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#pragma once
#include "dxvk_include.h"
namespace dxvk::util {
* \brief Gets pipeline stage flags for shader stages
* \param [in] shaderStages Shader stage flags
* \returns Corresponding pipeline stage flags
VkPipelineStageFlags pipelineStages(
VkShaderStageFlags shaderStages);
* \brief Computes number of mip levels for an image
* \param [in] imageSize Size of the image
* \returns Number of mipmap layers
uint32_t computeMipLevelCount(VkExtent3D imageSize);
* \brief Writes tightly packed image data to a buffer
* \param [in] dstBytes Destination buffer pointer
* \param [in] srcBytes Pointer to source data
* \param [in] blockCount Number of blocks to copy
* \param [in] blockSize Number of bytes per block
* \param [in] pitchPerRow Number of bytes between rows
* \param [in] pitchPerLayer Number of bytes between layers
void packImageData(
void* dstBytes,
const void* srcBytes,
VkExtent3D blockCount,
VkDeviceSize blockSize,
VkDeviceSize pitchPerRow,
VkDeviceSize pitchPerLayer);
* \brief Repacks image data to a buffer
* Note that passing destination pitches of 0 means that the data is
* tightly packed, while a source pitch of 0 will not show this behaviour
* in order to match client API behaviour for initialization.
* \param [in] dstBytes Destination buffer pointer
* \param [in] srcBytes Pointer to source data
* \param [in] srcRowPitch Number of bytes between rows to read
* \param [in] srcSlicePitch Number of bytes between layers to read
* \param [in] dstRowPitch Number of bytes between rows to write
* \param [in] dstSlicePitch Number of bytes between layers to write
* \param [in] imageType Image type (2D, 3D etc)
* \param [in] imageExtent Image extent, in pixels
* \param [in] imageLayers Image layer count
* \param [in] formatInfo Image format info
* \param [in] aspectMask Image aspects to pack
void packImageData(
void* dstBytes,
const void* srcBytes,
VkDeviceSize srcRowPitch,
VkDeviceSize srcSlicePitch,
VkDeviceSize dstRowPitchIn,
VkDeviceSize dstSlicePitchIn,
VkImageType imageType,
VkExtent3D imageExtent,
uint32_t imageLayers,
const DxvkFormatInfo* formatInfo,
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask);
* \brief Computes minimum extent
* \param [in] a First value
* \param [in] b Second value
* \returns Component-wise \c min
inline VkExtent3D minExtent3D(VkExtent3D a, VkExtent3D b) {
return VkExtent3D {
std::min(a.width, b.width),
std::min(a.height, b.height),
std::min(a.depth, b.depth) };
* \brief Checks whether an offset is block-aligned
* An offset is considered block-aligned if it is
* a multiple of the block size. Only non-negative
* offset values are valid.
* \param [in] offset The offset to check
* \param [in] blockSize Block size
* \returns \c true if \c offset is aligned
inline bool isBlockAligned(VkOffset3D offset, VkExtent3D blockSize) {
return (offset.x % blockSize.width == 0)
&& (offset.y % blockSize.height == 0)
&& (offset.z % blockSize.depth == 0);
* \brief Checks whether an offset and extent are block-aligned
* A block-aligned extent can be used for image copy
* operations that involve block-compressed images.
* \param [in] offset The base offset
* \param [in] extent The extent to check
* \param [in] blockSize Compressed block size
* \param [in] imageSize Image size
* \returns \c true if all components of \c extent
* are aligned or touch the image border.
inline bool isBlockAligned(VkOffset3D offset, VkExtent3D extent, VkExtent3D blockSize, VkExtent3D imageSize) {
return ((extent.width % blockSize.width == 0) || (uint32_t(offset.x + extent.width) == imageSize.width))
&& ((extent.height % blockSize.height == 0) || (uint32_t(offset.y + extent.height) == imageSize.height))
&& ((extent.depth % blockSize.depth == 0) || (uint32_t(offset.z + extent.depth) == imageSize.depth))
&& isBlockAligned(offset, blockSize);
* \brief Computes mip level extent
* \param [in] size Base mip level extent
* \param [in] level mip level to compute
* \returns Extent of the given mip level
inline VkExtent3D computeMipLevelExtent(VkExtent3D size, uint32_t level) {
size.width = std::max(1u, size.width >> level);
size.height = std::max(1u, size.height >> level);
size.depth = std::max(1u, size.depth >> level);
return size;
* \brief Computes mip level extent
* This function variant takes into account planar formats.
* \param [in] size Base mip level extent
* \param [in] level Mip level to compute
* \param [in] format Image format
* \param [in] aspect Image aspect to consider
* \returns Extent of the given mip level
inline VkExtent3D computeMipLevelExtent(VkExtent3D size, uint32_t level, VkFormat format, VkImageAspectFlags aspect) {
auto plane = &imageFormatInfo(format)->planes[vk::getPlaneIndex(aspect)];
size.width /= plane->blockSize.width;
size.height /= plane->blockSize.height;
size.width = std::max(1u, size.width >> level);
size.height = std::max(1u, size.height >> level);
size.depth = std::max(1u, size.depth >> level);
return size;
* \brief Computes block offset for compressed images
* Convenience function to compute the block position
* within a compressed image based on the block size.
* \param [in] offset The offset
* \param [in] blockSize Size of a pixel block
* \returns The block offset
inline VkOffset3D computeBlockOffset(VkOffset3D offset, VkExtent3D blockSize) {
return VkOffset3D {
offset.x / int32_t(blockSize.width),
offset.y / int32_t(blockSize.height),
offset.z / int32_t(blockSize.depth) };
* \brief Computes block count for compressed images
* Convenience function to compute the size, in
* blocks, of compressed images subresources.
* \param [in] extent The image size
* \param [in] blockSize Size of a pixel block
* \returns Number of blocks in the image
inline VkExtent3D computeBlockCount(VkExtent3D extent, VkExtent3D blockSize) {
return VkExtent3D {
(extent.width + blockSize.width - 1) / blockSize.width,
(extent.height + blockSize.height - 1) / blockSize.height,
(extent.depth + blockSize.depth - 1) / blockSize.depth };
* \brief Computes block count for compressed images
* Given an aligned offset, this computes
* Convenience function to compute the size, in
* blocks, of compressed images subresources.
* \param [in] extent The image size
* \param [in] blockSize Size of a pixel block
* \returns Number of blocks in the image
inline VkExtent3D computeMaxBlockCount(VkOffset3D offset, VkExtent3D extent, VkExtent3D blockSize) {
return VkExtent3D {
(extent.width + blockSize.width - offset.x - 1) / blockSize.width,
(extent.height + blockSize.height - offset.y - 1) / blockSize.height,
(extent.depth + blockSize.depth - offset.z - 1) / blockSize.depth };
* \brief Snaps block-aligned image extent to image edges
* Fixes up an image extent that is aligned to a compressed
* block so that it no longer exceeds the given image size.
* \param [in] offset Aligned pixel offset
* \param [in] extent Extent to clamp
* \param [in] imageExtent Image size
* \returns Number of blocks in the image
inline VkExtent3D snapExtent3D(VkOffset3D offset, VkExtent3D extent, VkExtent3D imageExtent) {
return VkExtent3D {
std::min(extent.width, imageExtent.width - uint32_t(offset.x)),
std::min(extent.height, imageExtent.height - uint32_t(offset.y)),
std::min(extent.depth, imageExtent.depth - uint32_t(offset.z)) };
* \brief Computes block extent for compressed images
* \param [in] blockCount The number of blocks
* \param [in] blockSize Size of a pixel block
* \returns Extent of the given blocks
inline VkExtent3D computeBlockExtent(VkExtent3D blockCount, VkExtent3D blockSize) {
return VkExtent3D {
blockCount.width * blockSize.width,
blockCount.height * blockSize.height,
blockCount.depth * blockSize.depth };
* \brief Computes number of pixels or blocks of an image
* Basically returns the product of width, height and depth.
* \param [in] extent Image extent, in pixels or blocks
* \returns Flattened number of pixels or blocks
inline uint32_t flattenImageExtent(VkExtent3D extent) {
return extent.width * extent.height * extent.depth;
* \brief Checks whether the depth aspect is read-only in a layout
* \param [in] layout Image layout. Must be a valid depth-stencil attachment laoyut.
* \returns \c true if the depth aspect for images in this layout is read-only.
inline bool isDepthReadOnlyLayout(VkImageLayout layout) {
* \brief Computes image data size, in bytes
* Convenience method that can be used to compute the number
* of bytes required to store image data in a given format.
* \param [in] format The image format
* \param [in] extent Image size, in pixels
* \returns Data size, in bytes
VkDeviceSize computeImageDataSize(VkFormat format, VkExtent3D extent);
* \brief Applies a component mapping to a component mask
* For each component, the component specified in the mapping
* is used to look up the flag of the original component mask.
* If the component mapping is zero or one, the corresponding
* mask bit will be set to zero.
* \param [in] mask The original component mask
* \param [in] mapping Component mapping to apply
* \returns Remapped component mask
VkColorComponentFlags remapComponentMask(
VkColorComponentFlags mask,
VkComponentMapping mapping);
* \brief Inverts a component mapping
* Transforms a component mapping so that components can
* be mapped back to their original location. Requires
* that each component is used only once.
* For example. when given a mapping of (0,0,0,R),
* this function will return the mapping (A,0,0,0).
* \returns Inverted component mapping
VkComponentMapping invertComponentMapping(
VkComponentMapping mapping);
* \brief Resolves source component mapping
* Returns the source component mapping after rearranging
* the destination mapping to be the identity mapping.
* \param [in] dstMapping Destination mapping
* \param [in] srcMapping Source mapping
* \returns Adjusted src component mapping
VkComponentMapping resolveSrcComponentMapping(
VkComponentMapping dstMapping,
VkComponentMapping srcMapping);
bool isIdentityMapping(
VkComponentMapping mapping);
* \brief Computes component index for a component swizzle
* \param [in] component The component swizzle
* \param [in] identity Value for SWIZZLE_IDENTITY
* \returns Component index
uint32_t getComponentIndex(
VkComponentSwizzle component,
uint32_t identity);
VkClearColorValue swizzleClearColor(
VkClearColorValue color,
VkComponentMapping mapping);
bool isBlendConstantBlendFactor(
VkBlendFactor factor);
bool isDualSourceBlendFactor(
VkBlendFactor factor);