2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Serialization.Compiler ;
using ANX.Framework.Graphics ;
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Helpers ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Text ;
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Tasks
public class BuildContentTask
public delegate void PrepareAssetBuild ( BuildContentTask sender , BuildItem item , out ContentImporterContext importerContext , out ContentProcessorContext processorContext ) ;
private ImporterManager importerManager ;
private ProcessorManager processorManager ;
private ContentCompiler contentCompiler ;
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private MultiContentBuildLogger buildLogger = new MultiContentBuildLogger ( ) ;
2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
public BuildContentTask ( )
TargetPlatform = TargetPlatform . Windows ;
CompressContent = false ;
TargetProfile = GraphicsProfile . HiDef ;
public PrepareAssetBuild PrepareAssetBuildCallback
get ;
set ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the <see cref="ImporterManagerAdapter"/> that will be used to build the content.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The instance is automatically created when none is set.</remarks>
public ImporterManager ImporterManager
if ( this . importerManager = = null )
this . importerManager = new ImporterManager ( ) ;
return this . importerManager ;
this . importerManager = value ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the <see cref="ProcessorManagerAdapter"/> that will be used to build the content.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The instance is automatically created when none is set.</remarks>
public ProcessorManager ProcessorManager
if ( this . processorManager = = null )
this . processorManager = new ProcessorManager ( ) ;
return this . processorManager ;
this . processorManager = value ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the <see cref="ContentCompilerAdapter"/> that will be used to build the content.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The instance is automatically created when none is set.</remarks>
public ContentCompiler ContentCompiler
if ( this . contentCompiler = = null )
this . contentCompiler = new ContentCompiler ( ) ;
return this . contentCompiler ;
this . contentCompiler = value ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the <see cref="IBuildCache"/> that will be used check if assets have to be rebuild.
/// </summary>
public IBuildCache BuildCache
get ;
set ;
public TargetPlatform TargetPlatform
get ;
set ;
public bool CompressContent
get ;
set ;
public GraphicsProfile TargetProfile
get ;
set ;
public Uri BaseDirectory
get ;
set ;
public MultiContentBuildLogger BuildLogger
get { return buildLogger ; }
public CompiledBuildItem Execute ( BuildItem item )
if ( item = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "item" ) ;
return Execute ( new [ ] { item } ) . First ( ) ;
public CompiledBuildItem [ ] Execute ( IEnumerable < BuildItem > itemsToBuild , bool throwExceptions = false )
if ( itemsToBuild = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "itemsToBuild" ) ;
if ( PrepareAssetBuildCallback = = null )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "The property PrepareAssetBuildCallback must be set to execute a build content task." ) ;
List < CompiledBuildItem > result = new List < CompiledBuildItem > ( ) ;
foreach ( BuildItem buildItem in itemsToBuild )
if ( buildItem = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "An element of the parameter itemsToBuild is null." ) ;
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ContentImporterContext importerContext ;
ContentProcessorContext processorContext ;
PrepareAssetBuildCallback ( this , buildItem , out importerContext , out processorContext ) ;
Uri outputFilename = new Uri ( processorContext . OutputFilename , UriKind . Absolute ) ;
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if ( BuildCache ! = null )
if ( throwExceptions )
if ( CheckIsValid ( buildItem , outputFilename ) )
continue ;
if ( CheckIsValid ( buildItem , outputFilename ) )
continue ;
catch ( Exception exc )
BuildLogger . LogWarning ( null , new ContentIdentity ( ) { SourceTool = "BuildCache" } , exc . Message ) ;
var absoluteFilename = MakeAbsolute ( buildItem . SourceFilename ) ;
object importedObject = null ;
CompiledBuildItem compiled = null ;
if ( throwExceptions )
importedObject = ImportAsset ( buildItem , absoluteFilename , importerContext ) ;
importedObject = ImportAsset ( buildItem , absoluteFilename , importerContext ) ;
catch ( Exception exc )
LogException ( exc , absoluteFilename ) ;
if ( importedObject ! = null )
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( buildItem . ProcessorName ) )
buildItem . ProcessorName = ImporterManager . GetDefaultProcessor ( buildItem . ImporterName ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( buildItem . ProcessorName ) )
buildItem . ProcessorName = ProcessorManager . GetProcessorForType ( importedObject . GetType ( ) ) ;
object compiledItem = null ;
if ( throwExceptions )
compiledItem = Process ( buildItem , absoluteFilename , importedObject , processorContext ) ;
compiledItem = Process ( buildItem , absoluteFilename , importedObject , processorContext ) ;
catch ( Exception exc )
LogException ( exc , absoluteFilename ) ;
if ( compiledItem ! = null )
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2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
SerializeAsset ( buildItem , compiledItem , processorContext . OutputDirectory , outputFilename . LocalPath ) ;
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2015-04-26 19:47:26 +02:00
compiled = new CompiledBuildItem ( compiledItem , buildItem , outputFilename . LocalPath , true ) ;
catch ( Exception exc )
LogException ( exc , absoluteFilename ) ;
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if ( compiled = = null )
compiled = new CompiledBuildItem ( null , buildItem , null , false ) ;
result . Add ( compiled ) ;
if ( compiled . Successfull )
BuildLogger . LogMessage ( "---\"{0}\" successfully build." , buildItem . AssetName ) ;
if ( BuildCache ! = null )
if ( throwExceptions )
BuildCache . Refresh ( compiled . OriginalBuildItem , outputFilename ) ;
BuildCache . Refresh ( compiled . OriginalBuildItem , outputFilename ) ;
catch ( Exception exc )
BuildLogger . LogWarning ( null , new ContentIdentity ( ) { SourceTool = "BuildCache" } , exc . Message ) ;
BuildLogger . LogMessage ( "---Build of \"{0}\" not successfull." , buildItem . AssetName ) ;
return result . ToArray ( ) ;
private bool CheckIsValid ( BuildItem buildItem , Uri outputFilename )
if ( BuildCache . IsValid ( buildItem , outputFilename ) )
return true ;
return false ;
private string MakeAbsolute ( string filename )
if ( filename = = null | | BaseDirectory = = null )
return filename ;
var uri = new Uri ( filename , UriKind . RelativeOrAbsolute ) ;
if ( uri . IsAbsoluteUri )
return filename ;
return new Uri ( BaseDirectory , uri ) . OriginalString ;
private object ImportAsset ( BuildItem item , string absoluteFilename , ContentImporterContext context )
string importerName = item . ImporterName ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( importerName ) )
importerName = ImporterManager . GuessImporterByFileExtension ( Path . GetExtension ( item . SourceFilename ) ) ;
IContentImporter importer = this . ImporterManager . GetInstance ( importerName ) ;
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buildLogger . LogMessage ( "importing {0} with importer {1}" , item . SourceFilename . ToString ( ) , importer . GetType ( ) ) ;
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object result = importer . Import ( absoluteFilename , context ) ;
if ( result = = null )
var identity = new ContentIdentity ( ) ;
identity . SourceFilename = absoluteFilename ;
buildLogger . LogWarning ( "" , identity , "importer \"{0}\" didn't return a value." , importerName ) ;
return result ;
private object Process ( BuildItem item , string absoluteFilename , object importedObject , ContentProcessorContext context )
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( item . ProcessorName ) = = false )
IContentProcessor instance = this . ProcessorManager . GetInstance ( item . ProcessorName ) ;
SetProcessorParameters ( instance , item . ProcessorParameters ) ;
buildLogger . LogMessage ( "building with processor {0}" , instance . GetType ( ) ) ;
if ( ! instance . InputType . IsAssignableFrom ( importedObject . GetType ( ) ) )
ContentIdentity identity = null ;
if ( importedObject is ContentItem )
identity = ( ( ContentItem ) importedObject ) . Identity ;
if ( identity = = null )
identity = new ContentIdentity ( ) ;
identity . SourceFilename = absoluteFilename ;
buildLogger . LogWarning ( "" , identity , "The input type of the processor \"{0}\" is not assignable from the output type of the importer \"{1}\"." , item . ProcessorName , item . ImporterName ) ;
return null ;
return instance . Process ( importedObject , context ) ;
return importedObject ;
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private void SerializeAsset ( BuildItem item , object assetData , string outputDirectory , string outputFilename )
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string dir = Path . GetDirectoryName ( outputFilename ) ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( dir ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( dir ) ;
buildLogger . LogMessage ( "serializing {0}" , new object [ ] { item . AssetName } ) ;
using ( Stream stream = new FileStream ( outputFilename , FileMode . Create , FileAccess . Write , FileShare . None ) )
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this . ContentCompiler . Compile ( stream , assetData , TargetPlatform , TargetProfile , CompressContent , outputDirectory , outputFilename ) ;
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private void SetProcessorParameters ( IContentProcessor instance , IDictionary < string , object > parameters )
if ( instance = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "instance" ) ;
if ( parameters = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "parameters" ) ;
if ( parameters . Count = = 0 )
return ;
Type processorType = instance . GetType ( ) ;
foreach ( var keyPair in parameters )
var property = processorType . GetProperty ( keyPair . Key ) ;
if ( property ! = null )
if ( keyPair . Value ! = null & & property . PropertyType ! = keyPair . Value . GetType ( ) )
TypeConverter converter = property . GetConverter ( ) ;
if ( converter = = null )
continue ;
object value ;
value = converter . ConvertFrom ( keyPair . Value ) ;
catch ( NotSupportedException exc )
throw new ContentLoadException ( string . Format ( "Unable to convert processor parameter \"{0}\" from {1} to {2}." , keyPair . Key , keyPair . Value . GetType ( ) , property . PropertyType ) , exc ) ;
property . SetValue ( instance , value , null ) ;
property . SetValue ( instance , keyPair . Value , null ) ;
private void LogException ( Exception exc , string filename )
var identity = new ContentIdentity ( ) ;
identity . SourceFilename = filename ;
buildLogger . LogWarning ( exc . HelpLink , identity , exc . Message ) ;