 *	SpriteBatch.h										*
 *														*
 *	XFX SpriteBatch definition file						*
 *	Copyright © XFX Team. All Rights Reserved			*

#include "BlendState.h"
#include "DepthStencilState.h"
#include "Effect.h"
#include "Enums.h"
#include <Matrix.h>
#include "RasterizerState.h"
#include "SamplerState.h"
#include "Sprite.h"
#include "StateBlock.h"
#include <System/Collections/Generic/List.h>
#include <System/String.h>
#include <System/Types.h>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;

namespace XFX
	struct Rectangle;
	struct Vector2;
	namespace Graphics
		struct Color;
		class GraphicsDevice;
		class SpriteFont;
		// Enables a group of sprites to be drawn using the same settings.
		class SpriteBatch : public IDisposable, public Object
			GraphicsDevice* device;
			bool isDisposed;
			bool inBeginEndPair;
			//SaveStateMode_t saveStateMode;
			StateBlock* saveState;
			SpriteSortMode_t spriteSortMode;
			//SpriteBlendMode_t spriteBlendMode;
			int spriteQueueCount;
			BlendState oldBlendState;
			BlendState blendState;
			List<Sprite> SpriteList;

			void applyGraphicsDeviceSettings();
			void Flush();
			void restoreRenderState();
			virtual void Dispose(bool disposing);
			GraphicsDevice* getGraphicsDevice() const;
			bool IsDisposed() const;

			EventHandler Disposing;

			SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice * const graphicsDevice);
			virtual ~SpriteBatch();
			void Begin();
			void Begin(SpriteSortMode_t sortMode, const BlendState& blendState);
			void Begin(SpriteSortMode_t sortMode, const BlendState& blendState, const SamplerState& samplerState, const DepthStencilState& depthStencilState, const RasterizerState& rasterizerState);
			void Begin(SpriteSortMode_t sortMode, const BlendState& blendState, const SamplerState& samplerState, const DepthStencilState& depthStencilState, const RasterizerState& rasterizerState, Effect* effect);
			void Begin(SpriteSortMode_t sortMode, const BlendState& blendState, const SamplerState& samplerState, const DepthStencilState& depthStencilState, const RasterizerState& rasterizerState, Effect* effect, Matrix transformMatrix);
			void Dispose();
			void Draw(Texture2D * const texture, const Rectangle destinationRectangle, Color color);
			void Draw(Texture2D * const texture, const Rectangle destinationRectangle, const Rectangle sourceRectangle, Color color);
			void Draw(Texture2D * const texture, const Vector2 position, const Color color);
			void Draw(Texture2D * const texture, const Vector2 position, const Rectangle sourceRectangle, const Color color);
			void Draw(Texture2D * const texture, const Vector2 position, const Rectangle sourceRectangle, const Color color, const float rotation, const Vector2 origin, const float scale, const SpriteEffects_t effects, const float layerDepth);
			void Draw(Texture2D * const texture, const Vector2 position, const Rectangle sourceRectangle, const Color color, const float rotation, const Vector2 origin, const Vector2 scale, const SpriteEffects_t effects, const float layerDepth);
			void Draw(Texture2D * const texture, const Rectangle destinationRectangle, const Rectangle sourceRectangle, const Color color, const float rotation, const Vector2 origin, const SpriteEffects_t effects, const float layerDepth);
			void DrawString(SpriteFont * const spriteFont, String& text, const Vector2 position, const Color color);
			void DrawString(SpriteFont * const spriteFont, String& text, const Vector2 position, const Color color, const float rotation, const Vector2 origin, const Vector2 scale, const SpriteEffects_t effects, const float layerDepth);
			void DrawString(SpriteFont * const spriteFont, String& text, const Vector2 position, const Color color, const float rotation, const Vector2 origin, const float scale, const SpriteEffects_t effects, const float layerDepth);
			void End();
			int GetType() const;