")] +[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] + +// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible +// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from +// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. Only Windows +// assemblies support COM. +[assembly: ComVisible(false)] + +// On Windows, the following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this +// project is exposed to COM. On other platforms, it unique identifies the +// title storage container when deploying this assembly to the device. +[assembly: Guid("54ca10e1-a4e0-40b9-bf97-934b85b2887d")] + +// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: +// +// Major Version +// Minor Version +// Build Number +// Revision +// +[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] +[assembly: AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("")] diff --git a/Samples/BasicEffectSample/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/Samples/BasicEffectSample/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs index 7ae410e1..ec4ae767 100644 --- a/Samples/BasicEffectSample/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs +++ b/Samples/BasicEffectSample/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices; [assembly: AssemblyTitle("BasicEffectSample")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("BasicEffectSample")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] -[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] -[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2012")] +[assembly: AssemblyCompany("ANX Developer Team")] +[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © ANX Developer Team 2012")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] @@ -32,3 +32,4 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // Revision // [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] +[assembly: AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("")] diff --git a/Samples/SampleContent/SampleContent.contentproj b/Samples/SampleContent/SampleContent.contentproj index 1ca3b0ed..595bd59d 100644 --- a/Samples/SampleContent/SampleContent.contentproj +++ b/Samples/SampleContent/SampleContent.contentproj @@ -176,6 +176,13 @@ ModelProcessor + + + alpha_test + TextureImporter + TextureProcessor + +