#pragma once #include #include #include "dxvk_buffer_res.h" namespace dxvk { /** * \brief Virtual buffer resource * * A simple buffer resource that stores linear, * unformatted data. Can be accessed by the host * if allocated on an appropriate memory type. */ class DxvkBuffer : public RcObject { friend class DxvkBufferView; public: DxvkBuffer( DxvkDevice* device, const DxvkBufferCreateInfo& createInfo, VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryType); ~DxvkBuffer(); /** * \brief Buffer properties * \returns Buffer properties */ const DxvkBufferCreateInfo& info() const { return m_info; } /** * \brief Memory type flags * * Use this to determine whether a * buffer is mapped to host memory. * \returns Vulkan memory flags */ VkMemoryPropertyFlags memFlags() const { return m_memFlags; } /** * \brief Map pointer * * If the buffer has been created on a host-visible * memory type, the buffer memory is mapped and can * be accessed by the host. * \param [in] offset Byte offset into mapped region * \returns Pointer to mapped memory region */ void* mapPtr(VkDeviceSize offset) const { return m_physSlice.mapPtr(offset); } /** * \brief Checks whether the buffer is in use * * Returns \c true if the underlying buffer resource * is in use. If it is, it should not be accessed by * the host for reading or writing, but reallocating * the buffer is a valid strategy to overcome this. * \returns \c true if the buffer is in use */ bool isInUse() const { return m_physSlice.resource()->isInUse(); } /** * \brief Retrieves descriptor info * * \param [in] offset Buffer slice offset * \param [in] length Buffer slice length * \param [in] keepOffset \c false to zero offset * \returns Buffer slice descriptor */ DxvkDescriptorInfo getDescriptor(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize length) const { DxvkDescriptorInfo result; result.buffer.buffer = m_physSlice.handle(); result.buffer.offset = m_physSlice.offset() + offset; result.buffer.range = length; return result; } /** * \brief Retrieves dynamic offset * * \param [in] offset Offset into the buffer * \returns Physical buffer slice offset */ VkDeviceSize getDynamicOffset(VkDeviceSize offset) const { return m_physSlice.offset() + offset; } /** * \brief Underlying buffer resource * * Use this for lifetime tracking. * \returns The resource object */ Rc resource() const { return m_physSlice.resource(); } /** * \brief Physical buffer slice * * Retrieves a slice into the physical * buffer which backs this buffer. * \returns The backing slice */ DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice slice() const { return m_physSlice; } /** * \brief Physical buffer sub slice * * Retrieves a sub slice into the backing buffer. * \param [in] offset Offset into the buffer * \param [in] length Length of the slice * \returns The sub slice */ DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice subSlice(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize length) const { return m_physSlice.subSlice(offset, length); } /** * \brief Replaces backing resource * * Replaces the underlying buffer and implicitly marks * any buffer views using this resource as dirty. Do * not call this directly as this is called implicitly * by the context's \c invalidateBuffer method. * \param [in] slice The new backing resource * \returns Previous buffer slice */ DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice rename(const DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice& slice) { DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice prevSlice = std::move(m_physSlice); m_physSlice = slice; m_revision += 1; return prevSlice; } /** * \brief Transform feedback vertex stride * * Used when drawing after transform feedback, * \returns The current xfb vertex stride */ uint32_t getXfbVertexStride() const { return m_vertexStride; } /** * \brief Set transform feedback vertex stride * * When the buffer is used as a transform feedback * buffer, this will be set to the vertex stride * defined by the geometry shader. * \param [in] stride Vertex stride */ void setXfbVertexStride(uint32_t stride) { m_vertexStride = stride; } /** * \brief Allocates new physical resource * \returns The new backing buffer slice */ DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice allocPhysicalSlice(); /** * \brief Frees a physical buffer slice * * Marks the slice as free so that it can be used for * subsequent allocations. Called automatically when * the slice is no longer needed by the GPU. * \param [in] slice The buffer slice to free */ void freePhysicalSlice( const DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice& slice); private: DxvkDevice* m_device; DxvkBufferCreateInfo m_info; VkMemoryPropertyFlags m_memFlags; DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice m_physSlice; uint32_t m_revision = 0; uint32_t m_vertexStride = 0; sync::Spinlock m_freeMutex; sync::Spinlock m_swapMutex; std::vector m_freeSlices; std::vector m_nextSlices; VkDeviceSize m_physSliceLength = 0; VkDeviceSize m_physSliceStride = 0; VkDeviceSize m_physSliceCount = 2; Rc m_physBuffer; Rc allocPhysicalBuffer( VkDeviceSize sliceCount) const; void lock(); void unlock(); }; /** * \brief Buffer slice * * Stores the buffer and a sub-range of the buffer. * Slices are considered equal if the buffer and * the buffer range are the same. */ class DxvkBufferSlice { public: DxvkBufferSlice() { } DxvkBufferSlice( const Rc& buffer, VkDeviceSize rangeOffset, VkDeviceSize rangeLength) : m_buffer(buffer), m_offset(rangeOffset), m_length(rangeLength) { } explicit DxvkBufferSlice(const Rc& buffer) : DxvkBufferSlice(buffer, 0, buffer->info().size) { } size_t offset() const { return m_offset; } size_t length() const { return m_length; } /** * \brief Underlying buffer * \returns The virtual buffer */ const Rc& buffer() const { return m_buffer; } /** * \brief Buffer info * * Retrieves the properties of the underlying * virtual buffer. Should not be used directly * by client APIs. * \returns Buffer properties */ const DxvkBufferCreateInfo& bufferInfo() const { return m_buffer->info(); } /** * \brief Buffer sub slice * * Takes a sub slice from this slice. * \param [in] offset Sub slice offset * \param [in] length Sub slice length * \returns The sub slice object */ DxvkBufferSlice subSlice(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize length) const { return DxvkBufferSlice(m_buffer, offset, length); } /** * \brief Checks whether the slice is valid * * A buffer slice that does not point to any virtual * buffer object is considered undefined and cannot * be used for any operations. * \returns \c true if the slice is defined */ bool defined() const { return m_buffer != nullptr; } /** * \brief Physical slice * * Retrieves the physical slice that currently * backs the virtual slice. This may change * when the virtual buffer gets invalidated. * \returns The physical buffer slice */ DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice physicalSlice() const { return m_buffer != nullptr ? m_buffer->subSlice(m_offset, m_length) : DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice(); } /** * \brief Retrieves descriptor info * \returns Buffer slice descriptor */ DxvkDescriptorInfo getDescriptor() const { return m_buffer->getDescriptor(m_offset, m_length); } /** * \brief Retrieves dynamic offset * * Used for descriptor set binding. * \returns Buffer slice offset */ VkDeviceSize getDynamicOffset() const { return m_buffer->getDynamicOffset(m_offset); } /** * \brief Pointer to mapped memory region * * \param [in] offset Offset into the slice * \returns Pointer into mapped buffer memory */ void* mapPtr(VkDeviceSize offset) const { return m_buffer != nullptr ? m_buffer->mapPtr(m_offset + offset) : nullptr; } /** * \brief Resource pointer * \returns Resource pointer */ Rc resource() const { return m_buffer->resource(); } /** * \brief Checks whether two slices are equal * * Two slices are considered equal if they point to * the same memory region within the same buffer. * \param [in] other The slice to compare to * \returns \c true if the two slices are the same */ bool matches(const DxvkBufferSlice& other) const { return this->m_buffer == other.m_buffer && this->m_offset == other.m_offset && this->m_length == other.m_length; } private: Rc m_buffer = nullptr; VkDeviceSize m_offset = 0; VkDeviceSize m_length = 0; }; /** * \brief Buffer view * * Allows the application to interpret buffer * contents like formatted pixel data. These * buffer views are used as texel buffers. */ class DxvkBufferView : public RcObject { public: DxvkBufferView( const Rc& vkd, const Rc& buffer, const DxvkBufferViewCreateInfo& info); ~DxvkBufferView(); /** * \brief Buffer view handle * \returns Buffer view handle */ VkBufferView handle() const { return m_physView->handle(); } /** * \brief Element cound * * Number of typed elements contained * in the buffer view. Depends on the * buffer view format. * \returns Element count */ VkDeviceSize elementCount() const { auto format = imageFormatInfo(m_info.format); return m_info.rangeLength / format->elementSize; } /** * \brief Buffer view properties * \returns Buffer view properties */ const DxvkBufferViewCreateInfo& info() const { return m_info; } /** * \brief Underlying buffer object * \returns Underlying buffer object */ const Rc& buffer() const { return m_buffer; } /** * \brief Underlying buffer info * \returns Underlying buffer info */ const DxvkBufferCreateInfo& bufferInfo() const { return m_buffer->info(); } /** * \brief Backing resource * \returns Backing resource */ Rc viewResource() const { return m_physView; } /** * \brief Backing buffer resource * \returns Backing buffer resource */ Rc bufferResource() const { return m_physView->bufferResource(); } /** * \brief Underlying buffer slice * \returns Slice backing the view */ DxvkBufferSlice slice() const { return DxvkBufferSlice(m_buffer, m_info.rangeOffset, m_info.rangeLength); } /** * \brief Underlying buffer slice * \returns Slice backing the view */ DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice physicalSlice() const { return m_physView->slice(); } /** * \brief Updates the buffer view * * If the buffer has been invalidated ever since * the view was created, the view is invalid as * well and needs to be re-created. Call this * prior to using the buffer view handle. */ void updateView(); private: Rc m_vkd; DxvkBufferViewCreateInfo m_info; Rc m_buffer; Rc m_physView; uint32_t m_revision = 0; Rc createView(); }; /** * \brief Buffer slice tracker * * Stores a list of buffer slices that can be * freed. Useful when buffers have been renamed * and the original slice is no longer needed. */ class DxvkBufferTracker { public: DxvkBufferTracker(); ~DxvkBufferTracker(); void freeBufferSlice( const Rc& buffer, const DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice& slice); void reset(); private: struct Entry { Rc buffer; DxvkPhysicalBufferSlice slice; }; std::vector m_entries; }; }