2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Serialization.Compiler ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Xml ;
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Serialization ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Globalization ;
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using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Helpers ;
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namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Tasks
public class AnxBuildCache : IBuildCache
Dictionary < Uri , CacheData > cacheData = new Dictionary < Uri , CacheData > ( ) ;
ImporterManager importerManager ;
ProcessorManager processorManager ;
ContentCompiler contentCompiler ;
public AnxBuildCache ( ImporterManager importerManager , ProcessorManager processorManager , ContentCompiler contentCompiler )
if ( importerManager = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "importerManager" ) ;
if ( processorManager = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "processorManager" ) ;
if ( contentCompiler = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "contentCompiler" ) ;
this . importerManager = importerManager ;
this . processorManager = processorManager ;
this . contentCompiler = contentCompiler ;
public void LoadCache ( Uri cacheFilePath )
if ( cacheFilePath = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "cacheFilePath" ) ;
if ( ! cacheFilePath . IsAbsoluteUri )
throw new ArgumentException ( "cacheFilePath must be absolute." ) ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( cacheFilePath . LocalPath ) )
throw new FileNotFoundException ( "cache file doesn't exist." , cacheFilePath . LocalPath ) ;
using ( XmlReader reader = XmlReader . Create ( cacheFilePath . LocalPath ) )
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument ( ) ;
document . Load ( reader ) ;
//skip document root.
foreach ( var assetNode in document . FirstChild . NextSibling . ChildNodes . GetAsEnumerable ( ) )
var data = new CacheData ( ) ;
var uri = new Uri ( assetNode . Attributes [ "Uri" ] . Value , UriKind . RelativeOrAbsolute ) ;
foreach ( var assetContentNode in assetNode . ChildNodes . GetAsEnumerable ( ) )
string name = assetContentNode . Name ;
switch ( name )
case "SourceWriteTime" :
data . sourceWriteTime = new DateTime ( long . Parse ( assetContentNode . InnerText , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) , DateTimeKind . Utc ) ;
break ;
case "OutputWriteTime" :
data . outputWriteTime = new DateTime ( long . Parse ( assetContentNode . InnerText , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) , DateTimeKind . Utc ) ;
break ;
case "ImporterType" :
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data . importerType = TypeHelper . GetType ( assetContentNode . InnerText ) ;
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break ;
case "ImporterAssemblyWriteTime" :
data . importerAssemblyWriteTime = new DateTime ( long . Parse ( assetContentNode . InnerText , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) , DateTimeKind . Utc ) ;
break ;
case "ProcessorType" :
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data . processorType = TypeHelper . GetType ( assetContentNode . InnerText ) ;
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break ;
case "ProcessorAssemblyWriteTime" :
data . processorAssemblyWriteTime = new DateTime ( long . Parse ( assetContentNode . InnerText , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) , DateTimeKind . Utc ) ;
break ;
case "CompilerType" :
2015-11-04 23:38:46 +01:00
data . compilerType = TypeHelper . GetType ( assetContentNode . InnerText ) ;
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break ;
case "CompilerAssemblyWriteTime" :
data . compilerAssemblyWriteTime = new DateTime ( long . Parse ( assetContentNode . InnerText , CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) , DateTimeKind . Utc ) ;
break ;
case "ProcessorParameters" :
foreach ( var paramNode in assetContentNode . ChildNodes . GetAsEnumerable ( ) )
string paramName = paramNode . Attributes [ "Key" ] . Value ;
2015-11-04 23:38:46 +01:00
if ( paramNode . Attributes [ "IsNull" ] ! = null & & paramNode . Attributes [ "IsNull" ] . InnerText = = "true" )
data . processorParameters . Add ( paramName , null ) ;
data . processorParameters . Add ( paramName , paramNode . InnerText ) ;
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break ;
this . cacheData [ uri ] = data ;
public void SaveCache ( Uri cacheFilePath )
if ( cacheFilePath = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "cacheFilePath" ) ;
if ( ! cacheFilePath . IsAbsoluteUri )
throw new ArgumentException ( "cacheFilePath must be absolute." ) ;
using ( XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter . Create ( cacheFilePath . LocalPath , new XmlWriterSettings ( ) { Indent = true } ) )
writer . WriteStartDocument ( ) ;
writer . WriteStartElement ( "CacheData" ) ;
foreach ( var pair in this . cacheData )
var data = pair . Value ;
writer . WriteStartElement ( "Asset" ) ;
writer . WriteAttributeString ( "Uri" , pair . Key . OriginalString ) ;
writer . WriteElementString ( "SourceWriteTime" , data . sourceWriteTime . Ticks . ToString ( ) ) ;
writer . WriteElementString ( "OutputWriteTime" , data . outputWriteTime . Ticks . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( data . importerType ! = null )
writer . WriteElementString ( "ImporterType" , data . importerType . AssemblyQualifiedName ) ;
//DateTimes are structs, so ne need to check for null.
writer . WriteElementString ( "ImporterAssemblyWriteTime" , data . importerAssemblyWriteTime . Ticks . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ) ;
if ( data . processorType ! = null )
writer . WriteElementString ( "ProcessorType" , data . processorType . AssemblyQualifiedName ) ;
writer . WriteElementString ( "ProcessorAssemblyWriteTime" , data . processorAssemblyWriteTime . Ticks . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ) ;
if ( data . compilerType ! = null )
writer . WriteElementString ( "CompilerType" , data . compilerType . AssemblyQualifiedName ) ;
writer . WriteElementString ( "CompilerAssemblyWriteTime" , data . compilerAssemblyWriteTime . Ticks . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ) ;
writer . WriteStartElement ( "ProcessorParameters" ) ;
foreach ( var parameterPair in data . processorParameters )
writer . WriteStartElement ( "Param" ) ;
writer . WriteAttributeString ( "Key" , parameterPair . Key ) ;
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if ( parameterPair . Value = = null )
writer . WriteAttributeString ( "IsNull" , "true" ) ;
writer . WriteValue ( parameterPair . Value ) ;
catch ( Exception exc )
Trace . WriteLine ( string . Format ( "Error while writing build.cache at processor parameter \"{0}\" for asset \"{1}\": {2}" , parameterPair . Key , pair . Key . OriginalString , exc . Message ) ) ;
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writer . WriteEndElement ( ) ;
writer . WriteEndElement ( ) ;
writer . WriteEndElement ( ) ;
writer . WriteEndElement ( ) ;
writer . Flush ( ) ;
public bool IsValid ( BuildItem buildItem , Uri outputFilePath )
if ( buildItem = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "buildItem" ) ;
if ( outputFilePath = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "outputFilePath" ) ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( GetAbsoluteFileName ( buildItem . SourceFilename ) ) | | ! File . Exists ( GetAbsoluteFileName ( outputFilePath ) . LocalPath ) )
return false ;
Uri filePath = new Uri ( buildItem . SourceFilename , UriKind . RelativeOrAbsolute ) ;
CacheData data ;
if ( cacheData . TryGetValue ( filePath , out data ) )
if ( File . GetLastWriteTimeUtc ( filePath . OriginalString ) ! = data . sourceWriteTime )
return false ;
if ( File . GetLastWriteTimeUtc ( outputFilePath . OriginalString ) ! = data . outputWriteTime )
return false ;
Type importerType = importerManager . AvailableImporters . FirstOrDefault ( ( x ) = > x . Key = = buildItem . ImporterName ) . Value ;
//The visual studio extension tries to set the importer types whenever it can, so the case when the importer is null should be rather rare and
//the extension should immediatly try to save the importer, same for the processor.
//For additional meta data, we check the write time of the assemblies that contain the used importer and processor. When a dependant assembly changes,
//the referencing assembly will have to relink and therefore the write time should change.
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if ( data . importerType ! = importerType )
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return false ;
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else if ( importerType ! = null )
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if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( importerType . Assembly . Location ) )
if ( File . GetLastWriteTimeUtc ( importerType . Assembly . Location ) ! = data . importerAssemblyWriteTime )
return false ;
var processor = processorManager . AvailableProcessors . FirstOrDefault ( ( x ) = > x . Key = = buildItem . ProcessorName ) . Value ;
if ( processor = = null )
return false ;
if ( data . processorType ! = processor . GetType ( ) )
return false ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( processor . GetType ( ) . Assembly . Location ) )
if ( File . GetLastWriteTimeUtc ( processor . GetType ( ) . Assembly . Location ) ! = data . processorAssemblyWriteTime )
return false ;
var compiler = this . contentCompiler . GetTypeWriter ( processor . OutputType ) ;
if ( compiler = = null )
return false ;
if ( compiler . GetType ( ) ! = data . compilerType )
return false ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( compiler . GetType ( ) . Assembly . Location ) )
if ( File . GetLastWriteTimeUtc ( compiler . GetType ( ) . Assembly . Location ) ! = data . compilerAssemblyWriteTime )
return false ;
if ( buildItem . ProcessorParameters . Count ! = data . processorParameters . Count )
return false ;
string [ ] keys = buildItem . ProcessorParameters . Keys . ToArray ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < keys . Length ; i + + )
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var key = keys [ i ] ;
object cachedValue ;
if ( ! data . processorParameters . TryGetValue ( key , out cachedValue ) )
return false ;
var value = buildItem . ProcessorParameters [ key ] ;
if ( ! string . Equals ( cachedValue , TypeHelper . ConvertToInvariantString ( value ) ) )
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return false ;
return true ;
return false ;
public void Refresh ( BuildItem buildItem , Uri outputFilePath )
if ( buildItem = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "buildItem" ) ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( GetAbsoluteFileName ( buildItem . SourceFilename ) ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( string . Format ( "The file \"{0}\" does not exist." , buildItem . SourceFilename ) ) ;
CacheData data = new CacheData ( ) ;
if ( File . Exists ( GetAbsoluteFileName ( outputFilePath . OriginalString ) ) )
data . outputWriteTime = File . GetLastWriteTimeUtc ( GetAbsoluteFileName ( outputFilePath . OriginalString ) ) ;
data . sourceWriteTime = File . GetLastWriteTimeUtc ( buildItem . SourceFilename ) ;
var importerType = importerManager . AvailableImporters . FirstOrDefault ( ( x ) = > x . Key = = buildItem . ImporterName ) . Value ;
data . importerType = importerType ;
if ( importerType ! = null & & File . Exists ( importerType . Assembly . Location ) )
data . importerAssemblyWriteTime = File . GetLastWriteTimeUtc ( importerType . Assembly . Location ) ;
var processor = processorManager . AvailableProcessors . FirstOrDefault ( ( x ) = > x . Key = = buildItem . ProcessorName ) . Value ;
if ( processor = = null )
data . processorType = null ;
data . processorType = processor . GetType ( ) ;
if ( File . Exists ( processor . GetType ( ) . Assembly . Location ) )
data . processorAssemblyWriteTime = File . GetLastWriteTimeUtc ( processor . GetType ( ) . Assembly . Location ) ;
var typeWriter = contentCompiler . GetTypeWriter ( processor . OutputType ) ;
if ( typeWriter = = null )
data . compilerType = null ;
data . compilerType = typeWriter . GetType ( ) ;
if ( File . Exists ( typeWriter . GetType ( ) . Assembly . Location ) )
data . compilerAssemblyWriteTime = File . GetLastWriteTimeUtc ( typeWriter . GetType ( ) . Assembly . Location ) ;
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data . processorParameters . AddRange ( buildItem . ProcessorParameters . Select ( ( x ) = > new KeyValuePair < string , object > ( x . Key , TypeHelper . ConvertToInvariantString ( x . Value ) ) ) ) ;
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this . cacheData [ new Uri ( buildItem . SourceFilename , UriKind . RelativeOrAbsolute ) ] = data ;
public void Clear ( )
cacheData . Clear ( ) ;
public void Remove ( Uri filePath )
cacheData . Remove ( filePath ) ;
public Uri ProjectHome
get ;
set ;
private string GetAbsoluteFileName ( string fileName )
if ( Path . IsPathRooted ( fileName ) )
return fileName ;
var result = new Uri ( GetProjectHome ( ) , new Uri ( fileName , UriKind . Relative ) ) . LocalPath ;
return result ;
private Uri GetAbsoluteFileName ( Uri fileName )
if ( fileName = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "fileName" ) ;
if ( fileName . IsAbsoluteUri )
return fileName ;
var result = new Uri ( GetProjectHome ( ) , fileName ) ;
return result ;
private Uri GetProjectHome ( )
if ( ProjectHome ! = null )
return ProjectHome ;
return new Uri ( Environment . CurrentDirectory + "\\" , UriKind . Absolute ) ;
class CacheData
public DateTime outputWriteTime ;
public DateTime sourceWriteTime ;
public Type importerType ;
public DateTime importerAssemblyWriteTime ;
public Type processorType ;
public DateTime processorAssemblyWriteTime ;
public Type compilerType ;
public DateTime compilerAssemblyWriteTime ;
public OpaqueDataDictionary processorParameters = new OpaqueDataDictionary ( ) ;