 *	VertexPositionTexture.h 												 *
 *																			 *
 *	XFX::Graphics::VertexPositionTexture structure definition file  		 *
 *	Copyright (c) XFX Team. All Rights Reserved 							 *

#include "IVertexType.h"
#include "VertexDeclaration.h"

namespace XFX
	struct Vector2;
	struct Vector3;

	namespace Graphics
		 * Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and one set of texture coordinates.
		struct VertexPositionTexture : IVertexType, Object
			static const VertexElement vertexArray[];

			Vector3 Position;
			Vector2 TextureCoordinate;
			VertexDeclaration getVertexDeclaration() const;

			VertexPositionTexture(const Vector3 position, const Vector2 textureCoordinate);

			bool Equals(Object const * const obj) const;
			int GetHashCode() const;
			static const Type& GetType();
			const String ToString() const;

			bool operator!=(const VertexPositionTexture& other) const;
			bool operator==(const VertexPositionTexture& other) const;