2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
#region Using Statements
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics ;
using System.IO ;
using ANX.Framework.Graphics ;
using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Development ;
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Helpers ;
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Processors ;
using System.Collections ;
using Assimp ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline
[Developer("Konstantin Koch")]
[AssimpImporter(Category = "Model Files", DefaultProcessor = "ModelProcessor", DisplayName = "Assimp Importer - ANX Framework", CacheImportedData = true)]
public class AssimpImporter : ContentImporter < NodeContent >
ContentImporterContext context ;
ContentIdentity identity ;
public AssimpImporter ( )
public override NodeContent Import ( string filename , ContentImporterContext context )
if ( ! File . Exists ( filename ) )
throw new FileNotFoundException ( "filename" ) ;
if ( context = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "context" ) ;
this . context = context ;
Debugger . Break ( ) ;
this . identity = new ContentIdentity ( filename , this . GetType ( ) . Name ) ;
2015-04-26 19:47:26 +02:00
AssimpDeploy . DeployLibraries ( ) ;
2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
Assimp . AssimpContext assimpContext = new AssimpContext ( ) ;
Scene scene = assimpContext . ImportFile ( filename , PostProcessPreset . TargetRealTimeMaximumQuality | PostProcessSteps . MakeLeftHanded ) ;
return ConvertScene ( scene ) ;
private NodeContent ConvertScene ( Scene scene )
var rootNode = Convert ( scene , scene . RootNode ) ;
//var allNodes = WalkNodes(rootNode).ToDictionary((x) => x.Name);
/ * foreach ( var camera in scene . Cameras )
ReplaceNode ( rootNode , allNodes , Convert ( camera ) ) ;
foreach ( var light in scene . Lights )
ReplaceNode ( rootNode , allNodes , Convert ( light ) ) ;
} * /
//TODO: Support ANimation
/ * foreach ( var animation in scene . Animations )
if ( animation . TicksPerSecond = = 0 )
this . context . Logger . LogWarning ( null , null , string . Format ( "Animation \"{0}\" has no ticks per seconds specified. Unable to process animation." , animation . NodeAnimationChannels ) ) ;
continue ;
AnimationContent animationContent = new AnimationContent ( ) ;
animationContent . Duration = TimeSpan . FromSeconds ( animation . DurationInTicks / animation . TicksPerSecond ) ;
foreach ( var channel in animation . NodeAnimationChannels )
AnimationChannel animationChannelContent = new AnimationChannel ( ) ;
animationChannelContent . Add ( new AnimationKeyframe ( ) )
animationContent . Channels . Add ( ) ;
} * /
//return rootNode;
return CollapseNodes ( rootNode ) ;
private NodeContent CollapseNodes ( NodeContent content )
//Find all the single nodes and eat them.
if ( content . Children . Count = = 1 )
var nodes = WalkCollapsableChildren ( content , ( x ) = > ! ( x is MeshContent ) & & x . Children . Count = = 1 ) . ToArray ( ) ;
if ( nodes . Length > 0 )
foreach ( var nodeToEat in nodes . Take ( nodes . Length - 1 ) )
content . Transform * = nodeToEat . Transform ;
content . OpaqueData . AddRange ( nodeToEat . OpaqueData , overwrite : true ) ;
content . Children . Clear ( ) ;
var lastNode = nodes . Last ( ) ;
lastNode . Transform = content . Transform * lastNode . Transform ;
lastNode . OpaqueData . AddRange ( content . OpaqueData , overwrite : true ) ;
content = lastNode ;
else if ( content . Children . Count > 1 )
List < NodeContent > newChildren = new List < NodeContent > ( ) ;
foreach ( var child in content . Children )
var newChild = CollapseNodes ( child ) ;
newChild . Parent = null ;
newChildren . Add ( newChild ) ;
content . Children . Clear ( ) ;
content . Children . AddRange ( newChildren ) ;
return content ;
private NodeContent Convert ( Camera camera )
NodeContent cameraNode = new NodeContent ( )
Name = camera . Name ,
Transform = Matrix . CreateLookAt ( camera . Position . ToAnx ( ) , ( camera . Position + camera . Direction ) . ToAnx ( ) , camera . Up . ToAnx ( ) ) ,
} ;
cameraNode . OpaqueData . Add ( "AspectRatio" , camera . AspectRatio ) ;
cameraNode . OpaqueData . Add ( "ClipPlaneFar" , camera . ClipPlaneFar ) ;
cameraNode . OpaqueData . Add ( "ClipPlaneNear" , camera . ClipPlaneNear ) ;
cameraNode . OpaqueData . Add ( "FieldOfView" , camera . FieldOfview ) ;
cameraNode . OpaqueData . Add ( "Up" , camera . Up ) ;
cameraNode . OpaqueData . Add ( "Position" , camera . Position ) ;
cameraNode . OpaqueData . Add ( "Direction" , camera . Direction ) ;
return cameraNode ;
private NodeContent Convert ( Light light )
NodeContent node = new NodeContent ( )
Name = light . Name ,
Transform = Matrix . CreateFromYawPitchRoll ( light . Direction . X , light . Direction . Y , light . Direction . Z ) * Matrix . CreateTranslation ( light . Position . ToAnx ( ) )
} ;
node . OpaqueData . Add ( "InnerConeAngle" , light . AngleInnerCone ) ;
node . OpaqueData . Add ( "OuterConeAngle" , light . AngleOuterCone ) ;
if ( light . LightType ! = LightSourceType . Directional )
node . OpaqueData . Add ( "ConstantAttentuation" , light . AttenuationConstant ) ;
node . OpaqueData . Add ( "LinearAttentuation" , light . AttenuationLinear ) ;
node . OpaqueData . Add ( "QuadraticAttentuation" , light . AttenuationQuadratic ) ;
node . OpaqueData . Add ( "AmbientColor" , light . ColorAmbient ) ;
node . OpaqueData . Add ( "DiffuseColor" , light . ColorDiffuse ) ;
node . OpaqueData . Add ( "SpecularColor" , light . ColorSpecular ) ;
node . OpaqueData . Add ( "Direction" , light . Direction ) ;
node . OpaqueData . Add ( "Position" , light . Position ) ;
return node ;
public GeometryContent ConvertAndAdd ( MeshContent meshContent , Mesh mesh , Scene scene )
GeometryContent geometry = new GeometryContent ( ) ;
geometry . Indices . AddRange ( mesh . GetIndices ( ) ) ;
int positionOffset = meshContent . Positions . Count ;
meshContent . Positions . AddRange ( mesh . Vertices . Select ( ( x ) = > x . ToAnx ( ) ) ) ;
geometry . Vertices . AddRange ( Enumerable . Range ( positionOffset , mesh . VertexCount ) ) ;
if ( mesh . HasNormals )
geometry . Vertices . Channels . Add ( VertexChannelNames . Normal ( ) , mesh . Normals . Select ( ( x ) = > x . ToAnx ( ) ) ) ;
/ * if ( mesh . HasTangentBasis )
geometry . Vertices . Channels . Add ( VertexChannelNames . Tangent ( 0 ) , mesh . Tangents . Select ( ( x ) = > x . ToAnx ( ) ) ) ;
geometry . Vertices . Channels . Add ( VertexChannelNames . Binormal ( 0 ) , mesh . BiTangents . Select ( ( x ) = > x . ToAnx ( ) ) ) ;
* /
for ( int i = 0 ; i < mesh . TextureCoordinateChannelCount ; i + + )
var componentCount = mesh . UVComponentCount [ i ] ;
geometry . Vertices . Channels . Add ( VertexChannelNames . TextureCoordinate ( i ) , GetUvVertexType ( componentCount ) , mesh . TextureCoordinateChannels [ i ] . Select ( ( x ) = > ExtractUvVector ( x . ToAnx ( ) , componentCount ) ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < mesh . VertexColorChannelCount ; i + + )
geometry . Vertices . Channels . Add ( VertexChannelNames . Color ( i ) , mesh . VertexColorChannels [ i ] . Select ( ( x ) = > x . ToAnx ( ) . ToVector4 ( ) ) ) ;
List < BoneContent > bones = new List < BoneContent > ( ) ;
if ( mesh . HasBones )
var boneWeights = new Dictionary < int , BoneWeight > ( ) ;
foreach ( var assimpBone in mesh . Bones )
BoneContent bone = new BoneContent ( ) ;
bone . Name = assimpBone . Name ;
bone . Transform = assimpBone . OffsetMatrix . ToAnx ( ) ;
foreach ( var vertexWeight in assimpBone . VertexWeights )
boneWeights . Add ( vertexWeight . VertexID , new BoneWeight ( assimpBone . Name , vertexWeight . Weight ) ) ;
bones . Add ( bone ) ;
var weightlessVertices = new List < int > ( ) ;
var weightChannel = new BoneWeightCollection ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < boneWeights . Count ; i + + )
BoneWeight weight ;
if ( ! boneWeights . TryGetValue ( i , out weight ) )
weight = new BoneWeight ( null , 0 ) ;
weightlessVertices . Add ( i ) ;
weightChannel . Add ( weight ) ;
if ( weightlessVertices . Count > 0 )
this . context . Logger . LogImportantMessage ( string . Format ( "The following vertices on the mesh \"{0}\" didn't contain bone weights: {1}" , mesh . Name , string . Join ( "," , weightlessVertices ) ) ) ;
geometry . Vertices . Channels . Add ( VertexChannelNames . Weights ( ) , weightChannel ) ;
var material = Convert ( scene . Materials [ mesh . MaterialIndex ] ) ;
if ( mesh . VertexColorChannelCount > 0 )
material . VertexColorEnabled = true ;
geometry . Material = material ;
meshContent . Geometry . Add ( geometry ) ;
return geometry ;
private Type GetUvVertexType ( int uvComponentCount )
switch ( uvComponentCount )
case 1 :
return typeof ( float ) ;
case 2 :
return typeof ( Vector2 ) ;
case 3 :
return typeof ( Vector3 ) ;
default :
throw new NotSupportedException ( String . Format ( "An UV component count of {0} is not supported." , uvComponentCount ) ) ;
private object ExtractUvVector ( Vector3 vector , int componentCount )
switch ( componentCount )
case 1 :
return vector . X ;
case 2 :
return new Vector2 ( vector . X , vector . Y ) ;
case 3 :
return vector ;
default :
throw new NotSupportedException ( String . Format ( "An UV component count of {0} is not supported." , componentCount ) ) ;
private AssimpMaterialContent Convert ( Material assimpMaterial )
AssimpMaterialContent material = new AssimpMaterialContent ( ) ;
material . Name = assimpMaterial . Name ;
foreach ( var texture in assimpMaterial . GetAllMaterialTextures ( ) )
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( texture . FilePath ) )
continue ;
material . Textures . Add ( System . IO . Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( texture . FilePath ) + " " + texture . TextureIndex , new ExternalReference < TextureContent > ( texture . FilePath ) ) ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasBlendMode )
material . IsAdditive = assimpMaterial . BlendMode = = BlendMode . Additive ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasBumpScaling )
material . BumpScaling = assimpMaterial . BumpScaling ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasColorAmbient )
material . AmbientColor = assimpMaterial . ColorAmbient . ToAnx ( ) . ToVector3 ( ) ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasColorDiffuse )
material . DiffuseColor = assimpMaterial . ColorDiffuse . ToAnx ( ) . ToVector3 ( ) ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasColorEmissive )
material . EmissiveColor = assimpMaterial . ColorEmissive . ToAnx ( ) . ToVector3 ( ) ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasColorReflective )
material . ReflectiveColor = assimpMaterial . ColorReflective . ToAnx ( ) . ToVector3 ( ) ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasColorSpecular )
var specularColor = assimpMaterial . ColorSpecular . ToAnx ( ) . ToVector3 ( ) ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasShininessStrength )
specularColor * = assimpMaterial . ShininessStrength ;
material . SpecularColor = specularColor ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasOpacity )
material . Alpha = 1 - assimpMaterial . Opacity ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasReflectivity )
material . Reflectivity = assimpMaterial . Reflectivity ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasShadingMode )
material . ShadingMode = Enum . GetName ( typeof ( ShadingMode ) , assimpMaterial . ShadingMode ) ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasShininess )
material . SpecularPower = assimpMaterial . Shininess ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasTwoSided )
material . IsTwoSided = assimpMaterial . IsTwoSided ;
if ( assimpMaterial . HasWireFrame )
material . IsWireframe = assimpMaterial . IsWireFrameEnabled ;
return material ;
private NodeContent Convert ( Scene scene , Node node )
NodeContent content ;
if ( node . HasMeshes )
content = new MeshContent ( ) ;
foreach ( var mesh in node . EnumerateMeshes ( scene ) )
ConvertAndAdd ( ( MeshContent ) content , mesh , scene ) ;
content = new NodeContent ( ) ;
content . Name = node . Name ;
content . Transform = node . Transform . ToAnx ( ) ;
content . OpaqueData . AddRange ( node . Metadata ) ;
foreach ( var child in node . Children )
var childContent = Convert ( scene , child ) ;
content . Children . Add ( childContent ) ;
return content ;
private IEnumerable < NodeContent > WalkCollapsableChildren ( NodeContent node , Predicate < NodeContent > predicate )
foreach ( var child in node . Children )
if ( ! predicate ( child ) )
yield return child ;
yield break ;
yield return child ;
foreach ( var subChild in WalkCollapsableChildren ( child , predicate ) )
yield return subChild ;
private IEnumerable < NodeContent > FindChildren ( NodeContentCollection collection , Predicate < NodeContent > predicate )
foreach ( var child in collection )
if ( predicate ( child ) )
yield return child ;
foreach ( var subChild in FindChildren ( child . Children , predicate ) )
yield return subChild ;