2015-03-29 18:16:03 +02:00
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Helpers ;
using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Development ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Linq.Expressions ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Text ;
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Serialization.Intermediate
internal class ReflectiveSerializer : ContentTypeSerializer
//If have to use a reflective serializer, we want to check if atleast a serializer for an interface can handle some of the properties.
//That way, we handle the default behaviour of collections.
private Dictionary < ContentTypeSerializer , Type > interfaceSerializers = new Dictionary < ContentTypeSerializer , Type > ( ) ;
private ContentTypeSerializer baseSerializer ;
private List < ReflectiveSerializerMemberHelper > memberHelpers = new List < ReflectiveSerializerMemberHelper > ( ) ;
private string collectionItemName ;
public override bool CanDeserializeIntoExistingObject
return base . TargetType . IsClass & & ( ( this . baseSerializer ! = null & & this . baseSerializer . CanDeserializeIntoExistingObject ) | | this . memberHelpers . Count > 0 | | interfaceSerializers . Count > 0 ) ;
public ReflectiveSerializer ( Type targetType )
: base ( targetType )
protected internal override void Initialize ( IntermediateSerializer serializer )
if ( base . TargetType . BaseType ! = null & & base . TargetType . BaseType ! = typeof ( object ) )
this . baseSerializer = serializer . GetTypeSerializer ( base . TargetType . BaseType ) ;
object [ ] customAttributes = base . TargetType . GetCustomAttributes ( typeof ( ContentSerializerCollectionItemNameAttribute ) , true ) ;
if ( customAttributes . Length = = 1 )
this . collectionItemName = ( ( ContentSerializerCollectionItemNameAttribute ) customAttributes [ 0 ] ) . CollectionItemName ;
List < InterfaceMapping > handledInterfaces = new List < InterfaceMapping > ( ) ;
foreach ( Type @interface in base . TargetType . GetInterfaces ( ) )
//interface has been implemented by the current type and no other serializer cared to handle that.
//TODO: Die Kontrolle ob das Ziel-interface das momentane beinhält funktioniert nicht.
if ( base . TargetType ! = @interface & & ( ! base . TargetType . IsInterface | | base . TargetType . GetInterface ( @interface . Name ) = = null ) )
var interfaceMap = base . TargetType . GetInterfaceMap ( @interface ) ;
if ( interfaceMap . IsDefinedBy ( base . TargetType ) )
ContentTypeSerializer iSerializer = serializer . GetTypeSerializer ( @interface ) ;
if ( iSerializer ! = null & & iSerializer . GetType ( ) ! = typeof ( ReflectiveSerializer ) )
if ( ! iSerializer . CanDeserializeIntoExistingObject )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( string . Format ( "Tried to serialize the type \"{0}\" with intermediate serializer for interface \"{1}\", but the serializer can't deserialize into an existing object." , this . TargetType , @interface ) ) ;
interfaceSerializers . Add ( iSerializer , @interface ) ;
handledInterfaces . Add ( interfaceMap ) ;
//Create the member helpers.
BindingFlags bindingAttr = BindingFlags . DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags . Instance | BindingFlags . Public | BindingFlags . NonPublic ;
foreach ( var propertyInfo in this . TargetType . GetProperties ( bindingAttr ) )
bool skipProperty = false ;
foreach ( InterfaceMapping mapping in handledInterfaces )
if ( mapping . TargetMethods . Intersect ( propertyInfo . GetAccessors ( ) ) . Count ( ) > 0 )
skipProperty = true ;
if ( skipProperty = = false )
ReflectiveSerializerMemberHelper item = new ReflectiveSerializerPropertyHelper ( serializer , propertyInfo ) ;
if ( item . ShouldSerialize ( this . TargetType ) )
item . Initialize ( ) ;
memberHelpers . Add ( item ) ;
foreach ( var fieldInfo in this . TargetType . GetFields ( bindingAttr ) )
ReflectiveSerializerMemberHelper item = new ReflectiveSerializerFieldHelper ( serializer , fieldInfo ) ;
if ( item . ShouldSerialize ( this . TargetType ) )
item . Initialize ( ) ;
memberHelpers . Add ( item ) ;
protected internal override void Serialize ( IntermediateWriter output , object value , ContentSerializerAttribute format )
if ( output = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "output" ) ;
if ( value = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "value" ) ;
if ( ! base . TargetType . IsAssignableFrom ( value . GetType ( ) ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( string . Format ( "Invalid argument type. Expecting a subclass of {0}, but {1} was passed." , base . TargetType , value . GetType ( ) ) ) ;
if ( this . baseSerializer ! = null )
this . baseSerializer . Serialize ( output , value , format ) ;
foreach ( ReflectiveSerializerMemberHelper current in this . memberHelpers )
current . Serialize ( output , value ) ;
if ( interfaceSerializers . Count > 0 )
//We have already written the own element i.e. <Keys> on the call to this serializer. We don't need it write it again with the call
var interfaceFormat = format . Clone ( ) ;
interfaceFormat . FlattenContent = true ;
foreach ( var keyValuePair in interfaceSerializers )
output . GetType ( ) . GetGenericMethod ( "WriteRawObject" , new Type [ ] { keyValuePair . Value , typeof ( ContentSerializerAttribute ) , typeof ( ContentTypeSerializer ) } ) . MakeGenericMethod ( keyValuePair . Value ) .
Invoke ( output , new object [ ] { value , interfaceFormat , keyValuePair . Key } ) ;
protected internal override object Deserialize ( IntermediateReader input , ContentSerializerAttribute format , object existingInstance )
if ( input = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "input" ) ;
object obj = existingInstance ;
if ( obj = = null )
2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
obj = Activator . CreateInstance ( this . TargetType , nonPublic : true ) ;
2015-03-29 18:16:03 +02:00
if ( this . baseSerializer ! = null )
object baseObject = this . baseSerializer . Deserialize ( input , format , obj ) ;
if ( baseObject ! = obj )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( string . Format ( "Intermediate ContentTypeSerializer {0} (handling type {1}) returned a new object instance from its Deserialize method. This should have loaded data into the existingInstance parameter." ,
this . baseSerializer . GetType ( ) ,
this . baseSerializer . TargetType
) ) ;
foreach ( ReflectiveSerializerMemberHelper current in this . memberHelpers )
current . Deserialize ( input , obj ) ;
foreach ( var keyValuePair in interfaceSerializers )
object interfaceObj = keyValuePair . Key . Deserialize ( input , format , obj ) ;
if ( interfaceObj ! = obj )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( string . Format ( "Intermediate ContentTypeSerializer {0} (handling type {1}) returned a new object instance from its Deserialize method. This should have loaded data into the existingInstance parameter." ,
keyValuePair . Key . GetType ( ) ,
keyValuePair . Key . TargetType
) ) ;
return obj ;
public override bool ObjectIsEmpty ( object value )
if ( value = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "value" ) ;
if ( this . baseSerializer ! = null & & ! this . baseSerializer . ObjectIsEmpty ( value ) )
return false ;
foreach ( ReflectiveSerializerMemberHelper current in this . memberHelpers )
if ( ! current . ObjectIsEmpty ( value ) )
return false ;
foreach ( var keyValuePair in interfaceSerializers )
if ( ! keyValuePair . Key . ObjectIsEmpty ( value ) )
return false ;
return true ;