#pragma once

#include "dxvk_resource.h"

namespace dxvk {
   * \brief Semaphore object
   * This is merely an abstraction of Vulkan's semaphores.
   * They are only used internally by \ref DxvkSwapchain
   * in order to synchronize the presentation engine with
   * command buffer submissions.
  class DxvkSemaphore : public DxvkResource {
    DxvkSemaphore(const Rc<vk::DeviceFn>& vkd);
     * \brief Semaphore handle
     * Internal use only.
     * \returns Semaphore handle
    VkSemaphore handle() const {
      return m_semaphore;
    Rc<vk::DeviceFn>  m_vkd;
    VkSemaphore       m_semaphore;