#ifndef _SYSTEM_WINDOWS_RECT_ #define _SYSTEM_WINDOWS_RECT_ #include namespace System { namespace Windows { struct Point; struct Size; // Describes the width, height, and point origin of a rectangle. struct Rect : IEquatable, Object { public: int getBottom() const; static const Rect Empty; int Height; int getLeft() const; int getRight() const; int getTop() const; int Width; int X; int Y; Rect(); Rect(const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height); Rect(const Point point1, const Point point2); Rect(const Point location, const Size size); Rect(const Rect &obj); bool Contains(const Point point) const; bool Equals(Object const * const obj) const; bool Equals(const Rect other) const; int GetHashCode() const; int GetType() const; void Intersect(const Rect rect); const String& ToString() const; void Union(const Point point); void Union(const Rect rect); bool operator!=(const Rect& right) const; bool operator==(const Rect& right) const; }; } } #endif //_SYSTEM_WINDOWS_RECT_