 *	List.h																	 *
 *																			 *
 *	XFX Generic List definition file										 *
 *	Copyright (c) XFX Team. All Rights Reserved 							 *

#include <System/Array.h>
#include <System/FrameworkResources.h>
#include <System/Object.h>
#include <System/String.h>
#include "Interfaces.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <sassert.h>

namespace System
	namespace Collections
		namespace Generic
			// Represents a strongly typed list of objects that can be accessed by index. Provides methods to search, sort, and manipulate lists.
			// NOTE: types used with the List<T> class must provide at least an == operator.
			template <typename T>
			class List : public IList<T>, public Object
				static const int defaultCapacity = 4;
				T* _items;
				int _size;
				int _actualSize;
				int _version;

				void EnsureCapacity(int capacity)
					if (_actualSize < capacity)
						int num = (_actualSize == 0) ? defaultCapacity : _actualSize * 2;
						if (num > 0x7fefffff)
							num = 0x7fefffff;
						if (num < capacity)
							num = capacity;

				void swap(T* x, T* y)
					T temp = *x;
					*x = *y;
					*y = temp;

				// Gets the number of elements actually contained in the List<>.
				int Count() const
					return _size;

				// Gets the total number of elements the internal data structure can hold without resizing.
				int getCapacity() const
					return _actualSize;

				// Sets the total number of elements the internal data structure can hold without resizing.
				void setCapacity(const int value)
					if (value < _size)

					if (value != _actualSize)
						if (value > 0)
							T* destinationArray = new T[value];
							if (_size > 0)
								for(int i = 0; i < _size; i++)
									destinationArray[i] = _items[i];
							delete[] _items;
							_items = destinationArray;
							delete[] _items;
							_items = new T[0];
						_actualSize = value;

				bool IsReadOnly() const
					return false;

				// Initializes a new instance of the List<> class that is empty and has the default initial capacity.
					: _size(0), _actualSize(defaultCapacity), _version(0)
					_items = new T[_actualSize];

				// Initializes a new instance of the List<> class that is empty and has the specified initial capacity.
				List(const int capacity)
					: _size(0), _actualSize((capacity < 0) ? defaultCapacity : capacity), _version(0)
					_items = new T[_actualSize];

				// Copy constructor
				List(const List<T> &obj)
					: _size(obj._size), _actualSize(obj._actualSize), _version(obj._version)
					_items = new T[obj._actualSize];

					for (int i = 0; i < obj._size; i++)
						_items[i] = obj._items[i];

					delete[] _items;

				// Adds an element to the end of the list
 				void Add(const T& item)
					if (_size == _actualSize)
						EnsureCapacity(_size + 1);
					_items[_size++] = T(item);

				//Removes all elements from the list
 				void Clear()
					if (_size > 0)
						delete[] _items;
						_items = new T[_actualSize];
						_size = 0;

				// Determines whether an element is in the List<>.
				bool Contains(const T& item) const
					for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++)
						if (_items[i] == item)
							return true;
					return false;

				// Copies the entire List<> to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.
				void CopyTo(T array[], const int arrayIndex) const
					sassert(array != null, String::Format("array; %s", FrameworkResources::ArgumentNull_Generic));

					for (int i = 0, j = arrayIndex; i < _size; i++, j++)
						array[j] = _items[i];

				int GetType() const
					//! TODO: implement

				// Searches for the specified object and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire List<>.
				int IndexOf(const T& item) const
					for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++)
						if (_items[i] == item)
							return i;
					return -1;
				// Inserts an element into the List<> at the specified index.
				void Insert(const int index, const T& item)
					sassert(index < _size, "Index must be within the bounds of the List.");

					if (_size == _actualSize)
						EnsureCapacity(_size + 1);
					if (index < _size)
						for (int i = index, j = index + 1; i < _size - index; i++, j++)
							_items[j] = _items[i];
					_items[index] = T(item);

				// Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the List<>.
 				bool Remove(const T& item)
					int index = IndexOf(item);
					if (index >= 0)
						return true;
					return false;

				// Removes the element at the specified index of the List<>.
				void RemoveAt(const int index)
					for (int i = index + 1, j = index; i < _size - index; i++, j++)
						_items[j] = _items[i];


				// Removes a range of elements from the List<>.
 				void RemoveRange(const int index, const int count)
					sassert(index >= 0, String::Format("index; %s", FrameworkResources::ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum));

					sassert(count >= 0, String::Format("count; %s", FrameworkResources::ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum));
					sassert(!((_size - index) < count), "Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.");

					if (count > 0)
						_size -= count;
						if (index < _size)
							for (int i = index + count, j = index; i < _size - index; i++, j++)
								_items[j] = _items[i];
						for (int i = _size; i < count; i++)
							_items[i] = T();

				void Reverse()
					Reverse(0, _size);

				void Reverse(const int index, const int count)
					sassert(index >= 0, String::Format("index; %s", FrameworkResources::ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum));

					sassert(count >= 0, String::Format("count; %s", FrameworkResources::ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum));
					sassert(!((_size - index) < count), "Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.");

					int num = index;
    				int num2 = (index + count) - 1;
					while (num < num2)
						T obj2 = _items[num];
						_items[num] = _items[num2];
						_items[num2] = obj2;

				void Sort(int index, int count, IComparer<T>* comparer)
					sassert(comparer != null, String::Format("comparer; %s", FrameworkResources::ArgumentNull_Generic));

					sassert(index >= 0, String::Format("index; %s", FrameworkResources::ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum));

					sassert(index + count < _actualSize, "");

					int k = (index + count) / 2;
					swap(&_items[index], &_items[k]);
					T key = _items[index];
					int i = index + 1;
					int j = count;
					while (i <= j)
						while ((i <= count) && (comparer->Compare(_items[i], key) <= 0))
						while ((j >= index) && (comparer->Compare(_items[j], key) > 0))
						if (i < j)
							swap(&_items[i], &_items[j]);
					// swap two elements
					swap(&_items[index], &_items[j]);
					// recursively sort the lesser list
					Sort(index, j-1, comparer);
					Sort(j+1, count, comparer);

				void Sort(IComparer<T>* comparer)
					sassert(comparer != null, String::Format("comparer; %s", FrameworkResources::ArgumentNull_Generic));

					Sort(0, _actualSize, comparer);

				T* ToArray() const
					T* destinationArray = new T[_size];

					for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++)
						destinationArray[i] = _items[i];

					return destinationArray;

				const String& ToString() const
					return "List<T>";

				void TrimExcess()
					int num = (int)(_actualSize * 0.9);
					if(_size < num)

				T& operator[](const int index)
					return _items[index];

				const List<T>& operator =(const List<T>& other)
					delete[] _items;
					_actualSize = other._actualSize;
					_size = other._size;
					_items = new T[other._actualSize];

					for (int i = 0; i < other._size; i++)
						_items[i] = other._items[i];

					_version = other._version;
					return *this;