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#pragma once
#include "dxvk_format.h"
#include "dxvk_memory.h"
#include "dxvk_resource.h"
namespace dxvk {
* \brief Image create info
* The properties of an image that are
* passed to \ref DxvkDevice::createImage
struct DxvkImageCreateInfo {
/// Image dimension
VkImageType type;
/// Pixel format
VkFormat format;
/// Flags
VkImageCreateFlags flags;
/// Sample count for MSAA
VkSampleCountFlagBits sampleCount;
/// Image size, in texels
VkExtent3D extent;
/// Number of image array layers
uint32_t numLayers;
/// Number of mip levels
uint32_t mipLevels;
/// Image usage flags
VkImageUsageFlags usage;
/// Pipeline stages that can access
/// the contents of the image
VkPipelineStageFlags stages;
/// Allowed access pattern
VkAccessFlags access;
/// Image tiling mode
VkImageTiling tiling;
/// Common image layout
VkImageLayout layout;
* \brief Image create info
* The properties of an image view that are
* passed to \ref DxvkDevice::createImageView
struct DxvkImageViewCreateInfo {
/// Image view dimension
VkImageViewType type;
/// Pixel format
VkFormat format;
/// Subresources to use in the view
VkImageAspectFlags aspect;
uint32_t minLevel;
uint32_t numLevels;
uint32_t minLayer;
uint32_t numLayers;
* \brief DXVK image
* An image resource consisting of various subresources.
* Cannot be mapped to host memory, the only way to access
* image data is through buffer transfer operations.
class DxvkImage : public DxvkResource {
const Rc<vk::DeviceFn>& vkd,
const DxvkImageCreateInfo& createInfo,
DxvkMemoryAllocator& memAlloc,
VkMemoryPropertyFlags memFlags);
* \brief Creates image object from existing image
* This can be used to create an image object for
* an implementation-managed image. Make sure to
* provide the correct image properties, since
* otherwise some image operations may fail.
const Rc<vk::DeviceFn>& vkd,
const DxvkImageCreateInfo& info,
VkImage image);
* \brief Destroys image
* If this is an implementation-managed image,
* this will not destroy the Vulkan image.
* \brief Image handle
* Internal use only.
* \returns Image handle
VkImage handle() const {
return m_image;
* \brief Image properties
* The image create info structure.
* \returns Image properties
const DxvkImageCreateInfo& info() const {
return m_info;
Rc<vk::DeviceFn> m_vkd;
DxvkImageCreateInfo m_info;
DxvkMemory m_memory;
VkImage m_image = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
* \brief DXVK image view
class DxvkImageView : public DxvkResource {
const Rc<vk::DeviceFn>& vkd,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const DxvkImageViewCreateInfo& info);
* \brief Image view handle
* Internal use only.
* \returns Image view handle
VkImageView handle() const {
return m_view;
* \brief Image view properties
* \returns Image view properties
const DxvkImageViewCreateInfo& info() const {
return m_info;
* \brief Image properties
* \returns Image properties
const DxvkImageCreateInfo& imageInfo() const {
return m_image->info();
* \brief Image
* \returns Image
Rc<DxvkImage> image() const {
return m_image;
* \brief Subresource range
* \returns Subresource range
VkImageSubresourceRange subresources() const {
VkImageSubresourceRange result;
result.aspectMask = m_info.aspect;
result.baseMipLevel = m_info.minLevel;
result.levelCount = m_info.numLevels;
result.baseArrayLayer = m_info.minLayer;
result.layerCount = m_info.numLayers;
return result;
Rc<vk::DeviceFn> m_vkd;
Rc<DxvkImage> m_image;
DxvkImageViewCreateInfo m_info;
VkImageView m_view;
} |