...more ContentItems for ContentPipeline...

This commit is contained in:
Glatzemann 2012-08-16 14:18:21 +00:00
parent 5a51961e2c
commit 44b03c5be6
19 changed files with 1120 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -65,18 +65,35 @@
<Compile Include="Graphics\Dxt3BitmapContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\Dxt5BitmapContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\EffectMaterialContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\EnvironmentMapMaterialContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\FontDescription.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\FontDescriptionStyle.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\GeometryContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\GeometryContentCollection.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\IndexCollection.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\IndirectPositionCollection.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\MaterialContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\MeshBuilder.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\MeshContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\MeshHelper.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\MipmapChain.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\MipmapChainCollection.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\NodeContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\NodeContentCollection.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\PixelBitmapContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\PositionCollection.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\TextureContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\TextureReferenceDictionary.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\VertexChannel.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\VertexChannelCollection.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\VertexContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="IContentImporter.cs" />
<Compile Include="IContentProcessor.cs" />
<Compile Include="NamedValueDictionary.cs" />
<Compile Include="OpaqueDataDictionary.cs" />
<Compile Include="Processors\CompiledEffectContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Processors\VertexBufferContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Processors\VertexDeclarationContent.cs" />
<Compile Include="Serialization\Compiler\BuiltInTypeWriter.cs" />
<Compile Include="Serialization\Compiler\ContentCompiler.cs" />
<Compile Include="Serialization\Compiler\ContentTypeWriter.cs" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public class EnvironmentMapMaterialContent : MaterialContent
public const string AlphaKey = "";
public const string DiffuseColorKey = "";
public const string EmissiveColorKey = "";
public const string EnvironmentMapAmountKey = "";
public const string EnvironmentMapKey = "";
public const string EnvironmentMapSpecularKey = "";
public const string FresnelFactorKey = "";
public const string TextureKey = "";
public EnvironmentMapMaterialContent()
public Nullable<float> Alpha
public Nullable<Vector3> DiffuseColor
public Nullable<Vector3> EmissiveColor
public ExternalReference<TextureContent> EnvironmentMap
public Nullable<float> EnvironmentMapAmount
public Nullable<Vector3> EnvironmentMapSpecular
public Nullable<float> FresnelFactor
public ExternalReference<TextureContent> Texture

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public class FontDescription : ContentItem
public FontDescription(string fontName, float size, float spacing)
FontName = fontName;
Size = size;
Spacing = spacing;
public FontDescription(string fontName, float size, float spacing, FontDescriptionStyle fontStyle)
FontName = fontName;
Size = size;
Spacing = spacing;
Style = fontStyle;
public FontDescription(string fontName, float size, float spacing, FontDescriptionStyle fontStyle, bool useKerning)
FontName = fontName;
Size = size;
Spacing = spacing;
Style = fontStyle;
UseKerning = useKerning;
public ICollection<char> Characters
private set;
public Nullable<char> DefaultCharacter
public string FontName
public float Size
public float Spacing
public FontDescriptionStyle Style
public bool UseKerning

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public enum FontDescriptionStyle

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public class GeometryContent : ContentItem
public GeometryContent()
public IndexCollection Indices
private set;
public MaterialContent Material
public MeshContent Parent
public VertexContent Vertices
private set;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public sealed class GeometryContentCollection : ChildCollection<MeshContent, GeometryContent>
protected GeometryContentCollection(MeshContent parent)
: base(parent)
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override MeshContent GetParent(GeometryContent child)
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override void SetParent(GeometryContent child, MeshContent parent)
throw new NotImplementedException();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public sealed class IndexCollection : Collection<int>
public IndexCollection()
public void AddRange(IEnumerable<int> indices)
throw new NotImplementedException();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public sealed class IndirectPositionCollection : IList<Vector3>, ICollection<Vector3>, IEnumerable<Vector3>, IEnumerable
int IList<Vector3>.IndexOf(Vector3 item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void IList<Vector3>.Insert(int index, Vector3 item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void IList<Vector3>.RemoveAt(int index)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Vector3 IList<Vector3>.this[int index]
throw new NotImplementedException();
throw new NotImplementedException();
void ICollection<Vector3>.Add(Vector3 item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void ICollection<Vector3>.Clear()
throw new NotImplementedException();
bool ICollection<Vector3>.Contains(Vector3 item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void ICollection<Vector3>.CopyTo(Vector3[] array, int arrayIndex)
throw new NotImplementedException();
int ICollection<Vector3>.Count
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
bool ICollection<Vector3>.IsReadOnly
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
bool ICollection<Vector3>.Remove(Vector3 item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
IEnumerator<Vector3> IEnumerable<Vector3>.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public sealed class MeshBuilder
public bool MergeDuplicatePositions { get; set; }
public float MergePositionTolerance { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool SwapWindingOrder { get; set; }
public void AddTriangleVertex(int indexIntoVertexCollection)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public int CreatePosition(float x, float y, float z)
return CreatePosition(new Vector3(x, y, z));
public int CreatePosition(Vector3 pos)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public int CreateVertexChannel<T>(string usage)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public MeshContent FinishMesh()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void SetMaterial(MaterialContent material)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void SetOpaqueData(OpaqueDataDictionary opaqueData)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void SetVertexChannelData(int vertexDataIndex, Object channelData)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static MeshBuilder StartMesh(string name)
throw new NotImplementedException();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public class MeshContent : NodeContent
public MeshContent()
public GeometryContentCollection Geometry
private set;
public PositionCollection Positions
private set;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public static class MeshHelper
public static void CalculateNormals(MeshContent mesh, bool overwriteExistingNormals)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static void CalculateTangentFrames(MeshContent mesh, string textureCoordinateChannelName, string tangentChannelName, string binormalChannelName)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static BoneContent FindSkeleton(NodeContent node)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static IList<BoneContent> FlattenSkeleton(BoneContent skeleton)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static void MergeDuplicatePositions(MeshContent mesh, float tolerance)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static void MergeDuplicateVertices(GeometryContent geometry)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static void MergeDuplicateVertices(MeshContent mesh)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static void OptimizeForCache(MeshContent mesh)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static void SwapWindingOrder(MeshContent mesh)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static void TransformScene(NodeContent scene, Matrix transform)
throw new NotImplementedException();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public class PixelBitmapContent<T> : BitmapContent where T : struct, IEquatable<T>
protected PixelBitmapContent()
public PixelBitmapContent(int width, int height)
: base(width, height)
public T GetPixel(int x, int y)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override byte[] GetPixelData()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public T[] GetRow(int y)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void SetPixel(int x, int y, T value)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void SetPixelData(byte[] sourceData)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override string ToString()
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override bool TryCopyFrom(BitmapContent sourceBitmap, Rectangle sourceRegion, Rectangle destinationRegion)
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override bool TryCopyTo(BitmapContent destinationBitmap, Rectangle sourceRegion, Rectangle destinationRegion)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override bool TryGetFormat(out Framework.Graphics.SurfaceFormat format)
throw new NotImplementedException();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public sealed class PositionCollection : Collection<Vector3>
public PositionCollection()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public abstract class VertexChannel : IList, ICollection, IEnumerable
int IList.Add(object value)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void IList.Clear()
throw new NotImplementedException();
bool IList.Contains(object value)
throw new NotImplementedException();
int IList.IndexOf(object value)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void IList.Insert(int index, object value)
throw new NotImplementedException();
bool IList.IsFixedSize
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
bool IList.IsReadOnly
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
void IList.Remove(object value)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void IList.RemoveAt(int index)
throw new NotImplementedException();
object IList.this[int index]
throw new NotImplementedException();
throw new NotImplementedException();
void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index)
throw new NotImplementedException();
int ICollection.Count
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
bool ICollection.IsSynchronized
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
object ICollection.SyncRoot
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public sealed class VertexChannel<T> : VertexChannel, IList<T>, ICollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable
int IList<T>.IndexOf(T item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void IList<T>.Insert(int index, T item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void IList<T>.RemoveAt(int index)
throw new NotImplementedException();
T IList<T>.this[int index]
throw new NotImplementedException();
throw new NotImplementedException();
void ICollection<T>.Add(T item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void ICollection<T>.Clear()
throw new NotImplementedException();
bool ICollection<T>.Contains(T item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void ICollection<T>.CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex)
throw new NotImplementedException();
int ICollection<T>.Count
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
bool ICollection<T>.IsReadOnly
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
bool ICollection<T>.Remove(T item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public sealed class VertexChannelCollection : IList<VertexChannel>, ICollection<VertexChannel>, IEnumerable<VertexChannel>, IEnumerable
int IList<VertexChannel>.IndexOf(VertexChannel item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void IList<VertexChannel>.Insert(int index, VertexChannel item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void IList<VertexChannel>.RemoveAt(int index)
throw new NotImplementedException();
VertexChannel IList<VertexChannel>.this[int index]
throw new NotImplementedException();
throw new NotImplementedException();
void ICollection<VertexChannel>.Add(VertexChannel item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void ICollection<VertexChannel>.Clear()
throw new NotImplementedException();
bool ICollection<VertexChannel>.Contains(VertexChannel item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
void ICollection<VertexChannel>.CopyTo(VertexChannel[] array, int arrayIndex)
throw new NotImplementedException();
int ICollection<VertexChannel>.Count
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
bool ICollection<VertexChannel>.IsReadOnly
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
bool ICollection<VertexChannel>.Remove(VertexChannel item)
throw new NotImplementedException();
IEnumerator<VertexChannel> IEnumerable<VertexChannel>.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Processors;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public sealed class VertexContent
public VertexChannelCollection Channels
private set;
public VertexChannel<int> PositionIndices
private set;
public IndirectPositionCollection Positions
private set;
public int VertexCount
private set;
public int Add(int positionIndex)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void AddRange(IEnumerable<int> positionIndexCollection)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public VertexBufferContent CreateVertexBuffer()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Insert(int index, int positionIndex)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void InsertRange(int index, IEnumerable<int> positionIndexCollection)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void RemoveAt(int index)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void RemoveRange(int index, int count)
throw new NotImplementedException();

View File

@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
using System;
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
using System.Text;
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Processors
public class CompiledEffectContent
public class CompiledEffectContent : ContentItem
private byte[] effectCode;
public CompiledEffectContent(byte[] effectCode)
this.effectCode = effectCode;
public byte[] GetEffectCode()
return effectCode;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Processors
public class VertexBufferContent : ContentItem
public VertexBufferContent()
public VertexBufferContent(int size)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public byte[] VertexData
private set;
public VertexDeclarationContent VertexDeclaration
public static int SizeOf(Type type)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Write<T>(int offset, int stride, IEnumerable<T> data)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Write(int offset, int stride, Type dataType, IEnumerable data)
throw new NotImplementedException();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using ANX.Framework.Graphics;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Processors
public class VertexDeclarationContent : ContentItem
public VertexDeclarationContent()
public Collection<VertexElement> VertexElements
private set;
public Nullable<int> VertexStride