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synced 2024-12-30 09:45:37 +01:00
We don't need to enable blend constants for pipelines that don't have blending enabled, etc. This helps reduce the number of API calls slightly and may help the driver work more efficiently.
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147 lines
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#pragma once
#include "dxvk_buffer.h"
#include "dxvk_compute.h"
#include "dxvk_constant_state.h"
#include "dxvk_framebuffer.h"
#include "dxvk_graphics.h"
#include "dxvk_image.h"
#include "dxvk_limits.h"
#include "dxvk_pipelayout.h"
#include "dxvk_sampler.h"
#include "dxvk_shader.h"
namespace dxvk {
* \brief Graphics pipeline state flags
* Stores some information on which state
* of the graphics and compute pipelines
* has changed and/or needs to be updated.
enum class DxvkContextFlag : uint64_t {
GpRenderPassBound, ///< Render pass is currently bound
GpXfbActive, ///< Transform feedback is enabled
GpClearRenderTargets, ///< Render targets need to be cleared
GpDirtyFramebuffer, ///< Framebuffer binding is out of date
GpDirtyPipeline, ///< Graphics pipeline binding is out of date
GpDirtyPipelineState, ///< Graphics pipeline needs to be recompiled
GpDirtyResources, ///< Graphics pipeline resource bindings are out of date
GpDirtyDescriptorOffsets, ///< Graphics descriptor set needs to be rebound
GpDirtyDescriptorSet, ///< Graphics descriptor set needs to be updated
GpDirtyVertexBuffers, ///< Vertex buffer bindings are out of date
GpDirtyIndexBuffer, ///< Index buffer binding are out of date
GpDirtyXfbBuffers, ///< Transform feedback buffer bindings are out of date
GpDirtyXfbCounters, ///< Counter buffer values are dirty
GpDirtyBlendConstants, ///< Blend constants have changed
GpDirtyDepthBias, ///< Depth bias has changed
GpDirtyStencilRef, ///< Stencil reference has changed
GpDirtyViewport, ///< Viewport state has changed
GpDynamicBlendConstants, ///< Blend constants are dynamic
GpDynamicDepthBias, ///< Depth bias is dynamic
GpDynamicStencilRef, ///< Stencil reference is dynamic
CpDirtyPipeline, ///< Compute pipeline binding are out of date
CpDirtyPipelineState, ///< Compute pipeline needs to be recompiled
CpDirtyResources, ///< Compute pipeline resource bindings are out of date
CpDirtyDescriptorOffsets, ///< Compute descriptor set needs to be rebound
CpDirtyDescriptorSet, ///< Compute descriptor set needs to be updated
DirtyDrawBuffer, ///< Indirect argument buffer is dirty
using DxvkContextFlags = Flags<DxvkContextFlag>;
struct DxvkIndirectDrawState {
DxvkBufferSlice argBuffer;
struct DxvkVertexInputState {
DxvkBufferSlice indexBuffer;
VkIndexType indexType = VK_INDEX_TYPE_UINT32;
uint32_t bindingMask = 0;
std::array<DxvkBufferSlice, DxvkLimits::MaxNumVertexBindings> vertexBuffers = { };
std::array<uint32_t, DxvkLimits::MaxNumVertexBindings> vertexStrides = { };
struct DxvkViewportState {
std::array<VkViewport, DxvkLimits::MaxNumViewports> viewports = { };
std::array<VkRect2D, DxvkLimits::MaxNumViewports> scissorRects = { };
struct DxvkDynamicDepthState {
float depthBiasConstant = 0.0f;
float depthBiasClamp = 0.0f;
float depthBiasSlope = 0.0f;
struct DxvkOutputMergerState {
std::array<VkClearValue, MaxNumRenderTargets + 1> clearValues = { };
DxvkRenderTargets renderTargets;
DxvkRenderPassOps renderPassOps;
Rc<DxvkFramebuffer> framebuffer = nullptr;
DxvkBlendConstants blendConstants = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
uint32_t stencilReference = 0;
struct DxvkXfbState {
std::array<DxvkBufferSlice, MaxNumXfbBuffers> buffers;
std::array<DxvkBufferSlice, MaxNumXfbBuffers> counters;
struct DxvkShaderStage {
Rc<DxvkShader> shader;
struct DxvkGraphicsPipelineState {
DxvkShaderStage vs;
DxvkShaderStage tcs;
DxvkShaderStage tes;
DxvkShaderStage gs;
DxvkShaderStage fs;
DxvkGraphicsPipelineStateInfo state;
DxvkGraphicsPipelineFlags flags;
Rc<DxvkGraphicsPipeline> pipeline;
struct DxvkComputePipelineState {
DxvkShaderStage cs;
DxvkComputePipelineStateInfo state;
Rc<DxvkComputePipeline> pipeline;
* \brief Pipeline state
* Stores all bound shaders, resources,
* and constant pipeline state objects.
struct DxvkContextState {
DxvkIndirectDrawState id;
DxvkVertexInputState vi;
DxvkViewportState vp;
DxvkDynamicDepthState ds;
DxvkOutputMergerState om;
DxvkXfbState xfb;
DxvkGraphicsPipelineState gp;
DxvkComputePipelineState cp;
} |