#include "dxvk_shader.h"

namespace dxvk {
  DxvkShaderConstData::DxvkShaderConstData() {


          size_t                dwordCount,
    const uint32_t*             dwordArray)
  : m_size(dwordCount), m_data(new uint32_t[dwordCount]) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < dwordCount; i++)
      m_data[i] = dwordArray[i];

  DxvkShaderConstData::DxvkShaderConstData(DxvkShaderConstData&& other)
  : m_size(other.m_size), m_data(other.m_data) {
    other.m_size = 0;
    other.m_data = nullptr;

  DxvkShaderConstData& DxvkShaderConstData::operator = (DxvkShaderConstData&& other) {
    delete[] m_data;
    this->m_size = other.m_size;
    this->m_data = other.m_data;
    other.m_size = 0;
    other.m_data = nullptr;
    return *this;

  DxvkShaderConstData::~DxvkShaderConstData() {
    delete[] m_data;

  : m_vkd(nullptr), m_info {
      nullptr, 0, VkShaderStageFlagBits(0), VK_NULL_HANDLE, nullptr, nullptr } {

  DxvkShaderModule::DxvkShaderModule(DxvkShaderModule&& other)
  : m_vkd (std::move(other.m_vkd)),
    m_info(std::exchange(m_info, VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo())) {

    const Rc<vk::DeviceFn>&     vkd,
    const Rc<DxvkShader>&       shader,
    const SpirvCodeBuffer&      code)
  : m_vkd(vkd), m_info {
      nullptr, 0, shader->stage(), VK_NULL_HANDLE, "main", nullptr } {
    VkShaderModuleCreateInfo info;
    info.pNext    = nullptr;
    info.flags    = 0;
    info.codeSize = code.size();
    info.pCode    = code.data();
    if (m_vkd->vkCreateShaderModule(m_vkd->device(), &info, nullptr, &m_info.module) != VK_SUCCESS)
      throw DxvkError("DxvkComputePipeline::DxvkComputePipeline: Failed to create shader module");
  DxvkShaderModule::~DxvkShaderModule() {
    if (m_vkd != nullptr) {
        m_vkd->device(), m_info.module, nullptr);
  DxvkShaderModule& DxvkShaderModule::operator = (DxvkShaderModule&& other) {
    m_vkd  = std::move(other.m_vkd);
    m_info = std::exchange(other.m_info, VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo());
    return *this;

          VkShaderStageFlagBits   stage,
          uint32_t                slotCount,
    const DxvkResourceSlot*       slotInfos,
    const DxvkInterfaceSlots&     iface,
    const SpirvCodeBuffer&        code,
    const DxvkShaderOptions&      options,
          DxvkShaderConstData&&   constData)
  : m_stage(stage), m_code(code), m_interface(iface),
    m_options(options), m_constData(std::move(constData)) {
    // Write back resource slot infos
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < slotCount; i++)
    // Gather the offsets where the binding IDs
    // are stored so we can quickly remap them.
    uint32_t o1VarId = 0;
    for (auto ins : m_code) {
      if (ins.opCode() == spv::OpDecorate) {
        if (ins.arg(2) == spv::DecorationBinding
         || ins.arg(2) == spv::DecorationSpecId)
          m_idOffsets.push_back(ins.offset() + 3);
        if (ins.arg(2) == spv::DecorationLocation && ins.arg(3) == 1) {
          m_o1LocOffset = ins.offset() + 3;
          o1VarId = ins.arg(1);
        if (ins.arg(2) == spv::DecorationIndex && ins.arg(1) == o1VarId)
          m_o1IdxOffset = ins.offset() + 3;

      if (ins.opCode() == spv::OpCapability)
  DxvkShader::~DxvkShader() {
  bool DxvkShader::hasCapability(spv::Capability cap) {
    auto entry = std::find(
      m_capabilities.end(), cap);
    return entry != m_capabilities.end();
  void DxvkShader::defineResourceSlots(
          DxvkDescriptorSlotMapping& mapping) const {
    for (const auto& slot : m_slots)
      mapping.defineSlot(slot.slot, slot.type, slot.view, m_stage, slot.access);
  DxvkShaderModule DxvkShader::createShaderModule(
    const Rc<vk::DeviceFn>&          vkd,
    const DxvkDescriptorSlotMapping& mapping,
    const DxvkShaderModuleCreateInfo& info) {
    SpirvCodeBuffer spirvCode = m_code;
    uint32_t* code = spirvCode.data();
    // Remap resource binding IDs
    for (uint32_t ofs : m_idOffsets) {
      if (code[ofs] < MaxNumResourceSlots)
        code[ofs] = mapping.getBindingId(code[ofs]);

    // For dual-source blending we need to re-map
    // location 1, index 0 to location 0, index 1
    if (info.fsDualSrcBlend && m_o1IdxOffset && m_o1LocOffset)
      std::swap(code[m_o1IdxOffset], code[m_o1LocOffset]);
    return DxvkShaderModule(vkd, this, spirvCode);
  void DxvkShader::dump(std::ostream& outputStream) const {