mirror of https://github.com/EduApps-CDG/OpenDX synced 2024-12-30 09:45:37 +01:00
Philip Rebohle 1fe5b74762 Optimized command submission
Command submission now does not synchronize with the device every single
time. Instead, the command list and the fence that was created for it are
added to a queue. A separate thread will then wait for the execution to
complete and return the command list to the device.
2017-12-16 18:10:55 +01:00

276 lines
8.0 KiB

#include "dxvk_memory.h"
namespace dxvk {
DxvkMemory::DxvkMemory() {
DxvkMemoryChunk* chunk,
DxvkMemoryHeap* heap,
VkDeviceMemory memory,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize length,
void* mapPtr)
: m_chunk (chunk),
m_heap (heap),
m_memory (memory),
m_offset (offset),
m_length (length),
m_mapPtr (mapPtr) { }
DxvkMemory::DxvkMemory(DxvkMemory&& other)
: m_chunk (std::exchange(other.m_chunk, nullptr)),
m_heap (std::exchange(other.m_heap, nullptr)),
m_memory (std::exchange(other.m_memory, VkDeviceMemory(nullptr))),
m_offset (std::exchange(other.m_offset, 0)),
m_length (std::exchange(other.m_length, 0)),
m_mapPtr (std::exchange(other.m_mapPtr, nullptr)) { }
DxvkMemory& DxvkMemory::operator = (DxvkMemory&& other) {
m_chunk = std::exchange(other.m_chunk, nullptr);
m_heap = std::exchange(other.m_heap, nullptr);
m_memory = std::exchange(other.m_memory, VkDeviceMemory(nullptr));
m_offset = std::exchange(other.m_offset, 0);
m_length = std::exchange(other.m_length, 0);
m_mapPtr = std::exchange(other.m_mapPtr, nullptr);
return *this;
DxvkMemory::~DxvkMemory() {
if (m_chunk != nullptr)
m_heap->free(m_chunk, m_offset, m_length);
else if (m_heap != nullptr)
DxvkMemoryHeap* heap,
VkDeviceMemory memory,
void* mapPtr,
VkDeviceSize size)
: m_heap (heap),
m_size (size) {
// Mark the entire chunk as free
m_freeList.push_back(FreeSlice { 0, size });
DxvkMemoryChunk::~DxvkMemoryChunk() {
DxvkMemory DxvkMemoryChunk::alloc(VkDeviceSize size, VkDeviceSize align) {
// If the chunk is full, return
if (m_freeList.size() == 0)
return DxvkMemory();
// Select the slice to allocate from in a worst-fit
// manner. This may help keep fragmentation low.
auto bestSlice = m_freeList.begin();
for (auto slice = m_freeList.begin(); slice != m_freeList.end(); slice++) {
if (slice->length == size) {
bestSlice = slice;
} else if (slice->length > bestSlice->length) {
bestSlice = slice;
// We need to align the allocation to the requested alignment
const VkDeviceSize sliceStart = bestSlice->offset;
const VkDeviceSize sliceEnd = bestSlice->offset + bestSlice->length;
const VkDeviceSize allocStart = dxvk::align(sliceStart, align);
const VkDeviceSize allocEnd = dxvk::align(allocStart + size, align);
if (allocEnd > sliceEnd)
return DxvkMemory();
// We can use this slice, but we'll have to add
// the unused parts of it back to the free list.
if (allocStart != sliceStart)
m_freeList.push_back({ sliceStart, allocStart - sliceStart });
if (allocEnd != sliceEnd)
m_freeList.push_back({ allocEnd, sliceEnd - allocEnd });
// Create the memory object with the aligned slice
return DxvkMemory(this, m_heap,
m_memory, allocStart, allocEnd - allocStart,
reinterpret_cast<char*>(m_mapPtr) + allocStart);
void DxvkMemoryChunk::free(
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize length) {
// Remove adjacent entries from the free list and then add
// a new slice that covers all those entries. Without doing
// so, the slice could not be reused for larger allocations.
auto curr = m_freeList.begin();
while (curr != m_freeList.end()) {
if (curr->offset == offset + length) {
length += curr->length;
curr = m_freeList.erase(curr);
} else if (curr->offset + curr->length == offset) {
offset -= curr->length;
length += curr->length;
curr = m_freeList.erase(curr);
} else {
m_freeList.push_back({ offset, length });
const Rc<vk::DeviceFn> vkd,
uint32_t memTypeId,
VkMemoryType memType)
: m_vkd (vkd),
m_memTypeId (memTypeId),
m_memType (memType) {
DxvkMemoryHeap::~DxvkMemoryHeap() {
DxvkMemory DxvkMemoryHeap::alloc(VkDeviceSize size, VkDeviceSize align) {
// We don't sub-allocate large allocations from one of the
// chunks since that might lead to severe fragmentation.
if (size >= (m_chunkSize / 4)) {
VkDeviceMemory memory = this->allocDeviceMemory(size);
void* mapPtr = this->mapDeviceMemory(memory);
return DxvkMemory(nullptr, this, memory, 0, size, mapPtr);
} else {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
// Probe chunks in a first-fit manner
for (const auto& chunk : m_chunks) {
DxvkMemory memory = chunk->alloc(size, align);
if (memory.memory() != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
return memory;
// None of the existing chunks could satisfy
// the request, we need to create a new one
VkDeviceMemory chunkMem = this->allocDeviceMemory(m_chunkSize);
void* chunkPtr = this->mapDeviceMemory(chunkMem);
Rc<DxvkMemoryChunk> newChunk = new DxvkMemoryChunk(
this, chunkMem, chunkPtr, m_chunkSize);
DxvkMemory memory = newChunk->alloc(size, align);
return memory;
VkDeviceMemory DxvkMemoryHeap::allocDeviceMemory(VkDeviceSize memorySize) {
VkMemoryAllocateInfo info;
info.pNext = nullptr;
info.allocationSize = memorySize;
info.memoryTypeIndex = m_memTypeId;
VkDeviceMemory memory = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (m_vkd->vkAllocateMemory(m_vkd->device(),
&info, nullptr, &memory) != VK_SUCCESS)
return memory;
void DxvkMemoryHeap::freeDeviceMemory(VkDeviceMemory memory) {
m_vkd->vkFreeMemory(m_vkd->device(), memory, nullptr);
void* DxvkMemoryHeap::mapDeviceMemory(VkDeviceMemory memory) {
if ((m_memType.propertyFlags & VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT) == 0)
return nullptr;
void* ptr = nullptr;
VkResult status = m_vkd->vkMapMemory(m_vkd->device(),
memory, 0, VK_WHOLE_SIZE, 0, &ptr);
if (status != VK_SUCCESS) {
Logger::err("DxvkMemoryHeap: Failed to map memory");
return nullptr;
} return ptr;
void DxvkMemoryHeap::free(
DxvkMemoryChunk* chunk,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize length) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
chunk->free(offset, length);
const Rc<DxvkAdapter>& adapter,
const Rc<vk::DeviceFn>& vkd)
: m_vkd(vkd), m_memProps(adapter->memoryProperties()) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_memProps.memoryTypeCount; i++)
m_heaps[i] = new DxvkMemoryHeap(m_vkd, i, m_memProps.memoryTypes[i]);
DxvkMemoryAllocator::~DxvkMemoryAllocator() {
DxvkMemory DxvkMemoryAllocator::alloc(
const VkMemoryRequirements& req,
const VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_heaps.size(); i++) {
const bool supported = (req.memoryTypeBits & (1u << i)) != 0;
const bool adequate = (m_memProps.memoryTypes[i].propertyFlags & flags) == flags;
if (supported && adequate) {
DxvkMemory memory = m_heaps.at(i)->alloc(req.size, req.alignment);
if (memory.memory() != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
return memory;
throw DxvkError(str::format(
"DxvkMemoryAllocator: Failed to allocate ",
req.size, " bytes"));