 *	IndexBuffer.h															 *
 *																			 *
 *	XFX::Graphics::IndexBuffer class definition file						 *
 *	Copyright (c) XFX Team. All Rights Reserved 							 *

#include "Enums.h"
#include "GraphicsResource.h"

namespace XFX
	namespace Graphics
		class GraphicsDevice;

		 * Describes the rendering order of the vertices in a vertex buffer.
		class IndexBuffer : public GraphicsResource
			BufferUsage_t _usage;
			int _indexCount;
			IndexElementSize_t _elementSize;

			void Dispose(bool disposing);

			IndexBuffer(GraphicsDevice * const graphicsDevice, IndexElementSize_t indexElementSize, int indexCount, BufferUsage_t usage);

			template <typename T>
			void CopyData(int offsetInBytes, T data[], int startIndex, int elementCount, uint options, bool isSetting);
			template <typename T>
			void GetData(int offsetInBytes, T data[], int startIndex, int elementCount);
			template <typename T>
			void GetData(T data[], int startIndex, int elementCount);
			static const Type& GetType();
			template <typename T>
			void SetData(int offsetInBytes, T data[], int startIndex, int elementCount);
			template <typename T>
			void SetData(T data[], int startIndex, int elementCount);