#ifndef _SYSTEM_GLOBALIZATION_ENUMS_ #define _SYSTEM_GLOBALIZATION_ENUMS_ namespace System { namespace Globalization { // Defines different rules for determining the first week of the year. struct CalendarWeekRule { enum type { FirstDay = 0, FirstFourDayWeek = 2, FirstFullWeek = 1 }; }; // Defines the string comparison options to use with System.Globalization.CompareInfo. struct CompareOptions { enum type { IgnoreCase = 1, IgnoreKanaType = 8, IgnoreNonSpace = 2, IgnoreSymbols = 4, IgnoreWidth = 16, None = 0, Ordinal = 1073741824, OrdinalIgnoreCase = 268435456, StringSort = 536870912 }; }; // Defines the formatting options that customize string parsing for the System::DateTime::Parse and // System::DateTime::ParseExact methods. struct DateTimeStyles { enum type { AdjustToUniversal = 16, AllowInnerWhite = 4, AllowLeadingWhite = 1, AllowTrailingWhite = 2, AllowWhiteSpaces = 7, AssumeLocal = 32, AssumeUniversal = 64, NoCurrentDateDefault = 8, None = 0, RoundtripKind = 128 }; }; // Defines the different language versions of the Gregorian calendar. struct GregorianCalenderTypes { enum type { Arabic = 10, Localized = 1, MiddleEastFrench = 9, TransliteratedEnglish = 11, TransliteratedFrench = 12, USEnglish = 2 }; }; // Determines the styles permitted in numeric string arguments that are passed to the Parse methods of the // numeric base type classes. struct NumberStyles { enum type { AllowCurrencySymbol = 256, AllowDecimalPoint = 32, AllowExponent = 128, AllowHexSpecifier = 512, AllowLeadingSign = 4, AllowLeadingWhite = 1, AllowParentheses = 16, AllowThousands = 64, AllowTrailingSign = 8, AllowTrailingWhite = 2, Any = 511, Currency = 383, Float = 167, HexNumber = 515, Integer = 7, None = 0, Number = 111 }; }; typedef CalendarWeekRule::type CalendarWeekRule_t; typedef CompareOptions::type CompareOptions_t; typedef DateTimeStyles::type DateTimeStyles_t; typedef GregorianCalenderTypes::type GregorianCalenderTypes_t; typedef NumberStyles::type NumberStyles_t; } } #endif //_SYSTEM_GLOBALIZATION_ENUMS_