mirror of https://github.com/EduApps-CDG/OpenDX synced 2024-12-30 09:45:37 +01:00

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#pragma once
#include "dxvk_barrier.h"
#include "dxvk_bind_mask.h"
#include "dxvk_cmdlist.h"
#include "dxvk_context_state.h"
#include "dxvk_data.h"
#include "dxvk_objects.h"
#include "dxvk_util.h"
namespace dxvk {
* \brief DXVk context
* Tracks pipeline state and records command lists.
* This is where the actual rendering commands are
* recorded.
class DxvkContext : public RcObject {
DxvkContext(const Rc<DxvkDevice>& device);
* \brief Begins command buffer recording
* Begins recording a command list. This does
* not alter any context state other than the
* active command list.
* \param [in] cmdList Target command list
void beginRecording(
const Rc<DxvkCommandList>& cmdList);
* \brief Ends command buffer recording
* Finishes recording the active command list.
* The command list can then be submitted to
* the device.
* This will not change any context state
* other than the active command list.
* \returns Active command list
Rc<DxvkCommandList> endRecording();
* \brief Flushes command buffer
* Transparently submits the current command
* buffer and allocates a new one.
void flushCommandList();
* \brief Begins generating query data
* \param [in] query The query to end
void beginQuery(
const Rc<DxvkGpuQuery>& query);
* \brief Ends generating query data
* \param [in] query The query to end
void endQuery(
const Rc<DxvkGpuQuery>& query);
* \brief Sets render targets
* Creates a framebuffer on the fly if necessary
* and binds it using \c bindFramebuffer.
* \param [in] targets Render targets to bind
void bindRenderTargets(
const DxvkRenderTargets& targets);
* \brief Binds indirect argument buffer
* Sets the buffers that are going to be used
* for indirect draw and dispatch operations.
* \param [in] argBuffer New argument buffer
* \param [in] cntBuffer New count buffer
void bindDrawBuffers(
const DxvkBufferSlice& argBuffer,
const DxvkBufferSlice& cntBuffer);
* \brief Binds index buffer
* The index buffer will be used when
* issuing \c drawIndexed commands.
* \param [in] buffer New index buffer
* \param [in] indexType Index type
void bindIndexBuffer(
const DxvkBufferSlice& buffer,
VkIndexType indexType);
* \brief Binds buffer as a shader resource
* Can be used for uniform and storage buffers.
* \param [in] slot Resource binding slot
* \param [in] buffer Buffer to bind
void bindResourceBuffer(
uint32_t slot,
const DxvkBufferSlice& buffer);
* \brief Binds image or buffer view
* Can be used for sampled images with a dedicated
* sampler and for storage images, as well as for
* uniform texel buffers and storage texel buffers.
* \param [in] slot Resource binding slot
* \param [in] imageView Image view to bind
* \param [in] bufferView Buffer view to bind
void bindResourceView(
uint32_t slot,
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& imageView,
const Rc<DxvkBufferView>& bufferView);
* \brief Binds image sampler
* Binds a sampler that can be used together with
* an image in order to read from a texture.
* \param [in] slot Resource binding slot
* \param [in] sampler Sampler view to bind
void bindResourceSampler(
uint32_t slot,
const Rc<DxvkSampler>& sampler);
* \brief Binds a shader to a given state
* \param [in] stage Target shader stage
* \param [in] shader The shader to bind
void bindShader(
VkShaderStageFlagBits stage,
const Rc<DxvkShader>& shader);
* \brief Binds vertex buffer
* \param [in] binding Vertex buffer binding
* \param [in] buffer New vertex buffer
* \param [in] stride Stride between vertices
void bindVertexBuffer(
uint32_t binding,
const DxvkBufferSlice& buffer,
uint32_t stride);
* \brief Binds transform feedback buffer
* \param [in] binding Xfb buffer binding
* \param [in] buffer The buffer to bind
* \param [in] counter Xfb counter buffer
void bindXfbBuffer(
uint32_t binding,
const DxvkBufferSlice& buffer,
const DxvkBufferSlice& counter);
* \brief Blits an image
* \param [in] dstImage Destination image
* \param [in] dstMapping Destination swizzle
* \param [in] srcImage Source image
* \param [in] srcMapping Source swizzle
* \param [in] region Blit region
* \param [in] filter Texture filter
void blitImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
const VkComponentMapping& dstMapping,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
const VkComponentMapping& srcMapping,
const VkImageBlit& region,
VkFilter filter);
* \brief Changes image layout
* Permanently changes the layout for a given
* image. Immediately performs the transition.
* \param [in] image The image to transition
* \param [in] layout New image layout
void changeImageLayout(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
VkImageLayout layout);
* \brief Clears a buffer with a fixed value
* Note that both \c offset and \c length must
* be multiples of four, and that \c value is
* consumed as a four-byte word.
* \param [in] buffer The buffer to clear
* \param [in] offset Offset of the range to clear
* \param [in] length Bumber of bytes to clear
* \param [in] value Clear value
void clearBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize length,
uint32_t value);
* \brief Clears a buffer view
* Unlike \c clearBuffer, this method can be used
* to clear a buffer view with format conversion.
* \param [in] bufferView The buffer view
* \param [in] offset Offset of the region to clear
* \param [in] length Extent of the region to clear
* \param [in] value The clear value
void clearBufferView(
const Rc<DxvkBufferView>& bufferView,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize length,
VkClearColorValue value);
* \brief Clears subresources of a color image
* \param [in] image The image to clear
* \param [in] value Clear value
* \param [in] subresources Subresources to clear
void clearColorImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkClearColorValue& value,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& subresources);
* \brief Clears subresources of a depth-stencil image
* \param [in] image The image to clear
* \param [in] value Clear value
* \param [in] subresources Subresources to clear
void clearDepthStencilImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkClearDepthStencilValue& value,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& subresources);
* \brief Clears a compressed image to black
* \param [in] image The image to clear
* \param [in] subresources Subresources to clear
void clearCompressedColorImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& subresources);
* \brief Clears an active render target
* \param [in] imageView Render target view to clear
* \param [in] clearAspects Image aspects to clear
* \param [in] clearValue The clear value
void clearRenderTarget(
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& imageView,
VkImageAspectFlags clearAspects,
VkClearValue clearValue);
* \brief Clears an image view
* Can be used to clear sub-regions of storage images
* that are not going to be used as render targets.
* Implicit format conversion will be applied.
* \param [in] imageView The image view
* \param [in] offset Offset of the rect to clear
* \param [in] extent Extent of the rect to clear
* \param [in] aspect Aspect mask to clear
* \param [in] value The clear value
void clearImageView(
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& imageView,
VkOffset3D offset,
VkExtent3D extent,
VkImageAspectFlags aspect,
VkClearValue value);
* \brief Copies data from one buffer to another
* \param [in] dstBuffer Destination buffer
* \param [in] dstOffset Destination data offset
* \param [in] srcBuffer Source buffer
* \param [in] srcOffset Source data offset
* \param [in] numBytes Number of bytes to copy
void copyBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& dstBuffer,
VkDeviceSize dstOffset,
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& srcBuffer,
VkDeviceSize srcOffset,
VkDeviceSize numBytes);
* \brief Copies overlapping buffer region
* Can be used to copy potentially overlapping
* buffer regions within the same buffer. If
* the source and destination regions do not
* overlap, it will behave as \ref copyBuffer.
* \param [in] dstBuffer The buffer
* \param [in] dstOffset Offset of target region
* \param [in] srcOffset Offset of source region
* \param [in] numBytes Number of bytes to copy
void copyBufferRegion(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& dstBuffer,
VkDeviceSize dstOffset,
VkDeviceSize srcOffset,
VkDeviceSize numBytes);
* \brief Copies data from a buffer to an image
* \param [in] dstImage Destination image
* \param [in] dstSubresource Destination subresource
* \param [in] dstOffset Destination area offset
* \param [in] dstExtent Destination area size
* \param [in] srcBuffer Source buffer
* \param [in] srcOffset Source offset, in bytes
* \param [in] srcExtent Source data extent
void copyBufferToImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource,
VkOffset3D dstOffset,
VkExtent3D dstExtent,
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& srcBuffer,
VkDeviceSize srcOffset,
VkExtent2D srcExtent);
* \brief Copies data from one image to another
* \param [in] dstImage Destination image
* \param [in] dstSubresource Destination subresource
* \param [in] dstOffset Destination area offset
* \param [in] srcImage Source image
* \param [in] srcSubresource Source subresource
* \param [in] srcOffset Source area offset
* \param [in] extent Size of the area to copy
void copyImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource,
VkOffset3D dstOffset,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource,
VkOffset3D srcOffset,
VkExtent3D extent);
* \brief Copies overlapping image region
* \param [in] dstImage The image
* \param [in] dstSubresource The image subresource
* \param [in] dstOffset Destination region offset
* \param [in] srcOffset Source region offset
* \param [in] extent Size of the copy region
void copyImageRegion(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource,
VkOffset3D dstOffset,
VkOffset3D srcOffset,
VkExtent3D extent);
* \brief Copies data from an image into a buffer
* \param [in] dstBuffer Destination buffer
* \param [in] dstOffset Destination offset, in bytes
* \param [in] dstExtent Destination data extent
* \param [in] srcImage Source image
* \param [in] srcSubresource Source subresource
* \param [in] srcOffset Source area offset
* \param [in] srcExtent Source area size
void copyImageToBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& dstBuffer,
VkDeviceSize dstOffset,
VkExtent2D dstExtent,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource,
VkOffset3D srcOffset,
VkExtent3D srcExtent);
* \brief Packs depth-stencil image data to a buffer
* Packs data from both the depth and stencil aspects
* of an image into a buffer. The supported formats are:
* - \c VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT: 0xssdddddd
* - \c VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT: 0xdddddddd 0x000000ss
* \param [in] dstBuffer Destination buffer
* \param [in] dstOffset Destination offset, in bytes
* \param [in] srcImage Source image
* \param [in] srcSubresource Source subresource
* \param [in] srcOffset Source area offset
* \param [in] srcExtent Source area size
* \param [in] format Packed data format
void copyDepthStencilImageToPackedBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& dstBuffer,
VkDeviceSize dstOffset,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource,
VkOffset2D srcOffset,
VkExtent2D srcExtent,
VkFormat format);
* \brief Unpacks buffer data to a depth-stencil image
* Writes the packed depth-stencil data to an image.
* See \ref copyDepthStencilImageToPackedBuffer for
* which formats are supported and how they are packed.
* \param [in] dstImage Destination image
* \param [in] dstSubresource Destination subresource
* \param [in] dstOffset Image area offset
* \param [in] dstExtent Image area size
* \param [in] srcBuffer Packed data buffer
* \param [in] srcOffset Packed data offset
* \param [in] format Packed data format
void copyPackedBufferToDepthStencilImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource,
VkOffset2D dstOffset,
VkExtent2D dstExtent,
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& srcBuffer,
VkDeviceSize srcOffset,
VkFormat format);
* \brief Discards a buffer
* Renames the buffer in case it is currently
* used by the GPU in order to avoid having to
* insert barriers before future commands using
* the buffer.
* \param [in] buffer The buffer to discard
void discardBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& buffer);
* \brief Discards image subresources
* Discards the current contents of the image
* and performs a fast layout transition. This
* may improve performance in some cases.
* \param [in] image The image to discard
* \param [in] subresources Image subresources
void discardImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
VkImageSubresourceRange subresources);
* \brief Starts compute jobs
* \param [in] x Number of threads in X direction
* \param [in] y Number of threads in Y direction
* \param [in] z Number of threads in Z direction
void dispatch(
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
uint32_t z);
* \brief Indirect dispatch call
* Takes arguments from a buffer. The buffer must contain
* a structure of the type \c VkDispatchIndirectCommand.
* \param [in] offset Draw buffer offset
void dispatchIndirect(
VkDeviceSize offset);
* \brief Draws primitive without using an index buffer
* \param [in] vertexCount Number of vertices to draw
* \param [in] instanceCount Number of instances to render
* \param [in] firstVertex First vertex in vertex buffer
* \param [in] firstInstance First instance ID
void draw(
uint32_t vertexCount,
uint32_t instanceCount,
uint32_t firstVertex,
uint32_t firstInstance);
* \brief Indirect draw call
* Takes arguments from a buffer. The structure stored
* in the buffer must be of type \c VkDrawIndirectCommand.
* \param [in] offset Draw buffer offset
* \param [in] count Number of draws
* \param [in] stride Stride between dispatch calls
void drawIndirect(
VkDeviceSize offset,
uint32_t count,
uint32_t stride);
* \brief Indirect draw call
* Takes arguments from a buffer. The structure stored
* in the buffer must be of type \c VkDrawIndirectCommand.
* \param [in] offset Draw buffer offset
* \param [in] countOffset Draw count offset
* \param [in] maxCount Maximum number of draws
* \param [in] stride Stride between dispatch calls
void drawIndirectCount(
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize countOffset,
uint32_t maxCount,
uint32_t stride);
* \brief Draws primitives using an index buffer
* \param [in] indexCount Number of indices to draw
* \param [in] instanceCount Number of instances to render
* \param [in] firstIndex First index within the index buffer
* \param [in] vertexOffset Vertex ID that corresponds to index 0
* \param [in] firstInstance First instance ID
void drawIndexed(
uint32_t indexCount,
uint32_t instanceCount,
uint32_t firstIndex,
uint32_t vertexOffset,
uint32_t firstInstance);
* \brief Indirect indexed draw call
* Takes arguments from a buffer. The structure type for
* the draw buffer is \c VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand.
* \param [in] offset Draw buffer offset
* \param [in] count Number of draws
* \param [in] stride Stride between dispatch calls
void drawIndexedIndirect(
VkDeviceSize offset,
uint32_t count,
uint32_t stride);
* \brief Indirect indexed draw call
* Takes arguments from a buffer. The structure type for
* the draw buffer is \c VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand.
* \param [in] offset Draw buffer offset
* \param [in] countOffset Draw count offset
* \param [in] maxCount Maximum number of draws
* \param [in] stride Stride between dispatch calls
void drawIndexedIndirectCount(
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize countOffset,
uint32_t maxCount,
uint32_t stride);
* \brief Transform feddback draw call
* \param [in] counterBuffer Xfb counter buffer
* \param [in] counterDivisor Vertex stride
* \param [in] counterBias Counter bias
void drawIndirectXfb(
const DxvkBufferSlice& counterBuffer,
uint32_t counterDivisor,
uint32_t counterBias);
* \brief Emits barrier for render target readback
* Use between draw calls if the fragment shader
* reads one of the currently bound render targets.
void emitRenderTargetReadbackBarrier();
* \brief Generates mip maps
* Uses blitting to generate lower mip levels from
* the top-most mip level passed to this method.
* \param [in] imageView The image to generate mips for
void generateMipmaps(
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& imageView);
* \brief Initializes or invalidates an image
* Sets up the image layout for future operations
* while discarding any previous contents.
* \param [in] image The image to initialize
* \param [in] subresources Image subresources
* \param [in] initialLayout Initial image layout
void initImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& subresources,
VkImageLayout initialLayout);
* \brief Invalidates a buffer's contents
* Discards a buffer's contents by replacing the
* backing resource. This allows the host to access
* the buffer while the GPU is still accessing the
* original backing resource.
* \warning If the buffer is used by another context,
* invalidating it will result in undefined behaviour.
* \param [in] buffer The buffer to invalidate
* \param [in] slice New buffer slice handle
void invalidateBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& buffer,
const DxvkBufferSliceHandle& slice);
* \brief Updates push constants
* Updates the given push constant range.
* \param [in] offset Byte offset of data to update
* \param [in] size Number of bytes to update
* \param [in] data Pointer to raw data
void pushConstants(
uint32_t offset,
uint32_t size,
const void* data);
* \brief Resolves a multisampled image resource
* Resolves a multisampled image into a non-multisampled
* image. The subresources of both images must have the
* same size and compatible formats.
* A format can be specified for the resolve operation.
* If it is \c VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, the resolve operation
* will use the source image format.
* \param [in] dstImage Destination image
* \param [in] srcImage Source image
* \param [in] region Region to resolve
* \param [in] format Format for the resolve operation
void resolveImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
const VkImageResolve& region,
VkFormat format);
* \brief Resolves a multisampled depth-stencil resource
* \param [in] dstImage Destination image
* \param [in] srcImage Source image
* \param [in] region Region to resolve
* \param [in] depthMode Resolve mode for depth aspect
* \param [in] stencilMode Resolve mode for stencil aspect
void resolveDepthStencilImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
const VkImageResolve& region,
VkResolveModeFlagBitsKHR depthMode,
VkResolveModeFlagBitsKHR stencilMode);
* \brief Transforms image subresource layouts
* \param [in] dstImage Image to transform
* \param [in] dstSubresources Subresources
* \param [in] srcLayout Current layout
* \param [in] dstLayout Desired layout
void transformImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& dstSubresources,
VkImageLayout srcLayout,
VkImageLayout dstLayout);
* \brief Updates a buffer
* Copies data from the host into a buffer.
* \param [in] buffer Destination buffer
* \param [in] offset Offset of sub range to update
* \param [in] size Length of sub range to update
* \param [in] data Data to upload
void updateBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize size,
const void* data);
* \brief Updates an image
* Copies data from the host into an image.
* \param [in] image Destination image
* \param [in] subsresources Image subresources to update
* \param [in] imageOffset Offset of the image area to update
* \param [in] imageExtent Size of the image area to update
* \param [in] data Source data
* \param [in] pitchPerRow Row pitch of the source data
* \param [in] pitchPerLayer Layer pitch of the source data
void updateImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceLayers& subresources,
VkOffset3D imageOffset,
VkExtent3D imageExtent,
const void* data,
VkDeviceSize pitchPerRow,
VkDeviceSize pitchPerLayer);
* \brief Updates an depth-stencil image
* \param [in] image Destination image
* \param [in] subsresources Image subresources to update
* \param [in] imageOffset Offset of the image area to update
* \param [in] imageExtent Size of the image area to update
* \param [in] data Source data
* \param [in] pitchPerRow Row pitch of the source data
* \param [in] pitchPerLayer Layer pitch of the source data
* \param [in] format Packed depth-stencil format
void updateDepthStencilImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceLayers& subresources,
VkOffset2D imageOffset,
VkExtent2D imageExtent,
const void* data,
VkDeviceSize pitchPerRow,
VkDeviceSize pitchPerLayer,
VkFormat format);
* \brief Uses transfer queue to initialize buffer
* Only safe to use if the buffer is not in use by the GPU.
* \param [in] buffer The buffer to initialize
* \param [in] data The data to copy to the buffer
void uploadBuffer(
const Rc<DxvkBuffer>& buffer,
const void* data);
* \brief Uses transfer queue to initialize image
* Only safe to use if the image is not in use by the GPU.
* \param [in] image The image to initialize
* \param [in] subresources Subresources to initialize
* \param [in] data Source data
* \param [in] pitchPerRow Row pitch of the source data
* \param [in] pitchPerLayer Layer pitch of the source data
void uploadImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceLayers& subresources,
const void* data,
VkDeviceSize pitchPerRow,
VkDeviceSize pitchPerLayer);
* \brief Sets viewports
* \param [in] viewportCount Number of viewports
* \param [in] viewports The viewports
* \param [in] scissorRects Schissor rectangles
void setViewports(
uint32_t viewportCount,
const VkViewport* viewports,
const VkRect2D* scissorRects);
* \brief Sets blend constants
* Blend constants are a set of four floating
* point numbers that may be used as an input
* for blending operations.
* \param [in] blendConstants Blend constants
void setBlendConstants(
DxvkBlendConstants blendConstants);
* \brief Sets depth bias
* Depth bias has to be enabled explicitly in
* the rasterizer state to have any effect.
* \param [in] depthBias Depth bias values
void setDepthBias(
DxvkDepthBias depthBias);
* \brief Sets depth bounds
* Enables or disables the depth bounds test,
* and updates the values if necessary.
* \param [in] depthBounds Depth bounds
void setDepthBounds(
DxvkDepthBounds depthBounds);
* \brief Sets stencil reference
* Sets the reference value for stencil compare operations.
* \param [in] reference Reference value
void setStencilReference(
uint32_t reference);
* \brief Sets input assembly state
* \param [in] ia New state object
void setInputAssemblyState(
const DxvkInputAssemblyState& ia);
* \brief Sets input layout
* \param [in] attributeCount Number of vertex attributes
* \param [in] attributes The vertex attributes
* \param [in] bindingCount Number of buffer bindings
* \param [in] bindings Vertex buffer bindigs
void setInputLayout(
uint32_t attributeCount,
const DxvkVertexAttribute* attributes,
uint32_t bindingCount,
const DxvkVertexBinding* bindings);
* \brief Sets rasterizer state
* \param [in] rs New state object
void setRasterizerState(
const DxvkRasterizerState& rs);
* \brief Sets multisample state
* \param [in] ms New state object
void setMultisampleState(
const DxvkMultisampleState& ms);
* \brief Sets depth stencil state
* \param [in] ds New state object
void setDepthStencilState(
const DxvkDepthStencilState& ds);
* \brief Sets logic op state
* \param [in] lo New state object
void setLogicOpState(
const DxvkLogicOpState& lo);
* \brief Sets blend mode for an attachment
* \param [in] attachment The attachment index
* \param [in] blendMode The blend mode
void setBlendMode(
uint32_t attachment,
const DxvkBlendMode& blendMode);
* \brief Sets specialization constants
* Replaces current specialization constants with
* the given list of constant entries. The specId
* in the shader can be computed with \c getSpecId.
* \param [in] pipeline Graphics or Compute pipeline
* \param [in] index Constant index
* \param [in] value Constant value
void setSpecConstant(
VkPipelineBindPoint pipeline,
uint32_t index,
uint32_t value);
* \brief Sets predicate
* Enables or disables conditional rendering,
* depending on whether the given buffer slice
* is defined or not. Draw calls and render
* target clear commands will get discarded if
* the predicate value is either zero or non-zero.
* \param [in] predicate The predicate buffer
* \param [in] flags Conditional rendering mode
void setPredicate(
const DxvkBufferSlice& predicate,
VkConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT flags);
* \brief Sets barrier control flags
* Barrier control flags can be used to control
* implicit synchronization of compute shaders.
* \param [in] control New barrier control flags
void setBarrierControl(
DxvkBarrierControlFlags control);
* \brief Signals a GPU event
* \param [in] event The event
void signalGpuEvent(
const Rc<DxvkGpuEvent>& event);
* \brief Copies query data to predicate buffer
* The given buffer slice can then be passed
* to \c setPredicate to enable predication.
* \param [in] predicate Predicate buffer
* \param [in] query Source query
void writePredicate(
const DxvkBufferSlice& predicate,
const Rc<DxvkGpuQuery>& query);
* \brief Writes to a timestamp query
* \param [in] query The timestamp query
void writeTimestamp(
const Rc<DxvkGpuQuery>& query);
* \brief Queues a signal
* The signal will be notified after all
* previously submitted commands have
* finished execution on the GPU.
* \param [in] signal The signal
void queueSignal(
const Rc<sync::Signal>& signal);
* \brief Trims staging buffers
* Releases staging buffer resources. Calling
* this may be useful if data updates on a
* given context are rare.
void trimStagingBuffers();
Rc<DxvkDevice> m_device;
DxvkObjects* m_common;
Rc<DxvkCommandList> m_cmd;
Rc<DxvkDescriptorPool> m_descPool;
DxvkContextFlags m_flags;
DxvkContextState m_state;
DxvkBarrierSet m_sdmaAcquires;
DxvkBarrierSet m_sdmaBarriers;
DxvkBarrierSet m_initBarriers;
DxvkBarrierSet m_execAcquires;
DxvkBarrierSet m_execBarriers;
DxvkBarrierSet m_gfxBarriers;
DxvkBarrierControlFlags m_barrierControl;
DxvkGpuQueryManager m_queryManager;
DxvkStagingDataAlloc m_staging;
VkPipeline m_gpActivePipeline = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkPipeline m_cpActivePipeline = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDescriptorSet m_gpSet = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkDescriptorSet m_cpSet = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
DxvkBindingSet<MaxNumVertexBindings + 1> m_vbTracked;
DxvkBindingSet<MaxNumResourceSlots> m_rcTracked;
std::array<DxvkShaderResourceSlot, MaxNumResourceSlots> m_rc;
std::array<DxvkGraphicsPipeline*, 4096> m_gpLookupCache = { };
std::array<DxvkComputePipeline*, 256> m_cpLookupCache = { };
DxvkHash, DxvkEq> m_predicateWrites;
void blitImageFb(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
const VkImageBlit& region,
const VkComponentMapping& mapping,
VkFilter filter);
void blitImageHw(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
const VkImageBlit& region,
VkFilter filter);
void clearImageViewFb(
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& imageView,
VkOffset3D offset,
VkExtent3D extent,
VkImageAspectFlags aspect,
VkClearValue value);
void clearImageViewCs(
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& imageView,
VkOffset3D offset,
VkExtent3D extent,
VkClearValue value);
void copyImageHw(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource,
VkOffset3D dstOffset,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource,
VkOffset3D srcOffset,
VkExtent3D extent);
void copyImageFb(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresource,
VkOffset3D dstOffset,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource,
VkOffset3D srcOffset,
VkExtent3D extent);
void resolveImageHw(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
const VkImageResolve& region);
void resolveImageDs(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
const VkImageResolve& region,
VkResolveModeFlagBitsKHR depthMode,
VkResolveModeFlagBitsKHR stencilMode);
void resolveImageFb(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& dstImage,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& srcImage,
const VkImageResolve& region,
VkFormat format,
VkResolveModeFlagBitsKHR depthMode,
VkResolveModeFlagBitsKHR stencilMode);
void updatePredicate(
const DxvkBufferSliceHandle& predicate,
const DxvkGpuQueryHandle& query);
void commitPredicateUpdates();
void startRenderPass();
void spillRenderPass();
void clearRenderPass();
void renderPassBindFramebuffer(
const Rc<DxvkFramebuffer>& framebuffer,
const DxvkRenderPassOps& ops,
uint32_t clearValueCount,
const VkClearValue* clearValues);
void renderPassUnbindFramebuffer();
void resetRenderPassOps(
const DxvkRenderTargets& renderTargets,
DxvkRenderPassOps& renderPassOps);
void startConditionalRendering();
void pauseConditionalRendering();
void startTransformFeedback();
void pauseTransformFeedback();
void unbindComputePipeline();
bool updateComputePipeline();
bool updateComputePipelineState();
void unbindGraphicsPipeline();
bool updateGraphicsPipeline();
bool updateGraphicsPipelineState();
void updateComputeShaderResources();
void updateComputeShaderDescriptors();
void updateGraphicsShaderResources();
void updateGraphicsShaderDescriptors();
template<VkPipelineBindPoint BindPoint>
bool updateShaderResources(
const DxvkPipelineLayout* layout);
template<VkPipelineBindPoint BindPoint>
void updateShaderDescriptorSetBinding(
VkDescriptorSet set,
const DxvkPipelineLayout* layout);
void updateFramebuffer();
void updateIndexBufferBinding();
void updateVertexBufferBindings();
void updateTransformFeedbackBuffers();
void updateTransformFeedbackState();
void updateConditionalRendering();
void updateDynamicState();
template<VkPipelineBindPoint BindPoint>
void updatePushConstants();
bool commitComputeState();
template<bool Indexed, bool Indirect>
bool commitGraphicsState();
void commitComputeInitBarriers();
void commitComputePostBarriers();
template<bool Indexed, bool Indirect>
void commitGraphicsBarriers();
DxvkAccessFlags checkGfxBufferBarrier(
const DxvkBufferSlice& slice,
VkPipelineStageFlags stages,
VkAccessFlags access);
DxvkAccessFlags checkGfxImageBarrier(
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& imageView,
VkPipelineStageFlags stages,
VkAccessFlags access);
void emitMemoryBarrier(
VkDependencyFlags flags,
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStages,
VkAccessFlags srcAccess,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStages,
VkAccessFlags dstAccess);
VkDescriptorSet allocateDescriptorSet(
VkDescriptorSetLayout layout);
void trackDrawBuffer();
DxvkGraphicsPipeline* lookupGraphicsPipeline(
const DxvkGraphicsPipelineShaders& shaders);
DxvkComputePipeline* lookupComputePipeline(
const DxvkComputePipelineShaders& shaders);