 *	Keyboard.h  															 *
 *																			 *
 *	XFX::Input::Keyboard class definition file. 							 *
 *	Copyright (c) XFX Team. All Rights Reserved.							 *

#include "Enums.h"

namespace XFX
	namespace Input
		 * Represents a state of keystrokes recorded by a keyboard input device.
		struct KeyboardState
			KeyboardState(Keys_t keys[]);
			KeyboardState(const KeyboardState &obj);
			Keys_t* GetPressedKeys();
			bool IsKeyDown(Keys_t key);
			bool IsKeyUp(Keys_t key);

			 * Returns the state of a particular key.
			 * @param key
			 * Enumerated value representing the key to query.
			const KeyState_t operator[](const Keys_t key) const;

			Keys_t* pressedKeys;

		 * Allows retrieval of keystrokes from a keyboard input device.
		class Keyboard
			Keyboard(); //Private constructor to prevent instantiation.

			static KeyboardState GetState();