using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using Platformer; // your game namespace here using System.IO; public class XNATest : MonoBehaviour { PlatformerGame game; // your game routine here DrawQueue drawQueue; public float updateInterval = 0.5F; private float accum = 0; // FPS accumulated over the interval private int frames = 0; // Frames drawn over the interval private float timeleft; // Left time for current interval float fps; // Use this for initialization void Start () { Application.targetFrameRate = 60; // Add an audio source and tell the media player to use it for playing sounds Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer.AudioSource = gameObject.AddComponent(); drawQueue = new DrawQueue(); game = new PlatformerGame(); // your game routine here game.DrawQueue = drawQueue; game.Begin(); timeleft = updateInterval; //Application.targetFrameRate = 30; } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime; if(deltaTime > 0.050f) { deltaTime = 0.050f; } //Debug.Log(deltaTime); game.Tick(deltaTime); drawQueue.Clear(); timeleft -= Time.deltaTime; accum += Time.timeScale/Time.deltaTime; ++frames; // Interval ended - update GUI text and start new interval if( timeleft <= 0.0 ) { // display two fractional digits (f2 format) fps = accum/frames; // DebugConsole.Log(format,level); timeleft = updateInterval; accum = 0.0F; frames = 0; } } bool a= false; void OnGUI() { // Draw sprites from SpriteBatch.Draw() for (int i = 0; i < drawQueue.LastSpriteQueue.Length; i++) { DrawSpriteCall call = drawQueue.LastSpriteQueue[i]; float x = call.Position.X; float y = call.Position.Y; x -= call.Origin.X; y -= call.Origin.Y; float width = call.Texture2D.UnityTexture.width; float height = call.Texture2D.UnityTexture.height; GUI.color = new Color(call.Color.X, call.Color.Y, call.Color.Z, call.Color.W); Rect sourceRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); if(call.Source != null) { sourceRect.x = call.Source.Value.X / width; sourceRect.y = call.Source.Value.Y / height; sourceRect.width = call.Source.Value.Width / width; sourceRect.height = call.Source.Value.Height / height; } if(call.SpriteEffects == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally) { sourceRect.x = 1-sourceRect.x; sourceRect.width *= -1; } else if(call.SpriteEffects == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteEffects.FlipVertically) { sourceRect.y = 1-sourceRect.y; sourceRect.height *= -1; } var viewport = call.Viewport; //Debug.Log("Viewport: " + viewport); GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(new Rect(x + viewport.X, y + viewport.Y, width * Mathf.Abs(sourceRect.width), height * Mathf.Abs(sourceRect.height)), call.Texture2D.UnityTexture, sourceRect); } // Draw strings from SpriteBatch.DrawString() for (int i = 0; i < drawQueue.LastStringQueue.Length; i++) { DrawStringCall call = drawQueue.LastStringQueue[i]; GUI.color = new Color(call.Color.X, call.Color.Y, call.Color.Z, call.Color.W); Vector2 size = GUIContent(call.Value)); string[] x = call.Font.PathTo.Split('/'); string path = $"{call.Font.PathTo.Remove(call.Font.PathTo.Length - 1 - x[x.Length-1].Length)}/{call.Font.FontName.ToString()}"; Font myFont = (Font)UnityEngine.Resources.Load($"{path}", typeof(Font)); // = myFont; GUIStyle myStyle = new GUIStyle(); myStyle.font = myFont; myStyle.fontSize = (int)call.Font.Size; myStyle.normal.textColor = new Color(call.Color.X, call.Color.Y, call.Color.Z, call.Color.W); var viewport = call.Viewport; GUI.Label(new Rect(call.Position.X + viewport.X, call.Position.Y + viewport.Y, size.x, size.y), call.Value, myStyle); } //GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); //style.font = Font. //GUILayout.Label() //GUI.color =; //GUILayout.Label(string.Format("{0} fps, {1} sprite draw calls", fps, drawQueue.LastSpriteQueue.Length)); } }