diff --git a/ANX.Framework.Windows.GL3/GraphicsDeviceWindowsGL3.cs b/ANX.Framework.Windows.GL3/GraphicsDeviceWindowsGL3.cs
index d59748b9..41591ad0 100644
--- a/ANX.Framework.Windows.GL3/GraphicsDeviceWindowsGL3.cs
+++ b/ANX.Framework.Windows.GL3/GraphicsDeviceWindowsGL3.cs
@@ -57,260 +57,248 @@ namespace ANX.Framework.Windows.GL3
/// Native OpenGL implementation for a graphics device.
- public class GraphicsDeviceWindowsGL3 : INativeGraphicsDevice
- {
- #region Constants
- private const float ColorMultiplier = 1f / 255f;
- #endregion
+ public class GraphicsDeviceWindowsGL3 : INativeGraphicsDevice
+ {
+ #region Constants
+ private const float ColorMultiplier = 1f / 255f;
+ #endregion
- #region Private
- ///
- /// Native graphics context.
- ///
- private GraphicsContext nativeContext;
+ #region Private
+ ///
+ /// Native graphics context.
+ ///
+ private GraphicsContext nativeContext;
- ///
- /// The OpenTK window info helper class to provide window informations
- /// to the graphics device.
- ///
- private IWindowInfo nativeWindowInfo;
- #endregion
+ ///
+ /// The OpenTK window info helper class to provide window informations
+ /// to the graphics device.
+ ///
+ private IWindowInfo nativeWindowInfo;
+ #endregion
- #region Constructor
- ///
- /// Create a new OpenGL graphics context.
- ///
- /// Parameters for the window
- /// and graphics context.
- internal GraphicsDeviceWindowsGL3(
- PresentationParameters presentationParameters)
- {
- ResetDevice(presentationParameters);
- }
- #endregion
+ #region Constructor
+ ///
+ /// Create a new OpenGL graphics context.
+ ///
+ /// Parameters for the window
+ /// and graphics context.
+ internal GraphicsDeviceWindowsGL3(
+ PresentationParameters presentationParameters)
+ {
+ ResetDevice(presentationParameters);
+ }
+ #endregion
- #region ResetDevice
- ///
- /// Reset the graphics device with the given presentation paramters.
- /// If a device is currently set, then we dispose the old one.
- ///
- /// Parameters for the
- /// graphics device.
- private void ResetDevice(PresentationParameters presentationParameters)
- {
- #region Validation
- if (nativeContext != null)
- {
- nativeContext.Dispose();
- nativeContext = null;
- }
+ #region ResetDevice
+ ///
+ /// Reset the graphics device with the given presentation paramters.
+ /// If a device is currently set, then we dispose the old one.
+ ///
+ /// Parameters for the
+ /// graphics device.
+ private void ResetDevice(PresentationParameters presentationParameters)
+ {
+ #region Validation
+ if (nativeContext != null)
+ {
+ nativeContext.Dispose();
+ nativeContext = null;
+ }
- if (nativeWindowInfo != null)
- {
- nativeWindowInfo.Dispose();
- nativeWindowInfo = null;
- }
- #endregion
+ if (nativeWindowInfo != null)
+ {
+ nativeWindowInfo.Dispose();
+ nativeWindowInfo = null;
+ }
+ #endregion
- // OpenGL Depth Buffer Size: 0/16/24/32
- int depth = 0;
- int stencil = 0;
- switch (presentationParameters.DepthStencilFormat)
- {
- case DepthFormat.None:
- break;
+ // OpenGL Depth Buffer Size: 0/16/24/32
+ int depth = 0;
+ int stencil = 0;
+ switch (presentationParameters.DepthStencilFormat)
+ {
+ case DepthFormat.None:
+ break;
- case DepthFormat.Depth16:
- depth = 16;
- break;
+ case DepthFormat.Depth16:
+ depth = 16;
+ break;
- case DepthFormat.Depth24:
- depth = 24;
- break;
+ case DepthFormat.Depth24:
+ depth = 24;
+ break;
- case DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8:
- depth = 24;
- stencil = 8;
- break;
- }
+ case DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8:
+ depth = 24;
+ stencil = 8;
+ break;
+ }
- nativeWindowInfo = Utilities.CreateWindowsWindowInfo(
- presentationParameters.DeviceWindowHandle);
+ nativeWindowInfo = Utilities.CreateWindowsWindowInfo(
+ presentationParameters.DeviceWindowHandle);
- GraphicsMode graphicsMode = new GraphicsMode(
- DatatypesMapping.SurfaceToColorFormat(
- presentationParameters.BackBufferFormat),
- depth, stencil,
- // AntiAlias Samples: 2/4/8/16/32
- presentationParameters.MultiSampleCount);
+ GraphicsMode graphicsMode = new GraphicsMode(
+ DatatypesMapping.SurfaceToColorFormat(
+ presentationParameters.BackBufferFormat),
+ depth, stencil,
+ // AntiAlias Samples: 2/4/8/16/32
+ presentationParameters.MultiSampleCount);
- nativeContext = new GraphicsContext(graphicsMode, nativeWindowInfo);
- nativeContext.MakeCurrent(nativeWindowInfo);
- nativeContext.LoadAll();
- }
- #endregion
- #region SetViewport
- ///
- /// Set the OpenGL viewport.
- ///
- /// Viewport data to set natively.
- public void SetViewport(Viewport viewport)
- {
- GL.Viewport(viewport.X, viewport.Y, viewport.Width, viewport.Height);
- }
- #endregion
+ nativeContext = new GraphicsContext(graphicsMode, nativeWindowInfo);
+ nativeContext.MakeCurrent(nativeWindowInfo);
+ nativeContext.LoadAll();
+ }
+ #endregion
- #region Clear
- private uint lastClearColor;
- ///
- /// Clear the current screen by the specified clear color.
- ///
- /// Clear color.
- public void Clear(ref Color color)
- {
- uint newClearColor = color.PackedValue;
- if (lastClearColor != newClearColor)
- {
- lastClearColor = newClearColor;
- GL.ClearColor(color.R * ColorMultiplier, color.G * ColorMultiplier,
- color.B * ColorMultiplier, color.A * ColorMultiplier);
- }
- GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
- }
- #endregion
+ #region SetViewport
+ ///
+ /// Set the OpenGL viewport.
+ ///
+ /// Viewport data to set natively.
+ public void SetViewport(Viewport viewport)
+ {
+ GL.Viewport(viewport.X, viewport.Y, viewport.Width, viewport.Height);
+ }
+ #endregion
- #region Clear
- ///
- /// Clear the current screen by the specified clear color and options.
- ///
- /// Clear options defining which components
- /// should be cleared.
- /// Clear color.
- /// Depth value.
- /// Stencil value.
- public void Clear(ClearOptions options, Vector4 color, float depth,
- int stencil)
- {
- Color anxColor;
- DatatypesMapping.Convert(ref color, out anxColor);
- uint newClearColor = anxColor.PackedValue;
- if (lastClearColor != newClearColor)
- {
- lastClearColor = newClearColor;
- GL.ClearColor(anxColor.R * ColorMultiplier, anxColor.G * ColorMultiplier,
- anxColor.B * ColorMultiplier, anxColor.A * ColorMultiplier);
- }
+ #region Clear
+ private uint lastClearColor;
+ ///
+ /// Clear the current screen by the specified clear color.
+ ///
+ /// Clear color.
+ public void Clear(ref Color color)
+ {
+ uint newClearColor = color.PackedValue;
+ if (lastClearColor != newClearColor)
+ {
+ lastClearColor = newClearColor;
+ GL.ClearColor(color.R * ColorMultiplier, color.G * ColorMultiplier,
+ color.B * ColorMultiplier, color.A * ColorMultiplier);
+ }
+ GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
+ }
- ClearBufferMask mask = (ClearBufferMask)0;
- if ((options | ClearOptions.Target) == options)
- {
- mask |= ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit;
- }
- if ((options | ClearOptions.Stencil) == options)
- {
- mask |= ClearBufferMask.StencilBufferBit;
- }
- if ((options | ClearOptions.DepthBuffer) == options)
- {
- mask |= ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit;
- }
+ ///
+ /// Clear the current screen by the specified clear color and options.
+ ///
+ /// Clear options defining which components
+ /// should be cleared.
+ /// Clear color.
+ /// Depth value.
+ /// Stencil value.
+ public void Clear(ClearOptions options, Vector4 color, float depth,
+ int stencil)
+ {
+ Color anxColor;
+ DatatypesMapping.Convert(ref color, out anxColor);
+ uint newClearColor = anxColor.PackedValue;
+ if (lastClearColor != newClearColor)
+ {
+ lastClearColor = newClearColor;
+ GL.ClearColor(anxColor.R * ColorMultiplier, anxColor.G * ColorMultiplier,
+ anxColor.B * ColorMultiplier, anxColor.A * ColorMultiplier);
+ }
- GL.ClearDepth(depth);
- GL.ClearStencil(stencil);
- GL.Clear(mask);
- }
- #endregion
+ ClearBufferMask mask = (ClearBufferMask)0;
+ if ((options | ClearOptions.Target) == options)
+ {
+ mask |= ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit;
+ }
+ if ((options | ClearOptions.Stencil) == options)
+ {
+ mask |= ClearBufferMask.StencilBufferBit;
+ }
+ if ((options | ClearOptions.DepthBuffer) == options)
+ {
+ mask |= ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit;
+ }
- #region Present
- ///
- /// Swap the graphics buffers.
- ///
- public void Present()
- {
- nativeContext.SwapBuffers();
- }
- #endregion
+ GL.ClearDepth(depth);
+ GL.ClearStencil(stencil);
+ GL.Clear(mask);
+ }
+ #endregion
- public void DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType primitiveType,
- int baseVertex, int minVertexIndex, int numVertices, int startIndex,
- int primitiveCount)
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
+ #region Present
+ ///
+ /// Swap the graphics buffers.
+ ///
+ public void Present()
+ {
+ nativeContext.SwapBuffers();
+ }
+ #endregion
- public void DrawInstancedPrimitives(PrimitiveType primitiveType,
- int baseVertex, int minVertexIndex, int numVertices, int startIndex,
- int primitiveCount, int instanceCount)
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- public void DrawUserIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType primitiveType,
- T[] vertexData, int vertexOffset, int numVertices, Array indexData,
- int indexOffset, int primitiveCount, VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration,
- IndexElementSize indexFormat) where T : struct, IVertexType
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- public void DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType primitiveType,
- T[] vertexData, int vertexOffset, int primitiveCount,
- VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration) where T : struct, IVertexType
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- public void DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType primitiveType, int vertexOffset,
- int primitiveCount)
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- public void SetVertexBuffers(VertexBufferBinding[] vertexBuffers)
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- public void SetIndexBuffer(IndexBuffer indexBuffer)
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- public void SetRenderTargets(params RenderTargetBinding[] renderTargets)
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- public void GetBackBufferData(Rectangle? rect, T[] data,
- int startIndex, int elementCount) where T : struct
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- public void GetBackBufferData(T[] data) where T : struct
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
-<<<<<<< .mine
- public void DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType primitiveType, T[] vertexData, int vertexOffset, int primitiveCount, VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration) where T : struct, IVertexType
+ public void DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType primitiveType,
+ int baseVertex, int minVertexIndex, int numVertices, int startIndex,
+ int primitiveCount)
throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public void DrawInstancedPrimitives(PrimitiveType primitiveType,
+ int baseVertex, int minVertexIndex, int numVertices, int startIndex,
+ int primitiveCount, int instanceCount)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public void DrawUserIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType primitiveType,
+ T[] vertexData, int vertexOffset, int numVertices, Array indexData,
+ int indexOffset, int primitiveCount, VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration,
+ IndexElementSize indexFormat) where T : struct, IVertexType
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public void DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType primitiveType,
+ T[] vertexData, int vertexOffset, int primitiveCount,
+ VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration) where T : struct, IVertexType
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public void DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType primitiveType, int vertexOffset,
+ int primitiveCount)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public void SetVertexBuffers(VertexBufferBinding[] vertexBuffers)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public void SetIndexBuffer(IndexBuffer indexBuffer)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public void SetRenderTargets(params RenderTargetBinding[] renderTargets)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public void GetBackBufferData(Rectangle? rect, T[] data,
+ int startIndex, int elementCount) where T : struct
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public void GetBackBufferData(T[] data) where T : struct
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public void GetBackBufferData(T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount) where T : struct
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
public void ResizeBuffers(PresentationParameters presentationParameters)
throw new NotImplementedException();
- public void GetBackBufferData(T[] data, int startIndex,
- int elementCount) where T : struct
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- }
->>>>>>> .r12199
diff --git a/ANX.Framework/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/ANX.Framework/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
index b0d5cb63..b6ecdc3c 100644
--- a/ANX.Framework/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ b/ANX.Framework/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
@@ -35,4 +35,9 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("0.4.1.*")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Samples/WindowsGame/Game1.cs b/Samples/WindowsGame/Game1.cs
index 37a51f1b..161af515 100644
--- a/Samples/WindowsGame/Game1.cs
+++ b/Samples/WindowsGame/Game1.cs
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ namespace WindowsGame1
protected override void LoadContent()
// Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
- spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
+ //TODO: spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);