mirror of https://github.com/EduApps-CDG/OpenDX synced 2024-12-30 09:45:37 +01:00
Philip Rebohle 8054e4a772
[dxvk] Add DXVK context method to transparently flush the command list
This is identical to what the D3D11 function did, but having it in this
place will allow us to potentially implement better flush heuristics
based on work done on the CS thread.
2018-11-01 13:24:42 +01:00

873 lines
28 KiB

#pragma once
#include "dxvk_barrier.h"
#include "dxvk_bind_mask.h"
#include "dxvk_cmdlist.h"
#include "dxvk_context_state.h"
#include "dxvk_data.h"
#include "dxvk_event.h"
#include "dxvk_meta_clear.h"
#include "dxvk_meta_copy.h"
#include "dxvk_meta_mipgen.h"
#include "dxvk_meta_resolve.h"
#include "dxvk_pipecache.h"
#include "dxvk_pipemanager.h"
#include "dxvk_query.h"
#include "dxvk_query_manager.h"
#include "dxvk_query_pool.h"
#include "dxvk_util.h"
namespace dxvk {
* \brief DXVk context
* Tracks pipeline state and records command lists.
* This is where the actual rendering commands are
* recorded.
class DxvkContext : public RcObject {
const Rc<DxvkDevice>& device,
const Rc<DxvkPipelineManager>& pipelineManager,
const Rc<DxvkMetaClearObjects>& metaClearObjects,
const Rc<DxvkMetaCopyObjects>& metaCopyObjects,
const Rc<DxvkMetaMipGenObjects>& metaMipGenObjects,
const Rc<DxvkMetaResolveObjects>& metaResolveObjects);
* \brief Begins command buffer recording
* Begins recording a command list. This does
* not alter any context state other than the
* active command list.
* \param [in] cmdList Target command list
void beginRecording(
const Rc<DxvkCommandList>& cmdList);
* \brief Ends command buffer recording
* Finishes recording the active command list.
* The command list can then be submitted to
* the device.
* This will not change any context state
* other than the active command list.
* \returns Active command list
Rc<DxvkCommandList> endRecording();
* \brief Flushes command buffer
* Transparently submits the current command
* buffer and allocates a new one.
void flushCommandList();
* \brief Begins generating query data
* \param [in] query The query to end
void beginQuery(
const DxvkQueryRevision& query);
* \brief Ends generating query data
* \param [in] query The query to end
void endQuery(
const DxvkQueryRevision& query);
* \brief Sets render targets
* Creates a framebuffer on the fly if necessary
* and binds it using \c bindFramebuffer. Set the
* \c spill flag in order to make shader writes
* from previous rendering operations visible.
* \param [in] targets Render targets to bind
* \param [in] spill Spill render pass if true
void bindRenderTargets(
const DxvkRenderTargets& targets,
bool spill);
* \brief Binds indirect argument buffer
* Sets the buffer that is going to be used
* for indirect draw and dispatch operations.
* \param [in] buffer New argument buffer
void bindDrawBuffer(
const DxvkBufferSlice& buffer);
* \brief Binds index buffer
* The index buffer will be used when
* issuing \c drawIndexed commands.
* \param [in] buffer New index buffer
* \param [in] indexType Index type
void bindIndexBuffer(
const DxvkBufferSlice& buffer,
VkIndexType indexType);
* \brief Binds buffer as a shader resource
* Can be used for uniform and storage buffers.
* \param [in] slot Resource binding slot
* \param [in] buffer Buffer to bind
void bindResourceBuffer(
uint32_t slot,
const DxvkBufferSlice& buffer);
* \brief Binds image or buffer view
* Can be used for sampled images with a dedicated
* sampler and for storage images, as well as for
* uniform texel buffers and storage texel buffers.
* \param [in] slot Resource binding slot
* \param [in] imageView Image view to bind
* \param [in] bufferView Buffer view to bind
void bindResourceView(
uint32_t slot,
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& imageView,
const Rc<DxvkBufferView>& bufferView);
* \brief Binds image sampler
* Binds a sampler that can be used together with
* an image in order to read from a texture.
* \param [in] slot Resource binding slot
* \param [in] sampler Sampler view to bind
void bindResourceSampler(
uint32_t slot,
const Rc<DxvkSampler>& sampler);
* \brief Binds a shader to a given state
* \param [in] stage Target shader stage
* \param [in] shader The shader to bind
void bindShader(
VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
const Rc<DxvkShader>& shader);
* \brief Binds vertex buffer
* \param [in] binding Vertex buffer binding
* \param [in] buffer New vertex buffer
* \param [in] stride Stride between vertices
void bindVertexBuffer(
uint32_t binding,
const DxvkBufferSlice& buffer,
uint32_t stride);
* \brief Binds transform feedback buffer
* \param [in] binding Xfb buffer binding
* \param [in] buffer The buffer to bind
* \param [in] counter Xfb counter buffer
void bindXfbBuffer(
uint32_t binding,
const DxvkBufferSlice& buffer,
const DxvkBufferSlice& counter);
* \brief Clears a buffer with a fixed value
* Note that both \c offset and \c length must
* be multiples of four, and that \c value is
* consumed as a four-byte word.
* \param [in] buffer The buffer to clear
* \param [in] offset Offset of the range to clear
* \param [in] length Bumber of bytes to clear
* \param [in] value Clear value
void clearBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize length,
uint32_t value);
* \brief Clears a buffer view
* Unlike \c clearBuffer, this method can be used
* to clear a buffer view with format conversion.
* \param [in] bufferView The buffer view
* \param [in] offset Offset of the region to clear
* \param [in] length Extent of the region to clear
* \param [in] value The clear value
void clearBufferView(
const Rc<DxvkBufferView>& bufferView,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize length,
VkClearColorValue value);
* \brief Clears subresources of a color image
* \param [in] image The image to clear
* \param [in] value Clear value
* \param [in] subresources Subresources to clear
void clearColorImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkClearColorValue& value,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& subresources);
* \brief Clears subresources of a depth-stencil image
* \param [in] image The image to clear
* \param [in] value Clear value
* \param [in] subresources Subresources to clear
void clearDepthStencilImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkClearDepthStencilValue& value,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& subresources);
* \brief Clears an active render target
* \param [in] imageView Render target view to clear
* \param [in] clearAspects Image aspects to clear
* \param [in] clearValue The clear value
void clearRenderTarget(
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& imageView,
VkImageAspectFlags clearAspects,
const VkClearValue& clearValue);
* \brief Clears an image view
* Can be used to clear sub-regions of storage images
* that are not going to be used as render targets.
* Implicit format conversion will be applied.
* \param [in] imageView The image view
* \param [in] offset Offset of the rect to clear
* \param [in] extent Extent of the rect to clear
* \param [in] value The clear value
void clearImageView(
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& imageView,
VkOffset3D offset,
VkExtent3D extent,
VkClearValue value);
* \brief Copies data from one buffer to another
* \param [in] dstBuffer Destination buffer
* \param [in] dstOffset Destination data offset
* \param [in] srcBuffer Source buffer
* \param [in] srcOffset Source data offset
* \param [in] numBytes Number of bytes to copy
void copyBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& dstBuffer,
VkDeviceSize dstOffset,
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& srcBuffer,
VkDeviceSize srcOffset,
VkDeviceSize numBytes);
* \brief Copies overlapping buffer region
* Can be used to copy potentially overlapping
* buffer regions within the same buffer. If
* the source and destination regions do not
* overlap, it will behave as \ref copyBuffer.
* \param [in] dstBuffer The buffer
* \param [in] dstOffset Offset of target region
* \param [in] srcOffset Offset of source region
* \param [in] numBytes Number of bytes to copy
void copyBufferRegion(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& dstBuffer,
VkDeviceSize dstOffset,
VkDeviceSize srcOffset,
VkDeviceSize numBytes);
* \brief Copies data from a buffer to an image
* \param [in] dstImage Destination image
* \param [in] dstSubresource Destination subresource
* \param [in] dstOffset Destination area offset
* \param [in] dstExtent Destination area size
* \param [in] srcBuffer Source buffer
* \param [in] srcOffset Source offset, in bytes
* \param [in] srcExtent Source data extent
void copyBufferToImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource,
VkOffset3D dstOffset,
VkExtent3D dstExtent,
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& srcBuffer,
VkDeviceSize srcOffset,
VkExtent2D srcExtent);
* \brief Copies data from one image to another
* \param [in] dstImage Destination image
* \param [in] dstSubresource Destination subresource
* \param [in] dstOffset Destination area offset
* \param [in] srcImage Source image
* \param [in] srcSubresource Source subresource
* \param [in] srcOffset Source area offset
* \param [in] extent Size of the area to copy
void copyImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource,
VkOffset3D dstOffset,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource,
VkOffset3D srcOffset,
VkExtent3D extent);
* \brief Copies overlapping image region
* \param [in] dstImage The image
* \param [in] dstSubresource The image subresource
* \param [in] dstOffset Destination region offset
* \param [in] srcOffset Source region offset
* \param [in] extent Size of the copy region
void copyImageRegion(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource,
VkOffset3D dstOffset,
VkOffset3D srcOffset,
VkExtent3D extent);
* \brief Copies data from an image into a buffer
* \param [in] dstBuffer Destination buffer
* \param [in] dstOffset Destination offset, in bytes
* \param [in] dstExtent Destination data extent
* \param [in] srcImage Source image
* \param [in] srcSubresource Source subresource
* \param [in] srcOffset Source area offset
* \param [in] srcExtent Source area size
void copyImageToBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& dstBuffer,
VkDeviceSize dstOffset,
VkExtent2D dstExtent,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource,
VkOffset3D srcOffset,
VkExtent3D srcExtent);
* \brief Discards a buffer
* Renames the buffer in case it is currently
* used by the GPU in order to avoid having to
* insert barriers before future commands using
* the buffer.
* \param [in] buffer The buffer to discard
void discardBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& buffer);
* \brief Discards image subresources
* Discards the current contents of the image
* and performs a fast layout transition. This
* may improve performance in some cases.
* \param [in] image The image to discard
* \param [in] subresources Image subresources
void discardImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
VkImageSubresourceRange subresources);
* \brief Starts compute jobs
* \param [in] x Number of threads in X direction
* \param [in] y Number of threads in Y direction
* \param [in] z Number of threads in Z direction
void dispatch(
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
uint32_t z);
* \brief Indirect dispatch call
* Takes arguments from a buffer. The buffer must contain
* a structure of the type \c VkDispatchIndirectCommand.
* \param [in] offset Draw buffer offset
void dispatchIndirect(
VkDeviceSize offset);
* \brief Draws primitive without using an index buffer
* \param [in] vertexCount Number of vertices to draw
* \param [in] instanceCount Number of instances to render
* \param [in] firstVertex First vertex in vertex buffer
* \param [in] firstInstance First instance ID
void draw(
uint32_t vertexCount,
uint32_t instanceCount,
uint32_t firstVertex,
uint32_t firstInstance);
* \brief Indirect indexed draw call
* Takes arguments from a buffer. The structure stored
* in the buffer must be of type \c VkDrawIndirectCommand.
* \param [in] offset Draw buffer offset
* \param [in] count Number of dispatch calls
* \param [in] stride Stride between dispatch calls
void drawIndirect(
VkDeviceSize offset,
uint32_t count,
uint32_t stride);
* \brief Draws primitives using an index buffer
* \param [in] indexCount Number of indices to draw
* \param [in] instanceCount Number of instances to render
* \param [in] firstIndex First index within the index buffer
* \param [in] vertexOffset Vertex ID that corresponds to index 0
* \param [in] firstInstance First instance ID
void drawIndexed(
uint32_t indexCount,
uint32_t instanceCount,
uint32_t firstIndex,
uint32_t vertexOffset,
uint32_t firstInstance);
* \brief Indirect indexed draw call
* Takes arguments from a buffer. The structure type for
* the draw buffer is \c VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand.
* \param [in] offset Draw buffer offset
* \param [in] count Number of dispatch calls
* \param [in] stride Stride between dispatch calls
void drawIndexedIndirect(
VkDeviceSize offset,
uint32_t count,
uint32_t stride);
* \brief Transform feddback draw call
* \param [in] counterBuffer Xfb counter buffer
* \param [in] counterDivisor Vertex stride
* \param [in] counterBias Counter bias
void drawIndirectXfb(
const DxvkBufferSlice& counterBuffer,
uint32_t counterDivisor,
uint32_t counterBias);
* \brief Generates mip maps
* Uses blitting to generate lower mip levels from
* the top-most mip level passed to this method.
* \param [in] imageView The image to generate mips for
void generateMipmaps(
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& imageView);
* \brief Initializes or invalidates an image
* Sets up the image layout for future operations
* while discarding any previous contents.
* \param [in] image The image to initialize
* \param [in] subresources Image subresources
void initImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& subresources);
* \brief Invalidates a buffer's contents
* Discards a buffer's contents by replacing the
* backing resource. This allows the host to access
* the buffer while the GPU is still accessing the
* original backing resource.
* \warning If the buffer is used by another context,
* invalidating it will result in undefined behaviour.
* \param [in] buffer The buffer to invalidate
* \param [in] slice New physical buffer slice
void invalidateBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& buffer,
const DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice& slice);
* \brief Resolves a multisampled image resource
* Resolves a multisampled image into a non-multisampled
* image. The subresources of both images must have the
* same size and compatible formats.
* A format can be specified for the resolve operation.
* If it is \c VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, the resolve operation
* will use the source image format.
* \param [in] dstImage Destination image
* \param [in] dstSubresources Subresources to write to
* \param [in] srcImage Source image
* \param [in] srcSubresources Subresources to read from
* \param [in] format Format for the resolve operation
void resolveImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
const VkImageSubresourceLayers& dstSubresources,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
const VkImageSubresourceLayers& srcSubresources,
VkFormat format);
* \brief Transforms image subresource layouts
* \param [in] dstImage Image to transform
* \param [in] dstSubresources Subresources
* \param [in] srcLayout Current layout
* \param [in] dstLayout Desired layout
void transformImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& dstSubresources,
VkImageLayout srcLayout,
VkImageLayout dstLayout);
* \brief Updates a buffer
* Copies data from the host into a buffer.
* \param [in] buffer Destination buffer
* \param [in] offset Offset of sub range to update
* \param [in] size Length of sub range to update
* \param [in] data Data to upload
void updateBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize size,
const void* data);
* \brief Updates an image
* Copies data from the host into an image.
* \param [in] image Destination image
* \param [in] subsresources Image subresources to update
* \param [in] imageOffset Offset of the image area to update
* \param [in] imageExtent Size of the image area to update
* \param [in] data Source data
* \param [in] pitchPerRow Row pitch of the source data
* \param [in] pitchPerLayer Layer pitch of the source data
void updateImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceLayers& subresources,
VkOffset3D imageOffset,
VkExtent3D imageExtent,
const void* data,
VkDeviceSize pitchPerRow,
VkDeviceSize pitchPerLayer);
* \brief Sets viewports
* \param [in] viewportCount Number of viewports
* \param [in] viewports The viewports
* \param [in] scissorRects Schissor rectangles
void setViewports(
uint32_t viewportCount,
const VkViewport* viewports,
const VkRect2D* scissorRects);
* \brief Sets blend constants
* Blend constants are a set of four floating
* point numbers that may be used as an input
* for blending operations.
* \param [in] blendConstants Blend constants
void setBlendConstants(
const DxvkBlendConstants& blendConstants);
* \brief Sets stencil reference
* Sets the reference value for stencil compare operations.
* \param [in] reference Reference value
void setStencilReference(
const uint32_t reference);
* \brief Sets input assembly state
* \param [in] ia New state object
void setInputAssemblyState(
const DxvkInputAssemblyState& ia);
* \brief Sets input layout
* \param [in] attributeCount Number of vertex attributes
* \param [in] attributes The vertex attributes
* \param [in] bindingCount Number of buffer bindings
* \param [in] bindings Vertex buffer bindigs
void setInputLayout(
uint32_t attributeCount,
const DxvkVertexAttribute* attributes,
uint32_t bindingCount,
const DxvkVertexBinding* bindings);
* \brief Sets rasterizer state
* \param [in] rs New state object
void setRasterizerState(
const DxvkRasterizerState& rs);
* \brief Sets multisample state
* \param [in] ms New state object
void setMultisampleState(
const DxvkMultisampleState& ms);
* \brief Sets depth stencil state
* \param [in] ds New state object
void setDepthStencilState(
const DxvkDepthStencilState& ds);
* \brief Sets logic op state
* \param [in] lo New state object
void setLogicOpState(
const DxvkLogicOpState& lo);
* \brief Sets blend mode for an attachment
* \param [in] attachment The attachment index
* \param [in] blendMode The blend mode
void setBlendMode(
uint32_t attachment,
const DxvkBlendMode& blendMode);
* \brief Signals an event
* \param [in] event The event
void signalEvent(
const DxvkEventRevision& event);
* \brief Writes to a timestamp query
* \param [in] query The timestamp query
void writeTimestamp(
const DxvkQueryRevision& query);
const Rc<DxvkDevice> m_device;
const Rc<DxvkPipelineManager> m_pipeMgr;
const Rc<DxvkMetaClearObjects> m_metaClear;
const Rc<DxvkMetaCopyObjects> m_metaCopy;
const Rc<DxvkMetaMipGenObjects> m_metaMipGen;
const Rc<DxvkMetaResolveObjects> m_metaResolve;
Rc<DxvkCommandList> m_cmd;
DxvkContextFlags m_flags;
DxvkContextState m_state;
DxvkBarrierSet m_barriers;
DxvkBarrierSet m_transitions;
DxvkQueryManager m_queries;
VkPipeline m_gpActivePipeline = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkPipeline m_cpActivePipeline = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDescriptorSet m_gpSet = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDescriptorSet m_cpSet = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
std::array<DxvkShaderResourceSlot, MaxNumResourceSlots> m_rc;
std::array<DxvkDescriptorInfo, MaxNumActiveBindings> m_descInfos;
std::array<uint32_t, MaxNumActiveBindings> m_descOffsets;
void clearImageViewFb(
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& imageView,
VkOffset3D offset,
VkExtent3D extent,
VkClearValue value);
void clearImageViewCs(
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& imageView,
VkOffset3D offset,
VkExtent3D extent,
VkClearValue value);
void copyImageHw(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource,
VkOffset3D dstOffset,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource,
VkOffset3D srcOffset,
VkExtent3D extent);
void copyImageFb(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource,
VkOffset3D dstOffset,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource,
VkOffset3D srcOffset,
VkExtent3D extent);
void resolveImageHw(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
const VkImageSubresourceLayers& dstSubresources,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
const VkImageSubresourceLayers& srcSubresources);
void resolveImageFb(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
const VkImageSubresourceLayers& dstSubresources,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
const VkImageSubresourceLayers& srcSubresources,
VkFormat format);
void startRenderPass();
void spillRenderPass();
void renderPassBindFramebuffer(
const Rc<DxvkFramebuffer>& framebuffer,
const DxvkRenderPassOps& ops,
uint32_t clearValueCount,
const VkClearValue* clearValues);
void renderPassUnbindFramebuffer();
void resetRenderPassOps(
const DxvkRenderTargets& renderTargets,
DxvkRenderPassOps& renderPassOps);
void startTransformFeedback();
void pauseTransformFeedback();
void unbindComputePipeline();
void updateComputePipeline();
void updateComputePipelineState();
void unbindGraphicsPipeline();
void updateGraphicsPipeline();
void updateGraphicsPipelineState();
void updateComputeShaderResources();
void updateComputeShaderDescriptors();
void updateGraphicsShaderResources();
void updateGraphicsShaderDescriptors();
void updateShaderResources(
VkPipelineBindPoint bindPoint,
DxvkBindingMask& bindMask,
const DxvkPipelineLayout* layout);
VkDescriptorSet updateShaderDescriptors(
VkPipelineBindPoint bindPoint,
const DxvkPipelineLayout* layout);
void updateShaderDescriptorSetBinding(
VkPipelineBindPoint bindPoint,
VkDescriptorSet set,
const DxvkPipelineLayout* layout);
void updateFramebuffer();
void updateIndexBufferBinding();
void updateVertexBufferBindings();
void updateTransformFeedbackBuffers();
void updateTransformFeedbackState();
void updateDynamicState();
bool validateComputeState();
bool validateGraphicsState();
void commitComputeState();
void commitGraphicsState();
void commitComputeInitBarriers();
void commitComputePostBarriers();
void commitGraphicsPostBarriers();
void emitMemoryBarrier(
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStages,
VkAccessFlags srcAccess,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStages,
VkAccessFlags dstAccess);
void trackDrawBuffer();