#include "d3d11_device.h" #include "d3d11_shader.h" namespace dxvk { D3D11CommonShader:: D3D11CommonShader() { } D3D11CommonShader::~D3D11CommonShader() { } D3D11CommonShader::D3D11CommonShader( D3D11Device* pDevice, const DxvkShaderKey* pShaderKey, const DxbcModuleInfo* pDxbcModuleInfo, const void* pShaderBytecode, size_t BytecodeLength) { const std::string name = pShaderKey->toString(); Logger::debug(str::format("Compiling shader ", name)); DxbcReader reader( reinterpret_cast(pShaderBytecode), BytecodeLength); DxbcModule module(reader); // If requested by the user, dump both the raw DXBC // shader and the compiled SPIR-V module to a file. const std::string dumpPath = env::getEnvVar("DXVK_SHADER_DUMP_PATH"); if (dumpPath.size() != 0) { reader.store(std::ofstream(str::format(dumpPath, "/", name, ".dxbc"), std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::trunc)); } // Decide whether we need to create a pass-through // geometry shader for vertex shader stream output bool passthroughShader = pDxbcModuleInfo->xfb != nullptr && module.programInfo().type() != DxbcProgramType::GeometryShader; m_shader = passthroughShader ? module.compilePassthroughShader(*pDxbcModuleInfo, name) : module.compile (*pDxbcModuleInfo, name); m_shader->setShaderKey(*pShaderKey); if (dumpPath.size() != 0) { std::ofstream dumpStream( str::format(dumpPath, "/", name, ".spv"), std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::trunc); m_shader->dump(dumpStream); } // Create shader constant buffer if necessary if (m_shader->shaderConstants().data() != nullptr) { DxvkBufferCreateInfo info; info.size = m_shader->shaderConstants().sizeInBytes(); info.usage = VK_BUFFER_USAGE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BIT; info.stages = util::pipelineStages(m_shader->stage()); info.access = VK_ACCESS_UNIFORM_READ_BIT; VkMemoryPropertyFlags memFlags = VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT | VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT | VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT; m_buffer = pDevice->GetDXVKDevice()->createBuffer(info, memFlags); std::memcpy(m_buffer->mapPtr(0), m_shader->shaderConstants().data(), m_shader->shaderConstants().sizeInBytes()); } pDevice->GetDXVKDevice()->registerShader(m_shader); } D3D11ShaderModuleSet:: D3D11ShaderModuleSet() { } D3D11ShaderModuleSet::~D3D11ShaderModuleSet() { } HRESULT D3D11ShaderModuleSet::GetShaderModule( D3D11Device* pDevice, const DxvkShaderKey* pShaderKey, const DxbcModuleInfo* pDxbcModuleInfo, const void* pShaderBytecode, size_t BytecodeLength, D3D11CommonShader* pShader) { // Use the shader's unique key for the lookup { std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); auto entry = m_modules.find(*pShaderKey); if (entry != m_modules.end()) { *pShader = entry->second; return S_OK; } } // This shader has not been compiled yet, so we have to create a // new module. This takes a while, so we won't lock the structure. D3D11CommonShader module; try { module = D3D11CommonShader(pDevice, pShaderKey, pDxbcModuleInfo, pShaderBytecode, BytecodeLength); } catch (const DxvkError& e) { Logger::err(e.message()); return E_INVALIDARG; } // Insert the new module into the lookup table. If another thread // has compiled the same shader in the meantime, we should return // that object instead and discard the newly created module. { std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); auto status = m_modules.insert({ *pShaderKey, module }); if (!status.second) { *pShader = status.first->second; return S_OK; } } *pShader = std::move(module); return S_OK; } }