2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline ;
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Helpers ;
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Tasks ;
using ANX.Framework.Design ;
using ANX.Framework.Graphics ;
using ANX.Framework.VisualStudio ;
using ANX.Framework.VisualStudio.Nodes ;
2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
using ContentBuilder ;
2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Project ;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell ;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis ;
using System.Drawing.Design ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.ServiceModel ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
namespace ANX.Framework.Build
public sealed class BuildAppDomain : IDisposable
public class RemoteProxy : MarshalByRefObject
private List < string > processorNames = new List < string > ( ) ;
private ProcessorManager processorManager = null ;
private bool processorNamesInvalid = true ;
private ImporterManager importerManager = null ;
private bool importerManagerInvalid = true ;
private List < string > importerNames = new List < string > ( ) ;
public override object InitializeLifetimeService ( )
return null ;
public void LoadProjectAssemblies ( IEnumerable < string > assemblies , IEnumerable < Uri > searchPaths , IDictionary < string , Uri > redirectAssemblies , Action < string , Exception > errorCallback )
if ( assemblies = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "assemblies" ) ;
if ( searchPaths = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "searchPaths" ) ;
if ( redirectAssemblies = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "redirectAssemblies" ) ;
foreach ( string assembly in assemblies )
Assembly assemblyInstance = null ;
if ( File . Exists ( assembly ) )
string assemblyName = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( assembly ) ;
if ( IsAssemblyAlreadyLoaded ( assemblyName ) )
continue ;
assemblyInstance = LoadFrom ( assembly , redirectAssemblies ) ;
if ( IsAssemblyAlreadyLoaded ( assembly ) )
continue ;
Uri assemblyUri ;
if ( Uri . TryCreate ( assembly . Split ( ',' ) . First ( ) + ".dll" , UriKind . RelativeOrAbsolute , out assemblyUri ) )
foreach ( Uri path in searchPaths )
Uri temp = new Uri ( path , assemblyUri ) ;
if ( File . Exists ( temp . LocalPath ) )
assemblyInstance = LoadFrom ( temp . LocalPath , redirectAssemblies ) ;
break ;
if ( assemblyInstance = = null )
assemblyInstance = Assembly . Load ( assembly ) ;
assemblyInstance = Assembly . Load ( assembly ) ;
ClassPreloader . Preload ( assemblyInstance ) ;
catch ( Exception exc )
if ( errorCallback ! = null )
errorCallback ( assembly , exc ) ;
throw ;
this . processorManager = null ;
this . processorNamesInvalid = true ;
this . importerManager = null ;
this . importerManagerInvalid = true ;
private bool IsAssemblyAlreadyLoaded ( string assemblyName )
bool isFullName = assemblyName . Contains ( ',' ) ;
var loadedAssemblies = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . GetAssemblies ( ) ;
if ( isFullName )
foreach ( var loadedAssembly in loadedAssemblies )
if ( loadedAssembly . FullName = = assemblyName )
return true ;
foreach ( var loadedAssembly in loadedAssemblies )
if ( loadedAssembly . GetName ( ) . Name = = assemblyName )
return true ;
return false ;
private Assembly LoadFrom ( string assembly , IDictionary < string , Uri > redirectAssemblies )
string assemblyName = assembly ;
if ( Path . IsPathRooted ( assembly ) )
assemblyName = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( assembly ) ;
else if ( assembly . Contains ( ',' ) )
assemblyName = assembly . Split ( ',' ) . First ( ) ;
Uri redirectedPath ;
if ( redirectAssemblies . TryGetValue ( assemblyName , out redirectedPath ) )
return Assembly . LoadFrom ( redirectedPath . LocalPath ) ;
return Assembly . LoadFrom ( assembly ) ;
public string GetAssemblyRuntimeVersion ( string assemblyPath )
if ( File . Exists ( assemblyPath ) )
return Assembly . ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom ( assemblyPath ) . ImageRuntimeVersion ;
return null ;
public IEnumerable < AssemblyName > GetReferencedAssemblies ( string assembly )
if ( File . Exists ( assembly ) )
return Assembly . ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom ( assembly ) . GetReferencedAssemblies ( ) ;
return Assembly . ReflectionOnlyLoad ( assembly ) . GetReferencedAssemblies ( ) ;
public string GetExistingFilesFilter ( )
ImporterManager importerManager = new ImporterManager ( ) ;
SortedDictionary < string , List < string > > supportedFileExtensions = new SortedDictionary < string , List < string > > ( ) ;
List < string > allExtensions = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( var valuePair in importerManager . AvailableImporters )
var attribute = valuePair . Value . GetCustomAttribute < ContentImporterAttribute > ( true ) ;
IEnumerable < string > fileExtensions = attribute . FileExtensions ;
string category = attribute . Category ;
if ( fileExtensions . Count ( ) = = 0 )
continue ;
if ( string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( category ) )
category = "Other Files" ;
category = category . Trim ( ) ;
List < string > extensions ;
if ( ! supportedFileExtensions . TryGetValue ( category , out extensions ) )
extensions = new List < string > ( ) ;
supportedFileExtensions . Add ( category , extensions ) ;
foreach ( var fileExtension in fileExtensions )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( fileExtension ) )
string usableExtension = "*" + fileExtension ;
if ( ! extensions . Contains ( usableExtension ) )
extensions . Add ( usableExtension ) ;
if ( ! allExtensions . Contains ( usableExtension ) )
allExtensions . Add ( usableExtension ) ;
string allExtensionsJoined = string . Join ( ";" , allExtensions ) ;
string filter = "Content Project Files|" + allExtensionsJoined ;
foreach ( var valuePair in supportedFileExtensions )
string extensionsJoined = string . Join ( ";" , valuePair . Value ) ;
filter + = "|" + valuePair . Key + "|" + extensionsJoined ;
return filter ;
public IEnumerable < string > GetProcessorNames ( )
if ( processorNamesInvalid )
processorNames . Clear ( ) ;
if ( processorManager = = null )
processorManager = new ProcessorManager ( ) ;
foreach ( var value in processorManager . AvailableProcessors )
processorNames . Add ( value . Key ) ;
processorNamesInvalid = false ;
return processorNames ;
public IEnumerable < string > GetImporterNames ( )
if ( importerManagerInvalid )
importerNames . Clear ( ) ;
if ( importerManager = = null )
importerManager = new ImporterManager ( ) ;
foreach ( var value in importerManager . AvailableImporters )
importerNames . Add ( value . Key ) ;
importerManagerInvalid = false ;
return importerNames ;
public string GetImporterName ( string displayName )
if ( importerManager = = null )
importerManager = new ImporterManager ( ) ;
return importerManager . GetImporterName ( displayName ) ;
public string GetImporterDisplayName ( string importer )
if ( importerManager = = null )
importerManager = new ImporterManager ( ) ;
return importerManager . GetImporterDisplayName ( importer ) ;
public string GetProcessorName ( string displayName )
if ( processorManager = = null )
processorManager = new ProcessorManager ( ) ;
return processorManager . GetProcessorName ( displayName ) ;
public string GetProcessorDisplayName ( string processor )
if ( processorManager = = null )
processorManager = new ProcessorManager ( ) ;
return processorManager . GetProcessorDisplayName ( processor ) ;
public string GetProcessorTypeName ( string processor )
if ( processorManager = = null )
processorManager = new ProcessorManager ( ) ;
return processorManager . GetInstance ( processor ) . GetType ( ) . AssemblyQualifiedName ;
public string GuessImporterByFileExtension ( string fileName )
2015-04-26 19:47:26 +02:00
if ( importerManager = = null )
importerManager = new ImporterManager ( ) ;
return importerManager . GuessImporterByFileExtension ( fileName ) ;
2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
public string GetDefaultProcessorForImporter ( string importer )
if ( importerManager = = null )
importerManager = new ImporterManager ( ) ;
return importerManager . GetDefaultProcessor ( importer ) ;
public ICollection < ANX . Framework . VisualStudio . ProcessorParameter > GetProcessorParameters ( string processor )
if ( processorManager = = null )
processorManager = new ProcessorManager ( ) ;
List < ANX . Framework . VisualStudio . ProcessorParameter > result = new List < ANX . Framework . VisualStudio . ProcessorParameter > ( ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( processor ) )
ANX . Framework . Content . Pipeline . ProcessorParameterCollection processorParams = processorManager . GetProcessorParameters ( processor ) ;
foreach ( var parameter in processorParams )
string defaultValueText = null ;
string valueText = null ;
object processorInstance = processorManager . GetInstance ( processor ) ;
Type processorType = processorInstance . GetType ( ) ;
Type propertyType = TypeHelper . GetType ( parameter . PropertyType ) ;
PropertyInfo property = processorType . GetProperty ( parameter . PropertyName , propertyType ) ;
TypeConverter converter = property . GetConverter ( ) ;
if ( converter ! = null )
defaultValueText = ( string ) converter . ConvertTo ( parameter . DefaultValue , typeof ( string ) ) ;
valueText = ( string ) converter . ConvertTo ( property . GetValue ( processorInstance ) , typeof ( string ) ) ;
result . Add ( new ANX . Framework . VisualStudio . ProcessorParameter ( parameter . PropertyName , parameter . DisplayName , parameter . PropertyType , valueText , defaultValueText , parameter . Description ) ) ;
return result ;
public string GetConverterTypeName ( string containerType , string propertyName )
Type type = TypeHelper . GetType ( containerType ) ;
PropertyInfo property = type . GetProperty ( propertyName ) ;
TypeConverter converter = property . GetConverter ( ) ;
if ( converter ! = null )
return converter . GetType ( ) . AssemblyQualifiedName ;
return null ;
private object CreateInstance ( Type targetType , Type typeParam )
var parameterTypes = new Type [ ] { typeof ( Type ) } ;
ConstructorInfo constructor = targetType . GetConstructor ( parameterTypes ) ;
if ( constructor ! = null )
return TypeDescriptor . CreateInstance ( null , targetType , parameterTypes , new object [ ] { typeParam } ) ;
return TypeDescriptor . CreateInstance ( null , targetType , null , null ) ;
public IEnumerable < string > GetAssemblyLocations ( )
List < string > locations = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( var assembly in AppDomain . CurrentDomain . GetAssemblies ( ) )
if ( assembly . CodeBase = = null )
locations . Add ( assembly . Location ) ;
locations . Add ( new Uri ( assembly . CodeBase ) . LocalPath ) ;
return locations ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a proxy for an editor.
/// The returned value should be wrapped by <see cref="UITypeEditorWrapper"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="editorBaseType">The wanted base type for the editor. Currently only supports <see cref="UITypeEditor"/>.</param>
/// <param name="typeName"></param>
/// <param name="propertyName"></param>
/// <param name="converterProxy">Must be a proxy to the <see cref="WrappedConverter"/> class.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IProxy GetEditor ( Type editorBaseType , string typeName , string propertyName , IProxy converterProxy )
if ( editorBaseType ! = typeof ( UITypeEditor ) )
return null ;
Type type = TypeHelper . GetType ( typeName ) ;
PropertyInfo property = type . GetProperty ( propertyName ) ;
UITypeEditor editor ;
var attributes = property . GetCustomAttributes < EditorAttribute > ( true ) ;
foreach ( var attribute in attributes )
if ( attribute . EditorBaseTypeName = = editorBaseType . AssemblyQualifiedName )
Type editorType = TypeHelper . GetType ( attribute . EditorTypeName ) ;
if ( editorType ! = null & & typeof ( UITypeEditor ) . IsAssignableFrom ( editorType ) )
editor = ( UITypeEditor ) this . CreateInstance ( editorType , property . PropertyType ) ;
if ( editor ! = null )
return UITypeEditorWrapper . CreateProxy ( editor , converterProxy ) ;
return null ;
editor = ( UITypeEditor ) TypeDescriptor . GetEditor ( property . PropertyType , editorBaseType ) ;
if ( editor ! = null )
return UITypeEditorWrapper . CreateProxy ( editor , converterProxy ) ;
return null ;
public string [ ] GetPlatformDisplayNames ( )
return Utilities . GetTargetPlatformDisplayNames ( ) ;
public string [ ] GetGraphicsProfilesNames ( )
return Enum . GetNames ( typeof ( GraphicsProfile ) ) ;
public bool IsUpDoDate ( string projectHome , IEnumerable < BuildItem > buildItems , Configuration activeConfiguration , ErrorLoggingHelper loggingHelper )
BuildContentTask task = new BuildContentTask ( ) ;
task . TargetPlatform = activeConfiguration . Platform ;
task . TargetProfile = activeConfiguration . Profile ;
var buildCache = new AnxBuildCache ( task . ImporterManager , task . ProcessorManager , task . ContentCompiler ) ;
buildCache . ProjectHome = new Uri ( projectHome , UriKind . Absolute ) ;
task . BuildCache = buildCache ;
2015-04-26 19:47:26 +02:00
string intermediateDirectory = Path . Combine ( projectHome , "obj" , CreateSafeFileName ( activeConfiguration . Platform . ToDisplayName ( ) ) , CreateSafeFileName ( activeConfiguration . Name ) ) + Path . DirectorySeparatorChar ;
2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
var buildCacheUri = new Uri ( new Uri ( intermediateDirectory , UriKind . Absolute ) , new Uri ( "build.cache" , UriKind . Relative ) ) ;
buildCache . LoadCache ( buildCacheUri ) ;
return false ;
foreach ( var buildItem in buildItems )
2015-11-04 23:38:46 +01:00
if ( ! buildCache . IsValid ( buildItem , new Uri ( BuildHelper . GetOutputFileName ( activeConfiguration . OutputDirectory , projectHome , buildItem ) , UriKind . Relative ) ) )
2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
return false ;
return true ;
2015-04-26 19:47:26 +02:00
private string CreateSafeFileName ( string text )
foreach ( var unsafeChar in Path . GetInvalidFileNameChars ( ) )
text = text . Replace ( unsafeChar , '_' ) ;
return text ;
2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
//pretty much the same as if one would use lock(appDomain) but as a public api.
public sealed class BuildDomainAquire : IDisposable
BuildAppDomain appDomain ;
internal BuildDomainAquire ( BuildAppDomain appDomain )
Monitor . Enter ( appDomain ) ;
this . appDomain = appDomain ;
public RemoteProxy Proxy
return this . appDomain . proxyInstance ;
public void Unload ( )
this . appDomain . Unload ( ) ;
public void Initialize ( string identifier )
appDomain . Initialize ( identifier ) ;
public T CreateInstanceAndUnwrap < T > ( )
return appDomain . CreateInstanceAndUnwrap < T > ( ) ;
public List < Uri > SearchPaths
get { return appDomain . SearchPaths ; }
public Dictionary < string , Uri > Redirects
get { return appDomain . Redirects ; }
public String MakeRelativeToSearchPaths ( String path )
if ( path = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "path" ) ;
Uri uri = new Uri ( path ) ;
if ( ! uri . IsAbsoluteUri )
throw new ArgumentException ( "uri must be absolute." ) ;
return uri . MakeRelativeUri ( SearchPaths ) . OriginalString ;
public Uri MakeRelativeToSearchPaths ( Uri uri )
if ( uri = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "uri" ) ;
if ( ! uri . IsAbsoluteUri )
throw new ArgumentException ( "uri must be absolute." ) ;
return uri . MakeRelativeUri ( SearchPaths ) ;
public String MakeAbsoluteFromSearchPaths ( String path )
if ( path = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "path" ) ;
2015-09-03 23:43:55 +02:00
Uri uri ;
if ( ! Uri . TryCreate ( path , UriKind . RelativeOrAbsolute , out uri ) )
return path ;
2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
if ( uri . IsAbsoluteUri )
return path ;
foreach ( Uri searchPath in SearchPaths )
Uri tempPath = new Uri ( searchPath , uri ) ;
if ( File . Exists ( tempPath . LocalPath ) )
return tempPath . OriginalString ;
return uri . OriginalString ;
public Uri MakeAbsoluteFromSearchPaths ( Uri uri )
if ( uri = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "uri" ) ;
if ( uri . IsAbsoluteUri )
return uri ;
foreach ( Uri path in SearchPaths )
Uri tempPath = new Uri ( path , uri ) ;
if ( File . Exists ( tempPath . LocalPath ) )
return tempPath ;
return uri ;
public Uri [ ] ShadowCopyDirectories
get { return appDomain . ShadowCopyDirectories ; }
set { appDomain . ShadowCopyDirectories = value ; }
public void AddShadowCopyDirectory ( Uri path )
appDomain . AddShadowCopyDirectory ( path ) ;
public void RemoveShadowCopyDirectory ( Uri path )
appDomain . RemoveShadowCopyDirectory ( path ) ;
public void Release ( )
Monitor . Exit ( appDomain ) ;
void IDisposable . Dispose ( )
this . Release ( ) ;
object buildLock = new object ( ) ;
bool disposed = false ;
AppDomain appDomain ;
RemoteProxy proxyInstance ;
List < Uri > searchPaths = new List < Uri > ( ) ;
//string shadowCopyPath;
Uri [ ] sourceShadowCopyDirectories = new Uri [ 0 ] ;
Dictionary < string , Uri > redirects = new Dictionary < string , Uri > ( ) ;
ServiceHost loggerServiceHost ;
ContentProjectNode projectNode ;
Process buildProcess ;
public BuildAppDomain ( ContentProjectNode projectNode )
this . SearchPaths . Add ( new Uri ( Path . GetDirectoryName ( typeof ( BuildAppDomain . RemoteProxy ) . Assembly . Location ) , UriKind . Absolute ) ) ;
this . Redirects . Add ( typeof ( Color ) . Assembly . GetName ( ) . Name , new Uri ( typeof ( Color ) . Assembly . CodeBase , UriKind . Absolute ) ) ; //ANX.Framework
this . Redirects . Add ( typeof ( IContentProcessor ) . Assembly . GetName ( ) . Name , new Uri ( typeof ( IContentProcessor ) . Assembly . CodeBase , UriKind . Absolute ) ) ; //ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline
this . projectNode = projectNode ;
public BuildDomainAquire Aquire ( )
if ( disposed )
throw new ObjectDisposedException ( "BuildAppDomain" ) ;
return new BuildDomainAquire ( this ) ;
public bool IsDisposed
get { return disposed ; }
private List < Uri > SearchPaths
return searchPaths ;
private Dictionary < string , Uri > Redirects
return redirects ;
public bool IsBuildRunning
return this . buildProcess ! = null & & ! this . buildProcess . HasExited ;
private void AddShadowCopyDirectory ( Uri path )
if ( path = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "path" ) ;
if ( ! path . IsAbsoluteUri )
throw new ArgumentException ( "path must be absolute." ) ;
var newDirs = new Uri [ sourceShadowCopyDirectories . Length + 1 ] ;
Array . Copy ( sourceShadowCopyDirectories , newDirs , sourceShadowCopyDirectories . Length ) ;
newDirs [ newDirs . Length - 1 ] = path ;
ShadowCopyDirectories = newDirs ;
private void RemoveShadowCopyDirectory ( Uri path )
if ( path = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "path" ) ;
if ( ! path . IsAbsoluteUri )
throw new ArgumentException ( "path must be absolute." ) ;
int index = Array . IndexOf ( sourceShadowCopyDirectories , path ) ;
if ( index = = - 1 )
return ;
var newDirs = new Uri [ sourceShadowCopyDirectories . Length - 1 ] ;
Array . Copy ( sourceShadowCopyDirectories , newDirs , index ) ;
if ( newDirs . Length - index > 0 )
Array . Copy ( sourceShadowCopyDirectories , index + 1 , newDirs , index , newDirs . Length - index ) ;
ShadowCopyDirectories = newDirs ;
//Disable obsolete code warning
//Settings the shadow copy path for an appDomain is declared obsolete, it says I should use the shadow copy path in the appDomainSetup.
//Doing that would require to recreate the appDomain whenever a new reference is added and to batch the adding of references.
//Doing it this way was just the easier way.
#pragma warning disable 618
private Uri [ ] ShadowCopyDirectories
return sourceShadowCopyDirectories . ToArray ( ) ;
if ( value = = null )
sourceShadowCopyDirectories = new Uri [ 0 ] ;
appDomain . SetShadowCopyPath ( "" ) ;
if ( ! value . All ( ( x ) = > x ! = null & & x . IsAbsoluteUri ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( "All Uri's must be not null and absolute." ) ;
sourceShadowCopyDirectories = value ;
appDomain . SetShadowCopyPath ( string . Join ( ";" , sourceShadowCopyDirectories . Where ( ( x ) = > x ! = null ) . Select ( ( x ) = > x . LocalPath ) ) ) ;
//Not behind the lock because we only use that has been given in the parameters and we're not using any data from foreign assemblies.
//Another reason is, when we start debugging, some project properties get refreshed and we need access to the lock for that.
public void BuildContent ( Configuration activeConfiguration , IEnumerable < string > files , ErrorLoggingHelper loggingHelper , bool debug , string target )
if ( activeConfiguration = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "activeConfiguration" ) ;
if ( loggingHelper = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "loggingHelper" ) ;
string projectHome = this . projectNode . ProjectHome ;
List < string > arguments = new List < string > ( ) ;
VisualStudioContentBuildLogger logger = new VisualStudioContentBuildLogger ( loggingHelper ) ;
arguments . Add ( this . projectNode . AbsoluteProjectFilePath ) ;
arguments . Add ( "-c:" + activeConfiguration . Name ) ;
arguments . Add ( "-t:" + activeConfiguration . Platform ) ;
arguments . Add ( "-cd:" + projectHome ) ;
if ( target = = MsBuildTarget . Rebuild )
arguments . Add ( "-ForceRebuild" ) ;
else if ( target = = MsBuildTarget . Clean )
arguments . Add ( "-CleanCache" ) ;
if ( files ! = null & & files . Count ( ) > 0 )
arguments . Add ( "-DontAddProjectBuildItems" ) ;
foreach ( string file in files )
if ( file . StartsWith ( projectHome ) )
arguments . Add ( file . Substring ( projectHome . Length ) ) ;
arguments . Add ( file ) ;
StartContentBuilder ( arguments , debug , logger ) ;
private void StartContentBuilder ( IList < string > arguments , bool debug , IContentBuildLogger logger , int? millisecondsTimeOut = null )
if ( buildProcess ! = null )
if ( buildProcess . HasExited )
this . EndBuild ( ) ;
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "There is still a build process running." ) ;
lock ( buildLock )
string workingDir = Path . GetDirectoryName ( this . GetType ( ) . Assembly . Location ) ;
string exePath = Path . Combine ( workingDir , "ContentBuilder.exe" ) ;
Uri loggerUri = new Uri ( "net.pipe://localhost/VisualStudio/" + Process . GetCurrentProcess ( ) . Id + "/" ) ;
if ( loggerServiceHost ! = null )
loggerServiceHost . Close ( ) ;
loggerServiceHost = new ServiceHost ( logger , loggerUri ) ;
loggerServiceHost . AddServiceEndpoint ( typeof ( IContentBuildLogger ) , new NetNamedPipeBinding ( ) , "ContentBuildLogger" ) ;
loggerServiceHost . Open ( ) ;
arguments . Add ( "-l:" + new Uri ( loggerUri , new Uri ( "ContentBuildLogger" , UriKind . RelativeOrAbsolute ) ) . OriginalString ) ;
if ( debug )
arguments . Add ( "-Debug" ) ;
//Prepare the arguments to be used for process start.
var args = arguments . Select ( ( x ) = > "\"" + Regex . Replace ( x , "(\\\\*)(\\\\$|\")" , "$1$1\\$2" ) + "\"" ) ;
if ( debug )
//May have to change the debugger interface for newer versions of visual studio.
var debugger = this . projectNode . Site . GetService ( typeof ( SVsShellDebugger ) ) as IVsDebugger4 ;
var targetInfo = new VsDebugTargetInfo4 ( )
bstrArg = string . Join ( " " , args ) ,
bstrCurDir = workingDir ,
bstrExe = exePath ,
guidLaunchDebugEngine = Microsoft . VisualStudio . VSConstants . DebugEnginesGuids . ManagedOnly_guid ,
project = this . projectNode ,
dlo = ( uint ) DEBUG_LAUNCH_OPERATION . DLO_CreateProcess ,
} ;
VsDebugTargetProcessInfo [ ] result = new VsDebugTargetProcessInfo [ 1 ] ;
debugger . LaunchDebugTargets4 ( 1 , new VsDebugTargetInfo4 [ ] { targetInfo } , result ) ;
buildProcess = Process . GetProcessById ( ( int ) result [ 0 ] . dwProcessId ) ;
buildProcess = Process . Start ( new ProcessStartInfo ( exePath , string . Join ( " " , args ) )
CreateNoWindow = true ,
UseShellExecute = false ,
WorkingDirectory = workingDir ,
} ) ;
if ( millisecondsTimeOut . HasValue )
buildProcess . WaitForExit ( millisecondsTimeOut . Value ) ;
buildProcess . WaitForExit ( ) ;
if ( loggerServiceHost ! = null )
loggerServiceHost . Abort ( ) ;
throw ;
public void EndBuild ( )
lock ( buildLock )
if ( buildProcess ! = null )
buildProcess . Close ( ) ;
buildProcess = null ;
if ( loggerServiceHost ! = null )
loggerServiceHost . Close ( ) ;
loggerServiceHost = null ;
public void PrepareBuild ( bool cleanBuild )
if ( cleanBuild )
return ;
lock ( buildLock )
ErrorLoggingHelper loggingHelper = new ErrorLoggingHelper ( this . projectNode , this . projectNode . ErrorListProvider , null ) ;
//Test if ANX.Framework or ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline are referenced, because we must use our own version.
foreach ( var reference in this . projectNode . GetReferenceContainer ( ) . EnumReferences ( ) )
if ( Redirects . ContainsKey ( reference . Caption ) )
loggingHelper . LogMessage ( "" , null , reference . Url , ErrorLoggingHelper . MessageImportance . Info , PackageResources . GetString ( PackageResources . AnxFrameworkAssembliesRedirected ) , reference . Caption ) ;
#pragma warning restore 618
private void Unload ( )
EndBuild ( ) ;
if ( appDomain ! = null )
proxyInstance = null ;
AppDomain . Unload ( appDomain ) ;
appDomain = null ;
private void Initialize ( string identifier )
if ( appDomain ! = null )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "The AppDomain is already initialized." ) ;
AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup ( ) ;
setup . ApplicationBase = Path . GetDirectoryName ( typeof ( BuildAppDomain . RemoteProxy ) . Assembly . Location ) ;
//if (SearchPath != null)
// setup.ApplicationBase = SearchPath.OriginalString;
setup . ApplicationName = "ANX Project " + identifier ;
setup . ShadowCopyFiles = "true" ; //Shadow copying so that files like dll's of referenced projects can still be updated.
//I can't shadow copy everything, otherwise I wouldn't be able to use the remoteProxy in the other appDomain because if the location of the loaded assembly differs from our own, I can't cast the proxy
//in our appDomain.
setup . ShadowCopyDirectories = string . Join ( ";" , ShadowCopyDirectories . Select ( ( x ) = > x . LocalPath ) ) ;
//setup.CachePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "ANX Project ShadowCopies");
//I might need to setup a custom shadow copy path, because the default path is restricted by space. But if I do that, I would also have to take care of the cleanup.
//this.shadowCopyPath = Path.Combine(setup.CachePath, setup.ApplicationName);
AppDomain . CurrentDomain . AssemblyResolve + = CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve ;
appDomain = AppDomain . CreateDomain ( "ANX Project " + identifier , null , setup ) ;
appDomain . AssemblyResolve + = BuildDomainAssemblyResolver . appDomain_AssemblyResolve ;
//appDomain.TypeResolve += BuildDomainAssemblyResolver.appDomain_AssemblyResolve;
//appDomain.Load(typeof(ContentProject).Assembly.FullName); //ANX.Framework.Build
proxyInstance = ( RemoteProxy ) appDomain . CreateInstanceAndUnwrap ( typeof ( BuildAppDomain . RemoteProxy ) . Assembly . FullName , typeof ( BuildAppDomain . RemoteProxy ) . FullName ) ;
static class BuildDomainAssemblyResolver
//Help placing project assemblies from the loadFrom context into the load context, only that way we can find the contained types later by using Type.GetType(string).
public static Assembly appDomain_AssemblyResolve ( object sender , ResolveEventArgs args )
foreach ( var assembly in AppDomain . CurrentDomain . GetAssemblies ( ) )
if ( assembly . FullName = = args . Name )
return assembly ;
return null ;
//Help placing our own assemblies into the load context of the newly created appDomain
Assembly CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve ( object sender , ResolveEventArgs args )
var assembly = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . GetAssemblies ( ) . Where ( ( x ) = > x . FullName = = args . Name ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( assembly ! = null )
return assembly ;
return null ;
private T CreateInstanceAndUnwrap < T > ( )
return ( T ) appDomain . CreateInstanceAndUnwrap ( typeof ( T ) . Assembly . FullName , typeof ( T ) . FullName ) ;
public void Dispose ( )
Unload ( ) ;
disposed = true ;
/ * if ( Directory . Exists ( shadowCopyPath ) )
//If the directory is still used by another process, the delete should silently fail.
Directory . Delete ( shadowCopyPath , true ) ;
{ }
} * /