#pragma once #include "dxvk_adapter.h" #include "dxvk_buffer.h" #include "dxvk_compute.h" #include "dxvk_constant_state.h" #include "dxvk_context.h" #include "dxvk_extensions.h" #include "dxvk_framebuffer.h" #include "dxvk_image.h" #include "dxvk_instance.h" #include "dxvk_memory.h" #include "dxvk_meta_clear.h" #include "dxvk_objects.h" #include "dxvk_options.h" #include "dxvk_pipecache.h" #include "dxvk_pipemanager.h" #include "dxvk_queue.h" #include "dxvk_recycler.h" #include "dxvk_renderpass.h" #include "dxvk_sampler.h" #include "dxvk_shader.h" #include "dxvk_stats.h" #include "dxvk_unbound.h" #include "../vulkan/vulkan_presenter.h" namespace dxvk { class DxvkInstance; /** * \brief Device options */ struct DxvkDeviceOptions { uint32_t maxNumDynamicUniformBuffers = 0; uint32_t maxNumDynamicStorageBuffers = 0; }; /** * \brief Device performance hints */ struct DxvkDevicePerfHints { VkBool32 preferFbDepthStencilCopy : 1; VkBool32 preferFbResolve : 1; }; /** * \brief Device queue * * Stores a Vulkan queue and the * queue family that it belongs to. */ struct DxvkDeviceQueue { VkQueue queueHandle = VK_NULL_HANDLE; uint32_t queueFamily = 0; uint32_t queueIndex = 0; }; /** * \brief Device queue infos */ struct DxvkDeviceQueueSet { DxvkDeviceQueue graphics; DxvkDeviceQueue transfer; }; /** * \brief DXVK device * * Device object. This is responsible for resource creation, * memory allocation, command submission and state tracking. * Rendering commands are recorded into command lists using * contexts. Multiple contexts can be created for a device. */ class DxvkDevice : public RcObject { friend class DxvkContext; friend class DxvkSubmissionQueue; friend class DxvkDescriptorPoolTracker; public: DxvkDevice( const Rc& instance, const Rc& adapter, const Rc& vkd, const DxvkDeviceExtensions& extensions, const DxvkDeviceFeatures& features); ~DxvkDevice(); /** * \brief Vulkan device functions * \returns Vulkan device functions */ Rc vkd() const { return m_vkd; } /** * \brief Logical device handle * \returns The device handle */ VkDevice handle() const { return m_vkd->device(); } /** * \brief Device options * \returns Device options */ const DxvkOptions& config() const { return m_options; } /** * \brief Queue handles * * Handles and queue family indices * of all known device queues. * \returns Device queue infos */ const DxvkDeviceQueueSet& queues() const { return m_queues; } /** * \brief Tests whether a dedicated transfer queue is available * \returns \c true if an SDMA queue is supported by the device */ bool hasDedicatedTransferQueue() const { return m_queues.transfer.queueHandle != m_queues.graphics.queueHandle; } /** * \brief The instance * * The DXVK instance that created this device. * \returns Instance */ Rc instance() const { return m_instance; } /** * \brief The adapter * * The physical device that the * device has been created for. * \returns Adapter */ Rc adapter() const { return m_adapter; } /** * \brief Enabled device extensions * \returns Enabled device extensions */ const DxvkDeviceExtensions& extensions() const { return m_extensions; } /** * \brief Enabled device features * \returns Enabled features */ const DxvkDeviceFeatures& features() const { return m_features; } /** * \brief Device properties * \returns Device properties */ const DxvkDeviceInfo& properties() const { return m_properties; } /** * \brief Get device status * * This may report device loss in * case a submission failed. * \returns Device status */ VkResult getDeviceStatus() const { return m_submissionQueue.getLastError(); } /** * \brief Checks whether this is a UMA system * * Basically tests whether all heaps are device-local. * Can be used for various optimizations in client APIs. * \returns \c true if the system has unified memory. */ bool isUnifiedMemoryArchitecture() const; /** * \brief Queries supported shader stages * \returns Supported shader pipeline stages */ VkPipelineStageFlags getShaderPipelineStages() const; /** * \brief Retrieves device options * \returns Device options */ DxvkDeviceOptions options() const; /** * \brief Retrieves performance hints * \returns Device-specific perf hints */ DxvkDevicePerfHints perfHints() const { return m_perfHints; } /** * \brief Creates a command list * \returns The command list */ Rc createCommandList(); /** * \brief Creates a descriptor pool * * Returns a previously recycled pool, or creates * a new one if necessary. The context should take * ownership of the returned pool. * \returns Descriptor pool */ Rc createDescriptorPool(); /** * \brief Creates a context * * Creates a context object that can * be used to record command buffers. * \returns The context object */ Rc createContext(); /** * \brief Creates a GPU event * \returns New GPU event */ Rc createGpuEvent(); /** * \brief Creates a query * * \param [in] type Query type * \param [in] flags Query flags * \param [in] index Query index * \returns New query */ Rc createGpuQuery( VkQueryType type, VkQueryControlFlags flags, uint32_t index); /** * \brief Creates framebuffer for a set of render targets * * Automatically deduces framebuffer dimensions * from the supplied render target views. * \param [in] renderTargets Render targets * \returns The framebuffer object */ Rc createFramebuffer( const DxvkRenderTargets& renderTargets); /** * \brief Creates a buffer object * * \param [in] createInfo Buffer create info * \param [in] memoryType Memory type flags * \returns The buffer object */ Rc createBuffer( const DxvkBufferCreateInfo& createInfo, VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryType); /** * \brief Creates a buffer view * * \param [in] buffer The buffer to view * \param [in] createInfo Buffer view properties * \returns The buffer view object */ Rc createBufferView( const Rc& buffer, const DxvkBufferViewCreateInfo& createInfo); /** * \brief Creates an image object * * \param [in] createInfo Image create info * \param [in] memoryType Memory type flags * \returns The image object */ Rc createImage( const DxvkImageCreateInfo& createInfo, VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryType); /** * \brief Creates an image object for an existing VkImage * * \param [in] createInfo Image create info * \param [in] image Vulkan image to wrap * \returns The image object */ Rc createImageFromVkImage( const DxvkImageCreateInfo& createInfo, VkImage image); /** * \brief Creates an image view * * \param [in] image The image to create a view for * \param [in] createInfo Image view create info * \returns The image view */ Rc createImageView( const Rc& image, const DxvkImageViewCreateInfo& createInfo); /** * \brief Creates a sampler object * * \param [in] createInfo Sampler parameters * \returns Newly created sampler object */ Rc createSampler( const DxvkSamplerCreateInfo& createInfo); /** * \brief Creates a shader module * * \param [in] stage Shader stage * \param [in] slotCount Resource slot count * \param [in] slotInfos Resource slot descriptions * \param [in] iface Inter-stage interface slots * \param [in] code Shader code * \returns New shader module */ Rc createShader( VkShaderStageFlagBits stage, uint32_t slotCount, const DxvkResourceSlot* slotInfos, const DxvkInterfaceSlots& iface, const SpirvCodeBuffer& code); /** * \brief Retrieves stat counters * * Can be used by the HUD to display some * internal information, such as memory * usage, draw calls, etc. */ DxvkStatCounters getStatCounters(); /** * \brief Retrieves memors statistics * * \param [in] heap Memory heap index * \returns Memory stats for this heap */ DxvkMemoryStats getMemoryStats(uint32_t heap); /** * \brief Retreves current frame ID * \returns Current frame ID */ uint32_t getCurrentFrameId() const; /** * \brief Initializes dummy resources * * Should be called after creating the device in * case the device initialization was successful * and the device is usable. */ void initResources(); /** * \brief Registers a shader * \param [in] shader Newly compiled shader */ void registerShader( const Rc& shader); /** * \brief Presents a swap chain image * * Invokes the presenter's \c presentImage method on * the submission thread. The status of this operation * can be retrieved with \ref waitForSubmission. * \param [in] presenter The presenter * \param [out] status Present status */ void presentImage( const Rc& presenter, DxvkSubmitStatus* status); /** * \brief Submits a command list * * Submits the given command list to the device using * the given set of optional synchronization primitives. * \param [in] commandList The command list to submit * \param [in] waitSync (Optional) Semaphore to wait on * \param [in] wakeSync (Optional) Semaphore to notify */ void submitCommandList( const Rc& commandList, VkSemaphore waitSync, VkSemaphore wakeSync); /** * \brief Locks submission queue * * Since Vulkan queues are only meant to be accessed * from one thread at a time, external libraries need * to lock the queue before submitting command buffers. */ void lockSubmission() { m_submissionQueue.synchronize(); m_submissionQueue.lockDeviceQueue(); } /** * \brief Unlocks submission queue * * Releases the Vulkan queues again so that DXVK * itself can use them for submissions again. */ void unlockSubmission() { m_submissionQueue.unlockDeviceQueue(); } /** * \brief Number of pending submissions * * A return value of 0 indicates * that the GPU is currently idle. * \returns Pending submission count */ uint32_t pendingSubmissions() const { return m_submissionQueue.pendingSubmissions(); } /** * \brief Waits for a given submission * * \param [in,out] status Submission status * \returns Result of the submission */ VkResult waitForSubmission(DxvkSubmitStatus* status); /** * \brief Waits until the device becomes idle * * Waits for the GPU to complete the execution of all * previously submitted command buffers. This may be * used to ensure that resources that were previously * used by the GPU can be safely destroyed. */ void waitForIdle(); private: DxvkOptions m_options; Rc m_instance; Rc m_adapter; Rc m_vkd; DxvkDeviceExtensions m_extensions; DxvkDeviceFeatures m_features; DxvkDeviceInfo m_properties; DxvkDevicePerfHints m_perfHints; DxvkObjects m_objects; sync::Spinlock m_statLock; DxvkStatCounters m_statCounters; DxvkDeviceQueueSet m_queues; DxvkRecycler m_recycledCommandLists; DxvkRecycler m_recycledDescriptorPools; DxvkSubmissionQueue m_submissionQueue; DxvkDevicePerfHints getPerfHints(); void recycleCommandList( const Rc& cmdList); void recycleDescriptorPool( const Rc& pool); DxvkDeviceQueue getQueue( uint32_t family, uint32_t index) const; }; }