/******************************************************** * String.h * * * * XFX String definition file * * Copyright © XFX Team. All Rights Reserved * ********************************************************/ #ifndef _SYSTEM_STRING_ #define _SYSTEM_STRING_ #include "Enums.h" #include "Interfaces.h" #include "Object.h" namespace System { // Represents text as a series of ASCII characters. class String : public IComparable, public IEquatable, public Object { private: char* internalString; public: const int Length; static const String Empty; String(); String(char c, int count); String(char value[], int startIndex, int length); //Note: can also be used as String(char *value, int startIndex, int length); String(const String &obj); // Copy constructor String(const char* obj); virtual ~String(); String Clone() const; static int Compare(const String strA, const String strB); int CompareTo(const String other) const; static String Concat(const String values[], const int stringCount); static char* Concat(char* values[]); static char* Concat(char* str1, char* str2, char* str3, char* str4); static String Concat(String str1, String str2, String str3, String str4); bool Contains(char* value) const; bool EndsWith(const String value) const; bool Equals(const Object* obj) const; bool Equals(const String obj) const; bool Equals(const String str1, const String str2); static const char* Format(const char* format, ...); int GetHashCode() const; int GetType() const; int IndexOf(char value) const; int IndexOf(char value, int startIndex) const; int IndexOf(char value, int startIndex, int count) const; int IndexOfAny(char anyOf[], int charCount) const; int IndexOfAny(char anyOf[], int charCount, int startIndex) const; int IndexOfAny(char anyOf[], int charCount, int startIndex, int count) const; static bool IsNullOrEmpty(String value); static bool IsNullOrEmpty(const char* value); static String Join(String separator, String value[]); static String Join(String separator, String value[], int startIndex, int count); String PadLeft(int totalWidth); String PadLeft(int totalWidth, char paddingChar); String PadRight(int totalWidth); String PadRight(int totalWidth, char paddingChar); String Replace(char oldChar, char newChar); String Replace(char* oldValue, char* newValue); char** Split(const String& separator, int count, StringSplitOptions_t options) const; char** Split(const String& separator, StringSplitOptions_t options) const; char** Split(char separator[], int count, StringSplitOptions_t options) const; char** Split(char separator[], StringSplitOptions_t options) const; char** Split(char separator[], int count) const; char** Split(char separator[]) const; bool StartsWith(const String value) const; char* SubString(int startIndex) const; String SubString(int startIndex, int length) const; char* ToCharArray(int startIndex, int length) const; char* ToCharArray() const; String ToLower() const; static const char* ToLower(char* str); const char* ToString() const; String ToUpper() const; static const char* ToUpper(char* str); bool operator!=(const String& right) const; bool operator!=(const char* right) const; bool operator==(const String& right) const; bool operator==(const char* right) const; String& operator=(const String& right); String operator+(const char* right) const; String operator+=(const String& right); String operator+=(const char* right); String operator+(const String& right) const; char operator [](const int index) const; }; typedef String string; } #endif //_SYSTEM_STRING_