2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
using ANX.Framework.Build ;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop ;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio ;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Project ;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Project.Automation ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using ANX.Framework.VisualStudio.Nodes ;
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Tasks.References ;
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using System.Diagnostics ;
2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
namespace ANX.Framework.VisualStudio.Nodes
class ContentProjectReferenceContainer : ReferenceContainerNode
ContentProjectNode contentProjectNode ;
public bool Loading
get ;
set ;
protected void SetProjectDirty ( )
if ( Loading )
return ;
this . ProjectMgr . SetProjectFileDirty ( true ) ;
public ContentProjectReferenceContainer ( ContentProjectNode root )
: base ( root )
this . contentProjectNode = root ;
this . OnChildAdded + = ContentProjectReferenceContainer_OnChildAdded ;
this . OnChildRemoved + = ContentProjectReferenceContainer_OnChildRemoved ;
public void LoadReferencesFromContentProject ( )
Loading = true ;
foreach ( var item in contentProjectNode . ContentProject . References )
ReferenceNode node = null ;
if ( item is AssemblyReference )
/ * var element = new MsBuildProjectElement ( this . ProjectMgr , AssemblyName . GetAssemblyName ( item . AssemblyPath ) . FullName , ProjectFileConstants . ProjectReference ) ;
element . SetMetadata ( ProjectFileConstants . Name , item . Name ) ;
element . SetMetadata ( ProjectFileConstants . HintPath , item . AssemblyPath ) ;
element . SetMetadata ( ProjectFileConstants . Private , false . ToString ( ) ) ; //By default, never copy the assembly to the output directory for content projects, even if it's not a framework assembly.
element . SetMetadata ( ProjectFileConstants . AssemblyName , Path . GetFileName ( item . AssemblyPath ) ) ;
node = CreateReferenceNode ( ProjectFileConstants . Reference , element ) ; * /
var reference = ( AssemblyReference ) item ;
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node = CreateAssemblyReferenceNode ( reference . Name , reference . AssemblyPath ) ;
2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
else if ( item is GACReference )
var reference = ( GACReference ) item ;
node = CreateAssemblyReferenceNode ( reference . Name , reference . AssemblyName ) ;
else if ( item is ProjectReference )
var reference = ( ProjectReference ) item ;
/ * var element = new MsBuildProjectElement ( this . ProjectMgr , reference . Include , ProjectFileConstants . ProjectReference ) ;
element . SetMetadata ( ProjectFileConstants . Project , reference . Guid . ToString ( ) ) ;
element . SetMetadata ( ProjectFileConstants . Name , item . Name ) ;
element . SetMetadata ( ProjectFileConstants . Private , false . ToString ( ) ) ; //By default, never copy the assembly to the output directory for content projects, even if it's not a framework assembly.
node = CreateReferenceNode ( ProjectFileConstants . ProjectReference , element ) ; * /
string path = string . Empty ;
string uniqueName = string . Empty ;
path = CommonUtils . GetAbsoluteFilePath ( Path . GetDirectoryName ( this . ProjectMgr . Url ) , reference . Include ) ;
catch { }
uniqueName = reference . Guid . ToString ( "B" ) + "|" + CommonUtils . TrimUpPaths ( reference . Include ) ;
catch { }
bstrTitle = reference . Name ,
bstrFile = path ,
bstrProjRef = uniqueName
} ;
node = CreateProjectReferenceNode ( selectorData ) ;
if ( node ! = null )
// Make sure that we do not want to add the item twice to the ui hierarchy
// We are using here the UI representation of the Node namely the Caption to find that out, in order to
// avoid different representation problems.
// Example :<Reference Include="EnvDTE80, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
// <Reference Include="EnvDTE80" />
bool found = false ;
for ( HierarchyNode n = this . FirstChild ; n ! = null & & ! found ; n = n . NextSibling )
if ( String . Compare ( n . Caption , node . Caption , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) = = 0 )
found = true ;
if ( ! found )
this . AddChild ( node ) ;
//After all references have been added, we can load them.
this . LoadAssemblies ( this . EnumReferences ( ) . ToArray ( ) ) ;
Loading = false ;
void ContentProjectReferenceContainer_OnChildAdded ( object sender , HierarchyNodeEventArgs e )
this . SetProjectDirty ( ) ;
//Wait with loading the refernces until the project finished loading.
if ( this . Loading )
return ;
LoadReference ( ( ReferenceNode ) e . Child ) ;
void LoadReference ( ReferenceNode node )
if ( node is AnxAssemblyReferenceNode )
var assemblyReference = ( AnxAssemblyReferenceNode ) node ;
assemblyReference . ItemNode . SetMetadata ( ProjectFileConstants . Private , false . ToString ( ) ) ; //By default, never copy the assembly to the output directory for content projects, even if it's not a framework assembly.
if ( assemblyReference . IsValid )
//Keep the ui thread responsive while the tasks battle over the lock for the appDomain.
LoadAssemblies ( assemblyReference ) ;
else if ( node is AnxProjectReferenceNode )
var projectReference = ( AnxProjectReferenceNode ) node ;
projectReference . ItemNode . SetMetadata ( ProjectFileConstants . Private , false . ToString ( ) ) ; //By default, never copy the assembly to the output directory for content projects, even if it's not a framework assembly.
if ( File . Exists ( projectReference . ReferencedProjectOutputPath ) )
LoadAssemblies ( projectReference ) ;
void ContentProjectReferenceContainer_OnChildRemoved ( object sender , HierarchyNodeEventArgs e )
this . SetProjectDirty ( ) ;
this . RefreshAssemblies ( new List < HierarchyNode > ( new [ ] { e . Child } ) ) ;
public void RefreshAssemblies ( IEnumerable < HierarchyNode > exclude = null )
using ( var buildDomain = this . contentProjectNode . BuildAppDomain . Aquire ( ) )
buildDomain . Unload ( ) ;
buildDomain . Initialize ( this . contentProjectNode . ProjectGuid . ToString ( ) ) ;
List < ReferenceNode > referencesToRefresh = new List < ReferenceNode > ( ) ;
foreach ( ReferenceNode reference in this . EnumReferences ( ) )
if ( exclude ! = null & & exclude . Contains ( reference ) )
continue ;
if ( reference is AnxAssemblyReferenceNode )
var assemblyReference = ( AnxAssemblyReferenceNode ) reference ;
assemblyReference . ItemNode . SetMetadata ( ProjectFileConstants . Private , false . ToString ( ) ) ; //By default, never copy the assembly to the output directory for content projects, even if it's not a framework assembly.
if ( assemblyReference . IsValid )
referencesToRefresh . Add ( reference ) ;
else if ( reference is AnxProjectReferenceNode )
var projectReference = ( AnxProjectReferenceNode ) reference ;
projectReference . ItemNode . SetMetadata ( ProjectFileConstants . Private , false . ToString ( ) ) ; //By default, never copy the assembly to the output directory for content projects, even if it's not a framework assembly.
if ( File . Exists ( projectReference . ReferencedProjectOutputPath ) )
referencesToRefresh . Add ( reference ) ;
if ( referencesToRefresh . Count > 0 )
LoadAssemblies ( referencesToRefresh . ToArray ( ) ) ;
public Task LoadAssemblies ( params ReferenceNode [ ] references )
return Task . Run ( ( ) = >
var allReferences = this . EnumNodesOfType < AnxAssemblyReferenceNode > ( ) . ToArray ( ) ;
using ( var buildDomain = this . contentProjectNode . BuildAppDomain . Aquire ( ) )
Dictionary < string , string > assemblyNamesAndPaths = new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) ;
foreach ( var reference in references )
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//Running asynchronously, so at least write to console.
//And we also don't want to stop at the first reference that creates problems.
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
string path = null ;
string name = null ;
if ( reference is AnxAssemblyReferenceNode )
var assemblyReference = ( AnxAssemblyReferenceNode ) reference ;
assemblyReference . RefreshReference ( ) ;
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
if ( assemblyReference . AssemblyName = = null )
continue ;
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
path = assemblyReference . FullPath ;
name = assemblyReference . AssemblyName . FullName ;
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( path ) )
path = name ;
else if ( reference is AnxProjectReferenceNode )
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
var projectReference = ( AnxProjectReferenceNode ) reference ;
projectReference . RefreshReference ( ) ;
path = projectReference . ReferencedProjectOutputPath ;
if ( File . Exists ( path ) )
name = AssemblyName . GetAssemblyName ( path ) . FullName ;
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
if ( name ! = null & & path ! = null & & File . Exists ( path ) )
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
foreach ( var assemblyName in buildDomain . Proxy . GetReferencedAssemblies ( path ) )
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
if ( ! assemblyNamesAndPaths . ContainsKey ( assemblyName . FullName ) )
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
string assemblyIdentifier = assemblyName . FullName ;
foreach ( var referenceEntry in allReferences )
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
if ( referenceEntry . AssemblyName ! = null & & referenceEntry . AssemblyName . FullName = = assemblyName . FullName & & File . Exists ( referenceEntry . Url ) )
assemblyIdentifier = referenceEntry . Url ;
break ;
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
assemblyNamesAndPaths [ assemblyName . FullName ] = assemblyIdentifier ;
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
assemblyNamesAndPaths [ name ] = path ;
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
var callback = new LoadAssembliesCallback ( this ) ;
buildDomain . Proxy . LoadProjectAssemblies ( assemblyNamesAndPaths . Values , buildDomain . SearchPaths , buildDomain . Redirects , callback . ErrorCallback ) ;
catch ( Exception exc )
Debugger . Break ( ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( exc . Message ) ;
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
} ) ;
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class LoadAssembliesCallback : MarshalByRefObject
ContentProjectReferenceContainer parent ;
internal LoadAssembliesCallback ( ContentProjectReferenceContainer parent )
this . parent = parent ;
public void ErrorCallback ( string assembly , Exception exc )
ErrorLoggingHelper loggingHelper = new ErrorLoggingHelper ( parent . contentProjectNode , parent . contentProjectNode . ErrorListProvider ) ;
loggingHelper . LogWarning ( null , null , null , assembly , - 1 , - 1 , exc . Message ) ;
protected override AssemblyReferenceNode CreateAssemblyReferenceNode ( ProjectElement element )
throw new NotSupportedException ( ) ;
protected override AssemblyReferenceNode CreateAssemblyReferenceNode ( string name , string fileName )
return new AnxAssemblyReferenceNode ( this . contentProjectNode , name , fileName ) ;
protected override ProjectReferenceNode CreateProjectReferenceNode ( ProjectElement element )
throw new NotSupportedException ( ) ;
protected override ProjectReferenceNode CreateProjectReferenceNode ( VSCOMPONENTSELECTORDATA selectorData )
return new AnxProjectReferenceNode ( this . contentProjectNode , selectorData . bstrTitle , selectorData . bstrFile , selectorData . bstrProjRef ) ;