/***************************************************************************** * Enums.h * * * * System::Xml Enumerations definition file. * * Copyright (c) XFX Team. All rights reserved. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SYSTEM_XML_ENUMS_ #define _SYSTEM_XML_ENUMS_ namespace System { namespace Xml { struct ConformanceLevel { enum type { Auto, Fragment, Document }; }; struct EntityHandling { enum type { ExpandCharEntities = 2, ExpandEntities = 1 }; }; struct Formatting { enum type { None, Indented }; }; struct NewLineHandling { enum type { Replace, Entitize, None }; }; struct ReadState { enum type { Initial, Interactive, Error, EndOfFile, Closed }; }; struct ValidationType { enum type { None, Schema }; }; struct WhitespaceHandling { enum type { All, Significant, None }; }; struct WriteState { enum type { Start, Prolog, Element, Attribute, Content, Closed, Error }; }; struct XmlDateTimeSerializationMode { enum type { Local, Utc, Unspecified, RoundtripKind }; }; struct XmlNamespaceScope { enum type { All, ExcludeXml, Local }; }; struct XmlNodeChangedAction { enum type { Insert, Remove, Change }; }; struct XmlNodeOrder { enum type { Before, After, Same, Unknown }; }; struct XmlNodeType { enum type { None, Element, Attribute, Text, CDATA, EntityReference, Entity, ProcessingInstruction, Comment, Document, DocumentType, DocumentFragment, Notation, Whitespace, SignificantWhitespace, EndElement, EndEntity, XmlDeclaration }; }; struct XmlOutputMethod { enum type { AutoDetect = 3, Xml = 0 }; }; struct XmlSpace { enum type { None, Default, Preserve }; }; struct XmlTokenizedType { enum type { CDATA, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, ENTITY, ENTITIES, NMTOKEN, NMTOKENS, NOTATION, ENUMERATION, QName, NCName, None }; }; /** * Specifies the amount of input or output checking that the created System::Xml::XmlReader and * System::Xml::XmlWriter objects perform. */ typedef ConformanceLevel::type ConformanceLevel_t; /** * Specifies how the System::Xml::XmlTextReader or System::Xml::XmlValidatingReader handle entities. */ typedef EntityHandling::type EntityHandling_t; /** * Specifies formatting options for the System::Xml::XmlTextWriter. */ typedef Formatting::type Formatting_t; /** * Specifies how to handle line breaks. */ typedef NewLineHandling::type NewLineHandling_t; /** * Specifies the state of the reader. */ typedef ReadState::type ReadState_t; /** * Specifies the type of validation to perform. */ typedef ValidationType::type ValidationType_t; /** * Specifies how white space is handled. */ typedef WhitespaceHandling::type WhitespaceHandling_t; /** * Specifies the state of the System::Xml::XmlWriter. */ typedef WriteState::type WriteState_t; /** * Specifies how to treat the time value when converting between string and System::DateTime. */ typedef XmlDateTimeSerializationMode::type XmlDateTimeSerializationMode_t; /** * Defines the namespace scope. */ typedef XmlNamespaceScope::type XmlNamespaceScope_t; /** * Specifies the type of node change. */ typedef XmlNodeChangedAction::type XmlNodeChangedAction_t; /** * Describes the document order of a node compared to a second node. */ typedef XmlNodeOrder::type XmlNodeOrder_t; /** * Specifies the type of node. */ typedef XmlNodeType::type XmlNodeType_t; /** * Specifies the method used to serialize the System::Xml::XmlWriter output. */ typedef XmlOutputMethod::type XmlOutputMethod_t; /** * Specifies the current xml:space scope. */ typedef XmlSpace::type XmlSpace_t; /** * Represents the XML type for the string. This allows the string to be read as a particular XML type, for example * a CDATA section type. */ typedef XmlTokenizedType::type XmlTokenizedType_t; } } #endif //_SYSTEM_XML_ENUMS_