#include "d3d11_state.h" namespace dxvk { size_t D3D11StateDescHash::operator () ( const D3D11_BLEND_DESC1& desc) const { DxvkHashState hash; hash.add(desc.AlphaToCoverageEnable); hash.add(desc.IndependentBlendEnable); // Render targets 1 to 7 are ignored and may contain // undefined data if independent blend is disabled const uint32_t usedRenderTargets = desc.IndependentBlendEnable ? 8 : 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < usedRenderTargets; i++) hash.add(this->operator () (desc.RenderTarget[i])); return hash; } size_t D3D11StateDescHash::operator () ( const D3D11_DEPTH_STENCILOP_DESC& desc) const { DxvkHashState hash; hash.add(desc.StencilFunc); hash.add(desc.StencilDepthFailOp); hash.add(desc.StencilPassOp); hash.add(desc.StencilFailOp); return hash; } size_t D3D11StateDescHash::operator () ( const D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC& desc) const { DxvkHashState hash; hash.add(desc.DepthEnable); hash.add(desc.DepthWriteMask); hash.add(desc.DepthFunc); hash.add(desc.StencilEnable); hash.add(desc.StencilReadMask); hash.add(desc.StencilWriteMask); hash.add(this->operator () (desc.FrontFace)); hash.add(this->operator () (desc.BackFace)); return hash; } size_t D3D11StateDescHash::operator () ( const D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC1& desc) const { DxvkHashState hash; hash.add(desc.FillMode); hash.add(desc.CullMode); hash.add(desc.FrontCounterClockwise); hash.add(desc.DepthBias); hash.add(desc.SlopeScaledDepthBias); hash.add(desc.DepthBiasClamp); hash.add(desc.DepthClipEnable); hash.add(desc.ScissorEnable); hash.add(desc.MultisampleEnable); hash.add(desc.AntialiasedLineEnable); hash.add(desc.ForcedSampleCount); return hash; } size_t D3D11StateDescHash::operator () ( const D3D11_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC1& desc) const { DxvkHashState hash; hash.add(desc.BlendEnable); hash.add(desc.LogicOpEnable); hash.add(desc.SrcBlend); hash.add(desc.DestBlend); hash.add(desc.BlendOp); hash.add(desc.SrcBlendAlpha); hash.add(desc.DestBlendAlpha); hash.add(desc.BlendOpAlpha); hash.add(desc.LogicOp); hash.add(desc.RenderTargetWriteMask); return hash; } size_t D3D11StateDescHash::operator () ( const D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC& desc) const { std::hash fhash; DxvkHashState hash; hash.add(desc.Filter); hash.add(desc.AddressU); hash.add(desc.AddressV); hash.add(desc.AddressW); hash.add(fhash(desc.MipLODBias)); hash.add(fhash(desc.MaxAnisotropy)); hash.add(desc.ComparisonFunc); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) hash.add(fhash(desc.BorderColor[i])); hash.add(fhash(desc.MinLOD)); hash.add(fhash(desc.MaxLOD)); return hash; } bool D3D11StateDescEqual::operator () ( const D3D11_BLEND_DESC1& a, const D3D11_BLEND_DESC1& b) const { bool eq = a.AlphaToCoverageEnable == b.AlphaToCoverageEnable && a.IndependentBlendEnable == b.IndependentBlendEnable; // Render targets 1 to 7 are ignored and may contain // undefined data if independent blend is disabled const uint32_t usedRenderTargets = a.IndependentBlendEnable ? 8 : 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; !eq && (i < usedRenderTargets); i++) eq &= this->operator () (a.RenderTarget[i], b.RenderTarget[i]); return eq; } bool D3D11StateDescEqual::operator () ( const D3D11_DEPTH_STENCILOP_DESC& a, const D3D11_DEPTH_STENCILOP_DESC& b) const { return a.StencilFunc == b.StencilFunc && a.StencilDepthFailOp == b.StencilDepthFailOp && a.StencilPassOp == b.StencilPassOp && a.StencilFailOp == b.StencilFailOp; } bool D3D11StateDescEqual::operator () ( const D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC& a, const D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC& b) const { return a.DepthEnable == b.DepthEnable && a.DepthWriteMask == b.DepthWriteMask && a.DepthFunc == b.DepthFunc && a.StencilEnable == b.StencilEnable && a.StencilReadMask == b.StencilReadMask && a.StencilWriteMask == b.StencilWriteMask && this->operator () (a.FrontFace, b.FrontFace) && this->operator () (a.BackFace, b.BackFace); } bool D3D11StateDescEqual::operator () ( const D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC1& a, const D3D11_RASTERIZER_DESC1& b) const { return a.FillMode == b.FillMode && a.CullMode == b.CullMode && a.FrontCounterClockwise == b.FrontCounterClockwise && a.DepthBias == b.DepthBias && a.SlopeScaledDepthBias == b.SlopeScaledDepthBias && a.DepthBiasClamp == b.DepthBiasClamp && a.DepthClipEnable == b.DepthClipEnable && a.ScissorEnable == b.ScissorEnable && a.MultisampleEnable == b.MultisampleEnable && a.AntialiasedLineEnable == b.AntialiasedLineEnable && a.ForcedSampleCount == b.ForcedSampleCount; } bool D3D11StateDescEqual::operator () ( const D3D11_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC1& a, const D3D11_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC1& b) const { return a.BlendEnable == b.BlendEnable && a.LogicOpEnable == b.LogicOpEnable && a.SrcBlend == b.SrcBlend && a.DestBlend == b.DestBlend && a.BlendOp == b.BlendOp && a.SrcBlendAlpha == b.SrcBlendAlpha && a.DestBlendAlpha == b.DestBlendAlpha && a.BlendOpAlpha == b.BlendOpAlpha && a.LogicOp == b.LogicOp && a.RenderTargetWriteMask == b.RenderTargetWriteMask; } bool D3D11StateDescEqual::operator () ( const D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC& a, const D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC& b) const { return a.Filter == b.Filter && a.AddressU == b.AddressU && a.AddressV == b.AddressV && a.AddressW == b.AddressW && a.MipLODBias == b.MipLODBias && a.MaxAnisotropy == b.MaxAnisotropy && a.ComparisonFunc == b.ComparisonFunc && a.BorderColor[0] == b.BorderColor[0] && a.BorderColor[1] == b.BorderColor[1] && a.BorderColor[2] == b.BorderColor[2] && a.BorderColor[3] == b.BorderColor[3] && a.MinLOD == b.MinLOD && a.MaxLOD == b.MaxLOD; } }