/***************************************************************************** * Enums.h * * * * System::Net::Sockets enumerations definition file. * * Copyright (c) XFX Team. All rights reserved. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SYSTEM_NET_SOCKETS_ENUMS_ #define _SYSTEM_NET_SOCKETS_ENUMS_ namespace System { namespace Net { namespace Sockets { struct AddressFamily { enum type { InterNetwork, InterNetworkV6, Unknown, Unspecified }; }; struct ProtocolType { enum type { Tcp = 6, Udp = 17, Unknown = -1, Unspecified = 0 }; }; struct SocketAsyncOperation { enum type { Connect = 2, None = 0, Receive = 4, RecieveFrom = 5, Send = 7, SendTo = 9 }; }; struct SocketError { enum type { AccessDenied = 10013, AddressAlreadyInUse = 10048, AddressFamilyNotSupported = 10047, AddressNotAvailable = 10049, }; }; struct SocketShutdown { enum type { Both, Recieve, Send }; }; struct SocketType { enum type { Unknown = -1, Stream = 1, Dgram = 2, }; }; /** * Specifies the addressing scheme that an instance of the System::Net::Sockets::Socket class can use. */ typedef AddressFamily::type AddressFamily_t; /** * Specifies the protocols that the System::Net::Sockets::Socket class supports. */ typedef ProtocolType::type ProtocolType_t; /** * The type of asynchronous socket operation most recently performed with this object. */ typedef SocketAsyncOperation::type SocketAsyncOperation_t; /** * Defines error codes for the System::Net::Sockets::Socket class. */ typedef SocketError::type SocketError_t; /** * Defines constants that are used by the System::Net::Sockets::Socket::Shutdown(System::Net::Sockets::SocketShutdown) method. */ typedef SocketShutdown::type SocketShutdown_t; /** * Specifies the type of socket that an instance of the System::Net::Sockets::Socket class represents. */ typedef SocketType::type SocketType_t; } } } #endif //_SYSTEM_NET_ENUMS_